新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材泛读教程3 课后习题答案 pretest
2020年07月29日 18:43
dwarf——made appear small n.侏儒 vt.使矮小
stumble——move slowly and heavily vi. 踌躇;失足;犯错
beckon——attracted vt. 召唤;吸引
cavernous——vast and dark adj.大而深邃的
intricate——complicated adj. 复杂的
hustle and hustle——busy action 催促
astound——astonished vt. 使惊骇;使震惊
antique——ancient and valuable n.古董 adj.古老的
dilemma——difficult choice 困境
gourmet——person who is expert in the choice of food n.美食家
intrusion——disturbances n.闯入
at stake——at risk 在危急关头
threshold——doorway n.极限,门槛
valid——acceptable adj. 正当的,有效的
convert——change v.变成.改变
humiliate——made...feel ashamed vt.使...丢脸;羞辱
cue——signal n.提示,暗示,线索
seminar——classes for discussion n,研讨会
identify——know vt.识别
ultimate——final adj.最终的,根本的
access——means of approachinng n.接近,进入
cumulative——increasing in quantity adj.积累的
estate transaction——business dealing 房地产交易
flourish——prosper n.兴旺,炫耀
laborious——wearisome adj.艰苦的,勤劳的,费劲的
advent——arrival n.到来,出现
dues——money paid for membership n.手续费,会费,捐款
makeshift——substitute n.权宜之计 adj.临时的,凑活的
materialize--- to become actual fact使具体化
thimbleful--- of very small quantity少量
effluent --- liquid waste污水,废气
holocaust--- mass murder屠杀
congeal---to become cold and solid凝固,凝结
pall---- dark covering覆盖;使乏味
loom--- to appear as large shape that is not clear正在逼近的
the penny dropped--- things become clear
shield--- to protect保护,遮蔽
runaway--- not being under control of its owner逃走
cleanse--- to clean the skin of sth or wound净化.使...纯净
fetid--- smelling unpleasant臭的
manifestation——evidence n.显示,表现.示威活动
remedy——cure vt.治疗.纠正
classic——typical adj.古典的,传统的
alternate——occur by turns vt,交替,轮流
subconscious——unintentionally adv.下意识的,潜意识的
convey——communicate vt.传达,运输
snap out of = get out of 振作
elaborate ——careful adj.精心制作的;详尽的
condemnation——disapproval n.谴责,定罪
persist——continue vt.坚持,固执
subtle——slight adj.微妙的.敏感的.狡猾的.
formulate——work out vt.明确表达;规划
poll——questioned vt/n.民意检测,投票
legislation ——law n.立法,法律
survey——study n.调查,测量
ravels regularly vt.交换;减刑
champion——support n.冠军,战士 vt.支持,拥护
set in——starting 即将开始
divert——use differently vt.转移
testimony——proof n.证据,证词
parallel——similarities adj.平行的,类似的.相同的
rampant——widespread adj.猖獗的,蔓延的
credibility——believability n. 可信性;确实性
spawn——created vt.产卵
bizarre——strange adj.奇异的(态度,容貌,款式)
exhilarate——exciting vt. 使高兴,使振奋
ignite ——caused vt.使燃烧;使激动
rein in——denied 控制,放慢
disavow——restraining vt.抵赖.否认
highbrow——cultured adj.卖弄学问的;有文化的
contain——express vt.包含,控制
admission admit admissible admissibly
reliance rely reliable reliably
definition define definite definitely
assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assumingly
behavior behave behavioral behaviorally
variety vary various/varied variously/variedly
part/partiality part partial partially
manager/management manage managerial managerially
correlation correlate correlative correlatively
adaption/adaptation adapt adaptive adaptively
assumption assume assumed / assuming assumedly / assumingly
acknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedly
reflection reflect reflective reflectively
domination dominate dominant dominantly
category categorize categorical categorically
implication imply implicative implicatively
reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringly
definition define definite definitely
availability avail available Availably
conquest conquer Conquering / conquered Conqueringly
luxury luxuriate luxurious Luxuriously
origin originate original Originally
occurrence occur Occurrent
system systematize Systematical / systematic Systematically
phonology phonological Phonologically
decision decide Decided/decisive Decidedly / decisively
variety vary various Variously
superiority superior Superiorly
occupataion, occupy, occupational, occupationally
segregation, segregate, segregated
discrimination, discriminate, discriminating / discriminatory, discriminatingly / discriminatorily
enforcement, enforce, enforceable, enforceably
exclusion, exclude, exclusive, exclusively
perseverance, persevere, persevering, perseveringly
conviction, convict, convictive, convictively
amendment, amend, amendable
superficiality, superficialize, superficial, superficially
spectator, spectate, spectatorial
consequence, , consequent / consequential, consequently/consequentially
sophisticatiion, sophisticate, sophisticated, sophisticatedly
reference, refer, referable, referably
conversation, converse, conversational, conversationally
space, space, spatial/spacious, spatially/spaciously
detach, detachable/detached, detachably/detachedly
intervention, intervene, intervening
type, typify, typical, typically
information, inform, informative, informatively
specification, specify, specific, specifically
addition, add, additional /additive, additionally / additively
specialty, specialize, special, specially
narration, narrate, narrative, narratively
extension, extend, exxtensive, extensively
origin, originate, original, originally
explosion, explode, explosive, explosively
ambiguity, , ambiguous, ambiguously
establishment, establish, established
symptom, symptomize, symptomatic, symptomatically
longing, long, longing, longingly
addition, add, additional additive, additionally / additively
manifestation, manifest, manifest, manifestly
depression, depress, depressed / depressing, depressedly / depressingly
invariability, , invariable, invariably
separation, separate, separate, separately
condemnation, condemn, condemnable, condemnably
imagination, imagine, imaginary, imaginarily
affection, affect, affecting, afeectingly
Prevention, prevent, preventive, preventively
Federation, federate, federal, federally
Inadequacy, , inadequate, inadequately
Deception, deceive, deceptive, deceptively
Prosperity, prosper, prosperous, prosperously
Life, live, live/living/alive
Effect, effect, effective, effectively
Evaluation, evaluate, evaluable /evaluative
Resident, reside, residential, residentially
Vision, vision, visional /visionary, visionally / visionarity
contradiction contradict contradictory contradictorily
center center central centrally
seduction seduce seductive seductively
necessity necessitate necessary necessarily
visibility visualize visible visibly
mobilization mobilize mobilizable mobilizably
function function functional functionally
dominance dominate dominant dominantly
selection select selective selectively
vocality vocalize vocal vocally