
2020年07月30日 16:21


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142 ⼈

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一 问答题
试题1满分值:0.0分 状态:已答 实际得分:分
How do regulators help to ensure the soundness of financial intermediaries?
Answer: Regulators restrict who can set up a financial intermediary, conduct regular examinations, restrict
assets, and provide insurance to help ensure the soundness of financial intermediaries.
the government has implemented six types of regulations.
Restrictions on Entry . Disclosure . Restrictions on Assets and Activities.
Deposit Insurance.
limits on Competition.
Restrictions on Interest rate.
试题2满分值:0.0分 状态:已答 实际得分:分
Because there is an imbalance of information in a lending situation, we must deal with the problems of
adverse selection and moral hazard. Define these terms and explain how financial intermediaries can reduce
these problems.
Answer: Adverse selection is the asymmetric information problem that exists before the transaction occurs.
For lenders, it is the difficulty in judging a good credit risk from a bad credit risk. Moral hazard is the
asymmetric information problem that exists after the transaction occurs. For lenders, it is the difficulty in
making sure the borrower uses the funds appropriately. Financial intermediaries can reduce adverse selection
through intensive screening and can reduce moral hazard by monitoring the borrower.
Adverse selection is the problem created by asymmetric information before the transaction occurs.
Moral hazard is the problem created by asymmetric information after the transaction occurs.
They are better equipped than individuals to screen out bad credit risks from good ones, thereby reducing losses due to
adverse selection.
They develop expertise in monitoring the parties they lend to, thus reducing losses due to moral hazard.
试题3满分值:0.0分 状态:已答 实际得分:分

Distinguish between a foreign bond and a Eurobond.
Answer: A foreign bond is sold in a foreign country and priced in that country’s currency. A Eurobond is
sold in a foreign country and priced in a currency that is not that country’s currency.
Foreign bonds are sold in a foreign country and are denominated in that country’s currency.
Eurobond denominated in a currency other than that of the country in which it is sold.
试题4满分值:0.0分 状态:已答 实际得分:分
Describe the two methods of organizing a secondary market.
Answer: A secondary market can be organized as an exchange where buyers and sellers meet in one central
location to conduct trades. An example of an exchange is the New York Stock Exchange. A secondary
market can also be organized as an over-the-counter market. In this type of market, dealers in different
locations buy and sell securities to anyone who comes to them and is willing to accept their prices. An
example of an over-the-counter market is the federal funds market.
Brokers match buyers with sellers of securities.
Dealers link buyersand sellers by buying and selling securities at stated prices.
试题5满分值:0.0分 状态:已答 实际得分:分
Corporations receive funds when their stock is sold in the primary market. Why do corporations pay attention
to what is happening to their stock in the secondary market?
Answer: The existence of the secondary market makes their stock more liquid and the price in the secondary
market sets the price that the corporation would receive if they choose to sell more stock in the primary
existence of the secondary market makes their stock more liquid and the price in the secondary
market sets the price that the corporation would receive if they choose to sell more stock in the
primary market.
试题6满分值:0.0分 状态:已答 实际得分:分
Distinguish between direct finance and indirect finance. Which of these is the most important source of funds
for corporations in the United States?

Answer: With direct finance, funds flow directly from the lendersaver to the borrower. With indirect
finance, funds flow from the lendersaver to a financial intermediary who then channels the funds to the
borrowerinvestor. Financial intermediaries (indirect finance) are the major source of funds for corporations
in the U.S.
In direct finance , borrowers borrow funds directly from lenders in financial markets by selling them securities.
Financial markets are essential to promoting economic efficiency.
Thus indirect finance in most important.







