新视野大学英语3 考试中的阅读理解unit3

2020年07月29日 16:11


Directions:Read the following passage(s) carefully and do the multiple-choice questions.

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the same passage or dialog.
One day, when I was on my way to my high school, another young man who was walking past me decided to show off in front of his friends and show them how “manly” he really was. Without saying a word, he walked up to me and began punching me. Once I began fighting back, he pulled out a gun and pointed it straight at me. After seeing this, I ran as fast as I could towards my school, hearing the group of boys laughing badly behind me. While most people hold the belief that inner-city schools can only hinder the learning process, I would argue that these schools provide experiences which enrich one’s education simply because of their location (位置) in the city.
To clarify this point, I must first describe the ways in which Saint Ignatius High School is different from the typical inner-city school. This private, Catholic (天主教的) institution consists mostly of white students who come from wealthy families. Although Saint Ignatius is in the city, it also gives its students one of the best education in the state.
Society usually tends to focus on the negative side of inner-city schools. Many people like to stereotype (模式化) these schools which, while these general statements may be true in some cases, tend to be worse most of the time.
Take Mrs. Borroni, my Spanish teacher, for example. She would often take time out of her class to tell her students about the numerous activities after class with which we should get involved. She loved her job so much that she stayed after school every day to moderate activities such as Amnesty International and the Spanish Club. Her students, including me, joined all of the clubs which she moderated just because she made them so interesting. Because of Mrs. Borroni, I got heavily involved in the school's activities and learned a lot in the process. (313 words)

B author's argument that inner-city schools "provide experiences which enrich one's education simply because of their location in the city" is based on ________.

A. consensus opinion

B. his personal experience

C. a film he saw

D. a story he read in a book

C Ignatius High School differs from the typical inner-city school in all the following except __________________.

A. minority students

B. poor students

C. location in a city

D. inferior education system

A people tend to speak more of __________________.

A. the negative sides of inner-city school

B. teachers' lack of love for teaching at St. Ignuatius

C. students' lack of love for learning at St. Ignuatius

D. daily fights at St. Ignatius

D the following describes Mrs. Borroni except _______________.

A. hard-working

B. considerate

C. responsible

D. indifferent

B seems tha
t the author's attitude toward inner-city school is _________________.

A. optimistic

B. defensive

C. critical

D. bitter
Questions 56 to 60 are based on the same passage or dialog.
Throughout my childhood, I rarely ever heard about any kind of crime. Obviously I was going to have to behave (表现) a little bit differently in this new environment. Because of St. Ignatius's view as an essential part of the community, people could not exactly be banned from walking around the campus during the day. This meant that I would sometimes see homeless people begging for money as I ran from class to class. One day I ran into someone begging on the corner near school. I decided to give the homeless person a dollar. At the time I saw no reason in my teachers' warnings. For the next week straight, this man waited for me at the same place in the hopes that I would give him more money. He hassled me every day until I finally told him that I was not going to give him anything else. Because this may have been an unusual case, I did not want to make any conclusions about homeless people. However, I did learn from this experience that I should probably listen to my teachers more often on issues such as this one.
Students' lives become enriched simply by attending an inner-city school. For someone who had lived in the suburbs all his life, such as myself, a new style of living can be experienced. If St. Ignatius High School were not in the middle of Cleveland, I would not have had so many opportunities to grow and mature as a person. Going to school in the city helped me to overcome the childish views I once had, and I am now better prepared to take on the challenges which await me in life. (282 words)

B did people there walk around the campus during the day?

A. Because the local people came to learn here.

B. Because his school was viewed as an essential part of the community.

C. Because his school was opened to all people.

D. Because the local people wanted to take shortcuts.

C the sentence in Paragraph 1 "He hassled me every day until I finally told him that I was not going to give him anything else.", the word "hassled" means __________________.

A. attacked

B. begged

C. troubled

D. asked

B lessons did the author learn from the beggar's case?

A. He realized how dangerous it was as a middle school student.

B. He learned from the experience that he should listen to his teachers on the issue.

C. He decided he would not help anyone anymore.

D. He thought all homeless people were bad.

C of the following statements is not the evidence that students' lives became enriched by attending an inner-city school?

A. The religious aspect of one's life grew.

B. One was easily able to get involved in community.

C. One would never make mistakes.

D. One became much more aware of the dangers which exist in the city

C 60.t______________ makes the author better prepared to take on the challenges which await him in life.

A. His teachers

B. The curriculum of St. Ignatius

C. His life experience at St. Ignatius

D. His religious belief







