新视野(New horizon)大学英语视听说教程第一版答案全(Unit1~Unit10)
2020年07月29日 20:57
1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A
1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F
1. beautiful and clear 2. blend well 3. sister 4. worry too much 5. more important
Task 3: Mozart
1. Which of the following is true of Mozart? D
2. How long has Mozart’s fame lasted? A
3. Which of the following is true of the four-year-old Mozart? B
4. What could Mozart do at the age of six? C
5. Which of the following is not mentioned as one of Mozart’s accomplishments while he was in his early teens? C
1. F 2. F 3.T 4.T 5.F
II. Listening Skills
1. A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B
1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B
1. He likes to see movies and comment on them.
2. Four.
3. Three.
4. One.
Contents and Characteristics
Monsoon Wedding
It is about an Indian wedding. Preparations for it reveal love and a past rape. The movie shows Indian customs, family and love.
It is too fast for the speaker, who wants to see it again on DVD with captions.
The Pianist
It is about a Jewish pianist in Warsaw. The Nazis sent his family to the concentration camps. He was safe, and this narrow escape was due to good luck and the kindness of a few non-Jews.
Rabbit-Proof Fence
It is about three native girls. Racist police separate them from their families and send them to special centers. There they are taught practical skills. The government intends to integrate them into white Australian society. They ran away from the camp and walked 1,500 miles to find their mothers.
1. A 2.C 3.D
VI. Furthering Listening and Speaking
1. memorizing lines
2. remember one line
3. I hear the guns roar
4. a loud boom
5. his line
1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F
1. D 2.C 3.A 4.B
Listening Skills
1. M: Will you love and keep him in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?
W: I will.
Q: Who is the woman?
2. W: Mike, wake up1 It is time to go to school. Hurry up or you’re going to be late!
M: Don’t worry. I can sleep all day long. Did you forget today is Martin Luther King’s birthday?
Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?
3. M: Could I see your driver’s license and registration, please? W: What’s the matter, officer? Q: Who is the man?
4. M: I’d like to ask you about the research paper you assigned that we have to do by the end of the semester.
W: ok. What would you like to know? Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?
5. W: I’ve cleaned the windows, mopped the floors, and folded the laundry. Is there anything else that you would like me to do before I cal lit a day?
M: Did you do the living room yet?
Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?
1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.A
Listening In
原文: Don’t be a chicken!
Gilbert: Hey, Henry, is Sarah coming with us?
Henry: Yes. Why?
Gilbert: Noth
ing. I’m just asking.
Henry: Just asking? But why is your face flaming red? Ah-huh, someone has a crush on Sarah, doesn’t he?
Gilbert: Who has a crush?!
Henry: Come on, Gilbert, don’t be such a chicken. If you like her, just go and tell her. Maybe she likes you.
Gilbert: But I don’t have the guts to ask her out.
Henry: What are you so afraid of?
Gilbert: I’d totally die if she turned me down.
Henry: But that’s better than keeping everything to yourself. You’ve got to let her know. Come on! You’ve got to take a chance!
Gilbert: I don’t know… Well, maybe you’re right, but how am I going to tell her I like her?
1. go out 2. flaming red 3. has a crush on 4. a chicken 5. likes
6. the guts 7. turn him down 8. know 9. keeping everything to himself
10. how to tell her
2-1.F F T T F
原文:Before the wedding, the groom went up to the minister with an unusual offer. "Look, I'll give you
$$100 if you'll change the wedding vows. When you get to the part where I'm expected to promise to 'love,
respect and obey her,' 'giving up all others,' and 'be true to her forever,' I'd be happy if you'd
just leave that part out." He gave the minister the cash and walked away with a light heart. The
wedding day arrived, and the bride and groom reached that part of the ceremony where they make vows
to each other. When it was time for the groom's vows, the minister looked the young man in the eye and
said, "Will you promise to kneel before her, obey her every command and wish, serve her breakfast in
bed every morning of your life and make a vow before God and your lovely wife that you will never even
look at another woman, as long as you both shall live?" The groom was shocked, but in spite of himself,
he said in a low voice, "Yes, I will." Then the groom whispered to the minister, "I thought we had a
deal." The minister put the $$100 into his hand and whispered back, "She made me a much better offer."
2-2.通俗版(私人版):Because the bride gave more money to the minister.
参考答案:Because the bride made him an offer much better than 100 dollars.
3-1.A B C D
Let's talk
Dating Description
a picnic
Double dating
Group dating
Adult dating
Blind dating never
原文:Before marriage, younger Americans date each other, that is, they often go out together.
Casual dating usually begins in the early teens, and in the late teens a pattern of steady
dating develops. There is a great possibility that one goes to a dance with one person, to a
football game with another, and to a picnic with a third. Sometimes two couples go out together.
This is known a
s "double dating." Group dating is also popular among young people. Large groups
of boys and girls may go around together. Young people may go out together for a long time, which
is, in effect, a public statement of their intention to marry. Men and women go out together a
great deal, especially those in cities. This is "adult dating". They ski together, dine together,
either at restaurants or in each other's homes. The American dating system is a rather casual one.
Often young Americans who hardly know each other go out on dates. It is also acceptable for them
to arrange a "blind date", that is, a date between two young people who have not met before.
Further listening and speaking
L1.B D C A
L2.F T F T T
L3. (1)shining (2)hold (3)lost (4)belong (5)believe
(6)whole (7)wake (8)whisper (9)waited (10)beside
Listening Skills
1.(1) Make yourself heard. (2) We lead. Others copy. (3) Ask for More.
(4) No business too small, no problem too big. (5) She works while you rest.
(6) Obey your thirst. (7) Don't leave home without it.
(8) Drivers wanted. (9) Good to the last drop.
Listening In
1(1). shoes (2). look kind of funny (3. there is still a lot of life left (4). ad
(5). give him extra spring (6).as much money (7). need extra spring (8). millions of dollars
(9).wearing the shoes (10). wear (11). for nothing (12). reach the top
(13). because of (14). something lese (15). hard work and dedication
(16). focus/concentrate on udies (17). forget
1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F
1. A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.C
A firm
advertised for a friendly employee;
Was asked to change the wording
discrimination against unfriendly people
requested for a friendly employee
to provide food for its staff/employees
The Job Center
told the Travelco managing director to remove the word “friendly”
The managing director
said was told not to use that word; thought it was ridiculous
It was natural to specify the kind of people they wanted
added that the people at the center thought they had been a little over the top
The center
had decided that certain words were not allowed; e.g. motivated, enthusiastic
An official
said they had guidelines of not using personality characteristics
no discrimination
added that they should leave the dispute to the local judges
to make the final decision
maybe a member of their staff had been over-enthusiastic
in cutting words
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D
II. 1. A 2. B 3.B 4.D 5.C
III. 1. allowed movie theater
2. a ticket
3. well trained intelligent human
problem leave the theater any other dog seen
5. almost empty
1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A
Actions and Words
A dog
walked into a butcher’s shop with five dollars;
fixed eyes on the lamb chops and barked—wanted some.
The butcher
picked up the worst/lowest quality chops.
The dog
barked angrily and continuously
The butcher
selected the finest chops;
took the money.
The dog
The butcher
wanted to own/have such a dog;
followed the dog.
The dog
entered an apartment house
climbed to the third floor;
scratched on the door.
A man
opened the door;
yelled at the dog.
The butcher
asked him to stop,
saying it was the smartest/cleverest animal;
explained how the dog had got the best lamb chops.
The man
looked at him sideways;
said it was the third time this week the dog had forgotten his key.
VI. Furthering Listening and Speaking
Task 1: A Birthday Present
Mary: David, how did your mom like the dog you gave her for a birthday gift?
David: Oh, Mary, she was delighted. It licked her hand and wagged its tail and she was hooked.
Mary: What did she call it?
David: She’s calling it “Brian”, after a friend of hers.
Mary: Your mom always did have a sense of humor. I read somewhere that dogs can become very close to their owners.
David: I’ve heard that. I saw an interview on TV with a man who had epileptic attacks, and his dog would warn him before he would have an attack.
Mary: Really? I wonder how they can do that1
David: It ahs something to do with the dog’s sense of smell. It’s very keen.
Mary: Do you think Brian will be able to foretell when your mom is going to roast a chicken?
After David gave his mom a dog as a birthday present, she was very pleased, for the dog licked her hand and wagged its tail. She called it Brian after one of her friends. Mary read an article which says that dogs can be faithful to their owners/masters. David agreed, for he saw a TV interview which introduced a dog that could warn its master of an epileptic attack. He explained that this ability of the dog’s has something to do with its keen sense of smell. Jokingly, Mary said she wounded whether the dog Brian can foretell/predict when David’s mom is going to roast a chicken.
Task 2: 100 Percent Polar Bear
One afternoon in the Arctic, a father polar bear and his son polar bear were sitting in the snow. The son turned to his father and asked, “Dad, am I 100 percent polar bear?” “Of course, son, you’re 100 percent polar bear.”
A few minutes passed, and the bear turned to his father again and said, “Dad, tell me the truth. I can take it. Am I 100 percent polar bear? No brown bear or panda bear?” “Son, I’m 100 percent polar bear and your mother is 100 percent polar bear, so you’re certainly 100 percent polar bear.”
A few minutes passed, and the son polar bear again turned to his father and asked, “Dad, don’t worry. But it’ll hurt my feelings if it’s not true. I really need
to know…am I really 100 percent polar bear?”
Somewhat angered by this continued questioning, the father polar bear yelled at his son, “Why on earth do you keep asking is you’re 100 percent polar bear?”
“Because I’m freezing to death out here!”
1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F
Task 3: An Introduction to Advertising
“Are you ready to go to work?” a woman asks her dog Sydney. The dog was her tail. Then she starts sniffing around inside the house. Sydney is hunting for mold. When she sits down, that means she smells mold nearby. Usually mold is found within three or four feet. A boy who lives in this house has epileptic attacks. It could be from mold. His mother wanted to find the mold. She tried other ways to find it, but they didn’t work. She said she trusted the dog more than the other ways. Workers found mold near where Sydney sat. Nobody had thought to look for mold there before. Now it can be cleaned out and the boy will feel much better.
Sydney is very special. Only about ten animals in the U.S. can do this. She spent hundreds of hours with a police dog trainer in Florida to learn how. In the U.S., people have used dogs to find drugs and bombs for a long time, but dogs that find mold are something new.
People in Europe have used mold-sniffing dogs for many years. Dogs are cheaper to use than human trackers and can find exactly where the mold is. They also do it quickly and for less than %500. Other methods may cost thousands of dollars and take many weeks.
1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D
A Funeral for a Dead Fish
Nancy: Westerners often take pets as their friends, even their family members. Especially dogs They think dogs are man’s best friends.
Michael: What pets do people usually keep?
Nancy: A lot. Fish, cats, horses… anything could be a pet.
Michael: Do you have a pet?
Nancy: I have three fish. One day, the fish called Susan died. We even had a funeral for her.
Michael: A funeral?
Nancy: Yes, usually it’s a ceremony for dead people. But we had a funeral for the dead fish.
Michael: Sounds interesting.
Nancy: Well, I need to go back to feed my fish. Talk to you later.
Michael: OK, bye.
II. Listening Skills
Dialog 1
Girl 1: What do you think of this miniskirt, Amy? Pretty hot stuff, eh?
Girl 2: Wow…it’s pretty short. My mom would never let me wear something like that.
Girl 1: My mom’s cool. She lets me make my own decisions about clothes.
Girl 2: Not my mom. She’d be mad if I came home in a skirt like that.
Girl 1: Let’s both got one; then maybe your mom wouldn’t be so upset if we both wore the same skirt.
Girl 2: Well…maybe.
1.D 2. The first girl(The girl who suggests wearing the short skirt.)
Dialog 2
Mother: Lily, where did you get that skirt? You can’t wear that. It’s much too short! What will others think?
Lily: You don’t understand fashion. It’s what everyone is wearing
. I think it looks very attractive.
Mother: Nonsense, it’s only suitable for a supermodel on the catwalk. It’s not meant for ordinary people like us. Your dad is sure to say the skirt is far too revealing!
Lily: But it’s really in high fashion; everyone is wearing clothes like this.
Mother: Not everyone. Your friend Amy would never wear a skirt like that!
[Amy comes in, wearing the same style of short skirt!]
Lily: Look, Amy has come. She’s wearing the same skirt!
Mother: My God, I give up.
1. B 2. No, she hasn’t.
III. Listening In
Task 1: A Woman’s Funny Dress
Lily: Mom, look at that woman. Her dress looks funny.
Mother: I wouldn’t say that, Lily. It looks fine to me.
Lily: Are you kidding? She’s out of fashion. That’s last year’s style.
Mother: Oh, come one, as long as it looks good on her.
Lily: Wow, you’re really as out-dated as she is.
Mother: You’re right. I’m out of date. So what? What’s the point of following the fashion?
Lily: No wonder you never buy me new dresses.
1. looks funny
2. looks fine to her
3. is behind the times
4. went out
5. looks good on her
6. out-dated
7. keeping herself in style
8. no wonder
Task 2: How is fashion decided?
Fashion designers design and make fashionable clothes for men and women. They deign trends and create new styles. Paris has been the traditional center of world fashion, though recently British designers have had great influence in setting new styles, and so have certain designers in the United States and Italy. French designers guard the secrets of their new designs until their collections are shown to the public. Then pictures of the styles are published in newspapers and magazines all over the world. People from many countries travel to Paris to buy the clothes and copy the newest ideas. In January they go to see the spring clothes; and in July, to see the autumn designs. Many dress manufacturers from other countries buy the original clothes of the famous French designers. They then take them back to their own sewing rooms, where the clothes are copied and made up in great numbers. That’s why you may be able to buy in your town the clothing that is in the latest style without paying a very high price for it. Other manufacturers use the Paris styles simply as a starting point for their own ideas. Still others may adapt only a part of the French design into their own styles.
1. F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F
Fashion designers design fashionable clothes,
begin trends and new styles,
and their work is copied all over the world.
Paris is the center of the world fashion, where the secrets of the new designs are guarded until they are shown to the public
People and manufacturers come to Paris to buy and copy new clothes, in January and July. Then the clothes are copied and made
up in large numbers, for which one does not have to pay a high price.
Other manufacturers use Paris styles simply as a starting point for their own ideas.
Still others adapt only a part of the French design
Task 3: Dreaming of Being a Fashion Model
Top fashion models travel all over the world, earn huge salaries and live exciting lives. If you want to be a model, you should know the basic rules. Girls are usually picked to be models when they are between 15 and 22 years old. Ideally, they are tall, long-legged, and thin. The minimum height is about 5’8”, and the average weight is 108-125 pounds. A few other important things for a fashion model are clear skin, healthy hair, straight teeth, and a well-shaped body. You’ll also need ambition, intelligence, confidence, independence, and will-power.
If you’ve got the right looks but are worried over not being tall enough or fit enough, Kimi is the answer. Kimi is the magic key to developing your fashion model potential. Kimi is a computer-designed stimulator. It massages your feet to stimulate a part of your brain that produces more growth hormones. This will give you the fashion model kind of height. You should also go in for some sports like running or basketball. These increase the benefits of using Kimi.
Make an important decision today. Order Kimi right now! Don’t you think having the hegith and shape of a fashion model would be wonderful? Yes, Kimi helps you realize your dream.
1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C
Top fashion models…..earning large salaries
Future models…..being at least 5’8” tall
Kimi…………..massaging one’s feet
A part of the brain……producing growth hormones directly
Customers…….buying Kimi
IV. Speaking Out
Model 1 How did you like the fashion show?
Laura: How did you like the fashion show last night?
John: It was dumb. I think it’s stupid of women to wear clothes like that.
Laura: I didn’t see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me.
John: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets?
Laura: Yes, I do. At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth.
John: Well, I still think they’re dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.
Now Your Turn
A: What did you think of the low-cut dress at the fashion show yesterday evening?
B: I think it’s not decent for Chinese girls to wear a dress like that.
A: The dress seemed quite al right to me. In fact, they looked pretty nice to me.
B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets?
A: Yes, I do. Don’t forget this is already the 21st century. Some people wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style as wealth.
B: Well, I still think low-neck dresses are wrong. It would be bette
r to spend the money on high-quality, traditional clothes.
Model 2 I’m looking for a light jacket.
Salesman: What can I do for you?
John: I’m looking for a light jacket.
Salesman: Please come this way; they’re just over here. What size do you like?
John: I’m not sure.
Salesman: ok, I’ll measure you. Well, you are size 42. What color do you like?
John: Light blue, please.
Salesman: OK, try this one on.
John: Yes, that’s comfortable. And the color goes well with my jeans. How much is it?
Salesman: $$24.99.
John: I’ll take it. Can I pay with a credit card?
Salesman: Sure, we take both debit and major credit cards.
Now Your Turn
A: Can I help you?
B: Can you show me a pair of jeans?
A: OK. What size do you wear?
B: I don’t know.
A: No problem, I’ll take your measurements…OK, what color do you like?
B: Dark blue, please.
A: Please try this one on…How does it feel?
B: Yes, that’s comfortable. And the color matches my jacket. What does it cost?
A: $$79.90.
B: I’ll take it. Can I pay with a credit card? A: Sorry, we accept only cash.
Model 3 Could you show me a pair of running shoes?
Salesman: Good morning, see anything you like?
John: Not yet, I’ll look around first…Excuse me, could you show me a pair of running shoes? Are any of these on sale?
Salesman: The price of the Reeboks won’t change, but the Nikes go on sale this afternoon:25% off. That’s a good deal.
John: No, I don’t like Nikes at all.
Salesman: Well, why don’t you try on this pair of Reeboks and see how they feel?
John: Okay. But I think they are going to be on the small side. Oh, there, I’m afraid are a bit too tight. Do you have a size 24?
Salesman: I’m sorry, they’re all sold out. But I’ll be glad to order a new pair of you.
John: How long will it take?
Salesman: Three days.
John: Then don’t bother. Thank you anyway.
Now Your Turn
A: May I help you?
B: I want to buy a dress. Can I have a look at the green one?
A: Sure. Please try it on and see how it feels. B: OK…I think it’s a bit too large. Do you have a smaller one?
A: I’m sorry, this is the smallest one. How about the blue one?
B: No, I don’t like the color. Thanks.
V. Let’s Talk
The Miniskirt
Mary Quant was a famous dress designer in the 1960s. Her main contribution to fashion history was the miniskirt. During the 1960s many young people were starting to think women could do more in life than be wives and mothers. Clothes became a weapon in the battle between generations. Anything different and daring was soon popular. During this period miniskirts attracted the world’s attention. It was teenagers and very young girls who bought short shirts that displayed their legs. Ms. Quant said that at her fashion shop, young women began demanding shorter and shorter skirts. “If I didn’t make them short enough, the gir
ls that had wonderful legs would take scissors and shorten the skirts themselves.” She said. Eventually, Ms. Quant’s skirts, which arrived in the United States in the mid-60’s, were reduced to about five inches. In parts of Europe and North America the miniskirt represented loose morals. Members of the older generation believed good girls would never appear in miniskirts. But in Ms. Quant’s opinion, short skirts worn with heavy pantyhose would make the girl look childlike. Lately, feminists have come to see mini as a symbol of women’s liberation, as a powerful weapon against the traditional stereotype of the woman simply as wife and mother.
1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B
VI. Furthering Listening and Speaking
Task 1: Paying for the New Clothes
Daughter: Mom, I need some new clothes. Everything I have is out of date. The new semester will be starting soon—can we go shopping?
Mother: You have a closet full of clothes that are still in very good condition. Your father and I already have to pay you university tuition…and there’re the books too.
Daughter: But everyone else will be wearing the latest Levis. And I will look stupid wearing the same old skirts I wore in high school. They are so long. People will think I came form the middle ages.
Mother: But…
Daughter: Maybe I could get a part-time job to help pay for the new clothes.
Mother: No, you need to study. But university is a new experience…maybe we can look for something not too expensive.
Daughter: Wonderful, at least we can have a look.
The daughter wants to buy new clothes, but the mother disagrees, saying she still has a lot of clothes in good condition and the parents have to pay for the university tuition. The daughter argues that she needs clothes in fashion, so as not to look as if she had come form the middle ages. The daughter then suggests getting a part-time job to cover the expenses. Not wanting to affect the daughter’s studies, the mother finally agrees to buy new clothes.
Task 2: A Model’s Description of Her Work
Before the fashion show started, we had a rehearsal. In a small room we were each given a space. A dresser got us into the fashion clothes, then an assistant checked that the style was right—the correct number of buttons undone, the trousers pulled to the right height. Once dressed, we queued up in order by the door. The fashion designer checked that the clothing was as the he wanted. The music started, and we went out. We posed for the photographers, turned and walked back. It was a breeze. I walked back into the room, too excited to realize I was meant to hurry. In the few steps from the door you can throw off quite a few layers of clothing. By failing to do so, I almost missed my next turn.
At 8:30p.m., with the audience in place, we were back in the clothes. We went out again, to a full house. The music was loud, but clear. You could hear the talking—fashion shows are not theatre, and people don’t
keep quiet. Journalists discuss what to write about; buyers discuss whether they can make a profit from the clothes. And although you have been chosen for your looks that are suitable for certain dresses, as a model, you are just an advertisement for the designer. So you walk through conversations, unable to stop or react. You are not a creative human being, just a smiling doll.
1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F
Task 3: Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-dot Bikini
She was afraid to come out of the locker
She was as nervous as she could be
She was afraid to come out of the locker
She was afraid that somebody would see
One, two, three, four, tell people what she wore
It was an itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini
That she wore for the first time today.
An itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini
So in the locker she wanted to stay.
Two, three, four, stick around we’ll tell you more
She was afraid to come out in the open
And so a blanket around her she wore
She was afraid to come out in the open
And so she sat bundled up on the shore
Two, three, four, tell the people what she wore…
Buying an Expensive Dress
Nancy: Your new low-cut dress is wonderful.
Jill: Thank you, Nancy. I just bought it on sale. It was marked d9own 50%.
Nancy: Where did you get it?
Jill: Lane Crawford. They had a year-end sale that was too good to pass up.
Nancy: I heard about this store. They have all the high-end stuff.
Jill: Nothing good in life is cheap.
Nancy: Well, let’s go shopping then. And don’t forget to bring it.
Jill: Bring what?
Nancy: Your credit card.
II. Listening Skills
1. W: How much money is the rent for an apartment in this neighborhood?
M: Your rent should be about a quarter of that.
Q: How much should be the woman’s rent be?
2. M: I paid $$3,500 for this digital camera. It was on sale at a 30$$ discount.
W: It’s a real bargain.
Q: How much did the camera cost originally?
3. M: What’s the rate for an economy car?
W: The daily rate is $$32, unlimited mileage.
Q: How much will the man pay if he rents the car for a week?
4. M: I’ll take these sweaters. How much do they cost?
W: They are $$180 each and four makes a total of $$720. But today we are offering a 20% discount.
Q: How much does the man have to pay?
5. W: What an old car you’ve got!
M: Well, it had run 12,000 miles when I bought it second hand. And it’s covered 3,080 miles since then.
Q: How many miles has the car run?
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B
III. Listening In
Task 1: It’s time to buy.
Mike: Hey, Robert, where are you off to?
Robert: I’m going to talk to a banker about a loan.
Mike: You are short of money? I thought you were the saving type.
Robert: There’s a time to save and a time to spend.
Mike: I know all about spen
ding. What’s the loan for? I have a few bucks I could…
Robert: I’m considering getting a mortgage to buy some property.
Mike: Do you think property is a good investment? I mean, it’s a lot of money.
Robert: Well, Mike, as you know, property values have been going through the roof. If I had bought an apartment two years ago, its value would have gone up by 30 percent today.
Mike: And from what I know, interest rates are low now.
Robert: Exactly. Sounds like a good time to buy.
9. a banker a loan
10. saving save spend
11. a mortgage property
12. Property values
13. risen/gone up/increased by 30 percent
Task 2: Can I have my change please?
Tom was down on his luck and felt he needed a few drinks. Hw went to a bar and had several drinks. When he was done, he stood up and walked toward the door. The barman shouted after him, “Hey mister, are you going to pay for those drinks?”
Tom turned around and replied, “I have already paid you,” and then walked out of the bar. Almost immediately he saw one of his friends Richard and told him about the barman, “Just go in there and drink all you want, then get up and leave. When the barman asks you to pay the bill, just tell him you have already paid.”
This sounded easy enough, so Richard went in and has several drinks. The barman went to him and said, “Before you came in, another man was here. When I asked him to pay his bill, he told me he’d paid, but I don’t remember him paying me.”
Richard said, “I would love to stay and hear your story, but I don’t have time. Can I havemy change please?”
1. A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C
Task 3: Why not just print money?
What’s the solution to a recession, a time of little economic activity? Just print money! Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? Let’s see if this will work by using an example.
Let’s pretend that all the students in your class make up the ENTER population of the country, and the teacher represents the government. Let’s also pretend each student has exactly $$1.00.
Since we are in a recession, let’s have the teacher, who represents the government, print money. He prints $$1.00 more for everyone. Now everyone has $$1.00 more to spend. More money to spend sounds like a great way to get us out of recession, since more money to spend means demand for goods and services.
Then if that works, why don’t we give MORE money away? How about $$100? Now we have lots of money to spend. So no more recession, right?
Not really, because we have only looked at one side of the problem. As more and more people receive more and more money, what’ll happen?
Since everyone has more money, the students all go shopping to spend that extra money. This causes the demand for goods and services to rise, and people who sell goods and services raise price. For example, if you could buy a new music CD at $$10 in the past, now the price could be $$1,000! This is called inflation
So, the original reason for printing all this money was to help get us of recession, but we have only replaced one problem with another.
1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F
IV. Speaking Out
Model 1 I want to blow it all.
John: Hey, Se-Jin, do you want to come shopping with me? My dad just gave me my monthly allowance and I want to blow it all.
Se-Jin: That sounds just like you, John! What do you want to buy?
John: I don’t know…Some music CDs, maybe.
Se-Jin: If you spend all that money on things you don’t even know if you want, you won’t have any money left when you need it.
John: But if I just save my money, that doesn’t s sound like much fun either. Besides, I need some new CDs.
Se-Jin: You also need a financial advisor!
Now Your Turn
A: Hey, do you want to come shopping with me? I just got some money from my part-time job, and I want to get rid of it right away.
B: That’s your style. What do you want to buy?
A: I don’t know…some fashionable clothes, maybe.
B: If you waste all your money on things you don’t even know if you want, you’ll be out of money completely when you need it.
A: But if I just hold on to my money…that doesn’t make much sense either. I really need some new clothes. What’s the point of saving lots of money without fun?
B: As I see it, you need a person to look after your money.
Model 2 Can money buy everything?
Peter: I’m trying to think of ways to become rich. If I could get my hands on a lot of money, I’ll be really happy.
Jane: Do you really think so? I’m not so sure.
Peter: Of course, why wouldn’t I? I’d be able to have anything I want.
Jane: Well, there are plenty of people who have a lot of money but aren’t happy. What do you say to that?
Peter: But if I became a millionaire, I’d buy whatever I wanted.
Jane: Can you buy true love? Can you buy the moon?
Peter: Maybe not, but I can buy a house with a lot of modern conveniences.
Jane: So many people think like you do, buy look at all the divorces, suicides and murders among wealthy people. How do you explain that?
Peter: Maybe there’s something in what you said.
Now Your Turn
A: I really hope I can make a fortune. If I had a lot of money, I’d be as happy as a king.
B: Do you really believe so? I have my doubts about it.
A: Of course, why wouldn’t I? If I were a millionaire, there’s nothing I couldn’t buy.
B: Well, can you but health? Can you but true friendship?
B: Maybe not. But I can but a big house and car, and make my life more comfortable.
A: Maybe you have a point there. Money can bring material comforts. But don’t forget, there are also divorces and suicides among wealthy people.
B: Well, there is some truth in what you said. Money cannot but real happiness.
Model 3 I wonder if you could give me a loan.
John: Hey, Se-Jin, I was just on my way to find you.
Se-Jin: What’s up, John?
John: Se-Jin, I’
m kind of broke, and you usually have a bundle tucked away. I wonder if you could give me a loan.
Se-Jin: Dream on! I’m hard up myself.
John: You see, I want to buy some new stereo equipment, and I’m just about a hundred short.
Se-Jin: Why not save up for it?
John: The stores have all stuff on a huge sales promotion right now. I could save at least 30 percent!
S-Jin: John, I’d lend you money if you were in a jam. But a new stereo isn’t an emergency.
John: Then I’m afraid I have to find someone who is more easy-going.
Now Your Turn
A: Hi, I was trying to catch up with you.
B: What happened?
A: Money had burned a hole in my pocket. You usually have some savings. I wonder if you can lend me some money?
B: You’re daydreaming. I’m short of money myself.
A: Look, I want to buy a digital camera, and I’m only short of 150 bucks.
B: Why not save towards it?
A: The camera is on sale right now. This can save me almost 25 percent.
B: Well, I’d lend you the money if you were in real redouble. But a new camera isn’t urgent.
A: Then I’m afraid I’ll have to try someone who’s more generous.
V. Let’s Talk
Story of a Miser
There was a miser who loved money more than anything else. Just before he died, he said to his wife, “Now, listen. When I die, I want you to take all my money and put it in the casket with me. I want to take my money to the afterlife with me.”
He made her promise with all her heart that when he dies, she would pit all the money in the casket with him. Then he died. He was laid in the casket, his wife was sitting there wearing black, and her friend was sitting next to her.
When they finished the ceremony, just before the undertakers got already to close the casket, the wife said, “Wait a minute!” She had a box with her. She came over with the box and put it in the casket.
Then the undertakers locked the casket down, and they rolled it away. He friend said, “Girl, I know you weren’t fool enough to put all that money in there with your husband!”
She said, “Listen, I’m a Christian. I can’t go back on my word. I promise him that I would put all the money in the casket with him.”
“You mean you really put that money in the casket with him!?”
“I surely did,” said the wife. “I wrote him a check.”
1. more than
2. money casket
3. promise
4. in the casket
5. sitting black
6. next to/beside
7. close
8. a box
9. away/off
10. foolish all that money/the money
11. a Christian on her word
12. put the money
13. a check
VI. Furthering Listening and Speaking
Task 1: Giving Money to a Beggar
Susan: Hey, Robert, you gave that beggar some of your hard-earned cash?
Robert: I know. He looked as if he needed help.
Susan: Buy you’re always so careful with your money.
Robert: Yeah, I guess so, but I like to help when someone’s in need.
Susan: I just wonder w
hy the guy doesn’t get a job and make his own living.
Robert: It’s just not that simple, Susan. Some people have a hard time of it in life.
Susan: Maybe they waste all their money. If you give them money, they will just go on wasting it.
Robert: Life has been good to me, Susan, and I’d like to share some of my luck.
1. the beggar
2. as if
3. help
4. careful with/about
5. a job
6. people
7. a hard time
8. waste
9. share
10. good luck
Task 2: Buying a Machine
An American manufacturer is showing his machine factory to a potential customer. At noon, when the lunch bell rings, two thousand men and women immediately stop working and leave the building.
“Your workers, they’re escaping!” cries the visitor. “You’ve got to stop them.”
“Don’t worry, they’ll be back,” says the American. And indeed, an exactly one 0’clock the bell rings again, and all the workers return from their break.
When the tour is over, the manufacturer turn s to his guest and says, “Well, now, which of these machines would you like to order?”
“Forget the machines,” says the visitor. “How much do you want for that bell?”
1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T
Task 3: An Introduction to Credit Cards
Credit cards are plastic cards issued by a bank or other financial institutions allowing the holder to buy goods and service without using cash. Many American don’t like to carry much cash. For them the cards are convenient and safe to use.
Credit cards are gaining popularity, even for buying small items. They are accepted almost everywhere, though not at fast food restaurants.
Credit cards allow you to purchase things that you may not currently have the money to buy. When you use a credit card, the credit card company that issued the credit card pays the store. Later, a bill will be mailed to you by your credit card company for the amount you purchased. At that time, you can either pay the bill in full, or only pay a minimum amount, and wait till later to finish paying. If you wait till later, you will owe the credit card company interest on the amount that you do not pay.
1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A
Can you change a twenty-dollar bill?
Cashier: How can I help you, Miss?
Jill: Could you change a 20 for me?
Cashier: Sure. How do you want it?
Jill: Could I have two 5’s, but not enough 1’s. Are quarters all right with you?
Cashier: Well, I have some 5’s, but not enough 1’s. Are quarters all right with you?
Jill: Oh, that’s even better! In that case, I won’t have to worry about the small change for the laundry.
Cashier: Here you are!
Jill: Thanks a million
Listening Skills
(1) First (2) not only (3) but also (4) Also (5) Instead (6) More importantly
(7) though (8) Moreover (9) In fact (10) Last but not least (11) for example
Listening in
1.F T F T F
2-1.B D C A C
s bicycle (2)of sand (3)suspicious (4)empties (5)analyzed (6)nothing (7)ride (8)the border
(9)week (10)thorough examination (11)unusual (12)happens (13)appears (14)between(15)smuggling(16)Bicycles
3-1.A B D C D
Smith. He claimed to have been outdoors all morning, painting the porch ceiling, but his jeans
were clean. A logical explanation for this contradiction is that Blake went inside toward the end of his
painting job, changed his clothes, then came out again to finish. Why would he do that? His original shirt
and trousers were covered in blood -- Pete's blood.
Further listening and speaking
L1. (1)everyone (2)freeze (3)tall (4)long coat (5)shorter (6)red jacket (7)his gun (8)the clerk
(9)open (10)the rest of the people (11)key (12)safe (13)calm (14)customers (15)a medal
L2.B C A D A
L3-1.C D A B A
Becker. She was one of the first to arrive. She also claimed never to have gone outside. And yet,
when she went to get her coat, it was right on top of the crowded coat rack. So, probably, in the middle of
the party, Julie went to the hall, put on her coat, took the vase, rushed outside, hid the vase somewhere
before she came back. She put her coat on the rack -- on top of the rack this time.
Listening Skills
1.(1)four/4 (2)the pilot (3)32/thirty-two (4)68/sixty-eight (5)Swiss (6)crashing into
(7)at least three people/at least 3 people (8)dozens more (9)a big hole (10)danger
(11)collapse (12)5:48 (13)18 minutes/eighteen minutes (14)evidence (15)terrorism
Listening in
1.T F T F F
2-1. (1)Four/4 (2)the smartest man (3)a lawyer (4)a girl (5)pilot (6)crash
(7)two parachutes/2 parachutes (8)benefit the world most (9)get
(10)one/1 (11)had led (12)life (13)starting (14)one parachute/1 parachute
2-2. B C
3-1.D A B C B
mother always drove through red lights, and she might now be driving
through this red light from the other side.
Let's talk
1.(1)pulls over (2)driver's license (3)lost (4)drunk driving (5)officer (6)registration papers
(7)own (8)killed the owner (9)the driver (10)shocked (11)driver (12)the trunk
(13)does not (14)backup (15)horrified (16)chief (17)open the trunk (18)papers
(19)driver's license (20)evidence (21)produces/hands over (22)innocence (23)chief
(24)officer (25)a license (26)stole (27)killed the owner (28)puzzled (29)driver
(30)bets (31)officer (32)speeding (33)too
Transcript and slow-speed recording
A policeman stops a driver and says to the driver, "Sir, you were speeding. Can I see your license, please?"
The driver replies, "I don't have one."
"You don't have one?"
The driver answers, "I lost it for drunk driving."
The policeman is surprised. "I see. Will you show me your vehicle registration papers, please?"
"I'm sorry, I can't do that."
"he policeman asks, "Why not?"
"I stole this car."
The officer says, "S
tole it?"
The driver answers, "Yes, and I killed the owner."
The officer is shocked. "You did what?"
"She's in the trunk if you want to see."
The officer is horrified and calls for backup. Within minutes, five police cars show up, surrounding
the car. A police chief cautiously approaches the car, asking, "Sir, could you open the trunk of your
car, please?"
The driver opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk.
The chief says, "Is this your car, sir?"
The driver says "Yes," and hands over the registration papers.
The officer is quite surprised. "One of my officers says you don't have a driving license."
The driver quickly produces his license. The chief examines it and finds nothing wrong. He looks puzzled.
"Thank you, sir. One of my officers told me you didn't have a license, stole this car, and murdered the
The man replies, "I bet the lying bastard told you I was speeding, too!"
Further listening and speaking
L1.(1)emergence 911 (2)broken down (3)going into labor (4)southbound lane (5)the tunnel
(6)Mike (7)an ambulance (8)sent (9)the operator (10)calm and warm (11)a boy
L2.A C C B D
L3.T F F T F
Listening Skills
(1)training programs (2)watch (3)take off (4)representative (5)explain (6)sit
(7)stays on the ground (8)short flight (9)time (10)increase (11)another city
Listening in
1. (1)camping
(2)the weekend
(3)planning to go
(4)go up into the mountains
(6)the most beautiful
(9)tight shut
(10)scared stiff
(11)wonderful views
(12)the foot of the mountain
(13)skip the climbing
(15)cook and clean up
(17)overcome her fear of heights
2-1. T F F T F
2-2.原文截选:"For a hundred bucks a visit? A carpenter cured me for ten dollars."
"Is that so? How?"
"He told me to cut the legs off the bed!"
answer: A carpenter. He told Steven to cut the legs off the bed, and then Steven
was sure that nobody was sleeping under his bed.
3-1.C D B A A
3-2. (1) fear fear (2)loves (3)broken (4)confident (5)ashamed of/worried about
Let's talk
(1)an examination (2)the basement (3)shopping (4)steps (5)floor above (6)frightened
(7)come in (8)open (9)toy gun (10)cupboard (11)upstairs (12)George, take the dog and go outside.
(13)lights (14)have heard (15)the window (16)he came in (17)her parents (18)dial the number
原文:I'm Helen. Well, it happened a few years ago. I was living in a house with my parents.
One evening I had to prepare myself for an examination at school. I was working in the basement
at my table when my parents went to the city to go shopping. Suddenly, I heard steps on the floor
above me. I knew there was actually nobody in the house besides me. What could I do? I was terribly
frightened because I knew that it must be a burglar. We had the windows open to a
ir the room, so it
must be a burglar. What could I do?
I remembered that I had a toy gun in my cupboard, so I decided to take the toy gun and go upstairs.
Well, I took the toy gun, went out of my room, and shouted as if there was another person, "George,
take the dog and go outside." On my way upstairs, I turned on lights. The burglar must have heard me,
and he rushed out of the window the way he came in.
Well, I was relieved, and then I tried to phone my parents, but I was so terribly frightened that I
just wasn't able to dial the number.
Further listening and speaking
L1. (1)prize (2)software competition (3)a trip to (4)turns (5)goes pale
(6)breaks into a cold sweat (7)some medicines (8)the doctor (9)cause (10)a lot of trouble
L2. A C D B A
L3. T T F F T