Alexandre-Théophile Vandermonde
Born: 28 Feb 1735 in Paris, France
Died: 1
Jan 1796 in Paris, France
Article by:
J J O'Connor
E F Robertson
March 2001
Edited by
XiaJingbo, mail to: xjb@
Theophile Vandermonde's father was a medical
doctor who was originally from
Landrices but
had spent 12 years in the Orient. He had set up a
medical practice in Paris and was
there as a doctor when his son Alexandre-Théophile
was born. He did not encourage his son to
follow a medical profession but rather
encouraged him to take up a career in music.
Certainly he was not
interested in mathematics
when he was young. Alexandre-Théophile was awarded
his bachelier on 7
September 1755 and his
licencie on 7 September 1757.
His first love
was music and his instrument was the violin. He
pursued a music career and he only
turned to
mathematics when he was 35 years old. It was
Fontaine des Bertins whose enthusiasm for
mathematics rubbed off on Vandermonde. Perhaps
surprisingly he was elected to the Académie des
Sciences in 1771 with little evidence of his
mathematical genius other than his first paper
although he was not a member at the
time, was read to the Academy in November 1770.
However, he did
make quite a remarkable
contribution to mathematics in this paper and
three further papers which he
presented to the
Academy between 1771 and 1772. These four papers
represent his total mathematical
output and we
will discuss their content below together with the
views of a number of historians of
on his contribution.
Vandermonde's election
to the Académie des Sciences did motivate him to
work hard for the
Academy and to publish other
works on science and music. In 1777 he published
the results of
experiments he had carried out
with Bézout and the chemist Lavoisier on low
temperatures, in
particular investigating the
effects of a very severe frost which had occurred
in 1776. Ten years later
he published two
papers on manufacturing steel, this time joint
work with Monge and Bertholet. The aim
of this research was to improve the
steel used for bayonets but experimenting with
different mixtures
of iron and carbon. That he
work closely with Monge reflected the fact that
the two were very close
friends, in fact he so
close that he was known as
femme de Monge.
In 1778 Vandermonde presented the first of a
two part work on the theory of music to the
Académie des Sciences. The second part was
presented two years later. This work
applicable à l'état actuel de la
did not propose a mathematical theory
of music as one might
have expected from
someone who was an expert in both fields. On the
contrary the aim of the work was
to put
forward the idea that musicians should ignore all
theory of music and rely solely on their trained
ears when judging music. As one might expect
this proved a controversial work with musicians
sharply divided as to whether they
agreed with Vandermonde or not. Despite the
opposition of many
musicians at first, the
ideas put forward by Vandermonde gained favour
over the years and by the
beginning of the
nineteenth century the Académie des Sciences had
moved music from the
mathematical area to the
arts area. It is worth repeating that it is
strange that a mathematician of the
rank should have argued against music as a
mathematical art, a position it had held since the
days of ancient Greece.
Positions which
Vandermonde held include director of the
Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers in
1782 and
chief of the Bureau de l'Habillement des Armées in
1792. In the same year of 1792 he sat
Lagrange on a committee of the Académie des
Sciences which had to examine the violon
harmonique, a newly invented musical
instrument. He was involved with the École
Normale, which was
founded in October 1794,
and was on the team designing a course in
political economy. His friend Monge
was also
involved with the École Normale as were Lagrange
and Laplace. However the establishment only
operated for six months after it opened in the
Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle in January 1795 before
being closed down.
Like Monge,
Vandermonde was a strong supporter of the
Revolution which began with the storming
the Bastille on 14 July 1789. The politics of
Revolution in France long before this event had
been so
exciting for Vandermonde that it
diverted him from a possible longer mathematical
and scientific
career. However the truth of
the matter is that he suffered from poor health
all his life and, but for
this, he might well
have been able to be highly involved in politics
yet continue with mathematical and
Perhaps the name of Vandermonde
is best known today for the Vandermonde
determinant. While it
is certainly true that
he made a major contribution to the theory of
determinants, yet nowhere in his
mathematical papers does this determinant appear.
It is rather strange, therefore, that this
determinant should be named after him and
several authors have puzzled over the fact for
some time.
Lebesgue's conjecture in [3] (first
published in 1940) that it resulted for someone
Vandermonde's notation, and
therefore believing that this determinant was in
his work, seems the most
Vandermonde's four mathematical papers, with
their dates of publication by the Académie des
Sciences, were
Mémoire sur la résolution
des équations
Remarques sur des
problèmes de
sur des irrationnelles de différens ordres avec
une application au cercle
(1772), and
Mémoire sur l'élimination
The first of these four papers
presented a formula for the sum of the
powers of the roots of
an equation. It also
presented a formula for the sum of the symmetric
functions of the powers of such
roots. Neither
of these were new having appeared in Waring's work
shortly before but, although he was
aware of
this Vandermonde claimed, rightly in my [EFR]
opinion, that his approach was sufficiently
different to make publication of these results
for a second time worthwhile. The paper also shows
is a prime less than 10 the
- 1 = 0 can be solved in
radicals. Jones writes in [1]:-
Vandermonde's real and unrecognised claim to fame
was lodged in his first paper, in which he
approached the general problem of the
solubility of algebraic equations through a study
of functions
invariant under permutations of
the roots of the equation.
claimed in 1888 that the study of modern algebra
began with this first paper of
Cauchy states quite clearly that Vandermonde had
priority over Lagrange for this
idea which eventually led to the study of group
In his second paper Vandermonde
considered the problem of the knight's tour on the
chess board.
This paper is an early example of
the study of topological ideas. Vandermonde
considers the
intertwining of the curves
generated by the moving knight and his work in
this area marks the beginning
of ideas which
would be extended first by Gauss and then by
Maxwell in the context of electrical
In his third paper Vandermonde studied
combinatorial ideas. He defined the symbol
= 1(
He gave an identity for the
expansion of [
also proved that
π2 = [
is interesting to note that at this time no
notation existed for
! yet with his
Vandermonde had defined something
more general. Clearly
The final of Vandermonde's four
papers studied the theory of determinants. Muir
[4] claims that
because of this paper
Vandermonde was:-
The only one fit to be
viewed as the founder of the theory of
The reason for this strong
claim by Muir is that, although mathematicians
such as Leibniz had
studied determinants
earlier than Vandermonde, all earlier work had
simply used the determinant as a
tool to solve
linear equations. Vandermonde, however, thought of
the determinant as a function and gave
properties of the determinant function.
He showed the effect of interchanging two rows and
interchanging two columns. From this he
deduced that a determinant with two identical rows
or two
identical columns is zero. Finally he
gave a remarkably clever notation for determinants
which has not
References for Alexandre-Theophile
1. P S Jones, Biography
in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York
2. H Lebesgue,
L'oeuvre mathématique de Vandermonde, Thales,
recueil des travaux de
l'Institut d'histoire
des sciences IV (1937-39), 28-42.
3. H
Lebesgue, L'oeuvre mathématique de Vandermonde,
Enseignement Math. (2) 1 (1956),
4. T Muir, History of determinants Volume 3
5. J H Przytycki, History of the knot
theory from Vandermonde to Jones, in XXIVth
Congress of the Mexican Mathematical
Society (México City, 1992), 173-185.
6. J J
Tattersall, Who put the 'C' in A-T Vandermonde?,
Historia Math. 15 (4) (1988),
J J Tattersall, Vandermonde's contributions to the
early history of combinatorial theory,
Eleventh British Combinatorial Conference, Ars
Combin. 25 (1988), C, 195-203.