
2020年07月30日 16:22


Is Weather Getting Worse?

Weather seems getting worse and wilder since "Mother Nature is full of surprises these days". Global warming, a heated topic of today, is often taken for granted to be responsible for the harsh weather. However, scientists, like Kevin E. Trenberth, are cautious in making their judgment. Please read the following article and find out what role El Niňo and La Niňa play.


As you read this, flip your eyes over to the window. The sky is clear, the wind light, and the sun brilliant. Or maybe not - Mother Nature is full of surprises these days. The calendar says it's spring, but there could just as easily be a winter blizzard, a summer swelter, or an autumn cold snap on the other side of that glass pane. Almost in an instant, it seems, the weather shifts from one season to another. And wherever it swings, it seems increasingly likely to be extreme.

当你阅读本文时,请把目光轻快地投向窗外。天空澄净,微风轻拂,日光明媚。也许并不是这样——这些日子, 大自然母亲充满着意想不到的事情。日历上说现在是春天,但窗外完全可能是一场冬季的暴风雪,一阵夏日的酷暑或一股秋天的寒流。几乎是在一瞬之间,气候就好象从一个季节转到了另一个季节。而且不管天气转向何方,它看起来变得越来越极端。

Consider what Mother Nature slung our way last year in May, typically the second worst month for tornadoes. In less than 24 hours, more than 70 hellholes of wind rampaged through Oklahoma and Kansas, killing 49 and causing more than $$1 billion in damages. In June, it was heat, as the Northeast began roasting through weeks of the worst drought since the 1960s; 256 people died. This year in January, blizzards pounded the U.S. from Kansas to the Atlantic Ocean. In April, 25 inches of snow fell on parts of New England.

想想看去年五月大自然母亲都给我们带来了些什么,那是第二个遭受龙卷风袭击最严重的月份。在不到二十四小时之内,七十多个“地狱”风暴在俄克拉何马和堪萨斯州横行肆虐,造成49人死亡以及十多亿美元的损失。六月,天气酷热,东北部连续几周在热浪下炙烤,遭受了自六十年代以来最严重的旱情,256人丧生。今年一月,暴风雪横扫美国,从堪萨斯州直至大西洋沿岸。四月,新英格兰部分地区下的雪厚达二十五英 吋。

Why has our weather gone wild? It's the question everyone's asking, but a very tough one to ans
wer. Although many scientists still aren't convinced that it has gone wild, some have begun saying - cautiously, hesitantly - that extreme weather events are occurring with more frequency than at any time in this century, events consistent with the profile of a warming world. "Global warming is real," says Kevin E. Trenberth, head of the Climate Analysis Section of the Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. "The mean temperatures are going up. The key question is: What will it do locally? I think we're going to start feeling its effects in the changes on extremes."


That doesn't mean you can indict weird weather in your neck of the woods as proof. Mother Nature knows how to hide her tracks. She hurls a torrential downpour today and a drought tomorrow followed by gentle rain the next week. To understand a pattern in natural variability, you can't look into the sky; you have got to study data. And for a host of reasons, that isn't easy.


But tallying up the damage is. In the last 20 years, this country has been whacked by $$I70 billion worth of weather-related disasters - hurricanes, droughts, floods, and tornadoes. Thirty-eight severe weather events occurred in a single decade, between 1988 and 1999; seven events occurred in 1998 alone - the most for any year on record.


Globally, insurance companies are calling it a "catastrophe trend". In a report issued last December, Munich Re, the world's largest reinsurer, or insurer of insurance companies, noted that the number of natural disasters has increased more than fourfold since the 1950s.
Earthquakes, which are not weather-related, caused nearly half the deaths in those catastrophes; storms, floods, and other weather woes killed the other half. In 1999, the number of catastrophes worldwide hit 755, surpassing the record of 702 set only the year before.
从全球范围来看,保险公司把天气变暖称为“灾难趋势”。世界最大的再保险商,即为保险公司提供保险的墨尼黑再保险公司在去年十二月份发行的一份报告中指出,自20世纪50年代以来,自然灾害的数量已经增长了四倍有余。在这些灾难中,和气候无关的地震造成了近一半人的死亡;风暴、洪灾以及其它气候性灾难夺去了另一半人的生命。1999年,全世界的灾难数目达到755起, 超过前一年才创下的702起的记录。

In its five-point list of causes for increased damage claims, Munich Re blamed population growth first, climate change fifth. Critics may well seize upon this to diminish claims that the weather is getting worse, but taken together, it's a more frightening picture. Thanks to swelling populations in cities and along coastal areas, more of Earth's passengers are living in the wrong place at the wrong time.

墨尼黑再保险公司在其列出的索赔要求日益增加的五点原因,认为人口增长首当其冲,天气变化则列在第五。一些批评家也许会紧抓住这一点来 轻视天气正越变越糟的观点,但综合起来考虑,这是幅更可怕的画面。幸亏人口增长主要在城市和沿海地区,更多的“地球过客们”是在不适当的时间住在了不适当的地方。

Still, the statistics meteorologists have collected on extreme weather events aren't enough to prove that the weather is getting worse. By their very definition, extreme events happen infrequently, and no one has been collecting scientifically sound data long enough to know how common they are. For example, a storm that happens once a century might require two millennia's worth of storm data to draw conclusions. To top it off, the computer models scientists use to study climate crunch numbers on a scale of centuries at a time. "Ideally, you'd like data sets that go back several hundred years," says Philip Arkin, deputy director of the International Research Institute for Climate Prediction at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in New York. "But they just don't exist. The U.S. data go back 50 years. Before World War II, it's very difficult to come up with good numbers. We have some data on heavy rain events before 1900, but there's nothing useful."

尽管这样,气象学家收集的有关极端性气候事件的统计数据,还不足以证实天气正越变越糟。根据他们的定义,极端性气候事件并不经常发生,而没有人收集的可靠的科学数据 ,在时间上长到足以弄清极端性气候事件怎样的频率才算正常的问题。例如,一场百年一遇的
风暴也许需要两千年间的风暴数据,才能得出结论。为了得出结论,科学家研究气候所用的计算机模型每一次都需要以世纪为级别来处理数据。纽约拉蒙特-多尔蒂地球观测站国际天气预报研究所副主任菲利普?阿尔金说,“理想的状况是,你最好拥有数百年的数据。但根本就没有 这样的数据。美国有五十年前的数据。二战以前则很难弄到理想的数据。我们有一些1900年以前的暴雨灾害的数据,但派不上用场。”

Even if scientists could find good numbers, computer resolution is still too coarse to be able to forecast how something as simple as warming might affect climate in specific spots on the globe. The smallest amount of space on land, sea, ice, and air that scientists can study is about the size of Virginia. If they crank up the resolution by 50 percent to focus on an area half that size, they pay for it in computing time - a calculation that took 10 days to perform might now need three months.


Keith Dixon, a research meteorologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in New Jersey, recalls once he was being asked precisely what global warming would mean for state ski resorts. More snow? (Good.) Or more rain? (Bad.) "I can understand why businesspeople or politicians ask. If you want to cut fuel, spend money, and make decisions, you need to know why you should be doing this." Adds his colleague, Tom Knutson: "I can certainly sympathize with them. But we can't answer it."


Since 1995, the literature has suggested that there could be fewer frosts, more heat waves, more droughts, more intense rainfalls, tropical cyclones, and hurricanes in the 21st century when and if CO2 levels double. But these projections rank low on the confidence scale because scientists cannot say definitively if and how the even
ts might occur.


All of which doesn't do the average citizen much good. He doesn't worry about 30-to-100-year shifts in the climate. What gets him is day-to-day weather: "This heat's killing me." "Crops have failed here five years in a row." "There have been three bad tornadoes in as many weeks." We live in a society uniquely privileged to learn about weather events - and to fear them. The Center for Media and Public Affairs, a watchdog group based in Washington, D.C., reports that media coverage of weather disasters more than doubled from 1997 to 1998 alone.

Probably as a result, people are starting to blame harsh weather on global warming. Politicians are too. Jerry Mahlman, director of the GFDL, advises the White House on climate change. He remembers sitting in a conference with Vice President Gore, who asked: "Can we say that storms will be more extreme in the greenhouse-enhanced earth?" The scientist didn't flinch as he replied, "No." Gore's shoulders seemed to crumple.

Globally, the 1990s stood as the warmest decade for which we have records. Scientists already predict that by 2100, Earth could warm up another 1.8 to 6.3 degrees Fahrenheit. Most of us think heat when we think global warming. Scientists think ice. They're worried about what will happen when all that extra heat hits the ice at Earth's poles. A dominant hypothesis says that the water cycle will speed up: Heat will hasten ocean evaporation, and because hot air can hold more moisture, it could all be whisked away to rain more upon our heads.


Five years ago the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an international collaboration of 2 000 scientists, theorized as much in a well-publicized 56-page report. That same year, a team of scientists led by Tom Karl, now director of the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), studied 80 years of U.S. data and confirmed an increase in extreme precipitation events, altered patterns of rain and drought, and rising temperatures since 1970. But the scientists cautioned that the study analyzed only 80 years of data, confined itself to the United States - which occupies a mere 2 percent of the globe - and found nothing out of the realm of pure chance.


Within months came another, stronger piece of real-world data, nailed down by one of the men caught in that January snowstorm. Sifting through historical data, Trenberth had found that more, longer, and stronger El Niňos have occurred during the last 20 years than in the previous 120 years. That was unusual, a chance of 1 in 2 000. El Niňo, the periodic warming of the equatorial Pacific that induces storms and other climatic events, historically occurs once every three to seven years and lasts for up to two years. But even as Trenberth presented his findings at a conference in Melbourne, Australia, the Pacific was experiencing an odd, double El Niňo: The first had lasted from 1991 to 1993, a weaker one from 1994 to 1995. Trenberth floated an ideal past the audience in his native New Zealand accent: Could this be due to global warming?

几个月之后又得到一份来自现实世界的、更有力的数据,由一位经历了那场一月暴雪的人精确地提供。对历史数据进行筛选后,川伯斯发现过去的20年间,与这之前的120年相比,厄尔尼诺现象发生的次数更多,时间更长,强度更大。这可是不同寻常的1/2000的概率。厄尔尼诺是赤道附近的太平洋周期性变暖现象,引发风暴和其它气 候事件,历史上每三至七年发生一次,持续时间可长达两

The idea, Trenberth modestly recalls, caused something of a stir in the audience. Scientists found themselves wondering: What would happen if one of nature's storm machines - not completely understood but still adhering to rhythms as regular as the seasons - were pressed into service by global warming?

川伯斯谦逊地回忆说,这个观点在听众中引起了一层波澜。科学家们不禁问自己:如果这一自然界中的风暴机器(虽然我们还不完全了解它,但它毕竟象季节一样有规律 地变动)为全球变暖的影响所左右,那么会发生什么?

Archaeological evidence suggests El Niňo has been around for thousands, possibly millions of years. A known instigator of storms, floods, droughts, and secondary effects like fires, the El Niňo-Southern Oscillation could go a long way toward explaining many weather extremes. Under normal circumstances, sea surface temperatures rise in the tropical Pacific, fueling strong thunderstorms. Like a vast climatic mailbag, El Niňo-enhanced activity hand-delivers heat and moisture to parts of the globe where they would not normally go. Contrasting cool ocean currents in the Pacific can usher in the opposite phase, La Nina, which tends to dry out the southwestern and South Central states. La Niňa also makes weather conditions worse but rarely bullies as harshly as El Niňo.

"The Americas are greatly affected by El Niňo," Trenberth says. "Europe is much less affected. If things do become more El Niňo-like, then it does have implications for different parts of the country. It means we're more likely to have storms coming into southern California and going across the south, at least in the winter-time. If 1998 was any indication, you have to really watch out for the seasonal change, where it can go from wet conditions to quite dry conditions when the storm tracks mov
e farther north."


In the early 1990s, El Niňo helped dry Indonesia and other tropical Pacific climate and blister southern Africa, but it drenched California. Together Niňo and Niňa did a number on the Americas. From 1992 to 1993: winter floods in California. In 1993: flooding in the Mississippi Basin, drought in the Carolinas. From 1994 to 1995: more floods in California. In 1996: drought in the South Central states, flooding in the Midwest.

在九十年代早期,厄尔尼诺现象助长了印度尼西亚和其它一些太平洋赤道气候区的干燥天气和发生在南部非洲的庖病,但却给加利福尼亚带来滂沱大雨。厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜联手给美国造成了一系列麻烦。1992年到1993年:冬天加利福尼亚洪水泛滥。1993年:密西西比盆地受淹,南北卡罗来纳州 大旱。1994年至1995年:加利福尼亚涝灾比以往严重。1996年:中南部各州遭受旱灾,中西部遭受洪灾。

The strongest El Niňo on record, from 1997 to 1998, registered water temperatures as high as nine degrees above normal. "A normal, run-of-the-mill El Niňo is about two or three degrees Fahrenheit above normal," says Trenberth. "This one was nine, so it was a real granddaddy in that respect." That was the year Hurricane Mitch left at least 11 000 dead in Central America. The NCDC calls Mitch the deadliest Atlantic hurricane since 1780.

Today Trenberth's hypothesis is high on the agenda in such climate labs as the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg, Germany, and others in England, Australia, Canada, and Japan. Says Lamont-Doherty's Arkin, "It would be hard to talk about extreme weather without considering his work." But Mahlman says: "It's a good hypothesis; there's a shred of truth to it. But it still seems like a coin flip." Reviewing results in his lab in the foothills of the Rockies, Trenberth is the first to poke holes in his own work. "Part of the problem is that all the models tend to give different answers to this qu
estion," he says, "But a lot of these models don't reproduce El Niňo very well in the first place. So the confidence in what they're telling you is undermined."

现在,川伯斯的假说已被诸如普林斯顿大气物理流体动力学实验室、德国汉堡马克斯-普朗克研究所以及其它英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、日本的大气研究试验室列为重要议程。拉蒙特-多赫提研究所的阿尔金说:“不研究他所做的工作,就很难对极端性天气进行探讨。”而马尔曼则认为:“这是个不错的假说,里面有这么一点儿道 理。但看起来仍象抛硬币一样不确定。”川伯斯评论位于落基山脚下的试验室结果时,第一个指出了自己研究工作中的漏洞。他说:“问题的一部分是,所有的模式都倾向于对这一论题提出了不同的解释,但是许多模式首先不能很好地再现厄尔尼诺现象。所以你就对这些模式所告诉你的一切信心不足。”

Still, Trenberth believes we are likely in the coming century to see ever longer El Niňos fluctuating with shorter La Niňas. Weather, including bad weather, might therefore appear to be more fixed. "That's the main thing El Niňo or La Niňa does for you," he says, "It locks the patterns in. So once you get into a dry regime, you stay in a dry regime. If you get into a wet regime, you stay in a wet regime. And so you tend to get these extremes - you get battered by one storm after another. Or else you get dry spells time after time."

然而,川伯斯相信,在即将到来的下个世纪里,更可能的情形是,我们会看到持续时间更长的厄尔尼诺与时间变短的拉尼娜波动发展的状况。天气形态,包括坏天气,因而可能会变得更稳定。他说:“这就是厄尔尼诺或拉尼娜给你带来的主要影响 。”“它把气候形态固定下来。于是,一旦干燥天气占了主导地位,那就一直会是干燥气候,如果受潮湿天气控制,那就一直是湿润天气。所以往往就会出现极端天气————接踵而至的风暴。或者你会一再受干旱侵袭。”

Baltimore residents may recall that they sweltered in last summer's heat wave and drought only to be soaked by Hurricane Floyd whisking through in September. Scientifically, one cannot directly blame that mess on El Niňo or global warming. "It was very regional," Trenberth says, "There are a number of factors that go into that, part of which was La Niňa, part of which was what's going on in lots of other places around the world - except that if it happens more and more in different places around the world, the evidence mounts that something is pushing you in that direction. The global perspective is important with regard to the global warming issue. Just watching things go by locally can help to create the overall picture, but it doesn't confirm it at all."

,去年夏天遭遇热浪和干旱,没想到整个九月却被“弗洛依德”飓风浸泡。科学地说,我们不能把这些直接归咎于厄尔尼诺或全球变暖。川伯斯说:“这完全是区域性的。 这里面有很多因素,部分因素是拉尼娜,部分因素来自世界上其它许多地方发生的事情。除非在世界范围内的不同地方,它发生的频率越来越频繁,积累的证据才会促使你往那个方向考虑。对于地球变暖这个话题,全球范围的视角是重要的。对地域性事件进行观测有助于勾勒出一幅全景图画,但是却并不能证明这图画。”
So, is the weather getting worse and wilder? Maybe. Perhaps the best line on this topic was penned by the director of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. In an article published last year, Mahalman wrote: "For me, the new data...indicate that we appear to be nudging noticeably closer to the ‘smoking gun' demanded by people who require very high levels of proof."

Trenberth regards extreme weather as an analogue, a dry run to the future. And it isn't pretty. Droughts rob us of sustenance and leave us vulnerable to fire. In wet, warm conditions, insects thrive. The United Nation's World Health Organization already reports that mosquitoes carrying malaria and dengue fever have hit new highs in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. In the United States, cycles of rain and drought seven years ago permitted a deadly form of pulmonary hantavirus, carried by mice, to flourish in the Southwest.

川伯斯认为,极端性天气是未来气候的类比和预演。前景并不美妙。干旱抢走了我们赖以生存的东西,使我们容易受火灾袭击。在湿润、温暖的情况下,昆虫会大量孳生。联合国世界卫生组织 已经报告说,携带疟疾和登革热的蚊子数目在拉丁美洲、非洲和亚洲又达新高。在美国,七年一次的旱涝周期循环,使一种由老鼠传播的肺汉滩川病毒在西南部猖獗起来。

Handed a dress rehearsal, perhaps we should use it. We can develop strategies to cope. We can cultivate an interest in the weather outside of our commutes. And we can shake the habit of sampling locally and extrapolating globally.

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