
2020年07月29日 17:47


? - Conditions values?
- 正常 Unchanged.
- 好了,奥托 - 船长,我们有… .
12:30? Twelve .
奥托,你干嘛不叫醒我 做早晨的例行报告? why didn't you wake me for morning announcements?
老实说,这恐怕是我在这儿唯一能做的事 Honestly it's the one thing that I can deal on this ship
各位早上好啊 Well good moring everybody.
今天将是你在船上度过的第255,642天 And e the day of 255 642 on board in the Axiom.
和平时一样, As always.
今日天气宜人 Weather's above ...
气温22摄氏度,阳光普照… 22 degrees and sunny and... hey.
哦,嘿,我看见飞船日志上显示 I see the ship's log is showing that
今天是我们五年巡游的700周年纪念日 today's our 700 annual anniversary of our 5 years .
我相信我们的父辈们将会很骄傲 I'm sure our four fathers will be proud to know that
因为700多年后的今天我们还在做着 他们当初做的事情 700 years later we've been doing the exact same thing they were doing.
还有,记得下一次用餐要一份免费的… So be sure next meal time to ask for your free
…“百年纪念” ."Sep tu a centennial"
杯装蛋糕! cup cake in a cup!
哇,看起来真不错 Wow look at that.
同时,今天我们还将… Also today we have a ...
嘿,嘿,奥托,那个按钮 干嘛一直闪? Adom what is that flashing button?
船长, captain.
探测机器人伊芙带来了好消息 probe Eve return a positive.
好消息? positive?
伊娃! Eva.
可是 but.
没有哪个探测机器人 No probes
带回来过好消息… ever come back positive.
…从来没有 Before.
你好啊船长,恭喜! Greetings and congratulations captain.
如果你看到这个录像,就说明我们的 If you're seeing this that means
外太空植物检测仪… Your Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluater
…也就是伊芙探测器 Or EVE Probe
已经从地球 带回来一个经确认… Has return from earth with a
…能进行光合作用的样本 confirm specimen of on going photosynthesis
没错,这就是说,是时候回家了 That's means it's time to go back home.
家? Home?
我们回家? We're going back?
既然地球已经恢复到 生命可以延续的状态… Now the eath is restore to a life sustaining status.
…嘿,那我们就可以开始 “再移民计划”了 my buddy We could be get our region recolonize.
只要依照手册上的指示, Simply follow this manual instructions.
将植物… To place the plant
…放入飞船的探测槽 In your ship's holo-detector.
公理 And the Axiom.
将立即自动导航返回地球 will immediatly navigate your return to earth.
易如反掌吧! It's that easy.
不过由于太空的微重力 But the effects of microgravity
你和你的乘客可能会… you and your passengers may have suffered some...
…出现轻微的骨质疏松 sli

安全,安全,安全 Clear! Clear! Clear!
伊娃! Eva!
瓦力! Wall-E!
瓦力! Wall-E!
哦,天啊! Oh my.
停下! Hold.
注意!危险的机器人 Caution! Rogue robots.
注意!危险的机器人 Caution! Rogue robots.
注意!危险的机器人 Caution! Rogue robots.
瓦力! Walle.
注意!危险的机器人 Caution! Rogue robots.
瓦力! Walle.
注意!危险的机器人 Caution! Rogue robots.
伊娃! Eva.
伊娃? Eva.
(回)地球 Earth.
地球! Earth.
(需要)指令 directive.
瓦力 Walle.
瓦力! Walle.
植物! Plant.
瓦力 Walle.
伊娃! Eva. Walle.
达到航行速度 Cruising speed
现在可在舱内自由活动 You are now creative movement in cabin
20秒后将自爆 20 seconds to self destruct
10秒后将自爆 10 seconds to self destruct
10,9,8,7,6… ten.
5,4,3,2… six.
不!不! .

伊娃! Eva.
瓦力! Walle.
瓦力! Walle.

- 瓦力 - 等…等… Walle.
伊娃 Eva.
瓦力! Walle.

瓦力 Walle.
哦,好多星星啊! Oh so many stars.

嘿!嘿,那是… 他叫什么来着? Hey that's...what's the name?
- 嘿, Hey
你干什么… what the...
- 看呐!看,看! Look.
看那儿! Look at that.
嘿,我知道那小家伙 I know that guy.
叫…瓦力! It's...um...Walle.
- 就是他!瓦力! That's .
嘿!是我啊, Hi Buddy.
约翰! - 嗨,瓦力 It's your buddy John Hi.
嗨 Hi.
嗨 Hi.

解释“舞会” Define "hold down".
舞会,一种社交场合 Hold down. A social gathering in which
人们会在舞会中翩然起舞 In which likly dancing will take place.
奥托!真是太神奇了! Adam This is amazing!
这些东西叫农场! These are called farms.
人类把种子种到地里 Humans put seeds into the ground.
在上面浇水… put water on them...
…然后食物就长出来了,比如披萨! ...and they grow food like pizza.
晚安,船长 Good night Captain.

嘿!计算机! Computer.
解释“舞蹈” Define dancing.
舞蹈, Dancing.A series of movements.
由两个人参与的一系列动作… Involving in two partners
…其速度,节奏与音乐高度和谐 With speed and rhythm mulch harmonic with music.

露天浴场正在关闭 The leader deck is now closing
- 停下! - 你倒是来啊
我都不知道我们还有泳池 I didn't know we had a pool
禁止戏水,禁止潜水 no splashing no diving
禁止戏水…禁止… No splashing... no...
Deliver to axiom superior

伊娃! (又打开功放“It only takes a moment…”) Eva
(这是)命令! Directive

完美的着陆! A perfect landing!
我们到了! We're here everybody
耶,船长!船长, yeah captain
我们到了 captain we're home
了! it's so beautiful
啊,这不算什么 no it's nothing guys
我很乐意为你们服务 I was pleased to this
这…这全是为了你们 it's all about you people
不是为了我,这… not about me

怎么? how
你怎么找到的? how did you find it

我们可以回家了! we can go back home
这是头一次! for the first time
那儿现在什么样了? what's it like now
不,不,不!别告诉我 no no...don't tell me
我要自己看 I wannt to a see for myself

等等, wait
这看起来不像是地球啊 that doesn't look like earth
蓝天在哪? where's the blue sky

绿地在哪? where's the grass
当你低落时 就请穿上节日盛装
我听过这首歌 I know that song
跳舞, they're...dancing
对,跳舞 yes dancing
你挺过来了,对吧,小家伙? You made somehow huh little guy?
你没放弃,不是吗? you didn't give up did you

撑住! wait a minute
“启动摄像装置” activating security camera

伊娃? eva
伊娃! eva
瓦力 wall-e

伊娃? eva
伊娃? eva
伊娃 eva

伊娃 eva
伊娃 eva
外来污染物 foreign contaminant

来吧,小家伙 there you go little guy
你为了喝点水可跑了不少路啊 you came a long way for a drink of water
得找个人照顾你, Just need someone who will look after you
那才是… that's..
我们必须回去! we have to go back
奥托!下来 auto come down here
是,是,船长 aye aye sir
瓦力? wall-e
奥托,伊芙找到植物了 auto we found the plant
启动探测槽 Porne I holo-detector.
没必要,船长 not necessary captain
交给我就可以 i will make it for you
你猜怎么着? 我要亲自来 you know what?I should do it myself
船长! captain
船长, Sir
我坚持要求 你把植物给我 I insist you give me the plant
奥托,闪开! AUTO get out of my way
- 你不能回去 We can not go home
- 你说什么呢? what are you talking about
为什么不行? why not
那是机密 this's classified
船长,给我植物 Captain give me the plant
什么叫那是机密? what do you mean classified
你不能对船长保密 you don't keep secret from captain
- 给我植物 give me the plant
- 为什么是机密? tell me why is classified
- 给我植物 Give me plant.
- 告诉我, tell auto
这是命令! that's the order
是,船长 aye aye sir
嘿,你好啊,机器人舵手 Hey dear autopilots
我有些坏消息 got some bad news
清洁行动…失败了 Operation Clean Upheads...Well uh failed.
有毒物质的含量不断升高 地球已经不适合生命的生存 You know raising toxics levels made life unsustainable on Earth
不适合生存? unsustainable?
什么? what
恐怕我要取消“再移民计划”了… I'm afraid we gonna have to cancel "Operation Recolonize". So...
以呆在那,嗯… so just stay the course
别想着解决这问题了… rather than trying to fix this problem
…或许大家都呆在太空中更容易些 it will be just easier for everyone to remain in space
容易? easier
- 总裁先生…总裁先生 - 但我以为…嗯? ent I think
- 该走了! we have to go
- 好,我现在下发… okay
…A113号优先执行命令 机器人舵手有权… I'm giving overide directive A113 go to full auto pilot...take control of everything

…掌管飞船一切事宜 不要回地球 and do not return to the earth
重复一遍,不要回地球! repeat do not return to the earth
赶紧离开这鬼地方 let's get the heck outta here
现在, now
给我植物 the plant
不!等会! no wait a minute
计算机,那则信息 是什么时候发到公理的? Computer when was that message sent to Axiom
此信息于2110年收到 Message received in the year 2110.

那…那差不多是700年前了! That's... That's nearly 700 years ago!
奥托,情况都变了! auto thing've changed
我们一定要回去! we gotta go back
船长,命令是 Sir the orders are
“不要回到地球” "Do not return to Earth"
但生命已经可以生存了 But life is sustainable now
瞧瞧这株植物! Look at this plant
这么绿,这么生机勃勃 green and growing
这是活生生的证据,他错了! its living proof he was wrong
- 无关,船长 Irrelevant captain
- 这完全有关! What completely relevant?
我们的家在那儿 out there is our home
家,奥托! home auto
而它现在正需要帮助 and it's in trouble
我不能就这么坐着无所事事 I can just sit there and do nothing
我一直以来干的就是这种事! it's all I ever done
那也是这艘该死的飞船上所有人干得事! That's all everyone in this blasted ship has ever done!
那就是无所事事! nothing
只有在公理你才能生存 on the Axiom you will survive
我不想“生存”! 我想“生活”! I don't want to survive I want to live
请听从我的指示 Just following my directive.
我才是公理的船长 I am the captain of Axiom
我们今天就回家! we are going home today
4号执行者?嘿! GO-4
简直是造反! this is mutiny
伊芙,抓住他! eva arrest him
伊芙,你要把这株植物直接放进探测槽 EVE you have to put this plant straight in the holo-detector
不! no
伊娃? eva
- 瓦力! - 瓦力! wall-e
伊娃! eva
- 瓦力! wall-e
- 扔过来!把它扔过来! Throw the plant! Throw it to me!
伊娃! eva
伊娃! eva
把植物交给我 give me the plant
不! no
禁止一切通讯 All communications are terminated
- 你将被软禁在寓所 You're confined in your quarters.
- 不!造反了!造反了! no
“重启” reboot
瓦力? wall-e
注意!密封舱启动 以进行废物处理 Caution! Activating airlock disposa
to Earth
We’re gonna find new priorities
These are extraordinary qualities
We’re coming down to the ground
There’s no better place to go
We’ve got snow up on the mountains
We’ve got rivers down below
We’re coming down to the ground
We hear the birds sing in the trees
And the land will be looked after
We send the seeds out in the breeze
We’re coming down to the ground
There’s no better place to go
We’ve got snow up on the mountains
We’ve got rivers down below
We’re coming down to the ground
We hear the birds sing in the trees
And the land will be looked after
We send the seeds out in the breeze
We’re gonna find new priorities
These are extraordinary qualities







