2020年07月30日 16:16
Drontal plus是给狗用的
感谢各种词典 以及教我英语的体育老师
Drontal plus的成分有
pyrantel embonate噻嘧啶,
Drontal plus is a broad-spectrum dewormer used to treat tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms and whipworms. Drontal plus is for dogs at least 3 weeks of age and weighing at least 2 lbs.
Drontal plus是一种用来驱除绦虫,蛔虫,钩虫和鞭虫的广谱驱虫药。
【警告】服用Drontal plus的狗,必须在3周龄以上,并且要大于2磅【2斤】
Drontals active ingredient is praziquantel, pyrantel, and febantel. Praziquantel works by damaging the skin internally, so the parasite is removed by the pet’s immune system. Pyrantal pamate is active against hookworms and acts as a depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, causing sudden contractions, followed by paralysis. The result is the hookworm looses its grip on the intestinal wall and is flushed out by the pet’s natural system. Febantel is active against nematode parasites including whipworms.
Drontal plus (praziquantel, pyrantel, febantel) is an FDA approved medication for use in dogs and puppies at least 3 weeks old and weighing at least 2 lbs. Drontal plus is available as a 22.7 mg scored chewable tablets for small dogs weighing at least 2 to 25 pounds, 68 mg for medium dogs weighing between 26 and 60 pounds and for large dogs 136 mg for dogs 45 pounds and over.
Drontal plus【括号里是药品化学名称,大概囧】是经过FDA【Food and Drug Administration,某组织=。=我猜的】批准的可以用于至少3周龄大的和体重高于2磅【2斤,再次强调可用范围】的狗。
Drontal plus的22.7mg片用于体重介于2至25磅【斤】的小型犬驱虫;
【这段搞得我有点晕,多方查资料,发现Drontal plus有瓶装的,分为3中型号:22.7、68、136。片的大小也就是药物含量有区别,便于喂食不同体型的犬。而我们天朝就只能自己手动咔嚓掉大片,自制小片了】
The usual dosage for small dogs is half a tablet of the 22.7 mg pills, for 5 to 7 pound dogs the normal dosage would be 1 tablet while 8 to 12 pound dogs would receive 1 and a half tablet and large dogs would receive 2 tablets.
Tell your veterinarian if your pet has ever had any allergic reactions and remember that tapeworm is a zoonotic inf
ection meaning that humans can indeed get the disease as well, so hygiene is of the utmost importance.
Do not give Drontal plus to dogs allergic to any of the ingredients in the pill as adverse reactions can occur. Because humans can contract tapeworm from their pets it is important to maintain good hygiene. It is also important to eliminate fleas in the household if at all possible and to never feed the pet rodents or uncooked meat or fish. To prevent recurring infections always remember to clean up daily stools, as this will keep the animal healthy.
不要给对药物成分有过敏的狗吃Drontal plus【成分有Praziquantel吡喹酮,pyrantel embonate噻嘧啶,febantel苯硫胍】。因为人类会通过接触宠物而感染绦虫,所以请务必注意卫生。另外,如果可能请消除家里的跳蚤,并且绝不要给宠物喂食啮齿类动物【我擦,这是神马?】或者未经过处理的肉和鱼。为防止重复感染,请每天清理臭粑粑,这会保证宠物健康。
Side effects of Drontal plus (praziquantel, pyrantel, febantel) are rare but may include vomiting, loss of appetite and diarrhea, if your pet is suffering from any of these side effects please contact your veterinarian immediately as this may be a sign that the pets body is rejecting the medication. Also do not give the pet Drontal plus if they are on other worming medications as this may cause the pet to overdose on the medication. Symptoms of overdose include vomiting, loss of appetite and diarrhea.
Drontal plus的副作用罕有,但是仍可能引起呕吐、食欲不振和腹泻。如果你发现宠物服药后有这些副作用,请迅速联系你的兽医【好吧,兽医是什么?可以吃么?】。因为这可能是你的宠物排斥药物的信号【意思就是得换药】。
如果你的宠物正在吃其他的驱虫药,请不要再喂给他Drontal plus,这可能导致同类药物过量并使宠物发生呕吐、食欲减低和腹泻的症状。