2020年07月30日 15:49
1. the plates of low-speed marine diesel roller chains are made by stamping from 40kh steel bars with a heat treatment of oil hardening from 830-850 and tempering at 520-540 for 3 ing to specification,after tempering the brinell hardness of all of the plates must be measured and a sampling inspecting of the mechanical properties must be made(1 or 2 parts from each lot).the plates are assumed to be acceptable if the impression diameter is 3.9-3.6.
1. 低速船用柴油机滚子链板块由钢筋从40kh热冲压石油从830-850硬化处理和回火520-540 3 h.根据规范,回火后在所有的板块必须测量布氏硬度和抽样检查的力学性能必须(从每批1或2件)。板块如果假定是可以接受的印象直径3.9-3.6
heat treatment using the same cycle,there has frequently been a quite wide spread in the hardness of the plates after tempering since tempering is done without taking into consideration variations in chemical composition within specification of 40kh steel and in the structure of the parts after hardening.
热处理使用相同的周期中,经常是一个在硬度相当广泛蔓延 自回火回火后板没有完成考虑到化学变化组合内40kh钢铁和规范硬化后的结构部分。
3. this article discusses the possibility of introducing an intermediate nondestructive inspection making it possible to correct the tempering cycle during heat treatment of 40kh steel investigations have already been made in this direction.
4. the first stage of the investigation was made on 40kh steel samples of heats()and().
5. cylindrical samples() with a length of 120 and a diameter of 25 mm and 70*22*10 mm flat samples()were prepared.
5。圆柱形样品()为120的长度和25毫米和70 * 22 *?? 10毫米(扁平样品)直径分别为准备。
6. based on literature data [] the coercive force(the demagnetizing current @ in milliamps was measured with a @ coercimeter) and the residual induction after impulse magnetization Br(nominal units) were selected as the parameters of the intermediate inspection. the maxinum strength of the magnetic field in the center of the magnetizing coil was 48000 A/m and the length of the impulse^0.01 the hardness measurement the cylindrical samples were cleaned on lathe with abrasive rockwell hardness was determined at three points on the generatrix of the measurement of the flat samples one of the 70*22 mm face was ground by 0.25 mm on a grinder. the brinell hardness was measured at three points on an axial line of these faces.
料@矫顽力(消磁电流毫安@是衡量一个@coercimeter)和剩余上岗后的冲动磁化溴(标称单位)被选定为参数中间检查。最高磁场强度在该中心励磁线圈48000的A / m和长度0.01秒的冲动^.之前的硬度测量对样品进行了清理圆柱车床,磨料布
.洛氏硬度在三个点确定对气缸母线.测量前单位样本的70 * 22毫米面对的一个是地面的上一磨床0.25毫米。布氏硬度测量三是这些轴线点的面孔
7. to obtain different hardnesses,samples were hardened from 780 to 910 for 25 min and tempered at 530 followed by water cooling.
7。获得不同的硬度,淬火样品从780到910的25分钟和530锻炼之后 水冷却。
8. using the method of [2], the correlation coefficients between the values of Br,Ir and sample hardness after hardening were cylindrical samples (32 samples for each heat) of heat ,the correlation coefficient is @,and for heat @is @.
8。利用[2]的方法,相关系数之间的溴,Ir值和样品后硬度硬化进行了计算.圆柱样本(32每个热样本)的热量,相关系数为@和@ @是热。
9. according to the data of [2], for a sample of 32 pairs of observations the random value of the correlation coefficient does not exceed 0.44 with a probability of error of 0.01.
10. for 99 flat samples of the two heats, the correlation coefficients were @.this is significantly higher than the possible random value of the correlation coefficient(0.25).therefore,between the magnetic characteristics (@) and sample hardness after hardening (before tempering) there is a clear correlation relationship.
10。 99平的两样本加热时,相关系数分别为@。这是显着高于可能的相关随机值系数(0.25)。因此,磁之间特性(@)和样品硬化后的硬度 未回火)有明确的相关性关系。