2020年07月30日 14:18
篇一:Homosexuality 有关同性恋话题的英语调查 报告 文章
College Students’ Attitudes towards Homosexuality
Have you ever heard about homosexuality? If your answer is yes, what’s your attitude towards this phenomenon? Are you conservative,uncomfortable,or bound to accept it as a natural human trait?
Different people may have different attitudes, thinking, and behaviors towards homosexuality. Since students entered college with varying levels of knowledge and diverse perspectives on this topic, this research mainly focuses on the attitudes of college students towards homosexuality.
A questionnaire that contains 14 questions involving the topic has been sent to 35 individuals to finish. After collecting these finished questionnaires, statistic excel forms were made so as to make the result of investigation more clear and vivid. More details and findings are as follows.
What exactly is homosexuality? Homosexuality includes female homosexuality and male homosexuality with a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex. When referring to the way that people know or learn about homosexuality, most of people know the homosexual phenomenon mainly via TV, movie, broadcasting station, Internet and other media programs. However, few people get it from educational lessons from both school and parents. Besides, about 40 percent of the respondents feel uncomfortable when exposed to a topic about homosexual. Based on the research, more than 50 percent of students consider it as a natural phenomenon among which females are more likely to in favor of it contrast to males.
When it comes to the reason of homosexuality, nearly 65 percent hold the view that it’s closely related to their living environment which may have an effect on their sexual orientation psychologically. Others believe that stress from society, improper educational methods from parents also contribute a bit to homosexuality.
Nowadays, homosexuality is still a controversial topic. Naturally, some of people may not accept such a controversial moral and social phenomenon. More than 80 percent think that the main cause of people’s not accepting the
homosexuality is the factor of traditional concept and the limited time to accept the homosexuality.
What if one of your best friends is a homosexual? There is no doubt that the answers to this questions vary from person to person. As indicated by the statistics, about 50 percent take it for granted that it will have no influence on their friendship and they will support him or her, regarding it as his or her privacy. Meanwhile,about 70 percent hope that homosexual should be accepted by most of people in the future to create an equal society without discrimination in spite of the fact that it still has a long time to go until marriage of homosexuality is legal in China.
According to the result of the questionnaire, the homosexuality is incre
asingly being viewed as something neutral or even good. Most of college students who are surveyed believed that homosexuality may be caused by living environment as human nature, hoping that homosexuality can be accepted with respect,compassion and rational understanding.
——Created by Group2, EIP 6, STU(2013.12)
篇二:英语口语 演讲稿 _关于同性恋的
On NOV 20,2010 ,a special wedding was held in a bar of Changzhou ,Jiangsu Province. The groom named Zangzhen was about 40 years old while the bridge named Yingzi was just about 20. Look at these picture, you can guess it was a gay wedding ceremony. YES, it’s really a gay wedding. They exchanged their rings and done just as normal weddings. After the wedding, the couple became focus in gay area most because this was the first public gay wedding in Jiangsu and we were moved by their courage and determination, including me. So here, my topic is homosexuality.
Homosexuality is defined as :a person who are interested in the same genders psychologically and physically, no matter whether such interest are reflected by real action.
There are two factors that influence our sexual orientation. One is gene and the other is the environment surround us. That is to say, a change of gene may change our sexual orientation, and also a change of surroundings or sufferings.
In china, there are special calls for homosexuality .Male homosexuality are called gay、tongzhi、duanbei、boli, female homosexuality are called lala、LES、lesebian.
In recent years, more and more special clubs、bars and websites for homosexuality emerged. According to an international survey,
the proportion of homosexuality reaches 2% to 5% in the whole population. Based on this , there are about 26 million to 65 million same gender lovers in china.
Here are some famous homosexers. (Leonardo da Vinci longyang ). In a TV series called xunqingji, longyangjun is a gay. And zhangguorong, perhaps he is the most famous gay in china. But of course he was talent and one of the most excellent some famous movies involves homosexuality. In Chinese 《霸王别姬》1993年 《蓝宇》2001年《断臂山》2006年So How to deal with homosexuality. Societal attitudes toward homosexuality vary greatly in different cultures and different historical periods. All cultures have their own values regarding appropriate and inappropriate sexuality; some sanction same-sex love, while others disapprove of such activities.
The 2007 Pew Global Attitudes Project: "Should homosexuality be accepted by society?"
People in Africa and the Middle East strongly object to societal acceptance of homosexuality. But there is far greater tolerance for homosexuality in major Latin American countries such as Mexico and Brazil. Majorities in every Western European nation surveyed say homosexuality should be accepted by society. Am
ericans are divided –49% accept while 41% disagree.
World homosexuality laws
In 1989, Denmark became the first country where homosexuality was legal. Then some countries began to acknowledge same sex marriage。Recently the numbers come to 11, 荷兰(Netherlands)、比利时(Belgium)、西班牙(Spain)、加拿大(Canada)、南非(South Africa)、挪威(Norway)、瑞典(Sweden)、葡萄牙(Portugal)、冰岛(Iceland)以及阿根廷(Argentina),besides 丹麦(Denmark)。That is to say, more and more countries paid great attention to this special groups. And their rights were protected by the law. So you may not feel crazy if you see the same sexual couple handing, hugging, even kissing in public areas. Same-sex marriage in China
During the evaluation of the amendment of the marriage law in the Chinese mainland in 2003, there was the first discussion about same-sex marriage. Though this issue was rejected, this was the first time that an item of gay rights was discussed in China. THE second :the Chinese Same-Sex Marriage Bill, in 2004. According to Chinese law, 35 delegates' signatures are needed to make an issue a bill to be discussed in the Congress. It failed due to lack of support from the delegates. Many scholars as well as gay and lesbians believe it will be difficult to pass such a law in China in
There is a special relationship in our society called may be a stranger in this word, but it still has another homosexuality are called gay、tongzhi、duanbei、boli, Now you know what it is?Female homosexuality are called lala、LES、lesebian. In China, we most people call it as gay .So here, my topic is how we think about it ?
There are two factors that influence our sexual preference .One is gene and the other is the environment surround us. That is to say, a change of gene may change our sexual preference, and also a change of surroundings or sufferings.
Although there are some people don't agree and understand with gay , and said that they will lead to serious disease and there is some wrong with his head . Many people discriminate against gay ,but when i see Iceland female prime minister and his wife visit china ,they are so harmonious . So i think lots of our view is wrong .So how to deal with same-sex love as us individuals? Personally, I think homosexuality is something that we can neither understand nor perform ourselves. But we should be tolerant and understanding . First ,learn to respect them. Every man are created equal. When you see gay in campus ,in restaurant, in the park , or in subway, don’t say “OH! SHIT!” Just close your eyes. They do need respect from the whole world. Second., try to help them.
There is no relative laws to protect them . So the most urgent thing is to help them by legalization .Then promote sex education . and pay attention to psychological education.