
2020年07月30日 16:16



1. corporate adj. 公司的;法人的 [考频:共22]
 真题短语:
① the corporate workplace 企业工作场所、企业办公室

corporate America
③ corporate revival 企业的复兴
④ foster corporate cooperation_____企业合作(2015年英语二)

 真题关联词:corporation n. 大型公司;企业集团【14】
① international corporations
② multinational corporations 跨国公司
③ corporation governance
 真题关联词:incorporate vt. 把〔某事物〕并入;包含
① incorporate sth intoin sth

2. constructive adj. 建设性的;积极的 [考频:共20]
 动词原形:construct v. 建造;创立
① construct executive offices 建造行政办公室(2018年英语一)
② construct a new theory 创立一个理论
 形容词:constructive
① constructive criticism 建设性的批评
② socially constructive 于社会有建设性
 名词: construction
① construction of a building

3. deceptive adj. 欺诈的;迷惑的 [考频:5]
 关联词:
① deceive v. 欺骗
② deception n. 欺骗
 真题短语:
① a deceptive appearance (2003)
② self-deceptive

③ self-deception
④ misconception and deceptiveness (2012年英语一)

4. burdensome adj. 成为负担的,繁重的 [考频:1]
 词缀:-some 引起……的,产生……的
④ troublesome 引起麻烦的
 真题短语:
① a burdensome debt 一笔沉重的债务
② a troublesome child 烦人的孩子

熟词僻意:handsome adj. 英俊的;(钱) 可观的,丰厚的[考频:2]
 真题短语:
① made handsome profits(2008)
② a handsome reward for researchers(2014年英语一)

5. deficiency n.不足,缺乏;缺陷 [考频:12]
 真题:
① Vitamin deficiency in the diet can cause illness.
① calcium deficiency
 同义替换:?

6. impulse n. 冲动;突然的欲望 [考频:8]
 搭配:
impulse to do sth
the impulse to influence others(2010年英语一)
 真题关联词:impulsive adj. 冲动的;鲁莽的
the outcome of impulsive acts(2019年英语二)

7. sympathy n. 同情;赞同[考频:9]
 含义1:同情
have feel sympathy for sb 对某人怀着感到同情
show sympathy for
② emotional deficiencies (2019年英语二)

 含义2::赞同
in sympathy with sth
in sympathy with their point of view(

8. maintain v. 保持,维持;坚持 [考频:9]
 真题短语

 含义1:坚持
① maintain that… 坚持
 含义2:维持,保持
① maintain colleges’ graduation rates 维持大学的毕业率(2019年英语一)

maintains the inherent American thinking model (2009)
① maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos

9. preserve 保护;维持 [考频:18]
 真题短语
① preserve the diversity of species(2019年英语二)
② preserve the monarchy’s reputation(2015年英语一)
 关联词:preservation

10. balance n. & v. 平衡 [考频:18]
 名词:
① provide a balance between expectation and reality(2006)
② achieve a balance between tradition and reality (2015年英语一)
③ strike a balance among different plants (2019年英语二)
 动词:
Balance your diet(2013年英语二)

 关联词:
① unbalanced budget
② worsen the economic imbalance (2018年英语二)

11. mobility n. 流动性;易变性 [考频:3]

 形容词: mobile adj. 可移动的
 真题短语:

a mobile shoplibrary 流动商店╱图书馆
② socialgeographicalcareer mobility 社会地位╱区域╱职业流动性

12. endeavor v. 努力 n. 努力,尝试 [考频:7]
 名词:
① scientific endeavor 科学探索(2008)
② it is worth the endeavor (2018年英语二)
 动词搭配:endeavor to do sth. 努力做某事
 同义短语:
① strive to do sth.
② strive for sth.
We must continue to strive for greater efficiency.

13. tighten vt. 使变紧 [考频:7]
 形容词:tight adj. 紧的;〔控制〕严格的
① on a tight budget 预算紧张(2016年英语二)
② keep a tight gripholdrein on sth 对某事严加控制
 动词:tighten vt. 使变紧 ;加紧,加强〔规则、法律〕
① tighten your belt 勒紧裤带

Efforts to tighten the rules have failed. 严控规章制度的努力失败了。

14. dilemma n. (进退两难的)窘境,困境 [考频:4]
 真题:?
 固定搭配:
• in a dilemma进退两难,左右为难
• put most online business in a dilemma(2019年英语一)

15. emission n. 排放;排放物 [考频:4]
 动词:emit vt. 散发
1. emit a great deal of heat (2011年英语二)
2. emit radiation(1998)

 名词短语:
• nitrogen-oxide emissions (2010年英语二)

CO2 emissions (2011年英语二翻译)

 关联词:
transmit 发送;传输;传递
 transmit marketing messages directly to targeted customers(1999)

 关联词:submit v. 主张;顺从,屈服;递交
① …submit (that)句子
② No one, he submits, could…(2008)

submit the results of their research to a journal(2008)
④ submit to threats

16. restore v. 恢复;修复 [考频:10]
 动词:
① restore the glory of former times 恢复往日的荣光(2016年英语一)
② restore public trust in financial institutions 恢复公众对金融机构的信任
 名词:
realize the high cost of data restoration (2007)

 关联词1:recover & recovery

economic recovery经济复苏
② the first signs of recovery begin to take hold(2011年英语一)
 关联词2: revive & revival
① revive its fading business dynamism重振其日渐衰落的商业活力(2018年
② the revival of the economy(2000)

17. ambiguous adj.模棱两可的;不明确的 [考频:7]
 真题:
 ambiguous wordtermstatement 模棱两可的词╱用语╱说法
[A] critical[B] supportive[C] sympathetic[D] ambiguous
[A] ambiguous. [B] cautious. [C] appreciative. [D] contemptuous.

[A] controversial

18. disclose v.
公开;揭露 [考频:共2]
 词根词缀: dis-否定 + -clos-关,闭 + -e动词词尾
 同义替换: reveal 【26】,expose【21】,uncover【1】
① reveal a strong prejudice against urban areas(2016年英语一)

disclose the causes of the plastics crisis (2019年英语一)
③ uncover the origin of Hawaiian culture(2017年英语一)

19. deter v. 制止;阻止 [考频:2]
 真题:

• deter business relations with states(2019年英语一)
 同义替换1:hinder
① Prudent planning hinders progress. (2005)
② hinder economic development(2019年英语一)
③ a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits—in fact, it
probably enhances it.(2017年英语二)

 同义替换2:hamper vt. 阻碍,妨碍,obstruct v. 妨碍,阻止
① The group is trying to obstruct the peace process. 该团体试图阻挠和平进
 同义替换3:block n. 街区;大厦 v.阻塞,妨碍

block my professional progress(2001)

20. prosper v. 兴旺,发达 [考频:8]
 动词:
but the professional companies prospered… (
 关联词:
① prosperous 繁荣的;兴旺的
② prosperity 繁荣,成功
a period of great abundance and prosperity(1998)

 同义替换:thrive,flourish

 Websites about dieting would thrive(2016年英语一)
 the prospect of a thriving job market
• the anti- happy art flourishes when economy booms

21. intelligence n. 智力;智能;情报 [考频:39]
 含义1:智力
① highlow intelligence
② intelligence test (2007)
 含义2:智能
artificial intelligence 人工智能(AI)
 含义3:情报
① remold the intelligence services(2003)
② Intelligence Agency 情报局

21. likely adj. 可能的 adv. 可能 [考频:69]
 真题用法1:be morelessmostleast likely to do sth.
journalists are more likely to live in upscale neighborhoods (
 真题用法2:it is likely to do sth that…
it is likely to reshape our politics(2012年英语二)

22. consistent adj. 一贯的,一致的 [考频:共9]
 真题短语:
be consistent with sth 与某事物相一致
The results are consistent with earlier research. 结果与先前的研究相符合。
 关联词:consistently 一贯地;一致地;坚实地
The findings of a research institution have consistently shown that…

23. context n. 上下文,语境;背景 [考频:13]
 真题搭配:
① The word “…” (Line 4, Paragraph 1) in the context probably means ________.
② g from the context, the phrase “…” (Para. 2) most probably means
______ .
 常见搭配:politicalsocialhistorical context
① social contexts (2012年英语二)
② cultural context (2016年英语一)

③ emotions are context- independent(2019年英语二)与情境无关的
 关联词:contextual 与上下文有关的

24. account n. 账户;描述;理由 v. ? [考频:44]
 真题短语:
① credit-card accounts(2007)

a vivid account of…(2010年英语二)
③ take account of sth
④ take sth into account考虑到;顾及
⑤ on account of sth因为某事,由于某事
 名词:
account for sth 占;解释,说明
① Multinational corporations accounted for less than 20% of international trade
② What might account for this strange phenomenon?

25. rule n.统治;规则 v. 统治;裁定 [考频:63]
 名词:
rules and regulations 规章制度
rules of conduct in business(2006年翻译)
followobeyobserve the rules 遵循╱服从╱遵守规则
stick to the traditional rules(2010年英语一)
break a rule (= not follow it) 违反规定

 熟词僻意:
The judge ruled that …
The Court ruled that…
 固定搭配:rule out
Their analysis ruled out the possibility(2005年英语一)
 关联词:ruling〔尤指法庭的〕裁决,裁定
Its ruling complies with the court decisions.(2010年英语一)
That ruling produced an explosion in…patents.(2010年英语一)

26. press n. 新闻;出版社;按 v. 按,压;催促 [考频:4]
 短语1:press sb to do sth

press our governments to lead the combat (2019年英语二)
 短语2:press sb for sth.
 press for more research迫切需要更多的研究(2005

Press for further scientific research(2005)
 短语3:press forward奋力向前

27. check v. & n. 检查;抑制,制止[考频:44]
 真题:
It is too late to check ambition once it has been let out. (
Justices intended to check the power of the Administration.(2014年英语一)

28. weather n. 天气 v. 经受住;渡过 [考频:8]
 真题:

① help families weather bad times(2007)

outside directors should be able to give advice based on having weathered
their own crises. (2011年英语二)

29. secure adj.稳固的,安全的 v. 获得;得到 [考频:12]
 真题:
① A desire to secure a better life for all(2014年英语一)
② privacy protection must be secured at all costs.(2018年英语一)

30. attribute
n.属性;性质;特征 v. 归因于 [考频:8]
 固定搭配:attribute sth to sbsth
Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as…(2000)

 名词:
① Over time, the attributes of greatness shifted. (2012年英语二)







