2020年07月29日 02:45
She was furiously angry that he, of all people, should give in to Uncle Clive’s miserable temper.
She decided to show her disgust by saying nothing at all, snatching up the book currently lying open on the chaise longue and starting studiously to read it.
To some it might have looked like sulking, but fortunately any such unkind thought was banished by the darting blue flash of a whirling lamp as a police car drew up outside the shop.
They made the door look as small as a cat flap, and they filled the shop like bears lurking in a telephone box, and everything they looked at they seemed to be memorizing. No ‘Good morning’. No introductions.
Behind them, their plain-clothes inspector, prowling the shop with his hands clasped behind his short gabardine car coat, uttered a cry of triumph and fell on the glass display case balanced on the wash-stand.
Unperturbed, MCC stepped between the constables and explained to the inspector about the car boot sale at the railway sidings and how he had gone there to buy stock for the shop.
MCC was not dismayed.
He took a deep breath and said,
“I purchased this row of books here, the book case they are in and that distinguished salmon from any X-registration red Cortina belonging to a stocky man with a Latvian accent and a large sticker in his back window saying I love Dobermanns.
These other books I purchased, along with a marquetry writing box (now sold), from a blue two-door converted van registered in Liverpool.
The receipts are in the top right-hand drawer of that roll--top desk behind you—although the Latvian gentleman w
ould only go as far as to write “Cash reseeved , Ta, Mickey Mouse” on the back of an envelope, which is why I took the precaution of writing his registration number on the envelope as well.
发票在那边顶上右手边的抽屉里--你身后的的那个--虽然拉脱维亚人一定会写“Cash reseeved , Ta, Mickey Mouse”在信封背后。这也是我采取预防措施把注册号写在信封上的原因。
The inspector sprang at the desk and rummaged feverishly in the drawer.
He asked to use the telephone, and Mrs. Povey said yes, of course, and wouldn’t he like some tea; wouldn’t everyone like some tea?
So while the detective inspector checked on the Latvian gentleman’s car registration number, his two constables perched themselves uneasily on a horsehair sofa and fumbled with their notebooks with on hand while trying to balance a cup of tea and ginger biscuits in the other.