
2020年07月29日 22:47


not know when, where, or how big the earthquake would be. Architects and engineers believed they had designed earthquake-proof buildings, transportation, and public services. Kobe's few minutes of earth tremors shattered that belief.
What did people learn from the Kobe earthquake? What happened in Kobe suggests that earthquake hazard was not taken seriously enough. Some people believe that more can be done to reduce damage. They propose the following. More work should be put into quake-proofing buildings. Walls should be built to protect towns on the coast from large waves. Providers of emergency services must be better trained and better prepared. Citizens must be better educated on what to do when an earthquake strikes.
The major barrier to doing more is cost. Japan finds itself trying balance the cost against the risk of a strong earthquake.
(本题分数:10 分,本题得分:10 分。)
(1). tWhich sentence best tells what this passage says?

(2 分)
A、Cities can be made earthquake proof. B、More can be done to reduce the damage of earthquake C、Earthquakes always cause serious damage D、 Nothing can be done to reduce the damage of earthquake
(2). tHow many people died in the Kobe earthquake?

(2 分)
A、More than 6,000 B、At least 100,000 C、Nearly 310000 D、 75,000
(3). t What is the major difficulty in doing more to reduce the earthquake damage?

(2 分)
A、People are not given enough training B、Engineers do not have the knowledge C、Protection is too costly D、No one takes earthquakes seriously

(4). tThe author's attitude in writing this passage is ________.(Only paragraph 1 is chronological!)

(2 分)
A、analytic B、blamingt C、 provocative D、indifferent
(5). t"Tremors" probably means ________.

(2 分)
A、earthquake-proving buildingst B、shaking movements C、heavy thunderstorms D、 natural disasters

3. tAfter practicing as a surgeon for several years, Dr. Ginoux decided to apply for membership in the American College of Surgeons (美国外科医生学会), a highly selective and distinguished professional organization.
As part of the application procedure (手续), Dr. Ginoux was asked to prepare a list of all the operations perzed in the previous seven years. Slowly, as she worked on the long list, she began to feel uncertain. She began to question some of her decisions. Had she used the best technique in that case? Maybe, in this case, she should have run one more test before operating? On the other hand, maybe she should have … Would the doctors on the selection committee understand that, as the only trained surgeon in the area, she usually could not get advice from others and therefore, had to rely completely on her own judgment? For the first time, Dr. Ginoux felt lonely and isolated.
The longer Dr. Ginoux worked on the application zs, the more depressed she became. As hope faded, she
forest cover may have long-term effects on climate.
(本题分数:10 分,本题得分:10 分。)
(1). tThis passage is concerned with things that affect _________.

(2 分)
A、precipitation B、climate C、altitudett D、sunspots
(2). tChange in climate may have caused ___________.

(2 分)
A、dinosaurs to diettt B、dark spots to z on the sun C、volcanic eruptionttttt D、air pollution
(3). tThe effect of a volcanic eruption on climate may be to make it _________.

(2 分)
A、wetterttttt B、dryerttt C、 warmertt D、 colder
(4). tTo help readers understand how climate can change, the writer uses______.

(2 分)
A、 examples B、a story about the seashore C、order of importance D、 a strong argument
(5). t Which of the following is the place of greatest altitude on a mountain?

(2 分)
A、the foot of the mountain B、8,500 feet up the mountain C、the top of the mountaintttt D、15,785 feet up the mountain


三、作文题 (共1题、总分20分、得分17分)
1. tInstructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。
(本题分数:20 分,本题得分:17 分。)

There are various ways to get better education. We may go to school to receive formal education. We may attend some training classes. Of course, we may also study ourselves. Self-study is very convenient for us to manage. First of all, we know exactly what we want, so that we can arrange whatever we need. Secondly, self-study is especially helpful for those who have already had a job to deal with. The time for them to study is much more flexible.
However, it is not easy to carry out self-study for common people. We may stop our study when we are not strong-willed enough. Anyway, studying needs time and energy, we may have enough excuses to give it up. Besides, we may also stop our study because we cannot find someone to help us solve the problems we meet. All in all, we should have strong will and need some tutor if possible to make our study efficient.







