2020年07月30日 16:01
1. Read and understand the prompt or writing directions. What are you being asked to write about?
Example: Summary of a Story
Write a summary of the story. Your writing will be scored on how well you:
identify and discuss the characters, conflict, and setting;
retell the important events of the plot (complications, climax, and resolution) in your own words,
except for quotations; and
express the underlying meaning (theme) of the story;
2. Read, think about, and understand the text. Review the story to make sure you know it well. Use a
dictionary or context clues to figure out the meaning of any important words that you don’t know.
3. Take notes. Write down the important events as they occur in the story.
4. Write an introduction. State the title and author of the story. Briefly describe the setting, characters,
and conflict.
5. Write the body paragraphs. Retell the story in your own words. Describe the most important events
from the story including the climax and resolution. The number of body paragraphs you have will depend
on the length of the piece.
6. Write a conclusion. Describe how the conflict is resolved. Explain the theme (underlying meaning of
the story). What comment is the author making about humankind or society?
7. Revise. Have you indented all paragraphs? Have you captured the main idea of the story? Have you
included the most important details? Is there sentence variety? Have you avoided writing short, choppy
sentences? Are there transitional words and phrases to connect ideas?
8. Proofread and edit. Check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Is the verb tense consistent? Are
all names spelled correctly and capitalized? Have you avoided writing run-on sentences and sentence
9. Write your draft. Use blue or black ink. Skip lines. Write on one side of the paper only. Include a title
on the top line.
10. Read your summary one last time before you turn it in. Look for careless spelling, punctuation, and
grammar errors, especially omitted words or letters. Cross out errors neatly with a single line and write the
correction above.
Story Summary
Introduction Story Summary for “Duffy’s Jacket”
Start by giving the title of the
“Duffy’s Jacket,” by Bruce Coville, is a
work, the author’s name, the
short story that takes place in a huge, dusty cabin
genre of the piece, and a brief
in the woods. The main characters include the
description of the setting.
narrator, Andrew, and his cousin Duffy, their two
Briefly describe the main
moms, and Andrew’s little sister, Marie. The
characters and how they’re
problem that they face is that Duffy keeps
related to one another.
forgetting things. This leads to an even bigger
problem involving a strange, mysterious creature.
Give an explanation of the conflict
The two famili
es leave for their camping
or problem in the story.
trip, but have to return to get Duffy’s suitcase.
Once at the cabin, they spend a lot of time
Body Paragraphs
cleaning it up. Afterwards, they find a message
on the wall that says, “Beware the Sentinel.”
The number of paragraphs in
Later in the day, the kids go hiking in the
your summary depends on the
woods. Duffy loses his jacket, and Andrew has a
length of the original story.
strange feeling that they’re being followed.
That evening, Andrew’s mom and aunt
Begin retelling the important
events of the story in your own
leave to get supplies, and the children are left
alone, which makes Andrew nervous. Suddenly
they hear a scratching at the door. Duffy looks
Use transitional words and
out the window and sees something huge. The
phrases to connect ideas.
children run to the barn and back to the house
while a big creature chases them. Eventually they
Group the paragraphs into related
find themselves cornered in the house. The
Sentinel comes through the door, throws Duffy
Describe the climax—the most
his jacket, and says, “You forgot your jacket,
suspenseful moment in the story.
The narrator tells us that this event had
such an impact on Duffy that he hasn’t forgotten
anything in over a year. We discover that
sometimes bad habits can cause big problems.
State the resolution of the story.
Show your understanding of the
story’s theme—the author’s
underlying message.