
2020年07月30日 15:23


Part A (10’). Fill the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where

1. After two year’s unemployment, he worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and
brushes and underwent an unforgettable money-making hardship.
2. In the early morning the armed forces began the march but the progress was slow as they had to
trudge through deep mud.
3. She had the gumption to write directly to the company manager and persuade him to give her a
job she had finished all the professional training courses with straight As.
4. Men, in most cases, naturally despise those who court them, but respect those who do not give
way to them.
5. To participate in the evening party, she wore a long, loose overcoat with a(n) detachable cape
with a round collar.
6. The essence of humanistic spirit is to respect the value of human being, the value of life, and
have a sense of reverence, because life is sacred.
7. This paper is aimed at analyzing the inevitability and possibility for Chinese enterprises to
reverence international business.
8. The Commission has wide powers to intervene in the affairs of a charity where things have
gone wrong.
9. The actual low standard of expropriating land and allocation and the singleness in the model of
allocation cause lots of peasants to be paupers in city.
10. The old lady was pretty good-hearted and her generosity was popular among all who were
familiar with her. She often offered to take in the poor homeless stranger.

Unit 2
1. Don’t worry about the problem. She is a shrewd woman full of resourcefulness and will
certainly be able to cope.
2. We finally chose the house for its proximity to the school. It takes us only five minutes to walk
to school from the house.
3. The friends of the accused man intimidated the witness by bashing him in a dark alley. As a
result, the witness didn’t appear in court.
4. The women’s movement acted as a catalyst for change in many aspects of women’s social lives.
5. Judging from the relevant evidence, it seems that he should be responsible for the accident
because the evidence against him is overwhelming.
6. The death of the King was followed by a year of anarchy. People were eager for a powerful
7. The economic recession has a fatal effect on demand. The inquiries for our product have
dwindled to about three fifths of the previous demand.
8. After twenty years of hard work, Jerry finally worked his way up through the corporate
hierarchy to become President.
9. Greg is a nice guy, but he has a few weird personality quirk, which does not surprise me
because everyone has his little oddities to a certain extent.
10. Thompson was rant about American youth again, which was his favorite topic. He could talk
about the topic for an hour without stopping.

Unit 3
1. The US economy has turned in 108 straight months of growth, surpassing the record of 106
months between February 1961 and December 1969, the report notes.
2. Persons suspected of carrying a contagious disease should be detained at a port of entry under
enforced isolation to prevent disease from entering a country.

3. In an international conference last year, all the representatives agreed to found a new academy
which aimed to spur scientific researches in different fields.
4. Japan, a previous leader, languished in 17
place in the poll of business leaders conducted by
the International Institute for Management Development.
5. They spend a lot of effort fussing over their cultures and the development and maintenance of
work environments that will be appealing to those they want to attract.
6. Because of the efforts made by many generations of scientists in our country, some apparently
impossible feats are now accomplished.
7. You have to really think seriously about the introduction of new species of organic compounds
that could have acted to catalyze, if not actually spawn, more diverse kinds of life.
8. In spite of the great number of denominations, scholars find that in many cases there are no
major differences in belief, and only minor ones in ritual between many of the Protestant
9. It often takes trouble from outside to weld a family together and cause them to forget their
10. The Christian doctrine says that the Son of God was conceived in the womb of Mary and that
Jesus is true God and true man.
Part B(10’) Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the italicized part of each

Unit 1
1. He turned and walked towards the glass doors in the lobby, feeling that faint guilt and
bewilderment we experience when we by-pass some old friend or classmate who seems
threadbare, or sick, or miserable in some other way. ragged
2. I don’t know anything about art, and I haven’t met any grand people, and I don’t go to a good
tailor, and all that, I’m not what he calls from top-drawer society. highest
3. When someone compliments me on something I’ve cooked, that makes me very happy, so I
guess you’d say that I like cooking. praises
4. As a manager, it’s advisable to bear in mind that if your division’s profit outlook is bleak, so
may be your future with the company. dismal
5. On Christmas morning, the children were enchanted with the various presents supposedly
given by Santa Claus. gladdened
6. There are, as the old saying goes, some people who pretend to despise the things they cannot
have. scorn
7. While watching TV to kill time at night, he draped his legs over the arm of the chair and made
himself as comfortable and relaxed as he possibly could. hung
8. I had a theoretical reverence and homage for beauty, elegance, gallantry, and fascination so I
could appreciate all the beauties around me that might be neglected by others. admiration
9. An accident must have occurred there for the spectators ringed intersection speaking in low
voices. crossway
10. The skills of the George Washington University medical team, plus his amazing determination
and the grit and spirit of his wife, Sarah, pulled Jim through courage

Unit 2
1. According to research, the stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a
foreign language. willingness
2. Digital cell phones offer more security, but the downside is that they have less power compared
with the traditional telephone. disadvantage
3. When others were actively taking part in the conversation, Leo stood there still, as he felt
self-conscious about his accent. embarrassed

4. During the course of her lifetime, Mrs. Boone amassed more than $$5 million through her hard
work and wise investment. collected
5. Donna’s having a bridal shower for Julie next week. Now she is busy preparing presents and
inviting friends. party
6. I think Morris is too laid-back to run the company compared with the ex-CEO, who was very
strict with employees. relaxed
7. Lucy thought for a minute before the solution dawned on her. Her quick response left a deep
impression on the interviewer. occurred to
8. For parents, many things can help their children to cultivate good habits. For example, reading
aloud nurtures a love of books in children. cultivates
9. The chemistry between Hepburn and Tracy is obvious. One can easily observe their love from
the way they look at each other. attraction
10. I enjoyed the camaraderie among the team, which brought mutual trust among the team
members. To a certain extent, this was the key to our success. friendship

Unit 3
1. She looked wretched and lonely, despairing of the arrival of a friend who has promised to meet
her. miserable
2. An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to
harass an d undermine those with differing views. rebellious
3. The soldier scaled the wall of the fortress by turret to attack the enemies inside, which caused a
lot of casualties. fort
4. Launching “The Sims” lets player alternate between being a voyeur and a god in a game that is
at once wholesome and creepy. healthy
5. The most important thing is that there should be more cohesion within the party in order to win
the next general election. integrity
6. Gingerly stepping over each sleeper, like a forest hiker over fallen tree trunks, finally I reached
the hall and managed to open the door. cautiously
7. It breaks my heart to think of all the money we spent on our son’s education and all he wants to
do is work in a dreary factory. dull
8. The dictator decreed that his birthday should be a public holiday because he considered himself
the God of the continent. ordered
9. My judgment was frequently faulty and my information was useless sometimes, but my fealty
to the nation could not be questioned. loyalty
10. We should pay homage to the genius of Shakespeare, and to his great contributions in the
fields of drama and sonnets. respect

Translate the following into English(10’)
由于繁忙的日程安排,我的话社交生活已经减少到几乎没有。当我意识到没 有朋友可以见面、任我倾诉
时,我陷入了忧虑。我决心结交新朋友,但是在中年时结交的朋友要比年轻时 结交的朋友难得多。开始一
段新的关系也许会使我们感到难为情。在中年时结交朋友,叫我们不再根据他 们的受欢迎程度来选择朋友。
共同的兴趣成为让我们聚在一起最好的催化剂。有了新的友谊,我感到获得 了新生。
Due to hard schedule, my social life had dwindled to almost nothing. When I realized that there
was no chum to meet, and let me rant, I was in funk. I resolved to acquire new friends, however,
it’s a whole lot harder to make friends in midlife than it is when you’re younger. To start a new
relationship may make us self- conscious. To make friends in midlife, we do not choose friends
based on their popularity. Mutual interests become the perfect catalyst for bringing us together.
With new friendship, I turned over a new leaf.

所有的家庭都不一样,每个家庭都 有各自的问题,但是一个好家庭的特点却是一样的:相互尊重、有责任
感、宽容、坦诚、勇敢、正直、自 律、慈悲,并且慷慨大方。尊敬你的父母,这并不仅仅是想他们表达敬
意,而是要听听他们说些什么并尽 量使他们高兴。你要意识到生活并不总是一帆风顺。试着一积极的想法
和冷静的头脑来面对家庭生活的坎 坎坷坷。无论何时何地,如果可能的话,试着妥协。你的一生之中将有
很多时候要妥协;家庭是你学会这 项重要技能的第一个。要坦诚,但是要记住有时候对于家庭关系来说什
么都不说比什么都说要好。试着无 拘无束地与家里的每个成员交流。家里应该有 “家庭时光”,让所有家
庭成员可以在一起吃喝玩乐…… 任何人的家庭生活都不是完美的,但是通过努力你可以过得很好。
All families are different, and all families have their own issues, but the qualities of a good family
tend to be the same: respect, responsibility, tolerance, honesty, courage, integrity, self-discipline,
compassion and generosity. Respect your parents. Do this not just by giving them respect, but by
listening to what they say and trying your best to make them happy. Realize that life is not always
going to go smoothly. Try to face the “ups and downs” in your family life with positive thinking
and a cool mind. Try to compromise whenever and wherever it’s possible. You will have to
compromise a lot in life; family is the first environment to begin learning this important skill. Be
honest, but bear in mind that sometimes saying nothing can be better for a family relationship than
saying everything. Try to feel free to communicate with each person in your family. There should
be a “Family is perfect; but you can make yours good through efforts

Unit 2
The Art of Friendship
Making Friend in Midlife在中年结交朋友
1 One evening a few years age I found myself in a funk. Nothing was really wrong-my family
and I were healthy, my career was busy and successful-I was just feeling vaguely down and in
need of a friend who could raise my spirits, someone who would meet me for coffee and let me
rant until the clouds lifted. Trouble was, there was no chum to call and confide in. Over the course
of a few years all of my oldest, closest girlfriends had moved out of town, one by one, in search of
better jobs, better weather, better men.

几年前的一个晚上,我发现自己陷入惶恐之中。并不是真地出 了什么事——我家和家人都身体健康,我的事业也蒸蒸日上
——我只是有一种隐隐约约的沮丧感,想找个 朋友鼓鼓劲,找个人,能和我喝杯咖啡,让我尽情倾诉,直到阴霾散尽。问题在
于,没有这样的好友可以 打电话,可以交心。几年之间,与我交往最久,相知最深的女友,都一个接一个搬离了这个城,或是
为了 更好的工作,或是为了更好的气候,或是为了更好的男人。

2 I dialed my best friend, who now lives across the country in California, and got her voice
mail. That’s when it started to dawn on me-lonesomeness was at the toot of my dreariness. My
social life had dwindled to almost nothing, but somehow until that moment I’d been too busy to
notice. Now it hit me hard. My old friends, buddies since college or even childhood, knew
everything about me; when they left, they had taken my contest with them. 我给我最好的朋友打了电话,她现在住在加利福尼亚那一边,我收到了她的语音留言。就在那时,我突然明白 过来——寂寞就
是我感到沮丧的根源。我的社交生活已经减至几乎为零,而我一向很忙,直至此刻才察觉 到这一点。这给了我很大的打击。我
从大学乃至小学就拥有的故交挚友,他们了解我的一切,当他们离开 的时候,将我同他们的交情也带走了。
3 Research has shown the long-range negative consequences of social isolation on one’s health.
But my concerns more short-term. I needed to feel understood right then in the way that only a
girlfriend can understand you. I knew it would be wrong to expect my husband to replace my
friends: He couldn’t, and even if he could, to whom would I then complain about my husband?
已经有研究显示社交孤立会对人的健康产生 长期的负面影响。但我关心的是更为短期的事情。我需要那种只有女朋友才能给我

的理解 。我明白,指望的丈夫能够取代我的朋友是错误的。他做不到,即使他能做到,要是我想抱怨丈夫,我又去找谁呢 ?
4 So I resolved to acquire new friends—women like me who had kids and enjoyed rolling their
eyes at the world a little bit just as I did. Since I’d be making friends with more intention than I’d
ever given the process, I realized I could be selective, that I could in effect design my own social
life. The downside, of course, was that I felt pretty intimidated.
所以我决定去结交新的朋友——和我一样有孩子、又对外面的世界很感兴趣 的女士。同以往相比,这样的交友更具目的性,这
使我意识到我可以有更多的选择,实际上,我可以设计 我自己的社交生活。差劲的是,不消说,我太担惊受怕。
5 After all, it's a whole lot harder to make friends in midlife than it is when you're younger -- a
fact women I've spoken with point out again and again. As Leslie Danzig, 41, a Chicago theater
director and mother, sees it, when you're in your teens and 20s, you're more or less friends with
everyone unless there's a reason not to be. Your college roommate becomes your best pal at least
partly due to proximity. Now there needs to be a reason to be friends.
comfortable around, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them friends. Comfort isn't enough to
sustain a real friends hip,
毕竟,同年轻时比,人到中年结交朋友要艰难得多。这是我与之交谈过的女士们一遍又一遍指出 的事实。正如莱斯里

一位41岁的芝加哥戏剧导演兼母亲,所观察到的,当 你十几岁或是二十几岁时,除非有特殊原因,你同任何人都有着或多或少
的交情。大学室友能成为你最好 的朋友,至少有一部分的原因是因为空间距离的接近。现在要成为朋友则需要理由。“我同周围
的许多人 相处愉快,但还没达到叫他们朋友的地步。相处愉快并不足以维持一段真正的友谊。”丹泽说到。
6 At first, finding new companions felt awkward. At 40 I couldn't run up to people the way my
4-year-old daughters do in the playground and ask,
a new relationship, you're vulnerable again,
Institute, in Atlanta.
self- conscious.
开始,寻找新伴侣让人感到尴尬。在40 岁的年龄,我不可能像我4岁的女儿在 操场上做的那样,跑到别人面前问“你愿意做我
的朋友吗?”“每开始一段新的友谊,你又会很敏感”凯 瑟琳

“在询问‘你愿 意和我往来吗?’时,我们会感到很难为情。”
7 Fortunately, my discomfort soon passed. I realized that as a mature friend seeker my
vulnerability risk was actually pretty low. If someone didn't take me up on my offer, so what: I
wasn't in junior high, when I might have been rejected for having the wrong clothes or hair. At my
age I have amassed enough self-esteem to realize that I have plenty to offer. One woman I met at a
friend's shower didn't keep up our connection, even though we'd clicked instantly. But because
there have been times when I've failed to follow through with women I've liked very much, I knew
that her busyness was the likely explanation.
幸运的是,我的不安 感很快就过去了。我意识到,作为一个成熟的寻找朋友者,我冒的敏感风险事实上是很小的。如果有人不
接受我的好意,那又怎样。我又不是在初中,那时要是服装或是发型出错可是会遭拒绝的。在我这个年龄,我已经 积累了足够
的自尊,知道自己可以给与很多。一位我在送礼会上遇到的女性朋友,虽然一见面就很投缘, 却并没有和我保持联系。但是因
为我有时也会疏于同自己非常喜欢的女性朋友保持联系,我相信她这样做 大概是她很忙。
Friends That Make You a Better You 使你进步的朋友
8 We're all so busy, in fact, that mutual interests -- say, in a project, class, or cause that we
already make time for -- become the perfect catalysts for bringing us in contact with candidates for
camaraderie. Michelle Mertes, 35, a teacher and mother of two in Wausau, Wisconsin, says a new
friend she made at church came as a pleasant surprise.
their popularity and how being part of their circle might reflect on me. Now's it's our shared values
and activities that count.
programs, is nothing like her but their drive and organizational skills make them ideal friends.

实际上,我们都很忙,共同的兴趣,比如说,在我们倾注了时间的项目上、班级里或事业上的共 同兴趣,成为我们同潜在朋友

默顿,35岁,住在威 斯康星州沃索的一位教师兼两个孩子的母亲,谈到在教堂结交到的一位
新朋友,令她又惊又喜。“在高中 我选择朋友是看他受不受欢迎,看加入他们的圈子人们会怎么想我。现在重要的是我们的共同
价值观和共 同活动。”默顿说,这个与她一起组织过教会青年项目的朋友,同她一点也不像,但她们的干劲和组织能力使她们 成
9 Happily, as awkward as making new friends can be, self-esteem issues do not factor in -- or if
they do, you can easily put them into perspective. Danzig tells of the mother of a child in her son's
preschool, a tall, beautiful woman who is married to a big-deal rock musician.
husband, 'she's too cool for me,'
her, she turned out to be pretty laid-back and friendly.
them, so they didn't become good pals.
about hierarchy.
become (or are still becoming) back at yourself, thus reinforcing the progress you've made in your
令人高兴的是, 虽然结交新朋友可能使人不好意思,但是自尊心不再是一个问题,即使出问题,你也会很容易理性对待。丹齐克讲起她儿子学校的一个小孩妈妈,长得高挑漂亮,嫁给了一个知名的摇滚乐手,开玩笑说“我对我的丈夫说 ‘她对我来说太
酷了些。’”“我被一些人给吓住了。可一旦对她熟悉了,我发现她很随意,很友善。” 最后她们合不来,没有成为好朋友。“我意
识到我们不是彼此的类型,但是这同等级无关。”中年人友谊 的作用,似乎在反映你自身成了什么样的人(或是正在成为什么样
的人),并因此而强化你在生活中所取 得的进展。
10 Harlene Katzman, 41, a lawyer in New York City, notes that her oldest friends knew her
back when she was less sure of herself. As much as she loves them, she believes they sometimes
respond to issues in light of who she once was. On the other hand,
more accomplished person,
goods on you. With recently made friends, you can turn over a new lea f.

卡茨曼,41岁,一位纽约城的律师,谈到那些交往最久的老朋友们了解她 的过去,而当时她还没有现在这么自信。虽然
她爱那些老朋友,但她相信这些老朋友在处理问题时,仍然 把她当成了过去的她。另一方面,“新朋友把我当成一个更有成就的
人来结识。”卡茨曼说“她们认为我 很自信。老朋友有着你的把柄。新朋友则让你重获新生。”
11 A new friend, chosen right, can also help you point your boat in the direction you want to go.
Hanna Dershowitz, 39, an attorney and mother in Los Angeles, found that a new acquaintance
from work was exactly what she needed in a friend. In addition to liking and respecting Julia,
Dershowitz had a feeling that the fit and athletic younger woman would help her to get in shape.
The two began working out together, and Dershowitz made sure to pursue the friendship actively.

emphasize those things in myself.
stay-at-home mom whose daughter was in my girls' preschool.
一个新的朋友,如果选择正确,还能帮助你确定人生小船 的航向。汉娜

德绍维兹,39 岁,洛杉矶的一位律师兼母亲,发现一
位工作上的新 相识正好提供了她所需要的友谊。除了喜欢和尊敬朱丽亚,德绍维兹有一种感觉,这个健康、喜欢运动的年轻女< br>士将会帮助她获得健康。两个人开始一起锻炼。德绍维兹确信自己是在积极地寻求友谊。“她激发我的动机 ,这是我非常喜欢的。
她强壮,成功,帮助我扬长避短。”我对罗尼,我的一个新朋友,一个全职妈妈, 她女儿和我女儿在同一个学前班,有着同样的
Finding What's Missing找到自己所缺少的
12 I was drawn to her because she is lovely and warm. But what made me decide I wanted to
be friends with her was what I knew I could learn from her. She makes the parts of motherhood I
found overwhelming seem not only possible but easy, even fun. I like her resourcefulness, her
patience, her calm in the face of toddler anarchy.

我被她所吸引是因为她可爱、热 情。但我下决心同她做朋友是因为我知道我可以向她学习。她把我认为不堪重负的母亲的职责
不仅变成可 能,而且变得很容易,甚至很有趣。我喜欢她在应对无法无天的小孩子时所表现出来的随机应变,耐心和镇静。
13 When I met Ronni I was working full-time, my marriage was as stressed as I was, and any
time I spent with my kids felt like time away from something I needed to be doing to keep the
whole machine running. We never discussed it, but my friendship with Ronni contributed to my
decision to work part-time, so that I can enjoy my children in the way she does hers. She inspired
me to take inventory of my own life and to attend to how it wasn't making me happy.
我遇到罗尼的时候我有一份全职的工作,我的婚姻和我的人一样处于压力之下。每次花时间和孩子 们在一起的时候,都感到
占用了自己使一切正常运行所需的时间。我们从未讨论过这个问题,但是我同罗 尼的友谊,促使我下决定做非全职工作。这样
我就可以以她的方式享受亲子之乐了。她鼓励我创新自己的 生活方式,鼓励我留心怎么会过得不如意。

14 I keep up with my old friends as much as distance allows, but I'm finding my new friends
equally nourishing.
Jenna McCarthy, 39, a mother of two in Santa Barbara of her friend of three years, Kirsten.
until I met her, I hadn't realized how much was missing from my life. I'm happier now that she's
my friend.
只要距离许可,我尽量同老朋友们保持联系。但是我发现新 朋友同样给我帮助。“她和我都说‘遇到你的时候根本没有想找朋友

Be a Better Friend做一个好的朋友
15 While you're busy making new friends, remember that you still need to nurture your old
ones. We asked Marla Paul, author of The Friendship Crisis: Finding, Making, and Keeping
Friends When You're Not a Kid Anymore, for the best ways to maintain these important
你忙于结交新朋友的时候,别忘了还要 继续培养同老朋友间的友谊。就维持这层珍贵关系的最佳方法,我

保罗 ,她是《友情危机:当你不再是孩子时,寻找、结交和拥有朋友》的作者。

· Keep in touch. Your friends should be a priority; schedule regular lunch dates or coffee
catch- up sessions, no matter how busy you are.
· Know her business. Keep track of important events in a friend's life and show your support.
Call or e-mail to let her know you're thinking of her.
支持。给她打电话或 是发电子邮件,让她知道你在想她。

· Speak your mind. Tell a friend (politely) if something she did really upset you. If you can't be
totally honest, then you need to reexamine the relationship.
说 出你的想法。如果有朋友做了让你不快的事情,
(有礼貌地)告诉他。如果你无法做到真心诚意,那么你 需要重新审视你们之间的关系。
· Accept her flaws. No one is perfect, so work around her quirks -- she's chronically late, or
she's a bit negative -- to cut down on frustration and fights.
接受她的缺点。 没有人是完美的。所以要迁就她的

· Boost her ego. Heartfelt compliments make everyone feel great, so tell her how much you
love her new sweater or what a great job she did on a work project.
何人 都感到愉悦。不妨告诉她你有多喜欢她的新毛衣,或是她的某个工作项目做得有多棒。

Unit 3
1 Each of us is born into one family not of our choosing. If we’re going to go around devising
new ones, we might as well have the luxury of picking their members ourselves. Clever picking
might result in new families whose benefits would surpass or at least equal those of the old. The
new ones by definition cannot spawn us – as soon as they do that, they stop being new – but there
is plenty they can do. I have seen them work wonders. As a member in reasonable standing of six
or seven tribes in addition to the one I was born to, I have been trying to figure which earmarks
are common to both kinds of families.
我们每个 人都出生在自己无法选择的家庭之中。如果我们即将组建新的家庭,我们也许同样会有自己挑选家人的这个难得的 机
会. 明智地选择其成员而组建的新家庭,其优势将超过你原有的家庭,或至少与原有家庭持平。个新 建的家庭按理来说是不能
再生我们了——一旦它做到了,它就不再是新的了——但他们仍有很多可为之事 。我就曾经见识过 他们发挥的奇妙作用。除了
我自己出生的家庭之外,我曾经在六七个不同的宗族有一 些体验。藉此,我试图描述一下这两种家庭的特征吧。
2 Good families have a chief, or a heroine, or a founder – someone around whom others cluster,
whose achievements as the Yiddish word has it, let them kvell, and whose example spurs them on
to like feats. Some blood dynasties produce such figures regularly; others languish for as many as
five generations between demigods, wondering with each new pregnancy whether this, at last,
might be the messianic baby who will redeem us. Look, is there not something gubernatorial about
her footstep, or musical about the way he bangs with his spoon on his cup? All clans, of all kinds,
need such a figure now and then. Sometimes clans based on water rather than blood harbor several
such personages at one time. The Bloomsbury Group in London six decades ago was not much
hampered by its lack of a temporal history.
好家庭通常有一个领导者,或女英雄,或家族创始人——大家集聚在他周围,他的功 绩,就像犹太人所说的那样,让大家觉得
骄傲自豪,其作用能不断激励他们好大喜功往前冲。一些以血缘 关系组建的王朝会有规律地产生这样的英雄人物,而其他王朝
却要苦苦等待这样半人半神的人物长达五代 之久,时常想着下一位出生的宝贝会不会是能救赎大家的救世主。大家就会看看这
位新出生的宝贝走路有 没有统治者的步态,拿勺子敲杯子发出的声音是不是音调很优美?不管什么样的氏族时不时地都需要这
样 一位领袖。有时一些非血缘关系组建的氏族也曾工废产生些类似的人物。六十年前在伦敦布卢姆斯伯里文化圈里就 不乏这样
3 Good families have a switchboard operator – someone like my mother who cannot help but
keep track of what all the others are up to, who plays Houston Mission Control to everyone else’s
Apollo. This role, like the foregoing one, is assumed rather than assigned. Someone always
volunteers for it. That person often also has the instincts of an archivist, and feels driven to keep
scrapbooks and photograph albums up to date, so that the clan can see proof of its own continuity.
好家庭得有个交换 台操作员——就像我妈妈,不得不去了解其他人都在做什么,她就好比休斯敦航天地面指挥中心对阿波罗号,她掌管着每个人的动态。这责任,就像前面提到的一样,是主动承担的而不是指派的。总是有人主动地去做这 样的人总是有着
档案报关员的天赋,有制作最新的剪贴簿和照片集的欲望,如此家族就可以看到自己连续 的不同时期的证明。

4 Good families are much to all their members, but everything to none. Good families are
fortresses with many windows and doors to the outer world. The blood clans I feel most drawn to
were founded by parents who are nearly as devoted to whatever it is they do outside as they are to
each other and their children. Their curiosity and passion are contagious. Everybody, where they
live, is busy. Paint is spattered on eyeglasses. Mud lurks under fingernails. Person-to-person calls
come in the middle of the night from Tokyo and Brussels. Catchers’ mitts, ballet slippers, overdue
library books and other signs of extra-familial concerns are everywhere.
好家庭对家 庭所有成员来说都是一致的,而不是因人而异。好家庭是有多个通向外界的门窗的堡垒。最吸引我的以血缘关系建
立的家庭,是其父母不论在家里家外,对外人还是对待家庭成员或孩子,他们都竭尽全力真诚相待。他们 的志趣和激情都具有

感染力。和他们居住的每个人都被感染地忙碌着。不是染料溅到眼镜 上了,就是手指甲有泥垢了,或许彼此半夜在东京和布鲁
塞尔打电话聊天。棒球手套、芭蕾鞋、过期未还 的图书,还有家外的一些琐碎事,随处可见。
5 Good families are hospitable. Knowing that hosts need guests as much as guests need hosts,
they are generous with honorary memberships for friends, whom they urge to come early and
often and to stay late. Such clans exude a vivid sense of surrounding rings of relatives, neighbors,
teachers, students and godparents, any of whom at any time might break or slide into the inner
circle. Inside that circle a wholesome, tacit emotional feudalism develops: you give me protection,
I’ll give you fealty. Such treaties begin with, but soon go far beyond, the jolly exchange of pie at
Thanksgiving for cake on birthdays. It means you can ask me to supervise your children for the
fortnight you will be in the hospital, and that however inconvenient this might be for me, I shall
manage to. It means I can phone you on what for me is a dreary, wretched Sunday afternoon and
for you is the eve of a deadline, knowing you will tell me to come right over, if only to watch you
type. It means we need not dissemble.
好家庭是好客的。主人需要客人光临,正如客人需要主人招待一样。主人经常 鼓励朋友多来玩,并希望他们多逗留,这是因为
他们觉得很荣幸地款待这些贵客。这样的家族会给周围的 人自然地散发出一种生动活泼的感觉,无论是亲属圈、邻居、老师们、
同学们以及教父们,无论谁在任何 时刻都可以进入他们的圈子。这样美好无形的类似封建制度的关系便形成了:你保护我,我
就对你忠诚。 这样的关系由我拿感恩节的馅饼换你的生日蛋糕开始,但很快这种关系就不仅如此了。这就意味着,如果你生病< br>住院,你可以让我照管你的孩子们两周,不管多么不方便,我都会去做。这也意味着,糟糕的星期天下午我 可以给你打电话,
或许正是你交稿的期限,但你会让我直接过去,哪怕只是看着你打字。这意味着我们不 需要掩饰。
6 Good families prize their rituals. Nothing welds a family more than these. Rituals are vital
especially for clans without histories, because they evoke a past, imply a future, and hint at
continuity. No line in the Seder service at Passover reassures more than the last:
(Christmas, birthdays, Thanksgiving, and so on), grieve at a funeral (anyone may come to most
funerals; those who do declare their tribalness), and devises a new rite of its own. Equinox
breakfasts and all- white dinners can be at least as welding as Memorial Day parades. Several of us
in the old Life magazine years used to meet for lunch every Pearl Harbor Day, preferably to eat
some politically neutral fare like smorgasbord, to
colleague Irene Kubota Neves. For that and other reasons we became, and remain, a sort of family.

performances of our lives. They are a kind of shorthand. They can’t be decreed. My mother used
to try to decree them. She’d make such a goddamn fuss over what we talked about at dinner,
aiming at Topics of Common Interest, topics that celebrated our cohesion as a family. These
performances were always hollow, because the phenomenology of the moment got sacrificed for
the idea of the moment. Real rituals are discovered in retrospect. They emerge around constitutive
moments, moments that only happen once, around whose memory meanings cluster. You don’t
choose those moments. They choose themselves.
my blood sister, who has the gift of apprehending such a moment when she sees it, and who
cannot help but invent new rituals everywhere she goes.
好家庭注重仪式。没有什么能比这些仪式更能够把全家团 聚在一起了。尤其对一些没什么家族史的家庭来说更为重要,因为这
些仪式能让大家回想过去,展望未来 ,这预示着绵延不断。没有比在逾越节家宴上的一句“明年在耶路撒冷见!”更让大家备感
安慰。每一次 家族成员聚在一起举行特定的仪式(诸如,圣诞节,生日,感恩节,等等),或者在葬礼上伤心(任何人都可以参
加,只要他宣称自己隶属这一部落),或者形成自己特有的新礼节,这些都使得一个家族更加凝聚在一起 。春分早餐或全白餐照
样能像阵亡将士纪念日游行一样把大家团结起来。我们以前在《生活》杂志的老朋 友过去时常在珍珠港纪念日这天聚在一起吃
个中午饭,谈论一些政治上中立的大杂烩话题①,并“宽恕” I r e n e k u b o t a N e v e s ,在《生活》的同仁中只有他的祖< br>先是日本人②。如此这样,我们不自觉地就成了一家人。我的加利福尼亚州的一位朋友曾说:“仪式不仅仅 是外在形式或者过过

假期而已。仪式是我们生命的一种表现。仪式类似于一种速记。仪式 不能刻意地要求命令。我母亲过去常常试图命令要求这些
刻板仪式。她总是为我们吃饭时谈论的话题担心 忧虑,刻意让大家谈论歌颂家庭和睦的共同感兴趣的话题。但是这样表现是徒
然空洞的,因为一时的表象 牺牲了当时的真实想法。这些仪式是在回顾过去中发现的。这些仪式在特定的时刻出现,而且只出
现一次 ,但大家的记忆就会萦绕着这些仪式。不是你刻意选择这些时刻,而是它自动形成的。一个幸运的家族通常会有一 个天
生的神话大师,就像我妹妹,她有这样的天赋:不管她在哪里,一旦意识到这样的机会,她就会抓住 并制造新的仪式。

7 Good families are affectionate. This of course is a matter of style. I know clans whose
members greet each other with gingerly handshakes or, in what pass for kisses, with hurried
brushes of side jawbones, as if the object were to touch not the lips but the ears. I don’t see how
such people manage.
families recently wrote to me,
regardless of age, needs to be hugged and comforted in a brotherly or sisterly way now and then.
Preferably now.
好家庭是充满爱的。当然,这是行为方式的问题。就我所知, 一些家族成员见面打招呼时小心翼翼地握握手,或者彼此轻触下
颌就算是亲吻,好像应该去接触的部位不 是双唇而是耳部。我不明白这些人是怎么办到的。一个属于很多特别家庭的人最近给
我写信说道:“见面 不拥抱的部落根本就不能成为部落”。我越来越意识到,不论我们年纪多大,我们都需要时时有兄弟姐妹般
8 Good families, not just the blood kind, find some way to connect with posterity.
link in the humble chain of being, encircling heirs to ancestors,
to walk within a circle of magic as primitive as humans knew in caves.
about babies, feeling them leap in wombs, giving them suck. Parenthood, however, is a state
which some miss by chance and others by design, and a vocation to which not all are called. Some
of us, like the novelist Richard P. Brickner,
name their own lives, devising their own flags from their parents’ cloth.
children to do? Build houses? Plant trees? Write books or symphonies or laws? Perhaps, but even
if we do these things, there still should be children on the sidelines, if not at the center, of our lives.
It is a sadly impoverished tribe that does not allow access to, and make much of, some children.
Not too much, of course: it has truly been said that never in history have so many educated people
devoted so much attention to so few children. Attention, in excess, can turn to fawning, which
isn’t much better than neglect. Still, if we don’t regularly see and talk to and laugh with people
who can expect to outlive us by twenty years or so, we had better get busy and find some.
好 家庭,不单单是血缘关系建立的家庭,应找到和后代承接联系的方式。迈克尔

诺瓦克写道,“ 在卑微的生存链中锻造一环,
连接后代与祖先,这充满魔力的一环原始的一如生活在岩洞时代的人所了解 的一样”。很显然,他说的是孩子,感觉他们在子宫
里跳跃,给他们哺乳。为人父母不是人人有行的天职 ,有些是无心错过,有些人则刻意规避。我们有些人,就像小说家理查德

布莱科纳看着别人“ 给孩子们命名,而孩子们也赋予了他们生活的意义,他们用父辈的衣钵设计出了自己家族的旗帜”。那么
我们没有孩子的干些什么?盖房子,植树,写书,作曲,立法?也许吧,但即使我们做这些,我们还是需要孩子在 身边,即使
孩子并不是我们生活的中心。不能孕育后代的家族是贫穷的。当然,也不能过度关注孩子,如 此之多的受过教育的人如此投入
地关注如此之少的孩子,这在历史上是鲜有发生的。过度关注就会变成奉 承,这不比被忽视好到哪里去。如果你不能和自己小
二十几岁的孩子们常常说笑交流的话,那么你最好行 动起来,找些这样的人。
9. Good families also honor their elders. The wider the age range, the stronger the tribe. Jean-Paul
Sartre and Margaret Mead, to name two spectacularly confident former children, have both
remarked on the central importance of grandparents in their own early lives. Grandparents now are
in much more abundant supply than they were a generation or two ago when old age was more
rare. If actual grandparents are not at hand, no family should have too hard a time finding
substitute ones to whom to give unfeigned homage. The Soviet Union’s enchantment with day
care centers, I have heard, stems at least in part from the state’s eagerness to keep children away

from their presumably subversive grandparents. Let that be a lesson to clans based on interest as
well as to those based on genes.
优秀的家庭同样很尊重家中的年长者。年龄的跨度越大,这个家族的 力量就越大。列举两个出众孩子的实例,让



米德都承认祖父母在孩童时代对他们有很重要的影响。和过去一两代人相比,现在老龄人多得 多了。如果现实的
祖父母不在身边,这些家庭也不难找到老年人来充当祖父母的角色,并给予真诚的敬意 。我听说,苏联曾经一度流行日常照顾

的祖 父母,给他们呵护和积极影响。这对于不论是基于兴趣组成的群体还是由基因
连接的家族而言都是一个教 训。
Unit 4
Olympics 100 Years of Changing
1 “The Olympic movement tends to bring together in a radiant union all the qualities which
guide mankind to perfection.” so said Olympics father- French baron Pierre de Coubertin.
奥林匹克运动之父——法国 男爵皮埃尔

顾拜旦,曾说道“奥林匹克运动趋向于将各种引导人类走向 完美的品质极其和谐
2 Looking back over the 100-year history of the modern Games, one finds that they have never
come close to meet the lofty claims laid on them by Olympic founders for so many decades.
Instead, the Games have always been an infinitely earthy human enterprise, overflowing with
sweat, blood, tears and, in recent times, urine samples. They have been lifted by the exalted
moments of athletic achievement most fervent supporters choose to remember, but they have also
been flawed by bad judgment and bad temper, infected with lies and hypocrisies. Nonetheless, as
the Games enter their second century, they have attained a dazzling level of athletic
accomplishment and planetary popularity.
回顾现代奥运所走过的百年历史,人们却发现它数十年来从未实现诸多创办人 寄托在它身上的崇高理想。相反,奥运会一直都
是一项极大的世俗产业,其间充斥着汗水、鲜血、泪水以 及近年来的尿液样品。极其热情的支持者希望永远铭记运动员取得成
就的兴奋时刻,从而使奥林匹克运动 备受推崇;同时,因裁判不公和运动员的在场上焦躁不安的情绪,使奥林匹克运动难免受
到玷污,另外, 它还受到无所顾忌的谎言和公然的弄虚作假行为的腐蚀。尽管是这样,随着奥林匹克运动进入第二个百年,它还是达到了运动成就和广泛流行的非凡阶段。
3 Life’s forces, not eternal verities, have shaped the modern Olympic Games. They have been
quite madly changeable and totally dissimilar from one quadrennial spectacle to the next. Every
one of the 22 Summer Olympics in last Olympic century(war excised 1916, 1940 and 1944) has
had a radically different character- each dependent entirely on the politics, the economics, the
mores, the fads and the spirit of the times. < br>现代奥运,不是基本的道德准则而是生命的力量打造了它。它变化多样,四年一度的奥运会每次都各不相同 。在上个世纪的 届
夏季奥运会中(1916,1940 和1944年的奥运会因战争被迫取消),每 一届都展示了不同于往届的特征——这完全取决于当时的
4 The modern Olympics have served as a showcase for Nazi failure, an alternate battlefield in
the cold war, a peace emissary of Germany, a hot TV sitcom that holds 3.5billion viewers, and a
megamachine for merchandising and product packaging that is second to none on earth. They have
also brought onstage the modern woman and the black athlete.
现代奥运曾是纳粹失败的展示柜、冷战的又一种战场;曾充当过德国的和平使者;也是一部吸引着3.5 亿电视观众的热门情景
剧;有时就相当于一台进行着无与伦比的产品推销和包装活动的巨型机器。它也使 现代妇女和黑人运动员登上了运动舞台。
5 The renewed Olympics in the beginning were a sweet, apolitical, amateurish sporting
carnival held in Athens during 10 unseasonably cold days in April 1896. In the 1900 Games in
Paris, the marathon was run over a labyrinthine route through the back streets of Paris. The winner
just happened to be a local baker’s delivery boy who knew the course and all its shortcuts like the

soles of his feet. In 1904, the Games held in St. Louis were even worse. The marathon was still a
farce in which the initial first-place finisher was disqualified for riding in a car, and the ultimate
winner confessed that he had loaded up on strychnine and brandy to gain the stamina to finish.
起初,更始一新的奥运会是一场快乐、无关政治、业余的娱乐表演,于1896 年4月在雅典举行,为期十天,那其间天气异乎异
常的冷。在1 900 年的巴黎奥运会上,马拉松在 巴黎如迷宫一样的小街上进行。夺冠者恰巧是当地的一个给面包师跑腿的伙计,
此人熟知要跑的路线,对 所有的捷径就像对自己的脚底板一样熟悉。1904年,圣

路易斯的奥运会甚至更糟,马拉松 比赛结果
就像上演了一场闹剧。第一个到达终点的人因途中乘车而被取消资格,而最终的冠军也承认为了 拥有充足的体力跑到终点而服
6 At this point, with two fiascos in a row, the fledgling Olympic movement was in danger of
going under. Luckily, the Greeks stepped in once again. In the spring of 1906, they celebrated the
anniversary of the Olympiad by acting as host of a clean, efficient festival in Athens called the
Intercalated Games. The Games of 1912 in Stockholm were also a model of clean, calm,
up-to-date festival. After Stockholm’s polished spectacle, there was at last an abiding sense of
optimism about the Olympic movement. Everyone was eagerly anticipating another splendid affair
in 1916 in Berlin, but Kaiser Wilhelm I declared war in 1914, so the Games were cancelled.
由于接连两次大出洋相,此时刚刚兴起的奥林匹克运动 面临着难以再办下去的窘境。幸运的是,希腊人再次出面。1906 年春天,
为庆祝奥林匹克运动会十 周年,希腊人在雅典主办了一场公正高效的体育盛会。这次盛会被称为“奥运会加场”的奥运会。1912 年的斯德哥尔摩奥运会同样公正、有序,是现代奥运会的典范。在那场完美的奥运会之后,人们终于对奥林匹 克运动会持有一
7 The 1920 Games in Antwerp were a gloomy affair. No one felt like celebrating at a sports
extravaganza after the slaughter of the glower of Europe’s youth. The teams of the defeated
nations, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Hungary, etc., were not invited. Russia did not compete
either. So Belgium’s King Albert remarked during the opening ceremonies, “All this is quite nice,
but it certainly lacks people.” In fact the people most notably lacking were women. At that time
the inclusion of females in the Olympics was thought “impractical, uninteresting, unaesthetic and
incorrect.” An early I.O.C statement on the proper place of the sexes declared, “we feel that the
Olympic Games must be reserved for the solemn and periodic exaltation of male athleticism with
internationalism as a base, loyalty as a means, arts for its setting, and female applause as its
reward.” But in 1928 the antifeminist dam broke. More than twice as many women entered the
Amsterdam Olympics as ever before—still only 290, compared with 2724 men. The better news
was that women were allowed for the first time to compete in track and field, the centerpiece
events in any Olympics.
1920 年在安特卫普举行的奥运会正 逢欧洲青年才俟横遭屠戮不久,办得颇为凄凉,大家根本就没有心情参加这样一场喜庆的奥
运会。德国、 奥地利、保加利亚、匈牙利等战败国的代表都没有得到邀请。俄国也没有参加比赛。所以比利时国王阿尔伯特在< br>开幕式上说:“所有的一切都如此美好,但缺少众人参与”。然而,最缺乏的却是女性的参与:那时,女性 参加奥运会被认为是
“不合实际、毫无趣味、缺乏美感并且是错误的行为。”在一份早期关于两性恰当地 位的宣言中,国际奥委会声称:“我们认为
奥运会必须保持正式定期举行的男性体育盛会这个特点,以国 际主义为基础、忠诚为方式、艺术为背景,女性的掌声为酬劳。”
但是,在1928年反男女平等主义的 大坝崩溃了。得以使比以前超过两倍的女运动员参加了阿姆斯特丹奥运会。同2794名男运
动员相比, 虽然女运动员只有290人。好在女性第一次被允许在奥运会最重要的比赛项目——田径场上参与竞技。
8. The 1932 Games in Los Angeles drew the smallest field of competitors—1281 men,127
women since 1904, because of the Depression and the cost of travelling to the U.S Even President
Herbert Hoover rejected an invitation to the Games, saying, “It’s a crazy thing, and it takes some
gall to expect me to be a part of it.” Eventually, 37 countries took part.
因为正值经济大萧条以及去美国的高额路费,1932年的洛杉矶奥运会是自1904年以 来参与者最少的一次——其中男运动员1281,
名,女运动员127 名。连赫伯特

有37个 国家参加了这场奥运会。

9 At the 1936 Olympics, Hitler adopted rabid anti-Semitic policies. Campaigns to boycott
Berlin took root in America, France, Great Britain and Canada. Four of the U.S. golds were won
by the heroic African American Jesse Owens, and three other “black auxiliaries” as the Nazis
called them, also won medals. Although Germany’s deadly racism put Owens & Co. in a spotlight,
black athletes had competed for decades in the Olympics without great disturbance or hostility.
The Olympic Charter had long made color and creed irrelevant among competitors, saying, “The
goal of the Olympic movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by
educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind.”
在1936 年的奥运会上,希特勒采取了极端的反犹太人政策。美国、法国、英国、加 拿大都联合抵制柏林奥运会。美国的四枚金

欧文斯取 得,其他名被纳粹认为“黑色雇佣军”的运动员也获得了奖牌。虽然德国恶毒的种
族主义使得欧文斯和其 他有色运动员受到广泛关注,但是黑人运动员多年来在奥运场上驰骋并未带来很多非议和敌意。在奥林
匹 克宪章中很早就有了肤色和信仰同竞技者毫不相干的条文规定:“奥林匹克运动旨在促进建立一个和平、美好的世 界。实现此
10 Hitler’s grimmer ambitions prevented the 1940 and 1944 Olympics from happening at all.
In 1948, still war-torn London was filled with rubble left by German bombs; food rationing
remained in place; and money was so short that the Olympic Village was a wartime R.A.F.
barracks. The time seemed too hard to be paying for something so frivolous as a sports festival,
and some newspapers editorialized bitterly against it. Nonetheless, sportsmen were huge and
exuberant. The revival of the Olympics was as if the sun had come out. People went into the
Olympic Village in 1948, and suddenly there were no more frontiers, no more barriers. Just the
peoples meeting together. It was wonderfully warm.
由于希特勒的残酷野心,1940年和1944的奥运会被迫取消。伦敦在1948年仍满 是战争疮痍:到处是德国炸弹留下来的碎石瓦
砾,仍在实行食物配给制,资金也极其短缺——奥运村竟然 是英国皇家空军的战时兵营。生活如此艰辛,斥资来办一场奥运会
看起来是那么地轻率。一些报纸评论都 极力反对。然而运动员却人气高涨,群愤激昂。复兴的奥运会就像云开日出,众人在1948
年来到奥运 村,刹那间,边境消失了,壁垒不见了,各族人民欢聚一堂,气氛温暖至极。
11 But not for long. The cold war brought its first eyeball-to-eyeball Olympic confrontation in
1952 in Helsinki. During the cold war, a new force was brewing that would ultimately transform
the Olympic movement more than any battle involving racism or ideology. The force was
television. Thanks to TV, they were seen by more people than ever before. This was the beginning
of the revolution that would soon transform the Olympics from a relatively esoteric spectator
entertainment into a worldwide extravaganza eagerly viewed with unblinking attention by more
than 2 billion people from opening to closing ceremony.
可是没有多久,冷战在1952年的赫 尔辛基奥运会上开始了第一次直接对抗。冷战期间,一种新的力量正在开始酝酿,这种力量
最终将比种族 主义及意识形态的任何斗争,更能给奥林匹克运动带来最为显著的变化。这种力量就是电视。由于电视的普及,< br>更多的人可以看到奥林匹克的盛况。这是一场革命的开始,奥林匹克运动从一种相对而言只有少数人参与的 吸引观众的消遣性
活动变成一场遍布世界的盛大运动会,20多亿入迷的观众从开幕式到闭幕式目不转睛 地观看这场盛会。
12 Successful though they were, the Seoul Games in 1988 still produced controversy, because
biochemistry was at work. Ben Johnson, a brilliant Canadian sprinter, won the 100-m dash on the
track by sizable margin, then lost it in the drug-testing laboratory when his sample showed
evidence of heavy steroid use. His gold medal was lifted, and he went home in disgrace. Nine
other athletes were also caught for using banned substance. Though drug tests had been part of the
Olympics for more than 20 years, actually catching guilty athletes was extremely difficult because
of masking agents, natural hormones and careful timing of illicit dosages, so no traces were left
when urine samples were taken.
1988年的汉城奥运会虽然很成功,由于发现使用药物,使人们对它产生了很大的争议 。本・约翰逊,一名出色的加拿大短跑运
动员,曾以很大的优势夺得了1 0 0 米冠军,但在药物检 验中,他却被检查出了大量的类固醇。随之金牌被没收,他羞辱地回

到家中。其他9名运 动员也因为服用了违禁药品被查处。药物检验作为奥林匹克运动的一部分虽已有20 多年的历史了,但是真正抓到违规的运动员却非常困难,因为伪装的药剂的使用、运动员自然分泌的荷尔蒙以及服用违禁药物时精心 选择的时机,都
13 By the time the Games opened four years later in Barcelona and twelve years later in
Sydney- two beautiful settings, revolution in world politics had transformed the Olympic stage.
Peace had finally burst upon the Games. The Berlin Wall had fallen, East and West Germany were
one. The athletes of DPPK and South Korea walked together in the opening ceremony. There were
no boycotts, no hired gladiators, no good guys, no bad guys.
4年之后在巴塞罗那,以及1 2 年之后在悉尼所举行的奥 运会都是两场美丽的赛事。世界政治的风云变化改变了奥林匹克舞台。
和平终于在运动场上展现出来。柏 林墙倒了,东德和西德得以统一;朝鲜和韩国的运动员在开幕式上并肩入场。那时,再没有
联合抵制,再 没有雇佣的运动员,也没有什么好人坏人之分。
14 When it came to the 29
Olympic Games, the news was that Beijing would host the 2008
Olympic Games. China pledged to spend billions of dollars on roads, subways, pollution control
and stadiums and Beijing was introduced to I.O.C members. They awarded the Games to the
world’s most populous nation for the first time .I.O.C members clearly believed the Chinese
argument that the Games would boost the nation’s economic reforms and opening-up to the world.
“Eight year ago, the Chinese felt so rejected. This time we really reached out for approval,” said
Timothy Fok, a Hong Kong Olympic official,” It’s going to be terrific Games.” Its success proved
that the Chinese achieved their dream. “Through these Games, the world learned more about
China, and China learned more about the world.” said I.O.C. president Jacques Rogge at the
Closing Ceremony of the Games.
当29届奥林匹克运动会来临之际,传来 了北京将主办2008年奥运会的消息。中国决心投入几十亿美元用于公路、地铁的修缮,
污染的控制及 体育场的建设,基于此北京向国际奥委会提出申办奥运会。奥委会将奥林匹克运动会主办权授予了世界人口最多< br>的国家,这还是有史以来第一次。毫无疑问,奥委会成员相信中国竞标的理由,即奥林匹克当届奥林匹克运 动会来临之际,传
来了北京将主办2008年奥运会的消息。中国决心投入几十亿美元用于公路、地铁的 修缮,污染的控制及体育场的建设,基于此
北京向国际奥委会提出申办奥运会。奥委会将奥林匹克运动会 主办权授予了世界人口最多的国家,这还是有史以来第一次。毫
无疑问,奥委会成员相信中国竞标的理由 ,即奥林匹克
15 The Games have become the focus of a new kind of cult that worships the ultimate in
unlimited sporting achievement. Those quaint words of Coubertin now have a different resonance:
“The Olympic movement tends to bring together in a radiant union all the qualities which guide
mankind to perfection. “Pure competition, as the Games’ founders envisaged it, does not yet exist
and isn’t likely to. Training methods and chemical abuse still cause quarrels and suspicions. The
tom-toms of nationalism are throbbing as loudly as ever. But the sheer artistry of Olympic
attainment, however amplified, has survived war, ideological struggle, racism, revolution and a
host of other human ills. Imperfect as it is, the enduring Olympics may prove Coubertin right.
They are here, perhaps, because they can still give humanity a glimpse of evolving perfection.
作为一种新追求的焦点,奥林匹 克运动会崇尚超越无限的运动成就。顾拜旦巧妙的话语现在有了不同的回响:“奥林匹克运动趋
向于将各 种引导人类走向完美的品质极其和谐地融合在一起。”奥林匹克创立者所设想的纯粹竞技并不存在也不可能存在。 训练
方法和违禁药品的滥用仍会引起纷争和怀疑,国与国之间竞争的锣鼓也会永远敲下去,朴素的奥林匹 克辉煌虽然被舆论扩大了,
它还是在经历了战争、不同意识形态的观念之争、种族矛盾以及大量的人性罪 恶后存活了下来了。经久不衰的奥林匹克运动会
虽然仍不完美,但是它也许证明顾拜旦的话是正确的,它 之所以还盛行,或许是因为它仍能使人类看到逐渐走向完美的希望。







