
2020年07月28日 17:07


st from one of them. the purple bars show the scores on different tests for language. the green ones are the ones who learned by comprehensible input. so comprehension works. Comprehension is key and language learining is not about accunulating lots of knowledge. in many many ways it's about physiological training. a women i know from Taiwan did great in English at school, she got A grades all the way though, went through college, A grades, went to the US, ans found she couldn't understand what people were saying. ans people started asking her:" Are you deaf?" and she was, English deaf, because we have filers in our brain that filter in the sounds that we are familiar with and they filter out the sounds of languages that we'
re not. and if you can't hear it, you won't understand it, if you can't understand it, you're not going to learn it, so you actually have to be able to hear these sounds. and there are ways to do that but it's physiological training. Speaking takes muscle. you've got 43 muscles in your face, you have to coordinate those in a way that you make sounds that other people will understand. if you've ever done a new sport for a couple of days, and you know how your body feels? Hurts? if your face is hurting, you're doing it right. and the final principle is state. Psycho-hysiological state. if you're sad, angry, worried, upset, you're nor going to learn, Period, if you're happy, relaxed, in an Alpha brain state, curious. you're going to learn really quickly. and very especifically you need to be tolerant of ambiguity. if you're those people who needs to understand 100 per cent every word you're hearing, you will go e you'll be incredibly upset all the time, because you're not perfect. if you're comfortable with getting some, not getting some. just pay attention on what you do understand, you're going to be fine, you'll be relaxed and you'll be learning quickly.
So based on those five principles, what are the seven actions that you take?
Number one: Listen a lot.
i called it brain soaking,







