金融英语翻译句子第三章 句子

2020年07月30日 15:46


1、Depository institutions are highly regulated because of the important role that they play in the country’s financial system. Demand deposit accounts are the principal means that individuals and business entities use for making payments, and government monetary policy is implemented through the banking system. Because of their important role, depository institutions are afforded special privileges such as access to federal deposit insurance and access to a government entity that provides funds for liquidity or emergency needs.
2、All depository institutions face interest rate risk. Managers of a depository institution who have particular expectations about the future direction of interest rates will seek to benefit from these expectations. Those who expect interest rates to rise may pursue a policy to borrow funds for a long time horizon范围,界限 and lend funds for a short time horizon. If interest rates are expected to drop, managers may elect to borrow short and lend long.
3、The percentage of a depository institution’s assets held as secondary reserves will depend both on the institution’s ability to raise funds from the other sources and on its management’s risk preference for liquidity versus yield.
4、Realizing the need for banks to obtain liquidity during periods of economic stress, the federal government wanted to establish a banking system that would have an entity that banks could borrow from, sort of a “lender of last resort”. The U.S. Congress accomplished this with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This legislation established the Federal Reserve System (FRS) as the central banking system. Banks that were members of the FRS were entitled to all the services that the FRS was empowered授权 to provide by the legislation.
5、Today, banks are regulated and supervised by several federal and state government entities. At the federal level, supervision is undertaken by the Federal Reserve Board, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The assets of a bank are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
6、At one time, some of the bank activities were restricted by federal legislation. More specifically, the Banking Act of 1933 contained four sections barring commercial banks from certain investment banking activities. These four sections are popularly referred to as the Glass-Steagall Act. After decades of debate regarding the need for such restrictions, the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed with the enactment of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in November 1999, which expanded the permissible activities for banks and bank holding companies.
在 过去,某些业务受到联邦法律的严格限制,特别是1933年的《银行法案》中包含4部分法案,将商业银行和投资银行业务严格分割开来。这4部分法案一般被称为《格拉斯—斯蒂格尔法案》,在对这种限制进行了几十年的争论后,1999年11月通过的《格雷姆—里奇—比利雷法案》取代了《格拉斯—斯蒂格尔法案》,这一法案扩大了银行和银行控股公司的业务范围。
7、Because reserves are placed in non-interest-bearing accounts, there is an opportunity cost associated with excess reserves. At the same time, there are penalties imposed on banks that do not satisfy the reserve requirements. Thus, banks have an incentive to manage their reserves so as to satisfy reserve requirements as precisely as possible.
Bank borrowing at the Fed to meet required reserves is quite limited in amount, despite the fact that the discount rate generally is set below the cost of other sources of short-term funding available to a bank. This is because the Fed views borrowing at the discount window as a privilege to be used to meet short-term liquidity needs, and not a device to increase earnings.
9、With the high volatility of interest rates in the 1970s, follow
ed by the historically high level of interest rates in the early 1980s, all depository institutions began to loss funds to competitors exempt from ceilings, such as the newly formed money market funds; this development forced some increase in ceilings. The ceilings in place since the middle of the 1960s did not protect the S&Ls; the institutions began to suffer from diminished profits, and increasingly from operating losses. A large fraction of S&Ls became technically insolvent 破产者as rising interest rates eroded asset market values to the point where they fell short of the liabilities.
10、Savings Banks are institutions similar to S&Ls. They can be either mutually owned or stockholder owned. The principal assets of savings banks are residential mortgages. Because states have permitted more portfolio diversification than was permitted by federal regulators of S&Ls, savings bank portfolios weathered funding risk far better than S&Ls. The principal source of funds for savings banks is deposits. Typically, the ratio of deposits to total assets is greater for savings banks than for S&Ls.
Credit unions are the smallest and the newest of the depository institutions. They can obtain either a state or federal charter. Their unique aspect is the “common bond” requirement for credit union membership. They are either cooperatives or mutually owned. There is no corporate stock ownership. The dual双重的 purpose of credit union is to serve their members’ savings and borrowing needs.







