
2020年07月28日 20:20



5. Many people try to escape __________ when they break the rules.
A. punishing
B. to be punished
C. to have been punished
D. being punished

?参考答案: D

6. The wealth of a nation should be measured _________ the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.
A. in regard to
B. in line with
C. by means of
D. in terms of

?参考答案: D
TIP:此题考查介词短语的用法。in terms of意为“根据,从……方面”。in regard to是“关于”的意思。in line with意为“与……一致,按照,符合”。而by means of意为“靠着,凭借”。

7. If he _________ on local subsidy for his business, he would have to close his shop.
A. depends
B. will depend
C. depended
D. has depended

?参考答案: C

8. Edie went into the grocery store and came out with _________.
A. a dollar's worth of brown sugar
B. brown sugar a dollar's worth
C. a dollar worth of brown sugar
D. a dollar-worth brown sugar

?参考答案: A
TIP:此题考查worth的用法。worth of用于表示“价值……的物品”时通常的用法是:币值's+worth+of+名词。这里worth是名词。

9. You have notebooks full of conversations and observations, and it is _________ that each person you spoke to was slightly different from the others.
A. almost surely
B. very likely
C. near clearly
D. quite certainly

?参考答案: B

10. Inspectors shall label out the products that need _________ during production, and the production personnel related shall segregate these products.
A. repairing
B. repaired
C. being repaired
D. to be repaired

?参考答案: A

11. The "dragon-head" sticks were used by older ministers whose prestige and power were _________ the emperor's.
A. only second to
B. following to
C. come second to
D. second only to

?参考答案: D
TIP:此处序数词作表语,be second only to意为“仅次于”。

12. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is divided into five geographical constituencies, _________ four to six seats.
A. each having
B. every having
C. each has
D. one has

?参考答案: A

13. It is not advisable for the memorial hall to be associated too closely with political ties which often change unpredictab

30. Speculations about the nature of this chemical have been going on for _________ thousands of years.
A. literally
B. literal
C. liberally
D. literately

?参考答案: A

?错题整理?Tem4.2010.●错题整理 2011-02-11 14:55:30 阅读17 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅

's gone to work but her car's still there. She __________ by bus.

A. must have gone B. should have gone

C. ought to have gone D. could have gone


the sentence "It's no use waiting for her", the italicizes phrase is ______________.

A. the object adverbial

C.a complement subject

︴D︴看了答案都觉得,嗯蛮对的。ˉ﹃ˉWaiting for her is no use.嘛︴

to personality _______________, the two colleagues never got on well in work.

A. contradiction ct

ntation D. competition

︴B︴personality conflict 性格不和 conflict,冲突,比矛盾强烈,而且可以是争锋相对的,公开的 confrontation,对抗 contradiction,矛盾,指比较抽象的,在观点、意见上的矛盾︴

e of the economic crisis, industrial output in the region remianed ____________.

less ve

nt le

︴C︴正确答案不认识== stagnant,不景气的,状况不好,没有进步,尤指经济状况不好。motionless,不动的,静止的。 immobile,不动的,静止的,固定的。︴

police had difficulty in ____________ the fans from rushing on to the stage to take photos with the singer.

A. limiting ining

ing cting

︴B︴restrain 阻止,抑制。别的,限制︴

is in the dorm, putting the final ___________ to her speech.

A. details B. remarks

ts D. touches

︴D︴put the final touches to 做最后的修饰,完成最后的细节︴

the advertised position, the company offers a(n) ____________ salary and benefits package.

A. geneous ful


?错题整理?英语专业四级练习题--语法词汇『三』。..●错题整理 2011-01-31 11:53:29 阅读44 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅
42. As a salesman, he works on a (an) _____ basis, taking 10% of everything he sells.
A. income
B. commission
C. salary
D. pension

︴B︴commision:a (system of) payment to someone who sells goods which is directly related to the amount of goods sold︴
43. As an excellent shooter, Peter practiced aiming at both _____ targets and moving targets.
A. stationary
B. standing
C. stable
D. still
︴A︴stationary:a. 不动的,静止的,停止的︴
46. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly _____ to another subject.
A. committed
B. switched
C. favored
D. transmitted

︴B︴switch to:shift;change转变;改变。transmit: 寄,送交,送达<物品等>,将 <知识、报导等> 传[给…],告知[to]︴

48. Be here on Friday _____ the latest.
A. at
B. by
C. for
D. in

︴A︴at the latest最迟︴
49. Because the whole country is in a financial dilemma, the government calls on us to _____ economy.
A. make
B. practice
C. carry
D. develop

︴B︴百度上说选D,我晕。practice economy是实行节约。︴
50. Before he started the work, I asked the builder to give me an _____ of the cost of repairing the roof.
A. assessment
B. estimate
C. announcement
D. evaluation

51. Beryl hardly ever goes to _____ the cinema.
A. neither the theatre or
B. either the theatre nor
C. neither the theatre nor
D. the theatre or

56. Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is _____ loud continuous noise.
A. subjected to
B. filled with
C. associated with
D. attached to

︴A︴subjected to :使遭受。在缩短一个人遭受不间断的噪音的时间上应给予关注。︴
60. Charles has not the least ______ of giving up his research.
A. intention
B. decision
C. idea
D. hope

︴A︴have the intention of doing sth.查尔斯从未想过要放弃他的研究︴







