
2020年07月30日 16:00


Unit 1 Reception and Ceremonial Speech
I. Vocabulary
尊敬的来宾 distinguished guests
代表 on behalf of
以……的名义 in the name of …
热情好客 gracious hospitality
盛情邀请 gracious invitation
大会 conference
研讨会 seminar
座谈会,论坛 forum
峰会 summit
招待会 reception
开幕辞 opening speech
闭幕辞 closing speech
祝酒辞 toast
能够……我深感荣幸 I’m honored and privileged to ….
向…表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢 to extend my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to sb.
我提议为…干杯 I’d like to propose a toast to sth

II. Passage for Exercises
Passage 1:
I am delighted to be here this evening, and I am glad that you could all join us to mark the
opening of this splendid new exhibition. This is one of a regular series of exhibitions in the IMF
Visitor Center, and on this occasion we are very grateful to have the Smithon National Museum of
American history as co-sponsor. Without access to this one of the largest such collections in the
world, I think the displays would have looked somewhat less enticing than they do!

我很高兴今晚来到这里,也很高兴你们大家能够和我们一起 参加这次精彩展览的开幕
式。这是在世界货币基金会参观者中心定期举行的系列展览之一。在此,我们十 分感谢我们

Passage 2:
Welcome to University Awards. I am delighted that we are once again celebrating the
achievements of our colleagues together. Our annual University Awards recognize and honor the
best in our community. Some have excelled in educating students. Some have scaled new heights
in research while others have served university and country with distinction. Each of our winners
has scaled impressive peaks.
Your endeavors have made a difference to our university and society. Your achievements help
raise the standing of our university. We take pride in your achievements. Winners of our
University Awards exemplify our quest for excellence in education, research and service. My
heartiest congratulations and deepest appreciations go to this year's winners. Let's celebrate the
achievements of our colleagues. And enjoy your performance. Thank you!

欢迎参加本大学颁奖仪式。 很高兴我们再一次庆祝同仁的成就。 我们的年度大学奖表
扬并嘉奖我们团体中的最优异者。他们有些在 教学中成绩突出,有些在科研中再攀新高,还
有一些为学校和国家做出了出色的工作。每一位获奖者都取 得了可喜的成绩。
你们的努力对我们的学校和社会意义重大,你们的成绩提高了我们学校的声望,我们 为
卓 越的精神。谨向今年的获奖者表达最诚挚的祝贺和最深切的感谢。祝贺我们的同仁们取得
如此优异的成绩 。 为你们已经取得的成绩欢欣鼓舞吧。谢谢!

Passage 4:
女士们, 先生们,下午好。今天是我们暑假之后的第一次记者会,我非常高兴在这里和
老朋友、新朋友再次见面, 因为我知道在我们休会的一个半月的时间里,有11个国家的13
位新记者加入我们的队伍,到中国常驻 。
愉快 顺利。据我所知,他们都是第一次来中国访问,我希望你们在中国的访问和采访愉快,
尤其希望通过你们 ,让美国读者能全面了解今日中国。

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today, we have the first press conference after the
summer holidays and I am very glad to see my old friends and meet some new friends as well. I
am aware that 13 new journalists from 11 countries have been stationed in Beijing and joined us
over the past one and a half months of holidays. Whether they are present or absent today, I extend
my warm welcome to them and wish them pleasant and smooth days in Beijing. As far as I know,
it is their first trip to China and I wish you a pleasant visit and interview here. In particular, I hope
that you can give the American readers a full account of today’s China.

Unit 2 Economy and Trade
I. Vocabulary
独资企业 solely foreign-owned enterprises
合资企业 joint venture
国有企业 state-owned enterprises
大中型企业 large and medium-sized enterprises
中小企业 small and medium-sized enterprises
平等互利 equality and mutual benefits
市场份额 market share
有竞争力 competitive
有互补性 to be complementary to
生产率 productivity
前景 prospect
创新 innovation

II. Passage for Exercises

Passage 1:
从发展趋势看,我们可以预见中美贸 易争端将随着双方经贸关系深化而凸现。但是中美
经贸合作的总体发展是不可逆转的。这主要有两个原因 :
形 成竞争。因为我国出口到美国的主要是劳动密集型产品。这类产品如已被美国转移到国外
生产,如不从中 国大陆进口,同样需要从其他国家进口,且价格更贵。
其二,中国产品具有明显的劳动力成本本优势。 据统计,中国制造业的平均工资为每小

Judging from the past, we can predict that trade disputes between China and the US will
become more acute as bilateral trade and economic cooperation develops further. The overall
development of bilateral trade and economic cooperation is, however, irreversible. There are two
factors which contribute to this trend.
Firstly, Sino-U.S. economic and trade relations complement one another in vast fields.
Statistics show that 90% of US imports from the United States are mainly labor-intensive products.
In fact, American firms have transferred production of such products overseas, and similar
products will be more expensive if they are imported from other countries.
Secondly, China has an outstanding labor cost advantage. It is estimated that the average wage
in China’s manufacturing industries is $$0.61 per hour, while in the United States and Mexico it is
$$16 and $$2 respectively.

Passage 2:
One of the most demanding challenges that we face in implementing sustainable
development in our city is to effect a change of minds that would encourage our citizens to think
in terms of real longer-term benefits for our quality of life. Big cities are characterized by noise,
by dense human and vehicular traffic, by the voracious consumption of goods and resources, and
by gaps between lifestyles enjoyed by the rich and the poor. In such an environment, it is only
natural that people tend to be more concerned with immediate problems and possibilities than with
ensuring the sustainable viability of our society for the benefit of future generations.
We feature ourselves as a world city. We have been serving as a global centre for trade,
finance, business and communications. Furthermore, in view of East Asia's rapid economic
development, we have benefited enormously in all these areas. We now rank the 10th largest
trading entity in the world, and operate the busiest container port in terms of throughput and one
of the busiest airports in terms of number of passengers and volume of international cargo

要实践城市的可持续发展,我们面临的最艰巨的任务可算是改变市民的观念,鼓 励大家
社会可持续 发展的活力,从而为子孙后代造福。
作为一座国际大都市,我们多年来稳当全球贸易、金融、商务及通 讯中心。此外,东亚
经济快速发展对我们在上述各方面大有裨益。目前我们是全球第十大贸易体,有货运 吞吐最


Passage 3:
Looking ahead, the near-term prospects for Asia appear bright. The recovery in the global
economy, although still uneven, is strengthening and broadening. In particular, growth is rapid in
the United States; it is picking up in Japan, led by investment and exports; and although still
lagging, it shows sighs of revival in the euro area as well.
Against this general background, we expect growth for Emerging Asia to be over 7% this
year, broadly the same as last year. This incorporates a modest slowdown in growth in China, as a
tighter monetary stance cools investment activity. Significant pickups in growth are foreseen for
most other countries in the region on the back of a strong export expansion. Moreover, the balance
of near-term risks may even be on the upside, with the United States economy rebounding, global
trade rising sharply, and the strong recovery in the electronics sector.

展望未来,亚洲近期 前景光明。虽然全球经济复苏还不平衡,却正在向纵深发展。美国
的经济增长尤其迅速;在投资和出口的 带动下,日本经济也在恢复;欧洲地区发展仍然滞后,
在这种大背景 下,我们预计崛起中的亚洲今年的增长将超过7个百分点,与去年大致持
平。中国由于执行紧缩货币政策 冷却了投资活动,增长速度略有下滑。随着出口的大量增长,
可以预见这个地区大多数其他国家经济会有 大幅度的发展。此外,随着美国经济的反弹,全
球贸易额的急剧上升,以及电子行业的强力复苏,近期风 险投资盈余也在看涨。

Unit 3 Foreign Policies
I. Vocabulary
外交政策 Foreign policies
睦邻友好关系 good-neighbor relations
互利合作 cooperation based on mutual benefit
对话与协商 dialogue and consultation
双赢合作 win-win cooperation
建设性战略伙伴关系 constructive strategic partnership
国事访问 state visit
共同关心的话题 issues of common interest concern
独立自主的和平外交政策 independent foreign policy of peace
双边外交 bilateral diplomatic ties (relations)
与邻为善 to become a good neighbor relations featuring good-neighborly ties
以邻为伴to become a good partner relations featuring partnerships
睦邻友好 good-neighborly and friendly relations keep friendly relations with
国际政治、经济的新秩序 a new international political and economic order
和平、稳定、公正、合理 peaceful, stable, just and equitable
反恐怖主义 anti-terrorism
求同存异 seek common ground while putting aside differences
中美联合声明 Sino-US Joint statement

战略协作伙伴关系 strategic partnership

II. Passages for Exercises
Passage 1:
大多数欧洲国家认识到了中国的重要性。一 方面,中国作为潜在的巨大市场对欧洲产生
了很大的吸引力。许多欧洲国家认为不应该对中国采取视而不 见的鸵鸟政策。尽管欧洲各国
此 外,欧洲国家对中国在联合国维和行动,特别是解决朝鲜危机方面作出的贡献给予了
很高的评价。在国际 事务和世界政治领域,中国的形象在不断完善。无疑,欧洲国家希望中
国在国际反恐、反扩散等领域能够 成为重要伙伴。

Most European countries are aware of the importance of China. On the one hand, China is
potentially huge market and very attractive to Europe. Therefore, many European countries feel
the EU should not adopt an Ostrich policy toward China. Although policies concerning China
differ among various European countries, their acknowledgement of China’s importance is the
Apart from this, European countries have highly appreciated China’s contribution in taking
part in UN peacekeeping missions and, in particular, in dealing with the Korean nuclear crisis. In
the fields of international affairs and world politics, China’s image is improving consistently. It is
self-evident that European countries hope China will become an important partner in international
counter-terrorism, nuclear non- proliferation and many other fields.

Passage 2:
纵观半个多世纪以来中美关系的历史,我们可以得出三个重要结论。 一、中美两国和则
两利,斗则俱伤。第二个结论:中美两国合作的基础是共同的利益。美国企业给中国带 来了

A review of the history of China-U.S. relations since the founding of the People’s Republic of
China leads to three important conclusions. Conclusion one: China and the United States both gain
from peaceful coexistence, and lose from conflicts. Conclusion two: Mutual interest serves as the
foundation of cooperation between China and the United States. American companies bring to
China capital, advanced technology and managerial expertise. In return, China’s abundant human
resources and huge market provide American companies enormous business opportunities.
Conclusion three: China-U.S. cooperation is conducive to stability in the Asia-Pacific region
as well as peace and development in the world. Modern world history proves it is the economy
and national interests rather than ideologies that underpin cooperation between big countries.

Passage 3:
China is a great power. And America wants a constructive relationship with China. We

welcome a China that is a full member of world community, and that is at peace with its neighbors.
We welcome and support China's accession into the World Trade Organization. We believe it's a
very important development that will benefit our two peoples and the world. In the long run, the
advance of Chinese prosperity depends on China's full integration into the rules and norms of
international institutions.
And in the long run, economic freedom and political freedom will go hand in hand. We've
had a very broad discussion, including the fact that the war on terrorism must never be an excuse
to persecute minorities. I explained my views on Taiwan and preserving regional stability in East
Asia. I stressed the need to combat the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and missile
中国是一个强大的国家。美国希望同中国 建立建设性的关系。我们欢迎中国完全成为国
际社会的一个成员,与领国和睦相处。我们欢迎并支持中国 加入世界贸易组织。我们相信这
有利于两国人民和全世界的重要发展。从长远来看, 中国的发展和繁荣有赖于中国完全地
而且,从长远看,经济自 由将和政治自由同步前进。我们进行了广泛的交流,其中谈到
对恐怖活动的打击不应成为迫害少数民族的 借口。我解释了我对台湾问题的观点及保持东亚
地区稳定的观点。并强调了自己反对扩散大规模杀伤武器 和导弹技术的立场。

Unit 4 Reform and Opening-Up

I. Vocabulary
计划经济向市场经济的转变 the transformation from planned economy to market economy
建设小康社会 to build a prosperous better- off society
“走出去” 战略 the strategy to go global
面向市场的改革 market-oriented reform
全方位的对外开放格局 multi-directional opening-up patterns
脱贫 to get rid of poverty
经济腾飞 economic take-off
过渡时期 transition period
创造良好的投资环境 to create a favorable investment environment
给与优惠政策 to offer favorable policies
与国际接轨 to adopt follow conform with the international practices

II. Exercise
Passage 1:
中国改革开放以来,国民经济年均增长速度达到9.7%。中国已经 发展成为一个全球极富
吸引力的、现实的大市场。不少有远见卓识的企业家,都将目光投向了中国,投向 了西部,
我相信,随着中国加入世贸组织,外商参与中国 西部开发的机会将越来越多,自身发展

China has attained an annual average growth rate of 9.7% for its national economy since the

inception of reform and opening-up policy. China has evolved into an extremely attractive and
large market. Many farsighted businesspeople have paid attention to China and to the western
regions and earned profits in return for investing in China.
I believe that more opportunities will be created fro foreign businesspeople to participate in
the development of China’s western regions with WTO accession and consequently, greater space
will be created to their development. In the meantime, the economic potential of the western
regions could be tapped to a deeper degree.

Passage 2:
1978年以来,中国坚持以经济建设为中心,实行改革开 放政策,逐步走上建立社会主义
市场经济体制的道路。中国政府合理调整就业结构,努力促进就业总量的 增加,建立市场导
致力于维护和谐稳定的劳动关系,改革工资收入分配制度。 经过多年的探索和努力,与

Since 1978, China has adhered to the policy of reform and opening-up, with the focus on
economic development. It has gradually stepped onto the road of establishing a socialist market
economy system. By rationally readjusting the employment structure, increasing overall
employment, the Chinese government has set up a market-oriented employment mechanism.
By maintaining harmonious and stable labor relations, the government has reformed the wage
and income distribution system. After years of trial and effort, a labor and social security
corresponding to the socialist market economy system is now basically in place.

Unit 5 Science and Technology
I. Vocabulary
电子商务 e-commerce
商业模式 business model (mode)
核心业务 core business
人工智能 artificial intelligence
产品的研究和开发 Research and development (R&D)
黑客 hacker

II. Passages for Exercises
Passage 1:
欢迎各位来到北京参加这次电子商务研讨会。近年来,我们目睹了信 息技术与互联网的
迅猛发展,感受到了网络经济的巨大震撼力。特别是电子商务的兴起,加快了经济贸易 全球
化的步伐,它不仅将极大地改变经济的增长方式,也将极大地改变世界贸易体制和经济格局。 电子商务充分利用了信息网络技术的高科技手段,它的突出特点和优势是:向所有交易
主体提供了和 平等的交易机会,大大减少交易的中间环节,缩短交易时间,节省交易费用,
从而打破资源局限,提高经 济效率。


Welcome to Beijing to attend this Symposium on E-commerce. We have witnessed in recent
years the rapid development of information technology and the Internet and felt the huge the huge
impact from the new business opportunities it has created. The rise of E-commerce, in particular,
has accelerated economic globalization. It will bring substantial change not only to the way of
economic growth, but also to the world trading system and global economic pattern.
Making full use of high technology such as information and Internet technology,E-commerce
has remarkable features and advantages. It offers all trading bodies equal opportunities; greatly
reduces intermediate links, saves time and cuts costs. Consequently, limitations on resources have
been broken and business efficiency has improved.

Passage 2:
展,世界贸易 全球化和一体化的趋势既不可逆转也无可抗拒。当今,以网络技术为基础的电
子商务是一个重要而又充满 前途的贸易方式。
越来越多的企业都在利用先进的电脑网络技术传播商务信息甚至是完成整个交易过程 。
覆 盖面、大量的信息、长期的储存、更低的成本等等。

The 21
century is going to be a new century based on a knowledge economy. Alongside rapid
development of information, computer network and telecommunication technologies, the trend of
integrating world trade is both irrevocable and irresistible. It is bound to have a substantial impact
on the evolution of the world economy and trade.
More and more enterprises are using modern computer network technology to transmit
commercial information or even complete entire transactions. We can see from the active on-line
China Market that e-commerce has many advantages such as the number of potential clients, wide
coverage, large volume of information, long memory and lower costs.

Passage 3:
If the human mind can solve problems that computers cannot, then the computers will never
be able to outperform humans. I believe what I will be able to accomplish on an average workday
in 2030 will be utterly beyond 2030's smartest computing machine. My confidence stems from my
own research, which shows that processing speed is irrelevant to what's most impressive in human
We know that certain problems can be solved by computation and hence, in principle, by
some computer or robot. For example, the problem of playing invincible chess, or at least chess no
human can beat, can be solved computationally. We also know that certain problems cannot. To sit
with a pen before a blank piece of paper and produce a play like Hamlet, involves doing
something that no computer, however fast, can put off.

如果人脑能解决计算机无法解决的问题, 那么计算机就永远无法胜人一筹。我 相信我

人解决。 例如,下无敌象棋的问题,或至少下无人能赢的棋,可以通过计算解决。 我们也
知道某些问题则不行。 持笔坐在一页白纸前创作像《哈姆雷特》这样的戏剧所要做的事情是

Unit 6 Sports
I. Vocabulary
国际奥委会The International Olympic Committee (IOC)
奥林匹克宪章Olympic Charter
奥运火炬接力Olympic torch relay
口号 Motto
标志 Logo
奥运吉祥物 the Olympic mascot
绿色奥运Green Olympics,,
人文奥运People's Olympics
科技奥运and Hi-tech Olympics
奥运精神Spirit of the Olympic Movement
更快,更高,更强Swifter, higher, stronger

II. Passages for Exercises
Passage 1:
已超越种族、肤 色、文化的差异,承载着人类对和平美好世界的向往和追求。诞生于2000
多年前的奥林匹克精神,就 是这一追求的具体体现。
体育不仅让我们拥有强健的体魄,更让我们学会沟通、合作和尊重他人,学会 接受失败,
体育成了不同文明之间加强联系得重要媒介。中国代表团认为,在21世纪的今天,世界各< br>国仍应积极倡导奥林匹克精神,增进不同文明的对话和交流,推动世界社会经济不断向前发

Being a common language of humanity, sport is an important factor in the promotion of peace
and development. Ever since ancient times, sport has transcended differences in race, color and
culture and given expression to humanity’s aspirations for and pursuit of a peaceful and better
world, as evidenced in the Olympic spirit that came into being more than 2000 years ago.
Sport not only builds one’s physique, but also teaches communication, cooperation, respect
for others, and acceptance for failure. As such, it is an important medium for strengthening ties
among different civilization. In the view of Chinese delegation, in our times in the 21
century, all
countries should actively advocate the Olympic spirit so as to enhance the dialogue and exchanges
among civilizations and promote steady economic and social progress throughout the world.

Passage 2:
The popularity of health clubs is on the rise in Chinese cities, especially in Beijing, Shanghai
and Guangzhou, where living standards are higher. However, the fitness craze is actually just one
aspect of the rising healthy lifestyle consumption trend. People are paying increasing attention to

their health. More and more Chinese have realized they must rely on themselves to live healthy
To cater for the increasing desire for good health, many residential quarters in Beijing and
other cities have built exercise facilities and equipment. Former street markets and dirty corners
have been turned into fitness sites with a clean and beautiful environment.

在中国的城市里,尤其在北京,上海和 广州这些生活水平较高的城市,健身俱乐部方兴
未艾、日益风行。其实,健身只是健康生活消费大趋势日 益流行的一个比方。 越来越多的
以前的街边的菜场 ,和马路的卫生死角,现在已经变成了清洁而美丽的健身场所。

Unit 7 Education
I. Vocabulary
必修课 requiredcompulsory course
选修课 selective course
毕业典礼 graduation ceremony; commencement
毕业证书 diploma; graduation certificate
教育部 The Ministry of Education
早期教育 early childhood education
初等教育 elementaryprimary education
中等教育 secondary education
高等教育 highertertiary education
职业技术教育 vocational and technical education
助教 Teaching Assistant (T.A.)
讲师 LecturerInstructor
副教授 associate professor
教授 professor
导师 supervisor

II. Passages for Exercises
Passage 1:
Our president sees education as the new civil right. He is in good company. A century ago,
educator Du Bois named education one of the
a part with the right to vote. the United States will destroy ignorance,he said,
ignorance will destroy the United States.
In his time, America had a two-tired educational system: one for white Americans and one for
black Americans. Today we still have a two-tired system: one of high standards and expectations;
another of low expectations. Fifty years after Brown Board of Education opened the schoolhouse
door, not everyone is treated as equals once they sit down at their desk. This fact has got to


我们的总统认为教育是新的公民权,持相同意见的人很多。一个 世纪前,教育家杜·博
伊斯将教育定义为“生来自由的美国人”的“成年权力”之一,与选举权同等重要 。他说道
在他那个时代,美国执行的双重教育体制:一个白人机制,一个黑人机制。 今天,我
们仍然是双重制度:一个高标准和高期望值; 另一个低期望值。在布朗教育委员会开门办学50年后的今天,当人们坐下开始学习时,并非人人都能受到平等对待。这个事实必须改

Passage 2:
I want to talk a little bit today about the revolution in American education. We must leave no
child behind. We are not satisfied with a society that graduates citizens who cannot read, write or
do basic math. Nor are we satisfied to turn out young men and women unprepared to enter fine
institutions of higher learning such as this--- unprepared to compete in the global economy--
unprepared, really, for life itself. Our revolution in education will take an evolution in awareness
and thought. We can do it!
But all of us--- teachers, principals, parents, colleges, business and community leaders---
must work together, and agree to accept nothing less than the best for our kids. I fervently believe
that every child can learn. but first, every child must see that potential in him or herself. And so
must every teacher, administrator and, of course, parent.

今天我想谈一点美国的教育改革。我们决不让一个孩子落后。如果一个社会让不 会读、
不会写、也不会做最基本的算术的公民毕业,这样的社会我们不会满意。 如果接受教育的
这样的教育 体制我们也不会满意。我们的教育改革需要在意识和思想上有所进化。这一点我
们是可以做到的! < br>但是需要我们所有的人——教师、校长、家长、大学、企业和社区领导——一起努力,
保证我们的 孩子接受最好的教育。我忠心地相信每一个孩子都会学习。但是首先孩子们必须
看到自己的潜力,每一个 老师、管理人员和家长也必须做到这一点。

Passage 3:
20世纪90 年代初,中国政府提出到20世纪末基本普及九年义务教育的目标,并制定
了一系列政策以推进这一目标 的实现。普九即为85%的适龄儿童能够接受到九年义务教育。
到2000年,中国85%的地区达到了 普及9年义务教育的目标,剩下15%的地区,主要在西
部农村地区。农村义务教育的落后成了中国教育 的瓶颈。

In the early 1990s, the Chinese government put forward the goal of making nine-year
compulsory education universal by the end of the 20
century and formulated a series of policies
to realize this goal. “Universal” means 85% of all school children are able to receive nine-year
compulsory education. By 2000, 85% of the country achieved this goal. The remaining 15%

primarily are rural areas in the west. Undeveloped education in China’s rural areas has become the
biggest hurdles in education.
In recent years, the government has invested more money in education. And besides, the
Chinese government has also encouraged non-governmental organizations and individuals to aid
education. Project Hope, for example, is a government-conceived initiative that encourages the
general public to donate to poor students as well as help establish schools in poor areas.

Unit 8 Social issues

I. Vocabulary
一阵阵的学英语热a surge of English- learning waves
大家的共识the common consensus
be laid off 下岗
On and off 断断续续地
就……方面而言 as far as …be concerned
不受限制 be unrestrained
发挥重要作用 play an important role in sth doing sth
急剧膨胀 expand sharply;
迅速增长 grow rapidly
公共卫生 public health
淡水供应 fresh water supply
住房 housing
交通 transportation
就业 employment
优质农田 fertile farmland
日益严重的 ever-increasing
艰巨而迫切的:a difficult and pressing task
资源目益匮乏:the increasing shortage of resources
on a regular basis 经常性的
Cocaine 可卡因
be addicted to 有瘾
be well off 富足
life’s necessities 生活必需品
vulnerable 脆弱的,易受影响的
nutrition 营养
misleading advertisements 误导性广告
Masculinity 男性特质,男子汉,刚毅
in urgent need of 急需
regular medical care 常规医疗保健
particularlyin particular 尤其…;特别…的
put burden on: 给…带来负担
depressed areas: 经济萧条地区

give priority to: 优先(考虑,照顾,关注,处理……)
harmonious: 和睦的
single- parent household: 单亲家庭
unmarried parents: 未婚父母
drunk driving 酒后驾驶
intoxicated drivers 醉酒驾车

II. Passages for Exercises
Passage 1:
Great changes in a country's social structure have always caused stress. This, in turn, can
create new forms of neurosis. In 19th-century Europe, doctors often diagnosed as a
neurosis (almost always applied to women) that indicated a suppressed desire for social
Once it became common for women to leave the home and take up positions in society, this
Miscommunication prevails throughout our society: in the family, in
the community, between management and employees, between the government and the people.
Uncertainty has pulled people further apart and caused a whole raft of social problem.
神经衰弱症。 在19世纪的欧洲,医生们经常将“歇斯底里”诊断为一种神经衰弱症(患者
几乎都是女性),这种症状 表明患者对社会成就的渴望受到了压抑。
一旦妇女离开家庭并在社会上取得地位的情况普遍起来,这种 所谓的“歇斯底里”也就
非常罕见了。沟通不良在我们整个社会非常普遍: 在家庭,在社区,在管理层 和雇员之间,

Passage 2:
I'd like to refer to the increasing phenomenon of urban violence as a threat to the existing
social order. Urban violence is a multifaceted phenomenon. It includes common crimes against
private property, violent crime, abuse of women and children, murder, drug-related offences and
the trade in women and children. It also involves uncivil acts such as the careless destruction of
public spaces and domestic violence.
Urban violence creates a feeling of insecurity among inhabitants. It tears the social fabric of
cities, threatening the foundations of democratic institutions. It erodes the social capital of the
urban poor and increases the vulnerability of groups already at risk. As urban violence often
occurs in a climate of corruption, it often leads to the development of organized crime.
我认为日益增多的都市暴力威胁了现有的社会治安。都市暴力是一种多面现象, 既包括
都市暴力给居 民带来了不安全感;威胁了民主机构的根基,从而破坏了城市社会结构;
也侵蚀了都市贫民的社会资本, 加剧了处于危险地群体的无助状况。由于都市暴力通常是在
腐败的社会环境中发生的,因此经常会导致有 组织的犯罪。

Passage 3:

长期以来 ,国际社会与毒品进行了不懈斗争,也取得了令人鼓舞的成绩。然而,我们面
临的反毒形式依然严峻。海 洛因类传统毒品的危害尚未消除,新型兴奋剂型毒品又猖狂肆虐。
毒品及相关的跨国犯罪集团化、国际化 趋势有所发展。
毒品 问题最终得到根本解决。

For a long time, the international community has been engaged in a relentless struggle against
illicit drugs with encouraging results. Nevertheless we are still faced with a serious drug scene
around the world. While the deleterious effects of traditional heroine-type drugs have yet to be
moved, new stimulant-type drugs are spreading rampantly. There is a growing tendency for drugs
and drug-related transactional crimes to develop into cartels with international operations.
The drug problem has already posed a serious threat to humanity’s subsistence and
development. Faced with this worldwide public hazard, all countries should continue to follow the
principle of extensive participation and shared responsibilities and fully implement and integrated
and balanced strategy against drugs. Only through effective international cooperation can the drug
problem be addressed effectively.

Passage 4
中国2010年上海世博会将于2010年5月1日至10月31日在上海市中心黄浦江两岸举行. 本
次世博会的主题是 “城市, 让生活更美好”, 目标是吸引200个国家和国际组织参展, 7000万
人次的参观者. 中国2010年上海世博会吉祥物 “海宝”以汉字 “人”作为创作核心, 既反映了
中国文化特色, 又呼应了上海世博会会徽的设计理念.
The 2010 World Expo will be held along the Huangpu River in downtown Shanghai from May 1,
2010 to Oct 31, 2001. The theme of this expo is “better city, better life”, and its goal is to attract
200 countries and int’l organizations to participate as well as 70 million visitors. The design of
Haibao, the mascot for the expo, originates from the Chinese character “ren”, and it mirrors the
Chinese culture and corresponds to the design of the expo logo.








