2020年07月29日 06:52
tion object ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 12.3 function overloaded resolution functionality function template functor game generate generic generic algorithm getter ( setter) global local global object global scope resolution operator :: group group box guard clause (Refactoring, p250) GUI hand shaking handle handler hardcoded hardcopy hard disk hardware hash table header file heap hierarchy hook hyperlink icon IDE identifier if and only if Illinois image immediate base base class immediate derived derived class immutability immutable implement implementation implicit import increment operator ++ infinite loop infinite recursive information infrastructure inheritance inline inline expansion initialization initialization list initialize inner class instance instantiated template instantiation template integer (integral) integrate interacts interface for GUI interpreter invariants , invoke iterate exception exception declaration ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 11.3 exception handling exception specification ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 11.4 exit explicit export facility feature field ,Java , Java file firmware flag flash memory flexibility flush font form programming formal parameter forward declaration forwarding , forwarding function , fractal framework full specialization ref. partial specialization function function call operator call operator function object ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 12.3 function overloaded resolution functionality function template functor game generate generic generic algorithm getter ( setter) global local global object global scope resolution operator :: group group box guard clause (Refactoring, p250) GUI hand shaking handle handler hardcoded hardcopy hard disk hardware hash table header file heap hierarchy hook hyperlink icon IDE identifier if and only if Illinois image immediate base base class immediate derived derived class immutability immutable implement implementation implicit import increment operator ++ infinite loop infinite recursive information infrastructure inheritance inline inline expansion initialization initialization list initialize inner class instance instantiated template instantiation template integer (integral) integrate interacts interface for GUI interpreter invariants , invoke iterate iterative iterator iteration iteration item laser level () high level library lifetime link , linker literal constant 3.14 "hi" list linkedlist list box load loader local global local object lock loop lvalue macro magic number maintain manipulator iostream marshal demarshal mechanism member member access operator dot arrow member function member initialization list memberwise member membe
rs memberwise copy members memory menu message message based message loop method (java) meta metaprogramming micro middleware modeling modeling language modem module modifier most derived class mouse mutable multitasking namespace native nested class network network card object object based object file object model object oriented online opaque operand operating system (OS) operation operator option ordinary overflow underflow underflow: overhead overload overloaded function overloaded operator overloaded set override derived class package pair palette pane Java Content Pane parallel parameter parameter list parent class base class parentheses parse part partial specialization ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 16.10 ref. full specialization pass by address pass by reference , pass by value pattern performance persistence pixel placement delete ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 15.8.2 placement new ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 15.8.2 platform pointer reference poll polymorphism pop up port postfix precedence prefix preprocessor prime primitive type ( base class,) print printer priority ( CPU procedure procedural process profile profiler programmer programming progress bar project property protocol pseudo code qualified scope qualifier quality queue radian radio button raise exception random number range STL rank ref. C++Primer 3/e 9,15 raw record recordset recursive redirection refactoring refer refer to reference C++ "" , see pointer register reflection relational database represent resolve resolution resolution restriction return return type return value robust robustness routine runtime common language runtime (CLR) rvalue save schedule scheduler scheme scroll bar scope scope operator :: scope resolution operator scope operator screen search semantics sequential container associative container server serial serialization , (serialize) setter ( getter) signal signature slider slot smart pointer snapshot specialization specification splitter software solution , source stack stack unwinding exception * standard library standard template library statement status bar STL standard template library stream string subroutine subscript operator [ ] subtype support suspend symbol syntax tag , target target pointer task switch template template argument deduction template explicit specialization template parameter temporary object text text file thread thread safe throw exception token transaction transparent(ly) () traverse trigger type UML unified modeling language unary function unary operator underflow overflow unchecked exception (Java) unqualified unwinding ref. stack unwinding user user interface variable const
vector array viable viable function candidate functions video view (1) (document/view) / view (2) virtual function virtual machine virtual memory , volatile vowel window window function window procedure word word processor wrapper Data Structures Dictionaries Priority Queues Graph Data Structures Set Data Structures Kd-Trees Numerical Problems Solving Linear Equations Bandwidth Reduction Matrix Multiplication Determinants and Permanents Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization Linear Programming Random Number Generation Factoring and Primality Testing / Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic Knapsack Problem Discrete Fourier Transform Fourier Combinatorial Problems Sorting Searching Median and Selection Generating Permutations Generating Subsets Generating Partitions Generating Graphs Calendrical Calculations Job Scheduling Satisfiability Graph Problems -- polynomial - Connected Components Topological Sorting Minimum Spanning Tree Shortest Path Transitive Closure and Reduction Matching Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler/ Edge and Vertex Connectivity / Network Flow Drawing Graphs Nicely Drawing Trees Planarity Detection and Embedding Graph Problems -- hard -NP Clique Independent Set Vertex Cover Traveling Salesman Problem Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton Graph Partition Vertex Coloring Edge Coloring Graph Isomorphism Steiner Tree Steiner Feedback Edge/Vertex Set Computational Geometry Convex Hull Triangulation Voronoi Diagrams Voronoi Nearest Neighbor Search Range Search Point Location Intersection Detection Bin Packing Medial-Axis Transformation Polygon Partitioning Simplifying Polygons Shape Similarity Motion Planning Maintaining Line Arrangements Minkowski Sum Minkowski Set and String Problems Set Cover Set Packing String Matching Approximate String Matching Text Compression Cryptography Finite State Machine Minimization Longest Common Substring Shortest Common Superstring DPDynamic Programmingrecursion A2A integration A2A abstract abstract base class (ABC)abstract class abstraction access access levelaccess function account action activate active actual parameter adapter add-in address address space address-of operator ADL (argument-dependent lookup)ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveXadvanced aggregation algorithm alias align allocate allocatorangle bracket annotation API (Application Programming Interface) () app domain (application domain)application application framework appearance append architecture archive file argument()parameter array arrow operator ASP(Active Server Page) worker process assembly assembly language assembly manifest assert(ion) assign assignment assignment operator associated associative container (sequential container) asynchronous atomic atomic operation attribute authentication service authorization audio A.I. B2B integration B2BB2
B(business-to-business integration) background ()backward compatible backup backup device backup file bandwidth base class base type batch BCL (base class library) binary binary search binary tree binary function binary large objectbinary operator binding bit bitmap bitwise ...bitwise copy ,bitwise operation block bookkeeping boolean (truefalse) border bounds checking boxing brace (curly brace) bracket (square brakcet) breakpoint browser applications ()browser-accessible application build (built-in bus business ()business Logic business rules buttons bug by/through byte (8 bits) cache calendar call callback call-level interface (CLI)(CLI) call operator candidate key (for database)cascading delete (for database)cascading update (for database)casting catalog chain (function calls)character character format character set CHECK constraints CHECK (for database) checkpoint (for database)check box check button child class CIL (common intermediate language)class class declaration class definition class derivation list class factory class hierarchy class library class loader class template class template partial specializations class template specializations classification clause client application client cursor (for database)code page cleanup CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) client client area client-server //clipboard clone CLS (common language specification) code access security COFF (Common Object File Format) collection COM (Component Object Model) combo box command line comment commit (for database)communication compatible compile time compiler componentcomposite index (for database)composite key (for database) composition concept concreteconcrete class concurrency constraint (for database)configuration connection (for database)connection pooling console constant construct for languageconstructor (ctor) container containmentcontext control cookie ()copy CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) cover create/creation crosstab query (for database)CRTP (curiously recurring template pattern)CTS (common type system)cube (for database)cursor cursor (for database) custom data data connection (for database)Data Control Language (DCL) (DCL) (for database)Data Definition Language (DDL) (DDL) (for database)data dictionary (for database)data dictionary view (for database)data file (for database)data integrity (for database)data manipulation language (DML)(DML) (for database)data mart (for database)data pump (for database)data scrubbing (for database)data source (for database)Data source name (DSN) (DSN) (for database)data warehouse (for database)dataset (for database) database (for database)database catalog (for database)database diagram (for database)database file (for database)database object (for database)database owner (for database)database project (for database)dat
abase role (for database)database schema (for database)database script (for database)data-bound (for database)data-aware control (for database)data member dataset (for database)data source (for database)data structuredata table (for database)datagram DBMS (database management system) (for database)DCOM (distributed COM)COMdead lock (for database)deallocate debug debugger decay decision support declaration declarative referential integrity (DRI)(DRI) (for database)deduction DEFAULT constraint (for database) default database (for database)default instance (for database)default result set (for database)default defer definition delegate delegation dependent name deploy dereference dereference operator () derived class design by contract design pattern destroy destructor(dtor)device DHTML (dynamic HyperText Markup Language)dialog digest digital DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation)Internetdirective ()directory dirty pages (for database)dirty read (for database)disassembler DISCO (Discovery of Web Services)Web Servicesdisk dispatch DISPID (Dispatch Identifier)distributed computing distributed query (for database) DNA (Distributed interNet Application) document DOM (Document Object Model)dot operator ()driver ()DTD (document type definition) double-byte character set (DBCS)(DBCS)dump dump file dynamic cursor (for database)dynamic filter (for database)dynamic locking (for database)dynamic recovery (for database)dynamic snapshot (for database)dynamic SQL statements SQL (for database)dynamic assembly dynamic binding EAI (enterprise application integration)()EBCO (empty base class optimization) e-business EDI (Dlectronic Data Interchange)efficiency efficient end-to-end authentication end user engine entity encapsulation enclosing class ( nested class)enum (enumeration) enumerators equal equality equality operator error log (for database)escape code escape character exclusive lock (for database)explicit transaction (for database)evaluate event event driven event handler evidence exception exception declaration exception handling exception-safe exception specification exit explicit explicit specialization export facility fat client feature fetch field (java)field (for database)field length (for database)file filter (for database)finalization firewall finalizer firmware flag flash memory flush font foreign key (FK) (FK) (for database)form formal parameter forward declaration forward-only forward-only cursor (for database)fragmentation (for database)framework full specialization function function call operator (operator ()) function object function overloaded resolutionfunctionality function templatefunctor GAC (global assembly cache) GC (Garbage collection) ()()game generate generic generic algorithmgenericity getter ( setter)global global object glo
bal scope resolution operator grant (for database)granularity group group box GUI GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) hand shaking handle handler hard-coded hard-copy hard disk hardware hash table header fileheap help file hierarchy hierarchical data hook Host (application)()hot key hyperlink HTML (HyperText Markup Language) HTTP pipeline HTTP HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) icon IDE (Integrated Development Environment)IDL (Interface Definition Language) identifier idle time if and only ifIL (Intermediate Language) image IME immediate base immediate derived immediate updating (for database)implicit transaction (for database)incremental update (for database)index (for database)implement implementation implicit import increment operator infinite loop infinite recursive information infrastructure inheritance inline inline expansion initialization initialization list initialize inner join (for database)in-place active instance instantiated (template) instantiation (template) integrate integrity integrity constraint (for database)interprocess communication (IPC)(IPC)interacts interface for GUI interoperability interpreter introspection invariants invoke isolation level (for database)iterate iterative iterator iteration (iteration) item JIT compilation JIT key (for database) key column (for database) laser late binding left outer join (for database)level high level library lifetime link linkage linker literal constant list list box livelock (for database)load load balancing loader local local object lock log login login security mode (for database)lookup table (for database)loop loose coupling lvalue machine code macro maintain managed code Managed Extensions managed object mangled name manifest manipulator (iostream) many-to-many relationship (for database)many-to-one relationship (for database)marshal member member access operator (dotarrow) member function member initialization listmemberwise membermembers memberwise copy memory memory leak menu message message based message loop message queuingmetadata metaprogrammingmethod micro middleware middle tier modeling modeling language modifier modem module most derived classmouse mutable mutex multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) OLAP(MOLAP) (for database)multithreaded server application multiuser multi-tasking multi-thread multicast delegate named parameter named pipe namespace native native code Native Image Generator (NGEN)nested class nested query (for database)nested table (for database)network network card nondependent name object object based object file object model object oriented object poolin
g ODBC data source ODBC (for database)ODBC driver ODBC (for database)ODR (one-definition rule)OLE Automation objects OLE (for database)OLE Automation server OLE (for database)OLE DB consumer OLE DB (for database)OLE DB for OLAP OLAPOLE DB (for database)OLE DB provider OLE DB (for database)one-to-many relationship (for database)one-to-one relationship (for database)online analytical processing (OLAP) (OLAP) (for database)online redo log (for database)online transaction processing (OLTP) (OLTP) (for database)Open Data Services (ODS) (ODS) (for database)Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) (ODBC) (for database)operand operating system (OS) operation operator option optimizer outer join (for database)overflow (underflow) overhead overload overload resolution overloaded function overloaded operator override package packaging palette parallel parameter parameter list parameterize parent class parentheses parse parser part partial specialization pass by address ()() pass by reference pass by value pattern PDA (personal digital assistant)PE (Portable Executable) file performance persistence PInvoke (platform invoke service) pixel placement delete placement new placeholder platform POD (plain old data (type)) POI (point of instantiation) pointer poll pooling polymorphism pop up port postfix precedence () prefix preprocessor primary key (PK)(PK) (for database)primary table (for database)primary templateprimitive type print printer procedure procedural process profile profiler ()program programmer programmingprogress bar project property protocol pseudo codequalified (scope) qualified namequalifier quality queue race condition radian radio button raise (exception) random number range rank raw readOnlyrecord (for database)recordset (for databaserecursive re-direction refactoring refer reference reference countingreferential integrity (RI)(RI) (for database)register reflection refresh data (for database)regular relational database remote remote request represent resolve resolution result set (for database)retrieve data return return type return value right outer join (for database)revoke robust robustness roll back (for database)roll forward (for database)routine row (for database)row lock (for database)rowset (for database)RPC (remote procedure call)RPC()runtime rvalue save savepoint (for database)SAX (Simple API for XML)scalable schedule scheduler schema scroll barscope scope operator scope resolution operator screen SDK (Software Development Kit)sealed class search semantics semaphore sequential containerserver serial serialization/serialize server cursor (for database)s
ession (for database)setter shared lock (for database)sibling side effect signature single-threaded sliderslot smart pointer SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) snapshot snapshot (for database)specialization specification splitter SOAP (simple object access protocol) software source code SQL (Structured Query Language) (for database)stack stack unwinding (exception) standard library standard template library stateless statement static cursor (for database)static SQL statements SQL (for database)stored procedure (for database)status bar stream string stub subobjectsubquery (for database)subroutine subscript operator subset subtype support suspend symbol syntax system databases (for database)system tables (for database)table (for database)table lock (for database) table-level constraint (for database)tape backup (for database)target ,task switch TCP (Transport Control Protocol) template template-idtemplate argument deduction template explicit specialization template parameter template template parametertemporary object temporary table (for database)text text file thin client third-party thread thread-safe throw (exception) token trace transaction (for database)transaction log (for database)transaction rollback (for database)transactional replication (for database)translation unit traverse trigger (for database)two-phase commit (for database)tupletwo-phase lookup type UDDI(Universary Description, Discovery and Integration) UML (unified modeling language)unary function unary operator unboxing underflow (overflow) Union query (for database)UNIQUE constraints UNIQUE (for database)unique index (for database)unmanaged code unmarshal unqualified URI (Uniform Resource identifier) URL (Uniform Resource Locator) user user interface value types variable vector (array) viable video view VEE (Virtual Execution Engine)vendor view (for database)virtual function virtual machine virtual memory vowel Web Services web WHERE clause WHERE (for database)wildcard characters (for database)wildcard search (for database)window window function window procedure Windows authentication Windowswizard word word processor wrapper write enable (for database)write-ahead log (for database)write-only WSDL (Web Service Description Language)Web ServiceXML Message Interface (XMI) XMLXML (eXtensible Markup Language) XSD (XML Schema Definition) XMLXSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation)xxx based xxxxxx oriented xxx