
2020年07月30日 22:18


abandon vt.抛弃;放弃=forsake, desert;give up n.放纵;沉溺with abandon=unrestraint
abandoned adj.被抛弃的,废置的=empty, deserted
abandonment n. 抛弃;放弃
abbreviate vt.缩短=shorten, cut vt.缩写
abbreviated adj.简短的
abbreviation n.缩写;缩写词
abide vi.遵守abide by=follow, comply with, observe vt.忍受=endure, put up with, bear, tolerate
abiding adj.持久的=enduring
ability n.能力,才干=capacity, skill
inability n.无能,无力
capability n.(实际)能力,性能,容量
variability n.可变性
viability n. 生存能力;可行性
ablaze adj.闪耀的;燃烧的=radiant, bright;burning
blazing adj.炽烧的,闪耀的
abnormal adj.反常的,异常的;变态的=anomalous, unusual
normal adj.正常的,正规的,标准的
normally adv.正常地
abolish vt.废除,取消=eliminate, annul
abolition n.废除,革除
abolitionist n. 废奴主义者
abort n.中止计划(任务)=stop
abound vi.充满;富于abound in=be full of,be plentiful
abrasion n.磨(擦)破;表面磨损=scratch, friction
abrasive adj.研磨的
abrupt adj.突然的,意外的=sudden, unforeseen
abruptly adv.突然地
absenteeism n.旷课;旷工
absent adj.缺少的;不在的,缺席的=missing;not present
absence n.缺乏,没有;不在,缺席
absentee n.缺席者
absolute adj.完全的;绝对的=utter,complete;definite
absolutely adv.完全地;绝对地=utterly,definitely
absorb vt. 吸收(液体等);吸取(知识等)=take in, receive
absorption n.吸收=assimilation, reception
abstract adj.抽象的=theoretical n/vt. 摘要,提炼=summary
abstraction n.抽象概念=concept,idea
absurd adj.荒谬的,可笑的=preposterous, ridiculous, foolish
abundant adj.丰富的,充裕的;大量的=plentiful, profuse
abundantly adv.丰富地=in great numbers, amply
abundance n.丰富,充裕=profusion, richness
abuse n.(权利等的)滥用;(物品的)不精心使用;虐待(人)=misuse
abut vi. 邻接,毗邻abut to=adjoin, be close to
academic adj.学术的;学院的;理论的=scholarly;collegiate;theoretical
academician n.学会会员;院士;学者
accelerate v.加快,加速=speed up, hasten,increase
accelerated adj.加速的,迅速的=rapid
acceleration n.加速度
decelerate V.(使)减速
access n./v.接触,接近(的机会)have access to=approach n.入口,通道=entrance,entry
accessible adj.可接近的;可得到的=available, approachable;attainable
accessibility n.易接近;可达到
accessory n.附件,零件
accidental adj.意外的,偶然的=unexpected, unforeseen
accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地=inadvertently, by chance
accident n.意外事件,事故
acclaim n.赞誉,赞许=recognition, praise vt.喝彩,欢呼;称赞=hail, applaud
acclaimed adj. 受赞誉的,受人欢迎的
accommodate v
accommodation n.住处
accommodating adj.乐于助人的
accompany vt.陪伴,伴随;伴奏=travel with, be associated with
accompanying adj.陪伴的,伴随的=attendant, concomitant
accompaniment n.伴奏
accomplish vt.完成,达到,实现=achieve
accomplishment n.成就=achievement, fulfillment
accomplished adj.精通的,熟练的=skilled, experienced
accordion n.手风琴
account n.记述;说明,解释=report, description n.户头;账目open an account
on account of 由于...,因为...=because of, due to
take account of 考虑到;体谅
take into account 重视,考虑
account for 解释
accounting n.会计学
accountant n.会计员,会计师
accredit vt.委派;授权=authorize, commission
accumulate vi.堆积,积聚;积累=pile up, collect
accumulated adj.积聚的
accumulation n.积聚=accretion, concentration
accurate adj.准确的,正确的=precise, correct
accuracy n.精确性,正确度
accurately adv.正确地
inaccurate adj.错误的
accuse vt.指责,归咎=blame, condemn
accusation n.谴责;控告=indictment, charge
accustomed adj.习惯了的accustomed to=habitual to, used to
achieve vt.完成,实现=accomplish, fulfill
achievement n.成就,功绩=feat, accomplishment
acid n.酸 adj. 酸的=sour, tart adj. 尖酸的,刻薄的=harsh, tart
acidic adj.酸的,酸性的
acidity n.酸度,酸性
acquaint vt.熟悉;使了解acquaint with=inform about
acquaintance n.熟人
acquisition n.获得;得到的人(或东西)=acquirement, attainment
acquire vt.获得,学到=obtain, secure
acronym n.首字母缩写词=abbreviation
actually adv.实际上,事实上=truly, really, in fact
actual adj.实际的,现行的=true, real
activate vt.刺激,使活动=encourage, stimulate
actuate vt.开动,促使=set in motion, motivate
actively adv.活跃地,积极地=energetically, vigorously
acute adj. 灵敏的,敏锐的=keen, penetrating adj.(事情)剧烈的;很严重的=intense;critical, severe
acumen n.敏锐,聪明=acuteness, insight
adapt v.(使)适应,调整;改编=adjust, modify
adaptation n.改编,改写;适应环境=modification, adjustment
adaptable adj.能适应的,适应能力强的=flexible, pliant
adaptive adj.适合的;适应的
addict vt.使沉溺,使上瘾be addicted to=indulge in, be devoted to n.上瘾者
addictive adj.(使人)上瘾的
additive n.添加剂=addition, supplement adj. 加法的
additional adj.另外的,附加的,额外的=further, extra
in addition to 除..之外
adept adj.熟练的,擅长的=competent, skilled
adequate adj.足够的,充足的=sufficient, enough
inadequate adj. 不充分的
adhere vi.黏附,粘牢adhere to=stick, cling vi. 追随,坚持adhere to=follow
adhesive n.粘着物=glue, paste adj. 粘着的=sticky, glutinous
adjacent adj.毗连的,邻近的=neighboring, nearby
adjoin vt.毗连,
邻近=be next to, border on
adjoining adj.毗邻的=neighboring, adjacent
adjunct n. 附件,附属=addition, accessory
adjust vt.调整;使适于=adapt, regulate
adjustment n.调整
administer vt.管理=govern, supervise
administration n.经营,管理=management, supervision n.当局,政府=directors, executives
administrative adj.管理的;行政的
administrator n.管理者;行政官
admire vt.钦佩,崇拜;欣赏=esteem, be impressed;appreciate
admiration n. 钦佩,赞美
admiring adj. 赞赏的
admit vt.准许,接纳=give access to, allow entrance to vt.承认=acknowledge, accept
admittedly adv.公认地;诚然,无可否认地=doubtlessly, surely
adobe n.泥砖,土坯=clay, brick
adopt vt.采用,采纳=accept, take on vt.收养=raise
adoption n.采用
adorn vt.装饰=decorate, embellish, ornament
adornment n.装饰;装饰品=embellishment, decoration
unadorned adj.未装饰的,朴实的=plain, unembellished
advance vt.提高,发展;提升=further, progress vt.提出=propose, suggest vi.前进=proceed, move forward n.前进,进步=improvement, progress
in advance 预先,提前
advancement n.进展;提升=progress:promotion
advanced adj.高级的;年老的;先进的
advent n.(尤指不寻常的人或事)出现,到来=coming, appearance
adventure n.冒险经历=risk, venture
adventurous adj.喜欢冒险的,敢做敢为的=valiant, venturesome
adventurer n.冒险家
adverse adj.负面的,不利的=ill, disadvantageous adj.敌对的,相反的=hostile, antagonistic
adversely adv.相反地;不利地=negatively, detrimentally
adversity n.不幸,灾难=misfortune, mishap
advocate n.提倡者,主张者=champion, proponent vt.拥护,主张=urge, preach, support
aesthetic adj.美学的,审美的
anesthetic n.麻醉剂
affect v.影响;假装
affected adj.装模作样的
affection n.友爱,挚爱,情爱=fondness, love
affective adj.感情的,表达感情的=sentimental
affectionate adj.亲爱的,挚爱的=loving
affiliate vt.使隶属;接纳为成员affiliate with=associate;incorporate
affinity n.紧密关系=connection, relationship n.吸引;喜爱=attraction;liking
affirm vt.断言;证实,确认=assert;confirm
afflict vt.折磨;使苦恼=plague, suffer, torment
affliction n.痛苦,苦恼=problem, suffering, pain
affluent adj.富有的,丰富的
afford vt.付得起;冒险做=pay;risk vt.提供=provide, give
affordable adj.负担得起的,便宜的
agenda n.日程,议程=schedule
aggravate vt.使恶化,使加重=worsen, exacerbate
aggravating adj.恼人的,讨厌的=irritating, annoying
aggregate n.总数=total, sum n.聚集体,集合体=combination n.总数=total,sum
aggregation n. 集合,群体
aggressive adj. 自信的;大胆的和积极进取的=enterprising, powerful adj. 好斗的,有敌意的=combative, hostile
aggressiveness n.侵略;争斗
agile adj.敏捷的,活
泼轻快的=nimble, brisk
agility n.敏捷,活泼
fragile adj.易碎的,脆的
fragility n.脆弱
aging n.老化,成熟的过程
agitation n.焦虑,不安;煽动=anxiety, disturbance
agreeable adj.(指计划等)使人愉快的,合意的=pleasing, acceptable adj. 容易相处的=affable, friendly
disagreeable adj.不令人喜欢的,令人厌恶的
ailment n.疾病(尤指轻病、小病)=sickness, illness, affliction
aim n. 目标,计划=objective, object, plan vi. 针对;打算,意欲aim at=direct towards
air n. 空气,空中=atmosphere vt. 晾干,使通风=ventilate, aerate
airborne adj.空气传播的;空运的,空降的=aloft, flying, in the air
airstream n.(尤指与飞机前进方向相反的)气流
ajar adj.(门窗等)微开的=half-open
akin adj.同族的;类似的
akin to 有密切关系的=related;similar
alchemy n.炼金术
alchemist n.炼金术士,炼丹家
alder n.赤杨树(一种植物木材,用于雕刻、制作家具等)
alert adj.机敏的=wary,vigilant vt.警报;使随时掌握,了解=warn, alarm n.警戒,警报
algae n.海藻
alien adj.相异的;陌生的=strange, unfamiliar
salient adj.显著的,突出的
alignment n.排列;联合,联盟=arrangement;association, alliance
alike adj.相同的,相似的=similar, resembling
all but 几乎=almost, nearly
allegation n.宣称,主张,断言
allegory n.寓言 parable, fable
alliteration n.(诗歌的)头韵
allocate vt.分配
alloy n.合金=mixture vt.使成合金=mix
allude vi.暗指,影射,间接提到=imply, refer to
ally n.联盟;同盟者=confederate, partner, collaborator v.结盟 combine
rally n.集会
aloft adv.在高处;在空中=airborne, in flight
alone adj./v.单独的(地)=solitary;by oneself
aloof adj.远离的;冷淡的,漠不关心的=separate, remote;indifferent
alter vt.改变,修改=modify, change, convert
alteration n.变更,改造=renovation, change
alternate adj.交替的,轮流的=intermittent, every other adj.替代的=alternative vi.交替,轮流=fluctuate, rotate, interchange
alternately adv.交替地,隔一个地=one after another
alternation n.交替,轮流
alternative adj.(两种或两种以上的东西中)另一可选的(事务),另外的(选择)=option, choice
altitude n.(海拔)高度=elevation, height
latitude n.纬度
platitude n.陈词滥调
amateur adj.业余的=nonprofessional, inexpert n.业余爱好者=nonprofessional, layman
amaze vt.使吃惊,使惊叹=stun, astonish, shock
amazing adj.令人惊异的=awesome, astounding, surprising
amazement n.惊愕,惊异=wonder, surprise
ambience n.周围环境,气氛=atmosphere, environment
ambitious adj.有雄心的,渴望成功的=aspiring, enterprising
ambition n.雄心,抱负=aspiration
ambivalent adj.有矛盾情绪的,举棋不定的=mixed, contradictory
ambivalence n.矛盾心理=conflicting feelin
gs, vacillation
amble vi.漫步,缓行 =ramble, roam
scramble vt.搅乱,使混杂
amenable adj.顺从的;应服从的=submissive, tractable
amendment n.改正,修正=correction, revision
Amendment n.宪法修正案
amend vt.改正,修正=revise, change
amenity .生活福利设施,文娱康乐场所 n.(不可数)愉快,适意
amid prep.在…中=in the middle of, among
pyramid n.金字塔;金字塔现象/形状
amnesia n.健忘症
amount n.量,总合=quantity, sum vi. 总计;等于amount to=total, reach
paramount adj.最重要的,最高权力的
ample adj.富足的,充足的=abundant, plentiful, sufficient
trample vt.践踏,踩坏=destroy
amplify vt.放大;扩大;增强=enlarge;expand;strengthen
amplification n. 扩大
an army of 大群的,大量的=a large number of
analogy n.类比,类推=comparison n.类此物=parallel, similarity
analogous adj.类似的=comparable, similar
analyze vt.分析,分解=diagnose, examine
analysis n.分析;分析报告=study, investigation
psychoanalysis n.心理分析
anarchist n.无政府主义者 rebel
anatomy n.解剖;解剖学=dissection
ancestor n.祖先,祖宗=forefather, forebear
ancestry n.家系,血统=descent, origin
ancestral adj.祖先的,祖传的
anecdotal adj.轶闻的,多轶闻趣闻的
anecdote n.短故事,轶事=episode, story
anesthesia n.麻醉
anesthetic n.麻醉剂,麻药
angular adj.有角的,尖角的
rectangular n.矩形的,成直角的
triangular adj.三角形的
animated adj.栩栩如生的,动画的;活泼的,生动的=lively, vigorous, vivacious
annex vt.兼并,吞并,附加=append, add
annihilate vt.消灭,歼灭;消减=conquer, destroy, demolish
announce vt.宣布,发表,通告=herald, give out, proclaim
announcement n.宣告,发表
announcer n.广播员;报幕员
annoy vt.使恼怒;打扰=disturb, irritate
annoying adj.恼人的,讨厌的;使人愤怒的=bothersome, troublesome, irritating
annual adj.每年的=yearly (adj.)
annually adv.一年一次,每年=yearly (adv.)
anomaly n.异常,不规则;异常的人或物=aberration, abnormality
anonymous adj.匿名的=unknown, nameless
anthem n.圣歌,赞美诗=song, hymn
anthology n.诗集,文选=collection
anthropology n.人类学
antibiotics n.抗生素=antibacterial
antibiotic adj.抗菌的,抗生的
anticipate vt.预期,预料=expect, predict
anticipation n.期望,预料
antiquate vt.使古旧,废弃
antiquated adj.陈旧的,过时的=old-fashioned, obsolete
antique n.古董=relic, curio adj. 古时的,陈旧的=old, archaic, ancient
antiquity n.古迹;古物=relic n. 古代=ancient times n. 古老
antiseptic n.杀菌剂,防腐剂=bactericide
anxious adj.渴望的;担忧的
anxiously adv.忧虑地=eager, keen;worried
apart from 除…之外 except for, aside from
apologize vi.道歉=beg pardon
apology n.道歉,歉意
apologetic adv. 道歉的=re
appeal n.吸引力=attraction;charm vi. 吸引appeal to=attract, fascinate vi. 上诉,申诉appeal to=challenge
appealing adj.动人的,媚人的=attractive, charming
appetite n.胃口,食欲=desire
applaud vi.喝彩,欢呼=clap, acclaim
application n.申请 n.施用,运用;作用,影响
apply vt.涂抹;充当,使用=exert vi.应用,适用(apply to=use for) vi. 申请apply for/to
applicant n.申请人
appliance n.用具,器具
appointment n.约会 n.指定=arrangement
disappointment n.失望
appoint vt.任命,选派=designate, nominate
apportion vt.(按比例或计划)分配=istribute, allot
appraisal n.评价,估价=assessment, evaluation
appreciable adj.(数量或变化)很大的,值得重视的=onsiderable, perceptible
appreciate vt.赏识;鉴赏=admire, value vt. 感激=be grateful for
appreciation n.欣赏;口味,兴趣=recognition;taste
apprentice n.学徒,徒弟;见习生 vt.令人当学徒
approach n.方法=access, method vt. 接近,靠近=near
approaching adj.接近的,逼近的=impending
appropriate adj.适当的,恰当的=apt, proper, suitable
appropriately vt.拨款 adv. 适当地=allocate
appropriation n.拨款=funding, allotment
approve vt.批准=sanction, ratify vi. 赞成,同意approve of=endorse
approval n.赞成,正式批准=sanction, endorsement
disapproval n.不赞成
approximate v.接近,近似=approach adj. 大约的,估计的=estimated, rough
approximately adv.近似地,大约=about, roughly
apt adj.恰当的,贴切的=appropriate, suitable adj. 易于…的=likely
aptly adv.适当地,得体地
aquatic adj.水生的,水栖的=watery
aquarium n.水族馆
arbitrary adj.专横的,专制的,武断的
Arbitrarily adv.专横地=dictatorial, autocratic
arboreal adj.树栖的;树的=tree-dwelling;treelike
archaeologist n.考古学家
archaeology n.考古学
archaeological adj.考古学的,考古学上的
ethnoarchaeology n.种族文化考古学,文学群落考古学
architect n.建筑师
architecture n.建筑;建筑学
architectural adj.建筑上的;建筑学的
ardent adj.热烈投入的,极热心的=passionate, zealous, enthusiastic
arduous adj.费力的,艰难的=difficult, strenuous, hard
arena n.竞技场,舞台
aria n.独唱曲,咏叹调
arid adj.干旱的;贫瘠的=dry;barren, infertile
semiarid adj.雨量非常少的,半干旱的
arithmetic n.算术
armor n.装甲;装甲车=shield
armored adj.披甲的,装甲的
arms n.武器,兵种=weapon
armory n.兵工厂,军械库;纹章学=arsenal
aroma n.香气,芬芳,芳香=fragrance, scent
aromatic adj.芬芳的=fragrant
arouse vt.刺激,激起;唤醒=excite, stimulate;awake
arrange vt.计划,准备=plan, schedule vt. 整理,摆放=put together, organize
arrangement n.排列,安排=composition, order
an array of (排列整齐的)一批;一系列;大量=collection;large number
arthritis n.关节炎
article n.论文,文章=essay, editorial n. 物品=object, item n.条款
particle n.点,微粒
articulate vt.清楚地讲话,清晰地发音=enunciate, pronounce adj. 善于言辞的;表达清晰的=clear
particulate adj.微小的
artificial adj.人造的,人工的=synthetic, man-made, unreal adj.虚假的,矫揉造作的
artisan n.手工业工人,手艺人
as far as 就...来说;远及
as such 就象这样做,就本身而论
as a rule 通常,总的来说=usually, generally
as a rule of thumb 大概来说
ascend vt.(渐渐)上升,升高;攀登=climb, mount
ascending adj.上升的,向上的=climbing, rising
ascent n.攀登,上升
ascribe vt.把…归于ascribe to=assume to be true, attribute to
aspect n.(问题等的)方面;(事物的)一部分=respect;facet n.观点,角度=perspective, viewpoint
aspiring adj.有抱负的,有理想的,积极向上的=ambitious, enthusiastic
aspiration n.雄心,抱负=ambition, longing
assault n.(武力上的)袭击;(口头上的)攻击=attack, onslaught
assemble vt.集合,装配=put together, gather vi. 聚集=congregate, convene
assembly n.集会;参加集会的人们(译成...大会,...议会)=gathering, meeting n. 装配,安装
assembly line 装配线,流水线
assemblage n.集合,组合
assert vt.声称,坚持=emphatically state, declare
assess vt.估计,分析,评估=estimate, judge
assessment n.估价,评估
asset 财产,资产=properties n. 优势;重要的品质=advantage
cassette n.盒式磁带
videocassette n.录像带
assignment n.任务,作业=task, job n. 分配=distribution, appointment
assimilate vt.学习,吸收(知识)=understand, grasp vt. 吃,吸收(食物或营养)=absorb
assistant n.助手,助教=helper, aide adj.辅助的,助理的
assist vt.援助,帮助=help
assistance n.协助,援助
assistantship n.(大学)研究生助教奖学金
associate v.关联,联合associate with=pertain to, connect to n.伙伴=comrade adj. 准的/副的(比正职低一级)
association n. 关联,联合=alliance, connection n.协会=club, union
assorted adj.各式各样的,多样混合的=varied, miscellaneous
assortment n.各类物品的聚集,混合物=variety, conglomerate
assume vt.假定,设想=suppose, presume vt. 承担(责任);采用(形式或姿势)=take on, bear
assumption n.假设;就职;确信的想法=hypothesis, supposition;instalment
assure vt.巩固,确保;向…保证,使确信=solidify;guarantee, convince
assuredly adv.确实地,确信地=certainly, undoubtedly
reassure vt.使...安心,打消...疑虑
astonish vt.使惊讶=surprise, shock
astonished adj.惊讶的
astonishing adj.(某事或物)惊人的,奇迹的=astounding, miraculous
astound vt.使惊异=surprise, shock
astounding adj.令人吃惊的
astronomy n.天文学
astronomer n.天文学

astronomical adj.天文学的=celestial
astute adj.机敏的,精明的=shrewd, judicious
asymmetrical adj.不均匀的,不对称的=unbalanced, uneven
at intervals 不时;相隔一段距离
at the cutting edge of 在…前线(指巨大进步或极其重要的状态或位置)
at one session 一下子,一次性
atheist n.无神论者=nonbeliever
theist n.有神论者
athlete n.运动员=sportsman
atmosphere n.空气;大气;气氛
atom n.原子
atomic adj.原子的;微小的
atomization n.原子化;雾化
atrophy n.萎缩;萎缩症=shrinkage
attachment n.依恋,喜欢=preference, affection, love n. 附件,附加装置,配属=accessory, adjunct
attach vt.系,缚=fasten, annex
attached adj.附加的,附属的
attain vt.达到,获得=accomplish, achieve
attainment n.成就=fulfillment, achievement
attempt n./vi.尝试=try, endeavor;effort
attend vt.参加;入学=be present at, go to n.照顾(病人);照料,料理=take care of,tend
attendant n.侍者,护理人员=aide, servant adj. 伴随的=accompanying
attendance n.出席,出席的人数
attire n.盛装,穿着=clothing, dress
attorney n.代理人,辩护律师=lawyer
attractive adj.吸引人的,有魅力的=appealing, pleasing, inviting, intriguing, tempting
attract vt.吸引;引起注意=lure, allure
attraction n.吸引;吸引人的事物=affinity, appeal
attribute n.属性,品质=characteristic, trait vi. 把…归于,归因于attribute to=identify as, ascribe to
audience n.听众,观众=spectator, viewer
audit vt.旁听
audible adj.听得见的=perceptible, discernible
auditorium n.大礼堂
audition n.(对艺人的)面试(试演/试唱)=tryout, test
auger n.螺丝钻,钻孔机
augment vt.增加,增大=increase, enlarge
aurora n.极光=auroral light
authentic adj.真迹的,真的;可靠的,确实的=genuine, real;valid, trustworthy
authenticate vt.证明(某物)为真=verify, confirm
authority n.权力,权限;(某领域的)权威人士=jurisdiction, power ities 当局=officials, government
authorize vt. 授权,批准=empower, commission
autobiography n.自传
autobiographical adj.自传的,自传体的
biography n.传记
automatic adj.(尤指机器)自动(化)的;(人)无意识的,机械的
automated adj.自动的=mechanical, automatic
automatically adv.自动地=automated, mechanized;involuntary
autonomy n. 自治,自治权=independence, liberty
autonomous adj.自治的,独立的=independent, self-governing
auxiliary adj.辅助的;补充的=aiding;supplementary
available adj.自由的,有空的=free adj.可利用的,可得到的=obtainable, accessible
avalanche n.雪崩=snowslide
avant-garde n.先锋派(艺术流派);先锋,前卫=vanguard, cutting edge
average adj.一般的,通常的;平庸的=typical;mediocre n.平均水平;平均数=mean vt.平均为
aversion n.厌恶,憎恨=opposition, dis
averse adj.反对的,不愿意的=opposed, unwilling
avert vt.转移;避免,规避=prevent, avoid
aviation n.航空;航空学=flying, flight;aeronautics
aviator n.飞行家
avid adj.渴望的;急切的;贪婪的=eager;enthusiastic
avocation n.(个人)副业;业余爱好=sideline;hobby
avocational adj.副业的,嗜好的
avoid vt.躲避,规避=shield away from, shun, prevent
avoidable adj.可避免的
avoidance n.避免
awareness n.察觉;觉悟;意识+of/+that=realization, consciousness
awkward adj.笨拙的,不灵活的=clumsy, inept
awkwardly adv.(见到生人)局促不安地,笨拙地
axis n.轴;轴心=shaft, pivot
baby-sitter n.临时保姆,代人照顾婴儿者
bachelor n.(文理)学士(学位);单身汉=unmarried men
back and forth 来来回回,来回地=backwards and forwards, to and fro
backbone n.骨干,支柱=support, mainstay n. 脊椎,中枢=spine
backdrop n.舞台背景;背景=background, setting
baggage n.行李=luggage, packing
balance n.平衡=equilibrium, symmetry, stability vt.使平衡,使均衡=equilibrate
balanced adj.均衡的;平稳的
imbalance n.不平衡,不均衡
overbalance vi. 失去平衡
bald adj.秃头的;光秃的=hairless
bald eagle 白头海雕(美国国鸟)
balloon n.气球
balloonist n.气球驾驶者
ban vt.禁止,查禁=prohibit, proscribe
banner n.旗帜,标语,横幅=flag, sign
bang v. 发出砰的一声,重击
Cuban n./adj. 古巴人;古巴(人)的
band n. 乐队;队=orchestra;team n.(光或颜色的)带;带子=strip, ribbon, belt vi.联合,集合=unite, ally
bandleader n.乐队指挥
bandmaster n.乐队指挥
bandanna n.大手帕
bankruptcy n.破产
bankrupt adj.破产了的v.(使)破产
bar n.酒吧 n.条,棒;栅=strip, stick n.律师业
snack bar 快餐店
bar code 条形码
barb n.(鱼钩等的)倒钩;倒刺
barbed wire 带倒钩的铁丝(铁丝网)
barbecue n.吃烤肉的野餐
barber n. 理发师=haircutter, shaver
bare adj.无遮蔽的,赤裸的,光(秃)的=naked, nude adj.仅有的,勉强的
barely adv.仅仅=just, only adv.几乎不能=hardly, scarcely
barge n.驳船=flatboat
bark n.树皮=outer covering, skin n./vi.狗叫,咆哮=yelp, howl
barn n.谷仓;畜棚
baroque adj.【建】巴洛克式的(有繁华的装饰和复杂的形式);(艺术,建筑等)高度装饰的,过分雕琢的=embellished, elaborate
barrel n.桶=vessel
barren adj.贫瘠的;荒凉的=infertile;desolate
barrenness n.荒凉
barrier n.屏障,障碍;栅栏=obstacle, hindrance;hurdle
barter n./v.物品交换,易货贸易=trade, exchange
basement n.地下室=cellar, storage room
basin n.盆;盆地
bead n.珠子=pearl;(液体)小滴=drops, droplet
beaded adj.以珠装饰的,珠状的
beak n.鸟嘴=nib
beam n.大梁=rafter, brace n.(光线的)束,柱=ray
girder n.钢结构大梁
bear vt.负担
et vt.阻碍,阻止=hinder, obstruct
bloom n./vi.花/开花=flower, blossom
blossom n./vi.花/开花
blues n.抑郁,沮丧;忧郁布鲁斯音乐(蓝调音乐)=gloom, depressed spirits
bluff n.悬崖,绝壁=cliff, precipice
blunt adj.(说话)直言不讳的=outspoken, candid, direct adj.(刀、铅笔的)钝的,不尖的=dull
blush vi.脸红,羞愧=flush
board n.(薄而平的)木板=lumber, plank n.委员会 n.膳食费用 vt.上(船、飞机等)=get on
boarder n.寄宿者;寄生者
boardinghouse n.寄宿公寓
keyboard n.键盘
cupboard n.食橱,碗碟柜
boast n./v.自夸,以有…而自豪=brag, vaunt
boastful adj.吹嘘的,自负的
boiling point 沸点
bold adj.勇敢的,大胆的;放肆/无礼的=brave, daring, intrepid;impudent
bolster n.垫子,枕垫 vt.支持=support, strengthen
bonanza n.额外好处;带来好运的事物;富矿带=boom
bond n.联结,联系;粘连;化学键=link, tie, connection n.债券=securities, debenture
boom n.突然的景气;行情暴涨=bonanza, prosperity vi.急速发展=prosper, expand, flourish
baby boom 生育高峰
boon n.为…之恩惠,对…极为有用之物=blessing, benefit
baboon n.狒狒
boost vt.增加,提高,促进=raise, advance
boring adj.令人厌烦的=tiresome, tedious
boredom n.烦恼,无聊=tedium, dullness
bore vt.钻孔=drill vt.令人厌烦
boulder n.巨石=rock, fieldstone
bounce vi.跳起,弹回=jolt, rebound
bound adj.被束缚的;有义务的=tied, held, committed n.范围,限制=limit, constraint
boundary n. 分界线,边界=dividing line, border, frontier
boundless adj.无限的,无边无际的=infinite, borderless
bouquet n. 花束=bunch
bow n.(小提琴等的)弓;弓形
bowlegged adj. 弯脚的
bowl n.碗,碗状物
elbow n.肘
rainbow n.彩虹
braid vt.编织=weave, plait
brain n.脑,大脑;头脑,智力=intelligence, intellect
brawl n.争吵=fight, quarrel
brawling n. 争吵,喧嚷=fighting
breach vt.打破,突破=break n.违背,破坏=violation, infringement
break apart 分开,分裂=split, divide
break out 爆发;发生=begin, burst out
breakdown n.失败;故障=failure;malfunction n.分解;细目分类=decomposition,;itemization of
breakup n.分裂,分离=divorce, separation
break up 分裂,分离=divide, separate
breathless adj.无声息的,喘不过气来的=out of breath
breathing n.呼吸=respiration
breath n.呼吸,气息
breathe v.呼吸,呼出=respire
breathtaking adj.令人激动的;惊人的=stunning, awesome
breed vt.养育,繁殖=raise, hatch, mate
crossbreeding n.异种交配,杂交
breeze n.微风=light wind
brighten v.点亮=lighten vt.使愉快;使乐观=cheer;encourage
brilliance n.聪明;辉煌=cleverness;magnificence
brilliantly adv.辉煌地,灿烂地=brightly, radiantly
brim n. 边;边缘=brink, edge
broad-brimmed adj.宽边的
briny adj.盐水的,咸的=sa
line, salty
brisk adj.活泼的,轻快的=energetic, swift
briskness n.敏捷,活泼
brittle adj.易碎的=breakable, fragile
broaden v.放宽,变宽,扩大=widen, expand
brochure n.小册子=short pamphlet
bronze n. 青铜;铜像
Bronze Age 青铜器时代
sun-bronzed adj.被太阳晒成古铜色的
brook n.小河=creek, stream
brown n./adj.褐色(的),棕色(的) vt.使成褐色,晒黑=tan
brownish adj. 呈褐色的
bubble n.气泡,水泡=foam
buckle n.皮带扣环=fastener v.扣紧;(使)变弯曲=fasten;distort
bud n.芽,蓓蕾=shoot, sprout vi.发芽
taste bud 味蕾
buddy n.密友,伙伴
budget n.预算=estimate
buggy n.轻型马车(双轮单座的轻马车)
building block 积木
bulb n.球茎,球状物
bulk n.大批;大部分=majority, main part n.大小,体积=volume, mass
bulky adj.庞大的,笨重的=cumbersome, unwieldy, clumsy
bump n.肿块;突起=lump, bulge v.碰(伤),撞(破)=collide
bump into 偶遇
bunch n.串,束;群=clump, cluster, gathering vi.捆成一束;聚集=pack;crowd
bundle n.捆,束,包=packet, parcel vt.捆=pack
burgeon vi.迅速成长,发展=thrive, mushroom
burning n./adj.燃烧(的)=flaming adj.强烈的=intense, ardent
burrow n.洞穴=tunnel, den vi.挖地洞=dig
bush n.矮树丛=shrub
bust n.半身像,半身雕像
combustion n.燃烧
combustible adj.易燃的
robust adj.精力充沛的
statue n.全身雕像
butter n.奶油
buzz n./v.嗡嗡声;发出嗡嗡声
buzzer n.蜂鸣器
by chance 偶然=accidentally, incidentally
by-product n.副产品=derivative
cab n.出租马车、汽车=taxi, taxicab
taxicab n.出租车
the Cabinet n.内阁
cabinetmaker n.家具师,细工木匠
cabin n. 小屋;船舱=cottage
log cabin 小木屋
cactus n.仙人掌
cadence n.(说话时语调的)抑扬顿挫=beat, rhyme
calculate vt.计算;估计=compute, determine;estimate
calculation n.计算,考虑
calculator n.计算器
calibration n.校准;标度,刻度=adjustment;measurement
calm adj.(天气、海洋等)静的,平静的=placid, quiet, tranquil adj. 镇静的,沉着的=cool, composed vt. 使平静,使镇定,平息=tranquilize, soothe
campaign n. (政治或商业性)活动,竞选运动=drive, battle vi.竞选;作战=seek,run for
champion n. 冠军 vt.拥护,支持
championship n. 锦标赛
cancel vt. 取消=revoke, call off
cancellation n. 取消
candid adj. 率直的,坦白的=straightforward, frank
candidate n. 候选人
cannibalism n. 同类相食
canopy n. 天篷,遮篷=covering, umbrella
canvas n. 帆布;画布
capability n. 能力=capacity, skill
capable adj. 有能力的=competent
capacity n. 容量;能力=content, volume;ability, capability
captivity n. 囚禁,拘留=prison, confinement
carapace n. (蟹或龟的)甲壳
carat n. (宝石重量单位)克拉
cardiac adj. 心脏的
carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物

cardinal adj. 首要的,主要的=principal, main n.朱红雀(一种美洲鸟,雄性有深红色羽毛)
career n. 生涯,职业=vocation, occupation
careerism n. 野心,追求名利
careless adj. 粗心的,疏忽的=negligent, heedless
carelessly adv. 不注意地,粗心地=recklessly
careful adj. 小心的,仔细地=deliberate, cautious
cargo n.货物=shipload, freight
caricature n. (滑稽模仿的)讽刺画,漫画=parody
carnival n. 狂欢节=festivity
carnivorous adj. 食肉的=meat-eating, predatory
carve vt. 切开;雕刻=cut;sculpt
carver n. 雕刻匠,雕工
carving n. 雕刻品,雕花
cast vt. 浇铸=shape, mold vt. 投,抛=project, throw
cast-iron adj. 铸铁的
cast off 丢弃,摆脱=get rid of
cast away 使失事,使漂流
forecast n./vt. 预测,预报
broadcast n./vt. 广播;传播
rebroadcast vt. 重播
newscast n. 新闻广播
overcast adj. 阴天的,阴暗的
casual adj. 非正式的,随便的;漫不经心的=informal, purposeless, unplanned
catalyst n. 催化剂;促使事情发展的因素=enzyme, stimulus
catalyze vt. 促使;激励
catastrophe n. 异常的灾祸=disaster, calamity, cataclysm
catching adj.(接触)传染的;有魅力的,迷人的=contagious;charming, attractive
eye-catching adj. 引人注目的,耀眼的
catch on 理解,领会
categorize vt. 分类=classify, sort
category n.种类,类目;范畴=group
cater vi. 满足需要,迎合=satisfy(cater to)
caterpillar n. 毛虫
cathedral n. 总教堂,大教堂=church, temple
cause vt. 导致,引起=induce, bring about, provoke n. 原因;事业=reason;career
cautious adj. 小心的,谨慎的=conservative, careful
caution n. 小心,谨慎=care vt. 警告=warn
cavern n. 大山洞,大洞穴=cave
cavity n. 洞;腔=hole, cavern
cease v. 停止,终止=stop, terminate
ceaseless adj. 不停的=incessant, endless
celebrated adj. 有名的,大名鼎鼎的=distinguished, famous, well-known
celebrate vt. 庆祝,祝贺;表扬,赞美=praise
celebrity n. 名人
celestial adj. 天体的;天上的=astronomical, heavenly
cell n. 细胞,单人牢房,电池
cellist n. 大提琴家
cello n. 大提琴
census n. 人口调查,人口普查
centennial n. 百年纪念=hundredth anniversary
centigrade adj. 摄氏(温度)的
ceremonial n. 仪式=ritual, ceremony adj. 正式的;仪式的=formal, ceremonious
ceremony n. 典礼,仪式;礼节=ritual, rite
chafe vt. (将皮肤等)擦热,擦破=scratch, abrade vt. 使恼火=irritate, vex
chagrin n. 懊恼,失望=embarrassment, disappointment
chalk n. 粉笔
chamber n. 室;房间=cell, compartment, room
chamber music 室内音乐
champion n. 冠军;拥护者=winner, victor;advocate vt. 支持;主张=stand up for, support
championship n. 锦标赛
chaos n. 混乱=disorder
chaotic adj. 混乱的=disorganized
chapel n. 小礼拜堂
character n. 角色;性格=part
;nature, personality
characteristic adj. 典型的,表现特征的,特有的=typical, distinctive n. 特征,特性=distinguishing feature, property, attribute
characterize vt. 表现…的特色,刻画…的性格=distinguish
be characterized by 以…为特征,典型代表
charcoal n. 炭;木炭
charitable adj. 慈善事业的,慈善的;仁慈的=benevolent;kind, humane
charter v. 包租;特许=license, authorize n.宪章,章程
chart n. 海图,图表=graph, diagram vt. 制图=plot
chaste adj. 贞洁的;(思想、言论)朴素的
chat vi. 闲谈=talk
chateau n. 城堡,高级旅馆
check vt. 检查,核对;阻止,控制=control, suppress, restrict n.支票
checkup n. 审查;身体检查
checkout n. 检验,校验
check out 检验,校验
paycheck n. 付薪水的支票
chef n. 厨师
cherish v. 怀抱(希望等);珍爱=harbor;treasure, value
chill vt. 使冷,变冷;冷却=cool, freeze n. 寒意,寒战=coolness, coldness
chilly adj. 寒冷的=cold
chilli n. 红辣椒
chimpanzee n. 黑猩猩
gorilla n. 大猩猩
chisel n. 凿子=gouge v.砍凿,凿刻=cut, sculpt
chivalry n. 骑士气概,侠义;(男人)对女人彬彬有礼,献殷勤
choke vt. 使窒息=asphyxiate, suffocate
chop vt. 砍=cut, hew
choppy adj. 波浪起伏的,(风)不断改变方向的=wavy
chord n. 琴弦,心弦、
clavichord n.翼琴(钢琴的前身)
harpsichord n.大键琴
chore n. 家务杂事
choreography n. 舞蹈编排
choreograph vt. 设计舞蹈动作
choreographer n. 舞蹈指导
choreographic adj. 舞蹈术的,舞台舞蹈的
chorus n. 合唱团=ensemble
chronic adj. 长期的;慢性的=persistent, habitual, long-term
chronological adj. 按年代顺序排列的
chronology n. 年代学,年表=time sequence
chubby adj. 丰满的,圆胖的=plump, fat
chunk n. 大块;矮胖的人或物
cider n. 苹果酒,苹果汁
cipher n. 密码=code
circuit n. 电路
closed circuit 闭路的
circular adj. 循环的;圆的=round
circle n. 圆周,圆形物 n.(具有共同兴趣、利益的人组成的)圈子,集团=group, society vt. 包围,环绕=orbit, encircle
circulate v.(使)循环;(使)传播
circulation n. 循环;流通
circulation desk 图书借还台
circumference n. 圆周;周长=perimeter, periphery
circumscribe vt. 划界限;限制=make the boundaries of; confine,restrict
circumstance n. 环境,情况=situation, condition
citadel n. 堡垒,要塞=fort, fortress
cite vt. 引用,举例=refer to, quote
citizenship n. 公民(的身份)
civil adj. 公民的;市民的=civic adj. 国内的
civil rights 公民权
civil war 内战
civility n. 彬彬有礼,斯文
civilization n. 文明,文化=culture
civilian adj.平民的;民用的=nonmilitary, noncombatant n. 平民
clam n. 蛤,蛤肉
clamor n. 叫嚣,喧哗=outcry, uproar, commotion
reclamation n. 开垦;改造;(废料等的)回收
an n. 家族,宗族=faction, tribe
clap n. 拍手声;霹雳声 v. 鼓掌;轻拍=applaud,slap
clarify vt. 澄清,阐明=illuminate, elucidate
clarification n. 澄清,净化
classify vt. 把…分类,分等级
classification n. 分类,分级
clause n. 分句;条款=sentence, phrase
clay n. 粘土;泥土
clergy n.(集合称)圣职者,牧师
clergyman n. 牧师,教士
cliff n. 悬崖峭壁=bluff, precipice
climate n. 气候;社会风气或趋势=weather condition;atmosphere, environment
climatic adj. 气候上的
cling vi. 粘紧,附着=stick(cling to) vi. 坚持(意见),墨守(习惯)=adhere to(cling to)
clinic n. 门诊所=dispensary, infirmary
clinical adj. 临床的
clip vt. 修剪=trim, cut off
clockwise adj./adv. 顺时针方向的(地)
counterclockwise adj./adv. 逆时针方向的(地)
clog vt. 障碍,阻塞=congest, jam
clumsy adj. 笨拙的;愚笨的=awkward, inept
cluster n. 簇,串,群=group, bunch vi. 丛生;聚集=concentrate, gather, assemble
clutch v. 抓住,攫取=grasp tightly n.一次产的或孵的蛋(或卵)
coalesce vi. 联合,合并=associate, combine
coalescence n. 合并,联合
coalition n. 联合,同盟=alliance, union
coarse adj. 粗糙的=rough, harsh
coax vt. 哄诱,巧言诱哄=persuade, cajole
code of laws 法典
codify vt. 编成法典,编辑成书
coexist vi. 同时存在,共存=coincide
cognitive adj. 认知的;感知的
coherent adj. 粘在一起的=adhesive, cohesive adj.连贯的;有条理的=logical, sound
coherence n. 一致
incoherence n. 不连贯,不一致
cohesion n. 附着(力),凝聚力=unity, solidarity
cohesive adj. 粘着的
coil n. (一)卷;线圈= ring, roll vt. 盘绕,卷=twist, curl
recoil vi. 弹回,反冲
coin n. 铸币=nickel vt. 创造(一个新的词语或短语)=create, invent
coinage n. 造币,货币制度
coincide vi. 同时发生;相符合,相巧合=occur at the same time as, correspond
coincident adj. 一致的,巧合的=concerning, simultaneous
coincidence n. 一致;同时发生或同时存在的事
collaborate vi. 协作,合作=work together, cooperate
collaboration n. 合作
collapse n. 倒塌;崩溃,失败=breakdown, failure
colleague n. 同事,同僚=fellow worker, associate, co-worker
collective adj. 集体的,共同的=common
collide vi. 碰撞;冲突=bump, hit;conflict
collision n. 碰撞;冲突,抵触=crash, impact
colloquial adj. 口语的,通俗语的=conversational, informal
colloquialism n. 俗话,白话,口语
colonize vt. 建立殖民地,拓殖=settle vt. 定居,居于=plant
colony n. 殖民地;群体=group, community
colonial adj. 殖民的,殖民地的
colonel n. 陆军上校
colossal adj. 巨大的=huge, gigantic
combination n. 化和,组合=blend, union
combine v. 联合,结合=blend, fuse, merge
combustible adj. 易燃的=flammable, burnable, inflammable
bustion n. 燃烧
comet n. 彗星
cometary adj. 彗星的,彗星似的
comic adj. 滑稽的,好笑的;喜剧的=funny, ridiculous
comical adj. 滑稽的,好笑的
commander n. 司令官,指挥员=chief, leader
commemorate vt. 纪念=remember, memorialize
comment n. 注释,评论=remark, judgment vi. 谈及;注释,评论
commentator n. 评论员,讲解员
commentary n. 注释,解说词
commerce n. 商业=trade, business
commercial adj. 商业的,贸易的
commercialize vt. 使商业化,使商品化
commission vt. 委任,任命;委托,委托制作=authorize n.佣金
commissioner n. 委员,专员
committed adj. 效忠的;忠于…的=dedicated, devoted
commit vt. 犯(错误),干(坏事)
committee n. 委员会
commitment n. 信奉,支持;许诺,承担义务
commodity n. 商品,日用品=goods, article of trade
commonsense adj. 具有常识的
commonplace adj. 平凡的=ordinary, common
communal adj. 公共的;公社的=public, common
communicate vt. 传达,沟通;通信=convey, inform;correspond
communication n. 沟通;通讯
community n. 社区;社会=society, district
commute v. 通勤
commuter n. 经常往返者
telecommuter n. (通过在线方式)远距离工作者
compact adj. 紧凑的,紧密的;简洁的=compressed, condensed;concise vt.压缩;使密集=solidify, tighten
compaction n. 压紧
companion n. 同伴,同事=associate, partner
comparable adj. 可比的,比得上的;类似的=equivalent, similar
comparative adj. 比较的=relative
comparatively adv. 相当地;比较地=relatively, rather
compatible adj. 可以并存的,相容的,协调的=agreeable, congenial
incompatible adj. 矛盾的,不调和的
compel vt强迫,使不得不
Compelling adj.紧迫的,强制的=force, coerce
compensate vt. 补偿,赔偿=make up, reimburse
compensation n. 补偿,赔偿
compensatory adj. 补偿性的
compete vi. 竞争,比得上=vie, contest, fight
competent adj. 有能力的,能胜任的=capable, adept
competence n. 能力,胜任
competition n. 竞争,竞赛=struggle, rivalry
competitiveness n. 竞争能力
competing adj. 有竞争性的,不相上下的
compile vt. 汇集,编辑=work over, gather, collect
complacence n. 自满,自以为是=arrogance, satisfaction
complaint n. 抱怨,怨言=grievance, criticism
complain v. 抱怨;悲叹=lament
complement vt. 补充,使完善=supplement n.补足物,补充物=addition
complementary adj. 补充的,补足的
complex adj. 复杂的,费解的;结构复杂的=intricate, compound n.综合体=network
complexity n. 复杂(性)=complication
complicated adj. 费解的,棘手的;结构复杂的=intricate;circuitous
complication n. 并发症;复杂,复杂性=complexity, intricacy
complicity n. 共谋;同谋,共犯=conspiracy, collusion
complimentary adj. 赞美的=flattering, laudatory
compliment n. 恭维,称赞=
praise, commendation
comply with 遵从,符合=obey, conform to
component n. 成分,组成部分=constituent, element, ingredient
compose vt. 作曲,写作;组成=write, create
be composed of 由…组成=be made up of, consist of
recompose vt. 重写;重新安排
composition n. 构成,组成=makeup, constitution n. 写作,作文;作曲=writing, essay
decomposition n. 分解;腐烂
compound n. 化合物=mixture, composite
compound eyes 复眼
comprehend vt. 领悟,理解=understand, grasp
comprehensible adj. 可理解的,易于了解的=understandable
comprehension n. 理解,包含=grasp
comprehensive adj. 全面的,综合的=inclusive, overall
compress vt. 压缩,浓缩=compact, concentrate, condense
compression n. 浓缩,压缩
compressed adj. 被压缩的,紧凑的=compact
comprise vt. 包含;由…组成=consist of, contain
compromise n. 妥协,折衷=concession
compulsory adj. 必须做的,被强制的=mandatory, obligatory
compute vt. 计算=calculate, reckon
computation n. 计算,估计=calculation
concave adj. 凹的
conceal vt. 隐藏,隐瞒=hide, secrete
concede v. 承认=acknowledge, admit
conceive vt. 构思;设想=design, consider
concentric adj. 同心的=concentric circle
concept n. 概念,观念=notion, idea
conception n. 观念,认识=thought, idea
misconception n. 误解
conceptual adj. 概念上的
concert n. 音乐会 n. 一致;共同=harmony, accord(in concert)
concerted adj. 商议好的,协定的
concerto n. 协奏曲
concise adj. 简洁的,简明的=succinct, terse
conciseness n. 简洁,简短=brevity
conclude v. 推断;作出结论=deduce, infer vi.结束=finalize, wind up, end
conclusive adj. 最后的,决定性的=definitive, decisive, final
inconclusive adj. 非决定的
concomitant adj. 伴随的 n. 伴随物=in conjunction with, accompanying, associated with
concrete n. 水泥=cement adj.具体的,实体的=tangible, solid
concurrent adj. 同时发生的=simultaneous, coincident
condemn vt. 谴责=blame, denounce
condemnation n. 谴责=blame
condensation n. 压缩,浓缩=compression
condense vt. 使浓缩;精简
condenser n. 冷凝器
condiment n. 调味品=seasoning, flavoring
condition n. 条件;状况;健康状况=situation, state;fitness
air conditioner 空调
conditioning n. (心理)条件作用,训练
condor n. 秃鹰
conduct vt. 做(试验、研究等);引导,带领=carry on, direct vt. 传导=convey, pass on n.举止,行为=behavior, manner
conductivity n. 导电率;传导率
conductor n. 导体
cone n. 圆锥,松果
confederate n.同盟者,盟友=ally, collaborator
confederacy n. 联盟=alliance
confer v. 颁给,赋予=bestow(confer sth. on sb.) v. 协商(confer with)
conference n. 会议;协商会,讨论会=meeting;discussion
confess vt. 坦白承认=acknowledge, admit
confession n. 承认,招供
confide vt. 吐露(心事),倾诉=dis
close, reveal;tell
confident adj. 有信心的,自信的=assured
confidence n. 信心
overconfident adj. 过于自信的,自负的
configuration n. 轮廓,构型=contour, outline
confine vt. 限制=limit, circumscribe(confine to)
confined to bed 卧病不起的=bedridden
confining adj. 狭窄的=cramped
confinement n. 限制,禁闭=restriction, limitation
confirm vt. 证实,使…更坚定=verify, corroborate
confirmation n. 确认,证实
conflict n. 争论,冲突,斗争=fight, struggle
conflicting adj. 相冲突的,相矛盾的=opposing, rival, incompatible
confluence n. 汇合;聚集=conflux;throng
conform vi. 遵守,顺从;符合=comply with, follow, fit, meet(conform to)
conformity n. 一致,符合
nonconformity n. 不墨守陈规,不一致
nonconformist n. 非国教徒,不尊奉英国国教的基督教新教教徒
confront vt. 面对,正视=face
confuse vt. 搞乱,使糊涂=disorient, mix up
confuse…with… 把…认为=take…for…
confusion n. 混乱,混淆
congenial adj. 合得来的;适意的=compatible
congenital adj. 先天的,天生的=present at birth, inborn, innate
congestion n. 拥挤,拥塞=overcrowding
congested adj. 堵塞的;拥挤的=clogged, crowded
congratulation n. 祝贺,道喜
congregate v. 聚集=assemble, convene, gather
conglomerate n. 混合=assortment
congress n. 国会,议会
congressional adj. 会议的,大会的;国会的
congressman n. 国会议员
conifer n.松类,针叶树
conjectural adj. 推测的=based on guessing, hypothetical
conjecture n./v. 推测,猜测
connect v. 连接;联系;联合=join, link, relate
connection n. 连接
disconnect vt. 分离,断开
connoisseur n. 鉴赏家,行家=specialist, expert
conscience n. 良心,良知
conscientious adj. 尽责的,一丝不苟的=diligent, responsible, reliable
conscious adj. 有意识的,神志清醒的=awake adj. 意识到的=aware, alert
consciously adv. 有意识地,自觉地=purposely, intentionally
consciousness n. 意识,知觉
unconscious adj. 不省人事的,未发觉的,无意识的
consecutive adj. 连续的=successive, sequential
consequence n. 结果,后果=result, aftermath, outcome
consequent adj. 作为结果的,随之发生的=resulting
consequently adv. 从而,因此=therefore
conservative adj. 保守的,谨慎的;守旧的=traditional, conventional
conservatism n. 保守主义,守旧性
conserve vt. 保存,保藏 n.可长期保存的食物=retain, preserve
conservation n. 保存,保持=preservation
conservationist n. (天然资源的)保护管理论者=people who want to conserve natural resources
considerable adj. 相当大(多)的;值得考虑的;相当可观的=much, great, significant
considerably adv. 相当地=substantially, very much
considerate adj. 考虑周到的,体贴的=thoughtful
consideration n. 体谅,考虑
consistent adj. 一致的;稳定的,变化少
抗的=in conflict with, opposite
contrast n. (对比,对照的)差异 vt. 对比,对照=compare
contribute to 有助于,对…起作用
controversy n.争论,辩论=contention, argument
controversial adj. 引起或可能引起争论的=controvertible, disputable
convenient adj. 方便的;近便的,容易到达的=handy, suitable;near, accessible
inconvenient adj. 不便的,有困难的
convenience n. 便利,方便
convention n. 会议;传统=conference;norm, custom
conventional adj. 传统的,习俗的=traditional, customary
conventionally adv. 按照惯例地,照常套地
unconventional adj. 非传统的
converge vi. 聚合,集中于一点,会聚=meet, come together
conversation n. 会话,非正式会谈=dialogue, talk
conversational adj. 对话的,会话的
converse vi. 谈话,交谈
conversant adj. 亲切的,熟悉的
conversion n. 转变;改变信仰=change, transformation
convert vt. 转换;转变信仰=alter, change, transform
converter n. 炼钢转炉
convex adj. 凸出的=bulging
convict vt. 证明…有罪,宣告…有罪
conviction n. 确信,深信,坚信=assurance, confidence
convincing adj. 令人信服的=persuasive
unconvincing adj. 不足以令人相信的
convinced adj. 确信的,深信的
convivial adj. 欢乐的,快乐的=festival
cooperate vi. 合作=collaborate
cooperation n. 合作,协作
cooperative adj. 合作的,协力的
coordinate vt. 使…协调,相配合=integrate, harmonize
coordinated adj. 协调的,配合的
coordination n. 调和
copper n. 铜
coral reef 珊瑚礁=corals
reef n. 礁,暗礁
core n. 中心,核心;地核=center
crust n. 地壳;外壳
mantle n.地幔
corps n. 军团,兵团
correlate vt. 使相互关联;使相互影响=relate, associate
correlated adj. 有相互关系的
correspondence n. 通信;信件=mail n.符合,一致=agreement
corrosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀=decay, erosion
corrosive adj. 腐蚀的,腐蚀性的=erosive, caustic
rodent n. 啮齿类动物
corruption n. 腐败,贪污,堕落=bribery, fraud
cosmic adj. 宇宙的=universal
cosmopolitan adj. 世界性的,全球的=worldwide
costume n. 服装=dress, attire vt. 穿上服装;穿衣
counsel n./vt. 劝告=advice/advise;suggestion/suggest
counseling n. 咨询服务
counselor n. 顾问,法律顾问
counteract vt. 消除,抵消=negate, act against
counterbalance v. 使平衡
counterclockwise adj./adv. 逆时针的(地)
counterfeit vt. 伪造,仿造=forge adj.伪造的,假冒的=bogus, fake
counterpart n. 相似的人或物,配对物=version, analogue, match
countless adj. 无数的=innumerable, infinite
couple n. (一)对,(一)双;夫妇=pair vi.连合,结合=connect
coupled with加之,除…以外=in addition to
courier n. 送急件的人,信使=messenger, carrier
court n. 法庭;球场 vt. 向…献殷勤,追求;设法获得(他人的支持等)=woo, pursu
courthouse n. 法院;郡政府所在地
courtship n. 求爱;求爱时期
courtly adj. 尊严而有礼貌的=gallant
courteously adv. 有礼貌地,亲切地=politely
cover vt. 覆盖;包括;报道=include, incorporate;report, detail
coverage n. 新闻报道;报道=reportage
cowhand n. 牛仔,牧牛工
cowboy n. 牛仔
cozy adj. 舒适的,惬意的=comfortable, relaxing
crab n. 蟹
crack n. 裂缝,裂纹;缺点=crevice;fault v.(使)爆裂;裂开=split, fracture
craft n. 手艺;容器=art, skill;vessel v. 巧手制作
craftspeople n. 手工艺人
hovercraft n. 气垫船
aircraft n. 飞行器;飞机,飞艇
spacecraft n. 太空船
cram v. 填塞;匆忙准备=pack;study=(cram for 准备)
cramped adj. 狭窄的=jammed, stuffed
scramble vt. 搅乱,使混杂;攀爬
crash n./vt. 碰撞,坠毁,撞碎 n.破产,垮台=failure
crater n. 火山口;弹坑
crawl vi. 爬,爬行=creep
crayon n. 彩色蜡笔、粉笔或其绘画
canyon n. 峡谷
crazy adj. 疯狂的,狂热的=insane, deranged
credence n. 信任,相信=credit, faith
credentials n. 凭据,文凭=certificate, warrant
credit n. 学分 n.信誉,信用;荣誉,声望=reputation, prestige n.贷方,银行存款 vt.认定… ;把…归给,归于=recognize, ascribe
creditor n. 债权人
creek n. 小溪,小河 stream, brook
creep vi. 慢慢行进;爬行 crawl
crevice n. 缺口,裂缝=gap, crack
crew n. 全体工作人员;同事们
screw n. 螺丝钉 vt.拧紧
screwdriver n. 螺丝起子
crimson n./adj. 深红色(的)=bloody
cripple vt. 削弱;使残废=handicap, maim, disable
crippling adj. 令人震惊的
crisscross vi. 交叉往来=move back and forth
the Red Cross 红十字会
crossbones n. 十字骨头
crosscut adj. 横切的
crossing n. 横越,交叉口
crossbreeding n. (生物)杂种
critical adj. 评论的,批评的=captious adj. 危急的;非常重要的=essential, acute, crucial, decisive
critical point 临界点
critique n. 文艺)批评,评论=review, commentary
crooked adj. 不诚实的;欺诈的 adj.弯曲的;蜿蜒的=curved
crow n. 乌鸦
Crowd n. 人群
Overcrowd vt. 使过度拥挤
crown n. 王冠
Crowbar n. 撬棍
Crucial adj. 至关紧要的
crude adj. 粗糙的,粗鲁的;原始的,未提炼的
Cruelty n. 残忍,
crude oil 原油
crumple vt. 把…弄皱;起皱=wrinkle, rumple
crumble v. 粉碎;崩溃=fall apart, disintegrate, break up
crush vt. 压垮;粉碎;使变形=squash, smash, press
crust n. 硬外皮;地壳=covering, coat, shell
crustacean n. 甲壳动物
crystal n. 水晶,晶体=quartz adj.清澈的;结晶状的=limpid, lucid
crystalline adj. 水晶的,透明的
crystallize v. 明确;使结晶化
crystallized adj. 变成晶体的
crystallization n.结晶化
cubism n. 立体主义
cube n. 立方体,立方
cubic adj. 立方体的
cue n.提示,暗示
barbecue n. 烤肉野

culinary adj. 厨房的,烹调的
culminate v. 达到高潮/顶点
cultivate vt. 耕种;培养=farm, domesticate;nurture, teach
cultivation n. 耕种;培养
culture n. 文明,文化=civilization vt.培养(微生物细胞组织等)=foster
horticulture n. 园艺
agriculture n. 农业,农艺,农学
cumbersome adj. 笨重的,难处理的 burdensome, unwieldy, bulky
curator n. (博物馆等)馆长=keeper, custodian
curious adj. (令人)好奇的=inquisitive
curiosity n. 好奇心
currency n. 通货,货币=money
current n. (液体、气体)流,趋势=stream, flow adj. 现今的=up-to-date, present
currently adv. 现在,当前=presently, at the present time
concurrent adj. 并发的;协作的,一致的
curriculum n. 学校的全部课程=course, program
cushion n. 垫子,软垫 v. 缓和…的冲力,保护
a cushion of 一层
air-cushion vehicle 气垫船
custodian n. 看守人,管理人=curator, guardian
custom n. 习惯,传统,惯例=tradition, practice
customs n. 关税
customer n. 消费者=patron, clientele
customarily adv. 通常=usually, habitually
accustomed adj. 通常的,习惯的
cuticle n. 表皮
cylinder n. 圆筒,圆柱体
dagger n. 短剑,匕首=knife
daisy n. 雏菊
damp adj. 潮湿的,有湿气的=humid, moist, wet
dampen vt. 使潮湿=moisten
dangerous adj. 危险的=harmful, risky, hazardous
daring adj. 大胆的,勇敢的=bold, brave
dart v. 飞奔;投掷=rush;cast n.标枪,镖,箭
dash off 水猛冲;感情爆发
date vt. 注明…的日期=mark the time of
date back 追溯到…
dated adj. 陈旧的,过时的=old-fashioned, obsolete
outdated adj. 过时的,不流行的
validate vt. (法律)使有效,使生效
inundate vt. 淹没
daunting adj. 使人畏缩的=intimidating, discouraging
dawn n. 黎明;开端,开始=sunrise, morning;beginning, start
dawning n. 拂晓,黎明
dazzling adj. 眼花缭乱的;耀眼的=bright, brilliant
deadly adj. 致命的;极度的=fatal, lethal
deal n. 交易;份量=transaction, business
a great deal 丰富,大量
a good deal 许多
big deal 重大的事,重要的人
deal with 处理,应付=cope with
debatable adj. 未决定的,有争执的=disputable, unsettled
debate n. 争论,辩论=argument
debris n. 废墟,残骸;碎片=ruins, residue
debt n. 债务=liability, obligation
debtor n. 债务人
decadent adj. 颓废的=self-indulgent, depraved
decay vi./n. 腐烂=decompose, break sown;disintegration, rottenness vi./n. 衰落=decline, worsen;decadence
deceive vt. 欺骗,行骗=fool
decent adj. 适当的,可接受的=suitable, fitting adj. 得体的,体面地=honorable
deceptive adj. 欺骗的,导致误解的=misleading, fraudulent
deception n. 欺骗,诡计
deciduous adj. 每年落叶的
decimal adj. 十进制的,小数的=of tens n.小数
deck n. 一副(纸牌)=card
declaration n. 宣布,宣言=announceme
nt, avowal, statement
declare vt. 宣布,声明
decline vi./n. 衰退;下降,减退=flag, wane;deterioration, decay vt.婉言谢绝=refuse, reject, turn down
decomposition n. 腐烂,分解=break down, disintegration
decompose v. 分解,(使)腐烂=decay
decorate vt. 装饰,装潢,修饰=adorn, embellish
decoration n. 装饰,装饰品
decorative adj. 装饰的,可作装饰的=ornamental, embellishing
decrease v. 减少=lessen, reduce, abate
defecate vi. 排粪;通大便
defect n. 缺点,瑕疵=flaw
defective adj. 有缺陷的
defend vt. 防护;辩护=protect, shield, guard
defense n. 防卫;防卫物
defensive adj. 自卫的
defer vi. 遵从,听从=yield, submit vt.延期=delay, postpone
deferential adj. 恭敬的, 恭顺的=respectful
deference n. 尊重,顺从;敬意
deficiency n. 缺乏;不足=scarcity, insufficiency
deficient adj. 缺乏的,不足的=inadequate
deficit n. 赤字,不足额=shortfall
definite adj. 清楚的;明确的;确切的=fixed, exact
definitely adv. 明确地,肯定地=unequivocally, clearly
definitive adj. 决定性的,最后的=conclusive, ultimate
definition n. 定义
deform vt. 使变形=distort, disfigure
deformation n. 损坏,变形
deft adj. 灵巧的,熟练的=skilled, skillful, dexterous
adept adj. 熟练的,拿手的=skillful, proficient
degrade v. 使降级,贬低=humiliate, debase
degradation n. 退化;降级,降格=degeneration
dehydrate vt. 使脱水=dry, desiccate
dehydrated adj. 干燥的,脱水的
dehydration n. 脱水,干燥
deign vi. 屈尊=condescend
deity n. 神,被奉若神明的人或物=god, divinity
delay vt./n. 推迟,耽搁=defer, put off;adjournment
delectable adj. 美味的=tasty, delicious
delegate n. 代表=representative, deputy vt.委派,授权=authorize, empower
deliberate adj. 故意的,早有准备的=intentional, planned adj. 审慎的,深思熟虑的=careful, prudent
deliberately adv. 故意地=intentionally, purposely
delicate adj. 脆的,易损的;娇弱的=fragile, vulnerable;feeble adj.精致的,细腻的=ethereal, sensitive
delicious adj. 美味的,可口的=tasty, delectable
delirium n. 精神错乱,发狂=insanity, madness
delta n. 三角洲
demobilize vt. 遣散,使复员
immobilize vt. 使固定不动
democracy n. 民主政治,民主主义
demolish vt. 破坏,摧毁=raze, destroy, devastate
demolition n. 破坏,拆除=destruction, ruin
demonstrate vt. 演示;论证=show;confirm, prove
demonstration n. 实证;示范=proof;showing
denomination n. 宗派,教派=sect n.(货币)面额
denote vt. 指示,表示=signify, indicate, show
denounce vt. (公开)谴责,斥责=censure, condemn, reprobate
dense adj. 密集的,浓厚的=thick, compact
condense vt. 使浓缩;精简
condenser n. 冷凝器;电容器
density n. 密度=thickness, compactness
dent n. 缺口,凹痕
cavity v.使凹下,凹

indent vt. 使凹进
indenture vt. 以契约束缚(学徒等)
rodent n. 啮齿类动物
edentate n. 贫齿类动物
dentistry n. 牙科
dental adj. 牙齿的
dentist n. 牙科医生
deny vt. 否认,否定=disagree with, disavowvt. 剥夺,拒绝…的要求=deprive, decline
depart vi. 离开,出发=take off, leave, set out
departure n. 离开,出发
dependent adj. 依赖的;从属的,由…而定的=relying;conditional n.依赖他人者
depend on 依靠,依赖=be determined by, rely on
dependence n. 依赖,信赖=reliance
dependable adj. 可靠的,可信赖的=reliable, trustworthy
independent adj. 独立自主的,不受约束的 n.中立派,无党派者
interdependent adj. 相互依赖的,互助的
depict vt. 描绘;描写,描述=portray, picture;describe
deplete vt. 耗尽,使衰竭=exhaust, consume, use up
deposit vt. 堆积,沉淀=set down, lay down vt. 放置,寄存=place vt.产卵=lay n. 堆积物,沉淀;存款,押金=sediment
depositor n. 存款人
depot n. 货站,仓库=depository, storehouse
depreciation n. 贬值=devaluation
depredation n. 劫掠,蹂躏=pillage
depress vt. 压下,压低=lower, press down
depressed adj. 沮丧的=sad, gloomy
under the depressor 被强制
depression n. 不景气,萧条期=recession, economic slump n.凹陷处,坑=valley n.沮丧,消沉=sadness, low spirits
deprive vt. 剥夺,使失去=deny, take away
deprivation n. 缺乏;剥夺
derive vt. 得到,获取;源于=obtain, extract
derive from 来源于=stem from, root in, base on
derivative n. 派生的事物;派生词=by-product
desalination n. 脱盐,去盐作用
descend v. 传下,遗传 v.下降=go down
descendant n. 子孙,后裔=offspring
descent n. 血统,世袭=ancestry, origin n.下降=drop, fall
desert n. 沙漠 vt. 遗弃=forsake, abandon
deserted adj. 荒芜的,荒废的
deserve vt. 应得=be worthy of, have a right to
undeserved adj. 不应得的,不该受的
designate vt. 指定,任命=nominate, assign, name
desire n. 欲望,要求=aspiration, wish vt. 想要=hope, want
desirable adj. 令人向往的;令人满意的=worthwhile
desolate adj. 荒凉的,无人烟的=bleak, barren, uninhabited
desperate adj. 绝望的,不顾一切的,拼死的=hopeless;dangerous
desperately adv. 迫切地;危急地=urgently;seriously, severely
despoil v. 夺取,掠夺=plunder, pillage
despoiler n. 掠夺者
dessert n. 餐后甜点
destination n. 目的地=termini, end
destine vt. 命运注定,预定=predestine, fate
destruction n. 破坏;毁灭=havoc, demolition
destructive adj. 破坏的;毁灭性的=devastating, ruinous
detect vt. 察觉,发觉;探测,侦查=feel, discover the presence of, discern, sense, identify
detective n. 侦探=investigator adj.侦探的
detectable adj. 可发觉的;可查明的=apparent, measurable
smoke detector 烟雾探测器
deter vt. 阻碍,制止,使
踌躇=inhibit, keep from=deter from, stop
deterrent n. 制止物,威慑力量
detergent n. 清洁剂
deteriorate v. 使恶化;质量下降=become worse, decline
determinant n. 决定因素
determine v. 确定
determination n. 决心
determinedly adv. 决然地
detest vt. 深恶,憎恶=abhor, loathe
detrimental adj. 有害的=adverse, harmful, pernicious
detriment n. 伤害,危害=harm, damage, injury
devastate vt. 毁坏=ruin, destroy
devastation n.毁坏
devastating adj. 破坏性的=destructive
device n. 器械,装置=mechanism, instrument
devise vt. 设计;发明=create, invent
devoid adj. 全无的,缺乏的=free of, lacking(devoid of)
devote vt. 投入于,献身;用于,作…之=dedicate,contribute
devotion n. 热爱,忠诚=faithfulness, dedication
devour vt. 贪婪地吃,吞食=consume, gorge, gobble
diagnose vt. 诊断=analyze, examine;identify
diagonal n./adj. 对角线(的)
diagonally adv. 成对角线地,斜对地
diagram n. 图表=graph, chart
dialect n. 方言,土话
dialogue n. 对话=conversation
diameter n. 直径
dictate vt. 规定;决定,确定=prescribe, determine
diction n. 措辞,用语=phrase, wording
prediction n. 预言,预报
jurisdiction n. 权限
diet n. 饮食,食物=nutritional plan, nourishment vi.节食,忌食
dietary adj. 饮食的
dieter n.节食者,减肥者
dietitian n. 营养学家
dietetics n. 营养学
differentiate v. 区分,区别=set apart, distinguish, discriminate
undifferentiated adj. 无差别的,无显著特征的
diffuse v. 扩散;散播=spread out adj. 散开的,弥漫的=dispersed, scattered
digestion n. 消化
digest vt. 消化=assimilate, break down, ingest
digestive adj. 消化的,助消化的
indigestion n. 消化不良
dignity n. 尊严,高贵=nobility, honor
digression n. 离题,扯到枝节上=deviation, diversion
dilate vt. 使膨胀,使扩大=expand, enlarge, widen
dilemma n. 困境,进退两难=predicament
diligent adj. 勤勉的,勤奋的=assiduous, industrious, hard-working
diligently adv. 勤勉地,尽职地,小心翼翼地=conscientiously, scrupulously
dilute vt. 稀释,淡化=weaken, attenuate
dilution n. 稀释,淡化
dim adj. 暗淡的,模糊的=weak, faint
dimly adv. 朦胧地,模糊地=faintly, vaguely
dime n. (美)一角硬币
dimension n. 尺寸;尺度=measure, size
dimensional adj. 空间的
two/three dimensional 两/三维的
diminish v. (使)减少,(使)变小=dwindle, reduce, decrease
dinosaur n. 恐龙
dioxide n. 二氧化物
carbon dioxide n. 二氧化碳
diplomacy n. 外交,交际手腕=tact, politics
diplomatic adj. 外交的;老练的=tactful, politic
disadvantage n. 缺点,坏处,不利=drawback, defect
disapproval n. 不赞成=dissatisfaction, objection
disaster n. 灾难,不幸;彻底的失败=catastrophe, misfortune, calamity
disastrous adj. 损失惨重的;悲伤的=terrible, dreadful
card vt. 丢弃=jettison, throw away, get rid of
discern vt. 看出;察觉到=detect, perceive
discernible adj. 可识别的
discerning adj. 有识别能力的;眼光敏锐的=perceptive, shrewd, wise
discharge vt. 释放;排出=release, give off n. 流出=emission, flow n. 放电
disciple n. 门徒,弟子=follower, adherent
discipline n. 纪律,训练=training n.学科=field, subject vt.训练;惩罚=train, punish
subdiscipline n. (学科的)分支,分科
disciplined adj. 遵守纪律的
discomfort n. 不适=distress, uneasiness
discontented adj. 不满意,不满足=dissatisfied, unhappy
discontent n. 不满
discount n. 折扣=deduction, reduction vt.不全信,对…持怀疑态度=disregard, doubt
discourage v. 使气馁;阻碍=depress
discouraging adj. 令人气馁的
discourse n. 讲道,演讲=speech, lecture
discrete adj. 独立的;不连续的,离散的=separate, individual
discreet adj.小心的,谨慎的
disgust n. 厌恶,嫌恶=repulsion, loathing
disgusted adj. 厌烦的;厌恶的=fed up, repulsed
disillusion v. 使醒悟=disenchant, disenthrall
disintegrate v. (使)瓦解,(使)碎裂=fall apart
disinterested adj. 无个人利害关系的;无私的,公平的=not involved;impartial, unbiased
dismal adj. 暗的,凄凉的;忧郁的,沮丧的=gloomy, somber, melancholy
dismay vt. 使惊慌;使沮丧 n.沮丧,惊慌=consternation, fear
dismember vt. 肢解,分割=dissect, split up, divide
dismembered adj. 肢解的
dismiss vt. 解散;摒除(思想、感情等)=send away;eliminate
disorganize vt. 扰乱,使混乱=disarrange, disorder
dispatch vt. (紧急)派遣;分配=send off n. 派遣;急件,重要消息=expedition, sending off
dispense vt. 分配,分发=distribute, give out
dispense with 免除,省却=omit, get rid of
disperse vt. 分散,散开=scatter
dispersal n. 疏散,散开
displace vt. 移置,转移;取代,替代=move;replace, substitute
displacement n. 移置,转移
display vt. 陈列;显示=exhibit, present, show n. 陈列,展览;显示=demonstration
disposal n. 垃圾倾倒;处置=getting rid of
dispose of 除去,扔掉;解决,处理=get rid of;deal with
disposed adj. 有…倾向的=prone, inclined
disposition n. 性情;倾向=temperament, nature;tendency
disproportionate adj. 不成比例的=unequal, unbalanced
dispute n. 争论,纠纷=disagreement, argument v. 争论,争执=argue, debate
disregard n./v. 不理会;漠视=ignore, discount;take no notice of
disrepute n. 坏名声,不光彩=discredit, dishonor
disrupt vt. 使混乱,使中断=upset;interrupt
disseminate vt. 传播,宣传=distribute, spread
dissenter n. 不同意者,反对者=objector
dissenting adj. 不同意的=opposite, contrary
dissertation n. 论文=thesis, discourse
dissimilar adj. 不同的, 相异的=different, unlike
dissipate vi. 消失;消散=disappear;scatter, di
dissipated adj. 沉迷于酒色的, 浪荡的
dissolve vt. 使溶解=melt, liquefy
distant adj. 远离的,遥远的=faraway, remote
distance n. 距离;远处=length, space
distend vt./vi. (使)扩大,(使)扩张
distent adj. 膨胀的,扩张的
distasteful adj. (令人)不愉快的,讨厌的=abhorrent, displeasing, disagreeable
distill vt. 蒸馏,提取=extract
distinction n. 差别,特性=difference, uniqueness, peculiarity n.显赫,声望=luster, honor
distinct adj. 明确的,确实的;不同的=definite, separate, different
distinctly adv. 清楚地,显然
distinctive adj.有特色的,出众的=special, unique
distinctively adv. 特殊地,区别地
distinguish vt. 区别,辨认=characterize, differentiate, recognize
distinguished adj. 卓著的=prominent, celebrated, eminent
distort vt. 弄歪(形状等);歪曲=deform, twist
undistorted adj. 未失真的
distortion n. 扭曲;歪曲
distract vt. 使…分心,分散注意力=disturb, divert
distress n. 悲痛,不幸,穷困=discomfort, affliction
distribute vt. 分配;分发,散布=hand out, disseminate, allocate
distribution n. 分发,分配
district n. 区域,地区=section, area, region
disturb vt. 打扰,扰乱=upset, bother
undisturbed adj. 没受干扰的,安静的
disturbance n. 骚动,动乱=disorder, turmoil
dive vi. 潜水;跳水=plunge, plummet
diver n. 潜水者,跳水运动员
divergent adj. 有分歧的,有差异的=different, conflicting
divergence n. 分歧,岔开=difference, deviation, separation
diverse adj. 不同的;变化多的=various, distinct
diversity n. 差异,多样=variety, difference
diversify vt. 使多样化
diversified adj. 多样化的=varied
diversification n. 多样化=variation, variety
diversion n. 消遣,娱乐=recreation, entertainment n. 转移,转换=a turning aside
divert vt. 转移,(使)转向=distract
divide vt. 划分,分开;分裂=separate, part
dividing line 分界线=boundary
divorce vt. 离婚 vt. 使分离,使脱离=separate
dizzy adj. 眩晕的=light-headed
dizzying adj. 令人昏乱的;灿烂的
dizziness n. 头昏眼花,眩晕=vertigo
doctrine n. 教义,教旨=principle, dogma
documentation n. 文件
document vt. 证明;文件记录=record
documentary adj. 文件的 n. 纪录片
dogged adj. 顽强的,顽固的=determined, persevering
dogma n. 教条,教义=belief, doctrine, creed
doll n. 洋娃娃,玩偶
dolphin n. 海豚
domain n. 领域,范围=field
domestic adj. 家里的;家养的=house-hold, tame adj. 本国的,国内的
domesticate vt. 驯养,驯化=cultivate
domesticated adj. 驯养的,家养的=tame
dominant adj. 支配的,占优势的=major, important, outweighing
predominantly adv. 占主导地位地
dominate vt. 统治,支配,控制=prevail over,monopolize,command,rule vi. 盛行=prevail, be prevalent in
predominate vi. 占主导地位,占
donate vt. 捐赠=grant, contribute
donation n. 捐赠,捐款=grant
donor n. 捐助者=giver, contributor
dormant adj. 静止的,休眠的=hibernated, lethargic
dormitory n. 宿舍
dorsal adj. 背部的,背脊的=back
dot vt. 星罗棋布于=scatter across n. 点,圆点
endotoxin n. 内毒素
endotherm n. 温血动物,恒温动物
doubt n./vt. 怀疑=skepticism, wonder, question
doubtful adj. 可疑的;疑心的=distrustful, skeptical
downtown adv./adj. 在市区(的),往市区(的)
draft n. 草图,草稿=rough outlin vt. 起草=draw up, sketch
draft animal 役用动物
drag vt. 拖动=pull, move, haul
dragonfly n. 蜻蜓
drain v. (使)流走,(使)排光=draw out, flow out n. 排水;消耗=waste
down the drain 浪费;无结果=waste or having no result
drainage n. 排水,排出物
drama n. 戏剧=play
dramatize vt. 改编成戏剧,编写剧本
melodrama n. 情节剧
dramatically adv. 戏剧性地;引人注目地
dramatic adj. 戏剧性的;引人注目的=striking
drastic adj. 猛烈的=radical, severe
draw vt. 吸引=attract, entice
drawing n. 图画,制图
draw up 起草=draft
draw out 拔出;引起=elicit
draw from 源于…=take from, root from
drawback n. 弊端,缺点=disadvantage, shortcoming
drawer n. 抽屉
dread n. 畏惧,恐怖=fear, terror, horror
dreadful adj. 可怕的=dire
dreadfully adv. 可怕地=terribly
dreary adj. 沉闷的,阴郁的=gloomy, dismal
drift vi. 漂流;漂泊=float, moving aimlessly, wander
driftwood n. 浮木
snowdrift n. 雪堆
drill vt. 钻孔,打眼=bore, pierce n./vi. 训练,操练;反复练习=practice, train
drop in 顺便拜访
drought n. 干旱=dry period, aridity
drowsy adj. 昏昏欲睡的=sleepy, soporific
drudgery n. 苦工,苦差事=tedium, toil, moil
ductile adj. 易延展的;柔软的=flexible, pliant
due adj. 预定的;到期的=payable
due to 因为,由于=owing to
overdue adj. 迟到的,过期的
dues n. 应付款
subdue vt. 征服
residue n. 残滓,剩余
dull adj. 钝的;感觉或理解迟钝的=blunt, unsharpened;stupid, obtuse
dumb adj. 哑的=mute
dumbbell-like adj. 哑铃状的
dump vt. 倾泻,倾倒
duplicate vt. 复写,复制=reproduce, copy adj. 两重的,两倍的;完全相同的=double;identical
durable adj. 持久的;耐用的=lasting, long-lasting, enduring
duration n. 持续时间=length, period
dwarf n. 侏儒 vt. 把…显得矮小
dwell vi. 居住,生活于=reside, inhabit
dweller n. 居住者,居民
dwelling n. 住处,寓所=residence, house
dye n. 颜料,燃料=pigment vt. 染色=color, tint
dynamic adj. 动力的;动态的=vigorous, animate
dynamics n. 动力学
aerodynamics n. 空气动力学
thermodynamics n. 热力学
eager adj. 渴望的;热心的=avid, enthusiastic
earthquake n. 地震=quake, seism, temblor
eccentric adj./n. 古怪的(人),异常的(人)=strange, odd, erratic
ntricity n. 反常,怪癖=peculiarity
eclecticism n. 折衷主义
eclipse n. 日蚀,月蚀
solar eclipse 日蚀
lunar eclipse 月蚀 vt. 盖过,使失色;遮蔽=outshine;overshadow
ecological adj. 生态的;生态学的
ecologist n. 生态学者
economical adj. 经济的,节俭的=thrifty, saving
economics n. 经济学
economize vi. 节约,节省=save, cut back, be thrifty (economize on)
ecosystem n. 生态系统
edge n. 边缘=brink, perimeter, margin
edentate n. 贫齿类动物
edible adj. 可食用的=eatable
edifice n. 宏伟的建筑物=skyscraper
educable adj. 可教育的,可培养的
educated adj. 受过教育的,有教养的=informed, learned
education n. 教育,培养=upbringing, instruction
effective adj. 有效的;生效的=efficient, productive
effectiveness n. 效力=efficiency
efficient adj. 生效的;能干的,有效率的=effective
efficiency n. 效率,功效=effectiveness
effluent n.流出物=flowing out
eject vt. 喷出,喷射=emit, dischargevt. 逐出,驱逐=expel
elaborate adj. 精细的,精心的;详尽的=detailed, complicated vt. 详细阐述=detail, expound
elaborately adv. 精细地,详尽地
elasticity n. 弹力,弹性
inelastic adj. 无弹性的
election n. 选举;当选=voting, balloting
selection n. 选择;精选品
electron n. 电子
elegant adj. 雅致的=refined, exquisite
elegance n. 高雅, 典雅, 优雅, 雅致
element n. 成分;要素=component
elementary adj. 基本的,初级的=basic, fundamental
elevate vt. 举起;抬高;使上升=raise, heave
elevation n. 高度,海拔=altitude, height
elevator n. 电梯,起重机;活动谷仓
elicit vt. 得出;引出=provoke, draw out
eligible adj. 合格的,有资格的=entitled, qualified, suitable
eliminate vt. 排除,剔除=eradicate, abolish, rule out
elimination n.排除,除去
elite n. 精英
elixir n. 长生不老药,万能药=cure-all
elliptical adj. 椭圆的=egg-shaped adj. 省略的
elongate vt. 延长,伸长=lengthen, extend
eloquent adj. 善于表达的,有口才的;雄辩的=expressive;persuasive
elusive adj. 难懂的,难捉摸的=baffling
emancipate vt. 解放,释放=liberate, free, release
emancipation n. 释放,解放
embarrass vt. 使尴尬,使困窘=humiliate, shame
embed vt. 插入;镶嵌=bury, encase
embellish vt. 装饰,修饰=adorn, beautify, ornament
embellishment n. 装饰,修饰
emblem n. 象征,标志;徽章=symbol, sign
embody vt. 使具体化;包含,收录=express;include, incorporate
emboss v. 加浮雕花纹于,使凸出
embrace vt. 包含=include, take up vt. 拥抱;欣然接受=welcome
embroider vt. 刺绣, 镶边;装饰=decorate, adorn, embellish
embroidery n. 刺绣
embryo n. 胚胎;事物的萌芽期=completely undeveloped form
embryological adj. 胚胎学的
embryonic adj. 胚胎的,萌芽期的=undeveloped, elementary
emerge vi. 出现,浮现=come into prom
inence,spring up,appear
emerging adj. 正在不断出现的
emergence n. 出现,形成=appearance, rise
emigrant n. 移民(出国)
eminent adj. 著名的,显著的=distinguished, notable, prominent
eminence n. 显赫的声望=fame
preeminent adj. 卓越的
emission n. 散发;发射=radiation, emanation, discharge
emit vt. 发出,放射=give off, send out
emotional adj. 情绪的,情感的=sentimental, passionate
emotion n. 情绪,强烈的情感=feeling, mood
emphasize vt. 强调, 着重=stress, underscore, highlight
emphasis n. 强调, 重点
employ vt. 用,使用=use, apply vt. 雇佣=hire
employee n. 雇员=worker
employer n. 雇主,老板
empty adj. 空的;空洞的,空虚的=vacant vt. 使成为空,倒空=clean out
enactment n. 设定,制定=passing, performance
encase vt. 装入,包住,围=embed, enclose
enclose vt. 装入,放入封套;围绕=include;surround
enclosure n. 围绕;围墙
encompass vt. 包括,包含=include, embrace vt. 环绕,围住=surround, circle
encounter vt. 遭遇,遇到=face, confront, meet
encourage vt. 鼓励,支持=activate, stimulate
encroach vi. 侵占,蚕食=intrude, invade, infringe
encyclopedia n. 百科全书
endanger vt. 危及;危害=threaten, jeopardize
endangered adj. 有灭绝危险的,将要绝种的
endeavor vi. 尝试,努力=seek, try, attemptn. 努力,尽力=effort
endless adj. 无止境的=everlasting, eternal
endlessly adv. 不断地,无穷尽地=indefinitely, ceaselessly, incessantly
endow vt. 捐赠=grant, award vt. 赋予
endowment n. 禀赋;捐款=gift, donation
endure vt. 承受,忍受=toleratevt. 耐久=last
enduring adj. 持久的,不朽的=abiding, lasting
endurance n. 忍耐(力),持久(力)=perseverance, stamina
energetic adj. 精力充沛的;积极的=active, brisk, vigorous
engaging adj. 动人的,迷人的=pleasing, attractive
engage in 从事于,参加=carry on
engrave vt. 雕刻,铭刻=enchase, carve
engraving n. 雕刻术, 雕版, 雕版图
enhance vt. 提高,增加=improve, heighten, raise
enlightenment n. 启迪,教化
enormous adj. 极大的,庞大的=tremendous, huge, massive
enrage vt. 激怒=infuriate, anger
enrich vt. 加料于(食物);使富足,使肥沃=make rich, richen, improve
ensemble n. 全体,整体=aggregate n. 合唱曲;剧团或文工团=troupe, choir
entanglement n. 纠缠,缠绕物=snare n. 累赘;牵连=complication
enterprise n. 事业,企业=company, firm, business
enterprising adj. 有进取心的,有事业心的,有魄力的=venturesome, ambitious, industrious
entertain vt. 娱乐;款待=amuse;host
entertainment n. 娱乐;款待=amusement, fun
entertainer n. 演艺人员=performer
enthusiasm n. 热心,热情=intense interest, gusto
enthusiastically adv. 热心地;满腔热情地=eagerly, wholeheartedly
entitle v. 取名叫,叫做=name, designate v. 赋予权力=authorize, empower
titled adj. 有资格的=eligible, qualified
entity n. 存在物,实体
entrenched adj. 确立的,不容易改的(风俗习惯)=established, rooted
entrepreneur n. 企业家,创业人=businessperson
entry n. 进口;入口=admission, entrance n.条目=item
envelop v. 把…包住,裹住
envious adj. 嫉妒的=enclose, encase
envision vt. 想象,预想=picture, visualize
enzyme n. 酶
ephemeral adj. 短暂的,转瞬即逝的=short-lived, transitory
epic n. 史诗,叙事诗
epidemic n. 传染病,流行病=plague
epidermis n. 表皮
episode n. 一段情节;(音乐)插曲
epoch n. 新纪元,时代=period of time, era
equal adj. 相等的,同样的=same, identical vt. 等于,比得上
equality n. 同等,平等=parity
equilibrium n. 平衡,均衡=balance
equipment n. 设备=apparatus
equitable adj. 公平的,公正的=just, fair
equivalent n. 等同品 adj. 相等的,等同的;等值的=interchangeable,comparable,tantamount
eradicate vt. 根除,杜绝=completely destroy, eliminate, exterminate
erect vt. 使树立;建立,创立=construct, stand, set up
erode v. 腐蚀,侵蚀=wear away, corrode, wash away
erosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀=corrosion
erratic adj. 古怪的,反复无常的=eccentric, unusual
erratically adv. 不规则地=irregularly, off and on
error vt. 做错,出差错=deviate
eruption n. 爆发,喷发=outbreak
erupt vi. 喷出,爆发=explode, burst out
escalate vi. 逐步升高, 逐步增强=rise vt.使逐步上升=increase
escalator n. 电动扶梯
escape v. 逃脱,逃走;避开,避免=flee, elude, avoid
escapist adj./n. 逃避现实的(人)
essential adj. 绝对必要的;本质的,根本的=necessary,critical,vital,indispensable,fundamental
estate n. 财产;不动产=property
real estate 房地产
estimate vt. 估计=assess, appraise
underestimate vt. 低估,看轻
overestimate vt. 评价过高
eternal adj. 永恒的;永远的
eternally adv. 永恒地=forever, everlasting
ethics n. 伦理学;道德规范=morals;principles
ethically adv. 在伦理上,道德上
ethnic adj. 种族的=racial
etiquette n. 礼仪,礼节=manners, decorum
evaluate vt. 评价,估价=judge, appraise
evaporate v. (使)蒸发;消失=vaporize, disappear
evaporation n. 蒸发;消失
eventful adj. 多事的,充满大事的;意义重大的=busy, momentous
eventual adj. 最终的=ultimate, final
eventually adv. 终于=ultimately, finally
evergreen adj. 常绿的 n.常绿树;常绿植物
evidence n. 证据=proof, testimony vt. 证明;表明,显示=reveal, indicate
evident adj. 明显的=obvious, apparent, clear
eviscerate vt. 取出内脏;除去主要部分
evoke vt. 引起,激起,唤起=bring out, arouse
evolution n. 发展,演变=development, progression
evolve v. 进化,发展=develop, grow
evolutionary adj. 发展的,进化的
exact adj. 精确的,准确地=precise
exacting adj. 苛求的,要求严
格的=trying, severe
exaggerate v. 夸大,夸张=overstate, magnify
exaggeration n. 夸张=overstatement
exalted adj. 崇高的,高贵的=superior, noble, lofty
excavate vt. 挖掘,挖出=unearth, dig out
excavation n. 挖掘
exceed vt. 超越,胜过
excel vi. 胜过,杰出=be superior
excellent adj. 优良的,杰出的=outstanding, splendid
exception n. 例外
exceptional adj. 异常的,杰出的=extraordinary, unusual
exceptionally adv. 特殊地;异常地=extremely
excess adj. 过度的,额外的=extra, superfluous n. 过量,超过
excessive adj.过度的,过分的,过多的=extreme, inordinate, too much
exchange n./vt. 兑换,交换=substitute, trade in, change
excitement n. 激动,兴奋;刺激
excite vt. 刺激,使兴奋=arouse
exciting adj. 令人兴奋的,刺激的=sensational
exclaim vt. 呼喊;惊叫=call, shout
exclude vt. 把…排除在外,排斥=leave out of, keep out of, reject(exclude from)
exclusion n. 排除,逐出=omission, rejection
exclusive adj. 单独的,唯一的;排外的=single, sole, only
exclusively adv. 排外地, 专有地=only, purely, strictly
excursion n. 远足,游览=trip, journey
excuse vt. 原谅=forgiven. 藉口,理由=reason, pretext
execute vt. 完成,实施,执行=carry on, administer
execution n. 实施,执行;完成=accomplishment, putting into practice
executive adj. 行政的=administrative n.执行者,经理主管人员
exemplary adj. 模范的,典范的,可仿效的=modeled, ideal, paradigmatic
exemplify vt. 例证;作为…的例子=illustrate
exempt vt. 使免除,豁免
exempt from 免除=be free from(exempt…from)
exemption n. 解除,免除
exert vt. 运用,行使,施加=cause, apply, exercise
exertion n. 尽力,努力=effort, struggle
exhale vt. 呼出,呼气=breathe out
exhaust n. 排气,排气装置 vt. 用尽,耗尽,使筋疲力尽=use up
exhausted adj. 精疲力尽的=depleted, tired
exhausting adj. 使用尽的, 令人疲乏不堪的=grueling
exhibit vt. 展现;展览=display, show
exhibition n. 展览会;展览品=exposition, presentation, show
exhilarating adj. 爽快的,使人愉快的
exhilarate vt. 使人兴奋=stimulate
exit n. 出口=outlet
exorbitant adj. (价格、索价)过高的,过分的=expensive, excessive
exotic adj. 异国的,外来的;奇异的=foreign, alien;unusual
expand v. 扩大,膨胀;扩张=dilate, spread out
expanding adj. 扩大的,增加的=increasing
expansion n. 扩张,发展=growth
expanse n. 广阔的区域=patch
expedition n. 远征;探险队
expel v. 驱逐,开除;排出=oust;discharge
expenditure n. 支出, 花费
expertise n. 专门技术,技能=skill
expire vi. 期满,到期=end vi. 呼气=exhale
explicit adj. 明确的,清楚的=clear, distinct, unequivocal
implicit adj. 暗示的,含蓄的=implied, suggested
explode vi. 爆炸;爆发=erupt, blow up
exploit vt. 开拓
exploitation n. 开发,开采
explore vt. 探险,勘探=investigate vt.仔细检查,探究=examine, search
explorer n. 探险家,探测者
exploration n. 勘察;探究
explosive adj. 爆炸的;易爆发的 n.炸药
exponential adj. 指数的,幂数的=rapid increase
exposition n. 博览会,展览会=exhibition, fair
exposure n. 暴露;曝光=disclosure
express business 特快专递业务
express train 特快列车
expressive adj. 有表现力的,富有表情的,生动的=eloquent, demonstrative, indicative
expressly adv. 特意地,专门=particularly, specifically
extension n. 延长,扩充=supplement, expansion
extend v. 延长;扩大=stretch, prolong, inrease
extended adj. 延长的,扩大的
extensive adj. 广的;多方面的,广泛的=widespread, far-reaching, wide
exterior n. 外部,外表=outside, appearance
exterminate vt. 根除,灭绝=eliminate, annihilate, eradicate
external adj. 外部的;表面的=exterior, outer
extinct adj. 灭绝的;不再活跃的,熄灭的=nonexistent, vanished, dead
extinction n. 消失,灭绝
extol vt. 赞美=praise, exalt, laud
extract vt. 拔出;榨取=derive, remove, squeeze n. 精,汁;榨出物=essence, substance
extraordinary adj. 特别的,非凡的
extraordinarily adv.显著地=exceptional, remarkable, outstanding
extremity n. 末端;极端,极度=end, utmost point;limit
exuberant adj. 充满活力的=high-spirited, lively adj.(植物)繁茂的=abundant, luxurious
eyewitness n. 目击者=witness
fable n. 寓言,神话=tale, myth
fabric n. 织物,布=cloth, stuff n. 结构,构造=structure, framework
facade n. 正面;表面=face;appearance
facet n. 面;(问题等的)方面=aspect, side
multifaceted adj. 多层面的
face vt. 面对=confront, encounter
facilitate vt. 使容易;有助于,促进=promote, expedite
facilitation n. 促进,帮助
facility n. 设施,设备=equipment, device
facsimile n. 复制品,传真=reproduction, duplicate
faction n. 派别,宗派,小集团=group, sect
petrifaction n. 石化, 化石
satisfaction n. 满意,满足
factor n. 因素;变量=consideration, element;variable
factual adj. 事实的,实际的=real, actual
faculty n. 教职工的总称=staff, teachers n. 才能,能力=ability, aptitude
fade vi. 逐渐消失=disappear, die out vi. 褪色,枯萎=lose color
faint adj. 微弱的;模糊的;无力的
faintly adv.微弱地=dim;feeble, weak
fairly adv. 公平地;相当地=impartially;relatively, rather
faithful n. 信徒=believer, follower adj.忠实的=loyal, devoted
faithfulness n. 忠诚,诚实=fidelity, loyalty
fake n. 赝品,假货=imitation, counterfeit adj. 假的,伪造的=FALSE
falcon n. 猎鹰
falconer n. 养猎鹰者,放鹰狩猎人
famine n. 饥荒,饥饿=shortage of food, starvation
fanatical adj. 狂热的;入迷的=crazy, frenetic
fanatic adj. 狂热的;
盲信的=excessively enthusiastic
fanaticism n. 狂热,盲信=enthusiasm, zeal
fancy adj. 新奇的,精美的=elegant
fanciful adj. 爱空想的=imaginative
infancy n. 幼年
fantastic adj. (非正式)极…的;奇异的=excellent, extraordinary
fantasy n. 幻想;白日梦=dream, daydream
far-reaching adj. 影响深远的=extensive, significant
farce n. 闹剧,滑稽剧
fascinate vt. 使着迷,使神魂颠倒=intrigue, enthrall, captivate
fascinating adj. 迷人的,醉人的=engrossing
fascination n. 入迷,迷恋;魅力
fashionable adj. 流行的,时髦的,上流社会的=stylish
fashion n. 流行,风尚,流行式样=vogue, style vt. 塑造,造=create, make
fasten vt. 使固定,系=attach, affix
fatal adj. 致命的
fateful adj. 重大的,决定性的=decisive, critical, crucial
fatigue n. 疲乏,劳累=weariness, exhaustion
faucet n. 水龙头
fault n. (地质学)断层=crack n. 过错,缺点=defect, flaw
fauna n. 动物群,动物区系
flora n. 植物群
floral adj. 花的,植物的=flowery
favorable adj. 有利的;有助的;赢得赞扬的=propitious, beneficial, approving
favored adj. 首选的;受到优待的;受优惠的=prefered, favorite
unfavorable adj. 不宜的;相反的
feasible adj. 切实可行的=practicable, viable
feat n. 功绩,壮举=achievement, accomplishment
feeble adj. 微弱的;衰弱的=weak, faint, frail
feed v. 喂养,饲养;吃草,靠…为生=nourish;grazen. 饲养,饲料=forage, food
feeder n. 进料器
feed on 吃,以…为食=eat
feminism n. 女权运动
feminist n. 女权主义者
fencing n. 围墙,栅栏;击剑,剑术=fence
fend for oneself 自己谋生=provide for oneself, look after oneself
fender n. 防卫物;挡泥板
ferment vt. 使发酵 n./vt. (使)激动,(使)动乱=agitate, excite
fermentation n. 发酵
ferry n. 渡口;渡船=shuttle, barge
fertile adj.肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的=rich, fruitful adj. 主意多的,有创造力的=inventive, creative
infertile adj. 不肥沃的,贫瘠的,不结果实的
fertilize vt. 施肥,使丰饶;使受精=enrich, make fertile
fertilized egg 受精卵
fertilizer n. 肥料
fervor n. 热情,热烈=enthusiasm, passion
festive adj. 欢宴的,节日的
festival n. 节日=holiday
feud n. 世仇=enmity, vendetta
feudal adj. 封建制度的
feverish adj. 发烧的
fiber n. 纤维,光纤
fiction n. 小说,(虚构)故事=story, legend
nonfiction n. 非小说的散文文学
fictional adj. 虚构的=imaginary
fidelity n. 忠实,忠诚=faithfulness, loyalty
field research 野外实地考察
fierce adj. 凶猛的=ferocious, savage
figurehead n. 装饰船头的雕像, 破浪神, 有名无实的领袖=token
file n. 档案=document n. 队列,纵队=line v. 归档=arrange
profile n. 外形,轮廓
filter vt. 过滤=strain, purify n. 过滤器
finance n. 财政,拨款=funding vt.资助=subsidiz
e, pay for, fund
financial adj. 财政的=monetary
financing n. 筹措资金=subsidy, funding
finch n. 雀类
finesse n. 精密技巧,灵巧=delicacy, adroitness n.手腕=tact
fir n. 杉木
firm adj. 结实的;坚定的
firmly adv. 坚定地,=hard, solid;resolute, determined
fishy adj. 鱼的,鱼味的;腥臭的
fitness n. 健康=health, vigor
fittingly adv. 适当地=aptly, properly
fixed adj. 固定的;不变的=stationary, settled, established
fixture n. 固定设备=commonplace object
flabby adj. (肌肉等)不结实的,松弛的=weak, limp
flag n. 旗,标记=banner, sign vi. 衰退,低落 =decline, weaken, fade
flagella n. 鞭节,鞭毛
camouflage n./v. 伪装
flair n. 才能,本领=talent, knack
flake v. 使成薄片;雪片般落下=peel n. 薄片=slice, chip
snowflake n. 雪花
flamboyant adj. 艳丽的,炫耀的=showy, ostentatious
flare n. 闪光;闪耀=flash vi.闪光,闪耀;突然爆发或燃烧=glare, shine
flash n. 闪光;闪现=flare, spark vi. 闪光;反射=flare, glare, sparkle
flashlight n. 手电筒;闪光灯
flavor n. 味,风味=taste, savor vt.加香味于=season
flavoring n. 调味品,调料=seasoning
flea n. 跳蚤
fleeting adj. 短暂的,飞逝的=transient, brief, temporary
flexible adj. 易弯曲的,柔软的;变通的=pliant, elastic, docile
flexibility n. 灵活性
flickering adj. 闪烁的,摇曳的,一闪一闪的=burning, flaming
flint n. 打火石
float v. 漂浮,使漂浮=drift along
flock n. (畜、禽)群,大量=group, herd, crowd v. 蜂拥,群集=gather, crowd, throng
flock to 成群结队地去
flora n. 某一地区或时期的植物总称
flounder n. 比目鱼 v.挣扎,艰难地移动=struggle, stumble
flourish vi. 繁荣,茂盛;健康成长=thrive, prosper n. 挥舞=wave
fluctuate vi. 波动,起伏=alternate, vary
fluctuation n. 波动,起伏
fluent adj. 流利的;流畅的=articulate, eloquent;graceful
fluffy adj. 绒毛的,松软的
fluorescent adj. 荧光的=luminous, bright
flux n. 变迁;涨潮=conversion;flow
influx n. 流入
foe n. 敌人,敌军=enemy, adversary
fog n. 雾=haze
foghorn n. .雾号(浓雾信号)
fogged adj. [摄]有灰雾的,不清晰的
foggy adj. 雾深的, 模糊的
fold v. 折叠=pucker, bend back n. 折痕,折=crease, pleat
folding adj. 可折叠的
scaffolding n. 脚手架
thousandfold adj. 千倍的
unfold v. 打开,显露
foliage n. 树叶,植物=leaves, leafage
folklore n. 民间传说
follow suit 跟着做
folly n. 愚笨,愚蠢,荒唐事=foolishness, absurdity
foment v. 煽动,助长=stir up, instigate
foolish adj. 愚蠢的=silly, ridiculous, stupid
footnote n. 脚注
forage v. 搜寻(食物)=hunt for, search n. 饲料=feed
foray n. 突袭,偷袭=assault
forbid v. 禁止=not allow, prohibit, prevent
forbidding adj. 可怕的,令人难以亲近的,令人生畏的=prohibitive, frightening
ford n. 浅
Ford n. 福特汽车公司
forebear n. 祖先=forefather, ancestor
forecast n. 预测,预报=prediction, outlook v. 预测=predict, foresee, anticipate
forefather n. 祖先,祖宗=ancestor
forefront n. 最前沿=cutting edge, front
foremost adj. 最重要的;最先的=leading, main;primary
forerunner n. 先驱,前身;预兆=predecessor;herald
foresee vt. 预见,预知=anticipate, predict
foresight n. 远见,深谋远虑=precaution, forethought
foreshadow vt. 成为先兆,预示=predict, foretell
forestall vt. 预防,预先阻止=prevent, thwart
foretell v. 预示,预测=predict, forecast
forge v. 铸造,伪造
formal adj. 正式的;形式的;合乎礼仪的=official;ceremonious
formalized adj. 形式化的,使程序化的
informal adj. 非正式的;不拘礼的
format n. 模式,格式=pattern, design
formation n. 形成,构成=synthesis, configuration, pattern
deformation n. 变形
transformation n. 变化,转化;改革
formative adj. 形成中的,发展中的=developing
informative adj. 提供消息的,见闻广博的=instructive, illustrative
former adj. 从前的,以前的=previous, earlier
formerly adv. 从前,以前=previously, once
formidable adj. 令人敬畏的,可怕的=dreadful, frightening
formula n. 公式;规则
formulate vt. 系统地阐述(或提出)
fort n. 要塞,堡垒=fortress, stronghold
fortress n. 要塞;城堡=fort;castle
fortify vt. 加强,巩固
fortuitous adj. 偶然的,意外的=serendipitous, accidental, haphazard
fortuitously adv. 偶然地,意外地
fortunate adj. 幸运的=lucky
fortune n. 财富;运气=treasure;luck
misfortune n. 不幸,灾祸
fossil n. 化石;僵化的事物=remnant
fossilize vt. 使成化石
fossilized adj. 变成化石的
foster vt. 鼓励,促进=encourage, promote vt. 养育,抚养=nurture, raise
foul adj. 污秽的,肮脏的=disgusting, filthy
founder n. 创建者,创始人=establisher, originator
fraction n. 小部分,少量=segment, fragmentn. 分数
refraction n. 折光,折射
fracture n. 骨折;破裂=break, crack vt. 使破裂,断裂
fragile adj. 易碎的,脆的;脆弱的=delicate, brittle;weak
fragility n. 脆弱
fragment n. 碎片,破片=piece, fraction
fragrant adj. 香的,芬芳的=aromatic, odorous
fragrance n. 芬芳,香味=scent, aroma
framework n. 构架;骨架=structure;skeleton
frame n. 框架vt. 加外框 vt. 提出,制定=pose, formulate
frank adj. 坦白的,直率的= honest, sincere, straightforward
fray vi. 磨损,磨破=wear out, rub n. 吵架,冲突=quarrel, brawl
freight n. 货物,货运=cargo, load vt. 装货,运送=load, carry
freighter n. 货车
frenetic adj. 狂乱的,发狂的=crazy, wild
fanatical adj. 狂热的,盲信的
frenzy n. 狂暴;狂怒=madness, rage
fresco n. 壁画 vt. 作壁画于
freshly adv. 新近,最近=recently
freshness n. 新
鲜;活力=newness;vigor, liveliness
friction n. 摩擦=abrasion, scraping n. 冲突,不和=discord, conflict
frightening adj. 令人恐惧的,引起突然惊恐的
frigid adj. 寒冷的=chilly, cold, icy adj. 冷淡的=unfriendly, cool
fringe n. 边缘;边界=margin, periphery adj. 边缘的=marginal
frivolity n. 轻浮=flippancy, levity
from a far 从遥远的地方
frost n. 霜;霜冻=ice crystal vi.结霜=ice, freeze
defrost vt. 解冻,将…除霜
frown vi. 皱眉;不赞成,反对
frugal adj. 节约的,节俭的=sparing, economical, thrifty
frugality n. 节约,俭省
fruitful adj. 硕果累累的;成功的=productive, fertile;successful
fruitfulness n. 硕果累累;多产
fruitless adj.不结果实的,无收获的
fruitlessly adv. 徒劳地=in vain
frustrate v. 挫败,破坏=disconcert, baffle v. 使沮丧=discourage, depress
frustration n. 挫败,挫折=disappointment, failure
frustrating adj. 令人沮丧胆
fume n. 烟,气体=gas, smoke
perfume n. 香味;香水
fumigate vt. 烟熏;用香薰
functional adj. 功能的;有用的=useful, working
malfunctional adj. 多功能的
functioning n. 运转,操作=operation, manipulation
fund n. 资金;基金=money, capital vt. 提供资金=finance, subsidize
funding n. 拨款=appropriation
fundamental adj. 基础的,基本的=basic, essential, primary
fungi n. (fungus的复数)真菌
furious adj. 狂怒的;狂暴的=angry;violent
furnish vt. 装备;提供=provide, supply
furnishing n. (家庭中包含家具及其他)设备的总称=supply, provision
furniture n. 家具
furry adj. 毛皮的;盖着皮毛的=hairy
further vt. 促进,增进=advance adj. 更多的,另外的=additional, extra
fuse v. 熔合=combine, blend
fused adj. 熔合在一起的
fusion n. 核聚变 n.熔化;联合=union
diffusion n. 扩散,传播
infusion n. 灌输
confusion n. 混乱,混淆
galaxy n. 星系;银河
gallant adj. (对女子)殷勤的;勇敢的,英勇的=courtly, chivalrous
gallantry n. 勇敢=bravery
gallery n. 画廊,美术馆
galvanize vt. 通电流于;刺激,激起=stimulate, invigorate
galvanization n. 镀锌;电镀
gap n. 裂口;缺口=opening, crevice n. 差距=difference
garb n. 服装,装束=costume, dress
garbage n. 垃圾,废物=trash, rubbish, waste
gaseous adj. 气体的,气态的=of gas, gas-like
gasoline n. 汽油=petrol
gauge v. 测量,计量;评价,估计=measure, judge n.量规,量表
gazette n. 政府公报=periodical
gear n. 齿轮,传动装置 v. 使适合,使一致
gem n. 宝石,珠宝=precious stone, jewel
gemstone n. 经雕琢的宝石=jewel
generalize vt. 归纳,概括=reach conclusion, infer, deduce
generalization n.概括
generate vt. 造成,产生=make happen;produce vt.产卵=spawn
generous adj. 慷慨的=magnanimous adj. 大量的=rich, plentiful
genesis n. 起源,产生=origin, beginning
genetic adj. 遗传的
genetics n. 遗传学=heredity
genetically adv. 遗传上
genial adj. 和蔼可亲的=friendly, cordial
congenial adj. 趣味相投的,适意的=pleasant, agreeable, affable
genre n. 文学上的流派和体裁=style, type
gentility n. 有教养,文雅=politeness, refinement, elegance
genuine adj. 真正的,真实的;真诚的=authentic, real, true
germ n. 细菌=bacteria, microbe
get rid of 摆脱;除去=discard, dispose of, do away with, cast off
get in the way of 阻挡
giant n. 巨人,巨大的怪物 adj. 庞大的,巨大的=enormous, large
gibe vi. 嘲弄,讥笑=deride, mock
gigantic adj. 巨大的=mammoth, huge
gilding n. 贴金箔,镀金
girder n. 钢结构大梁
beam n. 木结构大梁
give way to 让步,让路
glacial adj. 冰的,冰河的;冰冷的
glacier n. 冰川
Glaciated adj.冻结成冰的
glamorous adj. 迷人的,富有魅力的=attractive, charming
gland n. 腺体
glandular adj. 腺体的
glare n. 眩目的光=light, brightness v. 闪耀=flare
glassware n. 玻璃制品
ware n. 制品,器具
earthenware n. 土器,陶器
tableware n. 餐具
hardware n. 五金器具
warehouse n. 仓库,货栈
glazed adj. 上过釉的,表面光滑的=smooth-faced, glassy
glaze vt. 装玻璃,上釉,使表面光滑 n.釉料
glean v. 点滴搜集;拾=gather, collect;pick up
glide vi. 滑动,滑行=slide, slip
glider n. 滑行者;滑翔机
glimpse n. 一瞥,一看=glance v.瞥见=see briefly, catch sight of
global adj. 全球性的=worldwide, international
glorify v. 美化,赞扬=exalt, beautify
glossy adj. 平滑的,有光泽的=shiny, polished
glowing adj. 白热的,通红的=shinning, luminous
gnaw v. 咬,啃=nibble, bite
go broke 破产
goal n. 目标=end, objective, aim
gold rush 淘金热
gorgeous adj. 华丽的;灿烂的=beautiful, magnificent
gospel n. 福音
gossip n.社会新闻,小道传闻=rumor
gourmet n. 美食家
gourmand n. 嗜食者
govern vt. 统治,管理;控制=rule, control
governor n. 州长;总督
grab vt. 攫取,抓住=grasp, snatch, capture
grace n. 风度=elegance
graceful adj. 优雅的=elegant
disgrace vt. 玷污
graft v. 嫁接;移植=implant, transplant
grand adj. 壮观的;显赫的=wonderful, impressive, large
grandeur n. 庄严,伟大=magnificence, stateliness
granite n. 花岗岩
graphic adj. 绘画似的;图解的,生动的=vivid, explicit
graph n. 图表=chart
graphics n. (作单数用)制图法,制图学
kymograph n. 波动曲线记录仪
telegraph n. 电报机,电报
stereophotograph n. 立体摄影,立体相片
photograph n. 照片
seismograph n. 地震仪, 测震仪
lithograph n. 平板印刷,平板画
graphite n. 石墨
grasp vt. 抓住,抓紧=seize, grip, hold n. 掌握,领会=comprehension, understanding
grasshopper n. 蚱蜢,蚂蚱
grateful adj.感激的,感谢的=thankful, appreciative
gravitational adj. 地心引
gravitation n. 引力,重力
gravitational field 重力场
gravitational pull 地心引力
gravitational force 地心引力
gravity n. 地心引力n. 严肃,一本正经=seriousness
graze vi. (牲畜)吃草;放牧=feed
grazing land 牧场,草场
grease n. 油脂=oil, fat
greedy adj. 贪婪的=avaricious, avid
grind vt. 磨碎,碾碎=crush, scrape
grip v. 紧握,紧抓=clutch, grasp
grope vi. 摸索,探索=fumble, probe
grumble n./v. 抱怨
guarantee vt. 保证,担保=assure, ensure
gulf n. 海湾
gull n.鸥,海鸥
gulp n./vt. 吞;吞咽=swallow
gush vi. 喷涌,涌流=flow
gust n. 一阵强风=blast, outburst
gymnastic adj. 体操的,体育的
gymnastics n. 体操,体育
gyration n. 旋转
habitat n. 产地,栖息地=environment
hail n. 冰雹 vt. 致敬,向…欢呼=acclaim, salute, greet
hallmark n. 标志,特征=sign, feature
halt n./vt. (使)停止=stop, pause
hamburger n. 汉堡包
hamper vt. 妨碍,使困难=impede, hinder
handicap n. 残疾=disadvantage, physical disability vt. 严重妨碍,削弱=cripple, hinder, impede
handicraft n. 手工艺品
hands-on 亲手抓的
handy adj. 便利的,容易取得的=convenient, close
handful n. 一把, 少数
haphazard adj.偶然的;随便的=indiscriminate, random, aimless
harbor n. 海港=port, haven n. 避难所=refuge, shelter
harden v. 使变硬
hardware n. 五金制品
hardy adj. 能吃苦耐劳的,强壮的=robust, sturdy
harmful adj. 有害的;伤害的=damaging, noxious, detrimental, dangerous
harmless adj. 无害的=innocuous
harmonize v. (使)协调,(使)和谐=correspond, attune
harmony n. 协调,融洽=compatibility
harmonious adj. 和谐的=concordant, accordant
harmonic adj. 和声的
harmonica n. 口琴
philharmonic n. 交响乐团
harness vt. 利用(河流、瀑布等)产生动力=utilize, make use of n.(全套)马具
harsh adj. 粗糙的;刺耳的,刻薄的=rough, coarse;acid adj. 严厉的;严酷的,恶劣的=severe, acrimonious
harshness n. 严酷,恶劣
harvest v. 收获,收割=gather, reap
haste n. 匆忙,急忙;草率=hurry
hasten vt. 加速=accelerate, quicken
chaste adj. 贞洁的,朴素的
hatch vt. 孵化=breed, emerge from the egg
hatchling n. 人工孵化的鱼苗或小鸟
hatchery n. 孵卵所
hatchet n. 短柄斧
thatch vt. 用茅草覆盖屋顶
haul v. 拖
haunt vt. (思想、回忆等)萦绕心头=torment, bother, disturb n. 常去的地方=resort
haunted adj. 闹鬼的,鬼魂出没的,受到折磨的
haven n. 避难所,安全地=refuge, shelter
heaven n. 天,天堂
heavenly adj. 天空的,天上的=celestial
hay n. 干草=dried grass
hazard n. 危险;危害物=danger, risk
hazardous adj. 危险的,冒险的=dangerous, risky
hazel adj. 榛树的
haze n. 薄雾=fog, mist, cloud
heal v. 康复,治愈=cure
healing adj. 有治疗作用的=curative, therapeutic
adj. 有益健康的=wholesome, healthy
heed n./v. 注意,留意=attention, consideration; pay attention to
heel n. 脚后跟
heighten vt. 提高,升高;加深=enhance, hoist, boost
heir n. 继承人,后嗣=descendent, offspring
helium n.氦
helpful adj. 有帮助的,有益的=useful, beneficial
helper n. 助手=assistant
helpless adj. 无助的,无依靠的=unable, powerless, weak
hem n. (衣服或裙子)褶边,边缘=border, edge
ham n. 火腿;大腿
hemisphere n. 半球;半脑=halves, sides
herald vt. 宣布…的消息;预示…的来临=announce, proclaim
herculean adj. 力大无比的, 巨大的
herd n. 兽群;人群=flock, crowd vt. 把…赶在一起放牧;成群,群集
shepherd n. 牧羊人
herder n. 牧者,牧人
heredity n. 遗传=genetics, inheritance
heritage n. 遗产,继承物;传统=legacy, bequest;tradition
heroism n. 英雄品质,英勇=bravery, valor, gallantry
hesitate vi. 犹豫,踌躇=vacillate, fluctuate
hestiant adj. 迟疑的,犹豫不定的=reluctant, irresolute
heterogeneous adj. 异类的,不同的=miscellaneous, variant, defferent
homogeneous adj. 同类的,均一的
heyday n. 全盛期=golden age, climax
hibernate vi. 冬眠=be dormant
hibernation n. 冬眠
hide n. 兽皮=skin vi.隐藏,掩藏=conceal
rawhide n. 生牛皮
hierarchy n. 阶层,等级制度=class, order
highlight vt. 使显著,突出=emphasize, stress n. 最显著或重要的部分=focal point
hike v. 远足,徒步旅行=travel, walk n.徒步旅行=walk, trip
hilly adj. 多小山的,多坡的=mountainous
chilly adj. 寒冷的
hinder vt. 阻碍,妨碍=stunt, inhibit, tie up, hamper, impede
hinge n. (门等)铰链,枢纽
hint n. 提示,线索=allusion, clue
hinterland n. 穷乡僻壤;腹地=region, inland
hold a large stake 拥有巨额股份,带有极大冒险性
hoe vt. 用锄耕地,锄=weed
hollow adj. 空心的,凹陷的=empty adj. 空洞的=void, vain vt. 形成空洞;挖空=empty n. 洞;山谷=hole;valley
homemade adj. 自制的,家里做的=made at home
homespun adj. 朴素的;家里纺织的=plain, simple
homogenize vt. 使均匀=equalize
homogeneous adj. 同类的;均匀的,同质的=uniform, similar
horde n.一大群=crowd, swarm
horizon n. 地平线;眼界,视野=range, limit
horizontal adj. 水平的=flat, level
horn n. (牛羊等的)角
horned adj. 有角的,角状的
hornbill n. 犀鸟,犀鸟科
hornet n. 大黄蜂类
pronghorn n. (墨西哥和美国西部产的)叉角羚
foghorn n. 雾号(浓雾信号)
thorn n.(植物的)刺,棘
thorny adj. 多刺的
horror n. 惊骇;恐怖=terror, fear
horror film/movie 恐怖电影
hospitable adj. 好客的=generous, receptive
hostile adj. 敌对的,不友好的=unfriendly, antagonistic
hostility n. 敌意,敌对=pugnacity, enmity, animosity
house vt. 给…提供住所
hover vi. 翱翔;徘徊=float;waver, vaci
hovercraft n. 水翼船
hub n. 轮轴=core n.活动中心=nucleus, heart, center
huddle vi. 缩成一团;挤成一团=crowd, gather n. 杂乱的一堆,拥挤=mass, heap
hue n. 颜色,色彩=color, tint
humanity n. 人性;博爱,仁慈=kindness, virtue
humanitarian n./adj. 人道主义者;人道主义的=philanthropic
nonhuman adj. 非人类的
humanistic adj. 人性的;人文主义的
humanist n. 人道主义者,人文主义者
humble adj. 卑贱的;谦逊的=meek, submissive, modest
humid adj. 潮湿的=damp, wet
humidity n. 湿气,湿度=dampness, moisture
humiliate vt. 羞辱,使丢脸=embarrass, shame
humility n. 谦卑=meekness, modesty
hummingbird n. 蜂鸟
humorous adj. 幽默的,滑稽的=witty, funny, amusing
hump n. 驼背;峰,圆形隆起之物=bump, hunch
hunger n. 饥饿
hurl vt. 用力投掷=throw, cast, toss
hurricane n. 飓风,暴风雨=storm
husk n. (果类或谷物)外壳;皮=shell, outer covering vt. 剥…的壳;削皮=remove the husk from
hustle n. 挤,推,拥挤喧嚷=bustle
hydrogen n. 氢
hygiene n. 卫生=cleanliness, sanitation
hypersensitive adj. 高灵敏度的;感觉过敏的
hypothesis n. 假设,假说=assumption, theory
hypothesize vt. 假设,假定=speculate, suppose
iceberg n. 冰山
ice sheet 冰层
ice cream cone 冰淇淋蛋卷
icicle n. 冰柱,冰垂
icon n.圣像,偶像=idol, image n.图标=symbol
iconographic adj. 图解的
identical adj.同一的;完全相同的=duplicate, alike
identify vt. 识别,认出;鉴定=detect, spot, find out, discover
identification n. 辨认;鉴定
identifiable adj. 可辨认的=traceable
identity n. 身份=individuality, character
ideology n. 意识形态=beliefs, ideas, philosophy
ideological adj. 意识形态的
idiom n. 方言,土语;习惯用语=lingo
idiomatic adj. 惯用的,通顺的
idyllic adj. 田园诗的=pastoral, rural
igneous adj.(地理)火的,火成的
ignite v. 点燃,使燃着=catch fire, burn, light
ignorant adj. 无知的;不了解的=unlearned, uneducated;unaware
ignorance n. 无知,不了解
ignore vt. 忽视;不顾,不理会=disregard, overlook, neglect
illegible adj. 难以辨认的,(字迹)模糊的=unreadable, unclear
illiterate adj.文盲的;缺乏教育的=uncultured, uneducated
illuminate v. 照明,照亮=light up, brighten v.说明,阐明=clarify, explain, illustrate
illumination n. 照明;启发
illusion n. 幻觉;错觉=misconception
illusive adj. 迷惑人的;错觉的=deceptive, misleading
illustrate vt. (用图或例子)说明,阐明=represent, demonstrate, depict
illustration n. 例证;插图=picture, drawing
image n. 图像,肖像;形象=picture, figure
imaginative adj. 富于想象力的
imaginary adj. 想象中的,虚构的=unreal, fanciful, visionary
imagery n. (艺术、文学)肖像,形象;形象化的比喻=image, figurative writing
imbibe v. 吸
;吸收=drink;absorb, take in
imitate vt.仿效,模仿=mimic, emulate, copy
imitation n. 模仿;仿制品=fake, emulation
immediate adj. 立即的;(在时空上、关系上)最接近的;目前的=prompt, instantaneous, close
immediately adv. 立即,马上=right, directly
immense adj. 巨大的;无边的=enormous, colossal, boundless
immigrant n. (自外国移入)移民=alien, non-native
immigration n. 外来的移民, 移居入境
immobile adj. 固定的,不动的=stationary, fixed
immobilize vt. 使不动,使固定=stabilize, fix
demobilize vt. 复员
immune adj. (对…)免疫的,不受影响的=exempt, resistant
immune system 免疫系统
immunity n. 免疫,免疫性=protection, exemption, freedom
impact n. 影响=influence, effect n. 撞击,冲击
impair vt. 损害,使弱=hurt, damage
impart vt. 传授;传递,传达=deliver, convey, transmit
impartial adj. 公正的,无偏见的=unbiased, fair
impede vt. 妨碍,阻碍=hinder, interrupt, hamper
impediment n. 妨碍,阻碍(物)=hindrance, obstacle, block
impending adj. 即将发生的,逼近的=approaching, imminent
imperative adj. 必要的;强制的=necessary, essential n.命令;需要,必要的事
impermeable adj.不可渗透的;不透水的=impervious, impenetrable
impersonal adj. 不受个人感情支配的,客观的,无私的=detached, disinterested, objective
impersonate vt. 模仿,扮演=mimic, imitate
impersonation n. 模仿,扮演
impetus n. 推动力;激励物=driving force;incentive
implement n. 工具,器具=tool, instrument vt. 实行,实施=execute, carry out, perform
implication n. 暗示,意义=significance, meaning, hint n. 牵连=involvement
implicit adj. 不明确的,含蓄的=tacit, implied
imply vt. 暗示,意味=suggest, hint
import vt./n. (贸易)进口
impose vt. 把…强加于;施加影响=demand, force, inflict
imposing adj. 使人难忘的, 壮丽的=impressive, grand
impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的;威严的=imposing, grand
imprint n. 印痕,痕迹;深刻的印象=trace;impression vt. 压印,牢记=impress, stamp
imprisonment n. 监禁=confinement, incarceration
improbable adj. 不可能的=unlikely, impossible
improvise vt. 即席创作,即兴表演=think up on the spot, extemporize
improvision n. 即席创作=extemporization, impromptu
improviser n. 即席演奏者
impulse n. 冲动;刺激,驱使=force, urge
in conjunction with 结合=concomitant with
in accord with 与…一致
in common 共有,有共同之处
in scale 相称,成比例
in terms of 根据;就…而论
inaccessible adj. 难达到的,不可及的;不能得到的=unreachable; not available, unattainable
inactivate vt. 使…不活跃
inadequate adj. 不充分的,不适当的=deficient, insufficient, poor
inanimate adj. 无生命的=lifeless
inappropriate adj. 不适当的,不相称的=unsuitable, improper
appropriate adj. 适
当的=suitable, fitting, proper vt. 拨款;占用=allot, seize, usurp
inaugurate v. 创新,开辟=begin, initiate v. 使就职=install, set up
incapacitate vt. 使失去能力;使不胜任=disable, disqualify
incense n. 熏香;焚香的烟 vt. 激怒=anger, enrage
incentive n. 动机=motivation, motive
incessant adj. 不停的,连续的=unending, constant, unceasing
incident n. 事件=occurrence, event, happening
incidentally adv. 附带地,偶然地=by chance, accidentally
incidence n. 发生,出现;发生频率
coincident adj. 一致的,符合的;巧合的
coincidence n. 一致;同时发生或同时存在的事
incisive adj. 深刻的,尖锐的=sharp, penetrating
incise vt. 切割=cut, carve
inclination n. 嗜好,倾向=preference, tendency
inclined adj. 倾向…的 adj. 倾斜的,有坡度的=sloping, slanted
inclusive adj. 包含的,包括的=comprehensive, being included
incompatible adj. 合不来的,相互不协调的;不兼容的=conflicting;unsuitable
incomprehensible adj. 不能理解的,费解的=unintelligible, inapprehensible
incongruity n. 不一致,不和谐=incompatibility, disharmony
incongruous adj. 不协调的,不一致的=incompatible, discordant
incorpoarate vt. 合并,并入;包含=merge, unite;contain
incorporation n. 结合,合并=unification, alliance
incredible adj. 难以置信的,惊人的=unbelievable, fabulous
incredulity n. 怀疑,不相信=disbelief
incur vt. 招致,引起=cause, arouse
indefinite adj. 模糊的;不明确的=unclear, vague;uncertain
indefinitely adv. 不确定地;无穷尽地=endlessly, incessantly
indent vt.切割成锯齿状=nick, notch
indented adj. 锯齿状的,高低不平的
indenture vt. 以契约约束
indicate vt. 指示,指出;象征,表明=show, reflect, evidence;imply, suggest
indicative adj. 指示的,预示的=suggestive, expressive
indifferent adj. 不感兴趣的,漠不关心的=apathetic, unconcerned
indifference n. 冷漠,不关心=apathy, unconcern, distinterest
indigestion n. 消化不良=dyspepsia, difficulty in digesting
indiscriminate adj. 不加选择的
indiscriminately adv.随意地;不加区别地=unnoticingly, randomly
indiscrimination n.歧视=unfair treatment
indispensable adj. 不可缺少的,必需的=essential, requisite
individualism n. 个人主义
induce vt. 诱使,促使;导致=bring about, cause
inducible adj. 可诱导的
industrial adj. 工业的
industrialization n. 工业化
industrialized adj. 工业化的
industrious adj. 勤勉的=assiduous, diligent, sedulous
ineligible adj. 无资格的;不适当的=unsuitable, incompetent
inert adj.惰性的;不活泼的=inactive
inevitably adv. 不可避免地,必然地=unavoidably, inescapably
inextricably adv. 无法摆脱地=inevitably
infancy n. 幼年=babyhood
infection n. 传染(病)
infectious adj. 传染性的,易传染的=contagious, contaminating
inferior adj.
inferiority n. 自卑感
infertile adj. 不肥沃的=barren
infest vt. 骚扰,大批滋生=overrun, swarm
infiltrate vt. 使透过,渗透=spread to, permeate, penetrate
inflate vt. 使膨胀,使充气=expand, fill with air or gas
inflation n. 通货膨胀
inflexible adj. 坚定的=rigid, stiff, stubborn
inflict vt. 造成;(使)遭受(痛苦、损伤等)=impose, cause
afflict vt. (外来到)折磨
influential adj. 有影响的;有权势的=important, powerful, significant
influenza n. 流行性感冒
influx n. 流入,汇集=arrival, inward flow
informal adj. 不拘礼节的,随便的;非正式的=casual;unofficial
informed adj. 受过教育的,见多识广的=educated, knowledgeable
be informed about 熟悉=be acquainted with
infuse vt. 注入,灌输=ingrain, instill
infusion n. 注入
ingenious adj. 机灵的,有独创性的=clever, inventive, crafty
ingeniously adv. 天才地,独创地
ingredient n. 配料,成份=component, element
inhabit vt. 居住于,栖息于=live in, occupy, reside in
habitat n. 栖息地,居留地
inhabitant n. 居民,住户=resident, occupant
inherent adj.固有的,内在的=intrinsic, built in, natural
inherit vt. 继承=receive
inheritance n. 遗产=heritage
inhibit vt. 抑制;阻止=restrain, curb, hinder, deter
initiate vt. 开始,发起=begin, originate, start
initial adj. 最初的,初始的=early, preliminary, oldest n. 开头大写字母
initially adv. 最初,开头=in the beginning, at first
inject vt. 注射;注入,灌溉=put in, infuse
innate adj. 先天的,天生的=inborn, congenital
innermost adj. 最里面的;内心的,秘密的=most personal
innocent adj. 无辜的,清白的;天真的=naive, gullible
innovation n. 改革,创新=novelty
innovative adj. 创新的,革新的=novel
innumerable adj. 无数的,数不清的=countless, numerous
inorganic chemical 无机化合物
inquiry n. 质问;调查=investigation, quest
insanity n. 精神错乱,疯狂=madness, craziness
insert vt. 插入=input, enter
insight n. 洞察力,见识=understanding
insist vt. 坚持认为;坚决主张=maintain, contend
insistence n. 坚持
inspect vt. 检查;审查=look over, examine
inspection n. 检查,细看
inspector n. 检查员,巡视员
inspire vt. 鼓舞;给…以灵感=encourage, inspirit;fire the imagination of
inspiring adj. 使人振奋的,鼓舞的
inspiration n. 灵感
install vt. 安装,设置=set up, fix
installment n. 分期付款=monthly payment
instantaneous adj. 瞬间的,即刻的=instant, immediate
instinct n. 本能,直觉=intuition, drive, nature
instinctive adj. 天生的,本能的=spontaneous
instinctively adv. 本能地;凭直觉地
institute n. 学院;学会,协会 vt. 开始;制定=establish, start
institution n. 机构;惯例=institute, organization;custom, conven
institutionalize v. 使制度化
instructive adj. 有益的;教育性的=didactic, enlightening
instruct vt. 教;命令=teach
instruction n. 命令,指示;教学=direction;teaching
instrument n. 仪器;工具;乐器=tool, implement, device
instrumental adj. 有帮助的,可作为手段的=effective, helpful, necessary adj.器具的
instrumentalist n. 器乐家,器乐演奏者
insulation n. 绝缘;隔离;孤立=isolation, separation
insulin n. 胰岛素
insult vt. 侮辱,凌辱=offend, affront
insulting adj. 侮辱性的,欺负人的
insurmountable adj. 不能克服的,不能超越的=insuperable, overwhelming
intact adj. 尚未被人碰到的,完整的=unaltered, integrated, whole
integral adj. 整体的;构成整体所需的=complete, full;essential
integrate vt. 使成为整体,使一体化=unify, synthesize, coordinate
integrated adj. 整合的,一体化的
disintegrate v. (使)分解,(使)碎裂
integrity n. 完整性;正直,诚实=virtue, honesty
intellect n. 智力
intellectual n. 知识分子 adj. 智力的
intelligent adj. 聪明的,有才智的=ingenious, wise, bright
intelligence n. 智力;聪明
intelligible adj. 明了的,可理解的=understandable, comprehensible
intense adj. 强烈的,剧烈的=extreme, acute
intensify vt. 加强;扩大=strengthen;magnify
intensive adj. 加强的;集中的,密集的=thorough;concentrated
intentionally adv. 有意地,特意地=deliberately, consciously
intention n. 意图,目的=intent=motive, purpose
interaction n. 相互作用=communication
interact vi. 互相作用,互相影响=interplay(interact with)
interactive adj.交互式的
interconnected adj. 相互连接的
interconnecting adj. 相互连接的
interdependence n. 互相依赖=interconnection, interrelation
interdependent adj. 相互依赖的,互助的
interest n. 兴趣;利息=attention, curiosity;dividend, yield
interfere vi. 妨碍;干涉=disrupt, hinder, obstruct(interfere with)
interference n. 冲突;干涉
interior n./adj. 内部(的)=inside, inner part, internal, inner
interlocking adj. 连锁的,关联的
intermediate adj. 中间的,中级的=middle
intermittent adj. 间歇的,断断续续的=periodic, recurrent
internal adj. 内在的=inside, interior
external adj. 外部的=exterior, outer
interpersonal adj. 人与人之间的;关于人与人之间关系的
interpretation n. 解释=explanation
interrupt vt. 打断,使中断=impede, discontinue
intersect vi. 相交=cross, meet
intersection n. 十字路口,交叉点
interstellar adj. 星际的
interval n. 间隔时间=pause, break
intervention n. 干涉,介入=interference
intimate adj. 亲密的=close, familiar adj. (知识)渊博的=deep, profound
intimacy n. 亲密,熟悉
intoxication n. 陶醉,醉酒=inebriation;drunkenness
intrepid adj. 勇敢的=fearless, courageous, brave
intricate adj. 复杂
的,错综的=complex, comlicated, entangel
intricately adv. 杂乱地
intrigue vt. 激起…的兴趣=fascinate, captivate
intriguing adj. 吸引人的,引起兴趣(或好奇心)的=attractive, fascinating, engaging
intrinsic adj. 固有的,内在的=inherent, essential, fundamental
introspective adj. 自省的,反省的=self-examining, introverted, contemplative
intrusion n. 侵扰,干扰=encroachment, infringement, violation
intruder n. 入侵者,闯入者=trespasser, burglar
intruding adj. 入侵性的
inundate vt. 淹没=flood, overflow
invade vt. 侵略,侵犯=move into, intrude, aggress
invasion n. 入侵=raid, attack, aggression
invader n. 侵略者
invariably adv. 不变地,总是=constantly, always
inventory n. 存货清单;库存品=check list
invertebrate n./adj. 无脊椎动物(的)
vertebrate n./adj. 脊椎动物(的)
investigate vt. 调查,研究=explore, research, survey
investigation n. 调查=inquiry
inviting adj. 诱人的,引人心动的=attractive, tempting
involuntary adj. 不知不觉地,无意识的=automatical, unintentional
ion n. 离子
irony n. 反讽,讽刺=sarcasm, satire
ironic adj. 讽刺的=satiric
irregular adj. 不规则的,不整齐的=piecemeal, inconstant
irregularly adv. 不规则地=erratically, unevenly
irrelevant adj. 离题的;无关的=extraneous, impertinent
irreparable adj. 不能挽回的=irreversible
irresistible adj. 无法抗拒的,无法抵抗的;诱人的=overwhelming;tempting, charming
irresponsible adj. 不负责的=reckless, carefree
irreverent adj. 不敬的=disrespectful, impious
irreverence n. 不敬;不敬的行为
irreversible adj. 不可改变的;不可撤销的=irrevocable, final, unchangeable
irrevocable adj. 不能取消的
irrigate vt. 灌溉=water
irrigation n. 灌溉
irritate vt. 激怒;使过敏=prickle, annoy, provoke
irritable adj. 易怒的,急躁的=easily annoyed, grouchy, touchy
irritating adj. 刺激的;使人愤怒的,气人的=exasperating, annoying
isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立=seclude, separate
isolated adj. 与世隔绝的,偏僻的;孤独的=remote, secluded, solitary
isolation n. 隔离;孤立=separation, detachment
issue n. 问题=subject, topic, problem n.(报刊的)期=edition, publication v.发行=release, publish
itinerary n. 路线=route, course
itinerant adj. 巡回的=traveling, wandering, nomadic
jar n. 罐,广口瓶=pitcher, vase vt. 震动;刺激,震惊=vibrate, jolt;shock
ajar adj. (门窗等)微开的=half-open
jealousy n. 妒忌,羡慕=envy, covetousness
jelly n.果冻,胶状物
jellyfish n. 水母
jewel n. 宝石=gemstone, gem
jewelry n. 珠宝
jeweler n. 宝石商,宝石匠
jibe with 与…一致
jog vi. 慢跑=run
jogging n. 慢跑
jolt n. 震动,颠簸=shake vt. 使颠簸,猛击=bounce, shake
jolting adj. 令人震惊的=shocking
journal n. 期刊,杂志=magazine, periodical n.(航海)日记;分类
onor, credit
lava n. 熔岩,岩浆
volcano n. 火山
lave vt. 为沐浴, 洗
lavish adj. 过分丰富的;浪费的=magnificent, generous, prodigal
slavish adj. 卑屈的;盲从的=servile, docile
lawn n. 草地,草坪,草场=landscape, grassland, meadow
lawsuit n. 诉讼=litigation, prosecution
lay vt. 产卵,下蛋=deposit
layer n. 层,层次;阶层=tier, stratum(复数strata)
layering n. 分层堆积
layman n. 俗人,犯人;外行
layout n.规划,设计=design, plan
leading adj. 最主要的=main, principal adj. 主演的=starring
mislead vt. 误导
leadership n. 领导能力,领导阶层=guidance, direction, authority
league n. 同盟,联盟;联合会=association, union
colleague n. 同事,同僚
leak vt. 漏;渗=seep, ooze vt. 泄露=divulge, reveal
leaky adj. 漏的
bleak adj. 荒凉的,凄凉的
leap n./vi. 跳跃=jump, hop
learn by rote 死记硬背学习
lease n. 租约=rent, charter vt. 出租,租借
ledge n. 壁架, 架状突出物, 暗礁, 矿层=edge, projection
pledge n. 誓言 vt. 保证
legacy n. 遗产,遗物=inheritance, bequest, heritage
heritage n. 遗产;继承物
legendary adj. 传奇的=mythical, fabled
legend n. 传说;传奇文学=myth, tale
legible adj. (指印刷或字迹)清楚地,易读的=readable, distinct
illegible adj. 难辨认的,字迹模糊的
legislation n. 立法=lawmaking n. 法规=laws, statutes
legislate vt. 立法=make laws, enact law
legislature n. 立法机关
legume n. 豆类,豆荚
leisure n. 空闲,闲暇=convenience, vacancy
leisurely adj. 从容的,悠闲的=unhurried, slow
lengthen vt. 延长,使变长=extend, elongate
lengthy adj. (演说、文章等)冗长的,啰嗦的=redundant, long
leopard n. 豹,美洲豹
lethal adj. 致命的=fatal, mortal
lethargic adj. 昏睡的;懒洋洋的,萎靡不振的=slumberous, sluggish, torpid, languid
lethargy n. 昏睡,倦怠=sluggishness, torpor
lettuce n. 莴苣,生菜
liable of 倾向于
libel n. 以文字损害名誉,诽谤=slander, defamation
liberal adj. 开放的,主张变革的,自由主义的=open-minded, tolerant adj. 慷慨的,不拘泥的=generous
liberate vt. 释放,使自由=free, discharge, release
liberty n.自由=freedom
liberally adv. 随意地,不受限制地=freely, unrestrictedly
deliberate adj. 深思熟虑的;故意的
life span 寿命
lift v. 举起,升高=hoist, elevate
facelift n. 改建,表面修改
light bulb 灯泡
bulb n. 电灯泡;球茎
likewise adv.同样地,也=similarly, as well, too
limb n. 肢,翼;树枝=arm, leg
limestone n. 石灰石
lineage n. 血统,世系=ancestry, family
linen n. 亚麻布,亚麻制品
linger vi. 逗留;徘徊=stay;stroll
linguistic adj. 语言上的,语言学上的
linguistics n. 语言学
liquid n. 液体,流体=fluid, juice adj. 液体的
literally adv. 照字面意义地,逐字地=with meaning, word for word, letter by letter
rary adj. 文学(上)的,从事写作的
literate adj. 有文化的,有阅读和写作能力的=educated, schooled
literacy n. 有读写能力,识字=reading and writing
illiterate adj. 不识字的,没受教育的
semiliterate n. 半文盲,有初等文化者
obliterate vt. 涂去,删除
iterate vt. 反复说,重申
litter vt. 乱丢(litter...with…) vi. 乱丢垃圾 n. 垃圾=garbage, refuse
livelihood n. 生计,谋生=subsistence, sustenance
lively adj. 活泼的,活跃的;栩栩如生的=busy, energetic, vigorous
liver n. 肝脏
livestock n. 家畜,牲畜
living quarters 住房,住处
load n. 重担;重任=burden;duty vt. 装载,使负担=fill
unload vt. 摆脱…的负担,卸
overload vt. 使超载,超过负荷
shipload n. 船货, 一船上的载货
trainload n. 列车载重
workload n. 工作量
loathsome adj. 令人讨厌的=repulsive, disgusting, abhorrent
lobby n. 大厅,休息厅=hall, room v.游说议员=influence, persuade
lobster n. 龙虾
locate vt. 找出,定位;设置=find, monitor;settle
location n. 位置,场所=scene, site, spot
locality n. 位置,地方=place, district
locally adv. 在地方上,在当地=in that area
locomote v. 移动,行动
locomotion n. 运动,移动=movement, motion
locomotive n. 火车头
lodge n. (山林)小屋 vi.寄存;临时住宿
lodging n. 寄宿,住房(常指出租的房间)=accommodation
log n. 圆木;航海日志;vt. 记录=wood
log cabin 小木屋
logical adj. 合乎逻辑的,合理的=coherent, reasonable
logic n. 逻辑,逻辑学
long-range 远程的
longevity n. 长寿=long life
longitude n. 经度,经线
loom n. 织布机 vi.隐约闪现,逼近=come into view, appear, emerge
bloom v. (使)开花,(使)繁盛 n. 花
loop vt. 把…圈成环;缠绕=circle, ring n. 圈,环
sloop n. 单桅帆船
loose adj. 宽松的;不牢固的=unstable, weak
loosen vt. 解开,放松
lore n. 口头传说;学问,知识=legend;wisdom, knowledge
lucrative adj. 赚钱的,有利可图的=profitable, remunerative
lull vt. 使平静;使安静=appease, calm
lumber n. 木材,木料=board, timber
lumbering n. 采伐林木
timber n. 木材,木料
slumber n. 睡眠
plumber n. 水管工人
luminosity n. 亮度,发光度=light, radiance
luminous adj. 发光的;明亮的=glowing, fluorescent, bright
lunar adj. 月的
lure vt. 引诱,诱惑=attract, entice n. 饵;诱惑=bait, charm, attraction
luster n. 光彩,光泽;声望=sheen, brightness;distinction, prestige
lustrous adj. 有光泽的;光辉的=shiny, glowing
luxurious adj. 奢侈的,豪华的=sumptuous, lavish
luxury n. 奢侈,豪华=opulence, extravagance
lyric n. 抒情诗;歌词
lyricist n.抒情诗人
lyrically adv. 抒情地
magic n. 魔法,魔力;魔术
magical adj. 魔术的,不可思议的
magician n. 魔术师,变戏法的人
magnesium n. 镁
magnetic a
dj. 磁的,有磁性的 adj. 有吸引力的=captivating, attractive
magnetic n. 磁铁
magnetism n. 磁,磁力
magnetize vt. 使磁化;吸引
demagnetize vt. 消磁,使退磁
ferromagnetic adj. 铁磁的, 铁磁体
geomagnetic adj. 地磁的
electromagnetic adj. 电磁的
magnificent adj. 华丽的;高尚的;丰富的=gorgeous, lavish
magnificence n. 华丽,富丽堂皇=grandeur, splendor
magnify vt. 放大,扩大=intensify, increase, enlarge
magnitude n.大小,光度,重要=extent, size, importance, degree
maintenance n. 维修,保养=preservation n. 维持,继续=support, continuance
maize n. 玉米
corn n. 玉米,谷类
popcorn n. 爆米花
cornet n. 短号
majestic adj. 壮观的,庄严的=stately, royal
majesty n. 威严,最高权威=nobility
majority n. 多数
makeup n. 组成,结构=composition, structure n. 补考 n.化妆品
malfunction n. 故障,失灵=failure, breakdown
mall n. 大规模购物中心=shopping center
mallet n. 槌棒=hammer
malleable adj. 可锻的,可塑的,可延展的
malleability n. 可锻性,可塑性,延展性
malnutrition n. 营养不良
mammal n. 哺乳动物
mammoth n. 猛犸象 adj. 巨大的=gigantic, huge
mandatory adj. 命令的,强制的=compulsory, required
mandate n. 命令,要求=command, decree
maneuver vt. (敏捷地)操纵;(用策略)调动=move, control, drive n. 策略,谋略=tactic, stragegy
mania n. 狂热=craze, madness
manifestation n. 表现,显示=revelation, indication
manipulate vt. 操作;操纵,利用=maneuver;control
mannerism n. 特殊习惯,怪癖=idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, habit
mansion n. 大厦;公寓=edifice
mantle n. 地幔;覆盖物=covering, envelop
manual n. 手册=guide book adj. 人工的,手动的=hand-operated
manually adv. 用手
manure n. 肥料=fertilizer
map vt. 绘制…的地图
marble n. 大理石
march vi./n. 前进,行进=parade, advance
margin n. 边缘;余地=ege, border, rim;room
marine adj. 海的,航海的,海产的=sea-dwelling, maritime, naval
aquamarine n. 绿玉;碧绿色
submarine n. 潜水艇,潜艇
maritime adj. 海上的,海事的=marine, oceanic
markedly adv. 显著地,明显地
marrow cavity n. 骨髓腔
marsh n. 湿地,沼泽=swamp, bog
marshy adj. 沼泽的=muddy, swampy
marvel n. 奇异的事物,罕见的例子=wonder, miracle
marvelous adj. 不可思议的;了不起的=wonderful, splendid
mask n. 面具 v. 掩盖,掩饰=disguise, camouflage, hide
mason n. 泥瓦匠=bricklayer
stonemason n. 石工,石匠
masonry n. 石工术;石匠职业
massive adj. 大而重的,庞大的;可观的=enormous, colossal, immense
masterpiece n. 杰作,名著=great work
matching adj. (尤指颜色或外表)相配的,一致的=identical
matchless adj. 无敌的;无比的=incomparable, unmatched, peerless
mate v. 结伴,成配偶=breed n. 配偶=spouse
mathematics n. 数学
maverick adj. 特立独
行的;不遵守传统的=independent n.持异议者,自行其是者=nonconformist
meager adj. 缺乏的,不足的=scanty, poor
meaningful adj. 意味深长的=significant, important
measures n. 措施,方法
mechanical adj. 机械的;机械性的,呆板的=automatic, monotonous
mechanics n. 机械学,力学
mechanized adj. 机械化的=automated, mechanical
mechanism n. 机械;机理,运作机制=device, machine
media n. 媒体=medium, television, newspaper
mediate v. 斡旋,调停=arbitrate, negotiate
intermediate adj. 中间的;中级的
mediator n. 调停者=conciliator
medieval adj. 中世纪的
medium n. 媒体,媒介;方法=device;way
melodious adj. 旋律优美的,悦耳的=harmonious, euphonic
melody n. 悦耳的音调=tune
melodic adj. 有旋律的, 调子美妙的 =melodious, tuneful
melodrama n. 音乐剧;情节剧
membrane n. 膜,薄膜
memo n. 备忘录=note, memorandum
memory n. 记忆,记忆力;回忆=recollection
memorize vt. 纪念=commemorate
memorable adj. 难忘的=unforgettable
commemorate v. 纪念
memorandum n. 备忘录, 便笺
memorial n. 纪念物=monument
menace n. 危险物=danger vt. 威吓;胁迫=threaten, intimidate
mend vt. 修补;改进=repair, improve
amendment n. 改善,改正
recommend vt. 推荐;介绍
mention vt. 提及;说起=refer to, indicate
menu n. 菜单;选择单
mercantile adj. 商业的,贸易的=trading, commercial
merchant n. 商人
merchandise n. 商品=objects for sale, goods
merge v. (使)合并,(使)融合=combine, unite
merger n. 合并=incorporation
emerge vi. 显现,浮现
emergence n. 浮现,出现
meridian n. 子午线
merit n. 优点,价值=virtue, value, credit
mesmerize vt. 施催眠术;使入迷,迷住=hypnotize;fascinate, captivate
messy adj. 肮脏的;凌乱的=sloppy, dirty;unorganized, disorderly
metabolism n. 新陈代谢
metabolic adj. 新陈代谢的
metaphor n. 隐喻,暗喻=parable
meteor n. 流星
meteorite n. 陨星,陨石
meteorology n. 气象学
meteorologist n. 气象学者
methodology n. 方法论,方法学
methodically adv. 有条理地;井然地=systematically, orderly
meticulous adj. 一丝不苟的,过细的=scrupulous, cautious
metropolitan adj. 主要都市的,大城市的=city
microbe n. 微生物=germ, bacteria, microorganism
microcosm n. 微观世界
microorganism n. 微生物=bacteria
microscope n. 显微镜
microscopic adj. 用显微镜可见的;极小的=infinitesimal, tiny
telescope n. 望远镜
microwave n. 微波(炉)
mighty adj. 强大的,巨大的=powerful, great
migrant n. 候鸟;移民
emigrant n. 移居外国者,移民
immigrant n. (从外国移入的)移民,侨民
migrate vi. 移动,迁徙=move from one place to another
migration n. 定期迁移;迁居
migratory adj.迁移的;流浪的=wandering, nomadic
milestone n. 里程碑;划时代的事件=landmark, significant de
milieu n. 环境;出身背景=environment, surroundings
militant adj. 好战的,好暴力的=fighting, belligerent, warlike
millennia n. 一千年,千禧年=thousands of years
millionaire n. 百万富翁
mime vt. 模拟,模仿=mimic, imitate
mimetic adj. 模仿的,(生物)拟态的=imitative
mimicry n. (生物)拟态;模仿
mimic n./vt. 模仿,摹拟=imitate, copy
mingle v. (使)混合
mingling adj. 混合的
miniature adj. 微型的,缩小的=tiny n.缩小的模型,缩图,缩影
minimize v. 最小化,减到最小=diminish
minimal adj. 最小的,最少的=the fewest
minimalist n. 最低限要求者
minimum adj. 最小的,最低的 n.最小值,最小化
minority n. 少数;少数民族
minuscule adj. 极小的=tiny, very small
minute adj. 微小的
miraculous adj. 奇迹的,不可思议的=astonishing, amazing
miracle n. 奇迹,奇事=marvel, wonder
mirage n. 海市蜃楼,幻景=illusion, delusion, hallucination
miserable adj. 痛苦的,悲惨的,可怜的=unhappy, wretched
mislead vt. 使误入歧途,误导=deceive, misguide
misleading adj. 使人误解的;骗人的=deceptive
mistrust vt. 不信任,不相信,怀疑=suspect, distrust
mistrustful of 不相信,怀疑=suspicious of
mitigate vt. 使减轻,使缓和=alleviate, relieve
moat n. 护城河,壕沟=trench
mobile adj. 可移动的=moveable adj. 易变的
mobility n. 流动性;灵活性=movability
immobile adj. 稳定的,不动的,静止的
mock v. (模仿性的)嘲笑=ridicule, jeer
mockingbird n. (动物)仿声鸟
moderate adj. 温和的;适度的,有节制的=temperate, gentle, mild vt. 使缓和,使稳定=temper, appease
modest adj. 谦虚的;适度的=humble, less ambitious, unpretentious;moderate
modify vt. 修改,变更=alter, change
moist adj. 潮湿的,多雨的=wet, damp
moisten vt. 弄湿,使湿润=dampen, humidify
moisture n. 潮湿,湿气;湿度
mold vt. 塑造=shape, model n.模子;铸型=die, frame n. 霉菌=fungus
molecule n. 分子
molecular adj. 分子的
molten adj. 熔融的,熔化的=melted, fused
monarch n. 君主,帝王=king, ruler
monetary adj. 货币的,金钱的=fiscal, pecuniary
monitor vt. 监控;监测=observe, watch;locate
monochromatic adj. 单色的,一色的
monopolize vt. 独占,垄断=dominate, occupy
monopoly n. 独占,垄断=exclusive control, domination
monotonous adj. 单调乏味的,无变化的=boring, dull
monster n. 怪物,巨兽=beast, ugly creature
monument n. 纪念碑;纪念物=statue, memorial
mounmental adj. 杰出的,不朽的=outstanding
morale n. 士气=confidence, spirit, mood
morphololgy n. 形态学,形态论
mortal n. 凡人,人类 adj. 必死的;致命的=fatal
most distinctive 最杰出的,典型的
motifn n. (作品)主题,主旨=theme, design, subject
motion n. 运动=movement, action
motionless adj. 不动的,静止的=stil
l, immobile, stationary
locomotion n. 运动,移动
motivate vt. 激发,刺激=prompt, stimulate, impel
motivation n. 动机,刺激=incentive, drive
motive n. 动机=intention, purpose
locomotive n. 火车头
automotive adj. 汽车的,自动推进的
mourning n. 悲恸,服丧
mournful adj. 悲痛的,悲哀的=sorrowful, sad, gloomy
mouth n. 入口=entrance
mud mortar 灰泥浆
mortar n. 灰泥;臼, 研钵
mulberry n. 桑树
multicellular adj. 多细胞的
multi-faceted adj. 多方面的;多才多艺的=complex, versatile
multiple adj. 多样的,多重的 n.倍数
multiply v. 繁殖,增加=proliferate, increase v. 乘(by)
multistory n. 多层建筑
multitude n. 大量,多数=a great number, many
mundane adj. 世俗的,平凡的=worldly, earthly, secular adj. 平常的,普通的=ordinary, everyday
municipal adj. 市的,市政的=metropolitan, civic
mural n. 壁画,壁饰=wall painting
muscular adj. 强壮的,肌肉发达的=brawny
mushroom n. 蘑菇 v. 迅速生长
mutual adj. 相互的;共有的=interactive, shared
myriad n. 许多,无数=a lot of adj. 无数的=many, countless, numberless
mysterious adj. 神秘的
myth n.神话,神话故事=legend, fable
mythical adj. 神话的,虚构的=legendary, fictitious
mythology n. (总称)神话
naive adj.天真的
naked adj. 裸体的,无遮盖的=nude, bare
narcotic adj. 麻醉的,催眠的 n.麻醉剂
narrator n. 讲述者
native to 土生土长的
natural gas 天然气
naturalist n. 自然主义者,博物学着
naturalistic adj. 自然(主义)的
naval adj. 海军的;军舰的=maritime
navigate vi. 航行,航海;航空=steer, direct;fly
navigation n. 航海
neat adj. 整洁的;整齐的=tidy, clean
underneath prep. 在…的下面
beneath adv./prep. 在…之下
needy adj. 贫穷的,生活艰辛的=poor, indigent
negative adj. 否定的;负的=adverse, disparaging adj. 消极的=pessimistic
negate vt. 否定,打消=counteract, deny
neglect n./vt. 疏忽;忘记=disregard;ignore
negligent adj. 疏忽的,粗心大意的=careless, inattentive
negligible adj. 可忽略的,无关紧要的=insignificant, tiny
negotiation n. 商议,谈判
neoclassical adj. 新古典主义的
neon n. [化]氖;霓虹灯
nerve cord 脊髓
spinal cord 脊髓
neuron n. 神经元,神经细胞
nervous adj. 神经的;神经紧张的,易激动的=agitated, anxious
neutral adj. 中性的;中立的=impartial
neutralize vt. 抵消,中和=offset, counterbalance
neutron n. 中子
niche n. 壁龛=alcove, recess n.适当的位置;称心的职务
nickel n. 镍;镍币
dime n. 一角硬币
nicotine n. 尼古丁
nocturnal adj. 夜的, 夜曲的=nightly
noisy adj. 嘈杂的=vociferous, clamorous
nomadic adj. 游牧的,流浪的=wandering, itinerant
nominate vt. 提名;任命=designate, appoint
nominee n. 被提名的人, 被任命者=appointee, candidate
nonconformist adj./n.
不遵照传统生活的(人)=unconventional;rebel, maverick
nonetheless adv. 虽然如此,但是=anyway, however
nonprofessional adj./n. 非专业的(人员);无专长的(人员)=amateur
nonsense n. 胡说,废话=silliness, rubbish
nontraditional adj 不遵照传统生活的=liberal
norm n. 标准,规范=convention, standard, rule
normal adj. 正常的,标准的=standard, regular
normally adv. 通常地=usually, commonly
abnormal adj. 反常的,变态的
nostalgia n. 思家病,怀旧=homesickness, reminiscence
not…so much as… 与其…还不如…
not as yet 迄今为止,还没有
notable adj. 著名的;显要的=noteworthy n. 名人,要人
notably adv. 显著地;特别地=especially, remarkably, particularly
notate vt. 以符号表示,把…写成记号=sign, mark
notation n. 符号
notch n. 刻痕
note n. 音符
notorious adj. 臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的=disreputable, infamous
notoriously adv. 声名狼藉地
nourish vt. 养育;滋养=feed, nurture
nourishing adj. 有营养的;滋养的=nutritious, healthy
nourishment n.营养品
novel adj. 新奇的,新颖的=original, innovative
novelty n. 新颖,新奇=newness, originality
novice n. 生手,新手=tyro, beginner
nowadays adv. 现今,时下=now, presently
now and then 不时=off and on, at times, often
noxious adj. 有害的,有毒的=harmful, injurious
nuclear adj. 核子的;核的,原子能的=atomic
nuclei n. 核子;核心=hub
nucleus n. 合子,核心=hub, core
null adj. 无效的;空的=invalid, void, nullified
numerous adj. 众多的,很多的=many, various
nutrient n. 营养物=nourishment
nutritional adj. 营养的, 滋养的=healthy, nourishing
nutritious adj. 有营养成分的, 营养的
oath n. 誓言,宣誓=vow, pledge
object to 反对
objection n. 反对=opposition, denial
objective n. 目标=goal, aim, purpose adj. 客观的=impartial
obligated adj. 有义务的,有责任的=required, responsible
obligation n. 义务,职责=duty, commitment
obligatory adj. 强制性的,义务的=compulsory, binding, compelling
oblige vt. 迫使,责成=force, compel, coerce
obliterate vt. 涂掉,擦掉=delete, erase, efface
obscure vt.隐藏,使…模糊=conceal, veil adj. 朦胧的,模糊的;晦涩的=unclear, vague, indefinite
obsession n. 入迷;固执的念头=fascination, mania
obsessed adj. 心神不宁的,鬼迷心窍的,沉迷的
obsolete adj. 废弃的;过时的=out-of-date, outmoded
obstacle n. 障碍=obstruction, impediment, hindrance
obstruct vt. 阻塞(道路、通道等);妨碍,阻挠=stop, impede
obstruction n. 阻塞,妨碍;障碍物
unobstructed adj. 畅通无阻的
obtain vt. 得到=acquire, get, procure, derive
obtainable adj. 可得到的=available
occasional adj. 偶然的;临时的=random, incidental
occasionally adv. 偶尔=sometimes, infrequently, irregularly
occupation n. 职业=job, vocation, business
occupy vt. 居
住=inhabit vt. 占用,占据=busy oneself;take up
occupant n. 占有者,居住者=tenant, dweller
occur vi. 发生,出现=happen, take place vi. 想到=occur to sb.
occurrence n. 事件;发生=incidence, event;happening
octopus n. 章鱼
odd adj. 奇异的,古怪的=bizarre, strange, unusual
oddly adv. 奇特地,古怪地=curiously, bizarrely, unusually
odds n. 可能的机会, 成败的可能性, 几率
odor n. 气味=scent, smell
deodorizer n. 除臭剂
odorless adj. 无嗅的,没有气味的
of scale大规模的
offensive adj. 讨厌的,无礼的;攻击性的=disgusting;aggressibe
inoffensive adj. 无害的,不触犯人的,让人不讨厌的=harmless, innocent
offshore adj. 离岸的, 海面上的
offspring n. 子孙,后代=descendant
olfactory adj. 嗅觉的
omit vt. 省略,省去,忽略=dispense with, bypass, neglect
ongoing adj. 正在进行的=continuous, existing
onset n. 开始=beginning, start n.(病)发作=attack
onslaught n. 冲击;猛攻=assault, attack
ooze n. 软泥=mud, mire v. 渗出,泄漏=seep, flow
opaque adj. 不透明的;晦涩难懂的=nontransparent;obscure
opera n. 歌剧
opponent n. 对手,反对者=antagonist, adversary adj. 敌对的,反对的=adverse, hostile
opportunity n. 机会,时机=chance, probability
opposed adj. 反对的=averse of, contrary, opposite
opposing adj 相反的,对立的=contradictory, conflicting
opposition n. 反对,敌对
opposite n. 相反的事物 adj. 相反的,对立的=contrariwise,dissenting
optical adj. 视觉的;光学的
optometrist n. 验光师
optimal adj. 最佳的,最理想的=most advantageous, optimum, ideal
optimum adj. 最适宜的=best, excellent
optimist n. 乐观者
optimistic adj. 乐观的=hopeful, positive
optional adj. 可自由选择的=not compulsory
option n. 选项,选择权=alternative, choice, selection
oral adj. 口头的=spoken, unwritten
oratorio n. 宗教剧
orbit n. 轨道=path, circle vt. 绕…轨道而行=circle, encircle
orbital adj. 轨道的
orchard n. 果园=garden
orchestra n. 管弦乐队=band
orchid n. 兰花
ordeal n.严峻考验,痛苦经历=trying experience, hardship
ordinance n. 法令,条例=law, decree
ore n. 矿石=mineral
roe n. 鱼卵
organic adj. (化学)有机的
organically adv. 器官上地, 有机地,有组织地
organism n. 生物,有机物=a living being
microorganism n. 微生物
orientation n. 定向;介绍性指导=direction;adjustment to surroundings
orient vt. 使适应;确定方向=direct, guide, lead
oriental adj. 亚洲的,东方的
original adj. 最初的,原始的=first, primary adj. 有创意的=novel, pioneering
originality n. 创意,新奇=novelty, creativity
originate vt. 发生;发起,创办=initiate, invent, begin
ornament n. 装饰;装饰物=decoration, adornment
ornamentation n. 装饰;装饰品=decoration, adornment
ornamental adj. 装饰的=decorative, embellishin
ounce n. 盎司
renounce v. 断绝关系
pronounced adj. 显著的,明确的
denounce vt. 公然抨击,谴责
bounce v. (使)反跳,弹起
announce vt. 宣布,通告
oust vt. 驱逐;赶走=drive out, eject, expel
outbreak n. 发作;爆发=beginning, eruption, explosion
outcome n. 成果,后果=result, effect
outcry n. 大声疾呼;强烈抗议=protest, shout
outdated adj. 过时的=old, outmoded, antiquated
outdoors adv. 在户外,在野外
outermost adj. 最外面的,离中心最远的=farmost, utmost
outfit n. 服装=costume, clothes vt. 配备,装备=equip, furnish
outgoing adj. 好交际的,外向的=sociable, extroverted
outgrow vt.生长速度超过…,长得比…快=grow beyond
outgrowth n. 长出;结果;副产物
outlast vt. 比…长久,比…活得长=outlive
outlet n. (河流、烟等)出口=opening, channel
outlook n. 观点,见解=viewpoint, standpoint n. 前景=prospect, view
outlying adj. 边远的,偏僻的=remote, distant
outmoded adj. 不再流行的,过时的=obsolete, dated
output n. 输出,产品;生产量=production, product
outrage n. 暴行=atrocity, barbarity vt. 激怒,引起…义愤=anger, enrage, offense
outright adv. 彻底地,完全地=altogether, entirely
outset n. 开始,开端=beginning, start, origin
outspoken adj. 坦率直言的=blunt, candid, frank, direct
outweigh vt. 比…重;比…更重要=go beyond, surpass, exceed
oval adj. 卵形的,椭圆的=elliptic
overall adj. 全部的,全面的=general, comprehensive
overburden v. 装载过多;负担过多=overcharge
overcast adj. 阴天的,阴暗的=cloudy, gloomy
overcharge v. 索价过高=overprice
overdue adj. 迟到的;逾期的=late, delayed
overhaul v. 彻底检查,大修=restore, repair
haul vt. 拉,拖=transport, drag
overlap vt. 部分重叠,与…交搭,迭盖
overlapping adj./n. 交迭(的)
overload vt. 使超载,使超过负荷
overlook vt. 忽略,没注意到=ignore, disregard vt. 俯瞰,远眺
oversee vt. 监督,管理=supervise, manage
oversight n. 勘漏, 失察, 疏忽=omission, inattention
overt adj. 明显的;公然的=open or public;evident
overtime n. 超时,加班 adv. 加班地
overtire vt. 使过度疲劳
overtax vt. 课税过重=heavily burden
overtaxed adj. 课税过重的,负担过重的
overturn n./vt. 推翻;翻倒;倾覆=reverse, overthrow
overwhelm vt. 战胜;压倒=defeat vt. 泛滥;使沉浸=flood
overwhelmingly adv. 压倒性地;不可抵抗地=in a decisive manner
owing to 因…之缘故
oxen n. (pl)公牛
oxygen n. 氧气
oyster n. [动]牡蛎, 蚝
pack vt. 装;将…挤入,塞满 n. 一群
pack down 填塞,夯实=tamp
pack animal 能运输的动物
packed adj. 压紧的,压实的
package n. 包裹,包
packaging n. 包装
packer n. 包装工人,打包机
backpack n. 背包
unpack vt. 打开包裹(或行李),卸货
paddler n. 划独
painstaking adj. 辛苦的,辛勤的=arduous, diligent
painting n. 绘画,油画=drawing
palatable adj. 美味的=tasty, delicious
unpalatable adj. 味道差的,不好吃的
pale adj. 苍白的;暗淡的=light colored, pallid
palette n. 调色板,颜料
paleontologist n. 古生物学者
pamphlet n. 小册子=brochure, leaflet
pane n. 窗格玻璃
panel n. 镶板=board n.专门小组 vt.镶嵌(板)
panic n. 恐慌=alarm, fear
Hispanic adj. 西班牙的
pants n. 裤子;短裤=trousers, underwear
rampant adj. 猖獗的,蔓生的=wild, extravagant
parachute n. 降落伞
parade n. 游行=march, procession
parallel vt. 与…平行;匹敌=compare n. 类似,相似=similarity, analogy adj. 平行的=even, equal
unparalleled adj. 无比的,空前的=matchless, unequaled
paralysis n. 瘫痪,中风=apoplexy
paralyze vt. 使瘫痪,使麻痹=benumb, disable
parameter n.参数,参量
paramount adj. 最重要的;最高权力的=most important, predominant, superior
paraphrase vt. 将…释义,改写=restate, reword n. 释义,意义=explanation, interpretation
parasite n. 寄生虫,食客
parasitic adj. 寄生的
parliamentary adj. 议会(制)的
partial adj. 部分的=incomplete, fragmentary, sectional
impartially adv. 公平地,无私地=fairly
participant n. 参与者,参赛者=people who take part in
particle n. 颗粒,微粒=speck, grain
passion n. 激情,热情=ardor, fervor
passionate adj. 充满热情的,热烈的=ardent, zealous, enthusiastic
passive adj. 被动的;消极的=compliant
pastel adj. 柔和的=bland, soft
pasture n. 牧场,草地=field, meadow
patch n. 片,块=expanse, piece
dispatch vt. 分派,派遣=send, forward
patent n. 专利 vt. 取得…的专利权,申请专利=license
path n. 轨道,道路=orbit, roadway
pathway n. 路,径=path, track
footpath n. 人行道,小路
pathogen n. 病菌,病原体
patriarch n. 家长,族长=master, chief
patriarchal adj. 家长的,族长的
patriot n. 爱国者
patriotic adj. 爱国的
patrol v. 巡逻,巡视=guard, watch
patroller n. 巡警
patron n. 赞助人,资助人=benefactor, helper n.顾客=customer, client
patronage n. 赞助;惠顾=sponsorship, support
patronizing adj. 俨然以恩人态度的, 要人领情的=arrogant
paucity n. 小量,缺乏=insufficiency, scarcity
pauper n. 贫民,乞丐=beggar
pave vt. 铺设,为…铺路=coat, cover
pave the way for 为…铺平道路
peak n. 山顶;最高点,顶端=summit, apex, maximum, prime
pebble n. 小鹅卵石
peck v. 啄,啄起=pick
peculiar adj. 特有的,专有的=special, characteristic adj. 奇怪的,异常的=unusual, odd, bizarre
peculiarity n.特性,怪癖=eccentricity, oddness
pedagogy n. 教育学,教学法=education, teaching
pedagogic adj. 教育学的
pedagogical adj. 教育学的,教学法的
peer v. 凝视,仔细看=gaze, stare n.同辈,同等的人=fellow
, companion
peerless adj. 出类拔萃的, 无可匹敌的=unique, unsurpassed
penal adj. 刑罚的,刑法上的
penalty n. 处罚,罚款=punishment, fine
penchant n. 爱好,嗜好;(强烈的)倾向=liking, inclination
pendant n. 垂饰;下垂物=hanging
penetrate vt. 穿透;渗透=pierce, go through, permeate
penetrating adj. (声音)响亮的,尖锐的=sharp adj. (气味)刺激的=pungent adj. (思想)敏锐的,有洞察力的
peninsula n. 半岛
pensive adj. 沉思的=meditative, contemplative
perceive vt. 感知;察觉,发觉=sense;detect
perception n. 理解;感知,感觉=understanding, feeling, sense
perceptive adj. 感知的;有洞察力的=discerning, insightful, incisive
conception n. 观念,概念
misconception n. 误解
perch n. 栖木 v.(使)栖息
percolate v. 过滤,渗透 n. 滤液
percussion n. 打击乐器;震荡,影响
perennial adj. 四季不断的,终年的;(植物)多年生的=continuous, perpetual
perennially adv. 永久地,终年地=year-round, perpetually
perfect adj. 完美的,理想的=flawless, ideal vt. 使完美;使熟练=refine, improve
perfection n. 尽善尽美,完美=flawlessness, excellence
perform vt. 履行,执行=handle, execute vt. 表演,演出
performance n. 履行,执行;表演,演奏=enactment, execution;show, presentataion
performer n. 表演者=entertainer
perfume n. 香味;香水=scent, aroma, fragrance
perimeter n. 边缘,周边地带=edge, periphery
periodic adj. 周期的, 定期的=repeated, recurrent
period n. 时期;时代=time, epoch, age, era
periodical n. 期刊,杂志 adj. 周期的,定期的
peripheral adj. 周边的,外围的=exterior, marginal
periphery n.外围=circumference, boundary
perishable adj. (尤指食物)易腐的,易坏的
permanent adj. 长久的,永久的=everlasting, perpetual
permeate vt. 弥漫;渗透,透过=pervade;pass through, penetrate
permeable adj. 有浸透性的,能透过的=penetrable
permission n. 许可,允许=consent, approbation
permissive adj. 许可的,宽容的=approving, tolerant
perpendicular adj. 垂直的,直立的=vertical, upright
perpetuate vt. 使…延续,使永存=eternalize
perplex vt. 迷惑,困惑;难住=baffle, confuse
perplexing adj. 使人困惑的;令人费解的=puzzling, baffling, complicated
persevere vi. 坚持不懈,不屈不挠=endure, persist
perseverance n. 坚定不移=endurance, persistence
persist vi. 坚持;持续=continue, insist, persevere
persistence n. 坚持不懈,持续=endurance, tenacity
persistent adj. 坚持不懈的=tenacious, constant
personality n. 个性,性格=character
personnel n. 人员,职员=staff, employees
perspective n. (判断事物的)角度,方法,观点=viewpoint, view n. 透视;远景
perspiration n. 汗水;出汗
perspire vi. 出汗=sweat
persuade v. 说服,劝说,(使)相信=sway, convince
sive adj. 有说服力的,善说服的=eloquent, convincing, cogent
pertinent adj. 相关的,切题的;中肯的=relevant
pest n. 害虫;令人讨厌的人或物=nuisance
pesticide n. 杀虫剂=insecticide
pestilence n. 瘟疫
pestilential adj. 引起瘟疫的
pet n. 宠物
petal n. 花瓣
petition n./v. 请愿=plea, request
repetition n. 重复;循环
competition n. 竞争,竞赛
petroleum n. 石油
phase n. 阶段,态=stage, moment
phenomena n. (pl)现象
phenomenally adv. 明白地,显著地=extraordinarily, remarkably
philology n. 语言学,文献学=linguistics, literature
philosophy n. 哲学;原理,人生观
phonetics n. 语音学
physiological adj. 生理学的;生理上的
physiology n. 生理学
picturesque adj. 如画的,美丽的=scenic, beautiful
pierce vt. 穿透,戳穿=penetrate, perforate
pigment n. 色素,颜料=coloring, dye
pillar n. 柱,柱子=column, post
caterpillar n. 毛虫
capillary n. 毛细管
pillow n. 枕头
willow n. 柳树
pinch vt. 掐,夹痛=clutch, squeeze
pine n. 松树 vi. 憔悴,消瘦
porcupine n. [动]豪猪, 箭猪
pineapple n. 凤梨, 菠萝
spine n. 脊骨;书脊
spined adj. 有背骨的, 有脊柱的
spinet n. 小型立式钢琴
pinpoint vt. 准确地确定;用针标出…的精确位置=spot, locate
pioneer n. 开拓者=originator, explorer v. 开辟,倡导=lead the way, explore
pioneering adj. 开创性的=initial, original
pique vt. 激起,引起(好奇等)=arouse vt. 激怒=provoke
pit n. 坑,地坑;煤矿=hole, cavity;mine vt. 使对抗,使相斗=confront
pitch n. 音高
pitcher n. 大水罐,水壶
pivot n. 枢轴;中心点,重点=axis;focus, center
pivotal adj. 枢轴的,关键的=central, fundamental, important
a pivotal figure 关键人物
plagiarism n. 剽窃,抄袭=copying, imitation
plague n. 瘟疫,灾祸=epidemic, disease vt. 折磨,使苦恼=afflict, bother, annoy
plain n. 平原,草原=plateau, prairie adj. 简单的,朴素的=unadorned, simple
plainly adv. 清楚地,明显地=clearly, expressly
plainspoken adj. 直言不讳的
floodplain n. 泛滥平原, 涝原, 漫滩
planet n. 行星
plank n. 厚木板=board, lumber
chunk n. 大块
plantation n. 种植园=farm
plasma n. 血浆
plaster n. 灰泥,石膏 vt.抹泥,涂=smear
plate n. 盘子;版图;大片平面=covering, plane
platelike adj. 层状的
tinplate n. 镀锡铁皮, 马口铁
plateau n. 高原,高地=highland, upland
platform n. 月台,平台,讲坛=stage
platitude n. 陈词滥调=trite saying, cliché
platitudinous adj. 陈词滥调的,陈腐的=trite, commonplace
playwright n. 剧作家
pleasing adj. 令人高兴的, 愉快的, 合意的=attractive, comfortable
pleasure n. 快乐
pledge n. 保证,誓言=promise, oath vt. 发誓;保证=promise, vow;guarantee
pliable adj. 易弯的,柔软的=malleable, lithe adj. 易受影响的;柔顺的=tractable, docile

pliant adj. 顺从的;可弯曲的=flexible, bendable
plight n. (恶劣的)情势,困境=misfortune, predicament
plow n. 犁 vt.耕作=cultivate, farm
plumage n. 鸟类羽毛=feathers
plumb adj. 垂直的=perpendicular, vertical
plumber n. 水管工人
plumbing n. (供水)管道系统
plump adj. 胖嘟嘟的,丰满的=chubby, fat
plunge vi. 跳进;投入,陷入=dive, submerge
pocketbook n. 钱袋,皮夹=purse, wallet
polarize vt. 使极化,使两极分化
polish vt. 擦亮=shine, burnish n.光泽;上光剂=shine;glaze
ploished adj. 擦亮的=burnished, gleaming
politics n. 政治;政见;政治学
poll n. 选举之投票;民意测验=voting;survey
pollinate vt. 对…授粉=fertilize, pollenate
pollination n. 授粉
pollen n. 花粉
pollinator n. 传粉媒介,传粉昆虫
pollute vt. 污染;玷污=contaminate;defile, profane
pollution n. 污染;玷污=contamination
pollutant n. 污染物质
polygon n. 多边形
polygonal adj. 多角形的,多边形的
popular adj. 流行的,受欢迎的=well-liked, favorite
popular tune 流行歌曲
popularity n.流行,受大众欢迎
populous adj. 人口稠密的,人口多的=crowded, populated
porcelain n. 瓷器, 瓷=china
pore n. 小孔,气孔=hole, opening
pole n. (南北)极;磁极,电极
tadpole n. [动]蝌蚪
porous adj. 可渗透的,多孔的=permeable
portable adj. 编携的,手提的;轻便的=mobile;light
portend vt. 预兆,预示=herald, foreshadow
portion n. 一部分;部分=part, section, segment
portrait n. 肖像,画像;描写=portraiture;picture
portraitist n. 肖像画家
portraiture n. 肖像画法
portray vt. 描述;绘制=depict, describe, draw
portrayal n. 饰演;描画
pose vt. 形成,引起=cause n. 姿势,姿态=posture, stance
posture n. 姿势,体态=pose
positive adj.(电)阳极的 adj. 肯定的;积极的=definite
negative adj. 否定的;消极的;负的=denying;pessimistic
possess vt. 拥有,占有=have, own
possession n. 拥有,占有;财产=ownership, belongings, estate
post vt. 张贴,揭示=publicize, advertise n. 柱;邮件=column, pole;mail
poster n. 海报,招贴=placard
postmaster n. 邮局局长
postage n. 邮资
postal adj. 邮政的,邮局的
postal service 邮政服务
postcard n. 明信片
postdate vt. 填迟…的日期
antedate vt. 填早...的日期
postgraduate n. 研究生
postwar adj. 战后的
postoperative adj. 手术后的
posthumous adj. 死后的,身后的
postpone vt. 推迟,使延期=put off, delay, defer
postulate vt. 要求;假定=assume, presume
pot n. 罐,壶=kettle, bottle
coffeepot n. 咖啡壶
teapot n. 茶壶
pottery n. 陶器,陶器场
potter n. 陶工,制陶工人
potted adj. 盆栽的;平或罐装的
potent adj. 强有力的,有效的=powerful, effective
potential adj. 可能的;潜在的=possible, latent
potentiality n. 潜能,潜力
n. 磅,英镑 vt. 强烈打击=hit, strike
poverty n. 贫困=lack of money, indigence, destitution
propery n. 财产,所有权
practicable adj. 行得通的,可以实行的=feasible, workable
practical adj. 实际的,实践的;实用的=pragmatic, useful
practically adv. 实际上;几乎,简直=virtually, actually;almost
practicality n. 实用性
inpractical adj. 不切实际的
impracticality n. 不切实际, 办不到
prairie n. 大草原
preach v. 布道;鼓吹=advocate, sermonize
precarious adj. 不稳定的;危险的=doubtable, unstable;dangerous, hazardous
precaution n. 预防措施,警惕=prevention
precede vt. 在…之前,早于;优先于=come before, antecede
precedent n. 先例=example, pattern
unprecedented adj. 空前的=unexampled, unparalleled
preceding adj. 在前的=ahead, prior to
precious adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的=valued, valuable, costly
precipitate vt. 促成;加速=urge, accelerate vi. 猛地落下 n. 沉淀物,降雨
precipitation n. 仓促,降雨量
precipitous adj. 陡峭的=extremely steep, abrupt
precision n. 精确,精密度=exactness, accuracy
precursor n. 先驱,先行者;先兆=forerunner;harbinger
predatory adj. 掠夺的;食肉的=carnivorous
predator n. 食肉动物
depredation n. 掠夺,破坏=pillage, plunder, robbery
predecessor n. 前辈,前任=forerunner
predict vt. 预言,预告=forecast, foretell
prediction n. 预言,预报=prophecy, foretelling
predictive adj. 预言性的,成为先兆的=prophetic
predictable adj. 可预见的=expectable, likely
predictability n. 可预言=likelihood
predominate vt. 统治,成为主流=control, rule
predominant adj. 支配的,主要的=principal, dominant, overpowering
predominantly adv. 主要地
preeminent adj. 卓越的,出类拔萃的=distinguished, notable, renowned
eminent adj. 显赫的,杰出的
prefabricated adj.预制的
preferable adj. 更可取的,更好的=favored, better
preference n. 偏爱;优先;优先权=inclination, attachment, favorite
pregnant adj. 怀孕的
prehistoric adj. 史前的=ancient, primitive, prehistorical
preliminary adj. 预备的,初步的=initial, introductory, preparatory
premature adj. 早熟的,不成熟的;过早的=too soon, too early
premium n. 保险金;奖金 adj. 高级的,高价的(a premium price)
preoccupation n. 主要考虑因素;全神贯注,抢先占据=concern, involvement
preponderance n. (数量或力量上的)优势=superiority
prerequisite n. 先决条件=requirement, necessity adj. 首要必备的
prescribe vt. 指示,规定=dictate, guide vt.开药方
prescribed adj. 规定的=set, certain, stated
prescription n. 药方,处方=instruction, order
presence n. 出席,到场
preserve vt. 保存=uphold, retain, maintain, save
preservative n. 防腐剂
preservation n. 保存,贮藏;保护=conservation;protection
presidency n. 总统职位;总统任期
election 总统选举
preside over 主持
pressure n. 压力;压迫=stress, tension
prestige n. 威望,声望=fame, reputation
prestigious adj. 有名望的,有威信的=honored, respected, reputed
presumably adv. 推测起来, 大概=assumedly, supposedly
pretension n. 要求;自命,自称;自负=claim, assertion
prevailing adj. 流行的,盛行的=most frequent, widespread, predominant
prevail vi. 盛行,居主导地位=dominate, predominate
prevalent adj. 普遍的;流行的=common;broadly accepted, prevailing
prey n. 被掠食者,牺牲者,食物=victim, food vi. 捕食,掠夺=hunt, victimize
osprey n. 鱼鹰
primal adj. 原始的;最初的=primeval;initial adj. 最重要的
primate n. 灵长目动物 adj. 首要的,第一的
prime adj. 主要的=primary, principal, main n. 鼎盛时期=peak
primary adj. 第一位的,主要的=principal, prime, fundamental
prime number 素数
heyday n. 全盛期
primitive adj. 上古的,原始的=rudimentary, primeval
primordial adj. 原始的,最初的=primeval, primitive, fundamental
priority n. 优先,优先权=preference, precedence
pristine adj. 原始的,未被破坏的=unspoiled, pure
privilege vt. 给与…特权,特免 n. 特权
probe vi. 调查,查究=detect, find out
proceed vi. 进行,继续下去=continue, advance
proceeds n. (pl)收益
proceeding n. 行动;进行
process n. 过程; vt. 加工
proclaim vt. 声明,宣告=declare, announce
proclivity n. 倾向,癖性=tendency, disposition, inclination
prod vt. 戳,刺=poke vt. 刺激,激励=stimulate;urge(prod )
prodigious adj. 巨大的,惊人的;挥霍的=huge, amazing
prodigy n. 非凡之人,天才=marvel, genius, talent
produce v. 生产 n. 农副产品
profession n. 职业,专业=vocation, occupation
professional adj. 专业的,职业的
professionalism n. 专家的地位,特性或方法, 专业主义
proficient adj. 熟练的,精通的=skilled, expert
proficiency n. 熟练,精通=skill, expertise
profile n. 剖面,侧面;轮廓=outline, contour
profound adj. 深刻的,深奥的=thorough, deep
profoundly adv. 深深地,衷心地=deeply
progress n./vi. 前进,发展=advance, development, headway;proceed
progression n. 行进;次序=progress;sequence
progressive adj. 前进的;累进的=forward-looking, advancing, incremental
prohibit vt. 禁止=ban, taboo, forbid
prohibitive adj. 禁止的,抑制的
prohibitively adv. 令人望而却步地;(价格)极高地=forbiddingly
project n. 设计,规划;项目=program,plan, scheme
projecting adj. 突出的,伸出的=protruding
projector n. 放映机
projection n. 发射
projectionist n. 电影放映员,幻灯放映员
proliferate vi. 激增;繁殖=multiply;propagate, reproduce
proliferation n. 繁殖,大量增殖
prolific adj.多产的,多结果的=productive, fruitful
prolong vt. 拖长,延长=extend;lengthen
ent adj. 杰出的,突出的=distinguished, famous, conspicuous
prominence n. 显著,突出=notability, markedness
promising adj. 有前途的,有希望的=prospective, hopeful
unpromising adj. 无前途的,没有希望的
compromise n./v. 妥协,折衷
promote vt. 晋级,使升级;促进
promoter n. 促进者
prompt vt. 鼓动,促进=motivate, incite, encourage adj. 迅速的;按时地=instant;punctual, timely
prone adj. 易于…的;倾向于…的=likely;disposed, inclined
pronounced adj. 显著的,明确地=clear, distinct
proof n. 证据=evidence, demonstration
proofread vt. 校正,校对
fireproof adj. 耐火的,防火的
waterproof adj. 防水的
rustproof adj. 不锈的
propagate vt. 繁殖=raise, reproduce vt. 散布,传播=spread, disperse
propel vt. 推进,促进=drive forward, push
propellant n. 推进物
propensity n. 倾向,癖好=inclination, tendency, disposition
proper adj. 恰当的,得体的=right, appropriate
property n. 财产,所有物;性质,特性;(小)道具[pl]=asset, estate;charactersitics, attribute
proponent n. 支持者,拥护者=advocate, supporter
opponent n. 对手,敌手,反对者=rival, adversary
proportion n. 比例,比率=amounts, percentage
disproportionate adj. 不成比例的
propose vt. 提出,提议=advance, suggest
proposal n. 提案;建议
proprietor n. 所有者,业主=owner
proprietorship n. 所有权
propulsion n. 推进;推进力=push;driving force
prose n. 散文=essay
prosecute vt. 对…起诉;告发=sue, indict
prospect n. 前景,期望=possibility, hope, outlook vt. 勘探,采矿=explore, search
prospecting n. 探矿
prospector n. 勘探者,采矿者
prosper vi. 繁荣,成功=flouish, thrive
prosperity n. 繁荣,兴旺=wealth, fortune
prosperous adj. 成功的,繁荣的=successful, thriving
protagonist n. 领导者 n.(戏剧, 故事, 小说中的)主角
protectionist n. 贸易保护主义者
protein n. 蛋白质
protest n./v. 抗议=outcry, objection;object, complain against
prototype n. 原型=model, archetype
protruding adj. 突出的
provincialism n. 地方主义,心胸狭窄=regionalism, localism
provision n. 供应,供应品=supply n. 规定,条款=stipulation;article, clause
provoke vt. 激怒,惹起=irritate;cause, elicit
provocative adj. 挑拨的;煽动的=stimulating, inflammatory
provocation n. 激怒,挑拨,刺激=incitement, aggravation
prudent adj. 审慎的,深谋远虑的=wary, cautious
pry open 撬开
psychology n. 心理学;心理
parapsychology n. 超心理学
publicize vt. (公开)宣传,宣扬=broadcast, announce
publicity n. 公开,宣传
puddle n. 小水洼
pueblo n. 印第安人村庄
pulp n. 果肉=fruit flesh
pulse n. 脉搏,脉冲=beat, rhythm
impulse n. 推动,刺激;冲动
pump n. 泵 vt.(用泵)抽,抽吸=drive, draw
pumpkin n. 南瓜
punch vt. 重击=blow, knock vt. 打(孔
排列,归类=file, categorize n. 等级=position, class
rare adj. 稀有的=scarce, uncommon, infrequent
rarefy vt. 使稀少,使稀薄
rarely adv. 很少地,罕有地=seldom, hardly ever
ratify vt. 批准=endorse, approve
ration n. 定量,配给量=allotment, allowance, portion vt. 定量配给=allot, distribute
rationing n. (食物等的)配给
rational adj. 理性的,合理的=logical, reasonable
rattle n. 拨浪鼓;格格声
rattlesnake n. 响尾蛇
raucous adj. 沙哑的;喧嚣的=loud, boisterous
raven n. 大乌鸦 v./n. 掠夺
ravine n. 沟壑,峡谷=gorge
ray n. 光线=beam, light
rayon n. 人造丝, 人造纤维
crayon n. 蜡笔、彩笔及其绘画
fray vt. 使磨损
foray n. 袭击
tray n. 碟,盘子
array n. 编队;大批
betray vt. 出卖,背叛
spray vt. 喷射,喷溅
raze vt. 夷为平地=demolish, topple
graze v. 放牧,吃草
craze n. 狂热
readily adv.容易地;欣然地,立刻地=easily;quickly, willingly
readjust vt. 重新调整
realization n. 实现;意识=fulfillment;awareness
realm n. 王国,领域=kingdom;domain
reap vt. 收割,收获=gain, harvest, glean
rear vt. 培养,饲养=raise, nurture n. 后面=back
rebel n.叛徒 v.谋反=revolt, dissent
rebellion n. 谋反,叛乱
rebellious adj. 造反的,反叛的=defiant, insubordinate
rebuke vt. 斥责,谴责=admonish, scold
recall vt. 忆起,记忆=remember, call back
receptacle n. 容器;贮藏所,仓库=container, reservoir
reception n. 接待;招待会 n.接收
receptionist n. 招待员
receptive adj. 善于接受的,能接纳的=open-minded, accepting
receptor n. 接受器,感受器
recession n. 萧条时期,(经济)衰退=depression, stagnation
recipe n. 食谱,处方=prescription, instructions
recipient n. 接受者,接收方=receiver, beneficiary
recital n. 独奏会
reckless n.轻率的,鲁莽的=devil-may-care, irresponsible, careless
reckon vt. 计算;估计,猜想=compute;guess
reclaim vt. 开垦;要求归还,收回=rehabilitate, rejuvenate
recognize vt. 识别,辨认=acknowledge, distinguish vt. 公认,赏识=honor, reward
recognition n. 赞誉,承认=attention, acclaim, appreciation
recoil vi. 弹回,反冲=rebound, resile
recollection n. 回忆,记忆=memory, remembrance
recommend vt. 推荐=suggest vt. 劝告=advise
recommendation n. 推荐,介绍(信)
reconstruct vt. 重建,改进=rebuild, reconstitute
reconstruction n. 复兴,改造,再建=restoration
recount vt. 叙述,描写=narrate, depict, describe
recreation n. 消遣,娱乐=amusement, entertainment
recreational adj. 娱乐的
recruit vt. 征兵,征募;补充=enlist, enrol
rectangle n. 长方形
rectangular adj. 矩形的,长方形的
rectify vt. 矫正=correct, amend
recur vi. 重现,再来;复发=reappear
recurring adj. 往复的,再次发生的=repeated, recurrent, repetitious
recycle vt. 使再循环,再利
redirect v. (信件)重寄;使改变方向
reed n. 芦苇
refine vt. 精炼,精制=purify
refined adj. 优雅的;精制的=cultured;purified
refinement n.(言语、举止等的)文雅,精巧
reflection n. 反映=expression
reform n./v. 改革,革新=betterment, improvement;improve
reformer n. 改革家,改革运动者
reformism n. 改革主义
refraction n. 折光,折射=deflection
refreshing adj. 提神的,凉爽的;使人耳目一新的=invigorating, energizing
refreshment n. 茶点;提神之事物
refrigerate vt. 使冷却,冷藏
refrigerator n. 冰箱,冷藏库
refrigeration n. 冷藏,冷却
refrigerant n. 制冷剂=cooling agent
refurbish vt. 刷新,再磨光=redecorate, polish
refute vt. 反驳=decline, disprove
regardless adj. 不管,不顾,不注意
regardless of 不管,不论=despite, whatever
regenerate vt. 使再生,新生;更新=renew, repair
regeneration n.(灵魂)重生,新生=renewal, revival
regime n. 政权,政体;政治制度=government
regimentation n. 系统化,组织化;团队精神
register vt. 登记=record
regulate vt. 管制,控制=direct vt. 调节=adjust
regulatory adj. 按规矩来的,规章的,调节的
regulation n. 规则,规章
rehabilitate vt. 使(身体)康复;使复职;使复元=restore, recover
rehabilitation n. 恢复,复员
rehearse vt. 预演,排练=practice, drill
reign n./vi. 统治,支配=sovereignty;rule, control
reigning adj. 统治的,起支配作用的
sovereignty n. 统治权,主权
reimburse vt. 偿还=compensate, pay back, repay
reinforce vt. 加强=strengthen, enhance
reinterpretation n. 重新解释,纠正性说明
reiterate vt. 重申,反复地说=repeat
reject vt. 拒绝,抵制=turn down, refuse, deny
rejection n. 拒绝
rejuvenate v.(使)返老还童;(使)恢复活力=make young again, reinvigorate, refresh
rekindle vt. 再点火;使再振作
relax v. (使)松弛,放松=free, loosen, calm
relaxed adj. 不拘束的;悠闲的=easygoing, slack
relaxation n. 松弛,缓和
relay vt. 分程传递;传播
release v./n. 释放=give off, liberate; freedom, emancipation
relevant adj. 有关的,切题的=pertinent, related
relevance n. 相关
nonrelevant adj. 非关联的,非相关的
irrelevant adj. 不相关的,不切题的
reliable adj. 可靠的,可信赖的=dependable, trustworthy
reliant adj. 依靠的,信赖自己的
reliance n. 依靠;依靠的人或物=dependance
reliability n. 可靠性
relic n. 遗迹,纪念物=antique, remains
relieve vt. 减轻=assuage, alleviate
relieved adj. 放心的;免除的=eased
religion n. 宗教=belief, faith
religious adj. 信奉宗教的,虔诚的=devout, pious
reluctant adj. 不情愿的,勉强的=unwilling, averse
remainder n. 残余,剩余物=remnant
remaining n. 剩余,残余=residue
remark n. 评论,注释=comment, commentary v.评论;谈及=comment
;mention, speak to
remarkable adj. 显著的,值得注意的=aoutstanding, extraordinary
remarkably adv. 显著地,引人注目地=strikingly, markedly
remedy n. 药物=drug vt. 治疗;补救=cure;fix, repair
remind vt. 提醒,使记得
reminder n. 提醒者
remnant n. 残余,遗迹=fossil, vestige, remains
romote adj. 遥远的,偏僻的=isolated, outlying, distant
renaissance n. 复活;文艺复兴=revival, renewal
render vt. 给予,提供=provide
rendering n. 表现,描写
surrender v. 交出,放弃;投降
rendition n. 表演,演唱=performance
renew vt. 使更新,使恢复;重新开始=renovate, restart
renewal n. 更新;复兴
renewable adj. 可更新的,可恢复的
renounce vt. 声明放弃;宣布断绝关系=give up, abandon
renunciation n. 放弃;宣布终止=repudiation, abnegation
renovate vt. 革新;修理,修复=refurbish, renew
renovation n. 修复,整修 n. 革新;修理,修复=alteration, renewal
rent n. 租金,租费 v. 租,出租=lease adj.(来自rend的过去分词)分裂的,有矛盾的
rentable adj. 可出租的
rental n. 租金额;租赁,出租
reorient v.重新确定方向;再教育
repel vt. 击退,驱逐=repulse, beat back, resist
repertoire n. (剧团等)常备剧目,保留剧目
repertory n. 全部剧目;储备,库存;仓库=stock, storage
repetition n. 重复=repeat, return
replace vt. 代替,取代
replenish vt. 补充,把…再备足=refill, restock
replica n. 复制品=duplicate, copy
replicate vi. 复制=duplicate
represent vt. 代表;描绘,表现=stand for;illustrate, depict
representation n. 表示,表现
representative n. 代表=delegate adj. 典型的,有代表的=typical, characteristic
repress vt. 抑制,镇压=depress, restrain
reproductive adj. 生殖的
reproduce v. 繁殖,再生;复制=multiply;duplicate
reproduction n. 复制品;繁殖
reptile n. 爬行动物
repulse vt. 击退=repel, drive back vt. 拒绝,排斥;憎恶=refuse;disgust
repute n. 名声
reputed adj. 名誉好的,被称为…的,有…名气的=known as, famous
disrepute n. 坏名声,不光彩=discredit
rescue vt. 援救,救援=save, salvage
resemble vt. 像,类似=be similar to, take after, look like
resemblance n. 相似,酷肖=likeness, similarity
resent vt. 愤怒,怨恨=begrudge
resentful adj. 忿恨的,怨恨的=indignant
reserve vt. 储备;保留,预定=stock;conserve, keep
be reserved to 留作…只用=be devoted to
preserve vt. 保护,保存
reservoir n. 水库, 蓄水池=receptacle, holding pond
reside vi. 居住=dwell, live, inhabit
resident n. 居民=inhabitant, dweller
residential adj. 住宅的,与居住有关的
residence n. 居住,住处=dwelling, house, abode
residue n. 剩余,残余,渣滓=trace, remainder, remains
residual adj. 剩余的,残留的=remaining, remanent, surplus
resist vt. 抵抗=withstand, act against vt. 不
resistant adj. 抵抗的,有抵抗力的
resistance n. 反抗,抵抗;抵抗力,阻力
irresistible adj. 不可抵抗的, 不能压制的
resolute adj. 坚决的,毅然的=firm, determined, decided
resolve vt. 解决=settle, solve
resolution n. 坚定;决定,解决;分辨率,解析度
resonance n. 回声,反响=reverberation
resort n. 旅游胜地=vacation spot n./v. 凭借,求助于=turn for help(resort to)
resource n. 资源,财力;办法,智谋=materials, abilities
respect n./v. 尊敬,敬重=honour/esteem, admire n.方面=aspect
aspect n. (问题等)方面;样子,外表=view;appearance, outlook
disrespect n. 失礼,无礼
respective adj. 分别的,各自的=individual
respectively adv. 分别地,各个地=separately, individually
respiration n. 呼吸=breathing
respiratory adj. 呼吸的=inhaling and exhaling, breathing
respond vi. 回答,反应=react to, answer(respond to)
correspond vi. 符合,协调;通信
correspondence n. 通信,信件 n.相应,对应
corresponding adj. 相应的
responsible adj. 有责任的=accountable adj. 负责的;可依赖的=trustworthy
responsibility n. 责任,职责=duties, obligation
irresponsible adj. 不负责任的,不可靠的
responsive adj. 响应的,做出相应的=reactive
restore vt. 使恢复;整修,修复=reinstate, renovate, renew
restoration n. 恢复;翻新
restraint n.抑制,克制=control, constraint, self-control
restrain vt. 克制,抑制=inhibit, stop, repress
unrestrained adj. 无限制的
restrict vt. 限制,约束=limit, inhibit, confine
restriction n. 限制,约束
restrictive adj. 限制性的=limiting, confining
unrestricted adj. 无限制的,自由的
retail adj. 零售的
retailer n. 零售商
tailor n. 裁缝师
retain vt. 保持,保留=conserve, keep, preserve
retentive vt. 保留的,有记忆的=keeping, remembering
retire vi. 退休,引退
retirement n. 退休
retool vt. 将机械重新整备,重组=reorganize, reconstitute
retract vt. 缩回,撤回=pull back, retreat vt. 收回,取消=withdraw, cancel
retreat n. 消退,退却=receding n.隐退处=haven, seclusion vi.撤退,退却=withdraw, secede
retrieve v. 重新找回,取回;找回猎物=bring back, recover, regain
retriever n. 能把猎物找回来的猎狗的一种
retrospect n. 反顾,回顾=review, reexamination
retrospective adj. 回顾的,怀旧的=reminiscent
reveal vt. 展现;揭露=expose, uncover, evidence
revere vt. 尊崇,尊敬=worship, venerate, honor
revered adj. 可敬的,尊敬的
reverently adv. 虔诚地
irreverent adj. 不尊敬的
irreverence n. 不尊敬
reverse vt. 颠倒,翻转=overturn, invert n.背面=back, rear adj. 相反的,倒转的=opposite, contrary
reversible adj. 可逆的,可翻转的
irreversible adj. 不能撤回的,不能取消的
revise vt. 修改,修订=amend, change
revision n. 修订,校订=m
odification, correction
revitalization n. 新生,复兴=rebirth, reinvigoration
revive vt. 使复活;使振奋=resuscitate, recover, renew
revival n. 复兴,复活=resuscitation, resurgence
revolt n./v. 反抗,起义,反叛=resist, rebel
revolutionize vt. 大事改革;在…方面发动革命=completely change, dramatically change
revolution n. 革命
revolutionary adj. 革命的
rhetoric n. 修辞;修辞学
rhythm n. 节奏,韵律=pattern, beat, tempo
rhythmic adj. 有节奏的,有韵律的
rhythmical adj. 有韵律的,有节奏的
ridge n. 脊,山脊
ridiculous adj. 荒唐的,可笑的=ludicrous, foolish
ridicule v. 嘲笑=mock, make fun of
rifle n. 来复枪,步枪
rift n.裂缝;断裂,长峡谷=break;crack
drift n. 冲洗,漂流物 v. (使)漂流
driftwood n. 流木,浮木
snowdrift n. 随风飘飞的雪
rigid adj. 坚硬的,不易弯曲的=stiff adj. 严格的=strict, severe
frigid adj. 寒冷的;冷淡的
rigidity n. 僵化,死板=stiffness n.刚性,硬度
rigorous adj. 严格的=stringent, strict
rigor n. 严酷;严格,严厉=hardship, harshness, strictness
rinse v. 用清水冲洗;漱=cleanse with water, flush
riot n. 暴动,骚乱=commotion, rebellion
rip vt. 撕,撕裂=tear, rend
drip n. 水滴 v.(使)滴下
dripstone n. 滴水石;滤石
ripe adj.熟的;成熟的=ready, mature
ripen v. (使)成熟
risky adj. 危险的,冒险的=hazardous, dangerous
frisky adj. 活泼的,欢闹的
briskness n. 敏捷,活泼
rite n. 仪式=ceremony, ritual
ritual n. 典礼,宗教仪式;例行公事,常规=ceremony, rite;habit adj. 典礼的,宗教仪式的=ceremonial
rival vt. 比得上,与…相匹敌 adj. 竞争的=conflicting, competing n.竞争者;匹敌者=competitor
rivalry n. 竞争;敌对状态=competition, contest
roam vi. 漫游,漫步=wander, ramble, stroll
roar n. 吼,轰鸣=bellow, rumble
roast vt. 烤,烘=bake, toast
robust adj. 强壮的,健壮的=strong, healthy
rod n. 杆;枝=stick, shaft
role n. 角色,任务=part;function
roll v. 滚动=turn, spin n.(一)卷,卷形物=rock and roll 摇滚乐
roost n. 栖息处,鸟巢 v. 栖息=alight, perch
rooster n. 公鸡
rotate v. 轮流=alternate v.(使)旋转=swirl, revolve
rotation n. 旋转=revolution
rote n. 死记硬背,生搬硬套
rough adj. 粗糙的;不平的=coarse, harsh
roughly adv. 概略地;大致地=approximately, more or less
routine n. 常规,惯例=convention, habit, custom adj.常规的,日常的=regular, usual
routinely adv. 例行公事地=commonly, regularly, ordinarily
rubbery adj. 橡胶似的,有弹性的=elastic, flexible
rubble n. (一堆)碎石,瓦砾
pebble n. 小圆石,小鹅卵石
rudimentary adj. 基本的;初步的,发展未完全的=primitive, unsophisticated, undeveloped
rugged adj. 高低不平的;崎岖的=uneven, rough
ruin v. 破坏,毁灭=destroy, devastate,
ruins n. 废墟,遗迹=remains, debris
rumble v. 发出低沉的隆隆声=roar, growl n. 隆隆声,辘辘行驶声
rupture n./v. 断裂,断绝
rural adj. 农村的,乡下的,田园的=country, rustic
urban adj. 都市的=municipal
rust n. 锈,生锈 n.(植物)患锈病
rustic adj. 乡村的,乡下风格的=rural
rustproof adj. 不锈的
sac n.(生物)囊,液囊=pouch
sack n. 袋,麻袋
knapsack n. (士兵或徒步旅行者用的帆布或皮制的)背包
sacred adj. 宗教的;祭祀的 adj. 神圣的,不可冒犯的=divine, consecrated
saddle n. 鞍子,马鞍
saga n. 英雄传奇=legend
sake n. 缘故;原因=purpose
salient adj. 显著的,突出的=conspicuous, noticeable
saline adj. 含盐的,咸的=salty
saliva n. 口水,唾液
salinity n. 盐分,盐度
saltiness n.盐度
desalination n. 脱盐作用
sample n. 范例,样品=specimen, example
sanctimonious adj. 假装神圣的,伪装虔诚的=hypocritical
sanction n. 制裁=prohibition, penalty n. 批准,认可=approval, consent
sanctuary n. 避难所;动物保护区=shelter, refuge n. 圣所,圣殿=holy place
infirmary n. 医院, 医务室<美>养老院, 救济院=clinic, hospital
sandy adj. 沙的,多沙的
sanitation n. (公共、环境)卫生,卫生设施=health, hygiene
sanitary adj. (有关)卫生的
sap n. 树液,汁液=fluid v. 使衰竭=drain, exhaust
sapphire n. 蓝宝石
sarcastic adj. 讽刺的,挖苦的=ironic, cynical
satire n. 讽刺;讽刺文学=lampoonery, mockery
satiric adj. 讽刺的,挖苦的=mocking, ironic
satirist n. 讽刺作家
satisfactory adj. 令人满意的,符合要求的=acceptable, passable
unsatisfactory adj. 令人不满意的
saturate vt. 浸透,使湿透=soak
saturated adj. 渗透的, 饱和的=soaked, drenched
saucer n. 茶碟,垫盘=dish
save vt. 拯救;保留=rescue, salvage;preserve prep. 除…之外=except, apart from
savings n. 储蓄,存款=resources, money saved
lifesaver n. 救生者, 水难救生员
scale vt. 攀登=climb, ascend n. 等级,刻度;规模=measure;extent, range n.鱼鳞,鳞片
scaled adj. 有鳞状斑点的,有鳞的
upscale adj. 高消费阶层的
scan vt. 扫描;细看,审视=survey, scrutinize
scapegoat n. 替罪羊,代人受过的人=victim
scarce adj.缺乏的,稀有的,罕见的=rare, limited
scarcely adv. 几乎不,简直没有=hardly, barely, only just
scare vt. 惊吓,使受惊=frighten, alarm
scarlet adj. 猩红的,鲜红的=bright red
scatter vt. 使分散,扩散=sprinkle, disseminate, spread
scavenger n. 清道夫,食腐动物
scene n. 地点,现场;景色=location, spot;setting, spectacle
scenery n. 风景,景色=landscape, view
scenic adj. 风景如画的=picturesque, beautiful
scent n. 气味;香味=odor, fragrance, perfume
ascent n. 上升,攀登
descent n. 降下,降落;世系,血统
quiescent adj. 静止的
cent adj. 遇热发光的, 白炽的
fluorescent adj. 荧光的, 莹光的
adolescent n. 青少年
schedule n. 时间表;计划表=timetable, agenda vt.预定,安排=arrange
reschedule v. 重新计划, 重订...的时间表
scheme n.方案=design, plan n. 阴谋=plot, intrigue
scholar n. 学者=professor
scholarship n. 奖学金
scholarly adj. 学者气质的,学术的=academic, scientific
scissors n. 剪刀
scope n. 范围,界限=range, extent, bound
microscope n. 显微镜
telescope n. 望远镜
score n. 分数,得分;刻痕,划痕 n.乐谱 v.记分
scotch v. 镇压,粉碎=put an end to
Scotch adj. 苏格兰的
scour vt. 冲刷,擦掉=scrub, rub, wear away
scout n. 侦察;侦察员 vt. 侦察=probe
scramble vt. 搅乱,使混杂=jumble, mix v. 攀爬
amble vi. 缓行,漫步=stroll, linger
scrap n. 废料,残余物=piece, fragment vt. 废弃,扔弃=throw away, discard
scrape n. 刮,擦;擦痕 vi. 刮掉,擦掉;vt. 刮,擦,擦伤=rub
scraping n. 刮削下的碎屑
scratch vt. 搔,抓,擦=scrape, rub n. 划痕
screen n. 屏幕 vt. 甄别,审察;掩盖=examine
screw n. 螺旋,螺钉 v. 旋紧,拧紧
screwdriver n. 螺丝刀
scruple n. 踌躇;顾忌=hesitation
scrupulously adv. 小心翼翼地=diligently, gingerly, carefully
unscrupulously adv. 肆无忌惮地,无道德的=unprincipled, immoral
scuba n. 水中呼吸器
sculpture n. 雕塑;雕刻品=statue
sculpt vt. 雕刻,造型
sculptor n. 雕刻家
sculptural adj. 雕刻的,雕刻般的
sea cucumber 海参
cucumber n. 黄瓜
seam n. 接缝,缝合线
seamen n. 海员
seabed n. 海底,海床
seamount n. 海底山
seaport n. 海港,港口
seashore n. 海岸,海滨=coast, beach, shore
seaweed n. 海草,海藻
seasoning n. 调味品,调料=flavoring, spice
seasonal adj. 季节的,季节性的
unseasonably adv. 不合时令地,不合时宜地
seclusion n. 独处,隐居=solitude, isolation
seclude vt. 使隔离,使孤立=isolate, separate, sequester
secondary adj. 中级的 adj. 次要的,伴随的=subordinate
secrete vt. 分泌;隐匿,使隐秘=produce, excrete
secretin n. 分泌素
oversecretion n. 分泌过多
secret n. 秘密
sect n. 宗派,教派=faction
sector n. 扇形面;地区=segment, region, district
section n. 部分,节=part;district, segment
sectional adj. 部分的,部门的
subsection n. 分部,分段
intersected adj. 分割的
intersection n. 十字路口, 交叉点
secular adj. 世俗的,尘世的=mundane, earthly, worldly
secure vt. 使安全,保卫=anchor, defend vt.获得=acquire, obtain, procure adj. 安全的;确定无疑的=safe
securely adv. 安心地, 安全地
security n. 安全=protection, safety
sedentary adj. (人或动物)土生的,不迁徙的 adj.(工作)坐着做的(不需运动)=unmoving, motionless
sediment n. 沉积物,沉淀物=deposit
sedimentary adj. 沉积的,沉淀性的=p
seduce vt. 勾引,诱惑=tempt, entice, lure
seedling n. 秧苗, 树苗
seemingly adv. 表面上,似乎=apparently, supposedly
segment n. 部分;片断=sector, portion, section
segregate vt. 分离,隔离=isolate, separate
seismic adj. 地震的;由地震引起的
seismology n. 地震学
seismograph n. 地震仪
selection n. 选择, 挑选;选集, 精选品=choice;variety, collection
self-sufficient adj. 自给自足的
semimolten adj. 半熔化的
semester n. 学期=term
senator n. 参议员
sensational adj. 极好的,绝妙的;引起轰动的=spectacular, exciting, exceptional
sensation n. 感觉,知觉=feeling
sensible adj. 明智的,合理的=rational, wise adj. 可感觉到的,明显的=perceivable
sensibility n. 敏感性,感性
sensitive adj. 灵敏的=delicate adj. 敏感的,易受影响的=susceptible, vulnerable
sensitivity n. 敏感=sense, acuteness
hypersensitive adj. 非常敏感的
photosensitive adj. [物] 感光性的
sensory adj. 感觉的,感官的=perceptive
sentimental adj. 感伤性的, 感情脆弱的=emotional
sentimentalize v. 伤感
sentimentalism n. 感情主意,感情用事
sequence n. 序列;顺序
consequence n. 结果
serene adj. 平静的,安详的
serious adj. 严肃的,认真的=solemn adj. 严重的=severe in effect
seriously adv. 认真地;庄重地
serrated adj. 锯齿状的=jagged, serrulated
setting n. 背景,环境;装置
set aside for 专门留出时间做…
sewerage n. 排水系统=waste, drainage
sewer n. 下水道;裁缝师
shade n. 阴,阴凉处;阴影=shadow n.遮光物,帘
lampshade n. 灯罩
shaft n.杆状物,轴=axes, spindle
shallow adj. 浅的=superficial, low
sharpen vt. 消尖;使敏锐,使敏捷=make pointed
sharply adv. 突然地,猛烈地=steeply, suddenly, abruptly
shatter v. 使粉碎,破碎=destroy, break up
shear v. 剪,修剪,剪切=cut 剪刀
sheath n. 鞘,外壳=holder, scabbard
shed vt. 脱落,蜕=fall off vt.流出;发散=give out n.棚,小屋=hut, shanty
sheer adj. 陡峭的=steep, abrupt adj. 纯粹的,绝对的=complete, absolute
shell n. 壳=husk vt. 去壳,脱落=husk
eggshell n. 蛋壳
shellfish n. 贝,有壳的水生动物
shelter n. 掩蔽处;庇护所=asylum vt. 掩蔽=hide, conceal
sheltered adj. 遮蔽的
shepherd n. 牧羊人;牧羊犬
shield v. 庇护,保护=protect, guard n. 盾;保护物
shift v. 移动,改变位置或方向=change, turn n. 轮班=turn(be on shift) n. 转移;改变=move, change
shifting adj. 变动的;运动的=moving, changing
shine vi. 照耀,发光=polish, radiate
shining adj. 发亮的,华丽的=glowing, radiant
shiny adj. 有光泽的,发光的=lustrous, radiant
sunshine n. 阳光
shingle n. <美口>小招牌(尤指医生或律师挂的营业招牌)
shipment n. 装运;装载的货物
shipwright n. 造船工人
wright n. 建造者,制造者
playwright n.
的=inclined, slanting
sloth n. 树懒;怠惰,懒惰=laziness, indolence
slothful adj. 迟钝的,懒惰的=lazy, sluggish, slow
slow breeding 养育起来很慢的
sluggish adj. 行动迟缓的;不活泼的=slow;lethargic, inactive
slum n. 贫民窟
slumber n. 睡眠=sleep, rest
smart adj.巧妙的,聪明的=clever, intelligent, cunning
smelting n. 冶炼
smog n. 烟雾=fog, haze
smoothly adv. 平稳地;顺利地=placidly;successfully, easily
smother vt. 使窒息=suffocate, asphyxiate vt.熄灭;覆盖=extinguish, cover
smuggle vt. 走私
snap v. 突然折断=break, crack v.突然抓住或握住
snippet adj. 小片,片段;摘录=piece, fragment
snowflake n. 雪花
flake n. 薄片 vt. 使成薄片
snug adj. 温暖舒适的=cozy
sociable adj. 好交际的,友善的=gregarious, friendly, affable
social distinction具有明显的社会身分或地位
solar adj. 太阳的=of the sun
solar cell 太阳能电池
solder vt. 焊接,焊在一起=seam, weld
soldier n. 军人,士兵
sole adj.单独的,惟一的=only, single n. 鞋底=bottom
solely adv. 独自地,单独地
solemn adj. 严肃的;庄严的,隆重的=serious, somber, sober
solicit vt. 恳求,乞求=plead for, beg
solicitor n. 律师,法律顾问
solidarity n. 团结,团结一致=unity, accord
solidify vt. 使凝结,使团结,使巩固
solitary adj. 孤独的;独居的=isolated, alone, unaccompanied
solitude n. 孤独;独处=seclusion, isolation
solo n. 独奏曲 adj. 单独的=unaccompanied, single
soloist n. 独奏者,独唱者
soluble adj. 可溶的,可溶解的=dissolvabel, meltable
solution n. 解答,解决 n. 溶液
resolution n. 分辨率
somewhat adv. 稍微,有点=rather, a bit, slightly
soothe vt. 使(某人情绪)平静,安慰;使(痛苦,疼痛)缓和或减轻=quiet;alleviate, mitigate
sophisticated adj. (事物)复杂的;(人)久经事故的=intricate, complex;experienced, smart
unsophisticated adj. 不懂世故的, 单纯的
sophistication n. 老练;精致复杂
sort n./v. 种类,分类
soundproof vt. 使隔音 adj. 隔音的=impermeable to noise, insulative
sour adj. 酸的=tart, acidic
souvenir n. 纪念品=reminder, memento
sovereignty n. 主权,统治权=autonomy, independence
sovereign n. 君主;统治=monarch, king, ruler adj. 独立自主的=independent
sow vt. 播种=plant, seed
soybean n. 大豆
bean n. 豆子
soy n. 大豆
spaceship n. 宇宙飞船
spacecraft n. 宇宙飞船
space shuttle n. 航天飞机
spacious adj. 广大的,宽敞的=wide, large, sizable
span n. 跨度;一段时间=duration, distance vt. 跨越=cover, traverse
spangle v. (使)闪烁
spanking adj. 强烈的,疾行的
wingspan n. [空]翼展
spare adj. 多余的,备用的=extra, superfluous vt.节约,节省=save n.剩余,备用品
sparingly adv. 节俭地,保守地=economically, thriftily
sparrow n. 麻雀
spark n. 火花,火星=flash, sp
arkle vt.发动,激起=bring about, arouse, inspire
sparse adj. 稀少的;稀疏的=scarce, scattered
sparsely adv. 稀疏地,稀少地=thinly
spawn v. 产卵,大量生育=generate, breed v.造成,酿成=create
specialized adj. 专业的,专门的
species n.类群,种类=kind
subspecies n. [生]亚种
specify vt. 明确说明;具体指定=detail;designate
specified adj. 特定的=given
specific adj. 具体的,特指的=particular, definite
specification n. 规格,详细说明书=instruction, description
specimen n. 标本,样品=model, sample
speck n. 斑点=particle, fleck, stain
flyspeck n. 蝇粪留下的污点, 污点
spectacle n. 奇观;展示,景象=demonstration, show
spectacular adj.引人入胜的,壮观的=sensational, fascinating, grand
spectacularly adv. 引人入胜地
spectator n. 参观者,观众=observer, audience
spectrum n. 谱,光谱
spectra n. 光谱
speculate v. 推测;沉思=hypothesize, guess;ponder, consider(speculate about)
speedy adj. 快的,迅速的=fast, rapid
sphere n. 球体=ball, globe
spherical adj. 球的,球状的
hemisphere n. 半球
chromosphere n. 色球
magnetosphere n. 磁气圈
lithosphere n. [地]岩石圈
photosphere n. 光球
hydrosphere n. 水圈, 水气, 水界
ionosphere n. 电离层
spill vi.溢出=pour n. 溢出,溅出
pill n. 药丸
spine n. 脊骨;书脊;刺=backbone, vertebrate;thorn
spinal adj. 脊骨的,脊髓的
spinal cord 脊髓
spined adj. 有脊骨的,有脊柱的
spiny adj. 多刺的,刺状的=prickly, barbed
spinet n. 小型立式钢琴
spinach n.菠菜
spinning adj.旋转的=whirling, circling
spiral adj. 螺旋形的,盘旋的=rotary, curled v.盘旋=rise, coil, twist
spiritual adj. 精神上的
splash v. 溅,泼=spray, plash
splendor n. 壮丽,辉煌=magnificence, brilliance, grandeur
split v. 劈开,(使)裂开;分开=break apart, cut;devide
spoil v. 损坏;腐烂=mar, go bad, rot, decay v.宠爱,溺爱=pamper
spoilage n. (食物等)变质,损坏
unspoiled adj. 未损坏的
despoiler n. 掠夺者
sponge n. 海绵
spontaneous adj. 自发的,自然产生的=instinctive, natural
spontaneously adv. 自然地, 本能地
spontaneity n. 自然,自发=naturalness
spoon n. 匙,勺子
spot n. 地点,场所=location, place, site v. 发觉,发现=pinpoint, see, identify;detect
spotless adj. 没有污点的
spotlight v. 强调,突出 n. 重点
highlight vt. 使显著,突出=stress, emphasize n. 最显著(重要)部分
sprawl vi. 散乱地延伸=extend, stretch, spread vi. 四肢摊开着坐、卧或倒下=scramble n. 扩展,蔓延
spray n. 喷雾,飞沫 vt. 向…喷射,喷=disseminate, sprinkle
spring n. 泉;弹簧 v. 跳跃=jump, leap
spring up 出现,产生=emerge, come into being, engender
springtime n. 春天,春季
springwater n. 天然泉水
offspring n. (单复数同形)子孙, 后代
mainspring n. (钟
sprout vi. 长出,萌芽=germinate, shoot up
spur n. 踢马刺 vt. 刺激,鞭策=stimulate, urge
squarely adv. 坚实的,坚固地=solidly
squash n. 南瓜 v. 压碎,挤压;镇压=crush, press;depress
squeeze vt. 榨;挤进,塞进=extract
squirrel n. 松鼠
squirt vi. 喷出,溅进=spurt out, spray
stable adj. 稳定的,相对固定的=fixed, steadfast, constant
stability n. 稳定性=balance, constancy
stabilize vt.使稳定,使坚固
stack vt. 堆积=pile, heap n.堆=pile
staff n. 全体人员或职员=personnel, crew, team
stagecoach n.公共马车
coach n. 教练=tutor, teacher n. 四轮大马车
stagger vi. 蹒跚,摇晃=sway, totter, falter
staggering adj. 巨大的,惊人的=overwhelming, strikingly
stagnant adj. 停滞的, 迟钝的
stain n. 污点,瑕疵=blemish, flaw
stained adj. 污染的,玷污的=discolored, dirty
sustain vt. 支撑;维持,持续
staircase n. 楼梯
stalk vt. 隐伏跟踪(猎物)=follow n.茎,柄,梗=stem
stamina n. 体力,耐力=endurance, perseverance
stand vt. 站立;忍受,容忍=tolerate, endure
stand in the way of 挡住…的道路
withstand vt. 抵挡,经受住
standpoint n. 立场,观点
newsstand n. 报摊,杂志摊
standard n./adj. 标准(的)=criteria;normal, regular
standardize vt.使符合标准,使标准化=normalize
standardized adj. 标准化的=uniform, stereotyped
standing adj. 固定的,常设的=fixed n.身分,名望=status, fame, reputation
long-standing adj. 长期存在的
outstanding adj. 杰出的,显著的
stanza n. (诗)节,段
staple n. 主要产品,日常必需品=basic part, basic elements adj. 主要的,常用的=main, principal vt. 把…订起来
starch n. 淀粉;淀粉食物
stardom n. 明星的身份或地位=fame
starfish n. 海星
stark adj. 光秃秃的;荒凉的=bare, desolate
starve v. 挨饿=hunger
starvation n. 饥饿,饿死
stash vt. 藏或贮存于一秘密处所 n. 隐藏处
stately adj. 庄严的,堂皇的=majestic, palatial, dignified
stationary adj. 固定的;静止的=fixed, immobile, static
stationery n. 文具
statistics n. 统计学
statue n. 雕像
stature n. 身高,身材;声望,地位=height;status
status n. 状况;身份,地位=standing, identity, position
steadfast adj. 坚定的,坚信的=unwavering, constant;resolute
steady adj. 稳的,牢固的=stable adj. 持续的=consistent
steak n. (供煎, 烤等的)肉, 牛排
steep adj. 险峻的,陡峭的=sharp, abrupt, sheer v. 浸,泡;沉浸=immerse, absorb
steer v. 驾驶,掌舵=drive, direct
stellar adj. 星的,星球的=of the stars
interstellar adj. 星际的
stem n.(植物的)茎=stalk v. 来源于,基于 stem from=derive from, arise from
sterile adj. 贫瘠的;不育的=barren, infertile adj. 消过毒的
stern adj. 苛刻的,严格的;严厉的=strict, severe
stick n. 棍,棒;手杖=rod, branch v.粘
住,粘贴=cement, adhere to 坚持(cling to)
sticky adj. 粘的,粘性的=glutinous, adhesive
matchstick n. 火柴杆
yardstick n. <美> 码尺, 准绳
stickpin n. 领带夹
stiff adj. 硬的,僵直的=rigid, hard adj.(态度、举止)拘谨的=rigid, inflexible, restrained
stiffen vt. 使硬,使僵硬
stifle vt. 使窒息;扼杀,抑制=suffocate, choke;suppress
stimulate vt. 刺激,激励,激发=whet, encourage, motivate, exhilarate, arouse, spur
stimulation n. 激励,鼓舞,刺激
stimulus n. 刺激;刺激物
stimuli n. stimulus复数
stimulant n. 刺激物,兴奋剂
sting v. 刺;刺痛=puncture
stipend n. 薪贴;奖学金;养老金=allowance, pension
stipulate vt. 约定,规定=detail, specify
stipulation n. 规定,条款=provision
stitch v. 缝=sew, knit
stock car racing 专业汽车比赛
stocky adj. (人或动物)矮而结实的,粗壮的=solid, stout
stonemason n. 石工,石匠
stout adj. 结实的,勇敢坚定的=sturdy, stocky
strain n. 过度的疲劳,紧张=tension, pressure n.血统;物种=breed, ancestry vt. 过滤=filter
constrain vt. 抑制,拘束
constraint n. 约束,强制
restraint n. 抑制,克制
unrestrained adj. 无限制的
strand n. 绳、线之一股=thread
strap n. 带,皮带=belt
strata n. 地层(复数)=layer, level
stratum n. 地层(单数);阶层
strengthen vt. 加强,巩固=reinforce, fortify
strenuous adj. 费力的;艰辛的=arduous, intense, laborious
strenuously adv.奋发地,费力地
stretch v. 伸展,伸长=extend
stride n. 大步,一跨步=step, pace
strike n./v. 罢工,打击
striking adj. 醒目的,惊人的=dramatic, outstanding, remarkabel
strikingly adv. 醒目地, 引人侧目地
string n. (乐器的)弦;细绳,带子
strings n. 弦乐器
stringent adj. 严厉的=strict, rigorous, severe adj. 缺钱的,银根紧的,周转困难的=constraining, binging
strip vt. 剥夺;剥掉=remove, deprive, divest n. 条,带=ribbon, band
stripe n. 斑纹,条纹=band, ribbon
strive vi. 努力,奋斗;力求=endeavor;struggle
stroke n. (绘画等)一笔;一击=blow
stubborn adj. 顽固的,固执的=obdurate, headstrong, obstinate, tenacious
stubbornness n. 倔强,顽强=obstinacy, tenacity, doggedness
studio n. 录音室;艺术家工作室
stumble vi. 绊倒=fall
stunning adj. 令人惊叹的,极好的=breathtaking, brilliant
stun vt. 使晕倒,打晕;使震惊=knock out;amaze, shock
stunt n. 惊人表演,绝技;特技=feat, exploit vt. 阻碍…发育,妨碍…生长=hinder, bar
sturdy adj. (人)强健的,结实的;(物)稳固的=robust, strong;substantial, firm
stylized adj. 风格化的,程式化的
subduct v. 减去,除去
subject to 服从
subjected adj. 服从的,隶属的
submarine n. 潜水艇,潜艇 adj. 水下的,海底的=underwater
submerge v. (使)沉没,淹没=sink, immerse
ed adj. 在水中的,淹没的=underwater, submersed
submit v. 服从=defer, yield v.提交,递交=hand in, present
subsequent adj. 随后的,后来的=succedent, following
subsequently adv. 随后=later
subside v.平息,减退=die down, appease, mitigate
subsidiary n. 支流;子公司=branch, division
subsidize v. 补助,资助=finance, fund
subsidy n. 补助金,津贴=financing
subsist vi. 生存,存在,供养=exist, live
subsistence n. 生存;生计;存活
substantial adj. 相当的,可观的=large, significant adj. 坚固的=sturdy, solid, firm
substantially adv. 相当多地,大大地=markedly, considerably, enough
substantiate vt. 证实,加强=authenticate, prove, verify
unsubstantiated adj. 未被证实的
substantive adj. 真实的,有实质的=actual, substantial
substitute vt. 代替=exchange, replace n.代替者,代替品=replacement
subterranean adj. 地下的,地表下的=underground
subtle adj. 微妙的,细微的=slight, delicate
subtraction n. 减少=reduction, deduction n.减法
subtractive adj. 减法的;负的
suburb n. 郊区=outskirts
suburbanization n. 近郊化,郊区建造
suburbanite n. 郊区居民
subversive adj. 颠覆性的,破坏性的=undermining, destructive
successive adj. 连续的,相继的=consecutive
succinct adj. 简明的,简洁的=concise, laconic
succumb vi. 屈服,屈从=yield to, give in, submit to
sue v. 向…请求,请愿=plead v.提出诉讼,控告=appeal
pursue vt. 追赶,追踪;从事
tissue n. 薄的纱织品;薄纸,棉纸;[生]组织
sufficient adj. 足够的,充足的=adequate, enough
insufficient adj. 不足的,不够的
suit vt. 适合,适应=accommodate, fit, adapt to
suited adj. 适合的,匹配的
suitable adj. 适当的,相配的=appropriate
suite n. 一批,一套,组
lawsuit n. 诉讼(尤指非刑事案件)
suitcase n. 手提箱, 衣箱
summit n. 山顶,顶点=peak, acme, zenith
sumptuous adj. 奢侈的,华丽的=luxurious, magnificent, splendid
sunlight n. 日光,阳光
sunlit adj. 被日光照射了的, 阳光照射的
sunshine n. 阳光
sunflower n. 向日葵
sunrise n. 日出
sunset n. 日落=sundown
sunburn n. 晒斑, 晒黑
sundial n. (通过太阳知道时间的) 日规, 日晷
sunglasses n. 太阳镜;墨镜
superb adj. 极好的,超级的=excellent, wonderful
superficial adj. 肤浅的,表面(上)的=shallow
superficially adv. 浅薄地
superintendent n. 主管,负责人=director, supervisor
superior adj. 级别或地位更高的;质量或价值更好的=exalted, better, excellent
superior to 高于,优于=excel, overmatch
supernatural adj. 超自然的,神奇的=occult
supervise vt. 监督,指导=administer, direct
supervision n. 监督,管理
supervisor n. 主管,管理人=director, overseer
supplant vt. 排挤;取代=replace, substitute
supple adj. 柔软的,灵活的;柔顺的=limber, flexible, pliant
lement vt. 增补,补充=add, complement n.增补,补充=extension, addition
supplementary adj. 补充的
supplementation n. 增补,补充
suppose vt. 推想,假设=presume, assume, conjecture
supposedly adv. 按说,应该i=seemingly, presumably
supposition n. 假定=assumption, presumption
suppress vt. 镇压,抑制=check, restrain, control
supreme adj. (权力、级别或地位)至高的;最重要的=most outstanding, highest, superior
supremely adv. 无上地,崇高地
supremacy n. 至高无上的权力=dominance, preeminence
surcharge n. 增付的费用,附加费
surface n./adj. 表面(的) vi.浮现出来,暴露
surge n. 汹涌,澎湃,喷发=outburst, eruption
surging n. 汹涌
surgeon n. 外科医生
surgery n. 外科;手术室
surmount vt. 克服;登上;越过=overcome, conquer;climb
insurmountable adj. 不能克服的, 不能超越的
surpass vt. 超越,胜过=exceed, outrun, surmount
surpassingly adv. 卓越地,超群地=most, exceedingly
surplus n. 过剩,剩余(物资)=remainder, excess adj. 过剩的=extra, remaining
survey n./v.调查=poll, scan, review
survive vi. (人)幸免于难,活下来;(物)耐久=endure, tolerate, outlive
survival n.生存,幸存=existence, subsistence
survivor n. 生还者,残存物
survivability n. 存活率,生命力
susceptible adj. 易受影响的;敏感的,过敏的=vulnerable, prone;sensitive
susceptible to 易受…影响=subject to
suspect adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的=doubtful, dubious vt. 怀疑,猜想=doubt
suspend vt. 吊,悬挂=hang, append vt. 延缓=postpone, delay
suspender n. 吊裤带
suspense n. 悬念,情节=plot, uncertainty
suspicious adj. 可疑的;好猜疑的=mistrustful, questionable;skeptical
suspicion n. 怀疑=mistrust, doubt
sustain vt. 维持;支撑=maintain, support
sustained adj.持续不变的=continued
sustenance n. 食物,生计=livelihood, subsistence, food
swallow v. 吞下,咽下 n.燕子
swamp n. 沼泽,湿地=marsh, bog
swampy adj. 沼泽的,湿地的
swarm n. 蜂群,一大群=throng, flock, crowd v. 挤满,密集=teem, cram, crowd
sway vi. 摇摆,摇动=swing vt. 使转变,说服=persuade, convince
sweep v. 席卷,扫过=remove v.清扫,打扫=clean n.伸展,延伸=spread
sweeping adj. 彻底的,广泛的=extensive, comprehensive
swell vi. (使)肿胀、膨胀=bulge, enlarge
swelling n. 肿胀=bulge, bump
swift adj. 迅速的,敏捷的=quick, rapid, nimble
swiftness n. 迅速,敏捷=speed, rapidity
syllable n. (语音)音节
symbiosis n. 共生(关系),共栖
symbiotic adj. 共栖的,共生的
symbol n. 符号,记号;象征=sign, signal;emblem
symbolism n. 象征主义;符号论
symbology n. 象征学
symbolize v. 象征=represent, signify, stand for
symmetrical adj. 对称的=proportionally balanced, even
symmetry n. 对称(性),匀称=balance, equilibrium
asymmetrical adj.
不均匀的, 不对称的
sympathy n. 同情,同情心=compassion, pity, concern
sympathize v. 同情,体谅
sympathetic adj. 有同情心的 adj. 赞成的,合意的=approving
symphony n. 交响乐,交响曲
symptom n. 症状;征兆=sign, prognosis, indication
synchronize vt. 同步,同时发生
synonym n. 同义字
synonymous adj. 同义的=similar, identical, equivalent
synthesize vt. 综合;合成=integrate, compose, combine
synthesizer n. [电子]合成器
synthesis n. 综合, 合成=formation, integration
photosynthesis n. 光合作用
synthetic adj. 合成的,人造的=artificial, man-made n.合成物质
syrup n. 糖浆,果汁
system n. 系统,体系=method, structure
systematic adj. 系统的,体系的=ordered, methodical
systematize v. 使系统化;将…分类
ecosystem n. 生态系统
tableland n. 高原=hill, plateau
tactics n. 战术;策略=strategy, policy
tactile adj. 触觉的;可触觉的=tangible, perceptible
tag vt. 给…加标签;添加,附加=attach, append n. 标签,货签=label
taint n. 污点,瑕疵=stain, blot vt. 污染;玷污=contaminate;blemish
take into account 考虑到
talent n. 才能;天才=aptitude, skill, gift
talented adj. 有天才的,有才能的=gifted, skilled
tally v. 符合,吻合=agree, correspond n.记录;记账
tame vt. 驯养,驯服=domesticate, train adj.(动物)驯服的,柔顺的=domesticated, meek
untamed adj. 未驯服的
tap vt. 开发,利用=draw upon, utilize
untapped adj. 未使用的
tapering adj. 尖端细的
tapeworm n. [动]绦虫
tapestry n. 织锦, 挂毯
tardy adj. 迟到的;缓慢的=late, delayed, slow
tardiness n. 迟到;缓慢=lateness, delay, sluggishness
tariff n. 关税
customs n. 进口税;海关
tarnish n.晦暗,污点=discoloration, stain vt.使失去光泽;玷污=darken, stain
taste v. 品尝,辨味 n. 味道,味觉=flavor n. 品味,兴趣=appreciation, interest, curiosity
tasty adj. 美味的,可口的
tasteless adj. 没味道的
distasteful adj. (令人)不愉快的,讨厌的
tavern n. 小酒店;客栈=bar
tectonics n. [地]构造地质学
tedium n. 单调乏味=drudgery, boredom
tedious adj. 单调乏味的,沉闷的=tiresome, depressing, dreary
teem with充满=swarm with, be full of, abound with
telegraph n. 电报机;电报
telescope n. 望远镜
temper n. 脾气,性情=mood, disposition vt.缓和,调节=modulate, moderate
temperate adj. (气候等)温和的=moderate, gentle, mild adj. (欲望、饮食等)适度的,有节制的=moderate, self-restrained
temperance n. 节制,自制;戒酒;禁酒=restraint, abstinence
temperature n. 温度
temple n. 寺庙,教堂=church
temporary adj. 短暂的,暂时的=impermanent
temporarily adv. 临时
contemporary adj. 当代的,同时代的
tempt vt. 诱使=entice, allure
tempting adj. 诱惑人的=attractive, alluring, appealing
tenant n. 承租人,房客=occup
ant, leaseholder
tendency n. 趋势,倾向=trend, propensity
tender adj. 嫩的,柔软的=gentle, soft, delicate
tenderness n. 亲切,温柔=gentleness, softness, affection
contender n. 竞争者,斗争者
tenement n. 出租给房客的住房;(穷人)公寓=apartment
tense adj. 紧张的,拉紧的=strained, taut, tight
tension n. 紧张(状态),压力=strain, stress, anxiety
intense adj. 强烈的,剧烈的
utensil n. 器具
tensile adj. 可拉长的, 可伸长的
pretense n. 矫饰,做作
pretension n. 主张,要求
tentacle n. 触角,触须,触手
terminal n. 总站,终点站=bus station, train station n.(电脑)终端,接线端
terminate v. 停止,结束=stop, end
termination n. 终止,结束=stop, end
exterminate v. 根除,灭绝
terminology n. 用辞,术语=terms, vocabulary
terminus n. (火车、汽车)终点站=last station, terminal, end
termite n. 白蚁
terrace n. 梯田,台地;阳台 vt.使成梯田
terrain n. 地势,地形=land, landform, topography
terrestrial adj. 地球(上)的;陆地的
terrify vt. 使恐怖,使惊吓=frighten
terrifying adj. 恐怖的=frightening, ghastful, horrific
terribly adv. 可怕地,十分=dreadfully, wafully, frightfully
terrific adj. 极好的=excellent, tremendous
testify to 证实
textile n. 纺织品=cloth, fabric
texture n. 质地;(材料等)结构=grain, structure
textured adj. 手摸时有感觉的, 有织纹的
thaw n. 解冻 v.解冻,融化=melt, defrost
theft n. 偷窃=burglary, stealing
theme n. (谈话, 写作等的)题目, 主题=subject, motif, topic
theoretical adj. 理论上的=academic, theoretic, abstract
thereby adv. 因此,从而=thus, accordingly, consequently
therefore adv. 因此,所以=consequently, hence
thermal adj. 热的, 热量的
thesis n. 论题,论文=paper, dissertation
hypothesis n. 假设
photosynthesis n. 光合作用
synthesis n. 综合, 合成
thigh n. 大腿
thorny adj. 有刺的;多刺的=prickly, spiky
thorn n. [植]刺, 棘
thorough adj. 完全的,彻底的=profound, complete
thoughtful adj. 体贴的,考虑周到的=considerate adj. 有思想性的=pensive, contemplative
thread n. 线
threadlike adj.线状的
threaten vt. 威胁;预示…的凶兆,可能来临=menace, endanger
threateningly adv. 胁迫地=menacingly, aggressively
three-dimensional adj. 三维的, 立体的
threshold n. 开始,开端=entrance, beginning
thrifty adj. 节省的,节俭的=economical, frugal
thrive vi. 繁荣,兴旺;茁壮成长=flourish, prosper
thrive on 在…中旺盛生长=do well on, prosper
thrust n. 推力,冲=push, drive vt.插入,用力刺
thunderstorm n. 暴风雨
tide n. 潮汐;潮流=ebb and flow, current
tilt n. 倾斜=slant, lean
stilt n. 高跷,支柱
timber n. 木材,木料=wood, lumber
time-consuming adj. 费时间的
timid adj. 胆怯的,羞怯的=shy, craven
timidity n. 胆怯
tint vt. 给…
着色;染=color, dye n.色彩=tinge, color
tip n. 顶,尖端=nib, point n.小费
fingertip n. 指尖
tissue n. [生]组织 n.绵纸,薄纸=fabric
to and fro 来来回回i
toe n. 趾,脚趾,足尖
toed adj. 有趾的
tolerate vt. 忍受;容许=endure, put up with, withstand, stand, survive in
tolerant adj. 容忍的;宽容的=permissive, open-minded, easy-going
tolerance n. 忍受,宽容
topography n. 地形;地形学
topographical adj. 地形学的
topsoil n. 表层土
tornado n. 旋风,龙卷风=cyclone, windstorm
hurricane n. 飓风
cyclone n. 旋风,龙卷风
torpor n. 迟钝,不活泼=lethargy, inertia
torque n. 扭矩
torrent n. 连发,迸发=outburst n.骤雨;急流,洪流=downpour
torrential adj. 奔流的,如急流的
torrential rain 豪雨,大雨
tortuous adj. 曲折的, 转弯抹角的=sinuous, twisting
touching adj. 动人的,令人感伤的=moving, affecting
touched adj. 被感动的=moved, impressed
touchdown n. 着地,降落=landing
tough adj.坚硬的;坚强的=hard;strong adj.艰苦的=difficult adj.坚韧的;严格的,严格执行纪律的=rigid
tournament n. 比赛,锦标赛=contest, competition
tow v. 拖引,牵引=pull, drag n.拖,拽
tower n. 塔,城堡
towering adj. 高耸的;杰出的=lofty, high;outstanding
toxic adj. 有毒的,中毒的=poisonous, noxious
intoxication n. 陶醉
trace n.痕迹=imprint, residues vt.跟踪;追溯=follow;connect
track n. 轨道,路经 v. 追踪
trail n. 踪迹,小路 v. 追踪
tract n. 广阔的地面,大片(土地)=area, region n.管道
traction n. 牵引
tractor n. 拖拉机
tragedy n. [戏剧]悲惨;悲惨之事=disaster, calamity
trait n. 特征,特性=quality, attribute, characteristic
portrait n. 肖像,人像
portraiture n. 肖像画法
portraitist n. 肖像画家
trample vt. 踩踏;蹂躏=step on, tramp
tranquil adj. 宁静的,安静的=serene, pacific
tranquility n. 宁静,安静
transaction n. 交易=deal
transcend vt. 超出,超越=surpass, exceed
transcript n. 抄本
transfer v. 转移;转学=shift, distract, divert
transform vt. (使)变形,改观=change, convert
transformation n. 转变;变形
transition n. 转变,过渡=passage, change
translucent adj. 半透明的;透明的
transmit v. 传送,传播=forward, convey
transmitter n. 传送者,发送器
neurotransmitter n.[生化]神经传递素
transmute vt. 使变化,使改变=convert, transform
transparent adj. 透明的=see through, translucent
transplant v. 移植=transfer, graft
trap v. 捕捉,困住;陷害=catch, entomb, snare n. 圈套,陷阱=snare
trapper n. 设阱捕兽者
strap v. 用带缚住, 用带捆扎
trash n. 垃圾,废物=garbage, rubbish
treacherous adj. 不可靠的,有暗藏的危险的=dangerous, risky adj. 背叛的,背信弃义的=disloyal, traitorous
tread vi. 踏,践踏;行走=step on, walk on(tread on)
treadmill n.
treason n. 叛逆,叛国=perfidy, betrayal
treasure trove无主埋藏物,无主珍宝
trove n. 被发现的东西,收藏的东西
treatment n. 待遇,对待=handlingn.处理,治疗=care
tremendous adj. 巨大的,惊人的=huge, enormous, gigantic
trench n. 沟,壕沟=ditch, canal
entrenched adj. (权利、传统)确立的,牢固的
trend n. 倾向,趋势=tendency
trespass vt. 侵犯,闯入私人领地=encroach, invade
trespasser n. 侵犯(他人土地)者
trial n. 实验=experiment n.审讯
tribal adj. 部落的,宗族的
tribe n. 部落,部族
tributary adj. 辅助的,支流的 n.支流=branch, subordinate
tribute n.贡品,礼物 n.颂词,殷勤=praise, compliment
trickle vi. 滴;细流=dribble, drip
trigger vt. 引发,引起,触发=set off, initiate, start
trilogy n. 三部剧,三部曲=three-part novel
trim vt. 修剪,整饰=clip, prune
triumph n. 胜利=victory vi. 获得胜利,成功=win
trivial adj. 微不足道的,琐碎的=insignificant, trifling
tropical adj. 热带的
troublesome adj. 讨厌的,麻烦的=annoying, bothersome
troubling adj.令人不安的,令人忧虑的=disquieting, unsettling
troupe n. 剧团
trumpet n. 喇叭
trumpeter n. 喇叭手,号兵
trustworthy adj. 可信赖的=dependable, reliable
tub n. 桶,浴盆
tube n. 管子;电子管,显像管
tuition n. 学费
tumble v. 翻滚 n. 平脚杯
tundra n. 苔原,冻土地带
tunnel n. 隧道
turbulent adj. 吵闹的;狂暴的=violent, tempestuous;furious
turbulence n. 喧嚣,骚乱=disturbance, commotion
turnpike n. 公路,收费高速公路=toll highway
turquoise n. 绿宝石
tutor vt. 辅导;当…的家庭教师=guide, direct n.家庭教师=coach, instructor
tutorial n. 个别指导
twig n. 细枝,嫩枝
twine v. 搓,织,编饰;(使)缠绕=twist, intertwine
twist n./v. 扭曲,拧
tycoon n. 大企业家,大亨=magnate, entrepreneur
typify vt. 代表,为…之典型=represent, characterize
typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的=average, representative
prototypical adj. 原型的
tyrannical adj. 暴虐的,残暴的=dictatorial, domineering, authoritarian
ultimate adj. 最终的,最后的=final, last
ultimatum n. 最后通牒=last offer
ultrasonic adj. 超音速的,超声(波)的=supersonic, suprasonic
ultrasonics n. 超音波学
ultraviolet adj. 紫外线的
unadorned adj. 未装饰的,朴实的=plain, simple
unanimity n. 全体一致,一致同意=concord, consensus, harmony
unanimous adj. 全体意见一致的=uniform, agreed
unbiased adj. 没有偏见的=impartial, fair
unbridgeable adj. 不能架桥的, 不能逾越的=impassable, insurmountable
unbridled adj. 放纵的,无约束的=uncontrolled, wild
unbroken adj. 完整的;持续的=uninterrupted, intact
uncharted adj.地图上没标明的
unconscious adj. 不省人事的;无意识的=senseless, unaware
unconventional adj. 非传统的,与
先前不同的=uncommon, unorthodox
uncover v. 发现,揭示=reveal, expose, disclose
underdeveloped adj. 不发达的=backward, undeveloped
underestimate v. 低估=underrate, undervalue
undergo v. 经历,遭受=experience, suffer
undergraduate n. (尚未取得学位的)大学生
graduate n. (大学)毕业生, 研究生
postgraduate n. 研究生
underground adj. 地下的,地面下的=subterranean, buried
underlying adj. 基础的;在下面的=fundamental, elementary
underlie vt. 位于...之下, 成为...的基础
undermine v. 渐渐破坏,暗地里破坏=weaken, impair
underscore v. 划线于…下,强调=emphasize, stress
undertake v. 从事,承担=take on, embark on, assume
undertaking n.任务;事业=task, project;career
underwater adj. 在水下的,在水中的=submarine, submerged
undo v. 解开,松开=release, untie v. 逆转或清除;取消=reverse;annul
undoubtedly adv. 毋庸置疑地,确凿地=unquestionably, indubitably
unearth vt. 发觉,挖出;揭露=dig up, excavate;discover
unemployed adj. 失业的=jobless, idle
unevenly adv. 不平坦地;不均衡地=irregularly
unexplored adj. 未开发的,未探索的
unfair adj. 不公平的=unjust, biased
unfertilized adj. 未施肥的,未受精的
unfortunately adv. 不幸地=unluckily
uniform n. 制服 adj. 统一的;始终如一的=homogeneous, consistent, unanimous, standardized
uniformity n. 同样,一式=homogeneity
unify vt. 统一,使成一体=integrate, unite
unimaginable adj. 不可想象的=inconceivable, incredible
uninhabited adj. 无人居住的=unpopulated, unsettled, unoccupied
unique adj. 独一无二的;独特的=peerless, unmatched, unrivaled
uniqueness n. 独特,独一无二=distinction, singularity, specialty
unity n. 结合,一致=cohesion, harmony
community n. 团体,社会;(生物)群落
opportunity n. 机会,时机
immunity n. 免疫性
universal adj. 宇宙的 adj. 普遍的;共同的=comprehensive, all-inclusive, general
universe n. 宇宙=cosmos
unmatched adj. 无可匹敌的=unequaled, unparalleled, peerless
unpack v. 打开包裹(或行李)=unwrap, unfold
unpalatable adj. 味道差的, 不好吃的=tasteless, offensive
unprecedented adj. 前所未有的,空前的=unexampled, unparalleled
unpredictable adj. 不可预知的=random, uncertain
unpromising adj. 无前途的, 没有希望的
unravel v. 弄清楚(秘密)=discover, solve, work out v. 拆开;解开;松开=unwind, untangle
unrestrained adj. 无限制的=unchecked, free
unrestricted adj. 无限制的, 自由的=unlimited, open, unrestrained
unscrupulous adj. 肆无忌惮的, 无道德原则的=unprincipled, immoral
unselfish adj. 不自私的, 慷慨的=selfless, self-forgetting
unsophisticated adj. 不懂事故的,单纯的=rudimentary, innocent, naive
unstable adj. 不稳定的=inconstant, volatile
unsubstantiated adj. 未经证实的=unverified, unconfirmed
untouched adj. 未
触及的=intact, unbroken
unwieldy adj. 笨拙的;(因太大、太重、形状奇特等)不易被移动的,笨重的=cumbersome, unmanageable, bulky
upgrade v. 使升级,提升=improve, advance
upheaval n. 剧变=a violent disturbance, outburst
uphold v. 维护,支持=support, preserve, maintain
upland n. 丘陵地带,高地=elevation, highland
uproot v. 连根拔起,拔除=pull up, displace v. 根除,灭绝;赶出家园,被迫移开=abolish, eradicate
upset adj. 心烦意乱的=concerned, worried v. 颠覆,推翻;扰乱=disturb, overturn
upside-down adj. 颠倒的=inverted
urban adj. 城市的=metropolitan
urbane adj. 温文尔雅的=elegant, polished
urbanism n. 都市生活, 都市化
urbanite n. 都市人
urbanize vt. 使都市化,使文雅
urbanization n. 都市化,文雅化
suburbanite n. 郊区居民
urge v. 催促;力劝,恳求=entreat, advocate, hasten n.冲动=desire, impulse, drive
urgent adj. 紧急的,迫切的=pressing, compelling, immediate
urgency n. 紧急情况=exigency, need, emergency
usher in 引发,产生=introduce, begin
utilitarian adj. 功利的;实利的=practical, useful
utility n. 公用事业公司;公用事业设备=something useful, public service n.运用,效用=function, usefulness
utilize v. 利用=harness, take advantage of
utilization n. 利用
utopian adj. 乌托邦式的,空想的
utter v. 做声;发表=speak, expressadj. 全然的,完全的=complete
utterance n. 说话,说话的方式
utterly adv. 完全地,绝对地=absolutely, completely
shutter n. 百叶窗;快门
butter n. 黄油,牛油
butterfly n. [动]蝴蝶
vacant adj. 空的,未被占用的=empty, uninhabited
vacancy n. 空白,空缺=absence, emptiness
vacation n. 度假,休假
vacate vt. 腾出,空出=depart, leave
vaccine n. 疫苗
vaccinate v. 进行预防接种
vacuum n. 真空
vague adj. 模糊的;含糊的=imprecise, obscure, indistinct
valid adj. 有效的;有根据的,正确的=authentic, sound, logical
validity n. 有效性,合法性
validate vt. 使生效,确认,证实
valve n. 活门,阀
vanish vi. 消失;灭绝=disappear, die out
vapor n. 水汽,水蒸气=gas, steam
vaporize v. (使)蒸发=evaporate
vaporization n. 蒸发=evaporation
evaporate v. (使)蒸发,消失
evaporation n. 蒸发(作用)
variable n. [数]变数, 变量=factor adj.可变的, 易变的=changeable, inconstant
variation n. 变异;变种=change, selection, deviation
variability n. 可变性
variety n.变化,多样性=diversity, assortment, selection
variance n. 分歧;差异
varied adj. 杂色的,各式各样的=differed, diversified, various
various adj. 各种的=diverse, assorted, different
varnish vt. 涂上清漆,修饰=lacquer, cover, glaze n. 清漆
vast adj. 巨大的,大量的;范围广的=large, broad, extensive
vastness n. 巨大
vault n. 拱顶;地下室
vaulted adj. 拱状的
vegetation n. 植
vegetable n. 蔬菜
vegetarian n. 素食者
vehicle n. 交通工具, 车辆=automobile, instrument n.媒介物, 传达手段=a means of conveying, medium
veil vt. 隐藏,遮蔽 n. 面纱=cover, hide
vein n. 静脉
veining n. 脉络分布;矿脉
velocity n. 速度;速率=speed
venerable adj. 值得尊敬的,庄严的=revered, honored
veneration n. 尊敬, 崇拜
venom n. (蛇的)毒液=poison n.恶意, 怨恨=spite, malice
venomous adj. 有毒的=poisonous, noxious
vent n. 通风孔;出烟孔=outlet
ventilate vt. 使通风=freshen, aerate
ventilation n. 通风
venture n. 冒险(事业),投机活动=speculation, adventure
adventure n. 冒险,冒险的经历
venturesome adj. 好冒险的;(行为)冒险的=risky, hazardous
venue n. 地点;会场=place, locality
avenue n. 林荫道, 大街
verbal adj. 口头的=oral, spoken
nonverbal adj. 不用语言的
verify vt. 证明,证实=confirm, prove
versatile adj. 多才多艺的=talented, skilled adj. 通用的;可塑的,可变形的=common, flexible, pliable
verse n. 诗,韵文=poetry
universe n. 宇宙,世界
converse v. 谈话,交谈
diverse adj. 不同的,变化多的
adverse adj. 不利的;敌对的;相反地
reverse adj. 相反的,倒转的 vt. 颠倒,倒转
version n. 译本,译文=counterpart, edition n.一种描述=description
conversion n. 变换,转化
vertebrate n./adj. 脊椎动物(的)
invertebrate n. 无脊椎动物
vertical adj. 垂直的,竖直的=upright, perpendicular
vessel n. 船=craft, ship n.脉管=duct n.容器=container
vestige n. 痕迹,遗迹,残余=remnant, remains
veteran n. 老兵;老手
veto n. 否决;否决权=rejection, prohibition vt. 否决;禁止=deny, prohibit
viable adj. 可行的,切实可行的=feasible, practicable adj. 能活下去的=alive, growing
viability n. 生存能力,发育能力=life
vibrant adj. 活泼的;生气勃勃的=active, energetic, lively
vibrate v. 颤动,震动
vibration n. 振动,颤动=oscillation, shaking
vicinity n. 附近,接近=proximity, nearness
victor n. 胜利者;获胜者=conqueror, winner
victory n. 胜利,战胜
victorious adj. 获胜的,胜利的=successful, triumphant
vie v. 竞争=rival
vigilance n. 警戒,警惕=watchfulness, alertness, caution
vigor n. 精力,活力=strength, energy
vigorous adj. 健壮的,精力旺盛的;有力的=robust, strong, energetic
vine n. 葡萄藤,蔓
ravine n. 沟壑,峡谷
violence n. 暴力,强暴=force
nonviolence n. 非暴力
violent adj. 暴力引起的,暴烈的=turbulent adj. 激烈的,强烈的=strong, powerful
viral adj. 病毒的
virus n. [微]病毒
virtue n. 美德=merit, goodness
virtually adv. 事实上,实质上=almost completely, practically, essentially
victuosity n. 艺术鉴别力
viscosity n. 粘度,粘性=viscidity, stickiness
viscous adj. 粘滞的,粘性的=gelatinous, sticky
wedding n. 婚礼=nuptial, marriage ceremony
wedge-shaped adj. 楔形的
weed n. 杂草
locoweed n. [植] 疯草(牲畜食后引起疯草病)
seaweed n. 海草,海藻
weep vi. 哭泣=cry, sob
weird adj. 怪诞的,奇异的=queer, strange
weld v. 焊接
welfare n. 福利=well-being, benefit
well-being n. 安宁,福利=welfare, happiness
well organized 有组织的
whim n.随意,冲动=fancy, caprice, impulse
whisk off 突然带走=hurry away, take away suddenly
whittle v. 削;削减=cut, shear
wholesale adj. 批发的 adj. 大规模的=large-scale
wholesaler n. 批发商
wholesome adj. 有益健康的=healthful, beneficial
wildlife n. 野生动植物=animal
willow n. 柳树
wind up 结束,终止=conclude, terminate, end
wipe out 毁灭,破坏=destroy
wit n. 智力,才智=intellect, cleverness
withdraw v. 撤退=retreat, depart v.收回,撤销=revoke, retract
withdrawal n.收回;撤退,退回=secession
wither v. (使)枯萎,凋谢=shrivel, shrink
withstand vt. 承受,抵住
witness vt. 目击;为…作证=observe, watch n. 证人
eyewitness n. 目击者, 见证人
woods n. 森林=forest, woodland
cottonwood n. [植]三叶杨,棉白杨
softwood n. 软木材
wool n. 羊毛
woolen adj. 羊毛制的;毛织品的
woolly adj. 多毛的=hairy
worldwide adj. 全世界的=global, universal
wrap vt. 裹,包,捆=enclose(wrap up)
wreck n. 失事;失事的残骸=destruction, ruins vt.失事=sink, destroy
shipwreck n. 船只失事, 海难
wrestling n. 摔跤,格斗
wring vt. 绞,拧,扭=twist, squeeze
wrinkle n. 皱纹,褶皱=furrow, crease
yarn n. 纱,纱线
yawn n. 呵欠
yelp vi. 狗吠=bark
yield v. 生产;产生=produce, bear, provide v.屈服;放弃;投降=defer, surrender n.产量;收益=output, income
yield to屈服于…=give in, succumb to
yolk n. 蛋黄
zeal n. 热心,热情,热忱=fever, ardor
zealous adj. 热心的;狂热的=enthusiastic, fervent
zenith n. 顶点,顶峰=pinnacle, peak
zigzag adj. 曲折的=sinuous adj. 锯齿状的,Z字形的=jagged
zone n. 区域;地带=region, district
ozone n. [化]臭氧







