初中英语语法 介词用法口诀大全5
2020年07月29日 14:27
respecting 鉴于:
Respecting the heavy rain, we had to put off the match.
excepting 除了:
excepting 可单独使用,可以与 always 或否定词 not 连用,也可以与 for, without 之类介词连用。
Excepting one of his close friends, they were present at the party.
He is an honest man, excepting for his quick temper.
他是个老实人,只是(“除了” 脾气暴躁。(同类比较 except,加 for 异类记心间)。
Everybody is in high spirits, always excepting him. 大家都情绪高昂,唯他“除外”(例外)。
Only a few survivors without excepting him were living in the settlement.
including 包含:
The new apartment consists of three rooms including the kitchen.
following 在……之后: 相当于 after
The week following his first visit to the newsroom he was appointed editor of the important column. 在拜访该报社编辑部的“第二个”星期,他放任命为该报重要专栏的主笔。
regarding 关于:相当于 about
Regarding research investment and number of researchers engaged in this field of research, the U.S.A. commands an overwhelming position followed by Japan. “关于”投入该领域研究的投资额和研究人员的数量,美国占压倒优势,其次是日本。
respecting 在……方面:
Respecting education, health, medical care as well as production and labor technological development will have to be evaluated with due thought given to social systems and humanism. “在”教育、卫生、生产劳动“方面”, 评价技术的发展需根据社会制度和人道主义。
concerning 有关:
The following are some of the arguments both pros and cons concerning computers, thinking, and artificial
intelligence. 下面是“有关”计算机、思维和人工智能方面持赞成和反对态度的一些论据。
当然,这些 ing 型的介词,在句子中也有分词、动名词和连词的语法功能。excluding 和 including,表示排除与包含。
Last year British sales to the region were more than $$8 billion, while French exports, excluding arms brought in around $$3 billion. 去年,英国对这个地区的销售额达80多亿美元,而法国的出口额(武器除外)约为30亿美元。
Stress may deplete vitamin C in your body, as can smoking, drinking and a variety of drugs, not excepting aspirin. 生活紧张会耗尽你体内的维