
2020年07月30日 15:42


Unhealthy people have toxic habits that keep them unhealthy. Avoid these 10
toxic habits to ensure that you are living life to your full potential.
1. Always Assume the Worst永远心怀消极
Unhealthy people always assume the worst. They assume no one will like them,
that they’ll always mess up, and that they’ll never be successful in their efforts.
They predict others have evil intentions and they always predict the worst possible
scenarios will come true.
不健康的人总是忧虑坏的结果。他们 揣度别人不喜欢自己,觉得自己会搞砸一切,甚至
觉得自己不会尝到胜利的果实。别人在他们眼中总是图 谋不轨,对于何事都不报一点希望。
2. Possess an External Locus of Control随遇而安
People with an external locus of control think that everything that happens to
them is fate. They believe they just have bad luck and that they have no control
over what happens to them in life. As a result, they take little responsibility for what
happens in their lives and blame everyone else for their misfortune.
随遇而安的人会认为一切事情都是命中注定。他们相信不好的事情皆因厄运导 致,而不
也会谴 责别人给自己带来了

3. Believe in the Latest Health Fads深信最新的健康趋势
Toxic people
tend to jump on board with the latest health fads without
any research on their own. If someone makes a claim that a new
’ll buy it. They aren’t able to critically can offer miraculous results, they
analyze whether or not a product is likely to produce the results that are claimed.
不健康人士 喜欢追随最新的健康趋势,对于传闻他们不会去做任何考究。如果有人声称
某新产品能够包治百病,他们 就会去买。根本不会认真地分析产品功效是否真如传闻中那样
4. Look for the Easy Way Out寻求捷径
They want quick and fast solutions. They expect immediate results and don
believe that hard work will get them to where they want to be. Instead, they expect
that if something is going to change, it should happen now.
他们一心寻求捷径,渴望结果即刻出现,不相信勤劳工作能通 往梦想。还有,如果他们
5. Don't Set Goals for Themselves没有目标
Toxic people don’t create goals for themselves. They don’t work toward
reaching anything in life. Often, they can say that they want things to be better but
they don't try to establish strategies to help improve their situation.
不健康的人不会给自己设定目标,也不会朝着目 标积极生活。他们常常都只会希望情况

6. Feel Jealous of Other's Success嫉妒他人的成功
They tend to feel jealous when other people are successful. They often feel
angered by people who are more attractive, earn more money, or have a better life.
They don’t stop to look at the hard work a person has put in to gain that success,
but instead believe that it isn’t fair that the same success h asn
们 会感到忿忿不平。他们看不见别人成功前付出了多少心血,只会抱怨上天不公,没有把成
功降临在自己头 上。
7. Blame Their Health on Genetics把自己的毛病归咎于基因
They don’t tend to take responsibility for their health. Instead, they blame their
weight or illness on genetics. They think that if they had a mother with diabetes,
they’re doomed to have it to. Instead of recognizing their genes may help them
identify risk factors, they just presume that their genes make their health problems
inevitable and they make no attempts to remedy the situation.
他们不会对自己的健康负责。相反,只会把体重和和疾病归咎给基因。 他们认为如果母
亲有糖尿病,那自己也幸免不了。这类人想不到基因好的一面,只会揣测基因会带来不可 避
8. Don’t Listen to Knowledgeable Experts无视专业人士
Toxic people tend to dismiss the advice they receive from knowledgeable
experts. They don’t listen to doctors, dentists, therapists, or financial counselors.
t come their w’

They write these people off as “stupid” and tend to want to dispute any advice
that encourages them to take responsibility for their own behavior.
不健康的人会无视专业人士的建议。无论是医生、牙医、治疗师还是财务顾问,他 都会
别人给他提出的建 议和鼓励,让他重视自身的习
9. Avoid Creative Problem- Solving处理问题方式局限单一
Unhealthy people tend to think there is just one way to solve a problem. If that
solution doesn’t work, they don’t try to resolve the problem in another way. As
by a result, they often remain stuck because they can’t get around a problem
using creativity. Almost any problem has multiple solutions and a little creativity
can go a long way to finding solutions but toxic people prefer to avoid attempting
to resolve them.
不健康的人倾向于单一的解决问 题的方式。如果那个办法行不通,他们就不会去尝试另
外的方法。结果往往会陷入困境,因为他们拒绝变 通。但几乎所有问题都有多种解决方案,
任何细微的创意都可以摸索前进并找到克服问题的方法,但他们 就是喜欢逃避问题。
10. Gossip About Everyone and Everything热衷八卦别人的事情
Instead of focusing on how to improve their lives, they focus on judging
and mistakes and announce ’s problems
take great joy in gossiping
everyone else. They revel in other people
their business to the world. They spread rumors and
about others. Instead of trying to improve their own lives, they spend their time
talking about what others should be doing differently.

他们没有将重心放在改 善自己的生活上,而放在了评价他人上。他们沉浸在别人的问题
和错误上无法自拔,还到处张扬别人的话 题。他们热衷于蜚语流言,又很执迷八卦。时间就
这样被花在了谈论别人的对错上,而忘了那应该用于提 升自己的生活。







