六级听力练习III 录音文字
六级听力新题型 练习II 录音文字
Conversation One
M: We're having a debate
on advertising Thursday evening and I have to
W: That's interesting. I should
like to hear what people think
M: What's there to say?
We must have advertising, mustn't we?
M: Well, we wouldn't know what there was
to buy if we didn't have
Yes, that's true up to a point. Advertisements
provide information that we
need. If someone
has produced a new article, naturally, the seller
wants to tell
us about it.
M: Yes. And the
advertisements tell us which product is the
W: Do they? I don't think so. Every
manufacturer says that his product is the
or at least tries to give the impression. Only one
can be the best, so the
others are misleading,
aren't they?
M: Well, in a way, I suppose. But
we don't have to believe them, do we?
W: Are
you saying that advertisements aren't effective? I
don't think that
intelligent businessmen will
spend millions of dollars on advertising
nobody believes the advertisements, do
M: Perhaps not. But after all, it's their
money that they are spending.
W: Is it? I think
not. The cost of advertising is added to the price
of the
article. You and I and all the other
people who buy the article pay for
M: Well, I suppose we get
something for our money...some information.
Yes, but don't forget it's often misleading
information, and sometimes
W: What about advertisements designed
to persuade young people to smoke
Wouldn't you say they are harmful?
M: You've
given me a lot to think about.
I'm quite
looking forward to the debate now.
Questions 1
to 4 are based on the conversation you have just
1. What's the man's attitude
towards advertisements?
2. What do we know
about advertisements according to the woman?
In the woman's opinion, who paid the money spent
on advertisements?
4. Why does the woman say
advertisements are sometimes harmful?
Conversation Two
W: May I help you?
Yes, my wife and I want to take a vacation this
winter to some place
W: I
understand. How much time do you have?
M: Only
a week between Christmas and the New Year. That is
the problem,
you see.
W: Oh, no problem at
all. I can get you on a flight to sunny Spain
Portugal leaving on Christmas and coming
back New Year's Eve. And it will
only cost you
$$500 a round trip.
M: Only $$500? We were
thinking of something less.$$1,000 is a lot to
for such a short time. If we had a month
maybe, not just a week.
W: Do you know about
the Florida Fun tour the airline offers?
Everything is
reserved for you. Your flight, a
reserved hotel room, meals, and they even
you to and from the airport in Miami.
Actually we don't go in much for arranged tours.
We like to do all that for
Well, in that case, maybe we could just arrange
your flight and the rest to
M: What
else do you have to offer? Florida is not exactly
our idea of a great
vacation. What about some
place a little different where few tourists
W: Oh, some place like Arizona, right? Or
maybe New Mexico? Sunny, but
M: Yeah, that sounds better-New
Mexico. I'll talk to my wife about it and
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the
conversation you have just heard.
5. Where does
this conversation most probably take place?
Why does the man decide not to go to Spain?
What does the woman say about the Florida Fun
8. What do we learn about New Mexico from
the conversation?
Passage One
No man can change the weather.
Nobody can control the weather. But
if you
study correctly the signs around uswe can tell
important changes in
weather. This way of
telling what the weather will be on the following
day or
two is called weather forecasts. For
many centuries and in all countries
people have
studied the weather and tried to make weather
Sometimes distant objects such as
hills and tall trees seem to be very
clear and
near. This is a sign of much water vapor in the
air, and therefore
rain will probably come.
Rings round the sun are a sign of coming rain.
people feel pain in their bones. This is a
sign of much water vapor in the air,
therefore rain will probably come. Rings round the
sun are a sign of
coming rain. Many people
feel pain their bones. This is a sign of the
of wet weather.
Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming.
They fly near the ground if
rain or stormy
weather is on the way. It is probably because of
the insects
which they are hunting that they
fly low. If you see a rainbow during
weather, this is a sign that the weather
will become clear and fine. Such
always come in the evening. If a fog appears in
the morning just
about sunrise then the day
will be warm. If the stars twinkle clearly at
then fine weather will continue. If the
sunset is mostly red in color, then
following day will be fine. If the rainbow
appears in the morning, rainy
weather will
probably come.
Most of the above sayings have
been made by people who have used
their eyes
and brains to make weather
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the
passage you have just heard.
9. What will
happen when distant hills and tall treesseem to be
very clear and
10. When do some birds
fly lower according to the speaker?
11. What
will happen when stars twinkle clear at night?
Passage Two
Is your family interested in
buying a dog? A Dog can be a happy
addition to
your family, but if you choose the wrong kind of
dog, he
consequences can cause you a lot of
Families should sit down and
thoroughly discuss the problems
before buying a dog. Even if
the children in your family are the ones
want the dog, the parents are the ones who
are really responsible for seeing
that the
animal is properly cared for. If you don't know
much about dogs, it's
a good idea to go to the
library or the ASPCA for books about various
of dogs, as well as books about how to
train a puppy. In reading about the
breeds, you should know that a dog described as
very alert may be
too jumpy and bouncy. When a
book describes a dog as an ideal hunting
it probably means that the dog won't be
happy living in a small apartment.
Dog breeds
vary in popularity as the years go by. One of the
most popular
dogs these days is the German
shepherd, this is because it provides
as well as companionship. The family
should be warned that these dogs grow
up to be
very big, and may be too powerful for children to
handle. If space is
limited, a toy dog may be a
good choice. These dogs are very small and
to train. They don't need to be walked
daily, since they can exercise in the
available in the home.
Questions 12 to 15 are
based on the passage you have just heard.
Who was really responsible for the dog's
13. Why is the German shepherd a
popular dogaccording to the speaker?
14. What
do we learn about the toy dog according to the
15. What does the passage mainly talk
Section C
Now listen to the
following recording and answer questions 16 to
Hello, everyone. I'm Guy Winch. Today we'll
talk about New Year's
resolutions. Every new
year we make a list of resolutions, hoping to
ourselves and our lives, only to abandon
our efforts entirely by Feb. 1 (if not
by Jan.
2).Such failures are not mere disappointments, as
they can create
emotional wounds that impact
our psychological well-being. Indeed, too
the annual ritual that is meant to improve our
lives leaves us concluding
we're lazy, weak, or
incapable of change and feeling even worse
ourselves than before we started. But are
we lazy, weak, and incapable of
change, or are
we judging ourselves unfairly? Rather, it's
because we neglect
to think through how we plan
to achieve our goals. Indeed, we tend to
three very basic but crucial errors before
we even start. The good news is that
these mistakes can radically increase our
possibility of sticking to
our resolutions and
finding success. Some or even all of them will be
to you, but don't beat yourself
up about past mistakes. As I said, these
very common errors. Instead, invest your
energies in fixing them this year.
The first
mistake is that many of us compose a list of New
Year's resolutions
that is longer than our
child's list to Santa. New Year's resolutions are
bucket lists, they're statements of short-
term intentions. Therefore, choose
one or two
items at most, and focus on completing those. The
second mistake
is that our goals are too vague
to be measured in some way .For example, a
such as harder at worksounds goodbut provides no
benchmarks by which we can measure our
progress. To avoid this error,
make vague goals
more specific:
for more the above mistakes,the
most common
one we make is to state our
resolution but put no thought into how we
attain Jan. 1 rolls around and we have no
idea where or how to start.
Therefore, invest
time and thought into how best you can reach your
Break it down into sub-goals, be specific
about what you will need to do to
reach each
one, and figure out how you to deal with setbacks
and distractions.
This is especially important
for health and fitness goalsas setbacks
distractions will happen. Good luck and
Happy New Year!
16. What do we learn about
failing to stick to our New Year's
17. Why should we address the
mistakes before making New
18. What is the most
common mistake that we make about New
Now listen to the
following recording and answer questions 19 to
Ladies and gentleman. Our country has come
to a crossroad, and now
you have the power to
change the political landscape of America. As I
said time and time again, if you elect me
to be your face in congress, there are
things I will do to ensure thatyour needs are met
day in and day out
across this land.
of all, I plan on proposing new laws that will
invest more tax
dollars in our public schools,
not only to meet the needs of today, but
encourage developing minds for the future.
Such new funding would be used
to hire and
retain good teachers, build new schools, and
reduce the tax of
classroom teachers. To
accomplish this, I am proposing no new
increases, but rather are channeling of
our existing tax revenue to meet
demands. Now, the current
government leaders have been talking about
for years with little progress. I plan to
change all of this now.
Second, economic
development is on the minds of most of
particularly with regard to our downtown
area. For many years, economic
prosperity has
been neglected by current government leaders, and
I plan to
change all of that. I am proposing a
city center revitalization project that
promote new businesses, new residential areas, and
new open green
areas to bring people back to
the heart of our city. Current leaders
allowed the new city to die, preferring to
invest in sport fields in the remote
And third, I am proposing the construction of
a light rail train system,
to be built over the
next decade, to meet the growing demands of better
more efficient transportation for years to
come. My opponent and his
administration have
lacked the vision of long-term solutions,
preferring to
take a look-and-see approach.
Such a short sighted stance fails to consider
needs of future generations...our children
and our grand children.
And finally, my
opponent has cited my inexperience as a reason
you shouldn't vote for me .However, I am
not a career politician who has lost
touch with
the everyday needs and concerns of day-to-day
people. My work
as an educator and business
owner has given me a unique perspective on
pains and challenges you face.
elected, I promise to give my all to my elected
position and make
sure your issues and concerns
are fully addressed at the local and
Thank you.
19. What do we
learn about the candidate's proposal on
20. What is the candidate's main point
about economic development?
21. What can we
infer from the candidate's point on
22. What reason is given for
voting for the candidate at the end of
Now listen to the following
recording and answer questions 23 to 25.
morning, I'm Pete Musto. Our topic today is on
climate change
and public health. Recent
research findings reveal that the effects of
change could threaten the past 50 years
of gains in public health. Researchers
say that
the changes in Earth's climate have led to weather
extremes. The
extremes can create public
health risks that are dangerous and
Researchers find that the changes
have led to less rainfall, and this has
linked to a drop in agricultural
productivity. The reduced productivity has
in turn, to an increase in malnutrition,
especially among children. Studies
have also
linked climate change to an increased possibility
of flooding in
some areas. Researchers find
that floods are linked to a rise in the rates
infectious diseases and problems that result
from a breakdown of waste
treatment systems.
Researchers also note that the world is getting
hotter. In
2003, 70,000 people in Europe died
because of higher than
The World Health
Organization has warned that serious action
required to reduce global warming emissions.
If the reduction does not
happen, the WHO says,
there will be serious results. By 2030,
250,000 people will die every year from
the effects of global warming.
Studies have
described growing evidence of the effects of
actions to slow
climate change. Such actions
are good for global health. Outdoor air
is linked to almost three million
deaths worldwide. About 1.2 million of
deaths are in China alone. Researchers
says a move from coal-fueled power
plants to
renewable energy, such as sunlight and wind power,
can greatly
reduce that danger. Researchers
also say that moving to renewable energy
lead to fewer people being treated in hospitals
and a drop in health care
costs. Suggesting
that people use active forms of transportation
like bicycles
may help reduce diabetes and
Several ways are suggested to deal
with climate change. They include
closing coal
power plants, increasing the use of renewable
energy, investing
in health systems and
agreeing to support a global climate treaty which
expected to be signed when world leaders are
to meet in Paris.
23. What do we learn about
the effects of climate change on public
24. What caused the death of 1.2
million people in China?
25. What is the
suggested action to deal with climate
This is the end of Listening