2020年07月29日 22:54
paragraphs are smaller units of longer piece of writing. it is a group of sentences separated by a space from the following and the preceding groups,and the first sentence of this group is usually indented.
topic sentence: a sentence that names the topic of the pragraph and contains a controlling idea is called the topic sentence of the paragraph.
it is usually the most general and most important statement of the paragraph.
A paragraph usually consists of three main parts:1、the topic sentence which introduce the topic and the controlling idea of the paragraph,2、the supporting sentences which support or develop the controlling idea,3、and the concluding sentence which winds up the whole paragraph by restaing the topic sentence or drawing an inference. The topic sentence can be put at the beginning, at the end or in the middle of the paragraph.A good topic sentence should not be too general, or too specific, or too emotional.
linking devices: phrase or expression that help ensure a smooth flow of ideas or clarify ideas in writing.
controlling idea
how to select appropriate details to develop or support the topic selection of right details will help you to achieve unity in is the essential quality of a good paragraph has only one point to make,and every sentence in the paragraph develops or supports that idea.
A well-written paragraph achieves not only unity, but also unity is concerned with ideas or content,coherence is concerned with the form of expression.
Four basic ways to achieve coherence:
1、repetition of key words and phrases,
2、transitional signals,
3、use of pronouns,
4、and repeated sentence patterns.
第二单元:Events developments by time
Ordering ideas chronologically is one of the commonest ways we have of arranging ideas in ng information by time is especially useful in explaining a process, writing about historical events, or telling a ing details in time order is quite natural in such paragraphs and a very easy pattern of organization.
第三单元: Place developments by space
developments by space order(left to right,right to left,near to far,far to near,low to high,high to low)is one of the commonest ways to arrange physical appearance of someone or something usually calls for the organization of details into some kind of apatial relatioship.
ways of arranging details:
1、vertical order(bottom to top,top to bottom,head to toe,toe to head)
2、horizontal order(left to right,right to left)
3、depth order(inside to outside, outside to inside)
4、circular order(clockwise,counterclockwise,east to west,west to east)
5、center-to-circumference order(near to far)
第四单元:Customs analysis
precess analysis is one of the common and useful ways in writings like description a
nd ed with the other expository approaches discussed in this book,which arrange ideas according to different sequences,process writing organizes its ideas according to the steps of the often need to explain how something is done or what procedures we have to follow in order to complete a process. Such procedures or steps have to be arranged as they reasonably or objectively(not randomly) other words,they have to follow the pattern of the uaual purpose of process description is usually to inform,teach or give ideas to the reader about how something new(or interesting or conventional)happens or in what way it can be completed.
two patterns of process writing: exclusive description of the procedures in a process and description with supplementary exclusive process description allows the writer to cover all the steps or procedures from beginning to end,whereas the second pattern requires the to darifry certain steps with additional second pattern is more frequently seen in pratical writing.
第五单元:Career exemplification
explain something to someone,justify your opinion,clarify an idea or concept so that someone else can understand er your purpose,good examples can help to get the message es are specific details or instances that serve to illustrate a more general idea or not only make things cleraly but also help to persuade and convince.
Two patterns of organization used in exemplification:1、the use of a series of examples--facts,details, or reasons--to support the topic sentence;2、the use of one extended example to clarify or to prove the controlling idea of the paragraph.
1、individual example--facts,details, or reasons
2、person,event and story
第六单元:Nature and thought definition
Definition is a method we use to distinguish one thing from all other things,so that we are able to recognize it or in some way to understand it.
Purpose: to introduce a new term, to explain a jargon in some academic discipline, to to make clear some abstract,controversial or complicated point in an argument, to make ourself understood in everyday affairs...without clear definitions, needless dispute, disagreements and misunderstandings can arise.
Definition is a very important form of expository writing, a strategy which can be used and found in almost all kinds of writings.
A definition paragraph describe,explain,or defines a term by relating it which is unfamiliar to something which is familiar or already known。 It makes use of the techniques of narration,description,exemplification, process,analysis,cause and effects,classification, comparison and contrast, often in combination.a definition paragraph may be developed by using comparison that shows that an unknown term is the same as or similar to some known it may be developed by using contrast that shows th
at an unknown term,though similar in some respects,is basically unlike some known it may be developed by bringing together the appropriate like and unlike characteristic of two or more terms to form a new concept.a given definition paragraph, whether developed by comparison,contrast,or combination of these,normally ends with a sentence that summarizes the distinctive features of the term being defined.
to write a definition paragraph,the first step is usually to place the term in a class or catagory,and then describe what you think are the special features that distinguish the term from all the other members in the class.
第七单元:Social problems cause and effect
cause and effect is regarded as a logic pattern commonly used in explanation and argumentation,especially when we explore possible connections between an action/event and its outcome,or between causes and results of an event,action...
cause and multiple effects le causes and single effect e causes and effects of causes and effects
from the most obvious to the hidden,or from the factual to what you predict.
purpose:to provide a better picture of the situation under discussion,or to draw enough attention to the significance of some related origins and consequences, and even predicted developments.
第八单元:Education classification
A paragraph of classification usually consists of a