
2020年07月30日 22:17


【摘要】: 谚语从广义上讲包括一个民族或一个地区广为流传的民谚俗语和格言名句。从整体上讲,谚 语基本上是一个民族千百年来全体人民在生产和生活当中所产生的智慧的积淀与结晶,因而 具有较强的群众基础和旺盛的生命力。谚语不仅在民间广为传播,而且还频繁地出现于各种 形式的文学作品当中。在现代媒体诸如报刊杂志、影视广播当中也随处可见谚语的踪影。另 外,谚语具有音美、形美、意美的特征且包罗万象,堪称一部高度浓缩的百科全书。从语言 形式上看,谚语往往措辞简练、对仗工整、充分使用各种修辞方式。从音韵角度来看,谚语 又富有乐感、音韵和谐、便于记诵。用语或典雅庄重或生动活泼、充满着生活气息。作为民 族文化的高度浓缩,谚语内容覆盖面极为广阔,可谓包罗万象、蔚为大观。窥一斑而见全豹, 透过谚语这一特殊语言文化层面,我们可以看到一个民族在其社会、文化、心理、以及哲学 思辩等方面所独具的风采与魅力。简言之,谚语具有言简意丰的特点,富有思想性、艺术性、 哲理性。因此,谚语的重要性不容忽视。 正是基于对谚语重要性的充分认识,本文选择了对英汉谚语作相对系统的对比研究。通过比 较和对比,我们不仅可以更好地了解英语谚语和汉语谚语的诸多方面,而且对于两者相似与 相异之处也会产生更深的认识。对比研究的成果对于外语教学,对外汉语教学和翻译等实践 活动无疑具有相当的借鉴意义。另外,该研究也具有一定的理论意义。它将不仅拓宽对比语 言学的研究领域而且也会为文化语言学(或语言与文化研究)提供一个崭新的研究视角。可 以毫不夸张地说,英汉谚语对比研究既具有现实意义也具有理论意义。然而,英汉谚语对比 研究并没有得到足够的重视。到目前为止,仅有一些相关的论文散见于各种学术刊物或论文 集当中。专论性著作尚未问世。与英汉成语(或习语)对比研究相比显得尤为滞后。为此, 本文作者尝试着对该领域进行相对系统性的研究。限于篇幅及作者的水平,本文还远远谈不 上全面与深入。事实上,本文仅就英汉谚语的几个主要方面进行探讨。 全文共分为七章。第一,二章可以看作论文的引论部分。它为后面各章的讨论提供了标准与 原理。其中,第一章,通过讨论英汉谚语各自的界定及特征从而提出了本研究所涉及到的英 汉谚语的标准。第二章着重讨论了对比语言学的界定与原理。另外,第一,二章还探讨了一 些有争议的问题。比如:汉语中的谚语和俗语;比较语言学与对比语言学的相同相异之处以 及两者
的关系,等等。第三章至第六章可以看作论文的主体部分。其中第三章到第五章分别 从主要来源,句法特点和语体特点等三个方面对英汉谚语进行了对比研究。第六章讨论了英 汉谚语在形式与内容方面的对应,半对应与不对应情况。通过这四章的研究,作者发现尽管 英汉谚语在很多方面有相似之处,但是由于两种语言与文化存在着差异,英汉谚语必然也会 体现出各自的特征。第七章可以看作论文的结束语部分。通过广泛吸收各种翻译理论并充分 利用本文主体部分对英汉谚语对比研究之所得,作者在本章提出了文学作品中谚语翻译的主 要原则。因此,第七章也体现了英汉谚语对比研究现实意义的一个方面,即它对翻译活动的 借鉴作用。
【关键词】:英语谚语 汉语谚语 对比研究 翻译
【目录】: Chapter One: Criteria of English and Chinese Proverbs in this Thesis10-271.1 Definitions and Characteristics of English Proverbs10-201.1.1 Definitions of English Proverbs10-121.1.2 Major Characteristics of English Proverbs12- English Proverbs are Idiomatic Expressions on the Sentence Level12- English Proverbs often Contain Truth, Wisdom, Counsel or Warning15- English Proverbs are often Compressed in Form, Figurative in Language, and Pleasant in Sound Effect181.1.2.4 English Proverbs Enjoy Wide Popularity, Frequently Appear in Daily Speech or other Forms of Mass Media18-201.2 Delimitation and Characteristics of Chinese proverbs20-251.2.1 Yan-yu and Su-yu in Chinese20-241.2.2 The Counterpart of English Proverbs in Chinese should Include Yan-yu and Su-yu24-251.2.3 Major Characteristics of Chinese Proverbs251.3 Criteria of English and Chinese Proverbs in this Thesis25-27Chapter Two: Definition and Principles of a Contrastive Approach27-352.1 Definition of a Contrastive Approach27-322.1.1 Contrastive vs.Comparative27-322.1.1.1 Definitions of a Contrastive Approach and a Comparative Approach27- Similarities, Differences and Relations between a Contrastive Approach and a Comparative Approach29-322.2 Principles of a Contrastive Approach32-35Chapter Three: Major Sources of English and Chinese Proverbs35-493.1 Major Sources of English Proverbs35-413.1.1 General Remarks35-363.1.2 Major Sources of English Proverbs36-413.1.2.1 Most English Proverbs are of Folk Origin36-393.1.2.2 Many English Proverbs are from Classic Works39-403.1.2.3 Some English Proverbs are Translation Loans From other Languages40-413.2 Major Sources of Chinese Proverbs41-473.2.1 General Remarks41-423.2.2 Major Sources of Chinese Proverbs42-473.2.2.1 Most Chinese Proverbs are Originated from
the Daily Speech of the Common People42-433.2.2.2 Many Chinese Proverbs are Attributed to Literary Works and Other Forms of Classics43-463.2.2.3 Some Chinese Proverbs ars Borrowed from other Languages,particularly those of the Ethnic Minorities Living in China46-473.3 A Summary47-49Chapter Four: Major Syntactic Features of English and Chinese Proverbs49-604.1 Major Syntactic Features of English proverbs49-544.1.1 General Remarks about the Syntactic Structures of English Proverbs49-504.1.2 Major Syntactic Features(Structures) of English Proverbs50-544.1.2.1 Ellipsis504.1.2.2 Inversion50-514.1.2.3 Postponement of Attributive Clause514.1.2.4 Preserving some Syntactic Features of Old English (focus on ”it is...that” structure)51-534.1.2.5 Imperative Structure534.1.2.6 Balanced Structure53-544.2 Major Syntactic Features of Chinese proverbs54-594.2.1 Representative Views on the Syntactic Features of Chinese Proverbs54-564.2.2 Major Syntactic Features of Chinese proverbs56-594.2.2.1 Most Chinese Proverbs are Composed of one or two Clauses, seldom three or more564.2.2.2 Subjectless Structure56-574.2.2.3 Balanced Structure57-584.2.2.4 Compacted Structure58-594.3 A Summary59-60Chapter Five: Major Stylistic Features of English and Chinese Proverbs60-695.1 Major Stylistic Features of English Proverbs60-655.1.1 Brevity is the Soul of English Proverbs61-625.1.2 Rhetoric Devices Abound in English Proverbs62-635.1.3 Colloquialism is the Predominant Stylistic Feature of English Proverbs635.1.4 The Flavor of Archaism in Some English Proverbs Should not be Ignored63-645.1.5 A Summary64-655.2 Major Stylistic Features of Chinese Proverbs65-685.2.1 Colloquialism is the Basic Stylistic Feature of Chinese Proverbs65-665.2.2 A certain Number of Chinese Proverbs are quite Formal and Elegant665.2.3 Most Chinese Proverbs Employ Figures of Speech66-685.3 A Summary68-69Chapter Six: Corresponding Phenomena between English & Chinese Proverbs69-776.1 Different Views on the Issue69-706.2 Corresponding and Non-Corresponding Phenomena between English and Chinese Proverbs70-776.2.1 Corresponding Proverbs71-736.2.2 Semi-corresponding proverbs73-756.2.2.1 Close in Meaning, Divergent in Expression73-746.2.2.2 Similar in Expression, Divergent in Meaning74-756.2.3 Non-corresponding Proverbs75-77Chapter Seven: Major Principles for the Translation of Proverbs77-897.1 Principles of Translation77-787.2 Principles for the Translation of Proverbs78-877.2.1 Be Faithful to the Content of the Proverbs in the Source Language78-817.2.1.1 Thorough Understanding of the Proverbs in the Source Language78-807.2.1.2 Reproducing in the Receptor Language the Closest Natural Equivalent in Content80-817.2.2 Preserving the National (Historical-cultural) Colorings in the Source Language81-857.2.2
.1 In the Interpretation of Daily Speech, the National Colorings of the Source Proverbs can be Ignored owing to the Limitation of Circumstances827.2.2.2 While Translating Proverbs in Literary Works, the National Flavor should be Preserved Whenever Possible82-847.2.2.3 Literal Translation is Preferred in Literary Works84-857.2.3 Be Faithful to the Original Style, in cluding Colloquialism and Archaism85-877.2.4 Taking other Factors into Consideration to Ensure that the Translated Version of the Source Proverbs Sound and Look like Proverbs in the Receptor Language877.3 A Summary87-89Bibliography89-92







