
2020年07月30日 17:06


Have you got the feeling of acquaintance?

Have you ever experienced this: the scene at the moment seems to be familiar all of sudden? You know very well all the details, even the scene it is going to happen next. However, it is not often the case in reality. The theory to explain this phenomenon in modern science is far from satisfaction. According to the survey, two thirds of the adults have experienced acquaintance once. Those with fancy may have more peculiar experience; those traveling in other places may be easier to experience that than those staying at home. Is that our illusion or the real memory?

Have you ever experienced similar acquaintance with somebody, someplace or some space? Where do you think the experience come from? Is it karma or destiny? Talk about your acquaintance.

The Feeling of Acquaintance

Though always transformed into a metaphor, the feeling of acquaintance is so wonderful that it sometimes makes us felt called to what happens in our subconscious world. It continues to generate public interest despite the fact that some may raise doubts about its ins and outs. Actually, it is not that difficult to bring the feeling to a convincing ground. Every single man of us is a mixture of rational and emotional being. In most cases, we like to utilize our rational part to reason logically, while occasionally, the emotional part will exert certain influence in our judgment, which leads to the result of why we sometimes cannot explain it fully and satisfactorily, but instead, substitute our explanation only with “I feel that…” I also was struck with the feeling several times. I just accept that, for I couldn’t explain how it can be otherwise. Like those like-minded, I am often acquainted with some people and some scenes with a tone of reminiscence, which indeed disquiet my life for a certain period of time.
When this airy feeling occasionally occurs to us, that’s ok. But if you have the feeling on a daily basis, it is time to sound the alarm. It means you’re approaching to the onset of old age that has become almost an obsession. This frequent Platonic idea is a distinct indicator that you’re hyp
ersensitive since a little spark can light the fire of your memory. Therefore, it must be curtailed and it’s essential to figure out there’s a world of difference between reality and the virtual world, without which, you’ll certainly be struck with a blow from the 3-D world.
Although this feeling is often under fire from all quarters, we should cherish it, of course, within limits. When weighed fairly, it can add an exceptionally good sense of milieu to our life. The modern life becomes suffocating in terms of its tempo and pressure. What we are meant to do every day is to bury ourselves in a wealth of information and strive to be promoted materially. We get more and more unaware of what life should be to us. The feeling of acquaintance can help us remain a sense of romance in our heart which allows ourselves to value those precious self-pitying illusions. In our imaginary world, we may try on different selves to give multi-faceted interpretations to the so-called real modern world. It serves as a doubt-repressor as our soul can be freely bathed in the cleansing waters of purity, and finally, we get well spiritually promoted.







