
2020年07月29日 01:03


学语言一半靠随时模仿记忆,一半靠掌握规律合理创新,知其所以然还是很重要的。《写好英语句子》似乎是说句法,拘泥于规则,想要达到的却是随心所欲不逾矩的境界。由严谨入自由,如涉深谷而至平川,最后一泻而出的感觉很快乐。 《写好英语句子》的第一篇(/note/445960496//)主要说句子重心如何把握,从句和短语怎么安放。这一篇说几种特殊的句型,都充分显示了中英文奇妙的异同。 I.t定语从句定语从句的特殊在于中文里没有对应句式,其它从句基本还是可以与中文轻松对接的。请看以下例句:Moths that fly by day do not excite that pleasant sense of dark autumn nights and ivy-blossom which the commonest yellow-underwing asleep in the shadow of the curtain never fails to rouse in us.这句句子里which引导的是定语从句,表示对pleasant sense 的修饰,把这句话翻译成中文会让人崩溃,再好的译文也会充满了“翻译腔”。一个好的译文可能是这样的:“白昼出没的飞蛾激发不起关于沉沉秋夜和青藤小花的欣快意念,而藏在帷幕幽暗处沉睡的最普通的"翼底黄"飞蛾却总会唤醒这样的联想。”这个译文把“which”所代替的部分,即 “这样的联想”放到的句子最末,但还是让人觉得累赘和重复。而且似乎把重心放到了“翼底黄”上,原文要说的是白昼出没的飞蛾(因为它才是主句的主语),翼底黄不是关键。但如果要保持原来英文句子的形状和结构,也没有什么更好的翻译方法。如果允许对句子结构做适当改动的话,或许可以翻译出更好的效果:1)白昼出没的飞蛾激发不了关于幽暗秋夜和青藤小花的欣快意念,还不如一只藏在帷幕幽暗处沉睡的最普通的“翼底黄”。 2)即便是最普通的一只藏在帷幕深处沉睡的“翼底黄”也能激发我们关于幽暗秋夜和青藤小花的欣快意念,而白昼出没的飞蛾却做不到。这两种翻译避免重复“意念”或“联想”,我个人觉得比较简洁,符合中文习惯。在散文翻译中,我还是支持忠实于源语言结构和习惯的,但定语从句的出现是可以背离原文的正当理由之一。中文是行云流水很强的语言,不需要定语从句,请看下面摘自周作人《故乡的野菜》中的一句:扫墓时候所常吃的还有一种野菜,俗称革紫,通称紫云英,农人在收获后,播种田内,用作肥料,是一种很被贱视的植物,但采取嫩茎滴食,味颇鲜美,似豌豆苗。“紫云英”后面不需要说“农人将它收获后”,直接说“农人在收获后”我们就知道指的是“紫云英”。如果翻译成英文的话,“紫云英”后面(农人在收获后,播种田内,用作肥料)应该是一个定语从句,可以这样来组
织: Another vegetable often consumed at the tomb-sweeping ritual is astragalus, which farmers sow into the fields after a harvest as a fertilizer. It’s a scorned vegetable, but when fresh its stem tastes delicious, like pea 比较类型的句式。这是中英文都有的句式,但变化还是很多的。首先来说一个看似简单的例子:我的方法和他的相似。这种比较句式在白话文中也是有点拗口的。因为我们想说“我在这个实验中采用的方法和小张上次的实验类似。” 这也可以分成两句来说: “小张上次在实验中采用了某种方法,我这次也使用了类似的方法。”在英语里表达这个意思有几种方法。1)用 similar to: a)tI used methods similar to his. b)tThe method I used is similar to that which he employed in his 2001 study. (这句要注意了,that是代词)。或者 The method I used is similar to the one that he employed in his 2001 study.2) 用same as: a) My method is the same as his. b) I used a special method, the same one that he used in this research. c) My method is the same as he used in his own research. 以上几个句子都可以拆开来说。 He employed a quantitative method in his research. Mine is similar (or: the same).3) 使用Resembles, be Reminiscent of, be evocative of, not unlike, analogous to, parallel to, resonate with, echoes 这些短语和动词在比较类似的时候,用法比较复杂,举一例说明。比如,这句话如何译成英语?“后世唯诸葛武侯有伊尹 风味。其草庐三顾而后起,与 耕莘聘币,已略相类。”(宋罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷十一)。 耕莘指的是商朝重臣伊尹,故可翻译成以下各种形态:Across the following ages, only Chancellor Zhuge came near Yi Yin’s greatness. In a decision parallel to Yi Yin’s dedication to Emperor Tang upon receiving multiple invitations from him, Zhu Ge bound himself to Liu Bei after the commander paid him three visits. Only in Chancellor Zhuge, out of all who followed, can we hear an echo of Yi Yin. Liu Bei’s three visits to Zhuge’s cottage resonate with/are reminiscent of Emperor Tang’s repeated efforts to recruit Yi Yin into his court. Zhu Ge declined to be recruited by Liu Bei until the commander visited him for a third time, just as Yi Yin did not resolve to serve Emperor Tang until he received multiple invitations from him.4) 使用 like, alike: My method is like yours. Our methods are alike. 比如: Neon lights shine upon the stores like sunlight.5) 使用Just as: I used a quantitative method in my research, just as he did in his 2001 study.小贴士:如果just as 要放在句首,可以用Just as….so too 的句型:Just as I used a quantitative method in my research, so too did he in his 2011 as I used a quantitative method in my research, so too he did in his 2011 study. (did he 和 he did都可以,倒装与否随意。
)As 也可以表示比较,比如:He has always been excited about reading. His dream of becoming a writer springs from that excitement, as from a if也表示比较,但不再是单纯比较,而变成了比喻,需要 用虚拟语态。比如:He stood up as if he were scared of me approaching. 这句句子里要用were,表示虚拟。另外,省略掉“he were” 也可以,He stood up as if scared of me approaching. As if 的用法很多,有兴趣者可以扩展研究一下。III 被动语态很多写作书都告诉我们被动语态要少用,但把理由说透的却不多。被动语态其实还是相当有用的,实际上使用的场合也很多。 被动语态强调的是动作结果而不是动作人,所以如果你说话的焦点是诸葛亮,就可以用被动语态陈述他被刘备招于麾下的事实。另外还有以下三种情况需要使用被动语态。1)动作的主语找不到;2)或者根本不重要,3)出于某种修辞原因,不想凸显主语。第一种情况:He was murdered. 凶手不明,不能说。第二种情况;He was assumed to be a genius. 这里是说很多人都认为他是天才,不需要指出有哪些人。还有:It was decided at the meeting that the new policies be put in effect next month. 会上做的决定就不要追究是谁做的了,用被动语态比较合适。第三种情况就很多变了,见以下三个例句:1)tIt was thus that I became a journalist; and my effort was rewarded on the first day of the following month—a very glorious day it was or me—by a letter from an editor containing a cheque for one pound ten shillings and sixpence. (Woolf, “Professions for Women”)这里的主语cheque是一个物体,并不具备主动能力,所以用被动语态正好。2)t主语很长的时候,也可以用被动语态避免让主语在句首出现:For the road was cut many years ago—by Fanny Burney, by Aphra Behn, by Harriet Martineau, by Jane Austen, by George Eliot—many famous women, and many more unknown and forgotten, have been before me, making the path smooth, and regulating my steps. (Woolf, “Professions for Women”)3)t你想减轻对动作发起人的关注,这时候用被动语态有低调处理的意味:Crude nationalist tracts are still being churned by Hanoi historians.(TLS, “From the Red River,”a review of KW Taylor review’s A History of the Vietnamese, 2376, History)这句句子是在批评北越的历史学家,但用被动语态后批评力度减小,比较委婉。小贴士:被动语态还有一种特殊的用法,请看以下几例。1) This thing is nowhere to be found. 这里不说This thing is nowhere to find. 因为强调的是东西找不到的状态,而不是谁去找的问题。2) 再看下面两个句子:Starting a writing career is not easy. There are always hurdles to be ’t just look at your feet when you’re with a girl. There’s alw
ays something to talk about.这两种句子都很常见,前者强调普遍情况,后者暗示有一个具体的行动人。也可以说前一句强调障碍不由我们控制,会自己出现,等着我们去克服,后一句强调说行为人自己要主动去找话说。这两个句子的差别很好地体现了主动和被动语态的差别。 IV 倒装句下面五种比较常见:1)tNeither did he, nor did I, so did heE.g. I don’t like the movie, and neither did he. I don’t like the movie, nor do I like the book from which the movie was adapted.从这两句可以看出nor 和neither 的不同用法2)tNo sooner…than…, hardly had… whenE.g. No sooner did he start crying than I passed him the tissue box.他一哭我就把纸巾盒给递过去了。3)tChild/angry (或者其它形容词) as somebody isE.g. Angry as he was, he remained composed throughout the wedding.4)t以it 或there作为形式主语开头的倒装句 E.g. It has become clear to me that you’ll never be able to tell me the truth. I think I just delete the number she gave me by accident. There goes my chance with her! 5)t表示方向、地点的短语或词组放在句首Out/up/down it went, In front of him emerged a huge mountain that…. all worried about a possible hike in the oil price. And up it went, above and beyond our worst fearsFrom one side of the car emerged a muscular figure clad in white. 6)以 only开头的句子 E.g. Only in France can you find such a fine merlot.7)虚拟语气里的条件从句也常常倒装Had you listened to me, you would have succeeded.以上提到的只是几种我在教学中发现比较有趣也有用的特殊句式,挂一漏万。有一个没讲到的句型就是So…that… (that经常省略)这个句型。这个句型在英语里很多见,中文里几乎没有,和定语从句一样属于凸显中英差别的小透视镜。The possibilities of pleasure seemed that morning so enormous and so various that to have only a moth’s part in life, and a day moth’s at that, appeared a hard fate, and his zest in enjoying his meagre opportunities to the full, pathetic. (Woolf, "Death of a Moth")还有进行不等同比较的句式。比如:He knew more than I thought he did. 等等-----句式规律学差不多了,接下来就需要多练习。可以参考我前日贴出的一篇看图作文的日志/note/455348116/?start=0&post=ok#last。回译也是一个好方法。当然句式熟悉了,还要加强对词语和短语的掌握。这个说来话就太长了,以后点点滴滴谈吧。语言学习是人文学科的基础,我一直乐此不疲。也希望大家有兴趣。授人以鱼不如授人以激情,授人以超越自己的意志。







