2020年07月30日 17:21
AT-GPIB/TNT(PnP) - NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.2, adds support
for the AT-GPIB/TNT(PnP) interface.
PCI Express(TM) Interface for GPIB - NI-488.2 for Windows, Version
2.2, adds support for the PCI Express(TM) Interface for GPIB.
Power Management - NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.2, adds the EPWR
error code. This error indicates that the interface lost power.
This may occur when the system goes to standby or hibernate mode.
The NI-488.2 driver attempts to prevent the system from going to
standby or hibernate if there is an application with an open NI-488.2
.NET Support - National Instruments provides two interfaces for
developing GPIB-based applications in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003 or later:
1) the native .NET API and
2) the NI-488.2 wrapper interface.
We recommend the native .NET API as the preferred method of developing
GPIB .NET applications because of its superior integration into the
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET IDE. The native .NET API can be installed
from the NI-488.2 CD by selecting it from the custom installation
section. It is installed in the "National InstrumentsMeasurement
Studio" sub-directory. Full integrated help for this API is available
inside the Visual Studio .NET environment. The NI-488.2 wrapper
interface can be found on the CD in the "Microsoft .NET Language
Interface" directory.
New ibask option - NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.2, adds the
IbaSerialNumber option to ibask. This allows customers to query the
serial number of the board that they are using. The ibask call will
return a 32-bit serial number for supported interfaces. The driver
will return with ERR bit set in ibsta, and iberr set to ECAP for
unsupported interfaces. This feature is not supported with the Visual
Basic language interface. The VB language interface for ibask does
not handle unsigned 32-bit numbers.
Older National Instruments PCMCIA-GPIB devices would not enumerate
properly with the 2.1 driver. This has been fixed.
The driver would sometimes not call the ibnotify callback, or call the
ibnotify callback improperly when waiting for RQS. This has been
The driver would hang if a device-level ibconfig was called with
IbcSPollTime, IbcPAD, or IbcSAD when an ibnotify call on the same
device descriptor was in progress. This has been fixed.
The driver had a small memory leak when being used by VISA. This has
been fixed.
The GPIB Analyzer application would crash when launched with some
video cards. This has been fixed.
Enabling DOS support worked improperly when logging in as a different
user that it was enabled as. This has been fixed.
Enhancements in Version 2.1
PCMCIA-GPIB - NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.1, adds support for
the PCMCIA-GPIB interface. Following the precedent of Version 2.0
of the driver which unified the dr
iver for the PCI, ENET, and USB
interfaces, this version ensures that those interfaces along with
the PCMCIA-GPIB can function simultaneously with the same driver.
Analyzer - NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.1, supports the GPIB
analyzer portion of the PCI-GPIB+ and PCMCIA-GPIB+ on the Windows
2000 and XP operating systems. This support was previously only
available on Windows NT, 98, and 95.
Enhancements in Version 2.0
Installer - NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, improves the
installation experience for the user.
Windows 2000/XP - In the past, there were separate drivers for
plug-in interface boards (PCI-GPIB, etc.), the GPIB-ENET family,
and the GPIB-USB-A. Only one of these three could be installed and
used at any one time. NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, removes
this restriction. All supported interfaces function simultaneously
with the same driver.
Windows 2000/XP - NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, resolves the
issue that prevents users running the software in USER mode (as
opposed to ADMINISTRATOR mode).
Internationalized Software Support - NI-488.2 for Windows, Version
2.0, offers an improved localized solution in Japanese.
Patent Information
For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to the
appropriate location: Help>>Patents in your software, the
file on your CD, or /patents.