
2020年07月30日 22:12


Unit 1
lay down 规定
to the present day 直到现在
to this day 直到现在
win the day 获胜
pick up 随手翻阅 学习
by means for 以…手段或方法
conform to 符合 遵照
set beside 与..相比
have…in common 有相同的
13 by means of patience and carefulness通
14 conform to the local customs遵照当地
15 the “slant” of the news 新闻的观点
16 well-educated people 受过良好教育的

17 win the day 获胜
18 traveler is check旅行支票
19 take a lift elevator乘电梯
20 regional variation地区性变化
10 stick to 坚持 继续 忠于
11 pick up some Japanese可以学点日语
12 lay down the rules totally according to
your own will 完全按照自己的意愿
21 She went over to the crying baby and picked her up她走到哭闹的婴儿身边,把她抱了起来
22 To this day, I still don’t understand why he did it then我一直到今天仍然不明白他当时为什
23 Different people may have different slants on the same incident不同的人可能对于相同事件
24 After marriage, he have continually made attempts to change her way of life , but failed结婚
25 Betty Friedan是美国非常有影响的“男女平等”的提倡者Betty friedan is a very influential
advocate of the equality of men and women in the united states
26 The suzhou dialect has a lot in common with the shanghai dialect苏州话与上海话有很多相似
27 He was triumphant in defeating his opponent他成功地打败了对手
28 If you want to be successful, you must stick to your own principles你要想成功,就必须坚持

Unit 2
29 Without fail 一定 必定
30 for all one knows 说不定
31 start up 启动
32 keep an eye(on)照看
33 in case 以防万一
34 take action 采取行动
35 come out with 推出产品 说出
36 hit on 搭讪
37 warm to 对..感兴趣
38 bring up 提出 在引述 养育
39 she is busy writing a letter她正忙着写
40 in case it rains 以防下雨
49 You’d better keep an eye on that man in blue你得注意那个穿蓝衣服的人
41 has been shut down for servicing已被关
42 warm to the idea喜欢上这个主意
43 Emotional breakdown 情绪化的故障
44 Come out with a new version推出新版

45 Quit drinking 戒酒
46 shut down the computer improperly非正
47 a snippy note傲慢无礼的信息
48 a loyal windows man忠实的“视察”用

50 The school will take strong actions against any students using illegal drugs学校将来采取严厉
51 Air as well as sunlight is , needless to say, necessary to our daily life不必说,空气,还有阳光,
52 It is time to fight back now是反击的时候了
53 My point is that at least we’re all safe back home我认为重要的是,至少我们是平安到家了
54 These are the facts that can always be brought up against you这些事实永远可以被引述为对
55 The child kept asking me questions这孩子不停地问我问题
56 I’ll pay you tomorrow without fail我明天付款给你,决不迟误

Unit 4

57 Long for 渴望 渴望得到
58 Due to 由于 应归于
59 Shortly after 不久以后
60 To one′s amazement 令某人感到惊奇
61 Set somebody doing something 是某人
62 Sure enough 果真
63 shortly after she arrived home她到家没
72 My sister is so attached to her toy bear that she brings it everywhere我的妹妹非常依恋她那
73 The smiths had no children so they adopted an orphan史密斯夫妇没有孩子,因此他们收养
74 Mr mark surprised his wife with two puppies马克先生送了两只小狗给太太,令太太十分
75 His occasional smoking makes him a bit relaxed他偶尔抽抽烟使自己放松些
76 From the woods came a resounding thunder从树林里传来了雷鸣般的回响
77 I hadn’t realized he was a foreigner until he spoke直到他开口说话,我才知道他是个外国人
64 due to her efforts归功于她的努力
65 to his amazement令他惊喜的是
66 pucker one’s lips 嘟起嘴唇
67 pump up one’s chest 鼓起胸脯
68 high density高密度
69 a local man当地人
70 a large flock of一大群
71 in a sweet voice用甜美的噪音

78 Turn down 拒绝
79 go through 经历
80 be bang on 完全正确 了不起
81 be beside oneself 生气 发狂
82 win bank 夺回 赢回
83 hang on to 紧紧握住
84 look somebody in the eye 正视某人
85 she was beside herself 她气坏了
86 have turned down the job offer again又
87 couldn’t look me in the eye during our
88 go through man difficulties in their lives
89 the in crowd 时髦人群
90 election day 选举日
91 deliver a speech 发表一篇演说
92 write a slogan写标语
93 take a course修一门课程
94 graduate from university从大学毕业
95 They recruited several new members to the club他们吸收了几名新成员进入倶乐部
96 France won back Alsace and Lorraine after World WAR 1第一次世界大战后,法国收回了阿

97 He went to drama school on a scholarship他靠奖学金上了戏剧学校
98 For the whole afternoon my little brother hung on to me整个下午我的小弟弟一直缠着我
99 He will not be running for president in the next election他不准备参加下一届总统竞选
100 His leg was severely injured but he still limped back to his camp他的腿受了重伤,但他仍一

101 Equate ..with..把…等同于
102 Put a strain on 施加压力
103 Be caught up in 被..缠住
104 allow for 为…预留
105 adapt(oneself)to 适应于
106 put through (school)供…上学
107 respond to 反应 回应
108 was regarded as a musical genius被认为
109 adapt to the new environment适应这个
110 responded to his speech with thunderous

111 is not equated with money不与金钱等

112 have positive self-concept 有积极的自
113 put other concerns out of the picture 将
114 at the same speed以同样地速度
115 the basic bill of the family家庭的基本
116 child rearing养育孩子
117 to feel good about oneself 自我感觉良

118 They fulfilled their work ahead of time他们提前完成了任务
119 The bridge connects the island with the mainland这座桥连接着这个岛屿和大陆
120 How much time would you allow for this trip这次旅行你打算花多长时间
121 This school is partly financed by a government grant这所学校部分是由政府资助的
122 He put all his children through college他把子女都送进了大学
123 These repayments are putting a strain on our finances偿还债务使我们的经济出现紧张状况

124 Put one is beat foot forward 展现自己
125 Laugh at 讥笑 嘲笑
126 be meant to (do something)应该(做
127 give way (to)让步
128 find out 发现
129 give somebody the creeps 使人毛骨悚

130 so much for 到此为止
131 come to 涉及 谈到
132 my part-time job must give way to
preparation for it我得暂时放下兼职工
142 he is really good at the art of poetry他对诗歌艺术很在行
143 they are going to hawail on their honeymoon next week下星期他们要去夏威夷度蜜月
133 have come to realize how important
English is意识到英语是多么重要了
134 pretended to be sick 假装病了
135 found out that there were two thieves 发
136 a perfect match天作之合
137 shed tears 流泪
138 sweet nothings 甜蜜的琐事甜言蜜语
139 real business of living实实在在的生活
140 wedding anniversary结婚纪念日
141 the spice of life生活的调味品

144 He found that she was a disorganized person after three months’ dating经过三个月的交往,他
145 she is not afraid to laugh at herself她不怕取笑自己
146 Mary confessed that she did steal the wallet玛丽承认她的确偷了那个钱包
147 we’ve noticed a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices我们注意到
148 he is an expert in playing basketball他打篮球是个内行
149 Jane walked up to her boyfriend and whispered something简走到她男朋友的身边,低声说了

150 relate to somebody 与…关系密切
151 under the watched eyes of 在…的监督

152 bit by bit 一点一点的
153 act out 付出行动
154 regardless of 不管 不论
155 stand out 显眼
156 watch for 等待 等候
157 set off 触发
158 long since 从前
159 acted out his promise实践自己的诺言
160 prefers to go and study in the United
161 regardless of danger不顾危险
162 set off a lot of car alarms使很多汽车的
163 The protection of home 家庭的保护
164 Under the watchful eyes of an adult 在
165 a questioning mind爱探究的大脑
166 a vantage point有利地形
167 a nostalgic visit怀旧之旅
168 As a child Laura was sent to six different school劳拉儿时前后上过六所学校
169 Bit by bit memories of the night came back to me我渐渐回忆起了那晚的点点滴滴
170 The train was inevitably delayed by the accident火车不可避免地被这场事故延误了
171 She lingered after the concert, hoping to meet the star音乐会后她一直在徘徊,不愿离去,希
172 Letters in light colors stand out well against a dark background浅色的字在深色背景的衬托下
173 Cyclists are more vulnerable than motorists骑自行车的人比开汽车的人容易受伤
174 Do be careful with those fireworks, the slightest spark could set them off对这些烟火要格外小
175 I prefer walking to cycling我愿意步行,不愿意骑自行车


176 go crazy 发疯
177 carry on 继续开展
178 in this connection 关于这 就此而论
179 tend to do something 往往会
180 confine(somebody)to 师…局限于
181 allow for 考虑 顾及
182 adjust to 适应…之外
183 take a…view of 持…看法
184 come through 经受住 安然度过
185 she was lucky to come through the
186 they decided to carry on their work 他
187 unable to adjust himself to the new
college environment无法适应新的大学

188 are worth being loved by you值得被你
189 All sorts of lines 各行各业
190 Highly original work 高度创新的工作
191 A sturdy soul 坚定的灵魂人
192 a broad view宽广的见识
193 at a set speed以一定的速度
194 on-the-job training在职培训
195 it tends to rain a lot here in summer这里夏天雨水较多
196 The students are expected to arrive at 7 o’clock this morning学生预计在今晨7点到达
197 A former injury was hindering him from playing his best旧伤使他无法发挥出最佳水平
198 All these facors must be allowed for所有这些因素都必须考虑进去
199 At the end of the year ,jack got a bonus on top of his salary年终,杰克除了薪水之外还得到
200 I wish the speaker would confine himself to the subject我希望演讲者不要离题

Unit 1
lay down 规定
to the present day 直到现在
to this day 直到现在
win the day 获胜
pick up 随手翻阅 学习
by means for 以…手段或方法
conform to 符合 遵照
set beside 与..相比
have…in common 有相同的
13 by means of patience and carefulness通
14 conform to the local customs遵照当地
15 the “slant” of the news 新闻的观点
16 well-educated people 受过良好教育的

17 win the day 获胜
18 traveler is check旅行支票
19 take a lift elevator乘电梯
20 regional variation地区性变化
10 stick to 坚持 继续 忠于
11 pick up some Japanese可以学点日语
12 lay down the rules totally according to
your own will 完全按照自己的意愿
21 She went over to the crying baby and picked her up她走到哭闹的婴儿身边,把她抱了起来
22 To this day, I still don’t understand why he did it then我一直到今天仍然不明白他当时为什
23 Different people may have different slants on the same incident不同的人可能对于相同事件
24 After marriage, he have continually made attempts to change her way of life , but failed结婚
25 Betty Friedan是美国非常有影响的“男女平等”的提倡者Betty friedan is a very influential
advocate of the equality of men and women in the united states
26 The suzhou dialect has a lot in common with the shanghai dialect苏州话与上海话有很多相似
27 He was triumphant in defeating his opponent他成功地打败了对手
28 If you want to be successful, you must stick to your own principles你要想成功,就必须坚持

Unit 2
29 Without fail 一定 必定
30 for all one knows 说不定
31 start up 启动
32 keep an eye(on)照看
33 in case 以防万一
34 take action 采取行动
35 come out with 推出产品 说出
36 hit on 搭讪
37 warm to 对..感兴趣
38 bring up 提出 在引述 养育
39 she is busy writing a letter她正忙着写
40 in case it rains 以防下雨
49 You’d better keep an eye on that man in blue你得注意那个穿蓝衣服的人
41 has been shut down for servicing已被关
42 warm to the idea喜欢上这个主意
43 Emotional breakdown 情绪化的故障
44 Come out with a new version推出新版

45 Quit drinking 戒酒
46 shut down the computer improperly非正
47 a snippy note傲慢无礼的信息
48 a loyal windows man忠实的“视察”用

50 The school will take strong actions against any students using illegal drugs学校将来采取严厉
51 Air as well as sunlight is , needless to say, necessary to our daily life不必说,空气,还有阳光,
52 It is time to fight back now是反击的时候了
53 My point is that at least we’re all safe back home我认为重要的是,至少我们是平安到家了
54 These are the facts that can always be brought up against you这些事实永远可以被引述为对
55 The child kept asking me questions这孩子不停地问我问题
56 I’ll pay you tomorrow without fail我明天付款给你,决不迟误

Unit 4

57 Long for 渴望 渴望得到
58 Due to 由于 应归于
59 Shortly after 不久以后
60 To one′s amazement 令某人感到惊奇
61 Set somebody doing something 是某人
62 Sure enough 果真
63 shortly after she arrived home她到家没
72 My sister is so attached to her toy bear that she brings it everywhere我的妹妹非常依恋她那
73 The smiths had no children so they adopted an orphan史密斯夫妇没有孩子,因此他们收养
74 Mr mark surprised his wife with two puppies马克先生送了两只小狗给太太,令太太十分
75 His occasional smoking makes him a bit relaxed他偶尔抽抽烟使自己放松些
76 From the woods came a resounding thunder从树林里传来了雷鸣般的回响
77 I hadn’t realized he was a foreigner until he spoke直到他开口说话,我才知道他是个外国人
64 due to her efforts归功于她的努力
65 to his amazement令他惊喜的是
66 pucker one’s lips 嘟起嘴唇
67 pump up one’s chest 鼓起胸脯
68 high density高密度
69 a local man当地人
70 a large flock of一大群
71 in a sweet voice用甜美的噪音

78 Turn down 拒绝
79 go through 经历
80 be bang on 完全正确 了不起
81 be beside oneself 生气 发狂
82 win bank 夺回 赢回
83 hang on to 紧紧握住
84 look somebody in the eye 正视某人
85 she was beside herself 她气坏了
86 have turned down the job offer again又
87 couldn’t look me in the eye during our
88 go through man difficulties in their lives
89 the in crowd 时髦人群
90 election day 选举日
91 deliver a speech 发表一篇演说
92 write a slogan写标语
93 take a course修一门课程
94 graduate from university从大学毕业
95 They recruited several new members to the club他们吸收了几名新成员进入倶乐部
96 France won back Alsace and Lorraine after World WAR 1第一次世界大战后,法国收回了阿

97 He went to drama school on a scholarship他靠奖学金上了戏剧学校
98 For the whole afternoon my little brother hung on to me整个下午我的小弟弟一直缠着我
99 He will not be running for president in the next election他不准备参加下一届总统竞选
100 His leg was severely injured but he still limped back to his camp他的腿受了重伤,但他仍一

101 Equate ..with..把…等同于
102 Put a strain on 施加压力
103 Be caught up in 被..缠住
104 allow for 为…预留
105 adapt(oneself)to 适应于
106 put through (school)供…上学
107 respond to 反应 回应
108 was regarded as a musical genius被认为
109 adapt to the new environment适应这个
110 responded to his speech with thunderous

111 is not equated with money不与金钱等

112 have positive self-concept 有积极的自
113 put other concerns out of the picture 将
114 at the same speed以同样地速度
115 the basic bill of the family家庭的基本
116 child rearing养育孩子
117 to feel good about oneself 自我感觉良

118 They fulfilled their work ahead of time他们提前完成了任务
119 The bridge connects the island with the mainland这座桥连接着这个岛屿和大陆
120 How much time would you allow for this trip这次旅行你打算花多长时间
121 This school is partly financed by a government grant这所学校部分是由政府资助的
122 He put all his children through college他把子女都送进了大学
123 These repayments are putting a strain on our finances偿还债务使我们的经济出现紧张状况

124 Put one is beat foot forward 展现自己
125 Laugh at 讥笑 嘲笑
126 be meant to (do something)应该(做
127 give way (to)让步
128 find out 发现
129 give somebody the creeps 使人毛骨悚

130 so much for 到此为止
131 come to 涉及 谈到
132 my part-time job must give way to
preparation for it我得暂时放下兼职工
142 he is really good at the art of poetry他对诗歌艺术很在行
143 they are going to hawail on their honeymoon next week下星期他们要去夏威夷度蜜月
133 have come to realize how important
English is意识到英语是多么重要了
134 pretended to be sick 假装病了
135 found out that there were two thieves 发
136 a perfect match天作之合
137 shed tears 流泪
138 sweet nothings 甜蜜的琐事甜言蜜语
139 real business of living实实在在的生活
140 wedding anniversary结婚纪念日
141 the spice of life生活的调味品

144 He found that she was a disorganized person after three months’ dating经过三个月的交往,他
145 she is not afraid to laugh at herself她不怕取笑自己
146 Mary confessed that she did steal the wallet玛丽承认她的确偷了那个钱包
147 we’ve noticed a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices我们注意到
148 he is an expert in playing basketball他打篮球是个内行
149 Jane walked up to her boyfriend and whispered something简走到她男朋友的身边,低声说了

150 relate to somebody 与…关系密切
151 under the watched eyes of 在…的监督

152 bit by bit 一点一点的
153 act out 付出行动
154 regardless of 不管 不论
155 stand out 显眼
156 watch for 等待 等候
157 set off 触发
158 long since 从前
159 acted out his promise实践自己的诺言
160 prefers to go and study in the United
161 regardless of danger不顾危险
162 set off a lot of car alarms使很多汽车的
163 The protection of home 家庭的保护
164 Under the watchful eyes of an adult 在
165 a questioning mind爱探究的大脑
166 a vantage point有利地形
167 a nostalgic visit怀旧之旅
168 As a child Laura was sent to six different school劳拉儿时前后上过六所学校
169 Bit by bit memories of the night came back to me我渐渐回忆起了那晚的点点滴滴
170 The train was inevitably delayed by the accident火车不可避免地被这场事故延误了
171 She lingered after the concert, hoping to meet the star音乐会后她一直在徘徊,不愿离去,希
172 Letters in light colors stand out well against a dark background浅色的字在深色背景的衬托下
173 Cyclists are more vulnerable than motorists骑自行车的人比开汽车的人容易受伤
174 Do be careful with those fireworks, the slightest spark could set them off对这些烟火要格外小
175 I prefer walking to cycling我愿意步行,不愿意骑自行车


176 go crazy 发疯
177 carry on 继续开展
178 in this connection 关于这 就此而论
179 tend to do something 往往会
180 confine(somebody)to 师…局限于
181 allow for 考虑 顾及
182 adjust to 适应…之外
183 take a…view of 持…看法
184 come through 经受住 安然度过
185 she was lucky to come through the
186 they decided to carry on their work 他
187 unable to adjust himself to the new
college environment无法适应新的大学

188 are worth being loved by you值得被你
189 All sorts of lines 各行各业
190 Highly original work 高度创新的工作
191 A sturdy soul 坚定的灵魂人
192 a broad view宽广的见识
193 at a set speed以一定的速度
194 on-the-job training在职培训
195 it tends to rain a lot here in summer这里夏天雨水较多
196 The students are expected to arrive at 7 o’clock this morning学生预计在今晨7点到达
197 A former injury was hindering him from playing his best旧伤使他无法发挥出最佳水平
198 All these facors must be allowed for所有这些因素都必须考虑进去
199 At the end of the year ,jack got a bonus on top of his salary年终,杰克除了薪水之外还得到
200 I wish the speaker would confine himself to the subject我希望演讲者不要离题







