2020年07月29日 23:26
12:17PM 那么,谁来猜猜接下来将会有什么?新的 iOS 通知系统?iCloud 被整合进 Lion 的核心?一体式的带有摄像头的 iPod Nano?
12:42PM And we're in our seats! "Rescue Me" is playing over the speakers. A little Aretha to get the crowd warmed up.
12:42PM 我们已经到达座位上,现场在播放歌曲"Rescue Me",拥挤的现场使气氛开始热烈起来。
12:43PM A teaser for some data recovery software to come? Probably not.
12:43PM 会发布对那些数据恢复软件嘲讽的东西?可能不是。
12:48PM Just to be extremely, super clear: Apple will not allow *anyone* to livestream the actual keynote. We'll be livestreaming a post-show afterwards -- you'll find the liveblog here.
12:48PM 目前已经肯定,苹果不允许任何人实时视频直播主题演讲,我们会进行图文直接,欢迎关注。
12:50PM Crowd's filling in -- feels like four million people in here. Maybe five. Maybe more.
12:50PM 大家都涌进来了——感觉就像有400万人在这。也可能是500万,或许更多 。
12:50PM ...and it feels like we're shoulder-to-shoulder with all of 'em.
12:50PM ……而且感觉上所有人都跟我们挤在一起。
12:52PM Apple is really pushing the soul music as they're pushing people in the aisles. Pandemonium -- funky, funky pandemonium.
12:52PM 苹果看来真的是在推灵魂乐了。大家都挤在走道上,混乱——真TMD混乱。
12:55PM "Hold on, I'm Coming" is blasting now. Neither Jake nor Elwood have been spotted yet, but we're keeping our eyes open.
12:55PM “别急,我来了”随处可闻。Jake和Elwood都还没现身,不过我们会瞪大眼睛的。
12:56PM "Ladies and gentlemen, our presentation will begin shortly." We're being asked to silence our phones.
12:56PM女士们,先生们,我们的发布会即将开始,大家都被告知要将手机调至静音 。
12:56PM You can silence yours too if you want to get that "I'm totally there" experience.
12:56PM如果你希望体验到“I‘am totally there”的感觉,你也可以选择保持安静 。
12:57PM We're seeing a few MacBooks up on stage. Demo units, for sure.
12:59PM Hah, got silent for a moment, crowd got hushed, then James Brown woke everyone up again.
12:59PM 啊哈,短时间的沉默,人群安静了,但马上又被 James Brown的音乐调动了起来 。
1:01PM Steve Jobs is on the stage!
1:01PM乔布斯站在了台上 !!
1:02PM Steve: "We've got an awesome morning together, this morning. Thank you for coming so much."
1:02PM 乔帮主:"这个早晨能和我们在一起,真是太棒了。非常谢谢大家参会"
M Over 5,200 attendees, sold out in two hours.
1:02PM 5200人出席大会,2小时内卖光所有票。
1:02PM "We wish we could sell more tickets, but we don't know where to have it if we do."
1:03PM Over 120 sessions, over 100 hands-on labs, and over 1,000 Apple engineers here to help.
1:03PM 今年会有120多场技术讲座,100多场实验室课程,1000多名苹果工程师提供帮助。
1:03PM "If the hardware is the brain and the sinew of the product, the software in the middle is the soul"
1:03PM"如果硬件是产品的大脑和肌肉,那么软件就是产品的灵魂。 "
1:03PM "We've got some great stuff to talk about: OS X Lion, iOS 5, and some kind of interesting new cloud stuff."
1:03PM"今晚我们要说一些重要的事,OS X Lion, iOS 5和崭新有趣的云服务。 "
1:04PM Phil Schiller is going to give us some Lion demos, and he's up on stage.
1:04PM Phil Schiller正在上台,他将展示 Lion系统。
1:04PM Phil: "This product is all about the Mac, and the Mac is doing incredibly well."
1:04PM Phil:“这个产品是有关Mac的,而Mac现在的情况真是出人意料的好。”
1:05PM "We now have over 54 million Mac users around the world and growing." That is a lot of Macs.
1:05 pm“我们现在有超过5400万的Mac用户,并且将会越来越多。”这确实是一个很大的用户群。
1:05PM Year-over-year, the PC has shrunk 1%, while the Mac has grown 28%, and out-grown the industry every quarter for the last five years.
1:05 pm 和同期相比,个人电脑已经下降了1%,而Mac却增长28%;在过去的五年里,每季度的增长都超过了行业平均水平。
1:06PM Mac sales are almost 3/4 notebooks at this point, far outpacing desktop sales.
1:06 pm 在这一点,Mac销售几乎到达了笔记本电脑的四分之三,远远超过了其他台式机的销售。
1:06PM "They're great not just because of the hardware, but because of the software they run."
1:06 pm“他们很好很强大,不只是因为硬件的强悍,更是因为他们上面运行的软件。”
1:06PM Talking up OS X's solid UNIX foundation, launched 10 years ago. Showing what it looked like then. It's evolved quite a bit since then.
1:06 pm 谈到OS X固化了10年前发布的UNIX构架。看看它当时是什么样子。到目前它只发展了一点点。
1:07PM And, of course, it's going to be evolving even more today...
1:07PM "Next up in OS X is Lion, a major release with over 250 new features. If you'd like we can go over every one of them today."
1:07 pm“接下来在OS X系统是Lion,一个拥有250多种新功能的主要版本。如果你们原意,我们今天可以一个个的去展示这些新功能”
1:07PM Boo,
only have time for 10.
1:07 pm 嘘嘘(喝倒彩),只够看10个。
1:07PM First up: multi-touch gestures.
1:07PM 第一,多触点手势
1:07PM "We now build multi-touch trackpads into all of our notebooks... Lion can count on multi-touch."
1:07PM "我们在每台笔记本上装置了多点手势触控板 ... Lion 需要多点触控."
1:08PM Showing multi-touch tap-to-zoom, pinching, two-finger swiping, "all with an incredible, physical realism that's never been possible in a PC operating system before."
1:08PM 展示多点触控 点击方法, 缩小, 两指切换, "所有从来不可能在PC操作系统上出现的,都难以置信的实现了
1:08PM Scrollbars? Who needs 'em? They're gone if you're using gestures, appearing only when you scroll.
1:08PM 滚动条? 谁还需要? 当你使用手势的时候它们消失了, 只有当滚动的时候才会出现.
1:08PM Next up: full screen applications.
1:08PM 接下来:全屏程序
1:09PM With Lion, developers will be easier able to make their apps run in full-screen.
1:09PM 在Lion里, 开发者将会更容易使他们的应用程序全屏运行.
1:09PM There's a new control in the upper-right to go full, and with a swipe you can go between them.
1:09PM 在右上角 有一个新的按钮来进入全屏模式, 并且你可以通过它来进行切换.
1:09PM "We've worked on a number of our applications to bring them into the new full-screen mode in Lion."
1:09PM "我们已经使我们部分程序可以在Lion中以全屏模式运行了"
1:10PM We're looking at Safari, iMovie, and dozens of other standard apps.
1:10PM 我们可以看一下Safari, iMovie 还有一些其它的标准程序.
1:10PM iCal works, Preview showing PDF full-screen. A "beautiful experience"
1:10PM iCal启动了, 预览PDF时全屏显示 一个 "美妙的体验"
1:10PM Next feature: Mission Control
1:10PM 下一个功能: 任务控制
1:10PM Phil's talking about Expose and Spaces, but Lion unifies all that with Mission Control.
1:10PM Phil正在谈论Expose和Spaces,但是Lion把它们统一成了Mission Control
1:11PM Shows you all your apps and all the documents you're working on. Plus, you can get to all your spaces up top. Multiple views of apps, and you can get to all your widgets on the upper-left.
1:11PM 显示你所有的正在运行的软件和处理的文档。并且,你可以在顶端看到你的所有Space。软件的多个视角,并且你可以在左上角访问所有的Widget。
1:11PM Craig is on-stage to give us a demo of all this. "Let's take a look at Lion in action."
1:11PM Craig正在台上给我们展示这些。“让我们看一下实际操作Lion”
1:12PM Starting with gestures, in Safari, and we're looking at BBC -- which has a big story on a s-e-x scandal up top. Oops.
1:12PM 让我们从手势开始,在Safari
1:12PM He's talking about momentum scrolling "The page feels alive beneath your fingers."
1:12PM 他正在谈论惯性滚动。“这个页面就像活在你的手指之下一样”
1:12PM You can zoom in and out, or double-tap to smart zoom in or out.
1:12PM 你可以放大或缩小它们,或者通过双击来智能缩放
1:13PM You can take two fingers to swipe forward or backward, which actually knocks the page right off the side, as if you're going through a deck of cards.
1:13PM 你可以使用用两个手指刷动来前进或后退,就像玩弄一叠纸牌一样。
1:13PM Now looking at iPhoto in full screen. Really nice animation when you maximize it -- the desktop fades off to the left.
1:13PM 现在来看看全屏运行的iPhoto。最大化的动画真的很棒──桌面退隐到了左边。
1:13PM You can get back to your desktop easily and swipe back and forth from one app to the other.
1:13PM 你可以很容易的回到你的桌面,并且从一个软件切换到另一个软件。
1:14PM It's almost like task-switching in WebOS or QNX on the BlackBerry PlayBook, if you're familiar with those.
1:14PM 看起来就像 WebOS或者QNX的任务切换。
1:14PM Again, to exit full-screen there's a control on the upper-right.
1:14PM 再一次,退出全屏时右上角有一个按钮。
1:14PM Now Photo Booth, running full, showing off a suite of face detection options.
1:14PM 新的Photo Booth,可全屏运行,带面部识别。
1:14PM Birds flying around his head now. 3D birds. So sweet.
1:14PM 小鸟在他的头上转圈,3D小鸟。
1:15PM "That's great stuff."
1:15PM 相当不错。
1:15PM Now it's Mission Control, three-finger swipe upward.
1:15PM 现在是任务控制,三个手指向上向上滑动
1:15PM Pick any app in this view and it comes to the fore, including full-screen apps.
1:15PM 在该视图中选中任意软件,它会跳到最前端,包括全屏软件。
1:16PM Quick, and easy, and if you hit spacebar while hovering over any it'll give you a zoomed-in preview.
1:16PM 快速而简单,如果你按住空格键,会给你最小化预览。
1:16PM Hover over to the upper-right and you can create a new Space. Then, just click and drag any window you want into it.
1:16PM 停留在右上方,你可以创造新的Space.
1:16PM If you're drowning in windows, this is your life saver.
1:16PM 如果你被各种窗口淹没,这个功能是你的救星。
1:17PM To delete a Space, just click the X in the upper-left and the windows all fly right back to the main view.
1:17PM 删除Space,点击左上角的X即可,窗口会全部返回主视图中。
1:17PM Phil's back. Now it's time to talk about the Mac App Store.
1:17PM Phil返回舞台,现在是时候谈
论Mac App Store.
1:17PM "It is the best place to purchase and discover new Mac desktop applications."
1:17PM Mac App Store是购买和寻找Mac软件最好的地方。
1:17PM "You can get your software right from the comfort of your home on your Mac."
1:17PM 你可以在家中舒服的挑选软件
1:18PM The Mac App Store is now the #1 channel for buying PC software. It's ahead of Best Buy, Walmart, and Office Depot.
1:18PM Mac App Store目前已经超过百思买、沃尔玛和Office Depot,成为购买PC软件的首选渠道。
1:19PM The App Store is now built-in to Lion, and they're adding in-app purchases, push notifications, and there's a built-in sandboxing mode to boost security.
1:19PM App Store现在将集成在Lion系统中,而且正在加入程序内购买功能,推送功能,而且还会有个内置的沙盒模式来提升安全性能。
1:19PM They're adding delta updates too, which should make patching easier and more quickly.
1:19PM 他们还会加入增量更新功能,这会让更新补丁更容易更快速。
1:19PM Now talking Launchpad.
1:19PM 现在在讨论Launchpad(启动模板)。
1:20PM If you make a pinch gesture and all your apps appear, multiple pages in a big grid -- kind of like iOS actually...
1:20PM 如果你使用捏合动作就可以显示你所有的程序,并且可以拥有多个页面——说实话真的很像iOS……
1:20PM Next: Resume.
1:20PM 下一个:恢复程序。
1:20PM Phil's talking about exiting an application and having to start over again when you re-load it.
1:20PM Phil正在说当你退出一个程序时,再进入时就需要从头重新载入一遍。.
1:20PM "Now when you launch an application in Lion it brings you right back to where you left off."
1:20PM “而且现在在Lion中,当你打开一个程序时,你会直接回到你退出时的状态。”
1:21PM Windows, selections, tools, even highlighted text are just the way you left them.
1:21PM 窗口,选择,工具,甚至你高亮选择的文本都会保持原样。
1:21PM It works system-wide, including window placement, Spaces, everything.
1:21PM 这是系统级的功能,包括窗口位置,Spaces,所有的一切。
1:21PM Next: Auto Save
1:21PM 下一个:自动保存。
1:21PM "The one time you might forget to save what you're doing, something goes wrong... Why can't the computer help you? That's what Lion does."
1:21PM “似乎每一次你忘记保存的时候,就会杯具……为什么电脑不能代劳呢?Lion系统就会。”
1:21PM Lion will automatically save the document for you without you having to do anything.
1:21PM Lion系统会自动保存你的文档,而你不需要做任何操作。
1:22PM Up on the menu bar, the document name is now a control you can click on. You can select that, and prevent auto-saves
会看到其他所有正在使用 AirDrop 的用户。要共享一个文件,只需将其托拽到要分享的用户上。他们将会收到一个提示,然后,“叮~~~”,文件传输完了
1:30PM "There's nothing to set-up. It's auto-discover, auto-set-up."
1:30PM “不需要任何的设置,它会自动搜索,自动设置”
1:30PM Okay, we're up to feature number 10: Mail.
1:30PM 好了,我们到了第 10 个新特性:Mail
1:30PM "A completely new version of Mail in Lion. It's beautiful."
1:30PM “在 Lion 里将会有一个全新的 Mail。它非常漂亮。”
1:30PM Two or three-column view, snippets on the left, and a favorites bar to get to your hottest folders.
1:30PM 两栏或者三栏视图,在左侧有预览,还有一个“我的最爱栏”,方便的访问你最热门的文件夹
1:31PM "With searching now we have new search suggestions. Mail recognizes whether that's a person or a subject... select one it becomes a search token." You can then create rules based on these searches.
1:31PM “我们现在有了新的搜索建议。Mail 能够识别出你的输入内容是一个人或者一个物体... 选择之后它就变成了一个搜索标志。”然后你就可以根据搜索的结果制定一些规则了
1:31PM Wild applause. People are really into searching for things.
1:31PM 响亮的掌声。人们显然对搜索非常感兴趣
1:32PM Also adding a new conversation view. Shows all the messages all inline.
1:32PM 另外,还加入了一个新的对话模式。可以将所有的消息显示在一个界面中
1:32PM More wild applause. People apparently like conversations, too.
1:32PM 更响亮的掌声。人们显然也很喜欢对话
1:32PM Okay, Mail demo time.
1:32PM 好了,Mail 的演示时间
1:33PM Showing off the favorites bar -- just click to get to whatever folder you're most often in. But of course you can get back to the top with just a click.
1:33PM 正在展示“我的最爱栏”——点击一下就能进入任何一个你经常访问的文件夹。当然,你只需再点击一下就可以轻松返回最顶层
1:33PM Or a tap, presumably, if you're using a touchpad.
1:33PM 或者是轻拍一下,如果你在使用触控板的话
1:33PM Showing off searches and suggestions. You can search for people, or if you type in something more general you can select whether to search in the body, the subject. It'll even suggest e-mail subjects to search for.
1:33PM 正在展示搜索与建议。你可以搜索人,或者如果你输入了一些比较宽泛的词汇,你可以选择在标题或正文中搜索。Mail 甚至会提示一些邮件标题以供搜索
1:34PM You can search by date too, naturally, and you can combine all three, saying a sender, a subject, and a date, without diving into a clunky search dialog box.
1:34PM 你可以能
1:35PM Looking at conversation view, which hides all the redundant FWD and RE junk that starts to overwhelm a lengthy e-mail chain. Or you can display it... if you're into that kind of thing.
1:35PM 正在展示对话模式,此模式能自动隐藏所有烦人的“转发”和“回复”,让整个界面看上去简洁不少。当然,你可以设置显示它们... 如果你一定要的话
1:35PM Phil's back "So those are the top 10 features of Lion, but there's so much more for you to learn about on Lion."
1:35PM Phil回来里,这就是狮子的十大新功能,当然还有很多的小功能等着你去发现
1:36PM Other things: there's a Windows Migration assistant, FileVault 2, FaceTime is built in, Lion Server add-on (apps you can purchase to run on top of Lion)...
1:36PM 当然,windows融合助手,filevault2,集成facetime,lion服务器插件
1:36PM There are 3,000 new APIs as well, which got a few tired claps from the serious coders in the room.
1:36PM 3000个新api,编程员加油~~~
1:36PM Wow, no more discs. Lion will be available only in the App Store. Making it the "Easiest upgrade ever."
1:36PM 无光盘 ,狮子只在Mac App Store发布
1:37PM Go into the App Store, click "buy," it downloads locally and starts the upgrade.
1:37PM 进入Mac App Store,购买,下载~就这个简单
1:37PM You're looking at a 4GB download, no reboots, and you can use it on all of your personally authorized Macs. You won't have to buy multiple copies!
1:37PM 4GB下载,不需要重启,可以直接在所有的授权电脑上使用
1:37PM "What would you charge for this?"
1:37PM 那要多少钱呢?
1:37PM In the past, upgrades have been $$129. This one? $$29.99!
1:37PM 以前是129刀,现在呢?29.99刀!
1:38PM Available soon, in July.
1:38PM Available soon, 7月份上市.
1:38PM Okay, Scott Forstall is up to talk about iOS 5.
1:38PM Scott Forstall 开始谈论iOS5
1:39PM "As you know iOS powers the iPhone, the iPad, and the iPod touch."
1:39PM iOS被用在 iPhone, the iPad, and the iPod touch."
1:39PM "Today we have sold over 200 million iOS devices."
1:39PM 我们卖了2亿 iOS 设备
1:39PM "That makes iOS the number one mobile operating system, with more than 44% of the market."
1:39PM iOS是目前排名第一的移动操作系统,占有量44%
1:39PM These are Comscore's April numbers, showing Android in #2.
1:39PM 数据来自Comscore,Android排名第二
1:39PM He's talking up the iPad 2. "It is an amazing product, and our customers just couldn't wait to get their hands on it... actually they did have to wait."
1:39PM 他在说iPad2喵. "这是一台非常赞的设备, 每个人都想要买一台,不过还是得等啊!
1:40PM More than 25 million iPads sold sinc
e the original launch 14 months ago. "We've created a whole new category of device with the iPad."
1:40PM iPad的销量是14个月2500W台,这个是全新的设备。
1:40PM More than 15 billion songs have been sold through the iTunes Music Store, making it the #1 retailer of music in the world.
1:40PM 我们出售了150亿歌曲,世界排名第一的歌曲销售商
1:41PM The iBookstore has moved 130 million book downloads.
1:41PM iBook也有1.3亿的下载量
1:41PM "The size and momentum in the App Store is hard to fathom." 90,000 apps specifically for the iPad. "We'd like to thank our developers for these great apps.
1:41PM App Store的动能和尺寸已经是无可限量的了,9万iPad软件,我们非常感谢开发者开发这些软件
1:41PM More than 14 billion (yeah, with a B) apps downloaded from the App Store, total.
1:41PM 140亿的App Store下载量
1:42PM And Apple has paid out more than $$2.5 billion to developers -- big check signed by Steve Jobs on the screen.
1:42PM Apple给开发者超过25亿美金的分成了!!!
1:43PM Looking at some examples, Tiny Wings, HBO Go, even an FDA approved app for looking at CT scans.
1:43pm再看一些例子,小翅膀,HBO Go,甚至是FDA核准的寻找CT扫描的应用程序。
1:43PM More than 225 million accounts "all with credit cards and one-click purchasing."
1:43pm超过225万个帐户 “支持所有信用卡和一键购买。
1:43PM "Let's talk about the future of iOS, and that is iOS 5."
1:43PM“让我们来谈谈ios的未来,那就是iOS 5。”
1:43PM "iOS 5 is a major release. This is incredible for our developers and our customers."
1:44PM Over 1,500 new APIs! Got a few cat-calls from the saucier coders in the room.
1:44PM 超过1500个新的API,
1:44PM First new feature: Notifications.
1:44PM We're looking at the current notifications, the annoying pop-ups that have been "massively popular." More than 100 billion have been pushed so far!
1:45PM "We have built something that solves some of the current problems."
1:45PM The modal alerts are annoying when you're playing a game, or watching a video -- maybe you're really into the latest 30 Rock episode.
1:45PM Notification Center aggregates all the notifications. It's accessed by swiping down from the top.
1:46PM Swipe dow
n and you get a big list -- yeah, it looks like Android.
1:46PM 往下刷,你会看到一份大名单——是的,它是有点像安卓。
1:46PM Stocks and weather appear up top.
1:46PM 证券以及天气图标会出现在顶部。
1:46PM If you're playing a game, you get an animation up top that swivels down.
1:46PM 假如你正在玩游戏,你将会看到一个自上转下的动画。
1:46PM It's unobtrusive and goes away after a moment, but of course you can get back to it whenever you like.
1:46PM 假如因为有事要离开一小会,不用因此说抱歉,你可以在任何时候回归我们的阵营。
1:47PM It's on the lock screen as well, and you can if you slide across any of them you'll go straight to that app.
1:47PM 在屏幕锁上也是如此,你将可以通过滑动它直达应用程序。
1:47PM Demo time! We're seeing a few missed calls, a Facebook notification, and a text message.
1:47PM 演示时间!我们看到了一些未接来电显示,Facebook通知,以及文本信息。
1:47PM Swipe across the text message and you're right into conversation view.
1:47PM 跨过文字信息就可以进入会话视图。
1:48PM To clear a notification, just tap on the little X to the right and it disappears.
1:48PM 只需要按下”X“键直至它消失就可以删除通知。
1:48PM We're not seeing an Android-style clear button, but hopefully there's away to dismiss them all en masse.
1:48PM 我们没有看到有安卓风格的清除按钮,但是希望能有一种方法把它们集体清除
1:48PM Okay, next iOS 5 feature: Newsstand.
1:48PM 好了,下一个iOS 5的功能:新闻站。
1:48PM "Recently we added subscriptions, which makes it easier to get all the new issues without missing anything."
1:48PM ”最近我们增加了订阅,能够更轻松的获取所有的重要新闻,无一遗漏。“
1:49PM We're going through a suite of publications that support this, like Nat Geo and Spin.
1:49PM 我们将会通过一套报刊来表示支持,就像Nat Geo和Spin那样。
1:49PM Vanity Fair, Popular Science, Esquire, GQ, Oprah...
1:49PM Vanity Fair, Popular Science, Esquire, GQ, Oprah...
1:49PM You know, lots of magazines.
1:49PM 很多杂志.
1:49PM And papers: New York Times, SF Chronicle, Daily Telegraph...
1:49PM 还有报纸: New York Times, SF Chronicle, Daily Telegraph...
1:50PM "When you purchase them they're automatically downloaded and placed on the Newsstand. It's integrated with the home screen, looks like, well, a newspaper stand.
1:50PM "当你购买他们 ,他们将会自动下载到Newsstand中. 它集合到Home画面中, 看上去像一张报纸那样.
1:50PM New issues are now automatically downloaded in the background, available offline.
1:50PM 新的 issues 现在将会自动在后台下载, 支持离线.
1:50PM Feature number 3: Twitter.
1:50PM 第三个新功能: Twitter.
1:51PM "We want to make it even easier for all our customers to use Twitter on all their iOS products."
1:51PM "我们希望我们的用户在iOS产品上更方便的使用Twitter."
1:51PM Single sign-on. Jump into Settings, add in your deets, and you're configured for Twitter. Those credentials are then saved and can be (optionally) shared with any app that requests them.
1:51PM 简单的登录. 在设置中设置你的信息后, 你就完成了Twitter的全部设置. 这些认证将会保存 然后任何程序都可以使用他们(你可以选择哪些程序可以使用)。
1:52PM Integrated with many apps, including Camera and Photos. Just tap the action button, hit "Tweet" and it's attached. "It's that simple."
1:52PM 很多应用都集成了, 包括相机 照片. 只要点击按钮, 点击 "Tweet" 然后就能当作附件发送. "这很简单"
1:52PM It really is, Scott.
1:52PM 这真的是, Scott.
1:52PM You can also send articles from Safari and locations from Maps.
1:52PM 你同样可以在safari中发送文章 在地图中发送你的位置。
1:53PM You can also use Twitter to automatically update contacts if they have Twitter handles. Again, taking a cue from Android.
1:53PM 你同样可以使用Twitter来更新你的联系人. 再次说一下, 来自 Android的灵感.
1:53PM Next up: Safari.
1:53PM 下一个: Safari.
1:53PM "Safari is the best mobile web browser out there. It's also the most popular." Nearly 2 / 3 of all mobile web browsing is done through Safari.
1:53PM "Safari 是现在最好的移动设备浏览器. 同样是最流行的." 将近 2 / 3 的网页浏览是通过 Safari的.
1:54PM Safari Reader is a new button when you're reading a story on a website. It's up in the address bar.
1:54PM Safari Reader 一个新的按钮 当你在网页上阅读一个小故事. 它会出现在地址栏.
1:54PM All the distractions are gone, all the junk, just text in a single, scrolling story. "It's really convenient."
1:54PM 所有无关紧要的东西都会消失, 包括所有垃圾, 只会有文字出现 "这真的是很方便."
1:54PM You can e-mail the contents of the story too, not just the link. Cautious applause from the webmasters in the room...
1:54PM 你同样可以通过邮件发送故事内容, 不单单只是链接. 在场的 网络管理员谨慎的鼓掌(以后剽窃内容更加方便了啊 = =)...
1:55PM Reading List is next, "a simple way to read it later." Which is, you know, kind of like Read It Later.
1:55PM 下一个是Reading list, "一个简单的方法来稍候阅读." 这个就像 Read It Later 一样.
1:55PM You can access those you've tagged for later on multiple devices.
1:55PM 你可以在多台设备中阅读这些你标记的内容.
1:55PM Tabbed browsing is added as well! Demo
1:55PM 同时增加了标签! 演示时间.
1:56PM "It is lightning fast to switch between windows now." Just tap on one of the tabs and there you are, on that other tab.
1:56PM “现在窗口之间切换的速度快如闪电。”只需要在标签上点一下就会立即跳转到该标签了
1:56PM He's looking at a 20 page review of the EOS 60D on . He switches to Reader view and all the content is presented in one view.
1:56PM 他在 上浏览一个20页的EOS 60D评论。他切换到阅读模式,所有的内容全部被显示到同一个页面了。
1:57PM And there's naturally Twitter integration. Tap on "Tweet" and you get what they're calling the "Tweet Sheet" which is a common control across the Twitter-friendly apps.
1:57PM 而且很自然的这里内置了Twitter功能。只需要点击“Tweet”,你就能看到“Tweet Sheet(发布广播)”,这是一个相当常见的Twitter界面。
1:57PM Next feature: Reminders.
1:57PM 下一个:提醒。
1:58PM That one got an "oooh," from the crowd. Lots of folks apparently ignoring their honey-do lists to be here today.
1:58PM 观众们发出了“哦~~”的声音。相当多的人们看来都一直在无视日程表。
1:58PM You can store lists of things, assign a reminder to any dates, and you can even assign a location.
1:58PM 你可以保存想要做的事,设置一个约会日期提醒,你甚至可以设置一个地点。
1:59PM "I can set a location to remind me to call my wife when I leave the convention today. It'll set up a geofence."
1:59PM “我可以设置个地点,在今天的发布会结束后到达那里时会提醒我给我的妻子打电话。它会建立一个地点坐标。”
1:59PM Big applause for that, lots of people who need to call home when they leave here.
1:59PM 大家都在为这个功能热烈鼓掌,看来很多人都需要在离开这里后给家里打电话。
1:59PM It'll sync across devices, and with Cal.
1:59PM 它会在多个设备之间同步,而且包括日历也会。
1:59PM Next feature: Camera updates.
1:59PM 下一个:照相更新
2:00PM Looking at Flickr popularity, with the iPhone 4 the most popular phone on a camera, and soon the most popular ever.
2:00PM 看看Flickr的流行程度,iPhone 4是最流行的拥有照相功能的手机,而很快它会成为最流行的相机。
2:00PM There's now a Camera button on the lock screen.
2:00PM 现在锁屏状态下会有个相机的按钮。
2:00PM Tap on the camera icon and you're right in the Camera app, ready to take a photo.
2:00PM 点击相机按钮就可以直接进入照相程序,随时准备拍照。
2:01PM If you have a passcode set, you can take a new photo without entering it. But, your existing photos are protected.
2:01PM 如果你设置了解锁密码,你可以无需输入
2:01PM And you can use the volume up button to take pictures now. Huge applause on that one.
2:01PM 而且现在你可以使用音量增加按钮来拍照。大家都开始鼓掌。
2:01PM Or, you can use the shutter button to turn your volume up, if you want to look at it that way.
2:01PM 或者,你可以使用相机按键调大音量。
2:02PM You can pinch-to-zoom right in the app, and if you hold a tap on a part of the photo it'll set the exposure settings to optimize that portion of the image.
2:02PM 可以在软件右边进行缩放,在照片某部分上面按住不放,会显示设置相关选项
2:02PM And they can now be edited directly on the device. You can crop, rotate, reduce red-eye, and you can do a one click enhance -- if you're feeling lucky.
2:02PM 并且可以在设备中直接编辑,进行剪切、旋转、去红眼等操作,如果你希望傻瓜点,还可以一键增强。
2:03PM Next up: Mail.
2:03PM 下面要介绍的是邮件。
2:03PM Rich-text formatting, indentation control, draggable addresses (from To: to Cc: or Bcc:), flagging so you can mark them as unread, and now you can search the entire contents of messages.
2:03PM 富文本格式,缩进控制,可拖拽地址。可将未读邮件标记上旗帜,可搜索已键入内容。
2:04PM And S/MIME is being added as well, for the security mavens.
2:04PM 为安全起见,S/MIME协议也已加入到其中。
2:05PM There's also a built-in dictionary that's a service across the OS. "All apps from the App Store can use it."
2:05PM 另外,邮件中还内置了词典服务,该服务横跨于整个系统,所有来自 App Store 的软件都可以使用。
2:06PM Tap a word, tap "Define" in the popup, and you're in a dictionary. Scott didn't know what a lychee fruit is, apparently. Doesn't know what he's missing out on.
2:06PM 打一个字,点"Define,就可以进入词典。Scott以“荔枝”为例进行演示。
2:06PM Showing a new keyboard: grab it with your thumbs and go up and it splits.
2:06PM 新的键盘,相信会让你伸出大拇指
2:06PM It makes things a little more thumb-friendly on the iPad if you weren't blessed with freakishly-long fingers.
2:06PM 除你的手指非常怪异,新键盘将使iPad更适合手指操作
2:07PM Next feature: PC Free. We're cutting the cable here, folks.
2:07PM 下一个特性:无需电脑。朋友们,我们要把数据线给剪掉哦~
2:07PM Huge applause for that one. Nobody likes cables up in this house.
2:07PM 掌声热烈的响起,这里没有人喜欢数据线。
2:08PM "We know we're selling to a lot of places where the households just don't have computers."
2:08PM “我们知道众多我们的客户并没有电脑”
2:08PM Now, w
hen you take the phone out of the box, you just see "Welcome" instead of a prompt to tether it. "You can now setup and activate your device right on the device and you are ready to go. It's that easy."
2:08PM 现在,当你把iPhone从盒子里拿出来的时候,你就会看见欢迎界面,而不是一个提示连接到iTunes的界面。你可以直接在设备上直接完成设置并激活。这很简单。
2:08PM Also, software updates are OTA.
2:08PM 同时,软件可以无线更新。
2:09PM And those updates are delta updates, so again you're just getting what's changed -- which should put less of a hurting on your newly capped data plan.
2:09PM 更新是增量更新,换言之你只需下载有变化的部分……这将节省您的数据流量。
2:09PM You can now create & delete calendars right from iOS. We already saw the improved photo editing, and in Mail you can create and delete mailboxes from iOS. Basically, it's a much more independent operating system. "If you want to cut the cord, you can."
2:09PM 你可以直接在iOS上创建或者删除日历。我们已经改进了照片编辑功能。同时你也可以在iOS上创建或删除邮箱。实际上,这是个更加独立的系统。“如果你想剪掉数据线的话,你可以的!”
2:10PM Next feature: Game Center.
2:10PM 下一个功能:Game Center
2:10PM "iOS is the most popular gaming platform on the planet. There are more than 100,000 game and entertainment titles in the App Store."
2:10PM “iOS是地球上最受欢迎的游戏平台。App Store上有超过100000个游戏和娱乐节目”
2:10PM "In just 9 months we have 50 million Game Center users. To put that into perspective Xbox Live has been around for about eight years and they have around 30 million users."
2:10PM “仅仅9个月,我们就已经有了五千万Game Center用户。对比一下已经有了8年历史的Xbox Live,他们有大约三千万用户。”
2:11PM Yeah, that was a burn.
2:11PM 嗯,确实比较伤人。.
2:11PM We're getting more social here, seeing the scores of your friends' friends, also getting friend recommendations and game recommendations.
2:11PM 我们正在让它更加社交化,你可以查看朋友的朋友,并且获得建议好友和游戏。
2:11PM You can purchase and download games directly from Game Center.
2:11PM 你可以直接在Game Center中购买并下载游戏
2:12PM And, you can now play turn-based games right in the OS. Settlers and Carcasonne fans in the house just started smiling.
2:12PM 并且,你可以玩回合制游戏了。Settlers and Carcasonne迷一定开始微笑了
2:12PM Next feature: iMessage.
2:12PM 下一个功能:iMessage。
2:12PM "I believe we have the best messaging client on the iPhone. It works tremendously well to send text messages and photos and our customers love it -- our iPhone u
sers. But what about our iPad users, and our iPod touch users?"
2:12PM “我相信在 iPhone 上我们已经拥有了最好的信息客户端。它能完美的发送短信和图片,而且我们的客户非常喜欢它——我们的 iPhone 用户。但 iPad 和 iPod Touch 用户呢?”
2:12PM New messaging service between all iOS users, regardless of device.
2:12PM 新的信息服务,连接所有 iOS 用户,无论你拥有的是什么设备(当然要是 iOS 设备啦,小机器人白白~~~)
2:13PM Supports iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Lets you send text messages, photos, videos, contacts, and even do group messaging.
2:13PM 支持 iPhone, iPad 和 iPod Touch。支持发送文字信息,照片,视频,联系人,甚至支持群发
2:13PM Can also get delivery receipts, read receipts, and real-time typing notification.
2:13PM 还能够发送发票,读取发票,还拥有实时输入通知(正在输入..
2:14PM Since it's cross-device you can start a convo on your iPhone and pick it up on your iPad, or the reverse if you're into that.
2:14PM 因为这是一个跨设备的功能,你可以一开始在iPhone上使用变频器,并且你可以在iPad上从新开始,或者相反,你先进入ipad的变频器,再在ipad上从新开始。
2:14PM Demo time, we're going to be sending messages between an iPhone and an iPad. The iPhone is running a game.
2:14PM演示的时间,我们将要在iPhone和iPad之间发送消息。 iPhone正在运行游戏。
2:15PM Message sent from the iPad to the iPhone and, wouldn't you know it, a notification pops up.
2:15PM 在IPAD消息发送到iPhone,难道你不知道它,弹出了一个通知。
2:15PM Tapping on the notification brings you right to the new messaging interface. While responding, the iPad user gets a notification that the iPhone user is typing away.
2:15PM 敲打通知给你带来新的信息接口。等待响应, iPad用户得到了iPhone用户输入的通知。
2:16PM To send a photo or video you just tap the camera icon, pick a pic, and away it goes.
2:16PM 发送照片或视频,您只需轻按相机图标,选择一个图片,放开就发送出去了。
2:16PM This works over WiFi or 3G, in case you were wondering.
2:16PM 该过程通过WiFi或3G,这是你想知道的。
2:16PM Demo over! "We're actually building this on the push notification we built, so we know how to scale this."
2:16pm 演示! “我们实际在已建立的通知推送的基础上新创建了这个,所以我们知道该如何扩大这一点。“
2:17PM That's 10 of the 200+ new features that are coming, including AirPlay mirroring, letting you mirror your entire iPad right to the TV -- wirelessly.
2:17PM 这只是200多个新功能中的10个,包括点播镜像,让你将整个ipad的授权通过无线连接镜像到TV
2:18PM You can also sync your iTunes
library over WiFi too, as you might expect given the cut cable idea before.
2:18PM 你还可以通过WiFi同步iTunes资料库,你之前可能有希望砍掉数据线的想法。
2:18PM And new multi-tasking gestures too to "flick" between apps, as well as a suite of new dev tools that are receiving some mumbles of appreciation from the crowd.
2:18PM 还有新的多任务手势在应用程序之间“推击”,以及一个新的开发工具套件,正在接受众人的赞赏
2:18PM "When are you getting it?"
2:18PM “什么时候能用上它?”
2:19PM Developers get a seed today, for the SDK.
2:19PM 开发者们将在今天拿到 SDK
2:19PM "iOS 5 will ship to all of our customers this fall."
2:19PM “iOS 5 将在今年秋天送达用户手中”
2:19PM It'll support all the same devices as last time, basically starting with the iPhone 3GS, iPad and iPad 2, plus the third and fourth generation of iPod touch.
2:19PM iOS 5 将支持与上次 iOS 更新所支持的所有设备,也就是从 iPhone 3Gs 开始, iPad 和 iPad 2, 再加上第三代和第四代 iPod touch
2:20PM Now Steve Jobs is back, and it's time to talk iCloud.
2:20PM 现在 Steve Jobs 回来了,是时候讲讲 iCloud 了
2:20PM "You like everything so far?" Yeah, they do.
2:20PM “你们喜欢到目前为止的所有事情吗?”是的,他们很喜欢
2:20PM "I'll try not to blow it."
2:20PM “我会试着不把事情弄的一团糟”
2:20PM "I'm going to talk about iCloud. We've been working on this for some time now, and I'm really excited about it."
2:20PM “接下来,我将讲讲 iCloud。我们已经在这上面花了不少时间了,而且我对它感到非常的激动”
2:21PM Steve is talking about how 10 years ago he realized the computer would become something of a hub for your life -- your photos, your music, your content. "You'll basically sync it to your Mac and everything will work fine. And it did, for the better part of 10 years, but it's broken down in the last few years."
2:21PM Steve 正在讲他在 10 年前如何意识到电脑将会成为你生命中的一个中心——你的照片,你的音乐,你的文件。“你将会把它和你的 Mac 同步,而且所有的设备都将正常工作。它曾经做到了,大概有 10 年,但最近它不行了”
2:21PM Why? Because the devices have changed. "They now all have photos, they now all have video." Basically, you want all your content everywhere all the time.
2:21PM 为什么?因为现在的设备正在不断的更换。“它们现在都有了照片,都有了视频。”基本上,你想要让你的文件在所有设备上同步
2:21PM "Keeping these devices in sync is driving us crazy."
2:21PM “尝试着让所有的设备同步已经足够让我们发疯了”
2:22PM "We've got a great solution to this problem... We're going to demote the PC and the Mac to just be
a device."
2:22PM “现在,我们有了一个解决方案... 我们将把 PC 和 Mac 都降级成一个设备
2:22PM "We're going to move the digital hub, the center of your digital life, into the cloud."
2:22PM “我们将把数字中心,你数字生活的中心,移到云服务上”
2:22PM All these devices can talk to the cloud at any time. Steve's talking about taking pictures on your iPhone which are pushed up to the cloud and then pushed back down to all the other devices.
2:22PM 所有的设备可在任何时候与云做交流。Steve 正在讲述当你用 iPhone 拍摄一张照片时,这张照片被自动推送到云端,然后云端将会把它推送到所有设备
2:23PM "I don't even need to take the devices out of my pocket."
2:23PM “我甚至根本不需要把设备从我的口袋中拿出来”
2:23PM "Some people think the cloud is just a big disk in the sky... We think it's way more than that."
2:23PM “一些人认为云只是一个空中的大容量硬盘... 我们觉得它远远不只是一个大容量硬盘
2:23PM "iCloud stores your content in the cloud and wirelessly pushes it to all your device. It automatically uploads it, stores it, and pushes it to all your devices."
2:23PM “iCloud 将会在云端储存你所有的文件并通过无线将它们推送到你所有的设备上面。它自动上传,储存,和推送文件到你所有的设备上”
2:23PM "Everything happens automatically and there's nothing new to learn. It just all works."
2:23PM 每一项都能够自动进行,虽然没有任何更新,但是全部都能派上用场。
2:24PM "Now why should I believe them? They're the ones who brought me MobileMe." Hah! Steve just called MobileMe "not our finest hour."
2:24PM “为什么我现在要相信他们?因为他们为我提供了MobileMe。”哈,史蒂夫竟然把MobileMe称为“不属于我们的快乐时光”。
2:24PM The MobileMe apps have been re-written from the "ground up" to work on the iCloud.
2:24PM MobileMe应用已经通过从“底层”到iCloud云服务的使用进行重新编写
2:25PM Contacts added in any device are pushed to the cloud and then sync'd down to all the other devices. Naturally, change it anywhere and that change propagates.
2:25PM 在任何设备上的联系人添加都会被归入云服务,同时同步到其它的设备上。也就是说,你能够在任何地方改变它,从而改变信息传送。
2:25PM Calendars works about the same, make any changes and they get pushed. Plus, you can share your calendars with other users.
2:25PM 日历还是如往常一样,没有做出任何改变。除此之外,你还能够与其它用户进行日历共享。
2:26PM We're still well within the capabilities of other mobile operating systems, but we hang on, we still have a way to go.
2:26PM 虽然我们对于其
2:27PM "Mail was in the best shape of all, but it's even better." Get an @ account and all your messages are sync'd and pushed across.
2:27PM “邮件曾经是最好的形式,但现在的它变得更加出色。”在获得一个@的账户后你的所有信息将可以进行同步。
2:27PM "No ads" Steve just confirmed.
2:27PM 史蒂夫宣布“没有广告”。
2:27PM "We build products that we use too, and we just don't want ads."
2:27PM “我们也会创造出为自己使用的产品,但是我们真的不需要广告。”
2:27PM MobileMe used to cost $$99 annually. "As of today this product ceases to exist."
2:27PM 曾经的MobileMe会花掉我们每年99美元。“但是今天过后这个产品将不复存在。”
2:27PM iCloud will be free!
2:27PM iCloud将是免费的!
2:28PM Or, at least usage of these three apps will be free...
2:28PM 又或者,至少这三个应用将是免费的。
2:28PM We're looking at some new apps now, including the AppStore, which lets you see all your app purchases, even if they're not installed on the current device.
2:28PM 我们正在看到一些最新的应用,包括能够让你对所有的应用购买一目了然的AppStore,甚至就算他们没有安装到设备上。
2:29PM Tap on the cloud button and apps are pulled down to the current device. When you buy a new app or a new device everything is propagated across again.
2:29PM 按下“cloud”键,应用程序就会下载到设备上。当你购买一款新的应用或是设备时都将会再次进行跨越传送。
2:29PM iBooks now, same basic story. You can push the button and pull things locally if it was purchased elsewhere.
2:29PM 如今的iBook也基本相同。假如是通过异地购买,你可通过按下相同的按键然后在本地进行收集。
2:30PM Now we're talking about backing up devices to the cloud "for those people who want to be completely PC-free."
2:30PM 我们现在所谈到的是为那些希望在PC上实现完全免费的用户在云端上备份设备当中的信息。
2:30PM Every day content will be backed up. Get a new device? Just type in your ID and password and there's your content, pushed right there.
2:30PM 每天内容都将备份,就像得到一个新设备?只需输入你的ID和密码备份的内容就会呈现在你眼前
2:31PM Backed up over WiFi only, including purchased music, books, photos and videos, device settings, and App data as well.
2:31PM 一切只需通过WiFi备份,包括购买音乐、书籍、图片、影像、设备设置,还有程序数据
2:31PM So that's six apps for iCloud, "but we couldn't stop there."
2:31PM 以上便是6个关于iCloud的新应用,但我们不会就此打住
2:31PM Three more to come, are you ready? "I'd lov
e to tell you about them."
2:31PM 还有更多,你们准备好了吗?我很乐意把它们介绍给你
2:31PM First one is called Documents in the Cloud
2:31PM 第一个功能叫做Documents in the Cloud
2:32PM "If I'm on my iPad and I create a Pages document, it automatically uploads it and stores it in the cloud."
2:32PM 如果我在自己的iPad上创建了一个页面文档,它会自动上传并保存在云端
2:32PM "It then pushes it to all the devices that I have Pages on, so I can get the document between my devices."
2:32PM 它会推送到我所有的设备上,这样我就能在我的任意设备上取得文件
2:32PM That's in Pages, Numbers, and Keynote.
2:32PM 它能同时被Pages、Numbers和Keynote所应用
2:32PM The versions released last week actually have this feature already tied in. Could iCloud be launching today?
2:32PM 上周公布的版本确实包含这些新功能。iCloud会在今天放出吗?
2:33PM Demo time, looking at Keynote on an iPad.
2:32PM 演示时间,来看iPad上的Keynote
2:33PM Now moving over to Keynote on an iPhone, and on first launch it asks whether you want to look in the cloud.
2:33PM 下面我们把目光转移到iPhone上的Keynote,第一次启动时它会询问你是否想通过云服务来查看
2:34PM The file downloads, and even goes back to the current slide. This is being done over AT&T, by the way.
2:34PM 文件下载,它甚至可以像现在这样显示。顺便说一句,这是通过AT&T的iPhone演示的
2:34PM Now looking at Pages on the iPhone, moving a graphic around and inserting a photo directly from Camera Roll.
2:34PM 现在我们来看iPhone的界面,移动图片以及直接从相册插入照片
2:35PM "I stick the phone in my pocket and I forget about it... When I get home, pick up the iPad and fire up Pages, and the document thumbnail has already been updated."
2:35PM 我把iPhone放在口袋里,甚至忘记了它的存在。当我回到家时拿起我的iPad并打开页面时,你将发现文档缩略图已被更新
2:35PM "Absolutely no effort on my part." Thank goodness, we don't need any more things that require effort.
2:35PM 绝对不需太多努力,谢天谢地,这简直是事半功倍的效果
2:35PM "Documents in the Cloud really completes our iOS document storage story. A lot of us have been working for 10 years to get rid of the file system so the user doesn't have to learn about it."
2:35PM 云端功能真正的完成了iOS系统文件的储存。我们中的绝大多数人为了完成这个文件系统花了十年,以至于大家可以轻松的学习掌握它
2:36PM "The piece that we weren't finished with was how do we move those documents around to multiple devices, and Documents in the Cloud solves that problem for us."
2:36PM “我们现在还没完成的部分是如何在多个设备之间传输文档,而云端
2:36PM Steve is really amped up about the simplification here, and the crowd is really amped up that there are iCloud APIs for developers to tie in to.
2:36PM Steve真的是很陶醉于这个简单实用的功能,而观众们则陶醉于iCloud会提供API给开发者们。
2:37PM You can have full documents, or just key / value pairs that will be stored remotely as well.
2:37PM 你能在云端存储完整的文档,或只是关键部分。
2:37PM "Works across all iOS devices, and Macs and PCs too."
2:37PM “它可以在所有的iOS设备上工作,当然Mac和PC也可以。”
2:37PM Okay, time for the next app: Photo Stream.
2:37PM 好了,该是下一个程序了:照片流。
2:38PM "It's going to bring the cloud to photos."
2:38PM “它将带给Photos 云服务。”
2:38PM Steve is talking about the chore of pushing photos to devices when you return home from a vacation, say.
2:38PM Steve在说度假完回到家后把照片传输到其他设备是个相当烦人的苦差事。
2:38PM Any photos taken on any devices are pushed to the cloud and then sent to the other devices. Automatically.
2:38PM 在任何设备上拍摄的任何照片都将会上传到云端并且推送到其他设备上。而且全部是自动完成的。
2:39PM Yes, a little like Picasa on Android, but seemingly a lot more transparent.
2:39PM 没错,有点像Android上的Picasa,但更加透明。
2:39PM There's no separate app, it's right in Photos as a separate album.
2:39PM 没有独立的程序,它只不过在照片程序中显示为一个独立的相册。
2:39PM On the Mac it's in iPhoto, on the side.
2:39PM 在Mac上它则位于iPhoto的侧边栏上。
2:40PM On the PC, though, it's included in the Pictures folder.
2:40PM 在PC上,它将位于图片文件夹中。
2:40PM Presumably that'll require some sort of software, but we'll try to get details on that later.
2:40PM 看来这一定是需要某种软件才能做到了,不过我们会在稍后详细解说。
2:40PM Photos go to Apple TV as well.
2:40PM 照片同样会传输到Apple TV。
2:40PM "One of the problems we faced is that photos are large and will consume all the memory in your devices."
2:40PM “我们碰到的一个问题是,照片可能会占用相当多的空间,甚至会把你的设备填满。”
2:41PM "We're going to store photos on your devices. We'll store the last 1,000 photos."
2:41PM “我们会在你的设备上保存照片。保留最后拍摄的1000张。”
2:41PM If you want to keep something permanently, just move it into an album. On the Mac or PC, all are stored permanently.
2:41PM 如果你想永久的保存它们,只需要将它们放入某个相册就可以了。在Mac或PC上,都可以永久保存。
2:41PM In the cloud, photos are kept for 30 days.
1PM 在云端,照片将保存30天。
2:41PM "When I take a photo anywhere, I can view it on all my other devices. We think this is going to be really exciting."
2:41PM “当我在随便什么地方拍了照片后,我就可以在我其他的设备上直接浏览。我们认为这相当令人感到兴奋。”
2:41PM Demo time, Eddy Cue is up.
2:41PM 演示时间,Eddy Cue上台
2:42PM We just took a photo on an iPhone, and instantly the image is on the iPad.
2:42PM 我们刚刚在iPhone上拍了张照片,然后瞬间之后就可以在iPad上浏览了。
2:43PM You can then drag into a new album if you want to keep it. Moving over to iPhoto, going to Photo Stream, and again there's the picture.
2:43PM 如果你想保存它,只要拖拽到一个新的专辑中. 同样可以放到iPhoto, 放到Photo Stream中, 当然只是图片.
2:43PM It's Lightning McQueen, by the way. A little advertising tie-in, perhaps?
2:43PM 这是 Lightning McQueen, 另外. 好想里面有小广告?
2:44PM Steve's back up. "Isn't that awesome?"
2:44PM Steve回来了. "这个酷吗?"
2:44PM "We're really pleased with Photo Stream. We think you're going to like it a lot."
2:44PM "我们同样很喜欢 Photo Stream. 我们想你们也会喜欢."
2:44PM Okay, last bit: iTunes in the Cloud.
2:44PM Okay, 最后: 云端iTunes .
2:45PM "It's the same old story. I buy something on my iPhone and it's not on my other devices. I grab my iPod and I go to listen to that song and it ain't there!"
2:45PM "依然是这个故事. 我在iPhone上买了一些东西,但是没有在其它的设备上. 我拿起iPod 然后我想听那首歌 但是它不在那里!"
2:45PM Happens to us every day.
2:45PM 这样的情况每天都会发生.
2:45PM Again, you can look at your purchased songs and albums just by clicking the same familiar cloud download button -- or just download individual songs.
2:45PM 你只要点击相似的云下载按钮 就可以看到你下载的歌曲和专辑。
2:46PM "Anything I've bought I can now download to any of my devices at no additional charge."
2:46PM "现在我可以把已购买的东西下载到我任何的设备上,并且没有额外的费用."
2:46PM "This is the first time we've seen this in the music industry -- no charge for multiple downloads to different devices."
2:46PM "这是我们第一次在音乐行业中看到 -- 在多设备上下载并没有没有额外的费用."
2:46PM Surely some old school users are pondering that one a little bit.
2:46PM 当然一些 的用户会考虑。
2:47PM Eddy is back for another demo.
2:47PM Eddy 回来演示另一个tab.
2:47PM There's a new "Purchased" tab in iTunes. You can look at all your albums find anything you like, and then just hit that cloud button.
2:47PM iTunes中有一个新的“已购买”标签,你可以在
2:48PM Seemed to take about 30 seconds for the song to get going after hitting the download button.
2:48PM 貌似一首歌曲大概30秒钟。
2:48PM We're buying a new Bruno Mars song, "The Lazy Song."
2:48PM 我们正在购买一首Bruno Mars 的新歌曲,"The Lazy Song
2:49PM Eddy hit "Buy" on the iPhone and, instantly, it popped up on his iPad.
2:49PM 在iPhone上点击购买按钮,之后可以让它通过云端显示到iPad上。
2:49PM "Now when I buy a song on one of my devices it automatically downloads to all of my devices without having to sync or do anything at all."
2:49PM 当我在一部设备上购买了歌曲之后,它可以自动下载到所有设备中,不需要同步。
2:49PM Demo over, Steve is back. "Isn't this awesome?"
2:49PM 展示结束,乔布斯回来,:“这些难道不酷吗?”
2:49PM It's 256Kbps AAC and you can push to up to 10 devices.
2:49PM 歌曲的码率是256Kbps AAC,最多可推送到10部设备上。
2:50PM "These nine apps constitute iCloud, and they are all free."
2:50PM 包括iCloud在内的九款软件都是免费。
2:50PM "We're making it free, and we're very excited about it. So that's iCloud. It stores your content and pushes it to all of your devices, and it's integrated with all your apps."
2:50PM 我们使它免费,对此也非常激动。这就是iCloud,它可以存储你的内容,然后推送到所有的设备上,并与所有的软件整合。
2:51PM He's saying that competitors can never make it so that "it just works."
2:51PM 我们的竞争对手从来不能做到这样
2:51PM That was a dig against Google Music, if you didn't catch it.
2:51PM 这对Google Music是一个有力的反击。
2:51PM This will be set up by default on new iOS 5 devices, and you'll get 5GB of storage for mail.
2:51PM 这些将是iOS 5 设备的默认配置,你可以得到5GB空间存储邮件。
2:51PM And other storage too. But, Photo Stream and music downloads don't count. So it's "more than it sounds."
2:51PM 照片和音乐存储不计算在内,所以比听起来更好。
2:52PM Yes, launching in developer beta today.
2:52PM 开发者今天就可以使用测试版。
2:52PM iTunes in the Cloud runs on iOS 4.3 beta.
2:52PM 云端的 iTunes 可以在iOS 4.3 上运行。
2:52PM iCloud will "ship" concurrent with iOS 5 this fall.
2:52PM iCloud 可将随iOS 5于秋季放出。
2:52PM How do you ship a cloud, anyway? The jet stream?
2:52PM “云”如何出货?通过数据流传输?
2:52PM Oh boy, "one more thing."
2:52PM 下面,谈谈另外一件事。
2:53PM "Just a small thing. It pertains to iTunes in the cloud."
2:53PM 只是一件小事,那就是将iTunes 置于云端
2:53PM "With 15 billion songs, that's a lot of songs out there. But, you m
ay have some that you ripped yourself. There's three ways you can deal with that."
2:53PM: 不过这可是150亿首歌曲哦,我们有三个处理方法。
2:53PM 1: You can sync your new devices over WiFi or cable.
2:53PM 1: 可以通过数据线或者wifi同步
2:53PM 2: You can buy the songs you'll miss on iTunes... again. Right.
2:53PM 2: 直接购买
2:54PM 3: You can use iTunes Match. "iTunes Match uses the fact that we have 18 million songs now in the iTunes music store."
2:54PM 3: 直接用itunes match,要知道我们在有1800W首歌曲在itunes里面呢。
2:54PM Software will scan your tunes and match it up with those songs in the store. "We give that music the same benefits as music purchased in iTunes."
2:54PM 软件会自动扫描你的歌曲并匹配。
2:54PM "This takes minutes, not weeks. If you have to upload your entire library to some service in the cloud, that could take weeks!"
2:54PM 这只需要几分钟,当然如果你要搬太多的话,恐怕需要几个星期了。
2:55PM Yes, another dig at Google Music.
2:55PM 是的,这个对goolge music是个打击。
2:55PM If any songs don't match they'll be uploaded for you. Anything that's matched is upgraded to 256Kbps AAC, without DRM.
2:55PM 如果没有找到你的歌曲,那么itunes就会上传给你,没有DRM保护,256K AAC格式的。
2:55PM iTunes Match costs $$24.99 per year.
2:55PM itunes Match一年是24.99美金
2:56PM Wondering what happened to Lala? Now you know.
2:56PM 现在你知道当初我们为啥收购lala了吧??
2:56PM We're comparing to some of the competition, namely Amazon and Google.
2:56PM 我们在比较一些竞争者,特别提到了Amazon和Google
looking at $$200 on Amazon. It's still anybody's guess how much that will cost on Google.
2:57PM Apple现在是一年$$25,不管你有多少歌曲。假设20000首歌曲的话,Amazon要价200刀,谷歌价格暂时不明,
2:57PM "It's an industry-leading offer, let's put it that way."
2:57PM 这个是行业的先驱,我们正在向这个方向发展
2:57PM "If you don't think we're serious about this, you're wrong. This is our third data center that we just completed."
2:57PM 如果你们认为我们不是认真的话,你错了!这是我们刚建成的第三个数据中心
2:58PM We're getting a bit of a photo tour of the company's new data center. "It's as eco-friendly as you can make a modern data center, and we're pretty proud of it."
2:58PM "It's a large place and it's full of stuff. Full of expensive stuff. We are ready, we think, for customers to start using iCloud and we can't wait to get it in their hands."
2:58PM 这是最大的数据中心,并且里面装满了昂贵的设备,我们已经准备好
2:58PM "So go at it, have a great week, and thank you very much."
2:58PM 所以就这样了哈,非常感谢!
2:59PM There you have it, no new hardware.
2:59PM 没有新的硬件设备发布
2:59PM Lights are up, people are filing out, and the soul music is back. We're going to groove our way out of here and go see what we can see.
2:59PM 灯亮咯,人们也在步出房间,开始播放音乐,来看看我们能看到什么东西
3:00PM Don't forget to join us in an hour or two for our live re-cap. Keep an eye on the main site for specifics.
3:00PM 我们等下可以花1-2个小时详细看一下。