学英语-被解救的姜戈Django unchained中英文对照台词
2020年07月29日 07:01
大部分奴隶都信婚姻?~Do most slaves believe in marriage?
反正我和我妻子信~Oh, me and my wife do.
卡鲁肯老头不信 所以我们 呃... 跑了出来~Old Man Carrucan didn't. That's why we, uh... we run off.
姜戈 姜戈~Django, Django.
你胆子不小啊 姜戈~You got sand, Django.
这个孩子胆子不小~Boy's got sand.
我偏不喜欢有胆的黑鬼~I got no use for a nigger with sand.
在他脸这儿烙个代表逃跑的r字~I want you to burn a runaway "r" right here on his cheek.
那个女孩也烙上~And the girl, too.
然后把他们带到格林维尔卖场上卖掉~And I want you to take 'em to the Greenville auction and sell 'em.
两个都卖掉~Both of 'em.
这个嘛...~And this one...
我要你贱卖~you will sell him cheap.
在格林维尔...~In Greenville...
应该有个档案库~there should be some sort of a records office.
记录着她什么时候被卖掉的...~You know when she was sold...
还有她从哪来~you know where she came from,
以及她的名字~and you know her name.
她叫什么来着?~What is her name?
- 什么? - 布隆 希达~- What? - Broom-hilda.
- 布隆希达? - 对的~- Broomhilda? - Hm-mm.
- 她的主人是德国人? - 对 你怎么知道的?~- Were her owners German? - Yeah, how you know?
她不是在卡鲁肯农场出生的~She wasn't born on the Carrucan plantation.
她被德国女主人养大 沙夫特家~She was raised by a German mistress, the Von Shafts.
她也会说一点德语~She speak a little German, too.
- 你妻子? - 嗯~- Your wife? - Hm-mm.
她还小的时候 女主人教过她~When she was little, her mistress taught her so she'd have somebody
为了能有个人说说话~to speak German with.
好了 我来理一遍~Well, let me get this straight.
你的奴隶妻子会说德语 而且她叫布隆希达·沙夫特?~Your slave wife speaks German and her name is Broomhilda Von Shaft?
他们叫我希达~They call me Hildi.
进这些农场之后 我们要演场戏~When we gain access to these plantations, we'll be putting on an act.
你有自己的角色要扮演~You'll be playing a character.
表演的时候 你不能出戏~During the act, you can never break character.
你明白么?~Do you understand?
嗯 不出戏~Yeah. Don't break character.
你的角色就是随从~And your character is that of The Valet.
什么意思?~What that is?
说不好听的就是仆人~That's a fancy word for servant.
- 随从? - 嗯~- Valet? - Hm-mm.
现在嘛 姜戈 你可以为你的角色选戏服了~And now, Django, you may choose your character's costume.
你让我给我自己选衣服?~Youse gonna let me pick out my own clothes?
那是自然~But of course.
在这里黑鬼骑马是犯法的~It's against the law for niggers to ride horses in
其中一个就在那边地里~Well, one's over in that field.
卡鲁肯老头子不会同意这么干的~Old Man Carrucan ain't gonna appreciate this, now.
她是在屋里干活的 约翰~She work in the house, John.
你会把她的皮肤弄坏 你会把她弄伤的~You could mess her skin up, and you gonna mess her up
她就不值... 不值一分钱了~and she ain't gonna be worth... she ain't gonna be worth a damn thing.
你们的圣经不是说...~Now, your Bible say...
瞧 我告诉你了 是我让他那么干的~Look, I told you that I was one that made her do it.
准备好了吗?~You ready?
她并不想跟我一起逃 要是有人该挨鞭子~She didn't wanna run off with me. If anybody should be gettin' whupped now,
应该是我 应该是我 约翰~it should be me. It should be me, John.
我来了很久了 你了解我的 你知道我的~Now, I been here long enough, you know me, you know me a long time, now.
你知道卡鲁肯主人是不同意这样做的~You know Massa Carrucan ain't gonna appreciate this.
她是在屋里伺候人的~She's a... she's a house slave.
她是在屋里伺候人的 她不能被...~She a house slave, she can't be...
我跪下了 我在请求您 这不是你想要的吗?~On my knees. I'm asking you this, please. Ain't this what you want?
我来给你取乐吧 约翰 求你了~I'm keeping it funny for you. Now, John, please.
我给你跪下了 约翰~L's on my knees, John.
我喜欢你乞求的样子 小子~I like the way you beg, boy.
是你要找的人吗?~Is that who you was lookin' for?
另外两个呢?~Where the other two at?
在马厩那边 在惩罚打破了鸡蛋的小乔迪~They by the stable, punishin' Little Jody for breakin' eggs.
鞭打小乔迪?~They whippin' Little Jody?
给我指指方向~Point me in that direction.
朝树走 然后往那边走~You go to that tree and keep goin' that-a way.
去找和我一起的那个白人~Go get that white man I came here with.
- 来吧 - 不 不 求你了!~- Come on, now. - No, no, please!
- 来吧 贱人 - 求你了!~- Come on, girlie. - Please!
来吧 把你绑好了~Come on. Get you set up now.
"耶和华说 凡你所惧怕的..."~"And the Lord said, The fear of ye..."
"和你所担忧的"~"and the dread of ye
将应在大地上的一切野兽身上"~shall be on every beast of the earth."
给我过来 女人!~Come here now, woman!
胳膊给我伸出来!~You'd better give me that arm!
好了 她准备好了!~OK, she's ready!
从今往后 看你还敢不敢打碎鸡蛋~And after this, we'll see if you break eggs again.
嘿 约翰·布里托!~John Brittle!
还记得我吗?~You remember me?
我喜欢你死掉的样子 小子~I like the way you die, boy.
你这狗娘养的!~Goddamn son of a bitch!
好玩吧!~Keep it funny!
你们想看好戏吗?~Y'all wanna see somethin'?
这俩是谁?~Who were they?
这是大约翰 这是小罗~That's Big John, and
that's Lil Raj.
埃利斯呢?~Where's Ellis?
他正骑着高头大马在地里监工呢~He's the one high tailin' it across that field right now.
- 真是他? - 没错~- You sure that's him? - Yeah.
- 确定吗? - 不知道~- Positive? - I don't know.
- 不知道能否确定? - 不知道什么叫"确定"~- You don't know if you're positive? - I don't know what "positive" mean.
- 你能肯定是他吗? - 能~- It means you're sure. - Yes.
- 能什么? - 能肯定那就是埃利斯·布里托~- "Yes," what? - Yes, I'm sure that's Ellis Brittle.
我确定他死了~I'm positive he dead.
请大家冷静~Everybody calm down.
我们不会再造成伤亡~We mean no one else any harm.
你俩到底是什么人?~Who are you two jokers?
我是金·舒尔茨医生~I am Dr. King Schultz, a legal representative
美利坚合众国的刑事司法系统的法定代表~of the criminal justice system of the United States of America.
我左边这位是姜戈·弗里曼(自由人) 是我的助手~The man to my left is Django Freeman. He's my deputy.
我的口袋里有张逮捕证~In my pocket is a warrant,
是德州奥斯汀的巡回法院亨利·亚伦·罗德缪法官签发的~signed by Circuit Court Judge Henry Allen Laudermilk of Austin, Texas,
授权我抓捕这三个人 不论死活~for the arrest and capture, dead or alive,
他们是约翰·布里托 罗杰·布里托 和埃利斯·布里托~of John Brittle, Roger Brittle and Ellis Brittle.
现在他们改姓了谢弗~They were goin' by the name Shaffer.
你们认识的谢弗兄弟 其实这几个凶手姓布里托~You know them by the name of Shaffer, but the butchers' real name was Brittle.
他们是被通缉的人~These are wanted men.
他们的罪名是谋杀~The law wants 'em for murder.
现在 我重申一下 通缉令说死活不限~Now, I reiterate, the warrant states dead or alive,
因此弗里曼先生和我发现他们的踪迹~so when Mr. Freeman and myself executed these men on sight,
并将他们击毙是依法办事~we were operating within our legal boundaries.
我知道你们对此很不高兴~I realize passions are high,
但是我必须警告你们~but I must warn you, the penalty for taking deadly force
对正在执法的执法者诉诸致命武力的人~against an officer of the court in the performance of his duty
将被判绞刑~is you'll be hung by the neck until you're dead.
现在 我可以从兜里拿出我的逮捕证好让你检查一下吗?~Now, may I please remove the warrant from my pocket so you may examine it?
我能拿回来了吗 谢谢?~May I have that back, please?
- 离开我的地界 - 立即照办~- Get off my land. - Posthaste.
收拾好尸体 我们马上离开这里~Load up the bodies as quickly as you can and let's get outta here.
好极了 就那俩狗娘养的~Yeah, that's them sons-a-bitches.
冲啊 兄弟们!~Come on, men!
she do?
记不清了~I can't exactly remember.
反正就是违抗了他父亲的命令~She disobeys him in some way.
所以他把关在一座山的山顶~So he puts her on top of the mountain.
布隆希达在山里?~Broomhilda's on a mountain?
这是德国传说~It's a German legend,
总是有个山什么的~there's always going to be a mountain in there somewhere.
他还安排了喷火龙守卫那座山~And he puts a fire-breathing dragon there to guard the mountain.
用地狱之火围绕着她~And he surrounds her in a circle of hellfire.
因此 布隆希达只好那么待着~And there, Broomhilda shall remain.
除非有一位勇士能来拯救她~Unless a hero arises brave enough to save her.
有么?~Does a fella arise?
有啊 姜戈 实际上 他真的去了~Yes, Django, as a matter of fact, he does.
一个叫齐格弗里德的小伙子~A fella named Siegfried.
齐格弗里德救到她了吗?~Does Siegfried save her?
他做到了 很了不起~Quite spectacularly so.
他爬上了大山 因为他无所畏惧~He scales the mountain, because he's not afraid of it.
他杀死了恶龙 因为他无所畏惧~He slays the dragon, because he's not afraid of him.
他穿越了地狱之火...~And he walks through hellfire...
因为布隆希达值得这么做~because Broomhilda's worth it.
我了解他的感觉~I know how he feel.
我觉得我刚刚才了解到~I think I'm just starting to realize that.
嗯 听着 姜戈...~Now, look, Django...
我毫不怀疑你会去拯救你的爱人...~I don't doubt that one day you'll save your lady love...
但我从心里不希望你去格林维尔~but I can't let you go to Greenville in a good conscience.
密西西比的奴隶市场可不适合你啊~A slave auction town in Mississippi isn't the place for you to visit.
不论你是不是自由人 那都很危险~Free or not, it's just too dangerous.
让我来问你一个问题~But let me ask you a question.
你喜欢当赏金猎人吗?~How do you like the bounty hunting business?
杀白人还有钱拿?~Kill white folks and they pay you for it?
怎么会不喜欢?~What's not to like?
我得承认 我俩搭档很不错~Now, I have to admit, we make a good team.
我以为我杀了大约翰和小罗让你很不高兴呢~I thought you was mad at me for killin' Big John and Lil Raj.
没错 那种场合下你是有点过分了~Yeah, on that occasion you were a tad overzealous,
不过一般来说 那也没什么~but normally, that's a good thing.
我们搭伙干一个冬天怎么样?~How'd you like to partner up for the winter?
搭伙是什么意思?~What you mean "partner up"?
整个冬天直到冰雪融化你跟着我...~You work with me through the winter till the snow melts...
奖金我分你三分之一~I give you a third of my bounties.
我们这个冬天赚些钱 等雪化了~So we make some money this winter, and when the snow melts,
我亲自带你去格林维尔~I'll take you to Green
ville myself
我们去找你妻子的下落~and we'll find where they sent your wife.
你为什么这么关心我?~Why you care what happen to me?
为什么关心我是否找得到妻子?~Why you care if I find my wife?
我从没有给过谁自由之身~I've never given anybody their freedom before.
现在我给了你自由 我觉得我对你负有一定的责任~And now that I have, I feel vaguely responsible for you.
再说 一个德国人遇到了现实中的齐格弗里德 没理由不帮一把的~Plus, when a German meets a real life Siegfried, that's kind of a big deal.
作为一个德国人 我有义务帮你~As a German, I'm obliged to help you on your quest
拯救你的爱人布隆希达~to rescue your beloved Broomhilda.
注意点~You got her.
哦 杀白人挣钱先生 你怎么了?~Ooh. What happened to Mr. "I Wanna Shoot White Folks For Money"?
- 他儿子也在那 - 嗯 很好~- His son's with him. - Well, good.
他有个挚爱亲人在身边~He'll have a loved one with him.
也许还能留句遗言~Maybe even share a last word.
比其他人强多了~That's better than most of them get.
坏人不应该有这种好报~Damn sight better than he deserves.
枪放下吧~Put down the rifle.
别怕 我没生你的气~Don't worry, I'm not mad at you.
我们拿出斯密·巴考尔的通缉令~Let's take out Smitty Bacall's handbill.
大声读出来~Read it aloud.
就当是今天的功课~Consider that today's lesson.
通缉 无论死活~Wanted. Dead or alive.
斯密·巴考尔以及斯密·巴考尔的~Smitty Bacall and the Smitty Bacall
- 团伙 - 团伙~- Gang. - Gang.
因谋杀以及打劫...~For murder and stagecoach...
- 七 零 零 零... - 七千~- Seven-zero-zero-zero... - Seven thousand.
悬赏七千美元捉拿斯密·巴考尔~$$7,000 for Smitty Bacall.
一千五百美元捉拿他的每个...~$$1,500 for each of his...
- 成... - 成员~- Mem... - Members.
已知的斯密·巴考尔团伙成员于下:~Known members of the Smitty Bacall Gang are as follas:
- 如下 - 如下~- Follows. - Follows.
丹迪·迈克尔斯 杰拉尔德·纳什和...~Dandy Michaels, Gerald Nash and...
疯子克雷格·昆斯~Crazy Craig Koons.
这才是斯密·巴考尔的真面目~That is who Smitty Bacall is.
他要是22岁开始老实经营农场~If Smitty Bacall wanted to start a farm at 22,
就不会被印在这上面了~they would never have printed that.
可斯密·巴考尔想抢劫马车~But Smitty Bacall wanted to rob stagecoaches
为达目的他不惜杀人~and he didn't mind killing people to do it.
你想做我的工作来挣钱救你妻子吗?~Do you want to save your wife by doing what I do?
这就是我的工作~This is what I do.
我杀人 用尸体换赏金~I kill people and sell their corpses for cash.
这具尸体值七千美元~This corpse is worth $$7,000.
婆妈妈了 朝他开枪~Now quit your pussyfooting and shoot him.
你得保管好这斯密·巴考尔的通缉令~You need to keep this Smitty Bacall handbill.
- 为什么? - 这是好运气~- Why? - It's good luck.
要保存好第一份赏金通缉令~You always keep the handbill of your first bounty.
非常准~That's accurate.
医生 姜戈 你们好啊?~Doctor, Django, how the hell are ya?
那些又是谁啊?~Who the hell-a you got there?
威尔逊劳团伙~The Wilson-Lowe Gang.
什么威尔逊劳团伙?~Who the hell is the Wilson-Lowe Gang?
坏蛋查克·威尔逊 更坏的鲍比·劳和三个随从~Bad Chuck Wilson and meaner Bobby Lowe and three of their acolytes.
哦 就放这儿吧 他们也跑不了了~Huh. Well, just leave 'em out here, they ain't going nowhere.
你们别在雪里待着 进屋来~Why don't you come in then out of the snowy snow
喝点咖啡~and get yourselves some coffee.
昨天有人过生日 剩了点蛋糕~We had a birthday yesterday. Got some cake.
相当不错的蛋糕~Pretty good.
姜戈和舒尔茨医生双双下山 去往...
往前走!~Move along!
走啊 黑鬼!~Move it, boy!
跟上了~Keep movin'.
到那个拍卖台上去~Get on up on that auction block.
别让泥土拖慢你们的步伐 继续前进~Don't let that mud slow you down. Keep going.
继续前行!~Keep goin'!
"布隆希达·沙夫特 27岁~"Broomhilda Von Shaft. Age 27,
右脸有'r'型标志"~'r' on right cheek."
卖给了卡尔文·坎迪~Calvin Candie.
他拥有密西西比第四大棉花种植园: 糖果农场~He owns the fourth biggest cotton plantation in Mississippi: Candyland.
哦 那你听说过了~Oh, so you've heard of it.
没有哪个奴隶不知道糖果农场~Ain't no slave ain't heard of Candyland.
那么 很显然 你妻子就在那...~Well, apparently, that's where your wife is...
这就是她讨厌的主人~and that's the repellant gentleman
希望她在房子里工作 而不是在田地里~who owns her. Let's just hope she works in the house, not in the field.
哦 不 她不会在田地干活的~Oh, no, she ain't no field nigger.
她... 她很漂亮~She... she pretty.
而且也很会说话~And she talk good, too.
但他们鞭打了她后背 然后...~But when they tore her back up and then they...
还在她的脸上印了逃跑的"r"字母...~burned that runaway "r" on her cheek...
他们诅咒了她~they goddamned her.
她不是田农 但也没好到~She ain't no field nigger but she ain't good enough
可以料理房内家务~for the house no more either.
他们肯定会让她做情妇~They gonna try to make her a comfort girl.
什么是情...? 噢~What's a comfort...? Oh.
我有自由就绝对不容许~Not while I got freedom.
我有了枪也绝不容许~Not while I got my gun.
那我们要出价买她?~So do we
offer to buy her?
一个人想买马~a man wants to buy a horse.
得买一匹马~Needs to buy a horse.
他走向农场 敲场主的门~He walks up to the farmer's farm, and he knocks on the farmer's door
问场主买马~and asks the farmer to buy his horse.
你知道主人怎么说吗?~And do you know what the farmer says?
他会拒绝~The farmer says no.
那我说去他妈的场主 我要偷那匹马~Well, I say fuck that farmer, and I'm stealin' that horse.
有道理 但那样你就成了窃马贼 会被绞死的~Fair enough. But now you're a horse thief, and they hang horse thieves.
更别说马儿还是会回到主人身边~Not to mention the horse goes back to its original owner
因为马仍是他的财产~because the horse is still his property.
我们需要她 也要一张卖身契~We need her and we need a bill of sale.
那如果我们不买她 该如何得到?~Well, if we ain't gonna try to buy her, then how we gonna get her?
我可以提供B计划吗?~May I offer an alternative plan of action?
说吧~Go ahead.
那么... 他走向农场~So... the man walks up to the farmer's farm,
敲农场主的门...~he knocks on the farmer's door...
向场主买农场 而不是马~and asks not to buy the horse, but the farm.
开出个惊天报价~And makes an offer so ridiculous,
场主就不得不答应了~the farmer is forced to say yes.
- 我们说买糖果农场? - 不 那太贵了~- We gonna offer to buy Candyland? - No, it's far too big.
但显然 农场不是这位场主的全部~But apparently this farmer ain't all about the farm.
你对曼丁哥拳击了解多少?~How much do you know about Mandingo fighting?
你能不能巧妙伪装成~Can you convincingly masquerade as someone
曼丁哥拳击的高手?~who is an expert on Mandingo fighting?
因为我要扮演一个来自杜塞尔多夫的阔绰买家~Because my character is that of a big money buyer from Dusseldorf,
到格林维尔想买通进入曼丁哥拳击的道路~here in Greenville to buy my way into the Mandingo fight game.
你要扮演我聘请来的曼丁哥专家~And your character is a Mandingo expert I hired to help me do it.
人们叫他"独眼查理"~They call that "One-Eyed Charley."
我们是来见卡尔文·坎迪先生的~We're here to see Mr. Calvin Candie.
- 谢谢你 - 嗯哼~- Thank you. - Hm-mm.
你要我扮演奴隶贩?~You want me to play a black slaver?
没什么比黑奴贩更低贱了~Ain't nothin' lower than a black slaver.
黑奴贩要比黑人管家还低下...~A black slaver is lower than the head house nigger...
哥们 那可够低贱的~and, buddy, that's pretty fuckin' low.
那就照那样子演~Then play him that way.
把你奴隶贩那一面展示出来~Give me your black slaver.
219路的嘟嘟声也来了! 花生酱!~Along came the 219 Toot! Toot! Peanut butter!
rouble now, son. - Yes, sir.
我花500块买了你~I done paid $$500 for you.
这500块是要你在被别人打死之前~When I pay $$500, then I expect to get five fights out of a nigger
- 打够5场比赛 - 先生~- before he roll over and play dead. - Sir.
你得明白 我是个生意人~You got to understand that I'm running a business here.
- 你只打了三场 - 但三场我都赢了~- You fought three fights. - But I won every one.
没错 没错~Yes, you did. Yes, you did.
但最后那场 你差点就输了~But that last one, you muddled the line between winning and losing.
是的 先生~Yes, sir.
板上钉钉的事实是~Still, the fact remains:
我花了500块 你他妈就得给我打够5场!~I pay $$500, I want five goddamn fights!
我那500块怎么办?~So what about my $$500, huh?
我那500块怎么办?~What about my $$500?
你来补偿给我?~You gonna reimburse me?
你连"补偿"是什么意思都不知道吧?~You even know what "reimburse" means?
我来补偿你!~I'll reimburse you!
真的?~You will?
你要花500块~You'll pay $$500
去买一个扫地都不会的独眼龙?~for practically a one-eyed old Joe ain't fit to push a broom?
他不会买的~No, he won't.
他只是不想再看你耍他了~He just tired of you toying with him is all.
事实上 我也不想再看了~Matter of fact, so am I.
但我们不会花一分钱去买这个黑小子~But we ain't paying a penny for that pickaninny.
买了也没用 对吧 医生?~Ain't got no use for him. Ain't that right, doc?
你听到了吧~You heard him.
请原谅斯通塞弗先生的惊讶表情~You're gonna have to excuse ipher's slack-jawed gaze.
他这辈子都没见过像你这样的黑人~He ain't never seen a nigger like you ever in his life.
没错吧 斯通塞弗先生~Ain't that right, Mr. Stonesipher?
没错~That right.
说实话~For that matter,
我也没见过~nor have I.
你们不肯花钱买下这个黑小子~seeing as you won't pay a penny for this pickaninny here,
那你们不介意我用自己的手段处置这个黑鬼吧?~you won't mind me handling this nigger any way I see fit?
他是你的人~He's your nigger.
斯通塞弗先生?~Mr. Stonesipher?
让玛莎和它的伙伴 送达达尼安去黑鬼天堂吧~Let Marsha and her bitches send D'Artagnan to nigger heaven.
玛莎! 玛莎 去咬他!~Marsha! Marsha, hey, get him!
咬他! 咬他!~Get him, get him!
你的老板好像不太喜欢~Your boss looks a little green around the gills
黑鬼搏击这种血腥的运动~for a blood sport like nigger fighting.
不 他只是没见过一个被狗撕成碎片的人~Nah, he just ain't used to seeing a man ripped apart by dogs is all.
但你经常见到?~You are used to it?
我只是对美国人的所做所为习以为常~I'm just a little more used to Americans than he is.
先生坎迪...~Now, Monsieur Candie...
you're ready.
我们骑了五个小时马 就为了看看你的私人珍藏~We rode five hours so you could show off your stock.
别让我们失望~Let's get to it.
如果你的人是这副模样 我可不太满意~Cause as of now, if he's an example, I ain't impressed.
跟我来~Follow me.
让他们在左边排好队~Line them up to the left here now, boy.
抬头挺胸!~Stand up straight, now!
过去~Get up there.
过去 快点~Get up there, boy. Come on.
排好队! 排好队!~Give me a line! Give me a line!
排好队! 站直了!~Get in line there! Straighten up!
你好! 我的史蒂芬!~Hello! Stephen, my boy!
好好好 你好 臭小子~Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hello, my ass.
那个骑着马的黑鬼是谁?~Who this nigger up on that nag?
史蒂芬 你早饭吃了炸药吗? 怎么这么暴躁?~Stephen, you have nails for breakfast? What's the matter? Why you so ornery?
- 你惦记着我吗? - 我可惦记你了 先生~- You miss me, huh? - Oh, yes, sir.
就像猪惦记泔水一样!~I miss you like a hog miss slop!
就像婴儿惦记妈妈的乳头一样~Like a baby miss mammy's titty.
我像惦记鞋里的石子那样惦记着你~I miss you like I misses a rock in my shoe.
我得问你 那个骑着马的黑鬼是谁?~Now, I axed you: Who this nigger on that nag?
喂 雪球~Hey, Snowball.
想知道我或者我的马的名字 问我就行~Wanna know my name or the name of my horse, you ask me.
你叫谁"雪球"呢 小子?~Just who the hell you calling "Snowball," horse boy?
我要把你这黑鬼从马上拖下来~I'll snatch your black ass off that nag there
扔到泥地里 我的动作能快到...~and in the mud so fast...
- 让你晕头转向 - 史蒂芬 史蒂芬 史蒂芬~- make your head spin. - Stephen, Stephen, Stephen.
别激动 姜戈是自由身~Let's keep it funny. Django here's a free man.
- 这个黑鬼? - 那个黑鬼~- This nigger here? - That nigger there.
我来介绍你们认识~Let me at least introduce the two of you.
姜戈 这是一个和你一样不要脸的黑鬼 史蒂芬~Django, this is another cheeky black bugger like yourself, Stephen.
史蒂芬 这位是姜戈 你们之间肯定有仇~Stephen, this here's Django. You two oughta hate each other.
卡尔文 你还怕这黑鬼不高兴? 他是何方神圣?~Calvin, just who the hell is this nigger you feels the need to entertain?
姜戈和这位穿灰西装的舒尔茨医生 是我的顾客~Django and his friend in gray here, Dr. Schultz, are customers.
是我们的客人 史蒂芬~And they are our guests, Stephen.
你这个老东西得对他们客气点~And you, you old decrepit bastard, oughta show them every hospitality.
- 知道吗? - 知道 先生 那个白人我能理解~- You understand that? - Yes, sir. Him I understand.
但我不明白为什么要对这个黑鬼客气~But I don't know why I got to take lip off this nigger.
你不需要明白 懂我的
但很明显 最好的三个是山姆森...~But the best three by far were Samson...
- 还有一个叫什么? - 高迪~- What's that other one's name? - Goldie.
高迪 还有爱斯基摩·乔~Goldie. And Eskimo Joe.
顺便问一句 他为什么叫爱斯基摩·乔?~By the way, why is he called Eskimo Joe?
天知道那些黑鬼的绰号是怎么来的~You never know how these nigger nicknames get started.
他本名叫乔 也许他总是觉得冷吧?~His name was Joe, maybe one day he said he was cold. Who knows?
无论如何 山姆森是最好的那个 我们都知道~Well, regardless, Samson's your best. We all know that.
你肯定不卖他 我也知道为什么 因为他是顶级的~You will never sell him, and I can see why. He's a champion.
不 他们三个都是顶级的~Hm-hm. All three are champions.
只有山姆森是顶级的~Samson's the champion.
其他两个只是很出色而已~Them other two pretty good.
卡尔文 这个黑鬼竟敢顶嘴...~Calvin, now what's this nigger you let...
没事~It's all right.
有件事你得明白 先生坎迪~You have to understand, Monsieur Candie,
我承认 关于黑鬼搏击游戏我还是新手~while admittedly a neophyte in the nigger fight game,
但我之前在欧洲巡演马戏团待过一阵子~I do have a little bit of a background in the European traveling circus.
是吗?~Is that right?
所以说 只要涉及到表演 我就有发言权~Hence, I have big ideas when it comes to presentation.
我要的不止是一个大块头~I need something more than just a big nigger.
他还得有架势~Yeah, he needs to have panache.
- 得有什么? - 架势 是...~- Need to have what? What? - Panache. Uh...
- 知道怎么表现自己 - 表现力 对~- A sense of Showmanship. - Showmanship, yes.
我要把他称为黑人大力神~I want to be able to bill him as The Black Hercules.
黑人大力神 这都被你想到了?~The Black Hercules, isn't that clever?
黑鬼大力神还差不多~More like Nigger-les.
我说过 "我愿意花最高价~I said, and I quote: "I would pay top dollar for
买'合适的黑鬼'"~'the right nigger'."
我意思不是说爱斯基摩·乔不合适~Now I'm not saying that Eskimo Joe is the wrong nigger, per se.
但他真的无可挑剔吗?~But is he right as rain?
舒尔茨医生~Oh, Dr. Schultz,
你得知道 在黑鬼搏击游戏中~I will have you know there is no one in the nigger fight game
最看重表现力的人~that appreciates the value of showmanship
非鄙人卡尔文·坎迪莫属~more than Monsieur Calvin J. Candie here.
但我们不能忘了黑鬼搏击游戏中~But one must not forget the most important thing
最重要的一点~in the nigger fight game.
他必须能打赢比赛~And that is a nigger that can win fights.
你首要考虑的是赢 接着考虑的还是赢 赢赢赢~Now that should be your first, second, third, fourth, and fifth concern.
定他能打赢~Now, after you have that, and you know you have that,
再去加这些噱头~then you can start to implement a grand design.
换句话说 打赢才是硬道理~In other words, first thing is first.
打赢才是硬道理~First thing's first.
你们很合得来嘛~Ooh! I see you two getting on.
坎迪先生 我已经四年没听到过母语了~Oh, Monsieur Candie, you can't imagine what it's like
你无法想像这有多么难受~not to hear your native tongue in four years.
在波士顿(美国北方城市)待两个星期我都受不了~Well, hell, I can't imagine two weeks in Boston.
在波士顿待两个星期!~Two weeks in Boston!
坎迪先生 你真幽默!~Monsieur Candie, you a mess!
在波士顿待两个星期!~Two weeks in Boston!
能用母语交谈真开心~I can't express the joy I felt conversing in my mother tongue.
希尔迪又是个口齿伶俐的姑娘~And Hildi is a charming conversation companion.
当心点 舒尔茨医生~Well, be careful now, Dr. Schultz.
当心自己爱上一个黑妞了~You might-a caught yourself a little dose of nigger love.
这种感情可是相当厉害~Nigger love's a powerful emotion, boy.
就像一池子黑焦油~It's like a pool of black tar.
陷进去就出不来了~Once it catches your ass, you're caught.
没错 先生 无法自拔~Yes, sir, you stuck.
不知道呢 医生~I don't know, doctor.
你可以用德语对她说各种各样的甜言蜜语~You can lay on all the German sweet talk you want,
但这小妞貌似对姜戈很有兴趣~but it looks like this pony's got big eyes for Django.
这是本能反应~Well, naturally.
能吸引她注意力的只有飞翔的雄鹰~It is the soaring eagle that attracts her attention,
而不是被拔光毛的鸡~not the plucked chicken.
舒尔茨医生 不需如此自贬~Dr. Schultz, don't be so down on yourself.
你可是一名有为的欧洲绅士~You are quite the dapper European gentleman.
要把盘子洗干净~You got to clean these dishes,
就得用胳膊肘去洗 听见了吗?~you got to put your elbow in these dishes, you hear me?
你认识那个黑鬼吧?~You know that nigger, don't you?
- 哪个? - "哪个?"~- Who? - "Who?"
别跟我装傻 小贱人 你知道我说的是哪个~Don't "who" me, bitch. You know who I'm talking about.
坐在餐桌上那个?~At the table?
我不认识他~I don't know him.
- 你不认识他 - 不认识~- You don't know him. - No.
- 礼貌点 - 不认识 先生~- "No," what? - No, sir.
你不会跟我撒谎吧?~You wouldn't lie to me, now, would you?
这是你说的~Yeah. If you say so.
毋庸置疑 爱斯基摩·乔符合我们的要求~Eskimo Joe's a quality nigger, no doubt about it.
但如果是我来付钱 我不会花12000块去买他~But if it was my money, I wouldn't pay no $$12,000 for him.
你会花多少钱?~What would your price be?
如果我出手阔绰的话~Well, if I was inc
去~Fine! Fine. Friend Stephen, I will be along momentarily.
好的 先生~Yes, sir.
好吧 先生们 你们也看到了~Well, gentlemen, as you can see,
虽然毫无疑问 他们做菜很棒~talented as they are, no doubt, in the kitchen,
但偶尔还是需要家长来监管一下~from time to time, adult supervision is required.
请恕我失陪片刻~If you'll excuse me a moment.
你们可以去收盘子了~You may clear the dinner service.
都听到了 快点! 快点 姑娘们~You heard him. Go on! Get! Hurry up, girl.
舒尔茨医生 您跟我们说说马戏团的故事吧~So, Dr. Schultz, why don't you regale us with a tale of the circus.
马戏团?~The circus?
怎么了?~What is the matter?
那俩家伙根本不是来买曼丁哥人的~Them motherfuckers ain't here to buy no Mandingos.
他们想要的是那女孩~They wants that girl.
史蒂芬 你到底在说什么呢? 嗯?~Stephen, what the hell are you talking about? Hm?
我是说 他们就是在把您当傻子耍~They playing your ass for a fool is what I'm talking about.
他们根本不是来买强壮的黑奴~They ain't here for no musclebound Jimmie.
他们是来找那女孩的~They here for that girl.
哪... 哪个女孩? 希尔迪吗?~Wh... what girl? Hildi?
没错 就是希尔迪 她和姜戈相互都认识~Yeah, Hildi. Her and Django, them niggers know each other.
他刚买了爱斯基摩·乔~He just bought Eskimo Joe.
- 他付钱给您了吗? - 不! 还没有 但...~- Did he give you any money? - No! Not yet. But...
那到目前为止 他还什么都没买~Then he ain't bought diddly. Not yet, nohow.
若不是刚才我打断他~But he's just about to buy
他差点就要把那女孩买到手了~who he come here to buy when I interrupted him.
不用谢我~"Thank you, Stephen." You're welcome, Calvin.
你是怎么想出来的?~Where you gettin' all this?
他们干嘛要大费周章 只是为了买下一个~Why would they go through all that trouble for a nigger
背上有鞭伤 连300美金都不值的黑奴?~with a chewed up back, ain't worth $$300?
他们这么做是因为姜戈爱着希尔迪~They doin' it 'cause that nigger Django's in love with Hildi.
她可能就是他老婆~She probably his wife.
至于那个德国佬干嘛要帮这个黑鬼情圣~Now, why that German gives a fuck who that uppity son of a bitch
我肯定就不知道了~is in love with, I'm sure I don't know.
如果她才是他们想买的...~If she's who they want...
干嘛还要绕弯子 扮成来买曼丁哥人呢?~why this whole snake oil pitch about Mandingos, then?
您根本不会在乎区区300美金~You wouldn't pay no never mind to no $$300.
但要是一万两千美金呢? 你一定不想错过这笔生意 是吧?~But that 12,000? That made you real friendly, now, didn't it?
的确如此~Yes, it did.
他老婆是吧?~His wife, huh?
如果那是一条蛇 我早就被咬了~If it had been a snake, it would have bit me.
ridiculous amount.
我的回答是"您所说的天价是多少?"~To which me myself said, "What is your definition of ridiculous?"
你回答说"一万两千美元"~To which you said, "$$12,000."
想你们俩~Now, considering y'all
不远万里骑马过来~have ridden a whole lot of miles,
费尽周折 为了要买这位姑娘~went through a whole lot of trouble, and done spread a whole lot of bull
想尽一切办法~to purchase this lovely lady right here,
事实上... 布隆希达才是你相中的黑奴~it would appear that Broomhilda is, in fact... the right nigger.
如果你们想带着布隆希达离开糖果农场~And if y'all want to leave Candyland with Broomhilda,
价钱就是一万二~the price is $$12,000.
我是否可以理解为你比较喜欢"不买就滚"式的谈判?~And I take it you prefer the "take it or leave it" style of negotiation?
的确如此 医生~Yes, I do, doctor.
要知道 根据奇克索县的法律~You see, under the laws of Chickasaw County,
布隆希达是我的财产~Broomhilda here is my property.
而我可以对自己的财产任意处置!~And I can choose to do with my property whatever I so desire!
如果你们觉得我对这个黑奴...~And if y'all think my price...
开的价钱太离谱...~for this nigger here is too steep...
那我想做的是...~what I'm gonna desire to do is...
拿起这把榔头 活活把她砸死!~take this goddamn hammer here and beat her ass to death with it!
- 就在你们两个面前! - 坐下 大个子~- Right in front of both y'all! - Easy, big fella.
然后我们就能一起检查布隆希达头骨里的那三个凹陷了!~Then we can examine the three dimples inside Broomhilda's skull!
那你怎么说 医生? 怎样?~Now, what's it gonna be, doc? Huh?
你怎么说?~What's it gonna be?
我的手能不能离开桌面 拿一下皮夹呢?~May I lift the hands off the tabletop in order to remove my billfold?
当然可以~Yes, you may.
一万二~That 12.
恭喜这位胡子精致的先生~To the man with the exceptional beard
以及他的烂黑奴拍得~and his unexceptional nigger.
- 莫吉先生 - 什么事 卡尔文?~- Mr. Moguy. - Yes, Calvin?
能请你给这两位先生一张一万两千美元的收据吗?~Will you make these gentlemen a receipt for $$12,000, please?
和你们的交易真是愉快~It was a pleasure doing business with y'all.
先生们...~Now, gentlemen...
请随我到客厅...~if you care to join me in the parlor...
享用清蛋糕~we will be serving white cake.
干得好 卡尔文~Well done, Calvin.
抱歉 能停一下吗 女士?~Excuse me. Excuse me, ma'am?
能不能别再谈贝多芬的曲子了? 把手从竖琴上拿开!~Could you please stop playing Beethoven? Take your hands off the harp!
- 医生 你不能进去! - 史蒂芬 史蒂芬~- Doctor, you can't go in there! - Stephen, Stephen.
他进那里又没什么事~He ain't
got no business going in there.
让他去吧~Let it be.
他就是有点心烦 随他去吧~He's just a little upset, that's all.
我来处理~I'll handle this.
清蛋糕?~White cake?
我不吃甜食 谢谢~I don't go in for sweets, thank you.
你现在满心都在怨恨我 是吧?~You brooding about me getting the best of you, huh?
事实上 我在想你今天喂了狗的那个可怜黑奴~Actually, I was thinking of that poor devil you fed to the dogs today.
我在想大仲马对此会有何看法~And I was wondering what Dumas would make of all this.
谁?~Come again?
亚历山大·仲马 "三剑客"的作者~Alexandre Dumas. He wrote The Three Musketeers.
对 就是他 医生~Yes, of course, doctor.
我想你一定很赞赏他~I figured you must be an admirer.
都用他作品的主角来命名自己的奴隶了~You named your slave after his novel's lead character.
如果亚历山大·仲马今天在这儿~Now, if Alexandre Dumas had been there today,
我在想他会怎么说~I wonder what he would have made of it.
你觉得他不会同意吗?~You doubt he'd approve, huh?
没错 他的同意那就怪了~Yes. His approval would be a dubious proposition at best.
法国人都很心软~Soft-hearted Frenchie.
亚历山大·仲马是黑人~Alexandre Dumas is black.
- 这是布隆希达的文件吗? - 没错~- Are these Broomhilda's papers? - Yes, they are.
- 我能看看吗? - 当然~- May I? - Of course.
谢谢~Thank you.
这是她的出售证明 历任主人的清单~That is her bill of sale, her ownership history,
当然还有她的卖身契 医生~and, of course, her freedom papers, doctor.
能借我笔和墨水吗?~Would you have ink and pen for me?
- 就在那边的小桌子上 - 谢谢~- Right over there on that little table. - Thank you.
谢谢~Thank you.
布隆希达·沙夫特女士...~Broomhilda Von Shaft...
你自由了~consider yourself a free woman.
坎迪先生...~Mr. Candie...
通常我会说"再会"~normally, I would say auf wiedersehen.
但事实上 "再会"带有"期待再次相会"的意思~But since what auf Wiedersehen actually means is "till I see you again"
而我一点都不想再见到你~and since I never wish to see you again,
所以我要说 永别了~to you, sir... I say, "goodbye."
我们走吧~Let's go.
快点~Come on.
等一下 医生~One more moment, doctor!
我们南部有个惯例...~It's a custom here in the South...
两方生意谈拢之后握手~once a business deal is concluded that the two parties shake hands.
以表美好的祝愿~It implies good faith.
- 但我可不是南方人 - 但你现在...~- I'm not from the South. - But you are...
在我家 医生~in my house, doctor.
- 所以我坚持要握手 - 坚持?~- So I'm afraid I must insist. - Insist?
坚持什么? 和我握手?~On what? That I shake your hand?
哦 这样的话 我恐怕要坚持不
数流血至死 哦.. 大概流7分钟的样子~most of them bleed out in, oh, about, hm... seven minutes.
大部分的人~Most of 'em.
好吧 绝大多数~Well, more than most.
所以我说 还不够狠~Then I says: "Shitfire.
我们卖给勒坎·迪奇的黑鬼比这惨多了~The niggers we sell to LeQuint Dickey got it worse than that."
他们还说 我们鞭死他算了~And they still sayinyland, there was an $$11,500 fortune,
就在那里 而你们刚刚与它失之交臂~just sittin' there. And y'all rode right past it.
你个疯子 黑鬼 我们可不是强盗~You be damned, blackie, we're not bandits.
我可没这么说 这宝藏好就好在 拿它不犯法~I ain't saying that. Nice thing about this fortune is it ain't illegal.
你不是去偷~You can't steal it.
你是要去争取 白人小哥~You got to earn it, white boy.
你有什么要说的 开天窗说亮话~You got something to say, mate, you say it.
糖果农场里的11500美金宝藏~The $$11,500 fortune waitin' for you back at Candyland
是捉拿斯密·巴考尔和他的团伙的赏金~is in the form of a "Wanted Dead or Alive" bounty
生死不论~on Smitty Bacall and the Bacall Gang.
谁他妈是斯密·巴考尔啊?~Who the fuck is Smitty Bacall?
斯密·巴考尔是一群马车劫匪的头子 专干杀人越货的勾当~Smitty Bacall is the leader of this murderous gang of stagecoach robbers,
人称巴考尔帮~the Bacall Gang.
活捉或生杀斯密·巴考尔的赏金是7000美金~There's a $$7,000 "Wanted Dead or Alive" bounty on him,
他的另外三个同伙 丹迪·迈克尔斯~$$1,500 for each of his three accomplices:
杰拉尔德·纳什和疯子克雷格·昆斯~Dandy Michaels, Gerald Nash,
各值1500美金~and Crazy Craig Koons.
他们四个人现在~Now, all four of them gentlemen,
在糖果农场开心得不得了~they back there at Candyland laughing their ass off.
你知道为什么吗? 因为他们刚刚逃过一劫~You know why? 'Cause they just got away with murder.
但他们不会得意太久~But it ain't got to be that way.
你和你的伙计们 可以杀个回马枪 把那钱给赚了~You and your mates, y'all can ride back there and y'all can go get that money.
他们到底做了什么事情?~What'd these jokers do again?
那群混蛋 他们杀无辜的人~These sons of bitches, they killed innocent people.
抢劫马车 专杀无辜的白人~Stagecoach robbery. Innocent white people.
我袋子里就有通缉令 我拿给你看~I got the handbill right here in my pocket, if you let me get it.
拿出来~Get it out.
悬赏 生死不论 斯密·巴考尔以及斯密·巴考尔帮~"Wanted. Dead or alive. Smitty Bacall and the Smitty Bacall Gang."
- 但就你个奴隶 - "因其犯下杀人..."~- But you're a slave. - "For murder..."
- 我才他妈不是奴隶 - "抢劫马车"~- I ain't no goddamn slave. - "...and stagecoach robbery."
我说话他妈地像是个奴隶吗?~Do I sound like a fuckin' slave?
- "斯密·巴考尔悬红7000美金" - 嗯?~- "$$7,000 for Smitty Bacall." - Hm?
- 还真值钱啊 - 我是个赏金猎人~- That's a shitload. - I'm a bounty hunter.
昨天 我还是自由之身~Yesterday, as a free man,
我和我德国的白人搭档金·舒尔茨博士~I rode into Candyland on a horse with my German white partner,
骑马进了糖果农场~Dr. King Schultz.
我们从德州一路追查巴考尔帮到奇克索县~We tracked the Bacall Gang all the way from Texas to Chickasaw County.
我们终于发现那群混蛋在糖果农场隐姓埋名~We finally found their ass layin' low in Candyland.
他们杀进去要取他们首级 但事与愿违~We went in there to get 'em, things went sour,
我搭档被杀 卡尔文·坎迪被打死~my partner got killed, Calvin Candie got shot,
那里的人把怒气都发在我身上 所以我就落到了现在这下场~then everybody there decided to blame me, so here I am.
但你们知道 我是被冤枉的~But y'all know I ain't on that manifest.
你们都知道 我不应该走这趟的~And all y'all know I ain't supposed to be on this trip.
但那边的四个人 他们仍被通缉中~But them four men is still back there, they're still wanted,
11500赏金唾手可得 他们肯定想不到~and that 11,500 is up for grabs, and the last thing they'd expect
你们会杀个回马枪 去取赏金~is y'all ridin' back in there and gettin' it.
到底怎么说?~What's the deal?
你告诉我他们是谁 我放你走?~You tell us who they are and we turn you loose?
不行 不行 我不会告诉你他们是谁~No, no, no, no. I ain't gonna tell you who they are.
但你给我把手枪 一匹马~But, you give me a pistol, one of them horses,
11500美金里面的500块 我就指给你们看~and $$500 of that 11,500, and I'll point 'em out to you.
这通缉令是真的~This is a real handbill.
就算这是真的通缉令~Now just 'cause it's a real handbill
也不代表刚才那顿叽里呱啦是真的~doesn't mean that other bunch of malarkey is.
为什么奴隶身上会有"死活不论"通缉令呢?~Now why would a slave have a "Wanted Dead or Alive" handbill in his pocket?
那黑仔昨天才到糖果农场的吗?~Did that black ride into Candyland yesterday?
好吧 我再问一遍~All right, I'm gonna ask you again.
我要你们记好了 我可不喜欢骗子啊~I want you to remember, I don't like liars.
他是不是糖果庄园的奴隶~Is he a Candyland slave,
还是他跟一个白人骑马路过的?~or did he ride in with a white man on a horse yesterday?
是的 他们他和一个白人骑马~Yeah. They walked us from the Greenville auction,
从格林维尔拍卖行路过~and he rode in on a horse with a white man.
那个黑人是那白人的奴隶吗?~Now this white man, was the black his slave?
他才不是什么奴隶~He weren't no slave.
- 你他妈确定吗? - 太他妈确定了~- You fuckin' sure about that? - Damn sure.
- 糖果农场到底发生了什么? - 一堆乱射~- What happened over in Candyland? - Bunch-a shootin'.
到处都在开枪~Massa got shot.
- 谁打了他? - 那个德国人~- Who shot him? - The German.
他为什么这么做?~Why'd he do that?
那黑鬼和那德国人伪装成奴隶贩子 但他们不是~Nigger and the German was actin' like they were slavers but they wasn't.
h, no!
现在呢 黑人朋友们~Now, all you black folks,
我建议你们远离那些白人朋友稍微远一点~I suggest you get away from all these white folks.
没说你 史蒂芬~Not you, Stephen.
你给我站着别动~You right where you belong.
科拉 你走之前 能和劳拉小姐道个别吗?~Cora, before you go, will you tell Miss Lara goodbye?
- 什么? - 我是说 "跟劳拉小姐道个别"~- Do what now? - I said, "Tell Miss Lara goodbye."
拜 劳拉小姐~Bye, Miss Lara.
你们两个可以走了~Y'all two run along now.
史蒂芬 你觉得我的衣服怎么样?~Stephen, how you like my new duds?
之前我还真不知道黑紫色穿我身上不错~You know, before now I didn't know that burgundy was my color.
我数着你开了六枪 黑鬼~I count six shots, nigger.
架不住我有两把枪 黑鬼~I count two guns, nigger.
你说 在这片种植园呆了76年~You said in 76 years on this plantation,
你见过黑人受过各种各样的罪~you seen all manner-a shit done to niggers.
但我发现 你没提过膑刑~But I notice, you didn't mention kneecappin'.
老天爷啊! 混蛋! 操个蛋!~Oh, God! Motherfucker! Damn it!
七十六年了 史蒂芬~Seventy-six years, Stephen.
你经手了多少黑人啊?~How many niggers you think you see come and go, huh?
七千个?~Seven thousand?
八千个?~Eight thousand?
九千个?~Nine thousand?
九千九百九十九个?~Nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine?
卡尔文·坎迪说的一切~Every single word that came out of Calvin Candie's mouth
满嘴都是谎言~was nothin' but horseshit.
但他说对了一件事 我就是那个万里挑一的黑仔~But he was right about one thing: I am that one nigger in 10,000.
你个混蛋!~You son of a bitch!
你个混蛋!~You motherfucker!
哦 老天爷啊 赐我力量除了这个黑鬼吧!~Oh, sweet Jesus, let me kill this nigger!
你会遭报应的 姜戈!~You ain't gonna get away with this, Django!
他们会找到你的~They gonna catch your black ass.
到时候悬赏的就是你的人头了 黑鬼~You gonna be on the wanted posters now, nigger.
赏金猎人会找上门的~The bounty hunters gonna be lookin' for you.
你可以逃 黑鬼 但他们会找到你的!~You can run, nigger, but they gonna find your ass!
等他们找到你的时候 我对天发誓 等他们找到你的时候!~And when they do, oh, Lord, what they gonna do to your ass!
他们不会简单的杀了你完事 黑鬼!~They ain't gonna just kill you, nigger!
你会被虐的很惨的!~You done fucked up!
这片庄园 黑鬼!~This Candyland, nigger!
你毁不掉这片庄园!~You can't destroy Candyland!
只要我们在这里! 糖果农场就会一直在这里!~We been here! There's always gonna be a Candyland!
黑鬼枪法再厉害 也杀不光所有的白人!~Can't no nigger gunfighter kill all the white folks in the world!
他们会把你揪出来的!~They gonna find your black ass!
你个不知天高地厚的...~You uppity son of a...
嘿 小坏蛋~Hey, Little Trouble Maker.
嘿 大坏蛋~Hey, Big Trouble Maker.
你知道他们会叫你什么吗? "南部最快的枪"~You know what they are going to call you? "The fastest gun in the South."
我们走吧~Let's get outta here.
别走 还有一下段哦
这黑鬼到底是谁啊?~Who was that nigger?