
2020年07月30日 22:15



【篇一:unit 4 练习答案新世纪大学英语综合教程3(第


words in action

▇ working with words and expressions

1. in the boxes below are some of the words you have learned
in this unit. complete the

following sentences with them. change the form where
necessary. ▇ answers:

1) narrowly

2) proceeded

3) features

4) crawl

5) spun

6) flashed

7) qualify

8) despite

9) congratulate

10) consultant

11) compete

12) disciplined

13) confessed

14) tripped

2. in the boxes below are some of the expressions you have
learned in this unit. do you know how to use them in the
proper context? now check for yourself by doing the blank-
filling exercise. change the form where necessary. ▇ answers:

1) kind of

2) are in for

3) came in

4) rose to their feet

5) brought up

6) made … a fool of herself

7) under wraps

8) get hot under the collar

9) looked the part

10) in an emergency

11) has had her eye on

12) is … taking shape

13) bring out

14) put in squeeze in

15) win … hands down

▇ increasing your word power

1. choose two verbs from column b for each noun in column a,
paying attention to the v.+ n.

collocation. write down the verbs in the space provided before
the corresponding noun. the first item has been done for you.


column a column b

1) applaud form

award hold 2)

break host 3)congratulate reach 4)represent 5) an
olympic champion cross

6) embody set

7) forge win

lank in the following sentences with a verb in column b.
change the verb form where necessary.

▆ answers:

1) applaud

2) embodiesrepresents

3) forgedformed

4) congratulated

5) broken

6) awarded

7) crossedreached

8) host

2. the suffix “–cy” can be added to some adjectives, nouns or
verbs to form nouns, meaning “the state or quality of…”, or
“the status or position of…”. now form new words after the
example and give their meanings in chinese. consult a
dictionary if necessary.

▇ answers:

1) accurate → 精确,准确(度)

2) adequate → 适当;充分

3) consistent → 一致性;连贯性

4) delicate → 细致;精致

5) efficient → 效能,效率

6) intimate → 亲密,密切

7) president → 总统等的职位

8) private → 隐私;独处

9) secret → 保密;保密能力

10) self- sufficient → 自给自足

now fill in the blanks in the following sentences by choosing
the proper words you have just formed.


1) secrecy

2) presidency

3) consistency

4) efficiency

5) privacy

6) intimacy

7) accuracy

8) self- sufficiency

9) adequacy

10) delicacy

grammar in context

1. study the following sentences, each of which contains
either an “appositive phrase” or an

“appositive clause”, and then do the following task.

now translate the following sentences into english, using
either an “appositive phrase” or an “appositive clause” .

▇ answers for reference:

1) football, his only hobby in life, has brought him many

2) the president of the company, mrs jones, held a press
conference after the board meeting.

3) the question whether to confess or not has been troubling
little tom.

4) you should not have any doubt about the fact that the
criminal has been arrested.

5) the news was immediately spread far and wide that beijing
had won the bid for the 2008 olympic games.

2. study the following sentences from this unit, paying special
attention to the constructions “not… but…” and “not
onlysimply…but (also)…”, and then do the following task.

now answer the questions with the help of the hints given in
brackets, using the constructions “not… but…” and “not
onlysimply…but (also)…”.

▇ answers for reference:

1) no, he didn’t come to help, but to hinder us.

2) it is not the players, but the supporters that are responsible
for football hooliganism.

3) no, their intent is not to catch all speeders but to catch
enough to give them a warning.

4) i’m not only willing, but (also) eager to join the volunteer
team for the world cup.

5) no. he translates into english not only from french, but (also)
from polish.

6) because its appeal lies not only in its story but also in the
ethical issues it raises.


▇ answers:

(1) disciplined

(2) having … eye … on

(3) hands down

(4) in for

(5) hitting

(6) under wraps

(7) add…support to

(8) hot under the collar

(9) fouling

(10) tremendously

(11) reassured

(12) qualify

(13) formedforged

(14) breaking


1. translate the following sentences into english, using the
words and expressions given in


▇ answers for reference:

1) the gasoline price is now at an all-time high, which has
brought about wide public


2) he found that fish and rice feature the japanese diet, and he
then proceeded to write a

report on japanese cooking culture.

3) the spectators expected me to come in first but they were in
for a shock. with a tumble,

my chances for a gold medal in figure skating evaporated.

4) he was a beggar but he didn’t look the part at all, because
he was clean-shaven, wearing

glasses and a brand-new suit.

5) having tripped over another athlete’s foot, he fell down on
the track, but soon rose to his

feet and limped to the finish line.

6) on such a grand occasion i didn’t want to make a fool of
myself, so i decided to take the

challenge and compete against that youngster.

2. translate the following paragraph into english, using the
words and expressions in the box below.

▇ answers for reference:

a gold medal is a tribute to the athletic talent, determination
and courage of an olympic

champion. then how do the athletes make themselves
fortunate enough to be so highly honored? the champions who
have mounted the winners’ stand can offer an answer based
on their own experiences. first, in the course of training, they
visualize themselves as champions. once their dreams of
becoming champions take shape, they will cling to them
courageously. what’s more, top performers are driven to bring
out their best. they discipline themselves and squeeze in every
possible minute to practice every day. despite their relentless
efforts, they may sometimes fail to win or narrowly miss a gold
medal, yet they believe in themselves and never lose heart.
they are ready to take on the most psychologically and
technically challenging tasks or competitions. in reality, all
champions have experienced lots of hardships on their way to
the vital break of their lifetime. so we won’t and can’t say that a
champion is lucky. after all, luck only strikes those prepared to
capitalize on it.

theme-related writing

1. write an essay about your favorite sports team. the
following hints may be of some help.

1) what is your favorite sports team?

2) why do you like it so much?

3) do you always support the team?

▇ sample essay 1:

my favorite sport team: the chinese women’s volleyball team

in quite a few sports, chinese women athletes outshine men
athletes. as a girl, i always feel proud of our women table
tennis players, badminton players, women divers and
gymnasts. but my greatest enthusiasm always goes to the
chinese women’s volleyball team, who, though it has
undergone some ups and downs, always presents a positive,
inspiring image to the public.

i’ve never missed any major tv coverage of the chinese
women’s team. i can’t help getting excited watching the girls
shine in court, with their amazing spikes and blocks, and their
never-ceasing courage and faith in winning the match. there
are times when they lose the game, sometimes with
embarrassing result like 0:3; there are years when they suffer a
lot of injuries and new players do not match up to the veterans,
yet, one must admit that the chinese girls have been practising
very hard all the way.

recent years have witnessed a difficult period for the team as
russian, american, cuban, and brazilian teams have been rising
in ranking and winning championships, but i still have faith in
our team and give them my support. i wish them good luck in
the coming olympics.

(196 words)

2. write an essay entitled “the meaning of winning a prize”.
you may base your writing on what you have learnt from the
two texts. the following hints may be of some help.

1) what is a prize?

2) what does a prize bring about?

3) what is the fundamental meaning of wining prizes?

▇ sample essay 2:

in today’s society, competitions, contests and games are held
virtually every day and everywhere. these activities put the
participants into two categories: winners and losers. as
symbols of public recognition, prizes are awarded to those
who mount the winners’ stand.

a prize brings about fame, prestige and good fortune. winners
are constantly in the spotlight and attract admiring attention.
their friends and colleagues come to congratulate them and
their families take pride in them. more often than not, prizes
simultaneously bring wealth to the winners as in the case of an
olympic gold medal or a nobel prize. therefore, winners harvest
both a good reputation and material rewards.

however, this is not the essential meaning of wining a prize.
winners are worthy of respect, admiration and good fortune
because they embody some outstanding qualities that are
worthy of a prize: perseverance, diligence and optimism. an
athlete undergoes years of training and takes hundreds of
highly demanding challenges before he steps onto that
podium; a writer becomes popular overnight after he has spent
years writing relentlessly in poverty and anonymity. what’s
more, optimism in the face of adversity also contributes a lot
to their success. they believe in themselves and have great
passion for what they are engaged in. they endeavor to do
their best,

enjoying the process of fighting well. therefore, the
fundamental meaning of winning a prize does not merely lie in
the rewarding fame or wealth, but in the process of presenting
the best part of oneself.

(249 words)

【篇二:新世纪大学英语3 cloze及答案】

t 1

what is genuine friendship? some c_______(1)views may help
us understand the n________(2) of friendship more
tle distinguishes genuine friendship from two
other forms: one based on mutual u________(3) and the other
on the g_______(4) for the latter two forms of
friendship is closely related to material benefits, short-term
interests or age, genuine friendship o_______(5) only between
those who are similar in their g_______(6). cicero, another
ancient scholar, believes that true friends actions and lives
should leave no question a______t______(7) their honor, purity,
equity and liberality. whether or not one p_______(8) any
superiority over the other, both must regard themselves as
equals of the other and try their best to p_______(9) the

friendship. moreover, true friends are b_______(10) together,
as a friend is said to be a m________(11) in which you may
perceive and know yourself. when v________(12) friends are
bonded together by a c____________(13) to the good, they can
recognize each others m________e__________(14) and fulfill
their self-improvement.

答案:(1)classical (2)notion (3)utility (4)ground (5)occurs

(6)goodness (7)as to (8)possesses (9)preserve (10)bound

(12)virtuous (13)commitment (14)moral excellence

unit 2

today young people tend to jump on the bandwagon of love
with so much h______(1) that they fail to realize the essence of
true love. given the current s______ o______ a______(2), we
need to consider more closely the nature of love. true love has
to be d________(3) form the pleasures of the flesh. true love
means a m______ o ______ m______(4) and it takes time to
b________(5). people who are in true love focus more on i
_______ c______(6)than on physical beauty, more on
i________(7)than on closeness, more on e______(8) than on
passion, more on sharing than on a________(9). as true love
happens once in a lifetime, they have in their minds the
i_______ (10) of the relationship. they share mutual respect,
a________(11) and plenty of romance, so their relationship is

(12) and meaningful.


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preserving true love require effort, however, you should gift
your object of a________(13) your time, company, support and
friendship; you should give yourself and your beloved time
and space to f________(14) a life-long bond; and you should
h________(15) your commitments. in short, you should devote
yourself to you love. your devotion to love will, in return, bring
you an o_______(16) joy.

答案:(1)haste (2)state of affairs (3)distinguished (4)meeting
of minds (5)blossom (6)charm (7)intimacy (8)emotion

(10)ideals (11)admiration (12)lasting (13)affection (14)forge

(15)honor (16)overwhelming

unit 3

it is our natural desire to be happy. throughout human history,
people as a w_____ (1) have been going after happiness .
h____(2), the pursuit of happiness is often accompanied with
dissatisfaction and frustration. this is in p____ (3)due to our
different understanding of happiness. i______ e_____(4),our
sense of happiness is d_____(5) from our definition of
happiness. some believe that happiness can be p______(6)with
wealth .from this point of view, the b___ o____(7)one becomes,
the happier one gets. therefore , to be happy ,they t_____
p_____(8)to get rich. but wealth dose not n_______(9)lead to
happiness .others believe that happiness has something t____
d_____(10)with status –a system of ranking. thus ,one’s
happiness is built upon his favorable c___(11)with others .but
since society cannot raise its position r_______(12)to
itself ,unhappiness is thus i_____(13).so it can be said that
both views s_____(14)more as the barrier to true happiness
than as the guide .to s_____(15) true happiness, we must
change our inner attitude and strive for the common good of
all human beings.

答案:(1) whole (2) however (3) part (4) in effect(5) derived (6)
purchased (7) better off (8) take pains (9) necessarily


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(10) to do (11) comparison (12) relative (13) inevitable (14)
serve (15) seek

unit 4

aids is a terrible disease. it poses a t_______(1) to all the
human beings without caring whether you are black or white,
male or female, gay or straight, young or old. but what is
a_______r________(2) now is not just the people i_________(3)
with the disease. human civilization itself is being threatened.
this is because the whole society tolerates both ignorance of
and p_________(4) against hiv or aids. once diagnosed as hiv-
positive, the victims are i________(5) or treated as ou7tcasts.
they are believed to have c________(6) something evil or to
have entered some alien state of being. as a result, these poor
people have to s_________(7) the flickering candle of life from
the cold wind of rejection by their family members. when they

die of the disease, their families dare not whisper the word
aids. they just g___________(8) silently. thus, our prejudice
and silence have helped the disease a________(9). now hiv
marches firmly towards aids in more than a million american
homes, littering its p________(10) with the bodies of the young.
to guard against the disease effectively, we must take this
i_________(11) seriously. people should be educated to
b__________(12) those negative attitudes to an end. we should
not see aids as something e________(13) and the patients as
alien. instead, we should c__________o__________w______(14)
the prevention of the disease and render strong s________(15)
to the patients with more compassion. only in this way can we
have a better chance of winning the war against aids.

答案:(1)threat (2)at risk (3)infected (4)prejudice (5)isolated

(6)contracted (7)shelter (8)grieve (9)along (10)pathway

(12)bring (13)evil (14)concern ourselves with (16)support


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unit 5

mankind hopes for a better world to live in.
t______t_____e_____(1), man has to confront the inevitable
conflicts that the future holds i___s___(2).since education
plays an i___(3) role in managing those conflicts, the following
four pillars of education are proposed. learning to live together
c___f___(4) an understanding of others and the awareness of
the d___(5), similarities and interdependence of all people so
that people can i___(6)joint projects. i___a___w___(7) the
global changes brought about by scientific progress, the
e___(8) in learning to know should be put on c____(9)a broad
general education and the opportunity to study a small number
of subjects i___d___(10). associated with the issue of
occupational training, learning to do aims to e___

(11)people to cope with various situations and work in teams.
the fourth pillar is learning to be , which focuses on the
complete development of one’s potentials when he g___a___
(12)an independent, critical way of thinking and judgment.
given the convenient a___(13) to knowledge in the information
era, everyone longs for a way to g____the most o____o___(14)
their own specific educational environment. these four

interrelated pillars can help us make the best out of education
and attain or future ideals.

答案:(1) to this end (2) in store (3) indispensable (4) calls for
(5) diversity (6) implement (7) in accordance with (8) emphasis
(9) combining (10) in depth (11) equip (12) goes after (13)
access (14) get … out of


when we are suddenly t________(1) abroad, we may lose the
peace of mind we need for everyday work and life. all the
familiar c________(2)disappear including words, gestures,
facial expressions, customs , or norms. we reject the foreign
environment and slip into the t___(3)to believe that our culture,
race and nation form the center of the world. the f_____(4) and
anxiety that can be a____(5) to the loss of familiar signs rae
symptoms of culture shock. one of the


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effective c___(6) for this ailment is to know something about
the nature of culture and its relationship to the individual. we
should bear in mind that we are born with the c____(7) to learn
culture and use it . the culture of any people is the product of
history and is b _____u_____(8) over time .it is b______ __ m
______o____(9)culture that we learn to adapt to the physical
environment and to the people with whom we
associate .therefore, it is d _______t________(10) our own lack
of understanding of other people’s cultural background and of
the means of communication that we can not o___ ourselves
t_______(11) the host country. another quick way to g_____
o______(12) culture shock is to know the language. once we
are equipped with the language, a whole new world of cultural
meanings o______ u______(13) for us. we will begin to find out
not only what people do and how they do things. but also what
their interests are. i______ a______(14), it helps us to be a
participant observer by joining the activities of people and
sharing in their responses, whether this be a carnival, a
religious ritual, or some economic activity.

答案:(1) transplanted(2) cues(3) tendency(4) frustration(5)
attributed (6) cures(7) capacity(8) built up(9) by means of(10)
due to(11) orient … to

(12) get over(13) opens up(14) in addition

unit 7

when the first modern olympic games 1896,the olympic creed

the most important thing in the olympic games is not to win
but to t_____ p______ (2),just as the most important thing in
life is not the t______(3),but the struggle .the essential thing is
not to have c________ (4),but to have fought well.

the olympic games f________(5) competition between top
c_____ i_____(6) first is a thrill,to be better than
your rivals is an ego massage(满足自尊), to cheer for
c________(7)is a collective celebration . but the meaning of the
game--the real end of our aspiration-----is to be better than we
are. t____ t______e_____(8),olympic go through a grind of
training relentlessly. when their big moments come,they are
ready to b______o_______(10) their best, especially when they
realize they are competing o_______
b_______o_________(11)their countries. when these athletes


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lass=txt>unit one friendship

enhance your language awareness

words in action

working with words and expressions

(1) 1. bound

2. appropriate

3. possessing

4. permanent

5. appointed

6. parted

7. had corresponded

8. gazed

9. notion

10. keen

11. preserve

12. grasped

13. figured

14. grounded

15. sensible

16. attribute

17. united

18. pursue

19. commitments

20. regulating


guish between

2. checked up on

3. torn down

4. make a fortune

5. all of a sudden

6. lost track of

7. casting an eye over

8. broke up

9. take pleasure in

bed as

11. turned up

12. in so far as

13. is under arrest

14. pass on

15. as to

increasing your word power

(1)l al

l l


(2) 1. refusal 2. arrivals 3. removal 4. dismissal 5. survival 6.
proposal 7. disposal 8. approval

(3) 1. e 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d

grammar review


1. whichever tent you are not using now

2. whoever comes come first

3. whichever whatever condition our captain thought was the

4. wherever no matter where i go

5. whatever wishes their child children expresses express

6. however disappointed no matter how disappointed you
may feel about the surroundings environment situation

7. whoever breaks it

8. whenever he concentrates on a problem


1. it is not luck but hard work tha led him to today’s success.

2. prof. moen argues that it is energy that makes the world go

3. it was not until he had proved he was honest that he won
the family’s trust.

4. it was clearly the headmaster himself who that opened the
door for me.

5. none


1) classical




5) notion utility ground occurs

6) goodness

7) as to

8) possesses

9) preserve

10) bound


12) virtuous

13) commitment

14) moral excellence



1. the friendship grounded on common shared interest does
not break up easily. it is not easy for the friendship grounded
on common shared interest to break up.

2. children must learn to distinguish between violence and
bravery courage in computer games.

3. there spring up so many new things every day in the world
that it is no longer sensible to expect a person to know keep
track of everything.

4. laws do not regulate such things as betrayal to friends; that
is why there is what we call is called the court of morality.

5. today’s culture is described as “fast-food culture”.
whatever they may be are doing, people just pursue the
greatest maximum satisfaction within the shortest time.

6. as the saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. if
you want something, go and earn work for it.


as is commonly acknowledged it is commonly recognised
that humans are social animals. bonded together in a
community, we naturally expect to have friends. as to what
friendship is, people have different notions ideas. some make
friends for mutual utility. once the ground for such friendship
disappears, the friendship also breaks up. however, a lot more
people long for soul pals— those who possess virtues and
with whom we can go through trials and tribulations together.
such friendships keep us away from greed and violence and
encourage us to have the courage of our convictions. such is
what we call true and perfect friendship.

theme-related writing

1. bob and i became brother-like friends in our childhood. we
played, dined and discussed our ambitions together. once
grown up, he started for the west to make his fortune while i
became a policeman in new york. before his departure, we had
dinner together and we agreed that we would meet at the same
place exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter
what our conditions might be or from what distance we might
have to come.

then came the day we were supposed to meet. i was on my
beat then. walking up to the appointed place which had been
turned into a hardware store, i saw a man standing there with
an unlighted cigar in his mouth. before i could speak, he told
me that he was waiting for a friend by the name of jimmy wells.
when he struck a match to light his cigar, i saw a pale face with
keen eyes and a scar. i recognized him immediately. it was bob,
and it was also the face of the man wanted by the chicago
police. for a moment i felt like telling him to escape right away.
after all, we had been friends for so many years and he had
traveled all the way to see me! but then my sense of duty told
me the right thing to do. i said good-bye to him and continued
my patrol, his last words still ringing in my ear: “i’ll wait for

half an hour. jimmy will keep his promise if he’s alive…” i then
sent for a plain clothes man and had bob arrested.

important friend in my life

li qiang, one of my classmates, is fun to be with. he is always
wearing a broad smile as if life is forever sunshine and
butterflies. one day, i revealed to him my worries and anxieties:
i, an ordinary-looking girl, was 177 centimeters tall, even taller
than any of the boys in my class. i thought no boy would like
to date me. besides, i was very poor at my academic courses.

he suggested that i should learn to be myself and then he
introduced me to a fashion show team of the university.
encouraged, i decided to change myself. after a 3-month
training program on weekends, i could perform beautifully as a
model, and surprisingly, i could concentrate on the required
academic courses as well. the applauses i won at each fashion
show and the scholarship i earned proved that being myself
was terrific. since then, my life has changed a lot. thus, li qiang
became an important friend of mine.

last semester, we began to help young people who suffer
pressures from physical defects, academic failures or financial
problems. we set up a confidence club. those who come to us
for help find our work definitely beneficial. our friendship has
led me into a sparkling, rewarding life.

unit two love

enhance your language awareness

words in action

working with words and expressions


【篇一:unit 4 练习答案新世纪大学英语综合教程3(第


words in action

▇ working with words and expressions

1. in the boxes below are some of the words you have learned
in this unit. complete the

following sentences with them. change the form where
necessary. ▇ answers:

1) narrowly

2) proceeded

3) features

4) crawl

5) spun

6) flashed

7) qualify

8) despite

9) congratulate

10) consultant

11) compete

12) disciplined

13) confessed

14) tripped

2. in the boxes below are some of the expressions you have
learned in this unit. do you know how to use them in the
proper context? now check for yourself by doing the blank-
filling exercise. change the form where necessary. ▇ answers:

1) kind of

2) are in for

3) came in

4) rose to their feet

5) brought up

6) made … a fool of herself

7) under wraps

8) get hot under the collar

9) looked the part

10) in an emergency

11) has had her eye on

12) is … taking shape

13) bring out

14) put in squeeze in

15) win … hands down

▇ increasing your word power

1. choose two verbs from column b for each noun in column a,
paying attention to the v.+ n.

collocation. write down the verbs in the space provided before
the corresponding noun. the first item has been done for you.


column a column b

1) applaud form

award hold 2)

break host 3)congratulate reach 4)represent 5) an
olympic champion cross

6) embody set

7) forge win

lank in the following sentences with a verb in column b.
change the verb form where necessary.

▆ answers:

1) applaud

2) embodiesrepresents

3) forgedformed

4) congratulated

5) broken

6) awarded

7) crossedreached

8) host

2. the suffix “–cy” can be added to some adjectives, nouns or
verbs to form nouns, meaning “the state or quality of…”, or
“the status or position of…”. now form new words after the
example and give their meanings in chinese. consult a
dictionary if necessary.

▇ answers:

1) accurate → 精确,准确(度)

2) adequate → 适当;充分

3) consistent → 一致性;连贯性

4) delicate → 细致;精致

5) efficient → 效能,效率

6) intimate → 亲密,密切

7) president → 总统等的职位

8) private → 隐私;独处

9) secret → 保密;保密能力

10) self- sufficient → 自给自足

now fill in the blanks in the following sentences by choosing
the proper words you have just formed.


1) secrecy

2) presidency

3) consistency

4) efficiency

5) privacy

6) intimacy

7) accuracy

8) self- sufficiency

9) adequacy

10) delicacy

grammar in context

1. study the following sentences, each of which contains
either an “appositive phrase” or an

“appositive clause”, and then do the following task.

now translate the following sentences into english, using
either an “appositive phrase” or an “appositive clause” .

▇ answers for reference:

1) football, his only hobby in life, has brought him many

2) the president of the company, mrs jones, held a press
conference after the board meeting.

3) the question whether to confess or not has been troubling
little tom.

4) you should not have any doubt about the fact that the
criminal has been arrested.

5) the news was immediately spread far and wide that beijing
had won the bid for the 2008 olympic games.

2. study the following sentences from this unit, paying special
attention to the constructions “not… but…” and “not
onlysimply…but (also)…”, and then do the following task.

now answer the questions with the help of the hints given in
brackets, using the constructions “not… but…” and “not
onlysimply…but (also)…”.

▇ answers for reference:

1) no, he didn’t come to help, but to hinder us.

2) it is not the players, but the supporters that are responsible
for football hooliganism.

3) no, their intent is not to catch all speeders but to catch
enough to give them a warning.

4) i’m not only willing, but (also) eager to join the volunteer
team for the world cup.

5) no. he translates into english not only from french, but (also)
from polish.

6) because its appeal lies not only in its story but also in the
ethical issues it raises.


▇ answers:

(1) disciplined

(2) having … eye … on

(3) hands down

(4) in for

(5) hitting

(6) under wraps

(7) add…support to

(8) hot under the collar

(9) fouling

(10) tremendously

(11) reassured

(12) qualify

(13) formedforged

(14) breaking


1. translate the following sentences into english, using the
words and expressions given in


▇ answers for reference:

1) the gasoline price is now at an all-time high, which has
brought about wide public


2) he found that fish and rice feature the japanese diet, and he
then proceeded to write a

report on japanese cooking culture.

3) the spectators expected me to come in first but they were in
for a shock. with a tumble,

my chances for a gold medal in figure skating evaporated.

4) he was a beggar but he didn’t look the part at all, because
he was clean-shaven, wearing

glasses and a brand-new suit.

5) having tripped over another athlete’s foot, he fell down on
the track, but soon rose to his

feet and limped to the finish line.

6) on such a grand occasion i didn’t want to make a fool of
myself, so i decided to take the

challenge and compete against that youngster.

2. translate the following paragraph into english, using the
words and expressions in the box below.

▇ answers for reference:

a gold medal is a tribute to the athletic talent, determination
and courage of an olympic

champion. then how do the athletes make themselves
fortunate enough to be so highly honored? the champions who
have mounted the winners’ stand can offer an answer based
on their own experiences. first, in the course of training, they
visualize themselves as champions. once their dreams of
becoming champions take shape, they will cling to them
courageously. what’s more, top performers are driven to bring
out their best. they discipline themselves and squeeze in every
possible minute to practice every day. despite their relentless
efforts, they may sometimes fail to win or narrowly miss a gold
medal, yet they believe in themselves and never lose heart.
they are ready to take on the most psychologically and
technically challenging tasks or competitions. in reality, all
champions have experienced lots of hardships on their way to
the vital break of their lifetime. so we won’t and can’t say that a
champion is lucky. after all, luck only strikes those prepared to
capitalize on it.

theme-related writing

1. write an essay about your favorite sports team. the
following hints may be of some help.

1) what is your favorite sports team?

2) why do you like it so much?

3) do you always support the team?

▇ sample essay 1:

my favorite sport team: the chinese women’s volleyball team

in quite a few sports, chinese women athletes outshine men
athletes. as a girl, i always feel proud of our women table
tennis players, badminton players, women divers and
gymnasts. but my greatest enthusiasm always goes to the
chinese women’s volleyball team, who, though it has
undergone some ups and downs, always presents a positive,
inspiring image to the public.

i’ve never missed any major tv coverage of the chinese
women’s team. i can’t help getting excited watching the girls
shine in court, with their amazing spikes and blocks, and their
never-ceasing courage and faith in winning the match. there
are times when they lose the game, sometimes with
embarrassing result like 0:3; there are years when they suffer a
lot of injuries and new players do not match up to the veterans,
yet, one must admit that the chinese girls have been practising
very hard all the way.

recent years have witnessed a difficult period for the team as
russian, american, cuban, and brazilian teams have been rising
in ranking and winning championships, but i still have faith in
our team and give them my support. i wish them good luck in
the coming olympics.

(196 words)

2. write an essay entitled “the meaning of winning a prize”.
you may base your writing on what you have learnt from the
two texts. the following hints may be of some help.

1) what is a prize?

2) what does a prize bring about?

3) what is the fundamental meaning of wining prizes?

▇ sample essay 2:

in today’s society, competitions, contests and games are held
virtually every day and everywhere. these activities put the
participants into two categories: winners and losers. as
symbols of public recognition, prizes are awarded to those
who mount the winners’ stand.

a prize brings about fame, prestige and good fortune. winners
are constantly in the spotlight and attract admiring attention.
their friends and colleagues come to congratulate them and
their families take pride in them. more often than not, prizes
simultaneously bring wealth to the winners as in the case of an
olympic gold medal or a nobel prize. therefore, winners harvest
both a good reputation and material rewards.

however, this is not the essential meaning of wining a prize.
winners are worthy of respect, admiration and good fortune
because they embody some outstanding qualities that are
worthy of a prize: perseverance, diligence and optimism. an
athlete undergoes years of training and takes hundreds of
highly demanding challenges before he steps onto that
podium; a writer becomes popular overnight after he has spent
years writing relentlessly in poverty and anonymity. what’s
more, optimism in the face of adversity also contributes a lot
to their success. they believe in themselves and have great
passion for what they are engaged in. they endeavor to do
their best,

enjoying the process of fighting well. therefore, the
fundamental meaning of winning a prize does not merely lie in
the rewarding fame or wealth, but in the process of presenting
the best part of oneself.

(249 words)

【篇二:新世纪大学英语3 cloze及答案】

t 1

what is genuine friendship? some c_______(1)views may help
us understand the n________(2) of friendship more
tle distinguishes genuine friendship from two
other forms: one based on mutual u________(3) and the other
on the g_______(4) for the latter two forms of
friendship is closely related to material benefits, short-term
interests or age, genuine friendship o_______(5) only between
those who are similar in their g_______(6). cicero, another
ancient scholar, believes that true friends actions and lives
should leave no question a______t______(7) their honor, purity,
equity and liberality. whether or not one p_______(8) any
superiority over the other, both must regard themselves as
equals of the other and try their best to p_______(9) the

friendship. moreover, true friends are b_______(10) together,
as a friend is said to be a m________(11) in which you may
perceive and know yourself. when v________(12) friends are
bonded together by a c____________(13) to the good, they can
recognize each others m________e__________(14) and fulfill
their self-improvement.

答案:(1)classical (2)notion (3)utility (4)ground (5)occurs

(6)goodness (7)as to (8)possesses (9)preserve (10)bound

(12)virtuous (13)commitment (14)moral excellence

unit 2

today young people tend to jump on the bandwagon of love
with so much h______(1) that they fail to realize the essence of
true love. given the current s______ o______ a______(2), we
need to consider more closely the nature of love. true love has
to be d________(3) form the pleasures of the flesh. true love
means a m______ o ______ m______(4) and it takes time to
b________(5). people who are in true love focus more on i
_______ c______(6)than on physical beauty, more on
i________(7)than on closeness, more on e______(8) than on
passion, more on sharing than on a________(9). as true love
happens once in a lifetime, they have in their minds the
i_______ (10) of the relationship. they share mutual respect,
a________(11) and plenty of romance, so their relationship is

(12) and meaningful.


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preserving true love require effort, however, you should gift
your object of a________(13) your time, company, support and
friendship; you should give yourself and your beloved time
and space to f________(14) a life-long bond; and you should
h________(15) your commitments. in short, you should devote
yourself to you love. your devotion to love will, in return, bring
you an o_______(16) joy.

答案:(1)haste (2)state of affairs (3)distinguished (4)meeting
of minds (5)blossom (6)charm (7)intimacy (8)emotion

(10)ideals (11)admiration (12)lasting (13)affection (14)forge

(15)honor (16)overwhelming

unit 3

it is our natural desire to be happy. throughout human history,
people as a w_____ (1) have been going after happiness .
h____(2), the pursuit of happiness is often accompanied with
dissatisfaction and frustration. this is in p____ (3)due to our
different understanding of happiness. i______ e_____(4),our
sense of happiness is d_____(5) from our definition of
happiness. some believe that happiness can be p______(6)with
wealth .from this point of view, the b___ o____(7)one becomes,
the happier one gets. therefore , to be happy ,they t_____
p_____(8)to get rich. but wealth dose not n_______(9)lead to
happiness .others believe that happiness has something t____
d_____(10)with status –a system of ranking. thus ,one’s
happiness is built upon his favorable c___(11)with others .but
since society cannot raise its position r_______(12)to
itself ,unhappiness is thus i_____(13).so it can be said that
both views s_____(14)more as the barrier to true happiness
than as the guide .to s_____(15) true happiness, we must
change our inner attitude and strive for the common good of
all human beings.

答案:(1) whole (2) however (3) part (4) in effect(5) derived (6)
purchased (7) better off (8) take pains (9) necessarily


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(10) to do (11) comparison (12) relative (13) inevitable (14)
serve (15) seek

unit 4

aids is a terrible disease. it poses a t_______(1) to all the
human beings without caring whether you are black or white,
male or female, gay or straight, young or old. but what is
a_______r________(2) now is not just the people i_________(3)
with the disease. human civilization itself is being threatened.
this is because the whole society tolerates both ignorance of
and p_________(4) against hiv or aids. once diagnosed as hiv-
positive, the victims are i________(5) or treated as ou7tcasts.
they are believed to have c________(6) something evil or to
have entered some alien state of being. as a result, these poor
people have to s_________(7) the flickering candle of life from
the cold wind of rejection by their family members. when they

die of the disease, their families dare not whisper the word
aids. they just g___________(8) silently. thus, our prejudice
and silence have helped the disease a________(9). now hiv
marches firmly towards aids in more than a million american
homes, littering its p________(10) with the bodies of the young.
to guard against the disease effectively, we must take this
i_________(11) seriously. people should be educated to
b__________(12) those negative attitudes to an end. we should
not see aids as something e________(13) and the patients as
alien. instead, we should c__________o__________w______(14)
the prevention of the disease and render strong s________(15)
to the patients with more compassion. only in this way can we
have a better chance of winning the war against aids.

答案:(1)threat (2)at risk (3)infected (4)prejudice (5)isolated

(6)contracted (7)shelter (8)grieve (9)along (10)pathway

(12)bring (13)evil (14)concern ourselves with (16)support


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unit 5

mankind hopes for a better world to live in.
t______t_____e_____(1), man has to confront the inevitable
conflicts that the future holds i___s___(2).since education
plays an i___(3) role in managing those conflicts, the following
four pillars of education are proposed. learning to live together
c___f___(4) an understanding of others and the awareness of
the d___(5), similarities and interdependence of all people so
that people can i___(6)joint projects. i___a___w___(7) the
global changes brought about by scientific progress, the
e___(8) in learning to know should be put on c____(9)a broad
general education and the opportunity to study a small number
of subjects i___d___(10). associated with the issue of
occupational training, learning to do aims to e___

(11)people to cope with various situations and work in teams.
the fourth pillar is learning to be , which focuses on the
complete development of one’s potentials when he g___a___
(12)an independent, critical way of thinking and judgment.
given the convenient a___(13) to knowledge in the information
era, everyone longs for a way to g____the most o____o___(14)
their own specific educational environment. these four

interrelated pillars can help us make the best out of education
and attain or future ideals.

答案:(1) to this end (2) in store (3) indispensable (4) calls for
(5) diversity (6) implement (7) in accordance with (8) emphasis
(9) combining (10) in depth (11) equip (12) goes after (13)
access (14) get … out of


when we are suddenly t________(1) abroad, we may lose the
peace of mind we need for everyday work and life. all the
familiar c________(2)disappear including words, gestures,
facial expressions, customs , or norms. we reject the foreign
environment and slip into the t___(3)to believe that our culture,
race and nation form the center of the world. the f_____(4) and
anxiety that can be a____(5) to the loss of familiar signs rae
symptoms of culture shock. one of the


网络1001 4

effective c___(6) for this ailment is to know something about
the nature of culture and its relationship to the individual. we
should bear in mind that we are born with the c____(7) to learn
culture and use it . the culture of any people is the product of
history and is b _____u_____(8) over time .it is b______ __ m
______o____(9)culture that we learn to adapt to the physical
environment and to the people with whom we
associate .therefore, it is d _______t________(10) our own lack
of understanding of other people’s cultural background and of
the means of communication that we can not o___ ourselves
t_______(11) the host country. another quick way to g_____
o______(12) culture shock is to know the language. once we
are equipped with the language, a whole new world of cultural
meanings o______ u______(13) for us. we will begin to find out
not only what people do and how they do things. but also what
their interests are. i______ a______(14), it helps us to be a
participant observer by joining the activities of people and
sharing in their responses, whether this be a carnival, a
religious ritual, or some economic activity.

答案:(1) transplanted(2) cues(3) tendency(4) frustration(5)
attributed (6) cures(7) capacity(8) built up(9) by means of(10)
due to(11) orient … to

(12) get over(13) opens up(14) in addition

unit 7

when the first modern olympic games 1896,the olympic creed

the most important thing in the olympic games is not to win
but to t_____ p______ (2),just as the most important thing in
life is not the t______(3),but the struggle .the essential thing is
not to have c________ (4),but to have fought well.

the olympic games f________(5) competition between top
c_____ i_____(6) first is a thrill,to be better than
your rivals is an ego massage(满足自尊), to cheer for
c________(7)is a collective celebration . but the meaning of the
game--the real end of our aspiration-----is to be better than we
are. t____ t______e_____(8),olympic go through a grind of
training relentlessly. when their big moments come,they are
ready to b______o_______(10) their best, especially when they
realize they are competing o_______
b_______o_________(11)their countries. when these athletes


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lass=txt>unit one friendship

enhance your language awareness

words in action

working with words and expressions

(1) 1. bound

2. appropriate

3. possessing

4. permanent

5. appointed

6. parted

7. had corresponded

8. gazed

9. notion

10. keen

11. preserve

12. grasped

13. figured

14. grounded

15. sensible

16. attribute

17. united

18. pursue

19. commitments

20. regulating


guish between

2. checked up on

3. torn down

4. make a fortune

5. all of a sudden

6. lost track of

7. casting an eye over

8. broke up

9. take pleasure in

bed as

11. turned up

12. in so far as

13. is under arrest

14. pass on

15. as to

increasing your word power

(1)l al

l l


(2) 1. refusal 2. arrivals 3. removal 4. dismissal 5. survival 6.
proposal 7. disposal 8. approval

(3) 1. e 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d

grammar review


1. whichever tent you are not using now

2. whoever comes come first

3. whichever whatever condition our captain thought was the

4. wherever no matter where i go

5. whatever wishes their child children expresses express

6. however disappointed no matter how disappointed you
may feel about the surroundings environment situation

7. whoever breaks it

8. whenever he concentrates on a problem


1. it is not luck but hard work tha led him to today’s success.

2. prof. moen argues that it is energy that makes the world go

3. it was not until he had proved he was honest that he won
the family’s trust.

4. it was clearly the headmaster himself who that opened the
door for me.

5. none


1) classical




5) notion utility ground occurs

6) goodness

7) as to

8) possesses

9) preserve

10) bound


12) virtuous

13) commitment

14) moral excellence



1. the friendship grounded on common shared interest does
not break up easily. it is not easy for the friendship grounded
on common shared interest to break up.

2. children must learn to distinguish between violence and
bravery courage in computer games.

3. there spring up so many new things every day in the world
that it is no longer sensible to expect a person to know keep
track of everything.

4. laws do not regulate such things as betrayal to friends; that
is why there is what we call is called the court of morality.

5. today’s culture is described as “fast-food culture”.
whatever they may be are doing, people just pursue the
greatest maximum satisfaction within the shortest time.

6. as the saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. if
you want something, go and earn work for it.


as is commonly acknowledged it is commonly recognised
that humans are social animals. bonded together in a
community, we naturally expect to have friends. as to what
friendship is, people have different notions ideas. some make
friends for mutual utility. once the ground for such friendship
disappears, the friendship also breaks up. however, a lot more
people long for soul pals— those who possess virtues and
with whom we can go through trials and tribulations together.
such friendships keep us away from greed and violence and
encourage us to have the courage of our convictions. such is
what we call true and perfect friendship.

theme-related writing

1. bob and i became brother-like friends in our childhood. we
played, dined and discussed our ambitions together. once
grown up, he started for the west to make his fortune while i
became a policeman in new york. before his departure, we had
dinner together and we agreed that we would meet at the same
place exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter
what our conditions might be or from what distance we might
have to come.

then came the day we were supposed to meet. i was on my
beat then. walking up to the appointed place which had been
turned into a hardware store, i saw a man standing there with
an unlighted cigar in his mouth. before i could speak, he told
me that he was waiting for a friend by the name of jimmy wells.
when he struck a match to light his cigar, i saw a pale face with
keen eyes and a scar. i recognized him immediately. it was bob,
and it was also the face of the man wanted by the chicago
police. for a moment i felt like telling him to escape right away.
after all, we had been friends for so many years and he had
traveled all the way to see me! but then my sense of duty told
me the right thing to do. i said good-bye to him and continued
my patrol, his last words still ringing in my ear: “i’ll wait for

half an hour. jimmy will keep his promise if he’s alive…” i then
sent for a plain clothes man and had bob arrested.

important friend in my life

li qiang, one of my classmates, is fun to be with. he is always
wearing a broad smile as if life is forever sunshine and
butterflies. one day, i revealed to him my worries and anxieties:
i, an ordinary-looking girl, was 177 centimeters tall, even taller
than any of the boys in my class. i thought no boy would like
to date me. besides, i was very poor at my academic courses.

he suggested that i should learn to be myself and then he
introduced me to a fashion show team of the university.
encouraged, i decided to change myself. after a 3-month
training program on weekends, i could perform beautifully as a
model, and surprisingly, i could concentrate on the required
academic courses as well. the applauses i won at each fashion
show and the scholarship i earned proved that being myself
was terrific. since then, my life has changed a lot. thus, li qiang
became an important friend of mine.

last semester, we began to help young people who suffer
pressures from physical defects, academic failures or financial
problems. we set up a confidence club. those who come to us
for help find our work definitely beneficial. our friendship has
led me into a sparkling, rewarding life.

unit two love

enhance your language awareness

words in action

working with words and expressions







