11-The Scope of Pharmacology
2020年07月29日 23:09
compounding, biochemical and physiological effects, mechanisms of action, absorption, distribution, biotransformation and
excretion, and therapeutic and other uses of drugs. Since a drug is broadly defined as any chemical agent that affects living
processes, the subject of pharmacology is obviously quite extensive.
For the physician and the medical student, however, the scope of pharmacology is less expansive than indicated by the
above definitions. The clinician is interested primarily in drugs that are useful in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment
of human disease, or in the prevention of pregnancy. His study of the pharmacology of these drugs can be reasonably limited
to those aspects that provide the basis for their rational clinical use. Secondarily, the physician is also concerned with
chemical agents that are not used in therapy but are commonly responsible for household and industrial poisoning as well as
environmental pollution. His study of these substances is justifiably restricted to the general principles of prevention,
recognition, and treatment of such toxicity or pollution. Finally, all physicians share in the responsibility to help resolve
the continuing sociological problem of the abuse of drugs.
A brief consideration of its major subject areas will further clarify how the study of pharmacology is best approached
from the standpoint of the specific requirements and interests of the medical students and practitioners. At one time, it
was essential for the physician to have a broad botanical knowledge, since he had to select the proper plants from which to
prepare his own crude medicinal preparations. However, fewer drugs are now obtained from natural sources, and, more
importantly, most of these are highly purified or standardized and differ little from synthetic chemicals. Hence, the interests
of the clinician in pharmacognosy are correspondingly limited. Nevertheless, scientific curiosity should stimulate the physician
to learn something of the sources of drugs, and this knowledge often proves practically useful as well as interesting. He will
find the history of drugs of similar value.
The preparing, compounding, and dispensing of medicines at one time lay within the province of the physician, but this work
is now delegated almost completely to the pharmacist. However, to write intelligent prescription orders, the physician must have
some knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of drugs and their available dosage forms, and he must have a basic
familiarity with the practice of pharmacy. When the physician shirks his responsibility in this regard, he invariably fails to
translate his knowledge of pharmacology and medicine into prescription orders and medication best suited for the individual patient.
Pharmacokinetics deals with the absorptio
n, distribution, biotransformation, and excretion of drugs. These factors, coupled
with dosage, determine the concentration of a drug at its sites of action and, hence, the intensity of its effects as a function
of time. Many basic principles of biochemistry and enzymology and the physical and chemical principles that govern the active
and passive transfer and the distribution of substances across biological membranes are readily applied to the understanding of
this important aspect of pharmacology.
The study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action are termed as pharmacodynamics.
It is an experimental medical science that dates back only to the later half of the nineteenth century. As a border science,
pharmacodynamics borrows freely from both the subject matter and the experimental techniques of physiology, biochemistry,
microbiology, immunology, genetics, and pathology. It is unique mainly in that attention which is focused on the characteristics
of drugs. As the name implies, the subject is a dynamic one. The student who attempts merely to memorize the pharmacodynamic
properties of drugs is foregoing one of the best opportunities for correlating the entire field of preclinical medicine. For
example, the actions and effects of the saluretic agents can be fully understood only in terms of the basic principles of renal
physiology and of the pathogenesis of edema. Conversely, no greater insight into normal and abnormal renal physiology can be
gained than by the study of the pharmacodynamics of the saluretic agents.
Another ramification of pharmacodynamics is the correlation of the actions and effects of drugs with their chemical
structures. Such structure-activity relationships are an integral link in the analysis of drug action, and exploitation of
these relationships among established therapeutic agents has often led to the development of better drugs. However, the
correlation of biological activity with chemical structure is usually of interest to the physician only when it provides
the basis for summarizing other pharmacological information.
The physician is understandably interested mainly in the effects of drugs in man. This emphasis on clinical pharmacology is
justified, since the effects of drugs are often characterized by significant interspecies variation, and since they may be
further modified by disease. In addition, some drug effects, such as those on mood and behavior, can be adequately studied only
in man. However, the pharmacological evaluation of drugs in man may be limited for technical, legal, and ethical reasons, and
the choice of drugs must be based in part on their pharmacological evaluation in animals. Consequently, some knowledge of animal
pharmacology and comparative pharmacology is helpful in deciding the extent to which claims for a drug based upon studies in
animals can be reasonably extrapolated to man.
herapeutics deals with the use of drugs in the prevention and treatment of disease. Many drugs stimulate or
depress biochemical or physiological function in man in a sufficiently reproducible manner to provide relief of symptoms or,
ideally, to alter favorably the course of disease. Conversely, chemicotherapeutic agents are useful in therapy because they
have only minimal effects on man but can destroy or eliminate parasites. Whether a drug is useful for therapy is crucially
dependent upon its ability to produce its desired effects with only tolerable undesired effects. Thus, from the standpoint
of the physician interested in the therapeutic uses of a drug, the selectivity of its effects is one of its most important
characteristics. Drug therapy is rationally based upon the correlation of the actions and effects of drugs with the
physiological, biochemical, microbiological, immunological, and behavioral aspects of disease. Pharmacodynamics provides one
of the best opportunities for this correlation during the study of both the preclinical and the clinical medical sciences.
Toxicology is the aspect of pharmacology that deals with the adverse effects of drugs. It is concerned not only with drugs
used in therapy but also with the many other chemicals that may be responsible for household, environmental, or industrial
intoxication. The adverse effects of the pharmacological agents employed in therapy are properly considered an integral part
of their total pharmacology. The toxic effects of other chemicals are such an extensive subject that the physician must
usually confine his attention to the general principles applicable to the prevention, recognition, and treatment of drug
poisonings of any cause.