
2020年07月30日 14:21



Basic concepts concerning the first year of life (D.W. Winnicott 1896-
1971) - glossary
有关生命第一年的基本概念(温尼科特 1896-1971)词汇表
Lea Klein PhD from Israel
丽雅·克莱因 博士(以色列)
张沛超 博士 译
Primary maternal preoccupation
- this refers to the mental ability of the
mother to prepare herself to the special situation of being totally devoted to the
infant at the first time after birth. It is parallel to the physical ability to be pregnant
and give birth. This
before infant is born, and continuing for several weeks later. The mother is
extremely mentally occupied with the new born and then identifies and totally
devoted to him, as long as the stage of total dependency. So she is one with her
baby. He needs it for his healthy development. This is the ideal mother. He calls it

原初母性贯注: 指母亲在第一时间 将自己调整至完全奉献于初生儿的心理能
力,这种能力是与可以怀孕和分娩的身体能力是平行的。这种“ 疾病”起始于
依赖 期,母亲就极大程度地贯注于新生儿,并全心全意与之认同。所以健康的
母亲和婴儿是一个整体,婴儿从 中才能健康发育。之所以称之为“疾病”,是
Ideal mother
- this is the mother which is needed for the new born at his first
weeks of life. She identifies with the baby, she is totally devoted to him, and she is
tuned to her baby, fully attentive, and supplies all his needs even by ignoring her
own. By this she provides him with the experience of omnipotence which is required
for his healthy development.
理想的 母亲:这是指初生儿在生命中的前几周所需要的母亲。她与婴儿认同,
全心全意地奉献,调整自己以适应 婴儿,忘我地满足他所有的需求。通过这些
Good enough mother
- is the mother of the second stage, of the relative
dependence. It relates to the mother's adaptation to her infant's needs which are
changing slowly .she can now, be sensitive enough to know when and how much her


infant can tolerate failure and frustration. This strengthens his ability to deal with
reality, to acquire the experience of his abilities and strength.
足够好的母亲:这是指第二 阶段——相对依赖阶段的母亲。这里指母亲对她的
孩子逐渐变化的需求的适应。现在她可以足够的敏锐, 以指导他的孩子何时、
Total dependency
- The first weeks of life, there is no distinction between baby-
mother. The human-baby is totally vulnerable and totally dependent on an object to
provide his needs for existing. They are one. He is totally dependent on her for his
survival. W. claims: there is no such thing as an infant; there is an infant and a
mother. When his needs are perfectly met, he acquires the feeling of omnipotence
which is needed for his development.
完全依赖:生命第一周,母亲和婴儿之间全然不分。婴儿是如此的脆弱, 以至
赖母亲。温尼 科特说:没有婴儿这回事,只有母婴的联合体。如果他的需求被
完美地满足,就会获得对于健康发展十分 很必要的全能体验。
Relative Dependency
- is the second stage of development, when the infant can
tolerate failure and frustration. His needs are fulfilled but not always immediately
which is building his relations with reality. It brings up healthy development, when it
is occurring with mother's sensitivity to his ability.
相对依赖 :发展的第二个阶段,婴儿开始忍受失落和挫折。他需要被满足,但
并不总是即刻的,这奠定了他与现实 的关系。如果母亲对他的能力敏锐地回应
Primary aggression
- this is the way infant's behavior understood by the mother,
sometimes she feels he is aggressive towards her and causing her physical pain (by
his little hands- scratch her, legs - kick her, or his gums- pressing too strong on her
nipples when sucking), he has no intention to hurt anyone, it is a behavior which by
the reaction to it – will get its meaning and develop. Aggression by Winnicott – is a
reaction to an outside stimulation.
原初攻击性: 母亲用原初攻击性以理解婴儿的行为。有时她感觉婴儿对她的攻
击性,并给她带来身体上的疼痛(婴儿用 他的小手抓母亲,用他的小腿踢她,
当吮吸乳汁的时候用力地咬乳头),但他并无意伤害任何人,通过对 这一举动


Baby's ruthlessness

to feel concern. The concerned self, which means the ability to feel concern-,
depends for its development on the ruthless self being allowed to be expressed. It is
occurring at the time of total dependency. The mother, who survives this
ruthlessness, enables the development of the concern for the object. When not
allowed, it remains splitted and later on the person is aggressive and is not aware of
态 。“关心着的自体”,意味着拥有关心的能力,取决于无情自体被允许表
达,才会从这种容受中发展出来 。无情自体出现在完全依赖的阶段,如果母亲
幸存于这种无情性,她将会使婴儿关心客体的能力得到发展 。如果不被允许,

it is physical and mentally functioning of the mother. She holds the baby
in her arms, and holds him in her mind.
understands love that is expressed in physical terms, by live human holding. Only
with good enough holding – the infant develops the capacity to integrate experience
and develop a sense of I AM. The mother's holding function is a crucial factor in the
baby health development.
抱持: 母亲的身心功能。她用臂膀抱住婴儿,同时在内心里也抱住婴儿。婴儿
被母亲拥抱,只能理解用身体语言 表达的爱。只有被足够好的抱持,婴儿才能
发展整合经验的能力,和一种“我存在”的感觉。母亲的抱持 功能是婴儿健康

Mirror role of mother
-it is a crucial role. The infant is dependent on his mother's
facial responses when he looks into her face in order to establish his sense of self.
When he sees himself in his mother's eyes he starts to have knowledge of himself. W
says:exist”. This silent communication establishes and
enriches the sense of feeling real. If the mother is busy with herself, her moods,
maybe depression, frustrations, she do not reflect the baby, and he feels overcome
by this expression and absorbed in it. It causes a failure in the building of a solid
母亲的镜映功能:这是个重要的角色。婴儿依赖于当 他凝视母亲的脸的时候母
亲的表情回应,以建立他的自体感。当他看到他在母亲的眼镜里的自己时,开< br>始获得了对他自身的知识。温尼科特说:“当我看到我被凝视,我就存在”。
这种无声的交流建立 并丰富了真实的感受。如果母亲自己太忙碌,或是她的情


绪低落 ,感受到挫折,而不回应婴儿,那么他就会为这种情绪所压倒,并且把
这些摄入内心,这将带来稳定人格 塑造的失败。
the environment is responsible for the healthy development of the
infant. The first environment is the mother. Than father joins and some relatives and
other caretakers. The environment can facilitate the potential (genetics, and
heredity) that the infant is bearing, or can damage it. The importance of the
environment is copied to the therapeutic setting. The analyst is reliable, steady, and
preoccupied with his patient. His love is expressed by attunement to the patient's
presence, listening with respect,Warmth and empathy. He is not judging or
criticizing. He accepts his patient as he is. Just trying to understand emphatically
what is pushing the patient from the inner world. He survives the patient's
aggression towards him.
环境:环境对婴儿 的健康发展负责。最初的环境就是母亲,随后是父亲和其他
的亲属或其他的抚养者参与。环境可以促使或 干扰潜能(遗传的和血统的)的
表达。环境的重要性在治疗情境中再现。分析师是可信赖的、稳定的且贯 注于
听,而不会评价 或指责。他按照病人本来的样子接受他,所做的仅仅是共情地
理解病人的内心的动机,在病人对他的攻击 之下存活下来。
Fear of breakdown This is one of the outcomes of an environment that had failed to
hold the infant of the very early stages. There was an impingement from the
environment, it was a shock and a trauma to the infant's psyche because the infant
was not ready to receive it and could not therefore think about it, that is, gather it as
an experience and integrate it. It happened, but it was not experienced in the sense
of being processed. It remained in the mind as a foreign body, but influences the
future life. It stays as kind of an unreasonable anxiety, undefined, shadowy
uneasiness in life. It is a fear of something that already happened.
W stresses that when this fear of breakdown comes out in the course of therapy, it
means that the patient is repeating now the historic trauma, but now there is the
hope that the failure will turn out as working through and reparation.
对崩解的恐惧:这是一种当环境 未能在极早期抱持好婴儿的后果。环境的冲击
对婴儿的内心是个震动或创伤,因为婴儿还没有准备好接受 它,甚至不能想到
种无法理解、无法界定的焦 虑存在,成为生活中令人不安的阴影,随时担心某


温尼科特强调了如果治疗中出现了对崩解的恐惧,这意味着病人 此刻正重复着

Continuity of being –this may be described as a state or feeling that comes about as
a result of the infant's subjective experience of being merged with a good enough
mother. W also describes this sense of
to occur in the very early weeks of the infant's state of absolute dependence and is
only possible if the mother is in a state of primary maternal preoccupation. The
ability to
start. The continuity of being is the precursor of integration.
存在的连续性 :当婴儿的主观体验可以与足够好的妈妈融合的时候,便会产生
这样的感觉。温尼科特描述了当婴儿一出 生就完全依赖于母亲的原初母性贯注
的状态,这种存在的重心便会出现。可以“存在”的能力来源于从一 开始的在
Impingement- when everything is going well, the infant is not aware of the world
which surrounds him. He is like the center of the world, which is one with him, and
all his needs are perfectly supplied, very much like in the womb. Occasionally, he
sends part of his body and touches the surrounding. It feels good. It is an occasional
gesture. When this communication has a good reaction he may repeat it. This is how
communication starts. But when the environment-mother is not well adapted to the
baby, she is approaching him in a way that do not fit him, it can be the voice – too
loud, too much light, the food not when he is hungry, suddenly moving him to play
when he is in the mood to sleep. All this are felt as an impingement to his quiet
world. In this way the continuity of being is interrupted. It is a trauma. As he is so
helpless to resist it, he is forced to react. When this happens too many times – he
cannot develop his real self freely; he yields to it and become submissive with a false
界的中心,世界和 他是一体,所有的需求都被完美地满足,这非常像在子宫内
的生活。偶尔他用自己的肢体触碰周围的环境 ,感觉不错,这是常见的举动。
当交流获得了正面的回应,他就会重复这个举动,这就是交流的开始。但 是如
音,太多的 亮光,在他不饿的时候喂食,当他想要睡觉时突然带他去游戏,所
有这些都是对他安宁的内心世界的侵入 。这样一来存在的连续性就被打破,这
就是一个创伤。当他无望抵抗时就不得不回应。如果这些发生了很 多次,那么


Anxiety –trauma at the beginning of life relates to the threat of annihilation, he
refers to it as
Going to pieces; falling forever; having no relation to the body; having no
orientation; complete isolation because there are no means of communication;
These are the outcome of impingements, which disrupted the going on being and
cause fragmentation in the personality or prevent the normal development to
He speaks of unthinkable anxieties because he refers to the infant before speech is
achieved; there is not any ability to contain the anxiety or to have any defense
against it. It becomes a basic character in the personality structure.
焦虑: 生命最初的创伤与对被毁灭的威胁相关,温尼科特称之为:“原始的痛
苦”或“难以设 想的焦虑”,这些被体验为:变成碎片;持续地坠落;与身体
脱节;失去定向感;因为没有任何交流而感 觉到完全的隔绝。
前;没有容纳这些焦虑的可能 ,也没有办法对之防御,该焦虑就变成了人格结
Transitional object and the journey to symbolism –it is an object that the infant
believes he created, and it is in his possession. It looks, smells, feels like something
that remind him of his mother (a piece of cloth, soft blanket, a teddy bear soft and
fluffy, a tune, a finger in his mouth). It comforts him when the mother is not there.
Especially when he is going to sleep and some anxieties arise. At the beginning the
infant whose needs are perfectly fulfilled, believes that he created the breast (which
feeds him) or the mother. This illusion is necessary for his development. Then, at the
time of relative dependence, one of the mother's functions is to disillusion him. So
he starts to perceive what is real and objective. He starts to differentiate between
Me and Not me. He starts to perceive the other, and relationship is beginning to
establish. He is on the way to be able to symbolize. (When one object stands for
another) It occurs between 4 to 12 months.


过渡性客体和通往象征之途: 婴儿认为是自己创造了过渡性客 体并占有它。过
毯 、毛茸茸的泰迪熊、一段音符、或是口中的手指)过渡性客体在母亲不在的
时候安慰着孩子,尤其是当他 将要入睡或感觉到焦虑的时候。最初婴儿的需求
需要被完美地满足,这使他相信是他创造了哺育他的乳房 或母亲。这种幻觉对
知到他人的存在,与他人 的关系在此时开始建立。他开始迈向象征世界(其中
一个客体可以用来代表另一个客体),这发生在第4 到第12个月。
From object relating to object usage- this subject relates to the question of
aggression. W claims that aggression has a very important role in the development
of the baby, from being one with his mother to separation and integration. The
concepts he is using are confusing because of their meaning in everyday language.
The baby at the beginning is aggressive towards the object and there are destructive
phantasies (Melanie Klein) which are aroused as a result of frustration. When the
object can survive the aggressive attacks and destruction, the baby feels that there is
an object he can rely on, so he refers his love to him. Now he can
not meaning to exploit him, but meaning that he can communicate with him without
fearing his damage. He can now bear the two opposite emotions – love and hate
living together, one beside the other.
从客体 连接到客体使用:这个主题与攻击性的问题相关。温尼科特认为攻击性
对于婴儿的在从母亲的浑然不分到 分离,再到整合的发展中发挥着重要的角
色。这种说法令人困惑,因为它容易跟日常语言混淆。婴儿在一 开始就是对客
因)。而 当客体可以经受住攻击性的打击和破坏,婴儿就会感觉到有个靠得住
的客体,所以他才能够爱这个客体。 现在他可以“使用”这个客体,这并不是
剥削的意思,而是他可以与之交流并不担心自己的破坏力。现在 他可以容受对
Unintegration; disintegration; integration-at the beginning of life there is the body
which carries the inheritance and the potential of bodily and psychic (cognitive,
intellectually, mentally) development. At the beginning there is unintegration and a
potential for integration. The mind is absorbing all the experiences, not yet
distinguished which one comes from the inside (like hunger which is perceived as
pain all over the body) which one from the outside (too much light, too much
noise...)Giving it some approval when it is good and denial when it is unpleasant. Yet,
everything is fragmented. When there is continuity of being, which depends on the


mother's being there as an ideal or good enough, the baby slowly integrates all the
experiences to a whole and one. He starts to differentiate between Me and not Me.
Disintegration is a result of a failure. When there are serious and nonstop
impingements, the unthinkable anxiety arises, the continuity of being is disrupted
and what already had been achieved is braking, splitted and chaos appears. This
early disintegration can come out in later years as personality disturbances or as
未整合;失整合; 整合:在生命的一开始躯体承载着遗传的潜能——躯体的和
心理的(认知的、理性的、心智的)发展潜能 。最初是一种未整合的状态,并
且具有整合的潜力。心灵吸收着所有的经验:内在的体验(饥饿被感知为 周身
是正面的时候 就被欢迎,当这些体验是不适的时候就被否认。然而,一切都是
片段化的。当母亲足够真实足够好地与婴 儿共在,存在的连续性就会产生,婴
儿会缓慢地将所有体验整合为一个整体。他开始将“我”与“非我” 的体验区
失整合是一个失败的结果。当有过于严重和不停的侵入存在,无法设想的焦 虑
开始出现。这种 早期的失整合可以在随后的人格障碍或精神分裂症中重现。
Potential space and separation-the infant needs a good start by being merged with
his mother. This experience, if all goes well leads the infant to rely and trust his
mother. He internalizes these experiences and it becomes part of his inner world.
Through the empathy of the mother with her infant, and the therapist with his
patient, the infantpatient can internalize and feel safe and start the journey from
dependence to autonomy. So separation can take place, but actually there is never
separation, unless there is an interruption in the continuity of being by any kind of
impingement. No separation occurs because in the potential space all the good
experiences of the past are stored. So the baby can be far from his mother but he
remembers her, she is inside him. The potential space is the area in the inner world,
where meaningful communications take place. It is the place of
freedom, to fantasize, to dream, wish, think freely and creatively.
潜在空间和分离: 婴儿需要一个与他的母亲融合的好的开始。如果一切顺利,
该体验将使婴儿 依赖和信赖他的母亲。他将会把这经验内化并成为他内心世界
的一部分。正像是母亲对婴儿的共情和治疗 师对他的病人的共情一样,婴儿病
人可以将此内化并感到安全,并开始从依赖走向独立,所以分离得以发 生。但
这是因为潜 在空间里存贮了所有的既往的好的体验。所以婴儿可以离开母亲但


此。这里是“游戏”的区域 ,享受自由、幻想、梦想、希望、自在思考和创造
Regression – regression to dependence may occur in the analytic setting as a way of
re-living the not-yet- experienced trauma that happened at the time of an early
environmental failure. The analytic setting provides the potential for the patient to
experience a holding environment, probably for the first time. This holding facilitates
the patient to uncover the unconscious hope that an opportunity will arise for the
original trauma to be experienced and thus processed. This experience, in turn, will
enable the patient, whilst regressed to dependence, to search for and discover the
true self. This search within the context of the analytic relationship is part of the
healing process. (We must distinguish regression in the transference, from a
regressed personality).
退行:退行到依赖状态可能发生于分析情 境中,作为一种重新体验那些发生在
早期环境失败之时未能好好体验的创伤。分析情境提供了病人得以( 或许是第
始创伤可 以被体验并得以被处理。这样的体验反过来将使病人,当退行至依赖
状态的时候,寻找到并发现真实的自 体。这在分析关系的情境里的找寻是疗愈
过程的一部分。(我们需要将移情中的退行和退行性人格区分开 来。)
True and false self-the true self is where the spontaneous gesture comes from (the
gesture that starts communication with the environment). It is the active part of the
true self. This is the core of feelings, emotions, authenticity, feeling real. It is the
true experience of the self. It is the potential of initiatives and creativity .the true self
is the development of the infant's weak self which is strengthen by mother's
adaptation to his needs.
The false self is developed as a result of a defense against impingements that occur
when mother fails to adapt to infant's needs at the stage of absolute dependency.
Instead of being attentive to the infant and adapting to his needs, the mother forces
her own needs on the infant. His spontaneous gesture is not met, so he becomes
more and more tuned to the environment by ignoring himself. He is reacting to the
outside stimulus and neglects his own needs. He is so desperate so to gives up his
needs and becomes a compliant personality. The false self hides the true self which
is too weak to face reality. Some compliance is requested in the process of education
and socialization, but here W is referring to a broken personality. The False self can
be a main characteristic of the patient, he is rigid, never authentic or spontaneous,
and he feels unreal, cannot have good relationship but has difficulties in being alone.
He is restless and needs stimulations from the outside. He is reacting but never


initiating. He can be an excellent student but will never be original. He is never
satisfied, he feels empty. He tries all kinds of adventures, and stimulation (alcohol,
drugs) but never satisfied.
真实和虚假自体:真实自体将带 来自发的举动(该举动始于与环境的交流)。
这是真实自体中主动的部分,是感觉、情绪、真诚性、真实 感受的内核。这是
虚假自体来自于对母亲未能在完全依赖期对婴儿的需求回应失败而 产生的侵入
他的自 发的举动没有被回应,所以他变得更加迎合环境而不是他自己的需求。
他应对外界的刺激并忽略自己的需 要,他是如此地绝望以至于放弃了自己的需
要,变成了依从的人格。真实的自体变得过于虚弱而无法面对 现实,并为虚假
在 这里讨论的是一个破碎的人格。虚假自体可能是病人的一个特征:他变得僵
硬,永远不会真实和自发,他 感觉到不真切,没有办法发展关系也没有办法一
个人呆着。他无法安生,不断需要从外界获得刺激,他在 不断地疲于应付但是
Playing the ability to play is an achievement in the emotional development. In
playing, the infantchildadult bridges the inner world with the outer world within
and through the transitional space. Playing is the synonymous to creative living.
Playing is the extension of the use of transitional object. playing is the precursor of
the ability to have a potential space, where the true self is acting, playing, imagining,
and communicating , which later transforms to communication with the outer world
, the environment. The child's playing puts the base to the adult ability to think
creatively. W sees the interaction in therapy as playing. (It is a modeling of
communication, of relationship, an area of freedom and imagination).
游戏:可以游戏的能力是情 感发展的成果。在游戏中,婴儿儿童成人将内在
世界通过过渡性空间和外在世界连接,并存在于过渡性空 间里。游戏和创造性
——环境的交流。儿童的 游戏提供了成人创造性思考的基石。温尼科特视游戏
为治疗性互动的本质。(以一种交流、关系、自由和 想象的区域的模式)
Creativity-for w. to be creative means to be alive, to enjoy life,(these little things of
everyday ongoing). To be imaginative, to think, to feel, to be flexible, to feel free and


liberate, to be able to choose, develop and change. He do not mean to be an artist,
he refers to every human being, and means by it to be alive.
The origin of this free creative personality is the baby who feels that he creates the
world. This derives from the mother, who, in her state of primary maternal
preoccupation, is able to provide exactly what the infant needs, and thus the infant
feels omnipotent, he creates the objects that are offered. His need that was satisfied
correctly makes him feel that his wish created it. Only then, can he start to
experience frustrations, and grow up from it. This is the basis of healthy personality.
创造性: 对于温尼科特,创造性意味着活力,享受生活(所有的日常点滴),
富有想象力,可以思考、感受,富有 弹性,感觉到自由和解放,可以选择、发
展和改变。他并不特指艺术家,他指得是每一个人富有活力的生 活。
亲以其原初 母性贯注满足婴儿的所有需求,因此婴儿感觉到全能,他创造了为
他服务的客体。只有这样,他才能体验 到挫折,并从中生长。这是健康人格的

No matter what happens, life is worth living.







