
2020年07月29日 07:00


1 freak sb out 使某人抓狂
2 straighten sth right up矫正
3 on the slow side 迟钝
4 coming and going 人来人往
5 hips 臀部
6 nostril鼻孔
7 sneak out 溜出来
8 salute 敬礼
9 on your feet起立
10 Stumpy herand his mouth打肿脸充胖子
11 chicken foot鸡爪
12 good cop ,bad cop白脸红脸
13 cuff sb烤起来
14 bang and burn 来硬的
15 it's been an intense 24 hours.这一天很难熬
It's not hot ,it's africa hot.
16 tortured.虐待
17 straight as razor blade性格很直
18 sb is grounded 某人被禁足
19 Marilyn 小三 Jackie正房

[fit somewhere like one of them round pegs/ look like a duck in water]在某个地方如鱼得水

sth's got sb vexed,and mark my words肯定有什么事情让某人心事重重,要我说
Eg:The result of the exam got him vexed.

this is a hundred perfect above board.这绝对是个好出路

looks like u hitched ur wagon to a falling star,看样子你要竹篮打水一场空了

I could really use the money我真的很需要用钱

[Vampire Dairy]

1 drool 流口水
2 bad combo 混蛋组合
3 dont be a tease 别玩我了
4 take a beat with sb 远离某人 Plz take a beat with her,we dont like to see u play with my kids.
5 Feign 假装
6 I got all snotty我真讨厌

7 bruise擦伤 碰伤
She bruised her knee.

Soft fruit bruises easily.

After Hogan hit his head on the door, he had a big bruise on his forehead.

we need to blend 我们得融合进去
sb is up to sth某人在预谋什么 i think he's up to sth.
3 outfits i can coordiante it with 有3件衣服可以和它搭配
pull it from somewhere 抢走某东西
cut the crap 别胡说八道
hold sb back 耽误
talk you up 说你的好话

陀螺:spinning top
芭比娃娃:Barbie doll
小家家:doll's house
跳绳:rope skipping
摩天轮:Ferris wheel
激流勇进:flume ride
过山车:roller coaster
碰碰车:bumper cars
打靶场:shooting gallery
幸运轮盘:wheel of fortune
木偶表演:puppet show
海盗船:pirate ship
卡丁车:Kart Rider

1)still hurting心痛
2)the one命中注定的那个人
3)funk忧郁, 绝望的
5)pick up 找个新帅歌/美女
6)not my style 不是我的风格
7)ask someone out邀请某人出去

Im still hurting after broke up with my BF,and alitle bit funk these days,but, not gonna go out with someone who is not my well have a date with rebound still looking for the love of my life.

1) obs
essed with 非常非常喜欢
2) dig 很喜欢
3) my thin
g 我特别喜欢做的事
4) supes/totes cool 很酷 supes = super/totes = totally
5) totes magotes! 当然啦! What's your thing!?

1) fishy可疑, 靠不住
2) cheesy 就是很俗气 庸俗, 没水平, 很愚蠢
3) in a nut shell 长话短说
4) It's my cup of tea 很合我胃口
5) It's NOT my cup of tea 不是我的爱好
6) use your noodle 动一动脑子

1) Love of my life 一生的爱
2) For the love of Pete!! 天啊!! 表示很frustrated,无可奈何,很沮丧的
3) love handles 腰部赘肉
4) misery loves company 同病相怜, 或者自己遇到不开心的事, 不想让别人好受
5) love-hate relationship 爱恨交加的关系

1) so cold 这么冷
2) freezing my butt off 冷极了,屁股冻僵了
3) chilly 冷
4) I can't feel my fingers 我感觉不到我的手指了
5) nippy 有点冷
6) ice-cold 非常冷

Have a field day!户外活动
soak up the sun 沐浴阳光
The world is your oyster 尽情享受
take a stroll闲逛
the best of both worlds具有两方面优势
take my breath way美的让人吃惊
feast your eyes on this饱尝眼福
have your cake and eat it too两者兼得

1) fair weather friend 酒肉朋友
2) It's a breeze! 这是很容易的!
3) come rain or shine 风雨无阻, 不管发生什么情况
4) steal someone's thunder 抢人风头
5) take a rain check 下次吧,改天再说
6) under the weather表示不舒服

1) chill/chill out 和朋友一起放松, 休闲, 打发时间
2) chill/chill out 休息, 放松
3) chill/chill out 别着急, 冷静
4) chillax = chill/chill out
5) chilly 冷
6) chilled to the bone 感到寒气刺骨

1) sporty 喜欢运动的人, 像运动员的
2) athletic 身体健壮的,活跃的
3) in shape 健美
4) active 活跃的
5) fit 健美 We are going to the OSU football game this weekend - do you like American football? It's my favorite sport to watch!!

1) dog days of summer 夏天最热的几天
2) just a puppy 新手
3) dog eat dog world 弱肉强食的世界
4) puppy dog eyes 撒娇 i wont give my teacher puppy dog 's not use giving puppy dog eyes,u'd better study hard.

1) smart phone 智能电话
2) Service is so spotty here 这里的手机信号不好
3) Can you hear me now? 听见我了吗?
4) My phone died! 手机没电了
5) I need to charge it, I need to plug it in 我需要充手机电, 要找一个插座充电

1) crazy good 非常好
2) 'verb' the heck out of 'something' 很想做什么
3) amazing 非常好,非常惊人
4) supes awesome 太好了
5) out of this world 了不起的

1) man up 男子气一点
2) man to man 老实说, 坦率说
3) man cave 男人的私人空间
4) man-child 看起来一个成年男子,实际上却很不成熟的男孩
5) maneater

hideous 可怕的
pillage 抢夺
oaf蠢人 笨人
stick one's nose

vt., vi.
My socks have been darned again and again.

it's so darn sad.该死的,可恶的

crafy 狡诈的, 诡计多端的, 善于骗人的
sneaky 鬼祟的, 卑鄙的
null and void

giblets 内脏(动物)
sire 认主归宗
dagger 匕首

one step ahead 魔高一尺 U're always one step ahead others for the 1000years./in the are u going to do this time?
get it the best shot 尽全力
loud-mouth 喜欢大声喧哗的 my friend is loud-mouth,i cant take it anymore.

heart-struck 伤心的;
smart from 伤心/忧伤;
dolorous 忧伤的
grief-stricken 极度忧伤的;
mirthlessly 忧伤地;
slop over 伤感;
part friends 不伤感情地分手;
sentimentalize 伤感;
blue note 悲伤的音符;
disconsolately 悲伤地;
disconsolateness 悲伤;
disconsolation 悲伤
knackered 筋疲力尽的
mimic 模仿
track sb down 搜索到某人
pop up 出现

1.I'm glad that's behind us.事情总算过去了.
was so worth it.真是太值了.
yourself out随意查看吧.
me get this straight.恕我直言.
6.I'm way ahead of you.我在你之前就想到了.
7.I've learned the hard way.我从痛苦经历中学到的.—《绯闻女孩》

There's no need to rush. If something is meant to be, it will happen, in the right time, with the right person, for the best reason.

【美剧口语】 are on deck.下一个是你,做好准备。
a lamb.乖~
talking like that.别那样说话。
's consistent with my personality.我一直就这性格。
't play innocent with me.少跟我装无辜。
might weird you out.你会很郁闷。—《生活大爆炸》

I see who wear the chain mail in ur family!

Just hear me out听我说完
do you say?意下如何?
story short.长话短说.
3.I get the gist.我明白你的意思.
really are a piece of work.你还真是个人才.
6.I don't judge a book by its cover.我不会以貌取人.
're just two peas in a pod.我们是一样样的. —《生活大爆炸》

nce is bliss!无知是福啊!2
.You could have fun with that.你会乐在其中的.
,there it is.哦,又来了.
're so full of it.你就装吧你.
're being impossible.你简直不可理喻.
'll talk some sense into you.她会教育教育你.

Black Friday 黑色星期五
2) crack of dawn 黎明,天刚亮
3) be a sucker for something 被。。吸引
4) shop 'til you drop 购物到腿软
5) beat the crowds 比别人都来得早,避开购物高峰

down to earth脱俗
in real peril危

squats 蹲坐
jiggly 有点肥
getting a little soft 肌肉松弛
badonkadonk 大屁股
muffin-top 赘肉 love handles
tone up 加强锻炼







