
2020年07月30日 16:20


新GRE考试最新真题150 – Verbal

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这是自GRE考试有史以来,ETS通过官方的方式第一次在 OG以外大量释放最
新考试题目,以供学生练习。GRE考试历来因为练习材料太少而遭到学生和培训机构诟病。这次发布的150道真题,是在OG和PP II,以及老GRE考试题目
之后,大家 在考场实战模拟的最好的素材。因此我们并不建议按照书上easy、
medium、hard和笔试p ractice set的形式来完成这些练习。我们认为,只有将这
些题目有机的整合成接近机考的s ection才能达到知己知彼、百战不殆,因此才

2014年8 月3日,当我知道ETS出品了真题150之后,我立刻联系了在美国工
作的本科同学蒋晴野,让他在亚 马逊上订购了Verbal和Quant各一本,并一张一
张的拍照片传回给我。当我看到这些题目都没 有逃出我们强化班、精讲精练班的
练习范围,我又松了一口气:短期培训的教师最害怕的就是,一句不负 责任的
题,并融入 新的教学之中,这样的反应速度也再一次证明了北京新东方新GRE
教师团队的力量:我们一直走在GR E考试的最前沿。

今年秋季的强化班和精讲精练班的课程,这部分真题将是我们在OGPP II和大
读,一定 能给在茫然备考中的你提供帮助。

由于排版、录入仓促,有些许错误难免。如果同学们发现 了错误,还请包容、海
涵、斧正,可以用任何方式与我联系,邮箱:hanbing7@ 微信订阅号:

录入文字的潘晨 光、付蔷、刘臣钢老师,感谢北京新东方G神团队为新东方

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Graduate Record Examination
Mock Test 1

2 Verbal Reasoning Sections
Time: 60 minutes

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 1 of 2
Verbal Reasoning
Time—30 minutes
20 Questions
For questions 1 to 6, select one entry for each blank from the corresponding
column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.
1. The composer has never courted popularity: her rugged modernism seems to defy
rather than to ______ the audience.
(A) ignore
(B) discount
(C) woo
(D) teach
(E) cow

2. The sight of a single actor portraying several characters in the same scene is no
longer a shock to the average moviegoer, such special- effects trickery having become
so ______.
(A) expensive
(B) specialized
(C) sinister
(D) commonplace
(E) unreliable

3. The figure-skating pair’s convincing victory last week was particularly (i)______
to their rivals who were in peak form and complained privately about the judging. That
the pair won when their rivals were (ii)______ too is also impressive.

(A) unsurprising
(B) irksome
(C) gratifying

(D) terrific
(E) nervous
(F) inconsistent
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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 1 of 2
4. In his initial works, the playwright made physical disease (i)______ factor in the
action; from this, his early critics inferred that he had a predilection for focusing on
(ii)______ subject matter.

(A) a pivotal (D) recondite
(E) uncomplicated
(F) morbid
(B) a nonexistent
(C) an obscure

5. We have yet to (i)______ the assessment of Canada’s biodiversity. Most of the
vertebrates have been assessed, but our challenge will be the assessment of
invertebrates and plants. This task is (ii)______ not only because of the high number of
species, but also because of the diversity, each species requiring a different approach.

(A) initiate
(B) complete
(C) limit

(D) repetitious
(E) trivial
(F) daunting
6. The company’s efforts to improve safety were apparently (i)______, at least
according to the company’s own data, which showed that the (ii)______ incidents with
the potential to cause a serious accident declined significantly. Nevertheless,
independent analysts argue that those statistics are (iii)______. These analysts maintain
that the company has consistently underestimated both the probability and the likely
effects of accidents in the sensitive and poorly understood environment in which the
company is operating.


(A) innovative
(B) successful
(C) frustrated

(D) frequency of
(E) impediments to
(F) attention to

(G) deceptive
(H) testable
(I) consistent
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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 1 of 2
For each of Questions 7 to 11, select one answer choice unless otherwise directed.
Question 7 and 8 are based on this passage.
Ragwort was accidentally introduced to New Zealand in the late nineteenth
century and, like so many invading foreign species, quickly became a pest. By the
1920s, the weed was rampant. What made matters worse was that its proliferation
coincided with sweeping changes in agriculture and a massive shift from sheep farming
to dairying. Ragwort contains the poison in dilute form. Livestock generally avoid
grazing where ragwort is growing, but they will do so once it displaces grass and
clover in their pasture. Though sheep can eat it for months before showing any signs of
illness, if cattle eat it they sicken quickly and fatality can even result.

7. The passage suggests that the proliferation of ragwort was particularly ill- timed
because it
(A) coincided with and exacerbated a decline in agriculture.
(B) took place in conditions that enabled the ragwort to spread faster than it otherwise
would have done.
(C) led to an increase in the amount of toxic compounds contained in the plants.
(D) prevented people from producing honey that could be eaten safely.
(E) had consequences for livestock that were more dramatic than they otherwise
would have been.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
8. The passage implies which of the following about the problems ragwort poses to
dairy farmers?
(A) Milk produced by cows that eat ragwort causes illness in humans who drink it.
(B) Ragwort can supplant the plants normally eaten by cattle.
(C) Cattle, unlike sheep, are unable to differentiate between ragwort and healthy

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 1 of 2
Question 9 is based on this passage.
Despite the fact that the health-inspection procedure for catering establishments
are more stringent than those for ordinary restaurant, more of the cases of food
poisoning reported to the city health department were brought on by banquets served
by catering services than were brought on by restaurant meals.

9. Which of the following, if true, helps explain the apparent paradox in the statement
(A) A significantly large number of people eat in restaurants than attend catered
banquets in any given time period.
(B) Catering establishments know how many people they expect to serve, and
therefore are less likely than restaurants to have, and serve, leftover foods, a major
source of food poisoning.
(C) Many restaurant provide catering services for banquets in addition to serving
individual meals.
(D) The number of reported food-poisoning cases at catered banquets is unrelated to
whether the meal is served on the caterer’s or the client’s premises.
(E) People are unlikely to make a connection between a meal they have eaten and a
subsequent illness unless the illness strikes a group who are in communication with one

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 1 of 2
Questions 10 and 11 are based on this passage.
African American newspapers in the 1930s faced many hardships. For instance,
knowing that buyers of African American papers also bough general-circulation papers,
advertisers of consumer products often ignored African American publications.
Advertisers’ discrimination did free the African American press from advertiser
domination. Editors could print politically charged material more readily than could the
large national dailies, which depended on advertisers’ ideological approval to secure
revenues. Unfortunately, it also made the selling price of Black papers much higher
than that of general-circulation dailies. Often as much as two-thirds of publication costs
had to come from subscribers or subsidies from community politicians and other
interest groups. And despite their editorial freedom, African American publishers often
felt compelled to print a disproportionate amount of sensationalism, sports, and society
news to boost circulation.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
10. The passage suggest that if advertisers had more frequently purchased advertising
in African American newspapers, then which of the following might have resulted?
(A) African American newspapers would have given more attention to sports and
society news than they did.
(B) African American newspapers would have been available at lower prices than
large national dailies were.
(C) African American newspapers would have experienced constraints on their
content similar to those experienced by large national dailies

11. The author of the passage suggests which of the following about the “advertisers”
mentioned in the passage?
(A) They assumed that advertising in African American newspapers would not
significantly increase the sales of their products.
(B) They failed to calculate accurately the circulation of African American
(C) They did not take African Americans’ newspaper reading into account when
making decisions about where to advertise.
(D) They avoided African American newspapers partly because of their
(E) They tried to persuade African American newspapers to lower the rates charged
for advertising.

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 1 of 2
For questions 12 to 15, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete
the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed
sentences that are alike in meaning.
12. In The simple Soybean, the author is much less restrained in his enthusiasm for
the bean’s medical efficacy than he is in his technical writings, but he still cautions
against treating soy as a ______.
(A) staple
(B) supplement
(C) herald
(D) panacea
(E) cure-all
(F) harbinger

13. Parkin’s characterization of the movement as Neo-Scholastic is too ______ to be
accepted without further investigation.
(A) cursory
(B) detailed
(C) perfunctory
(D) biased
(E) self-evident
(F) complete

14. A recent study suggests that vitamin E supplements, despite widespread belief in
their ______, are no better than sugar pills for delaying the onset of the degenerative
(A) potential
(B) misuse
(C) popularity
(D) efficacy
(E) prevalence
(F) usefulness

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 1 of 2
15. Despite her relaxed and flexible style, Ms. de la Fressange is ______
businesswoman who knows to market her brand: herself.
(A) a ruthless
(B) a creative
(C) a canny
(D) an industrious
(E) a shrewd
(F) an effective

For each of Questions 16 to 20, select one answer choice unless otherwise directed.
Question 16 is based on the passage.
Years ago, consumers in Frieland began paying an energy tax in the form of two
Frieland pennies for each unit of energy consumed that came from nonrenewable
sources. Following the introduction of this energy tax, there was a steady reduction in
the total yearly consumption of energy from nonrenewable sources.

16. If the statements in the passage are true, then which of the following must on the
basis of them be true?
(A) There was a steady decline in the yearly revenues generated by the energy tax in
(B) There was a steady decline in the total amount of energy consumed each year in
(C) There was a steady increase in the use of renewable energy source in Frieland.
(D) The revenues generated by the energy tax were used to promote the use of energy
from renewable sources.
(E) The use of renewable energy sources in Frieland greatly increased relative to the
use of nonrenewable energy sources.

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 1 of 2
Question 17 to 19 are based on this passage.
In a plausible but speculative scenario, oceanographer Douglas Martinson
suggests that temperature increases caused by global warming would not significantly
affect the stability of the Antarctic environment, where sea ice forms on the periphery
of the continent in the autumn and winter and mostly disappears in the summer. True,
less sea ice would form in the winter because global warming would cause temperature
to rise. However, Martinson argues, the effect of a warmer atmosphere may be offset as
follows. The formation of sea ice causes the concentration of salt in surface water to
increase; less sea 1ce would mean a smaller increase in the concentration of salt. Less
salty surface waters would be less dense and therefore less likely to sink and stir up
deep• water. The deep water, with all its stored heat, would rise to the surface at a
slower rate. Thus, although the winter sea-ice cover might decrease, the surface waters
would remain cold enough so that the decrease would not be excessive.

17. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of the
surface waters in the current Antarctic environment?
(A) They are more affected by annual fluctuations in atmospheric temperatures than
they would be if they were less salty..
(B) They are less salty than they would be if global warming were to occur.
(C) They are more likely to sink and stir up deep waters than they would be if
atmospheric temperatures were to increase.
(D) They are able to offset some of the effects of global warming beyond the Antarctic
(E) They are less affected by the temperature of deep water than they would be if
atmospheric temperatures were to increase.

18. The passage suggests that Martinson believes which of the following about deep
waters in the Antarctic region?
(A) They rise to the surface more quickly than they would if global warming were to
(B) They store heat that will exacerbate the effects of increases in atmospheric
(C) They would be likely to be significantly warmed by an increase in atmospheric
(D) They would be more salty than they currently are if global warming were to occur.
(E) They are less likely to be stirred up when surface waters are intensely salty than
when surface waters are relatively unsalty.

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 1 of 2
19. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the sea ice that
surrounds the Antarctic continent?
(A) The amount of sea ice that forms in the winter has been declining.
(B) Most of the sea ice that forms in the winter remains intact in the summer.
(C) Even small changes in the amount of sea ice dramatically affect the temperature of
the surface waters.
(D) Changes in the amount of sea ice due to global warming would significantly affect
the stability of the Antarctic environment.
(E) Changes in the amount of sea ices affect the degree of saltiness of the surface

Question 20 is based on this passage.
The plant called the scarlet gilia can have either red or white flowers. It had long
been thought that hummingbirds, which forage by day, pollinate its red flowers and that
hawkmoths, which forage at night, pollinate its white flowers. To try to show that this
pattern of pollination by color exists. Scientists recently covered some scarlet gilia
flowers only at night and others only by day: plants with red flowers covered at night
became pollinated; plants with white flowers covered by day became pollinated.

20. Which of the following, if true, would be additional evidence to suggest that
hummingbirds are attracted to the red flowers and hawkmoths to the white flowers of
the scarlet gilia?
(A) Uncovered scarlet gilia flowers, whether red or white, became pollinated at
approximately equal rates.
(B) Some red flowers of the scarlet gilia that remained uncovered at all times never
became pollinated.
(C) White flowers of the scarlet gilia that were covered at night became pollinated
with greater frequency than white flowers of the scarlet gilia that were left uncovered.
(D) Scarlet gilia plants with red flowers covered by day and scarlet gilia plants with
white flowers covered at night remained unpalliated.
(E) In late August, when most of the hummingbirds had migrated but hawkmoths
were still plentiful, red scarlet gilia plants produced fruits more frequently than they
had earlier in the season.

STOP. This is the end of Section 1.
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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 2 of 2
Verbal Reasoning
Time—30 minutes
20 Questions
For questions 1 to 6, select one entry for each blank from the corresponding
column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.
1. Early studies often concluded that the public was ______ the propagandistic
influence of mass communications, but one recent study indicates that, on the contrary,
mass communications seldom produce marked changes in social attitudes or actions.
(A) unaware of
(B) scornful of
(C) susceptible to
(D) unimpressed by
(E) coping with

2. In the recent history of the Renaissance, by showing how the artistic efflorescence
of that era was (i)______ linked to its commercial vitality, Jardine demonstrated that
the spirit of acquisitiveness may be (ii)______ that of cultural creativity.

(A) questionably
(B) intimately
(C) skeptically

(D) threatened by
(E) inseparable from
(F) comparable to
3. The setting in which the concert took place (i)______: the group’s performance
was elegant and polished, but the sound, which seeped across the cold, unresonant high
school auditorium, was oddly (ii)______, given the energy the players seemed to be
putting into it.

(A) exacted a toll (D) clangorous
(E) tepid
(F) inviting
(B) encouraged nervousness
(C) solved a dilemma

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 2 of 2
4. The governor has long been obsessed with exciting the media from the politician-
public relationship. That’s been the unifying aim of all her seemingly disconnected
ventures since entering public life: a determination to (i)______, and eventually
(ii)______, the media’s hold on political communication.

(A) conceal
(B) erode
(D) augment
(E) consolidate
(F) end (C) rejuvenate

5. Researchers trying to make it possible to trace counterfeit documents to the printer
that produced them are ((i)______ the fact that the rotating drums and mirrors inside
laser printers are imperfect devices that leave unique patterns of banding in their
output. Although these patterns are (ii)______ to the naked eye, they can be (iii)______
and analyzed by computer programs that the researchers have spent the past year


(A) exploiting
(B) facing
(D) invisible
(E) obvious
(G) detected
(H) implemented
(I) generated (C) manipulating

(F) unappealing
6. In her startlingly original writing, she went further than any other twentieth
century author in English (perhaps in any language) in (i)______ literary language and
form, (ii)______ stylistic conventions, and (iii)______ a rich and diverse structure of


(A) reinventing
(B) canonizing
(C) stabilizing

(D) undoing (G) replicating
(H) borrowing
(I) introducing
(E) overpraising
(F) misunderstanding

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 2 of 2
For each of Questions 7 to 12, select one answer choice unless otherwise directed.
Question 7 is based on this passage.
That sales can be increased by the presence of sunlight within a store has been
shown by the experience of the only Savefast department store with a large skylight.
The skylight allows sunlight into half of the store, reducing the need for artificial light.
The rest of the store uses only artificial light. Since the store opened two years ago, the
departments on the sunlit side have had substantially higher sales than the other.

7. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
(A) On particularly cloudy days, more artificial light is used to illuminate the part of
the store under the skylight.
(B) When the store is open at night, the departments in the part of the store under the
skylight have salves that are no higher than those of other departments.
(C) Many customers purchase items from departments in both parts of the store on a
single shopping trip.
(D) Besides the skylight, there are several significant architectural differences between
the two parts of the store.
(E) The departments in the part of the store under the skylight are the departments that
generally have the highest sales in other stores in the Savefast chain.

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 2 of 2
Questions 8 to 10 are based on this passage.
While the best sixteenth-century Renaissance scholars mastered the classics of
ancient Roman literature in the original Latin and understood them in their original
historical context, most of the scholar’s educated contemporaries knew the classics
only from school lessons on selected Latin texts. These were chosen by Renaissance
teachers after much deliberation, for works written by and for the sophisticated adults
of pagan Rome were not always considered suitable for the Renaissance young: the
central Roman classics refused (as classics often do) to teach appropriate morality and
frequently suggested the opposite. Teachers accordingly made students’ need, not
textual and historical accuracy, their supreme interest, chopping dangerous texts into
short phrases, and using these to impart lessons extemporaneously on a variety of
subjects, from syntax to science. Thus, I believe that a modern reader cannot know the
associations that a line of ancient Roman poetry or prose had for any particular
educated sixteenth-century reader.

8. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing the
(A) unsuitability of the Roman classics for the teaching of morality
(B) approach that sixteenth-century scholars took to learning the Roman classics
(C) effect that the Roman classics had on educated people in the Renaissance
(D) way in which the Roman classics were taught in the sixteenth-century
(E) contrast between the teaching of the Roman classics in the Renaissance and the
teaching of the Roman classics today

9. The information in the passage suggests that which of the following would most
likely result from a student’s having studied the Roman classics under a typical
sixteenth-century teacher?
(A) The student recalls a line of Roman poetry in conjunction with a point learned
about grammar.
(B) The student argues that a Roman poem about gluttony is not morally offensive
when it is understood in its historical context.
(C) The student is easily able to express thoughts in Latin.
(D) The: student has mastered large portions of the Roman classics.
(E) The student has a sophisticated knowledge of Roman poetry but little knowledge
of Roman prose.

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 2 of 2
10. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the assertion made
in the passage concerning what a modern reader cannot know?
(A) Some modern readers are thoroughly familiar with the classics of ancient Roman
literature because they majored in classics in college or obtained doctoral degrees in
(B) Some modern readers have learned which particular works of Roman literature
were taught to students in the sixteenth century.
(C) Modern readers can, with some effort, discover that sixteenth-century teachers
selected some seemingly dangerous classical texts while excluding other seemingly
innocuous texts.
(D) Copies of many of the classical texts used by sixteenth-century teachers, including
marginal notes describing the oral lessons that were based on the texts, can be found in
museums today.
(E) Many of the writings of the best sixteenth-century Renaissance scholars have been
translated from Latin and are available to modern readers.

Question 11 and 12 are based on this passage.
In humans, the pilomotor reflex leads to the response commonly known as goose
bumps, and this response is wildly considered to be vestigial—that is, something
formerly having a greater physiological advantage that at present. It occurs when the
tiny muscle at the base of a hair follicle contracts, pulling the hair upright. In animals
with feathers, fur, or quills, this create a layer of insulating warm air or a reason for
predators to think twice before attacking. But human hair is too puny to serve these
functions. Goose bumps in humans may, however, have acquired a new role. Like
flushing—another thermoregulatory (heat- regulating) mechanism—goose bumps have
become linked with emotional responses, notably fear, rage, or the pleasure of, say,
listening to beautiful music. They may thus serve as a signal to others.

11. In explaining the “new role” that goose bumps in human may have acquired, the
author assumes which of the following?
(A) Emotional responses in humans can be triggered by thermoregulatory
(B) The perceptibility of emotional responses to other human offers some kind of
(C) If human hair were more substantial, goose bumps would not have acquired a new
(D) Goose bumps in animals with feathers, fur, or quills may also be linked to
emotional responses.
(E) In humans, goose bumps represent an older physiological response than flushing.

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 2 of 2
12. Which of the following best describes the primary function of the next-to-last
sentence (“Like … music”)?
(A) It makes a distinction between two types of mechanisms.
(B) It corrects a common misconception about the role of goose bumps in humans.
(C) It suggests reasons for the connection between emotional responses and goose
bumps in human.
(D) It suggests that flushing and goose bumps signal the same emotional state.
(E) It helps explain a possible role played by goose bumps in humans.

For questions 13 to 16, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete
the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed
sentences that are alike in meaning.
13. If researchers can determine exactly what is wrong with people who suffer from
this condition, they may be able to suggest drug therapies or other treatments that could
______ the effects of the damage.
(A) mitigate
(B) exacerbate
(C) specify
(D) identify
(E) ameliorate
(F) stabilize

14. Some analysts worry about consumers’ perception that the electronics industry is
always on the verge of major breakthroughs; that perception could hurt the industry by
making consumers reluctant to buy products they believe will soon be ______.
(A) incompatible
(B) devalued
(C) obsolete
(D) ubiquitous
(E) everywhere
(F) outmoded

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 2 of 2
15. After people began to make the transition from gathering food to producing food,
human societies followed markedly ______ courses; some adopted herding, others took
to tillage, and still others stuck to foraging.
(A) divergent
(B) rural
(C) novel
(D) unfamiliar
(E) disparate
(F) quotidian

16. At nearly 450 pages, the novel is ______ : the author does not often resist the
temptation to finish off a chapter, section, or even paragraph with some unnecessary
(A) instructive
(B) complex
(C) prolix
(D) educational
(E) long-waited
(F) explicit

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 2 of 2
For each of Questions 17 to 20, select one answer choice unless otherwise directed.
Questions 17 to 20 are based on this passage.
The passage is adapted from material published in 2001.
Frederick Douglass was unquestionably the most famous African American of the
nineteenth century; indeed, when he died in 1895 he was among the most distinguished
public figures in the United States. In his study of Douglass’ career as a major figure in
the movement to abolish slavery and as a spokesman for Black rights, Waldo Martin
has provoked controversy by contending that Douglass also deserves a prominent place
in the intellectual history of the United States because he exemplified so many strand
of nineteenth- century thought: romanticism, idealism, individualism, liberal humanism,
and an unshakable belief in progress. But this very argument provides ammunition for
those who claim that most of Douglass’ ideas, being so representative of their time, are
now obsolete. Douglass’ vision of the future as a melting pot in which all racial and
ethnic differences would dissolve into “a composite American nationality” appears
from the pluralist perspective of many present-day intellectuals to be not only utopian
but even wrongheaded. Yet there is a central aspect of Douglass’ thought that seems not
in the least bit dated or irrelevant to current concerns. He has no rival in the history of
the nineteenth- century United States as an insistent and effective critic of the doctrine
of innate racial inequality. He not only attacked racist ideas in his speeches and
writings, but he offered his entire career and all his achievements as living proof that
racists were wrong in their belief that one race could be inherently superior to another.
While Martin stresses Douglass’ antiracist egalitarianism, he does not adequately
explain how this aspect of Douglass’ thought fits in with his espousal of the liberal
Victorian attitudes that many present- day intellectuals consider to be naïve and
outdated. The fact is that Douglass was attracted to these democratic-capitalist ideals of
his time because they could be used to attack slavery and the doctrine of White
supremacy. His favorite rhetorical strategy was to expose the hypocrisy of those who,
while professing adherence to the ideals of democracy and equality of opportunity,
condoned slavery and racial discrimination. It would have been strange indeed if he
had not embraced liberal idealism, because it proved its worth for the cause of racial
equality during the national crisis that eventually resulted in emancipation and
citizenship for African Americans. These points may seem obvious, but had Martin
given them more attention, his analysis might have constituted a more convincing
rebuttal to those critics who dismiss Douglass’ ideology as a relic of the past. If one
accepts the proposition that Douglass’ deepest commitment was to Black equality and
that he used the liberal ideals of his time as weapons in the fight for that cause, then it
is hard to fault him for seizing the best weapons at hand.

17. The passage as a whole can best be described as doing which of the following?
(A) Explaining Douglass’ emergence as a major figure in the movement to abolish
(B) Tracing the origins of Douglass’ thought in nineteenth- century romanticism,
idealism, and liberal humanism
(C) Analyzing Douglass’ speeches and writings from a modern, pluralist perspective
(D) Criticizing Martin for failing to stress the contradiction between Douglass’
principles and the liberal Victorian attitudes of his day
(E) Formulating a response to who consider Douglass’ political philosophy to be
archaic and irrelevant

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GRE Mock Test 1: Section 2 of 2
18. It can be inferred that the “present-day intellectuals” believed that
(A) although Douglass used democratic-capitalist ideals to attack slavery and racial
inequality, he did not sincerely believe in those ideas.
(B) the view that Douglass was representative of the intellectual trends of his time is
(C) Douglass’ opposition to the doctrine of innate racial inequality is irrelevant to
current concern
(D) Douglass’ commitment to Black equality does not adequately account for his
naïve attachment to quaint liberal Victorian political views.
(E) Douglass’ goal of ultimately doing way with all racial and ethnic differences is
neither achievable nor desirable

19. According to the passage, Douglass used which of the following as evidence
against the doctrine of innate racial inequality?
(A) His own life story
(B) His version of a composite American nationality
(C) The hypocrisy of self-professed liberal idealists
(D) The inevitability of the emancipation of African Americans
(E) The fact that most prominent intellectuals advocated the abolition of slavery

20. Each of the following is mentioned in the passage as an element of Douglass’
ideology EXCEPT
(A) idealism
(B) egalitarianism
(C) capitalism
(D) pluralism
(E) humanism

STOP. This is the end of Section 2.
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GRE Mock Test 2

Graduate Record Examination
Mock Test 2

2 Verbal Reasoning Sections
Time: 60 minutes

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 1 of 2
Verbal Reasoning
Time—30 minutes
20 Questions
For questions 1 to 6, select one entry for each blank from the corresponding
column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.
1. The media once portrayed the governor as anything but ineffective; they now,
however, make her out to be the epitome of ______.
(A) fecklessness
(B) brilliance
(C) dynamism
(D) egoism
(E) punctiliousness

2. For most of the first half of the nineteenth century, science at the university was in
______ state, despite the presence of numerous luminaries.
(A) a scintillating
(B) a pathetic
(C) a controversial
(D) an incendiary
(E) a veracious

3. Instant celebrity is often (i)______ asset because if there is no (ii)______ to
interest the public—no stage or screen triumphs, no interesting books, no heroic
exploits—people quickly become bored.

(A) a fleeting (D) competing attraction
(E) continuity of exposure
(F) real achievement

(B) an incomparable
(C) an untapped

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 1 of 2
4. Female labor was essential to the growth of eighteenth-century European textile
industries, yet it remains difficult to (i)______. Despite significant (ii)______ in
research about women, the role of female labor remains the single most glaring
omission in most economic analyses of the history of European industrialization.
Women far outnumbered men as workers in the textile industries, yet wage indices and
discussions of growth, cost of living, and the like (iii)______ about the male labor


(A) track (D) advances
(E) gaps
(G) incorporate data only
(H) suppress most information
(I) too rarely talk
(B) overestimate
(C) ignore

(F) disinterest
5. It is a sad but just indictment of some high school history textbooks that they
frequently report as (i)______ claims that historians hotly debate or that are even
completely (ii)______ by (iii)______ primary sources.


(A) factual (D) resolved (G) dubious
(H) incomplete
(I) reliable
(B) controversial
(C) sensational

(E) corroborated
(F) contradicted
6. The reason minimum temperatures are going up more rapidly than maximums
may involve cloud cover and evaporative cooling. Clouds tend to keep the days coolers
by reflecting sunlight, and the nights warmer by (i)______ loss of heat from Earth’s
surface. Greater amounts of moisture in the soil from additional precipitation and
cloudiness (ii)______ the daytime temperature increases because part of the solar
energy is (iii)______ the evaporation of that moisture.


(A) inhibiting (D) augment
(E) mask
(G) intensified by
(H) unrelated to
(I) used up in
(B) exacerbating
(C) replicating

(F) restrain

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 1 of 2
For each of Questions 7 to 11, select one answer choice unless otherwise directed.
Question 7 and 8 are based on this passage.
Supernovas in the Milks Ways are the likeliest source for most of the cosmic rays
reaching Earth. However, calculations show that supernovas cannot produce ultrahigh-
energy cosmic rays (UHECRs), which have energies exceeding 1018 electron volts. It
would seem sensible to seek the source of these in the universe’s most conspicuous
energy factories: quasars and gamma-ray bursts billions of light-years away from
Earth. But UHECRs tend to collide with photons of the cosmic microwave
background—pervasive radiation that is relic of the early universe. The odds favor a
collision every 20 million light- years, each collision costing 20 percent of the cosmic
ray’s energy. Consequently, no cosmic ray traveling much beyond 100 million light-
years can retain the energy observed in UHCERs.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
7. It can be inferred that the author of the passage would agree with which of the
follow about the origin of UHECRs that reach Earth?
(A) The origin is something other than supernovas in the Milky Way.
(B) The origin is most likely something other than very distant quasars or gamma-ray
(C) The origin is most likely no more than a little over 100 million light-years away
from Earth.

8. In the context of the author’s argument, the last sentence performs which of the
following functions?
(A) It explains a criterion that was employed earlier in the argument.
(B) it shows that an apparently plausible position is actually self-contradictory.
(C) It is a conclusion drawn in the course of refuting a potential explanation.
(D) It overturns an assumption on which an opposing position depends.
(E) It states the main conclusion that the author is seeking to establish.

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 1 of 2
Question 9 to 11 are based on this passage.
The massive influx of women cyclists—making up at least a third of the total market—
was perhaps the most striking and profound social consequence of the mid-1890s
cycling boom. Although the new, improved bicycle had appealed immediately to a few
privileged women, its impact would have been modest had it not attracted a greater
cross section of the female population. It soon became apparent that many of these
pioneer women bicyclists had not taken up the sport as an idle pastime. Rather, they
saw cycling as a noble cause to be promoted among all women as a means to improve
the general female condition. Not only would cycling encourage healthy outdoor
exercise, they reasoned, it would also hasten long-overdue dress reform. To feminists,
the bicycle affirmed nothing less than the dignity and equality of women.
Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
9. Which of the following statements about women cyclists is supported by the
(A) The newly improved bicycle of the mid-1890s appealed mostly to women in a
privileged position.
(B) The great majority of women in the mid-1890s considered cycling an idle pastime.
(C) Women bicyclists promoted cycling as a healthy form of outdoor exercise.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
10. Which of the following does the passage suggest about pioneer women cyclists?
(A) They saw cycling as a means to promote the advancement of women.
(B) They argued that cycling would encourage women to get involved in a variety of
noble causes.
(C) They provided several reasons for a cross section of the female population to use
the bicycle.

11. Which of the following best describes the function of the second sentence
(“Although … population”)?
(A) It corrects a common misconception regarding the use of the bicycle in the mid-
(B) It elaborates on a claim made in the previous sentence regarding a social
consequence of the cycling boom
(C) It provides a context in which to understand the increased popularity of bicycle
riding among privileged women.
(D) It explains why cycling attracted such a significant cross section of women.
(E) It describes the demographic characteristics of the consumer market for bicycles
in the mid-1890s.
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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 1 of 2
For questions 12 to 15, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete
the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed
sentences that are alike in meaning.
12. Retrofitted with stabilizing devices, some of which ______ its aesthetics, the
bridge has been reopened, no longer prone to excessive swaying but not quite the
breathtaking structure it originally was.
(A) impair
(B) resist
(C) improve
(D) enhance
(E) restore
(F) compromise

13. Although cosmic objects have struck Earth since the planet’s very formation,
humanity has only recently become aware of these events: two centuries ago the idea
that objects orbiting the Sun could collide with Earth was widely ______.
(A) ridiculed
(B) doubted
(C) disseminated
(D) promulgated
(E) marginalized
(F) disbelieved

14. That people ______ the musical features of birdsongs suggests that despite the
vast evolutionary gulf between birds and mammals, songbirds and humans share some
common auditory perceptual abilities.
(A) mimic
(B) recognize
(C) relish
(D) are confounded by
(E) can make out
(F) are puzzled by

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 1 of 2
15. Torpey’s study has turned a seemingly ______ topic, the passport, into a
fascinating one by making an original contribution to the sociology of the state.
(A) ironic
(B) banal
(C) provocative
(D) witty
(E) insipid
(F) stimulating

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 1 of 2
For each of Questions 16 to 20, select one answer choice unless otherwise directed.
Question 16 to 19 are based on the passage.
What causes a helix in nature to appear with either a dextral (“right-handed,” or
clockwise) twist or a sinistral (“left- handed,” or counterclockwise) twist is one of the
most intriguing puzzles in the science of form. Most spiral-shaped snail species are
predominantly dextral. But at one time, handedness (twist direction of the shell) was
equally distributed within some snail species that have become predominantly dextral
or, in a few species, predominantly sinistral. What mechanisms control handedness and
keep left- handedness rare?
It would seem unlikely that evolution should discriminate against sinistral snails if
sinistral and dextral snails are exact mirror images, for any disadvantage that a sinistral
twist in itself could confer on its possessor is almost inconceivable. But left- and right-
handed snails are not actually true mirror images of one another. Their shapes are
noticeably different. Sinistral rarity might, then, be a consequence of possible
disadvantages conferred by these other concomitant structural features. In addition,
perhaps left- and right-handed snails cannot mate with each other, having incompatible
twist directions. Presumably an individual of the rarer form would have relative
difficulty in finding a mate of the same hand, thus keeping the rare form rare or
creating geographically separated right- and left-handed populations.
But this evolutionary mechanism combining dissymmetry, anatomy, and chance
does not provide an adequate explanation of why right- handedness should have
become predominant. It does not explain, for example, why the infrequent unions
between snails of opposing hands produce fewer offspring of the rarer than the
commoner form in species where each parent contributes equally to handedness. Nor
does it explain why, in a species where one parent determines handedness,a brood is
not exclusively right- or left-handed when the offspring would have the same genetic
predisposition. In the European pond snail Lymnaea peregra, a predominantly dextral
species whose handedness is maternally determined, a brood might be expected to be
exclusively right- or left-handed—and this often occurs. However, some broods
possess a few snails of the opposing hand, and in predominantly sinistral broods, the
incidence of dextrality is surprisingly high.
Here, the evolutionary theory must defer to a theory based on an explicit
developmental mechanism that can favor either right- or left-handedness. In the case of
Lymnaea peregra, studies indicate that a dextral gene is expressed during egg
formation; i.e., before egg fertilization, the gene produces a protein, found in the
cytoplasm of the egg, that controls the pattern of cell division and thus handedness. In
experiments, an injection of cytoplasm from dextral eggs changes the pattern of
sinistral eggs, but an injection from sinistral eggs does not influence dextral eggs. One
explanation for the differing effects is that all Lymnaea peregra eggs begin left-handed
but most switch to being right-handed. Thus, the path to a solution to the puzzle of
handedness in all snails appears to be as twisted as the helix itself.

16. Which of the following would serve as an example of “concomitant structural
features” that might disadvantage a snail of the rarer form?
(A) A shell and body that are an exact mirror image of a snail of the commoner form
(B) A smaller population of the snails of the rarer form
(C) A chip or fracture in the shell caused by an object falling on it
(D) A pattern on the shell that better camouflages it
(E) A smaller shell opening that restricts mobility and ingestion relative to that of a
snail of the commoner form
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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 1 of 2
17. The second paragraph of the passage is primarily concerned with offering possible
reasons why
(A) it is unlikely that evolutionary mechanisms could discriminate against sinistral
(B) sinistrality is relatively uncommon among snail species
(C) dextral and sinistral populations of a snail species tend to intermingle
(D) a theory based on a developmental mechanism inadequately accounts for the
predominance of dextrality across snail species
(E) dextral snails breed more readily than sinistral snails, even within predominantly
sinistral populations

18. Which of the following accurately describes the relationship between the
evolutionary and developmental theories discussed in the passage?
(A) Although the two theories reach the same conclusion, each is based on different
(B) They present contradictory explanations of the same phenomenon.
(C) The second theory accounts for certain phenomena that the first cannot explain.
(D) The second theory demonstrates why the first is valid only for very unusual,
special cases.
(E) They are identical and interchangeable in that the second theory merely restates
the first in less technical terms.

19. It can be inferred from the passage that a predominantly sinistral snail species
might stay predominantly sinistral for each of the following reasons EXCEPT for
(A) a developmental mechanism that affects the cell- division pattern of snails
(B) structural features that advantage dextral snails of the species
(C) a relatively small number of snails of the same hand for dextral snails of the
species to mate with
(D) anatomical incompatibility that prevents mating between snails of opposing hands
within the species
(E) geographic separation of sinistral and dextral populations

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 1 of 2
Question 20 is based on this passage.
X-ray examination of a recently discovered painting—judged by some authorities
to be a self-portrait by Vincent van Gogh—revealed an underimage of a woman’s face.
Either van Gogh or another painter covered the first painting with the portrait now seen
on the surface of the canvas. Because the face of the woman in the underimage also
appears on canvases van Gogh is known to have painted, the surface painting must be
an authentic self-portrait by van Gogh.

20. The conclusion is properly drawn if which of the following is assumed?
(A) If a canvas already bears a painted image produced by an artist, a second artist
who uses the canvas to produce a new painting tends to be influenced by the style of
the first artist.
(B) Many painted canvases that can be reliably attributed to van Gogh contain
underimages of subjects that appear on that least one other canvas that van Gogh is
known to have painted.
(C) Any painted canvas incorrectly attributed to van Gogh would not contain an
underimage of a subject appears in authentic paintings by that artist.
(D) A painted canvas cannot be reliably attributed to an artist unless the authenticity of
any underimage that painting might contain can be reliably attributed to the artist.
(E) A painted canvas cannot be reliably attributed to a particular artist unless a reliable
x-ray examination of the painting is performed.

STOP. This is the end of Section 1.
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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 2 of 2
Verbal Reasoning
Time—30 minutes
20 Questions
For questions 1 to 6, select one entry for each blank from the corresponding
column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.
1. When she first came to France from Bulgaria, she was hardly the ______ student
she late made herself out to be, since she had access to considerable family wealth.
(A) naïve
(B) precocious
(C) impecunious
(D) ambitious
(E) assiduous

2. Researchers have observed chimpanzees feigning injury in order to influence
other members of the group, thus showing that the capacity to ______ is not uniquely
(A) cooperate
(B) instruct
(C) conspire
(D) dissemble
(E) dominate

3. At their best, (i)______ book reviews are written in defense of value and in the
tacit hope that the author, having had his or her (ii)______ pointed out, might secretly
agree that the book could be improved.

(A) abstruse
(B) adverse
(C) hortatory

(D) strengths
(E) transgressions
(F) assumptions

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 2 of 2
4. The gaps in existing accounts of the playwright’s life are not (i)______, since
much of the documentary evidence on which historians have relied is (ii)______.

(A) trifling
(B) obvious
(C) implicit

(D) credible
(E) extant
(F) incomplete
5. That today’s students of American culture tend to (i)______ classical music is
understandable. In our own time, American’s musical high culture has degenerated into
a formulaic entertainment divorced from the contemporary moment. Thus, to miss out
on what our orchestras are up to is not to (ii)______ much. In the late Gilded Age,
however, music was widely esteemed as the “queen of the arts.” Classical music was in
its American heyday, (iii)______ the culture at large.


(A) promote
(B) reinterpret
(C) ignore

(D) sacrifice
(E) appreciate
(F) malign
(G) antagonistic toward
(H) generally rejected by
(I) centrally embedded in
6. The serious study of popular culture by intellectuals is regularly credited with
having rendered obsolete a once-dominant view that popular culture is inherently
inferior to high art. Yet this alteration of attitudes may be somewhat (i)______.
Although it is now academically respectable to analyze popular culture, the fact that
many intellectuals feel compelled to rationalize their own (ii)______ action movies or
mass-market fiction reveals, perhaps unwittingly, their continued (iii)______ the old
hierarchy of high and low culture.
Blank(i) Blank(ii)

(A) counterproductive
(B) underappreciated
(C) overstated

(D) penchant for
(E) distaste for
(G) aversion to
(H) investment in
(I) misunderstanding of (F) indifference to

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 2 of 2
For each of Questions 7 to 12, select one answer choice unless otherwise directed.
Question 7 and 8 is based on this passage.
Despite hypotheses ranging from armed conflict to climate change, the
abandonment of more than 600 Pueblo cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde by A.D. 1300 still
puzzles archaeologists. Researchers analyzing refuse from one Pueblo community
found remains of maize—a Pueblo crop—in 44 percent of samples from years when
the community flourished, but in only 10 percent of samples from years near the time
of depopulation, while the remains of wild plants increased significantly.
Bones found in the samples showed that the consumption of domesticated
turkeys- which were fed maize—decreased from 55 to 14 percent, while there was a
marked increase in wild-animal bones. These data suggest that near the end of the site’s
occupation, villagers experienced substantial food shortage and adopted hunting-and-
gather strategies to compensate for crop failure.

7. According to the passage, which of the following is likely true regarding the
consumption of wild plants in the Pueblo community investigated by researchers?
(A) It decreased dramatically as the settlement began to decline.
(B) It significantly affected the food supply of wild animals living nearby.
(C) It increased as domesticated sources of food declined.
(D) It represented a continuation of centuries-old traditions.
(E) It fell markedly as the consumption of wild animals increased.

8. The researched described in the passage most clearly supports which of the
following claims about the abandonment of Mesa Verde?
(A) It likely resulted from factors affecting crop viability.
(B) It was more extensive than had previously been documented
(C) It may have been hastened by the abundance of wild animals in the area.
(D) It has been misdated by previous archaeological research.
(E) it happened more rapidly in certain Pueblo communities than in others.

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 2 of 2
Questions 9 to 10 are based on this passage.
Although it is intuitively dear that an increase in antipredator behavior lowers
animal’s risk of predation when predators are present, such benefits are not easily
demonstrated. One study that did so found that well-fed guppies arc more alert for
predators and are consequently less likely to be killed than are their hungry
counterparts, which feed with greater intensity. It is also well documented that a
decrease in activity lowers an animal’s risk of predation by reducing the probability of
being detected or encountered by a predator. This effect was convincingly
demonstrated by a study in which it was found that partially anesthetized tadpoles were
less likely to be captured by dragonfly larvae than were unanesthetized tadpoles.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
9. It can be inferred that the guppy study and the tadpole study, as they are described
in the passage, differed in which of the following ways?
(A) The animals less likely to become the victims of predators were the more active
ones in the guppy study but were the less active ones in the tadpole study.
(B) The animals less likely to become the victims of predators were those more alert
to their surroundings in the guppy study but were the less alert ones in the tadpole
(C) The situation created experimentally for the guppy study would be more likely to
occur in the wild than would the situation created for the tadpole study.

10. In the context indicated, “demonstrated” most nearly means
(A) explained
(B) presented
(C) shown
(D) protested
(E) justified

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 2 of 2
Question 11 and 12 are based on this passage.
Since the 1980s, experts have been claiming that the skill demands of today’s jobs
have outstripped the skills workers possess. Moss and Tilly counter that worker
deficiencies lie less in job-specific skills than in such attributes as motivation,
interpersonal skills, and appropriate work demeanor. However, Handel suggests that
these perceived deficiencies are merely an age effect, arguing that workers pass
through a phase of early adulthood characterized by weak attachment to their jobs. As
they mature, workers grow out of casual work attitudes and adjust to the workplace
norms of jobs that they are more interested in retaining. Significantly, complaints
regarding younger workers have persisted for over two decades, but similar complaints
regarding older workers have no grown as the earlier cohorts aged.

11. The passage suggest that Moss and Tilly are most likely to disagree with the
“experts” about which of the following?
(A) Whether the skills demanded by jobs in the labor market have changed since the
(B) Whether employers think that job-specific skills are as important as such attributes
as motivation and appropriate work demeanor.
(C) Whether workers in today’s labor market generally live up to the standards and
expectations of employers.
(D) Whether adequate numbers of workers in the labor market possess the particular
skills demanded by various different jobs.
(E) Whether most workers are motivated to acquire new skills that are demanded by
the labor market.

12. The last sentence serves primarily to
(A) suggest that worker deficiencies are likely to become more pronounced in the
(B) introduce facts that Handel may have failed to take into account
(C) cite evidence supporting Handel’s argument about workers
(D) show that the worker deficiencies cited by Handel are more than an age effect
(E) distinguish certain skills more commonly possessed by young workers from skills
more commonly found among mature workers.

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 2 of 2
For questions 13 to 16, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete
the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed
sentences that are alike in meaning.
13. Britain is attractive to worldwide advertisers because it is ______ market, so there
is no need to tailor advertisements for different parts of the country.
(A) a global
(B) an uncomplicated
(C) a vast
(D) a homogeneous
(E) a uniform
(F) an immense

14. The band’s long-standing strategy of laying leisurely explorations atop a steady
funk beat has proven to be surprisingly ______: a concert in Cologne from 1972
sounds as if it could have taken place today.
(A) fortuitous
(B) foresighted
(C) prescient
(D) popular
(E) serendipitous
(F) lucrative

15. Factory production made an absence of imperfections so blandly commonplace
that the ______ of hand-produced goods were now cherished where they once might
have been shunned.
(A) advantages
(B) revivals
(C) benefits
(D) pretentious
(E) blemishes
(F) defects

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 2 of 2
16. Through its state associations, the American Medical Association controlled who
could become a physician and dominated ______ professions like nursing and
occupational therapy.
(A) commensurate
(B) proportionate
(C) kindred
(D) affiliated
(E) imperative
(F) voluntary

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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 2 of 2
For each of Questions 17 to 20, select one answer choice unless otherwise directed.
Questions 17 to 20 are based on this passage.
In the early twentieth century, the idea that pianists should be musician-scholars
whose playing reflected the way composers wanted their music to sound replaced the
notion that pianists should be virtuosos whose performances thrilled audiences with
emotional daring and showy displays of technique. One important figure to emerge in
the period, though a harpsichordist rather than a pianist, was Wanda Landowska(1879-
1959). She demonstrated how the keyboard works of Baroque composers such as Bach,
Handel, Scarlatti, and Couperin probably sounded in their own times. It would be a
mistake to consider Landowska a classicist, however. She had been born in an age of
Romantic playing dominated by Liszt, Leschetizky, and their pupils. Thus she grew up
with and was influenced by certain Romantic traditions of performance, whatever the
stringency of her musical scholarship; Landowska knew how to hold audiences
breathless, and when she gave recitals, they responded with deathlike silence and rapt
Her playing was Romantic, but it was at least as close in spirit to the style of
playing intended by composers of the Baroque(1600-1750) and Classical (1750-1830)
eras, as have been the more exacting but less emotionally resonant interpretations of
most harpsichordists since Landowska. She had a miraculous quality of touch, a
seemingly autonomous left hand; no artist in her generation could clarify with such
deftness the polyphonic writing of the Baroque masters. And none could make their
music so spring to life.
Her achievements were the result of a lifetime of scholarship, truly remarkable
physical gifts, and resilient rhythm, all combined with excellent judgment about when
not to hold the printed note sacrosanct. Of course, developing such judgment
demanded considerable experience and imagination. She was a genius at underlining
the dramatic and emotional content of a piece, and to do so, she took liberties, all kinds
of liberties, while nevertheless preserving the integrity of a composer’s score. In short,
her entire musical approach was Romantic: intensely personal, full of light and shade,
never pedantic.
Thanks to Landowska, Bach’s music (originally composed for the harpsichord)
now sounded inappropriately thick when played on the piano. One by one, pianists
stopped playing Bach’s music as adapted for the piano by Liszt or by Tausig. Then they
gradually stopped performing any kind of Baroque music on the piano, even Scarlatti’s.
The piano repertoire, it began to be felt, was extensive enough without reverting to
transcriptions of Baroque music originally written for the harpsichord- and piano
performances of Bach and Scarlatti were, despite the obvious similarities between the
harpsichord and the piano, transcriptions, no matter how faithfully the original notes
were played. In accordance with this kind of purism came an emphasis on studying
composers’ manuscript notations, a relatively new field of musicology that is
flourishing even today.
17. The passage suggests that Landowska’s playing embodied a rejection of which of
the following?
(A) Emotionally resonant interpretations of musical works.
(B) An audience’s complete silence during a performance.
(C) Performances of previously obscure Baroque works.
(D) The idea that a performer can correctly judge when not to hold the printed note
(E) Performances emphasizing showy displays of technique that compromise the
integrity of a composer’s original score.
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GRE Mock Test 2: Section 2 of 2
18. which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the compositions
(A) They were adapted by Liszt and Tautig.
(B) They have not been transcribed faithfully.
(C) They were not composed during the Baroque period.
(D) They were composed for instruments other than piano.
(E) They fell out of favor with most musicians in the early twentieth century.

19. The passage suggests that Landowska would probably have objected most
strongly to which of the following?
(A) A performance of Bach keyboard piece played on the harpsichord.
(B) A performance of a Handel organ piece on a Baroque pipe organ.
(C) A modern composition written for a harpsichord and two pianos.
(D) A piano solo in which the performer occasionally depart from the tempo indicated
by the composer.
(E) A performance of a piano and violin sonata in which the piano part U played on
the harpsichord.

20. The author’s assertion that Landowska should not be considered a classicist serves
primarily to emphasize which of the following?
(A) Landowska specialized in playing the works of composers of the Baroque era.
(B) Landowska’s repertoire included orchestral music only.
(C) Landowska’s musical performances were not devoid of emotion.
(D) Landowska’s repertoire emphasized works of long- lasting interest and value.
(E) Landowska advocated the study of Classical style or form.

STOP. This is the end of Section 2.
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GRE Mock Test 3

Graduate Record Examination
Mock Test 3

2 Verbal Reasoning Sections
Time: 60 minutes

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GRE Mock Test 3: Section 1 of 2
Verbal Reasoning
Time—30 minutes
20 Questions
For questions 1 to 6, select one entry for each blank from the corresponding
column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.
1. The name of the Sloane Matthew Library has long been ______ even longtime
city residents assume it is a run-of-the-mill library, never suspecting what art treasures
it contains.
A. reversed
B. proposed
C. misleading
D. elevated
E. intriguing

2. although economic growth has conventionally been viewed as the ______ for
poverty in underdeveloped regions, this prescriptions’ negative environmental side
effects a re becoming a concern.
A. culprit
B. recipe
C. panacea
D. explanation
E. refuge

3. even as the economy struggled, the secretary stood by his ______ long-term
outlook, saying that technology was allowing business to make deep-rooted
improvements in their productivity, the best indicator of an economy’s ability to grow
A. arcane
B. sanguine
C. equivocal
D. ambivalent
E. irresolute

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GRE Mock Test 3: Section 1 of 2
4. The villas and compounds that proliferated during the building boom of the 1990s
were (i)______, far too (ii)______ for people of average means.

(A) opulent
(B) eclectic
(C) enigmatic

(D) bucolic
(E) expensive
(F) mundane
5. The governor has considerable political talents, but as a speaker he is far less
(i)______ than his opponent, whose oratorical skills are (ii)______.

(A) adroit (D) unpretentious
(E) spurious
(F) breathtaking
(B) unconvincing
(C) prolix

6. There is no point in combing through the director’s work for hints of ideological
significance. It is unnecessary: his ideology — Marxist, anti-imperialist, aligned with
the perceived interests of the powerless and the marginal — is the (i)______ of his
films. The clarity and force of that ideology are considerable, but its (ii)______
sometimes bothers critics, who often scold the director for lacking (iii)______.


(A) hidden focus
(B) chief impetus
(C) murky lesson

(D) bluntness
(E) obscurity
(F) feebleness

(G) lucidity
(H) subtlety
(I) courage
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GRE Mock Test 3: Section 1 of 2
For each of Questions 7 to 12, select one answer choice unless otherwise directed.
Question 7 is based on this passage.
Despite a dramatic increase in the number of people riding bicycles for recreation
in Parkville, a recent report by the Parkville Department of Transportation shows that
the number of accidents involving bicycles has decreased for the third consecutive

7. Which of the following, if true during the last three years, best reconciles the
apparent discrepancy in the facts?
(A) The Parkville Department of Recreation confiscated abandoned bicycles and sold
them at auction to any interested Parkville residents.
(B) Increased automobile and bus traffic in Parkville had been the leading cause of the
most recent increase in automobile accidents.
(C) Because of the local increase in the number of people bicycling for recreation,
many out-of-town bicyclists ride in the Parkville area.
(D) The Parkville Police Department enforced traffic rules for bicycle riders much
more vigorously and began requiring recreational riders to pass a bicycle safety course.
(E) The Parkville Department of Transportation canceled a program that required all
bicycles to be inspected and registered each year.

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GRE Mock Test 3: Section 1 of 2
Question 8 to 10 are based on this passage.
What makes a worker ant perform one particular task rather than another? From
the 1970s to the mid-1980s, researchers emphasized internal factors within individual
ants, such as polymorphism, the presence in the nest of workers of different shapes and
sizes, each suited to a particular task. Other elements then considered to have primary
influence upon an ant’s career were its age-it might change tasks as it got older-and its
genetics. However, subsequent ant researchers have focused on external prompts for
behavior. In advocating this approach, Deborah Gordon cites experiments in which
intervention in a colony’s makeup perturbed worker activity. By removing workers or
otherwise altering the nest conditions, researchers were able to change the tasks
performed by individual workers.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
8. According to the passage, which of the following factors were considered from
the 1970s to the mid-1980s to influence the division of labor among a colony’s worker
(A) Ants’ inherited traits
(B) The age of the ants
(C) The ants’ experiences outside the nest

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
9. It can be inferred from the passage that Gordon and earlier researchers would
agree with which of the following statements about worker ants?
(A) Disruption of the nest can affect workers’ roles.
(B) Genetics predominates over other factors in determining a worker ant’s role.
(C) An individual worker’s tasks can change during its lifetime.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
10. The last sentence has which of the following functions in the passage?
(A) It explains how the experiments performed by Gordon differed from those
performed by earlier researchers.
(B) It justifies the methodology of the experiments cited by Gordon.
(C) It gives details showing how the experiments cited by Gordon support her
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GRE Mock Test 3: Section 1 of 2
Questions 11 and 12 are based on this passage.
This passage is adapted from material published in 2001.
In 1998 scientists using the neutrino detector in Kamioka, Japan, were able to
observe several thousand neutrinos—elusive, tiny subatomic particles moving at nearly
the speed of light and passing through almost everything in their path. The Kamioka
findings have potentially far-reaching ramifications. They strongly suggest that the
neutrino hat mass, albeit an infinitesimal amount. Even a tiny mass means that
neutrinos would outweigh all the universe’s visible matter, because of their vast
numbers. The findings also suggest that a given neutrino does not have one stable mass
or one stable identity; instead it oscillates from one identity or “flavor” (physicists’
term describing how neutrinos interact with other particles) to another. This oscillation
may explain why, although the Sun is a large source of neutrinos, detectors capture far
fewer solar neutrinos than the best theory of solar physics predicts: the neutrinos may
be changing to flavors undetectable by detectors. Finally, while the standard particle-
physics model—which describes all matter in terms of twelve fundamental particles
and four fundamental forces—does not allow for neutrinos with mass, there are
theories that do. Further experiments to confirm that neutrinos have mass could help
physicists determine which, if any. of these theories is correct.

11. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) evaluate the merits of a particular theory in light of new evidence
(B) discuss scientists’ inability to account for certain unexpected discoveries
(C) point out certain shortcomings in a long-standing theory
(D) compare several alternative explanations for a particular phenomenon
(E) consider some implications of certain scientific findings

12. According to the passage, one significant implication of the discovery that
neutrinos have mass is that such a discovery would
(A) cast doubt on the solar origins of many of the neutrinos that reach Earth
(B) help to establish the validity of the standard particle-physics model
(C) indicate that most of the visible matter of the universe is composed of neutrinos
(D) entail that the total weight of all the visible matter in the universe is less than that
of all the neutrinos in the universe
(E) mean that the speed with which neutrinos normally move can be slowed by certain
types of matter

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GRE Mock Test 3: Section 1 of 2
For questions 13 to 16, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete
the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed
sentences that are alike in meaning.
13. In a strong indication of the way the entire party is ______ the candidate with
moderate credentials, the outspokenly conservative former mayor of a major city has
promised to raise a substantial amount of money for the candidate’s campaign.
(A) rallying behind
(B) incensed over
(C) undecided about
(D) mortified over
(E) embarrassed about
(F) coalescing around

14. Mr. Hirsch says he will aim to preserve the foundation’s support of ______
thinkers, individuals who are going against the trends in a field or an acknowledged set
of opinions.
(A) iconoclastic
(B) integrative
(C) doctrinaire
(D) heterodox
(E) dogmatic
(F) synthesizing

15. In France cultural subsidies are ______: producers of just about any film can get
an advance from the government against box-office receipts, even though most such
loans are never fully repaid.
(A) ubiquitous
(B) invaluable
(C) sporadic
(D) scanty
(E) questionable
(F) omnipresent

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GRE Mock Test 3: Section 1 of 2
16. The problem of avoiding duplicate names—such as for Internet domain names or
for e-mail—is particularly______ when the name has to fit into a format that allows
only a finite number of possibilities.
(A) meager
(B) acute
(C) agreeable
(D) severe
(E) beneficial
(F) productive

For each of Questions 17 to 20, select one answer choice unless otherwise directed.
Question 17 is based on the passage.
Mayor: Four years ago, when we reorganized the city police department in order
to save money, critics claimed that the reorganization would make the police less
responsive to citizens and would thus lead to more crime. The police have compiled
theft statistics from the years following the reorganization that show that the critics
were wrong. There was an overall decrease in reports of thefts of all kinds, including
small thefts.

17. Which of the following, if true, most seriously challenges the mayor’s argument?
(A) When city police are perceived as unresponsive, victims of theft are less likely to
report thefts to the police.
(B) The mayor’s critics generally agree that police statistics concerning crime reports
provide the most reliable available data on crime rates.
(C) In other cities where police departments have been similarly reorganized, the
numbers of reported thefts have generally risen following reorganization.
(D) The mayor’s reorganization of the police department failed to save as much
money as it was intended to save.
(E) During the four years immediately preceding the reorganization, reports of all
types of theft had been rising steadily in comparison to reports of other crimes.

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GRE Mock Test 3: Section 1 of 2
Question 18 to 20 are based on this passage.
The binary planet hypothesis—that Earth and the Moon formed simultaneously by
the accretion of smaller objects—does not explain why the Moon’s iron core is so
small relative to the Moon’s total volume, compared with Earth’s core relative to
Earth’s total volume. According to the giant-impact hypothesis, the Moon was created
during a collision between Earth and a large object about the size of Mars. Computer
simulations of this impact show that both of the objects would melt in the impact and
the dense core of the impactor would fall as molten rock into the liquefied iron core of
Earth. The ejected matter—mantle rock that had surrounded the cores of both objects—
would be almost devoid of iron. This matter would become the Moon.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
18. According to the passage, the binary planet hypothesis holds that
(A) Earth and the Moon were formed at the same time.
(B) smaller objects joined together to form the Earth and the Moon
(C) the Moon’s core is the same absolute size as Earth’s core

19. The giant-impact hypothesis as described in the passage answers all of the
following questions EXCEPT:
(A) What happened to the rock that surrounded the impactor’s core after the impactor
hit Earth?
(B) What happened to the impactor’s core after the impactor hit Earth?
(C) Where did the impactor that collided with Earth originate?
(D) Why is the Moon’s iron core small relative to that of Earth?
(E) What was the size of the impactor relative to the Mars?

20. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
(A) The development of one theory into another is outlined.
(B) Two explanations are provided, both of which are revealed as inadequate.
(C) A theory is presented, and then evidence that undermines that theory is discussed.
(D) Similarities and differences between two theories are described.
(E) A flawed hypothesis is introduced, and then an alternative hypothesis is presented.

STOP. This is the end of Section 1.
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GRE Mock Test 3: Section 2 of 2
Verbal Reasoning
Time—30 minutes
20 Questions
For questions 1 to 6, select one entry for each blank from the corresponding
column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.
1. In searching for norms in the sense of authoritative standards of what ought to be,
rather than in the sense of what is average and thus can be considered normal,
normative ethics aims to ______.
(A) predict
(B) mitigate
(C) question
(D) dictate
(E) personalize

2. In his unexpurgated autobiography, Mark Twain commented freely on the flaws
and foibles of his country, making some observations so ______ that his heirs and
editors feared they would damage Twain’s reputation if not withheld.
(A) buoyant
(B) acerbic
(C) premonitory
(D) laudatory
(E) temperate

3. That the artist chose to remain in his hometown does not mean that he remained
(i)______; on the contrary, he (ii)______the international artistic movements of his

(A) provincial
(B) capricious
(C) obstinate

(D) knew nothing about
(E) made light of
(F) kept abreast of

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