2020年07月30日 16:16
30 What publication do you need to correct charts properly?
Notices to mariners.
31 What course in degrees corresponds to south-east?
32 What is the angle between magnetic and true meridian called?
Magnetic Variation
33 Where can you always find information about the magnetic variation?
In the charts, compass rose, professional variation chart.
34 When a ship picks up speed,will draught increase or decrease?
35 A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag“O”.What has happened?
Man overboard.
19 What must be considered when stowing away synthetic ropes?
Prevention of sun exposure, heat and chemicals.
19 lf someone returns to the ship very drunk,should he be left alone to‘sleep it off’?
No, he can’t be left alone.
20 If you see a person collapsed who is in contact with electricity what is the first thing you
must do before attempting to switch off the supply?
To separate the person with the electricity.
21.If you suspect someone has inhaled a dangerous substance what can you do to help even if you are not trained?
Take the person to an open space which abound fresh air.
22 In what circumstances do you give artificial respiration and mouth to mouth ventilation?
When the person has no breathing but heart beating.
23 How should you try to stop bleeding at first?
Make clear the cause and position of blooding, then take the proper measures to stop blooding.
24.If you suspect someone has been poisoned what is the first thing you should try to do?
Firstly, remove the man away from the poisonous place, clear the poisonous substance, then, take proper measures.
25.What is the most important thing to consider when treating a wound?
Bound up their wounds.
17 How do you check fixed installation?
Check the weight and the pressure.
18 Can you list two main reasons for electrical fire?
Short circuit. Electric spark or overload..
19 What is the minimum number of motor lifeboats fitted on board?
At least one.
20 Could you list some apparatus in an open lifeboat?
Fire Axe, fire bucket, painter, compass, sea-anchor, whistle and so on.
21 Would a cargo with a high ‘flash point’ be of more concern to you than one with a low “flash point”?
No, it wouldn’t. Because it is easier to catch fire.
22.What is meant by“starving”a fire?
Cut off the supply of O2, or separate the flammable materials.
23 Before you enter into an“enclosed space”.What safety precautions should you take?
Ventilate the space, check O2, put on breathing apparatus and so on.
24 What is supposed to be transferred over the International Shore Connection?
Water for fire-fighting.
25_If a person who has no authority to be on board attempts to enter the ship.Where
should he be stopped?
At the gangway (check point).
26 How often should an “emergency fire pump” be tested?
At least once a month.
27 What is the most effective fire extinguisher fo
r the galley on board ship?
CO2 extinguisher or special dry powder.
28 For ship at sea what is the general procedure to follow for fires in cargo holds?
Withdraw persons if any, close all the ventilators, put out the fire with CO2, ventilate the hold, post a watchman to prevent re-ignition.
29 What is the absolute minimum number of lifejackets required on board ship?
125% of the number of crewmembers.
30 You are a survivor at sea when an SAR(Search and Rescue)aircraft drops a red container.
What is in it?
Life saving apparatus.
16 What is the sound alarm for abandoning vessel?
7 short blasts and 1 prolonged blast
17 When will a parallel sweep search usually be used?
It can be used with one or more ships after establishing the search datum.
18 When will a sector search pattern usually be used?
When the lost person is close to the base point and it can be used with one ship after establishing the search datum.
19 When will the expanding square search usually be used?
When the lost person is farther to the base point and it can be used with one ship after establishing the search datum.
20 List some visual and audible distress signals for attracting attention when in distress?
Smoke signal, rocket parachute flare signal, fog signal and so on.
21 Would you please pronounce the correct international code words for‘A’,‘B’, ‘C’
and ‘D’?
Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta
22 By regulation, what is the minimum amount of water required per person in the lifeboat?
3 Litres.
23 ‘Smothering’ is a way of dealing with fire. How does it work?
Cut off the supply of o2.
24 What reason would you think is Justified for postponing the fire drill to a more suitable time?
When handle with cargoes in port, or when in bad weather, it is not safe to carry out fire-fighting drill.
25 A ship anchored close to your ship hoists the flag ‘I’ what action should you take?
Stop and keep clear of the anchored vessel.
26 What altitude must a ‘rocket parachute flare’ reach to comply with regulation?
More than 300m.
27 What action would you take if you were on duty on deck and you observe oil leaking
from the ship’s side?
Cut off the leaking source and at the same time sound the emergency alarm and notify the bridge.
28 When would you need a “resuscitator”?
When you doesn’t have breathing and consciousness.
29 A ship ahead hoists the flag‘D’and gives one long blast followed by two short blasts. What is the message?
The vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
30 What does 2182 kHz mean to you?
It can be used as telephone to transmit distress messages.
9 How many portable radios must be fitted on a survival craft?
About 4. Such as SART, VHF, EPIRB, portable transmitter and so on.
10 What is the minimum requirement for a line-throwing appliance?
The throwing distance must be more than 230 m, the deviation must be less than 10% of throwing distance. And it can be operated and re
st survey carried out?
20 Where should the Muster Lists be exhibited on board?
In the open space, such as the galley room, engine room, the mess room and so on.
21 What does the proper care of the ship’s food services and supplies involve?
The sanitary condition and freshness of the food, and proper nutrition distribution.
22 What are the duties of the galley crew and others in the stores department?
1) Ensure the sanitary condition and freshness of the food, and proper nutrition distribution.
2) Account for storage.
3) Apply for provision.
23 What are the requirements of the heating system of crew accommodation space?
1) It must be away from flammable materials. 2) The temperature must be proper for human bodies.
24 What are the minimal standards for natural lighting in the living rooms of the crew?
The minimal standard is that the crew with normal vision can read newspapers in anyplace of the room in good weather.
25 What are sufficient grounds to stop cargo operation?
When the cargo operation is dangerous to the crew’s life and the ship.
26 What does the effectiveness of life-saving appliances depend on?
The feature and validity of the equipment, and regular maintenance.
27 What is the special attention of the ship with respect to the carriage of solid bulk cargoes?
1) Cause the damage to the hull and chemical danger.
2) Decrease the stability.
28 What relevant provisions should the responsible crewmembers be familiar with?
SOLAS, STCW, MARPOL and so on.
29 What are sufficient grounds(足够的理由) to stop cargo operation?
When the cargo operation is dangeous to the crew’s life and the ship.
30 What should be taken into account in judging the suitability of oil for crude oil washing?
Take into account the temperature and the oxygen content of the oil and the type and quality of the oil.
31 What’s your ship’s name in your language?
32 What’s your maximum permitted draft?
33 Who is your shipowner?
My ship-owner is American President Lines Co., Ltd.
34 What working language do you use?
My working language is English.