2020年07月29日 22:59
专题:商务旅行(business travel);
Decoding Training : Discourse Analysis(语篇分析)
Interpreting is to “understand and make understood”. To interpret the speech, one must first understand the message of the speech. However, comprehension(理解)of the source discourse goes beyond the simple recognition of words and linguistic structures. The interpreter shall make an analysis of the source discourse. More importantly, the interpreter shall identify(识别)the speech type and know how to identify the main ideas of the original speeches.
Identification of the Speech Types
Speeches are diversified serving different occasions and purposes. It will be of great help to the interpreters if they know the speaker’s style. In most cases, speeches are prepared beforehand. Therefore, a study of the different types of writing helps an interpreter identify the main idea of a given speech. Following are the basic types of writing.
1. Descriptive Writing
Descriptive(描述性的)writing involves a great deal of detailed information. A descriptive discussion aimed at providing details of an event, a scene, a procedure, or a situation. This speech type demands a thorough background investigation of the speaker and the relevant situation by the interpreter.
2. Narrative Writing
Narrative(叙述性的)writing focuses on the development of events. There is no doubt that the interpreter should be very sensitive to dates, time phrases, and verb tenses when a narrative speech is dealt with.
3. Expositive Writing
Expositive(说明性的)writing deals with its subject matter in such orders as chronological, spatial, comparison, and definition. It would be to the advantage of the interpreter to conduct a background investigation of the speaker and the situation, for that would provide the interpreter with not only the necessary glossary but also the speaker’s standpoint(立场).
4. Persuasive Writing
Persuasive(劝说性的)writers always want to make their arguments clear, strong and convincing. When the purpose is to convince, writers of persuasive writing mainly employ two techniques -- induction(归纳)and deduction(推论). Inductive writing starts with specific examples or points to draw a general conclusion, while deductive writing illustrates its thesis at first and then supports and reinforces the thesis through specific examples or subordinate ideas.
Identification of the Main Ideas
In the context of interpreting, the main ideas of the source speech can be identified at the sentence level and at the discourse level. Priority should always be attached to identifying the main idea at the sentence level. We argue that identification of main ideas be done on the basis of sent
安全检查tsecurity check
外交/公务护照tdiplomatic/service passport
一次性/多次性入境签证tsingle-entry/multiple-entry visa
再入境签证tre-entry visa
旅行/居留签证ttravel/residence visa
出境/入境/过境/访问签证texit/entry/transit/visitor’s visa
签证有效期tvalidity of visa
入境日期及口岸tdate and port of entry
抵达/出境日期tdate of arrival/departure
卫生证明/黄皮书tquarantine certificate
居留事由/期限tpurpose/duration of stay
旅行/居住证ttravel/residence permit
海关tthe Customs
海关关员tcustoms officer
关税tcustoms duty
填写报关单tto fill in/out the declaration form
免税/应税商品tduty-free/dutiable goods/articles
免税店tduty-free shop
个人物品tpersonal effects
进/出口许可证timport/export permit
照章纳税tto pay customs duty according to the regulations
行李提取处tbaggage/luggage claim
行李寄存处tbaggage/luggage depository
随身行李tcarry-on baggage
行李牌tluggage check; baggage/luggage tag
行李手推车tluggage trolley/ handcart/pushcart
Inquiring about flight tWhat flights are there from New York to Shanghai?
Is there a non-stop flight to Beijing?
What time is the plane due to arrive?
When does the plane take off?
How much does it does it cost to fly to London?
Please let us know the full cost, including the overweight charge.
How much is the fare?
Do I have to change planes?
Booking tAre there any vacancies
Can I book/ have/ reserve/ keep a single room for the weekend?
I’d like to make a reservation of a double room for 2 nights.
I booked/ reserved a single room for tonight.
I believe you have a room reserved/ reservation for me.
The travel agency has arranged for a double room for me.
Specific Requirement tI’d like a single / double room with a bath.
Could you manage / let me have 2 doubles and 4 singles for 3 days?
I prefer a room facing south / on the sunny side / with a balcony / with a front view / on a higher floor / overlooking the sea for a week.
I’ll be staying overnight only.
There will be three people in our party.
Services tCan I have my breakfast in my room?
Do you have / provide room services?
Does the hotel have a sauna?
Is there a phone in the room?
What sort of amusements / sundry services do you offer?
What if I’ve got something to be sent to the laundry?
Prices tWhat is the rate for a single room?
What is the price difference between a double room and a twinroom?
How much is a suite for two nights?
How much do you charge for the cheapest possible twin-room?
Is there a discount / reduction for company booking?
Do we have to pay the full price for children?
Does that include attendance / the use of telephone?
Checking Out tI want to check out, please. My names is David Carson
I’m checking out today. I’d like my bill ready this morning.
Could I settle my bill now? I’m leaving around ten.
Travel Arrangements
In a large company or firm there is a department which is in charge of the travel arrangements for the staff. In many companies, however, most of the arrangements for the boss’s travel is usually made by the secretary. Before making the reservations, the secretary should first take the following information into consideration:
Departure time and date
Places to be visited
Duration of visit to each place
Purpose of the visit to each places
Scheduled appointment
Scheduled dinner meetings, lunch meetings or breakfast meetings
Preferences as to means of travel or accommodation
Number and identity of people traveling
Based on the information above, a tentative itinerary should be worked out. Then follows the action of further confirming the appointments, accommodation, transportation arrangements, eating locations, etc. and the initial travel plan should be modified. If there is not a department responsible for travel arrangements in a company, travel is usually arranged via a travel agency, such as transportation bookings and accommodation reservations.
The information related to the travel itinerary include:
Detailed information about the dates and times of arrival in each place to be visited
Types of transportation, travel preferences, e.g. seating preference, in flight meal preference, smoking / non-smoking and accommodation preferred.
The following information should be provided:
Boss’s name
Boss’ business and home mobile phone number
Boss’s frequent for the travelers club membership details
Method of payment for the travel arrangements and credit card details
If the boss travels abroad, the secretary should also ask the travel agency for the certificates required, such as passport, visa, health or police certificates and how to obtain them. When necessary, the secretary should also arrange the health and baggage insurance for the general manger and help to collect the traveler’s checks.
The final itinerary presented to the boss should consist of all the activities concerning the travel and the reservation receipts from the travel agency. The itinerary should at least be three copies. One copy is for the secretary and the other two for the boss.
Welcome to the Silk Road Tour! You will find this two-week trip one of your most memorable experiences in your life.
The Silk Road dates back to the second century B.C., when a Chinese official and envoy of the royal court Zhang Qian embarked on his business trip to Xiyu (meaning western countries) following this trade thoroughfare linking Asia and Europe.
thoroughfare : A main road or public highway
Originating from Chang’an, (the present day Xi’an), the route traversed Shangxi Province, the Hexi Corridor in Gangsu Province, the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang, the Pamir mountain region, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria., ending at the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. More than 4,000 of its 7,000 kilometers were in China.
For over a thousand years up till the 15th century, China brought its silk cloth and goods, gunpowder, and paper making and printing techniques to the West via this road.
This road, in return, introduced into China Buddhism
and Islam as well as grapes, walnuts, pomegranates, cucumbers, glass, perfume and other products from the outside world.
Because China’s silk reached the West along this road, European scholars came to call it the Silk Road.
A wealth of historical relics, fascinating scenery and interesting local cultures along the Silk Road makes this long trip one of the world’s most exciting tourist attractions.
Many Chinese ethnic minorities scatter along the Chinese portion of the road, all courteous and hospitable to visitors from the rest of the world.
The food and crafts in the region are different from those in central China.
And the folk lore is simply exotic and colorful.
The Silk Tour our travel agency offers wills start from the ancient city of Xi’an and ends at Urumqi of Xinjiang. The tour will also cover Lanzhou, Dunhuang and Turpan.
All along the route, you will take pleasure in the charms of the natural landscape, appreciate the superior workmanship of ancient artists, enjoy local delicacies and meet local people.
This trip will certainly leave you sweet memories that you can share with your friends and family.