翻译——第二周 翻译的过程
2020年07月30日 02:24
From there I could see the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing. A、从那里,我可以看见下面的整个山谷,那田野、 河流和村庄。这一切非常美丽,见到后使我心里充 满了渴望。 B、从这里望下去,整个山谷一览无遗,只见那田野、 河流和村庄,全都美不胜收,真叫我心驰神往。
I was with my father on a business-andpleasure trip… A A、我和我的父亲进行了一次商务和娱乐的旅 行。 B、我和父亲这次旅行,既为了公事,也为了 游乐…… C、我和父亲一起出来,既是出差,也是游玩。
A difficulty of arranging their lips in this crude exposure to public scrutiny, in inability to balance their heads… was apparent in them. (T. Hardy: Tess of the d’Urbervilles) A、很显然,她们对在这样暴露在大众观察之下如何 安排她们的嘴唇感到很困难,也不能平衡他们的 头…… B、像这样暴露在众目睽睽之下,她们一个个不知道 嘴唇该怎么摆,脑袋该怎么放…… C、像这样暴露在众目睽睽之下,她们一个个不知道 如何举手投足…… D、显然,硬要在大庭广众面前抛头露面,她们一个 个不知道嘴唇应该做出怎样的形态,脑袋应该摆出 怎样的姿势。
The Chairperson suggested that delegations continue their discussions under this topic on the basis of the answers provided by the group of Members from ASEAN to questions surrounding their proposal contained in JOB(04)/4. (Memorandum of WTO meeting on GATS rules)
★ ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟 ★ GATS: General Agreement on Trade in Service 服务贸易总协定
A、大会主席提议各代表团在“东盟”成员组提供的 文件的回答基础上继续讨论该问题。 就JOB(04)/4文件的回答基础上 文件的回答基础上 B、“东盟” 成员组对其提案的相关问题作了解释 详见JOB(04)/4文件), 文件), (详见 文件),大会主席提议各代表团 对此继续讨论。
Eugene A. Nida(奈达): analysis 分析, transfer 传译, restructuring 重组(按 译语规则重新组织译文), test 检验 George Steiner (乔治·斯坦纳): trust 信任,aggression 进攻,incorporation吸收, restitution 补偿/恢复 国内学者: 正确理解(to interpret correctly)→创造性表达(to express creatively)→审校(to proofread)
语言分析( 语言分析(Language) )
He emerged on January 31 to go to Deli for the conference which, however negative from his
point of view, at least provided the occasion for his bath in twenty-nine days. A、一月三十一日,史迪威抵达德里。尽管他对这个会议的态 他对这个会议的态 度十分消极,但最少在二十九天以来,他第一次有了个洗澡 度十分消极 的机会。 B、一月三十一日,史迪威公开露面,去德里参加会议。这次 这次 会议在他看来不管有多么消极,至少为他提供了一个二十九 会议在他看来不管有多么消极 天以来第一次洗澡的机会。
语境分析( 语境分析(Context) )
“And you are my uncle, then!” she cried, reaching up to salute him. (E. Bronte: Wuthering Heights, Ch.7, VII) A、“这么说,你是我的姑父啦,”她嚷道,走到她跟前,行 了个礼。 [Context:Heathcliff, Katie Catherine, Linton] {Heathcliff: “There – damn it! If you have any kisses to spare, give them to Linton: they are thrown away on me.} B、 “这么说,你是我的姑父啦,”她嚷道,走到她跟前,行 吻礼。
逻辑分析 (Logic) )
Clare stood still, and inclined his face towards hers. “Oh, Tessy!” he exclaimed. The girl’s cheeks burned to the breeze, and she could not look into his eyes for the emotion. (T Hardy: Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Ch.23) A、克莱站住了脚,把脸歪到她那一面。 “哦,苔丝!”他喊道。 那个女孩子的两颊,在微风中 在微风中红得火热,她感情激越,神飞魄失,她不 在微风中 敢再看克莱的眼睛了。 B、克莱站住了脚,把脸贴向苔丝的脸。 “哦,苔丝!”他失声嚷道。 苔丝感到了他嘴里冒出的气息 他嘴里冒出的气息,脸上给烧得火辣辣的,她心摇神荡,不 他嘴里冒出的气息 敢再盯着克莱的眼睛了。
表达(Expression) I
Faithfulness or Smoothness Content or Style I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun. (J. Ausen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch18, ) A、等我发现我自己开始爱上你的时候,我已经走了 一半路了。 B、我是到了不能自拔的时候,才发现爱上了你。
表达(Expression) II
Style: 亲爱的姑娘→亲爱的姑妈 退信:怪你眼睛瞎,姑娘喊姑妈。若还嫁给你,羞死 我一家。 回信:妈也就是娘,娘也就是妈。姑娘没有错,姑妈 哪会差。
表达(Expression) III
Style → Image 1、保留原文形象,寻求形式内容对等 Healer-In-Chief Clinton to Visit Town of Massacre “首席安抚官” Rats desert a falling house. 屋倒鼠搬家,树倒猢狲散 2、更改原文形象,寻求功能对等 “Did you say ‘pig’ or ‘fig’?” said the cat. “I said ‘pig’.” replied Alice. “你刚才是说‘猪’还是‘鼠’?”那只猫问道。 “我说的是‘猪’。”爱丽丝说。 3、省略原文形象,寻求信息内容对等
Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard. 据说家家户户都多少有点家丑。(补偿意译)
4、再造意象,追求神似 3-U Brand — Unrivalled quality, Unbeatable price, Unreserved service “三优”牌——优良的质量、优惠的价格、优质的服务 三联运输公司:海陆空联运 Sanlian Shipping Service SSS – Sea-borne, Air-borne & Land-surface Transportation (SALT) I am thrice a waiter: waiting for good, waiting for sleep, and waiting for death. 我是个三等公民:等吃、等睡、等死。 Separate pear, separate pair. 分梨,分离。
Max Weber
Fainter, dimmer, stiller each moment, Now Night. A、一刻比一刻飘渺、晦暗、安宁, 于是夜来临。(辜正坤译) B、愈近黄昏, 暗愈暗, 静愈静, 每刻每分, 已入夜境。(郭沫若译)
Creativity or restraint “带着手铐脚镣跳舞” 翻译中的创造性,主要表现在语言层面。 The cold weather frosted up the track last night. A、昨晚寒冷的天气使跑道上结了霜。 B、昨晚天气寒冷,跑道上结了霜。
Accurate + natural/economical The snow lay yards deep in our road; and, as we floundered on, my companion wearied me with constant reproaches that I had not brought a pilgrim’s staff… 路上的雪有三 英尺深, 我们蹒跚走去,我的同伴只 管唠唠叨叨地埋怨我连一根朝圣用的拐杖都没有 带…… (1 yard = 3 feet = 0.9144 m)
But the gaiety does not ring true and anybody who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose(引人落泪的) melancholy. (B. Russell: “The Unhappy American Way”) A、但是这种欢快听上去并不真实,任何人只 要多喝一杯,就会陷入泪流满面的忧郁 泪流满面的忧郁之中。 泪流满面的忧郁 B、但是这种欢快听上去并不真实,任何人只 要多喝一杯,就会悲从中来,潸然泪下 悲从中来, 悲从中来 潸然泪下。