2020年07月30日 21:41
In contrast to the way in which the capitalist-imperialiststateserves and enforces the interests of a small ruling groupofexploiters, the New Socialist Republic in North America, withthecontinuing leadership of the Revolutionary Communist Party,basesitself on, and proceeds from, the fundamental interests ofthosemost bitterly exploited and oppressed under the old system,and themasses of people broadly, and provides the means for them toplayan increasingly widening role in the exercise of politicalpowerand the functioning of society in accordance withthoseinterests–in order to carry forward the struggle totransformsociety, with the goal of uprooting and finallyeliminating allopp
ressive and exploitative relations among humanbeings and thedestructive antagonistic conflicts to which theserelations giverise.
This is a process and goal which, fundamentally and in thefinalanalysis, can only be achieved on a global scale, with theadvanceto communism throughout the world. The orientation andprinciplesof this state, as embodied in this Constitution,areinternationalist: While giving due emphasis to meetingthematerial, intellectual and cultural needs of the people withinthisstate, on a continually expanding basis, and to promotingthefurther transformation of this society to continue uprootingsocialinequalities and remaining aspects of exploitation andoppression,the socialist state must give fundamental priority tothe advanceof the revolutionary struggle, and the final goal ofcommunism,throughout the world, and must adopt and carry outpolicies andactions which are in accordance with and give concreteeffect tothis internationalist orientation.
Regardless of differences, even very great andqualitativedifferences, in their political structures, institutionsandguiding principles, all states have a definite socialcontentand class character: they are an expression of theprevailingsocial relations, and most fundamentally the economicrelations(relations of production), which have a decisive andultimatelydetermining role in regard to how the particular societyfunctionsand is organized. The state serves to protect and expandthoserelations and to enforce the interests of the socialgroup–theruling class–which holds the dominant position in society,as aresult of its role in the economy, and in particular itsownershipand control of the major means of production (includingland, rawmaterials and other resources, technology and physicalstructuressuch as factories, and so on). In capitalist society, itis thecapitalist class which holds this dominant position: thegovernmentstructures and processes–and above all the organs ofthestate as an instrument of class rule and suppression(thearmed forces, police, courts and prisons, the executive power,andthe bureaucracies)–are controlled by this capitalist class asameans of exercising its rule over society and its repressionofforces whose interests are in significant opposition to,and/orwhich resist, its rule. In short, all states are aninstrument ofdictatorship–of a monopoly of political power,concentratedas a monopoly of "legitimate" armed force andviolence–exercisedby, and in the interests of, one class oranother. Any democracywhich is practiced in this situation isdemocracy on the terms of,and fundamentally serving the interestsof, the ruling class andits exercise of dictatorship. And it willremain the case thatthere will be a state, and that the state willconstitute adictatorship of one kind or another, serving theinterests of oneruling class or another, so long as society isdivided into classes(and other groups) with interests that arefundamentallyantagonistic–a d
ivision rooted in the underlyingsocial relations,and above all the production relations, whichpredominate in thegiven society.
The New Socialist Republic in North America is, like allstates,a form of dictatorship–the dictatorship oftheproletariat–which means that, in its essential characterandits basic principles, structures, institutions andpoliticalprocesses, it must give expression to and serve thefundamentalinterests of the proletariat, a class whose exploitationis theengine of the accumulation of capitalist wealth and thefunctioningof capitalist society and whose emancipation from itsexploitedcondition can only be brought about through thecommunistrevolution, with its goal of abolishing all relationsofexploitation and oppression and achieving the emancipationofhumanity as a whole. In accordance with this, the governingbodiesand processes of this socialist state, at all levels, mustbevehicles for the furtherance of the communist revolution; and, asakey dimension of this, they must provide the means for thosewhowere exploited and oppressed in the old society–andwereeffectively locked out of the exercise of political power andthegovernance of society, as well as the spheres ofintellectualendeavor and working with ideas overall–to increasinglytake partin these spheres, with the aim of continually transformingsocietyin the direction of communism. All this is given expressionthroughthe principles and provisions, and the institutions,structures andprocesses which are set forth and provided for inthisConstitution.
At the same time, the New Socialist Republic in North Americaisa continuation of the strategic orientation of United Frontunderthe Leadership of the Proletariat, in the conditions of thenewsociety which has been brought into being through therevolutionarystruggle. This means that, while it must be recognizedthat theessential nature, and the basic principles and processes,of thisRepublic are oriented in accordance with the interests oftheproletariat, as a class, in the most fundamental andlargestsense–abolishing all relations of exploitation andoppressionthrough the advance to communism throughout the world–thestruggleto achieve this goal cannot be, and will not be, carriedout simplyby PROLETARIANS, as some idealized "perfect embodiment ofcommunistprinciples," and in some uniform and linear sense. As thenewsynthesis brought forward by Bob Avakian has given emphasis to,theprocess of making revolution, and then continuing the revolutioninthe new socialist state toward the final goal of communism,mustinvolve the active participation of broad ranks of the people,ofdifferent strata, and will proceed through manydifferent"channels," involving many diverse forces among the peoplein manydifferent spheres of human endeavor, not only those moredirectlypolitical or relating more directly, at any given time, tothefunctioning and objectives of the leadership of the revolutionandthe new socialist state; and the orien
tation and aim,consciouslytaken up by growing numbers of the people, must be towork so as toenable all this to contribute, in the final analysis,to thestruggle to further transform society in the directionofcommunism.
In keeping with this orientation and these objectives,theprinciple of "solid core, with a lot of elasticity" mustbeapplied. This means that, on the one hand, there must beacontinually expanding force in society, with therevolutionarycommunist party as its leading element, which isfirmly convincedof the need to advance to communism and deeplycommitted tocarrying forward this struggle, through all thedifficulties andobstacles; and, on the basis of and at the sametime as continuallystrengthening this "solid core," there must beprovision and scopefor a wide diversity of thinking and activity,among peoplethroughout society, "going off in many differentdirections,"grappling and experimenting with many diverse ideas andprogramsand fields of endeavor–and once again all this must be"embraced"by the vanguard party and the "solid core" in an overallsense andenabled to contribute, through many divergent paths, tothe advancealong a broad road toward the goal of communism. Thisorientationand approach is embodied in the Constitution for the NewSocialistRepublic in North America.
The New Socialist Republic in North America is amulti-nationaland multi-lingual state, which is based on theprinciple ofequality between different nationalities and culturesand has asone of its essential objectives fully overcomingnationaloppression and inequality, which was such a fundamentalpart of theimperialist USA throughout its history. Only on thebasis of theseprinciples and objectives can divisions amonghumanity by countryand nation be finally overcome and surpassed anda world communityof freely associating human beings be brought intobeing. Thisorientation is also embodied in the various institutionsof thestate and in the functioning of the government in the NewSocialistRepublic in North America.
The oppression of women arose together with the emergenceofexploitative class divisions among human beings thousands ofyearsago, has been carried forward and become deeply entrenched inallsocieties ruled by exploiting classes, and was a marked featureofthe imperialist United States of America and its dominationandinfluence in the world. Abolishing and uprooting all this is oneofthe most important objectives of the New Socialist RepublicinNorth America. This is expressed not only in full legalequalitybetween women and men, but beyond that in the declaredorientationand policy of this Republic to overcome all "tradition’schains"embodied in traditional gender roles and divisions, and alltheoppressive relations bound up with this, in every sphereofsociety, and to enable women, as fully as men, to take part inandcontribute to every aspect of the struggle to transformsociety,and the world, in order to uproot and abolish all relationsofo
ppression and exploitation and emancipate humanity as awhole.
In an overall sense, and in accordance with the principlesandprovisions of this Constitution, the Revolutionary CommunistPartyprovides leadership to the state and its key sof the Party, at all levels, dedicate themselves toupholding,propagating and implementing the Constitution of theParty as wellas the Constitution of the New Socialist Republic inNorth there are differences between these twoConstitutions–asaspects of the viewpoint, objectives andresponsibilities of Partymembers, embodied in the PartyConstitution, extend beyond what isset forth in the Constitutionfor the New Socialist Republic–thereis a fundamental unity betweenthe principles of the twoConstitutions; the Party, and all itsmembers, are accountable toand may not act in violation of, and onthe contrary mustconsistently act on the basis of and in accordancewith, theConstitution for the New Socialist Republic in NorthAmerica.
As historical experience has demonstrated, socialistsocietywill–for a considerable period of time–contain, and infactregenerate, elements of exploitation, social inequalityandoppression, which have been, unavoidably, inherited from theoldsociety and cannot be uprooted and abolished all at once, orsoonafter the establishment of the socialist state. Further, thereislikely to be a protracted period in which new socialist statescomeinto existence in a situation where they are, to one degreeoranother, encircled by imperialist and reactionary states,whichwill continue to exert significant influence and force, andmayeven occupy a dominant position in the world for some actors will, for a long time, repeatedly give rise toforceswithin socialist society itself, as well as within the partsof theworld still dominated by imperialism and reaction, whichwillattempt to overthrow any socialist states that exist andrestorecapitalism there. And historical experience has alsodemonstratedthat, as a result of these contradictions, forces willemergewithin the vanguard party itself, including at its toplevels,which will fight for lines and policies that will actuallylead tothe undermining of socialism and the restoration ofcapitalism. Allthis underscores the importance of continuing therevolution withinsocialist society, and of doing so in the overallframework of therevolutionary struggle throughout the world andwith theinternationalist orientation of giving fundamental priorityto theadvance of this worldwide struggle toward the achievementofcommunism, which is only possible on a world scale–andtheimportance of struggle within the party itself, as well asinsociety as a whole, to maintain and strengthen therevolutionarycharacter and role of the party, in keeping withitsresponsibilities to act as the leadership of thecontinuingrevolution toward the final goal of communism, and todefeatattempts to transform the party into its opposite, into avehicle
for the restoration of the old, exploitative andoppressivesociety.
With the final abolition of class divisions and allotherexploitative and oppressive relations among people, throughouttheworld, there will still remain a need for government, in thesenseof providing an organized framework for decision-making andtheadministration of the common affairs of the human beings whomakeup society, on its various levels, and for the pursuitbyindividuals and groups within society of theirparticularinclinations, preferences and concerns within theoverallcooperative functioning and ethos of society. But the needand thebasis for a state–as an organ of class rule and ofsuppression ofclasses and groups antagonistically opposed to therulingclass–will have been eliminated, and the state will havebeenabolished. In these conditions, the basis and need for anorganizedgroup of people exercising a disproportionate influence inthesphere of government, and in society overall, will also havebeensurpassed, and vanguard parties, with a special role inthegovernance of society, will have been eliminated. Advancing tosucha communist society, bringing into being the conditions thatmakethat possible and achievable–through continuingrevolutionarystruggle to transform all spheres of society, within aparticularsocialist state and in the world as a whole–is thefundamental aimof the socialist state and of the vanguard partywhich plays aleading role within that state. While recognizing thecomplex andprotracted nature of the struggle to overcome therelations anddivisions which make a state and a vanguard necessary,thesocialist state and its leading party must, at every stage inthisprocess, not only propagate this goal but promote and giveeffectto concrete measures which lead in this direction.
The preceding constitutes the basis and foundation fortheArticles that follow in this Constitution for the NewSocialistRepublic in North America.