
2020年07月30日 22:21


Key to translation exercises:

5、 Presently, an educational reform is under way that centers on curriculums and teaching materials. As our main goal, we will try to reform the educational system so that it focuses on the enhancement of the students’ abilities instead of training them merely to pass exams. We used to have only one set of textbooks in line with a single syllabus for each course. With the reform deepening, we are beginning to have more than one series of textbooks under the same syllabus or, in some cases, even more than one syllabus for the same course. In order to enhance students’ abilities and strengthen educational administration for the variety of syllabuses and teaching materials available, it is necessary for us to formulate teaching targets suited to China’s situation and particular subjects. Formulation of such targets is a difficult scientific project that must be organized and coordinated by the appropriate state education authorities.

II. Vocabulary
1. dimensiontt2. idiosyncratict3. reckontt4. stancettt5. lousy
6. paradoxtt7. debunktt8. disciplinaryt9. semblancett10. vulnerable

III. Phrases
1t1. on the taket2. headed fortt3. to his creditt4. putting…on; putting ont
2t5. might as wellt6. armed witht7. in more ways than onett8. act in

IV. Error detection and correction
3t1. the greatest problems 2. in which 改成 which
4t3. credited 改成 credited with 4. Greatly high 改成 High
5t5. stood改成 standing 6. any other student
6t7. as much 改成as many 8. Though remembered
7t9. to consider 10. that they got 改成did they gett

V. Cloze
8t1. shapedt2. desperatett3. objectivityt4. hierarchiest5. expected 6. chieflyt7. drivent8. unimpeachablet9. evaluatet10. perspective 11. industrial 12. affiliation t13. sponsorst14. supportt15. acknowledgement

Key to translation exercise:
1. 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑修辞使人善辩。(王佐良译)
3、 显然,只有规模最大经营最灵活的电视传媒集团才能在这个精彩纷呈而又竞争白热化的市场中生存。这一点就足以说明,要在电视行业幸存下来并非易事。1989年欧洲的八十家电视网络中有一半以上亏损,这一统计数据尤其说明这一事实。
4、 我并不是抱怨过去,我只是害怕未来,因为未来还是个未知数。这主要是因为你从来什么都不跟我说,只是无缘无故地迁怒于我,仿佛我是祸根。你这样做对我似乎是极不公平的。
5、 A teacher is a paid guide and expert and thus it’s his duty to choose the best path to lead the students to approach the top of the mountain. But if the path he chooses is too overgrown to make further progress, the whole party will have to go back and he will have to choose another route. There must be a way to the top somewhere.
II. Vocabulary
1. mask 2. embodying 3. shield 4. agonizing 5. manipulating se xed 8. permeates 9. enchanted 10. consoled

III. Phrases
1. adjusting to
2. gained an advantage over 3. yearning for 4. abound in
5. deprived of 6. by chance 7. points to 8. attend to

IV. Error Correction
1. Considering the great need for improving many aspects of the global environment, one is surely justified in his concern for the money and resources that are poured into space exploration.
2. Problem solving is a useful in obtaining happiness, but if you know that, given your inability to resolve a particular concern, you can still choose happiness for yourself, or at a minimum refuse to choose unhappiness, then you are intelligent.
3. Knowledge of several languages is essential when studying other majors because without it one can only read books in 010
4. There are good reasons to be troubled by the violence that spreads throughout the media. One might reasonably wonder what’s wrong with a society that presents videos of domestic violence as entertainment.
5. People with gray hair are often given discounts without even asking for them;yet,millions of Americans above age 60 are healthy and solvent.

V. Cloze:
(1) funerals (2) yielded to (3) condolence
(4) deceased (5) insisted on (6) abrupt (7) turn out
(8) tempting to (9) survivors (10) makes sense (11) lie in (12) omnipotence (13) wakes up (14) attend to (15) outgrow

Key to translation exercise:

1、 正如没有灵魂的身体不成其为人一样, 没有爱的家庭也不成其为家。
2、 我们读历史不单纯是为了娱乐,而是为了可以从中发现政治发展和演变的规
3、 另外一些研究人脑的科学家注意到疾病和身体损伤能够改变人的秉性,扭曲人的心灵。他们认为大脑简直就
4、 如今,美国大学生即使平时做兼职、暑假做全职, 四年后贷款额累计达到5000美元的情况并不罕见---这笔债务学生必须在毕业后一年内开始偿还 (顺便说一句, 这些贷款并非像许多其他人所认为的那样是低利息的)。

II. Vocabulary

1. scarcity 2. inequity 3. advent 4. brutally 5. epidemic
6. dose 7. prevalence 8. exhorting 9. sustainable 10. torment

III. Phrases
1. cutting through 2. are dedicated to
3. took on 4. reflect on 5. coming of age

IV. Error detection and correction
1. The professor told the economics student that he didn’t approve of his taking the advanced courses before he passed Economics 1.
2. Never before had he felt himself so powerfully attracted to the scientific ideal
3. If asked to explain the significance of this preference, most people reply that it is obviously the result of the predominance of right-handedness in the population.
4. They are likely to travel more and to want more education. Thus, many more jobs are available in these services.
5. The doctor said that although the child had a very bad case of influenza, there would be no danger if he avoided pneumonia.
6. That is half the amount of gas drawn yearly from natural gas wells in the United States.
7. This time John had to stay a week longer than expected but he had brought his family some special gifts to make up for it.
8. He is a veteran revolutionary. He ought to have known better than to accept gifts from private entrepreneurs.
9. He opposed the project for the reason that it is not feasible for the time being.
10. Had they known the snowstorm would be so treacherous, the hikers would not have ventured into it without the proper equipment.

V. Cloze
1. than 2. committed 3. bring 4. willingness 5. in
6. advantages 7. because 8. effectively 9. differs 10. traditionally
11. enhance 12. excited 13. belief 14. predicted 15. as


Key to translation exercise:
世界上最著名的纪念碑之一 ——自由女神像是十九世纪法国人赠送给美利坚合众国的。这座由雕塑家奥古斯塔?巴托尔德设计的巨大铜像,用了十年功夫才造成的。它的身体部分是用铜制作的,支撑身体的金属支架是由埃菲尔专门制造的。在自由女神铜像运往美国之前,须先找一个安放的地点,并建造一个垫座。所选地点在纽约港入口处的一个岛上。到1884年,这个151英尺高的雕像在巴黎建成。第二年,雕像被拆卸成件运往美国。1886年10月底,雕像又被拼装起来,由巴托尔德正式赠送给美国人民。此后,对经由纽约港来美国定居的数百万人们来说,这座巨大的纪念碑一直是自由的象征。
II. Vocabulary
1. intricatett2. colossaltt3. elusivett4. abidingtt5. variables
6. immunett7. precision tt8. primordial t9. oscillating t10. refinement

III. Phrases
1. bristled with ttt2. an array of ttt3. give or take
4. out of sync ttt5. coupled with ttt6. ushered in

IV. Error detection and correction
1. 去掉which前面的in 2. 改among them为among those
3. 改carried为carrying 4. 改they are为are
5. 改being willing为willingness 6. (改rapid为rapidly)
7. (改done为taken) 8. (改that为whether)
9. (restored前面加was)10. (改has为was)

V. Cloze
1. equipmenttt2. signals tt3. themselves t4. particular t5. othert
6. received tt7. conditions t8. delayttt9. every tt10. accurate
11. locationtt12. update tt13. relatively t14. necessary t15. inaccuracy







