
2020年07月30日 18:06


(For Junior Middle Schools)
Sometime Professor of English Philology
Peking National University

In collaboration with

Senior Assistant, Department of
Phonetics, University College,
London University


1. In the beginning of learning English,use imitation and repetition as the surest ways of getting results.
2. Fight shy of the abstract, theoretical and analytical method of approach(like grammar,translation and phonetic theory).
3. MAKE the students learn whole sentences, and not individual words. Let them absorb the sentences as a whole,with their grammatical structure, pronunciation, intonation and all.
4. Create an atomosphere wherein the students would feel free to try and talk, and not be afraid of making mistakes. If the fear of low marks is an actual hindrance to their freedom of talking, do away with the marks during the practice.
5. It is not sufficient that a student should learn the meaning of individual words; it is much more important that he should learn to use a word at least in one way correctly, Emphasize its proper use in a correct sentence, rather than its abstract meaning.
6. Memory work is just as impiortant in learning a foreign language as in learning ancient Chinese.
7. Encourage talking, All students have a natural desire to talk. Arouse their interest in the subject talk about. When interest has been aroused, and the students feel they want to say something, help them to say it, even if it involves words not in the lessons. Words thus learnt when there is a living need for them will be remembered more vividly.
8. Teaching living English as it is actually spoken by educated Englishmen.


1. Length of Lessons. Allow two days for each of the first lessons, one day for careful reading, imination, explanation, and drill on pronunciation of words, and the other day for questions, oral work, more reading aloud and more drill on pronunciation, spelling and spelling and written work. Take one or two days for the latter lessons, according to the needs and ability of the class. Do thorough work, rather than hurry through the book. Generally, the reading lessons will take two days, while the language lessons may require only day.
2. Teaching the New Lesson. Read the lesson over clearly, and insist on the students reading aloud after the teacher. Utilize imitation to a large extent. Ask some or all students to read individually, correcting individual mistakes. Then also ask the class to read together, in order to give every one
as much opportunity for practice as possible during the hour.
3. Home Assignment. Never assign an entirely new lesson for the students to prepare at home. Assign a few sentences of the lesson already gone over to be copied at home. Assign one or two sentences to be memoried and recited in the next class.
4. Repetition. In the second day’s work, give plenty of chance for the students to speak. Repeat the same question with different students. Count on repetition to insure the students’ mastery of the lesson.
5. Real Oral Work. Make this part of the oral work as real as possible, following of course only the models given in the book. The language lessons are especially constructed to make such a oral discussion with certain limits possible, most of the material being closely related to the students’ immediate surroundings and immediate needs for expression,

(age, action, whereabouts, number, comparison, the lesson, the classroom, etc.). In this sense, the exercise in this bool are merely suggestive. Vary these according to the real situation of the day in order to make the students feel that they are actually saying something, instead of merely repeating the book.

6. Supervised Speaking. Insist on complete sentencens for answers as a general rule, and not detached words and phrases merely. It is impossible to expect too much independence from the students at this stage. Help the students in their efforts to express themselves, rather than wait to detect their mistakes. If mistakes are made, insist on the students saying the sentences again and again, until they succeed in producing a correct and smoth sentence. Make other students repeat the same sentences.
7. Supervised Writing. Have the students do some writing in class, the teachers correcting faulty position of the hand, and giving useful comment and assistance in general.
8. Translation. As variation only, suggest sentences in Chinese for the students to express in English. Question given in English are by far to be preferred to translation, as they give additional chance for the students to hear English and think in English. When translation required, ask for translation of whole complete sentences rather than translation of words, and certainly allow no transliteration. The value of translation consists in showing how differently the same idea may be handled in two languages.
9. Review. Have continual reviews every four or five lessons. The best way of reviewing is to dictate detached sentences from the old lessons, taken away from their old context. Dictate not only the immediately foregoing lessons, but also those of the past weeks or months.
10. Dictation. Have very frequent dictation, for the object of testing the students’ understanding, practising their hearing of English, and testing accuracy of spelling. Detached sentences are to be prefered.
11. Memory Work. Use required memory work as the best means of drilling on
pronunciation and instilling correct models of sentences into the students’ minds. Have one memory sentence for every week to be recited in class. Once in a while, make the students recite a whole lesson or half a lesson. The rhymes in this book are especially adapted to this purpose. Though the repetition, they make excellent pronunciation drills for the students. Insist on a perfect, or almost perfect, pronunciation of the memory work.
12. Pronunciation Marks. Gradually teach the students the different values of “long” and “short” a’s, etc. Ask the students what sound a letter has, as the “a’s” and “o” in “season,” “oo” in “good,” “ar” and “e” in “garden,” “o” in “second,” etc. Constantly refer to the table on pp. 16-17.
13. Phonic Drill. Have occasional phonic drills as suggested in the lessons. Use largely the “look and say” method, avoiding technical terms.
14. Spelling Contests. Once in three or four weeks, have a spelling contest. Divide the class into two groups, each group giving in turn one word for the other group to spell.
15. Substitution Exercises. Use, whenever possible, substitution exercises as suggested in lessons 15,22,84. Suggest the substitute expressions in Chinese, if necessary.
16. Grammar. Teach grammar inductively as the correct and accurate observation of the forms and usage of words. Drill on such forms and usage of words, multiplying examples, without using grammatical terminology as yet in this book.

一、 学英文时须学全句,勿专念单字。学时需把全句语法、语音及强调整个雪莱。
二、 学时不可以识字为足。识字必须兼能用之。凡遇新字,必至少学得该字之一种正确用法。以后见有多种用法,便多记住。
三、 识字不可强记。得其句中用法,自然容易记得。
四、 读英文时须耳目口手并到。耳闻、目见、口讲、手抄,缺一不可。四者备,字句自然容易记得。
五、 “四到”中以口到为主。英语便是英国话,如果不肯开口,如何学得说话?
六、 口讲必须重叠联系,凡习一字一句,必须反复习诵十数次至数十次,到口音纯熟为止。学外国语与学古文同一道理,须以背诵为入门捷径。每课中取一二句背诵之,日久必有大进。
七、 口讲练习有二忌。(一)忌怕羞。学者在课堂上怕羞,则他处更无练习机会。(二)忌想分数。一想到分数,便怕说错;怕说错,便开口不得。最后的胜利者,还是不怕羞、不怕错、充分练习的学生。若得教员随时指正,自然可由多错而少错,由少错而纯正,由纯正而流利,甚至由流利而精通。此是先苦后甘之法。
八、 读书要精。读音拼写,皆需注意。马马虎虎,糊涂了事,不但英文学不好,任何学问亦学


Good morning

1. Good morning.
2. What’s your name?
(What is your name?)
3. And what’s your name?

4. My name is……….Sir.
5. ……….is my name.

6. Say: Here!
7. Say: Good!
8. Say: Morning.
9. Say: Good morning and good-bye.

1. Just teach the students to say the four expressions clearly and correctly:”good morning,” “here,” “good-bye,” “my name is …”.
2. Repeat the question with every student in turn, and ask every one to say “My name is…” correctly.
3. Insist on [iz] for “is,” but “what’s” for[wDts].

my name
your name
no, sir

1. Is your name……?
2. Yes, Sir.
3. No, Sir.

4. Is that your name?
5. Yes, Sir, that’s my name.
6. No, Sir, that’s not my name.
7. No, Sir, that’s his name.
8. What’s his name? (What is his name?)
9. His name’s…….(His name is……)

1. Help the students to write their names in Roman letters.
2. Ask some students to write them on the board, while spelling the words out loud.
3. Purposely make some mistake in asking “Is your name…?” So as to get the negative answer, as in 6&7.
4. Continue to drill on “good morning,” “here,” “good-bye,” as part of the class programme.

1. What’s this?
2. A cock. A cock.
This is a cock.
3. What’s this?
4. A hen. A hen.
This is a hen.
5. What’ s that ?
6. A duck. A duck.
That’ a duck.
7. What’s that?
8. A goose. A goose.
That’ a goose.
9. What’s this word? 11. Spell this word.
10. What’s that word? 12. Spell that word.

For exercise, the teacher should ask the question 1, 3, 5&7, while the students may give answer 2, 4, 6&8 individually. If the teacher can sketch the pictures on the board, he should do so, as it will prove to be of great help.







