
2020年07月30日 16:12


1、 填空
1、 Vickie had most probably C her for another sort(种类) of girl .
A. regarded B. viewed en D. looked
2、The police investigation (调查)discovered that three young men were
B in the robbery
A . caught B . involved(包含) C . connected D . tightened
3、Only guests of the hotel enjoy the A of using the private beach .
A . privilege(特权) B. possibility C. favour D . advantage
4、He felt rather D as he was the only person who wore sportswear at
the dinner party.
A. in place B. In the way C. by the way D. out of place (不协调)
5、The B power(能力) of the people in this town has been
decreasing because most young people have been left for the big cities .
A. shopping B. purchasing(购买) C. enduring ng
6、I received a D parcel(包裹) yesterday and I am still wondering who
mary have sent it.
A. sincere B. dull C . complicated D . mysterious
7、The school bus was A by a thick(严重的) fog(雾)。
A. held up(受阻) B . broken off C .kept up D. went for
8、How we B a chance to visit your great country.
A. looked for(寻找、期待) B. longed for(渴望) C. Waited for D .
went for(去找,设法取得)
9、We will do what we can to get the goods B on time ,said the
manager of the campany.
A. reached B . delivered(交付、履行) C. returned D. come
10、It is the boy ’s laziness(懒惰) that C his failure in the exam。
A. resulted from B . brought in C . resulted in D. led into
11、”you are a liar(骗子) “ she exclaimed(大叫)。B
A. wept B. cried out C. sighed D. insisted
12、Are you positive (肯定)that the boy saw in the hotel corridor(走廊)
was Peter ?C
A. right B. wrong C. sure D. doubtful
13、They occasionally (偶尔)stop by to see us 。D
A. often B. seldom C. usua1ly D. once in a while
14、All her doubts vanished(消失) after she read the letter from Jimmy

A. broke B. disappeared C. decreased D. grew
15、The judge(法官、审判) suspected(可疑的) the truth of the
evidence provided by the witness 。A
A. doubted B. believed C. Guessed D. realized
16、I answered the letter immediately。A
A. at once B. briefly C. quickly D. swiftly
17、Betty was nervous whenever she saw her history teacher 。D
A. delighted(高兴的) B. relaxed C. disappointed D. tense(紧张的)
18、We waited more than half an hour for Beth but eventually(最后) we
had to leave without her。B
A. at last B. in the end C. afterwards D. reluctantly
19、The police are looking into(调查) the mysterious disappearance of a
two-year-old girl from her time in Florida。D
A. finding out B. hanging C. studying igating(调查
20、As long as you keep trying ,you will certainly succeed D
A. As B. Because C. No matter how D. If
1、 able I’d like to go with you ,but with so much work to do this
afternoon I’m unable to。
2、 Hope He was disappointed so often that he became hopeless 。
3、 Surprise It is not unsurprised that Jim got fired(被解雇) ---he
was always daydreaming atwork。
4、 Find When you have finished the experiment , include your
finding in a report
5、 History Most of his books are based on historical events。
6、 Sail Many people consider Francis Chichester to be one of the
greatest sailar of the 20
7、 Mathematics Tom ’father is a mathematician and his mother ,a
physicist 。
8、die When the ambulance reached the hospital ,the old man was
already dead
9、eager Every year children look forward to children ’Day with great
10、pay At the age of 37 ,Tom finally settled down in chicago after he had got
a well paid position in a big company there .

The word horsepower (马力)was first used two hundred years ago
.James Watt had made the world ’s first widely used steam engine . He had
no way of telling people exactly how powerful it was , for at that time there
were no units for measuring power .
Watt decided to find out how much work one strong horse could do in
one minute . He called that unit one horsepower .With this unit he could
measure the work his steam engine could do .
He discovered that a horse could lift a 3300-pound weight 10 feet into
the air in one minute .His engine could lift a 3300-pound weight 100 feet in
one minute .
(1) Because his engine did ten times as much work as the horse ,Watt
called it a ten horsepower engine .

selection says that Watt made the first .C
B. steam engine C. widely used steam engine engine
wanted to find a way to D
A. measure the work his engine could do people how powerful his
engine was
C. lift a 3300-pound weight D. Both A and B
made up a unit of measurement based on the strength of D
A. a man B. ten horses C. his engine D. a horse
horsepower would equal the A
A. work a horse could do in a minute B. weight a horse could lift C.
work a horse could do in ten minutes
D. weight of one horse.
best title for this selection is B
A. Watt ’Engine B. The Origin of the Term Horsepower. C. Units of
measurement D. It Happened 200 Years Ago

Cancer is among the top killer diseases in our society today and
scientists have found out that stress (紧张) helps to bring it on .It is
worthwhile to consider , therefore ,what are the causes of stress in our life
,and whether we can do anything about them.
Are we under-employed ,or overburdened with too many

responsibilities ? Do we have a right balance of work and leisure in our
lives ? Are our relaionships with family ,friends or fellow worker all they
should be ?
All these things can be a cause of stress ,and it is best to face them
honestly,and to bring our frustrations(失意) into the open .people who have
a good row and then forget it are doing their health more good than those
who bottle up their feelings.
(3)If our self- examination has brought any causes of stress to light ,let
us consider what we can do about them . It is possible to change jobs .We
can make more leisure and fill it more happily ,if we wall accept a different
living standard .We can improve our personal relationships by a different
attitude . It is we who allow other people to make ourselves unhappy .Often
the little things that disturb us are not worth an hour’s anger .The teaching
in the Bible “Let not the sun go down upon your wrath(愤怒)” is good
advice from the health point of view as well as the religious.(宗教者)

of the following statements is ture ? C
A. Freedom from responsibilities helps relieve stress B. stress is the
direct cause of cancer
C. The causes of stress are worthy of sterious study D. Cancer is the
number one killer in our society today
ing to the passage ,which of the following types of people is
more likely to suffer from stress? D
A. People who have cancer B. People who like to quarrel with others C.
People whose living standard is low D. People who have more
responsibilities than they can handle
g from the context ,the word “row”in the third paragragh
most probably meansA
A. a noisy quarrel B. a very loud noise C. a neat line of things side by side
D. a journey in a boat
of the following is not mentioned as a way to reduce our
A. Changing our jobs ng our attitude about little things that make
us happy ng out about our frustrations. D. reading the bible(圣
10.”Let not the sun go down upon your wrath”probably means A
A. Donot Let your anger last long B. Donot get angry while the sun

is going down
B. Donot get angry easily about little things watch the sun
set while you are angry.

Humans are social animals . They depend on groups of survival. An
individual human being lost in a wilderness is capable of doing many
he or she will probably be thinking constantly about how much
better it would be if there other people around to talk to and to help
Because humans like to live and work in groups,they form couples
and families; villages and cities work groups,terms , and other
organizations. Language is the “cement”(水泥) that holds these social
groups together .
Through language we can share ideas and experiences .(4) The
human mouth and throat(喉咙) are so constructed that we can utter a
variety of sounds .Language is the device for matching certain
combinations of sounds with the symbols for things , ideas , and emotions.
Our brains think in symbols—words and sentences —as well as in the
images that we receive from our sences . Thus we can turn experiences into
symbols and communicate to other people through the use of language
.Any one individual , therefore , can learn much more from others than he
or she can dicover alone .Language enables people to pass ideas from group
to group and from generation to generation.
Language is part of culture .Culture , in this sense , means all those
customs,skills,and attitudes that are parts of the behavior of a particular
group .The way you live ,what you think , and what you want in life are all
affected by the culture of the group in which you are raised .Groups of
people live in different ways . They may have different
skills,organizations,and art forms . Their family life may be completely
different from yours.
Human beings are inventive(发明的、创造的)animals . They can
even decide to change their cultures in order to meet new situations . They
can choose to live in many environments and in a wide varity of ways (5) Of
all living things ,only human beings can choose where and how they want to
live and then modify the physical environment to help themselves realize
these choises .Acquiring(获得) the wisdom (智慧)to make wise
choises is the enduring challenge of being human.

individual(个体) human being lost in a wilderness D
A. longs for a life among other people B. can do many things C. keeps
talking all the time D.A and B
is the most important thing that helps humans to form social
A. marriage B. construction C. language D. good behavior
ge is the device for D
A. uttering a variety of sounds a set of symbols C. receiving a group
of images D. matching sounds with symbols
language ,we can do all the following but A
A. produce good health B. communicate to other people C. pass ideas
from group to group
D. turn experiences into symbols
e directly affects all the following but C
A. your way of life B. your thinking, C. your senses D. your needs
like varies because of the difference in B
A. working skills B. culture C. Language D. art forms
what sense are humans wise and different from other living things?
A. humans have a living place B. humans can make wise choises C.
humans move from place to place
D. humans live in groups
is the topic sentence in the third paragraph of the passage ?A
A. The first B. The second C. The last but one D. None of the above
ge helps humans develop a varity of culture because through
language D
live and work in groups B. humans share their ideas and
experiences C. humans pass ideas from generation to generation. D. all of
best title for this passage might be A
A. Language and Culture B. The History of Human Beings
Are Inventive Animals
D. A Varity of cultures Helps Human Survive

At a dinner party the guest and their host (主人) were involved in a
hot discussion , or rather an arguement (3) concerning the question of
whether women had as much self-control as men ,As they argued ,signs

appeared to one of the guests that a cobra was present in the room .While his
first instinct (直觉)(4) was to jump back ,he knew that this would be a
mistake ;so he urged the other diners in a commanding tone to hold still
without telling them why . Suddendy (5),the cobra escape (逃避) (6) on
the veranda and the man ran quickly to the door to slam (7) it shut .It was
soon discovered that the cobra had crawled (爬) (8) across the foot of the
hostess ,who kept calm , not uttering a sound .Thus the conclusion of this
conference (会议) (9)laid bare the fact women have as much self control
as men .

1、Man still has a lot to learn about the most powerful and complex part of his body —the
2、They were going to Fort Lauderale ---three boys and three girls ---and when they boarded the
bus ,they were carrying sangwiches and wine in paper bags ,dreaming of golden beaches and sea tides
as the gray, cold spring of New York vanished behind them. 三个男孩和三个女孩即将要去××堡,
当他们上车时,用纸袋装着三文治和葡萄酒,去那 梦想的金色海滩和潮汐,纽约寒冷的冬天消
3、His first impulse is to jump back and warn the others ,but he knows the commotion would
frighten the cobra into striking. He speaks quickly ,the tones of his voice so commanding that it
silences every one .他第一反应是往后一跳并警告其他人,但他知道这骚动会引起眼镜蛇的攻
击。他 说话很快,语气如此威严让在场的每个人都沉默。
4、The school ,he said ,consisted of one class of twenty -four boys ,ranging in age from seven to
thirteen .I should have all subjects except art ,which he taught himself .Football and cricket were played
in the park ,a mile away on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons.他说,这个学校一个班由7岁至13岁
不等的24 个男孩组成。我应该教他们除了艺术以外的所有科目,足球和板球被安排在星期三和
星期六下午一英里外 的公园玩。

1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就 此结
束Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left
without a word.
guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the
commanding tone of the American
3.约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了Johnny has
outgrown the fear of staying at home alone< br>4.当全部乘客都向出口处走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好像

While all the other passengers made for the exit ,he alone remained
in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane
5.这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人The letter is to be handed to
6.南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口While she felt like
joining in the argument,Nancy was too shy to open her mouth
7.你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他?What do you think is
the likeliest time to find him at home?
去,脸上顿时显出了 兴奋的表情The hunter's face(was) lit up
with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the
bushes and run in the direction of make for the trap he had laid

1.会上有人建议任命一个十一人委员会来制定新章程It was
suggested at the meeting that a committee of eleven be appointed to
make a new constitution
2.这些青年科 学家通过现场观察,获得了研究工作所需的第一
By making on-the- spot(现场) observations,the young scientists
obtainted first-hand information they needed in their research work
3.他很可能会因视力不好而被拒收入伍It is very likely that he
will be rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight
c ommittee members have conflicting opinions as to the best
location of the new airport
5.亨利创作的艺术品在许多方面比他兄弟的要好Henry's works
of art are superior in many respects to those of his arbrother's
The steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to the
improvement of our equipment
7.吉 姆本想按照自己的判断行事,但他没有这样做,因为作为

Ji m would have preferred to act on his own judgment,but he did not
because as a soldier he had to obey the order
8.如果让我来决定我们是要一个没有自行车的城市呢, 还是要
一个没有汽车的城市,我会毫不犹豫地选择后者 Were it left to
me decide whether we should have a city without bikes or one
without cars,I should not besitate a moment to prefer the latter

称职而被解雇了She got a post as a cashier at a local she
was soon fired because she proved(to be) incompetent
2.很明显是他的年轻助手在经营这家书店It is obviouslyclearly
his young assistant who is running the book store
3.这项建议在会上一宣布,她就站起来提出异议No sooner
had the proposal been announced at the meeting than she got her
feet to protest
Bill has applied to Harvard University for a teaching assistantship
,but his chances of getting it are slim
5.由于缺乏资金,他们正在设法吸引外资Being short of
funds,they are trying to attract foreign capital
6.这个房间有股霉味,一定是好久没住人了The room smells of
stale must have been vacant for a long time
7. 就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她妹妹几乎没有什么共同之处As
far as hobbies are concerned,Jane and her sister have little in
It is self-evident that the education of the young is vital to the
future of a country
When I was about twelve ,I suddenly developed a great passion(热情)
for writing poetry(诗歌) .I gave up all my other (1)hobbies ,such as

(2) collecting stamps ,and spent all my spare time (3) reading poetry and
writing it .This habit of writting poetry on (4) every possible occasion soon
got me into (5) trouble at school .If a lesson did not interest me ,I would
(6) take out my notebook and start writting poems in (7) course
I did this very cautiously(小心的),but it was not long before (8) I got
caught(逮住) .One day while (9) I was busy writing a peom during a
geography lesson .I looked up (10) to find the teacher standing over me,
fuming(冒火) with anger because (11) I was not paying attention .He
tore the peom up with a warning not (12) to waste time in his class .All the
same I was convinced that I had (13) written a good peom ,so that eveving
I wrote it out again from (14) memory .Not long after (15) ,I read about
a poetry content and I decided (16) to send in my poem .Weeks later (17)
,long after I had given up hope (18) ,I got a letter informing me I had won
the first prize .Everyone at school was very impressed --- except (19) the
geography teacher ,who watched me more carefully than (20) ever .He was
quite deermined that I was not going to write poetry in his lesson!







