
2020年07月30日 15:45


Blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter), used in Shakespeare's dramas and
Milton's Paradise Lost, is one of the most common metrical patterns in
English poetry.

METER""a rhythmic pattern in poetry wherein stresses (accented syllables)
recur at fixed intervals. The word "meter" comes from the Greek word for

FOOT""the basic unit of meter; a group of syllables forming a metrical
unit; a unit of (usually) two or three syllables that contains one strong
stress. Metrical feet are marked by using symbols to represent stressed (/)
and unstressed (x; or a flattened out "u" shape) syllables.

IAMB (IAMBIC FOOT)""a metrical foot consisting of an unstressed syllable
followed by a stressed syllable (x /).

PENTAMETER""a metrical pattern in which the poetic line consists of five
iambic feet; thus, a ten-syllable line with the following pattern: x / x / x / x / x / .

RHYME (EXACT RHYME)""when two or more words or phrases contain an identical
vowel sound, usually accented, and the subsequent consonant sounds (if any
) are identical: free/see; hit/fit; prize/lies.

DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE""a poem in which a single (fictional) speaker addresses
an implied audience at a critical moment in an ongoing series of events.

FREE VERSE""("vers libre"; open form poetry); poetry with no identifiable
metrical pattern or rhyme scheme.

STANZA""a group of lines of verse, usually marked by a rhyme scheme (a
regular pattern of end rhymes) and a predominant metrical pattern.

VERSE PARAGRAPH""a group of lines of verse (often in blank verse) which
forms a unit within a poem; especially common in long narrative poems.


的sonet (短歌) 有关。简单地说,sonnet是指一种抒情短诗,一般来说有14行,每

The sonnet is one of several forms of poetry originating in Europe. The
term "sonnet" derives from the Occitan word sonet and the Italian word
sonetto, both meaning "little song" or "little sound". By the thirteenth
century, it had come to signify a poem of fourteen lines that follows a
strict rhyme scheme and specific structure. The conventions associated with
the sonnet have evolved over its history. The w
riters of sonnets are
sometimes referred to as "sonneteers," although the term can be used
derisively. One of the best-known sonnet writers is William Shakespeare,
who wrote 154 of them (not including those that appear in his plays). A
Shakespearean, or English, sonnet consists of 14 lines, each line
containing ten syllables and written in iambic pentameter, in which a
pattern of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable is
repeated five times. The rhyme scheme in a Shakespearean sonnet is a-b-a-b,
c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g; the last two lines are a rhyming couplet.

fourteen-line rhyming poem with set structure: a short poem with 14 lines,
usually ten-syllable rhyming lines, divided into two, three, or four
There are many rhyming patterns for sonnets, and they are usually written in iambic pentameter

Medieval[show]v · d · e
Medieval theatre

Liturgical drama ? Mystery play ? Morality play ? Elegiac comedy

In the Middle Ages, drama in the vernacular languages of Europe may have
emerged from religious enactments of the liturgy. Mystery plays were
presented on the porch of the cathedrals or by strolling players on feast
days. Miracle and mystery plays, along with moralities and interludes,
later evolved into more elaborate forms of drama, such as was seen on the
Elizabethan stages.

[edit] Elizabethan and JacobeanMain article: English Renaissance theatre
One of the great flowerings of drama in England occurred in the 16th and
17th centuries. Many of these plays were written in verse, particularly
iambic pentameter. In addition to Shakespeare, such authors as Christopher
Marlowe, Thomas Middleton, and Ben Jonson were prominent playwrights
during this period. As in the medieval period, historical plays celebrated
the lives of past kings, enhancing the image of the Tudor monarchy. Authors
of this period drew some of their storylines from Greek mythology and
Roman mythology or from the plays of eminent Roman playwrights such as
Plautus and Terence.

epic is a lengthy narrative poem, ordinarily concerning a serious subject
containing details of heroic deeds and events significant to a culture or
nation.[2] Oral poetry may qualify as an epic, and Albert Lord and Milman
Parry have argued that classical epics were fundamentally an oral poetic
form. Nonetheless, epics have been written down at least since the works
of Virgil, Dante Alighieri, and John Milton. Many probably would not have
survived if not written down. The first epics are known as primary, or
original, epics. One such epic is the Old English story Beowulf.[3] Epics
that attempt to imitate these like Milton's Paradise Lost are known as
literary, or secondary, epics. Another type of epic poetry is epyllion
(plural: epyllia), which is a brief narrative poem with a romantic or
mythologic... The term, which means 'little epicy. It refers primarily to the type of erotic and
mythological long elegy of which Ovid remains the master; to a lesser
degree, the term includes some poems of the English Renaissance,
particularly those influenced by Ovid. One suggested example of classical
epyllion may be seen in the story of Nisus and Euryalus in Book IX of







