
2020年07月30日 22:23


Vocabulary Practice for TEM 4

1. What he told me was a ________ of lies.
A. pack B. load C. mob D. flock
2. We can only give you the ____________ number of refugees crossing the border at the moment.
A. suggestive B. nebulous C. approximate D. unclear
3. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are __________.
A. out of work B. out of stock C. out of reach D. out of practice
4. The __________ listened attentively to every word the vicar said in his sermon.
A. sightseers B. congregation C. spectators D. audience
5. In order not to jerk the vehicle you must release the ___________ gently.
A. windscreen B. dashboard C. clutch D. indicator
6. _________ I realised the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved.
A. Had B. If C. When D. Unless
7. Look, Officer. I'm not drunk, I'm as ___________ as a judge.
A. calm B. steady C. clear D. sober
8. Well, we did have a terrible row but we've __________ it up now.
A. turned B. cleaned C. sorted D. made
9. There are five ________ mistakes in this picture. Can you find them and win a prize?
A. presumptuous B. intensive C. deliberate D. instrumental
10. We cannot judge a person simply on the _________ of his education.
A. condition B. basis C. principle D. theory
11. I'm afraid I know nothing about the fight for independence. It was ___________.
A. behind the times B. at the same time
C. before my time D. for the time being
12. Picasso, __________ works inspired many artists, lived until he was a ripe old age.
A. who B. which C. what D. whose
13. We believe that the cumulative effects of renewed prosperity will __________ expectations.
A. overcome B. surpass C. undermine D. succeed
14. It is ________ pity that you cannot come to the wedding.
A. such a B. so C. such as D. many a
15. In a ___________ of rage he tried to kill his own brother.
A. temper B. period C. fit D. mood
16. At this stage we cannot tell you _________ you have been selected for the job or not.
A. unless B. although C. whenever D. whether
17. His application for a visa was turned __________ by the consulate.
A. aside B. down C. out D. over
18. The relationship that matters most in the life of a _________ is the one between him and his constituency
A. captain B. politician C. manager D. judge
19. The ________ question in this case is whether the accused had a motive for this crime or not.
A. forcible B. supreme C. valuable D. crucial
20. There is an increasing __________ nowadays to make films portraying violence.
A. trend B. surge C. direction D. tradition
21. Unfortunately not all of us obtain our just __________ in this life.
A. demands B. gains C. deserts D. wins
22. At this hour the street was ____________ as everyone was fast asleep in bed.
A. wretched B. deserted C. devastated D. denuded
23. This is _________ the most difficult job I have ever tackled.
A. by rights B. by all means C. by the way D. by far
24. I'm afraid, Mr Jones, that the bank is obliged to refuse your application for an extended __________.
A. estimate B. overdraft C. compensation D. balance
25. A policeman should never drink alcohol ___________ duty.
A. during B. with C. on D. at
26. Dentists recommend brushing teeth with a fluoride toothpaste to ________ them from decay.
A. defend B. protect C. arm D. guard
27. He has recently _________ golf to provide himself with some relaxation.
A. taken on B. taken over C. taken with D. taken up
28. They bought the land with a __________ to building a new office block.
A. view B. purpose C. goal D. reason

29. Many ___________ crafts such as weaving are now being revived.
A. habitual B. customary C. traditional D. ordinary
30. Not __________ did she refuse to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again.
A. even B. only C. at all D. always
31. Penicillin can have an ________ effect on a person who is allergic to it.
A. averse B. adverse C. anxious D. awkward
32. They were warned never to __________ with the members of any extremist group.
A. associate B. assimilate C. assign D. assume
33. I do not believe that this preposterous scheme is _________ of our serious consideration.
A. worthless B. worth C. worthwhile D. worthy
34. We are fed up ________ your perpetual moaning.
A. of B. by C. with D. at
35. I doubt __________ the company will make any profit at all this year.
A. when B. whether C. since D. so that
36. As the service charge is included in the bill, any further tipping is __________.
A. unnecessary B. unforgivable C. unsatisfactory D. unpleasant
37. It takes years to _________ as a doctor.
A. practise B. pass C. complete D. qualify
38. His _________ of Richard III was acclaimed as one of the best by any actor.
A. performance B. entertainment C. portrayal D. spectacle
39. Although it is only a small business, its __________ is surprisingly high.
A. turnup B. turnover C. turnabout D. turnout
40. I was always taught that it was __________ to interrupt.
A. rude B. coarse C. rough D. crude
41. Children and old people do not take kindly to having their daily __________ upset.
A. habit B. method C. routine D. custom
42. She's rung __________. I must have said something to upset her.
A. up B. round C. back D. off
43. As there was no transport of any kind, he had to make the journey _____ foot.
A. by B. on C. with D. at
44. I'm afraid my speech may have _____ you as to my true aims.
A. misled B. mistaken C. misunderstood D. miscalculated
45. Of course I'll play the piano at the party but I'm a little _____ .
A. out of use B. out of reach C. out of turn D. out of practice
46. The ___________ of the air by toxic gases is one of the major problems of this century.
A. corruption B. damage C. corrosion D. pollution
47. It was __________ that he happened to walk in just as we were discussing him.
A. miserable B. unfortunate C. wretched D. contemptible
48. We played the game ___________ the rules.
A. on account of B. ahead of C. according to D. apart from
49. The army _________ defeat at the hands of its enemies.
A. suffered B. tolerated C. bore D. supported
50. All these sweaters are extremely ___________ by the local residents of a small Scottish island.
A. well-knit B. well-founded C. well-worn D. well-made
51. In some parts of the world the indigenous population has been completely __________.
A. wiped up B. wiped out C. wiped away D. wiped off
52. The ___________ of two houses proved such a financial burden that they were forced to sell one.
A. upkeep B. upshot C. upsurge D. uproar
53. Of course he can lift that! He's as ___________ as a horse.
A. tough B. big C. heavy D. strong
54. Rationing is a system for _______ scarce resources.
A. allotting B. adapting C. adopting D. appraising
55. I do __________ with your predicament but things could be a lot worse, you know.
A. agree B. sympathise C. share D. feel
56. Have you taken __________ a single word I've been saying to you?
A. in B. over C. up D. off
57. You are being thoroughly __________ in refusing to allow this ceremony to take place.
A. unrequited B. unreliable C. unreasonable D. unrepresentative
58. This document requires the __________ of both yourself and your spouse.
A. witness B. signature C. identity D. authority

59. __________ the cards please, before I deal.
A. Rattle B. Jumble C. Muddle D. Shuffle
60. Turn the dial in a clockwise direction _________ the indicator comes to rest at No. 3.
A. while B. since C. whereas D. until
61. _________ the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-drawn.
A. Akin to B. Prior to C. In addition to D. With reference to
62. I __________ rather not travel by plane: I'm terrified of flying.
A. had B. should C. would D. did
63. There is no doubt about the outcome of the trial. The man is a ________ criminal.
A. self- conscious B. self-contained C. self-confessed D. self-centred
64. You'll never guess who I happened to run _____ the other day!
A. along B. into C. through D. away
65. My husband's continual __________ keeps me awake at night.
A. sneering B. snoozing C. snarling D. snoring
66. Don't upset her __________ you do!
A. whoever B. whenever C. however D. whatever
67. There was a ____________ of brakes as the car took the corner too quickly.
A. squawk B. squelch C. screech D. scream
68. I'm afraid I'm rather _____ about the existence of ghosts.
A. sceptical B. partial C. adaptable D. incapable
69. This map has a _________ of one centimeter to two kilometres.
A. system B. diagram C. scale D. reference
70. Contrary ________ public opinion, this area has long been a haven for all forms of insect life.
A. with B. at C. for D. to
71. The government was warned ____________ indulge in too much borrowing this financial year.
A. not to B. to not C. never D. do not
72. That contract, about __________ we had a disagreement last month, has now gone through.
A. that B. which C. whom D. what
73. The soil of this river valley is particularly __________.
A. mobile B. fertile C. docile D. volatile
74. You must pay import _________ on certain goods brought into this country.
A. fees B. surcharges C. supplements D duties
75. This organisation is completely ___________ any political affiliation.
A. instead of B. in case of C. independent of D. in memory of
76. __________ through the attic and see if you can find anything for the jumble sale.
A. Rummage B. Ravage C. Forage D. Salvage
77. Many years ago in a faraway land there lived ________ wise old man.
A. the B. one C. a D. some
78. I ___________ be most grateful if you could let me have the details as soon as possible.
A. ought to B. intend to C. should D. might
79. There is no ___________ that the new agricultural policy has been in any way disastrous.
A. indiscretion B indication C indecision D inducement
80. The left wing of the party prospers ___________ the right wing seems to be losing ground.
A. until B. whether C. unless D. while
81. Petrol in this country is so expensive _______ we use public transport as much as possible.
A. then B. that C. thus D. than
82. Youngsters need all the help and __________ they can get nowadays when applying for jobs.
A. encouragement B. enticement C. incentive D. stimulation
83. I ___________ you that I had no intention of offending you.
A. convince B. persuade C. guarantee D. assure
84. If only everything _________ out as we wanted it to in life!
A. works B. worked C. is working D. has worked
85. I can't possibly mark your homework; your handwriting is __________.
A. illogical B. illicit C. illusive D. illegible
86. Does anyone know __________ this coat might be?
A. whose B. whom C. to whom D. who
87. They have ________ this minute left for the station.
A. ever B. already C. just D. almost
88. There has been some ____________ in the relationship between those two countries recently.
A. deterioration B. decomposition C. destitution D. depreciation

89. Hello! You ____________ be the new assistant. I'm Mr Munroe.
A. ought to B. should C. could D. must
90. The coal is mined day ____________ night by a system of shift work.
A. through B. into C. after D. and
91. I'm afraid this computer package is totally ____________ for our organisation.
A. undeniable B. unsuitable C. unspeakable D. unmistakable
92. The falling inflation rate is _________ to a decrease in the amount of borrowing.
A. indicative B. attributed C. referred D. pertinent
93. Some practical __________ is desirable for candidates interested in applying for this job.
A. exploit B. adventure C. initiative D. experience
94. Although we have made frequent attempts to contact his relatives, we have so far been _________ .
A. unsuccessful B. irreconcilable C. unavailing D. impenetrable
95. Could you give me a rough __________ of what the job might cost?
A. value B. correlation C. estimate D. account
96. The police carried out a __________ search for the missing diplomat.
A. thorough B. through C. throughout D. thoughtful
97. He was fined _________ parking near a pedestrian crossing.
A. at B. by C. with D. for
98. Don't forget __________ the bank first thing tomorrow morning.
A. to phone B. phoning C. having phoned D. to have phoned
99. I'm ___________ having to pay yet another visit to the dentist.
A. dreading B. frightened C. terrified D. afraid
100. I wish I could give you the ___________ to your problems.
A. reply B. conclusion C. answer D. end
101. The rain seems to have set __________ for the evening.
A. upon B. about C. in D. down
102. We are offering a substantial __________ for information leading to the capture of this murderer.
A. premium B. compensation C. remuneration D. reward
103. He was _________ thought of in the cut-throat world of competitive business.
A. high B. highly C. higher D. highest
104. The sheep were huddled into a _________ to protect them from overnight frosts.
A. pen B. kennel C. hutch D. cage
105. To be __________ I couldn't understand what he was getting at.
A. sly B. humble C. cowardly D. honest
106. He was at the ___________ of his career when he was assassinated.
A. pride B. height C. glamour D. power
107. __________ a difficult problem can only be tackled over a period of years.
A. Such B. Such as C. So D. Such a
108. The _________ of his first novel appeared in The Times yesterday.
A. survey B. inspection C. appraisal D. review
109. He was the _________ of a long line of diehard politicians.
A. latest B. last C. late D. latter
110. The sea is as ________ as a mill-pond today.
A. calm B. deep C. blue D. warm
111. Time _________ time she was warned of the consequences of her actions.
A. and B. after C. until D. in
112. The child was kidnapped by a notorious _________ of robbers.
A. staff B. crew C. team D. gang
113. Propaganda is generally considered to be a form of ______ .
A. education B. upbringing C. indoctrination D. instruction
114. It is often difficult for ex-convicts to keep to the ________ and narrow.
A. wide B. straight C. deep D. long
115. ________ a true word is spoken in jest.
A. Much B. Many C. Many a D. Very
116. A little girl presented the distinguished visitor with a __________ of flowers.
A. bunch B. pack C. bundle D. cluster
117. I should like to call upon two ___________ who can testify on my client's behalf.
A. onlookers B. passers-by C. spectators D. eye-witnesses
118. Could you ___________ me to the nearest mosque, please?
A. indicate B. direct C. aim D. position

119. After careful deliberation the shareholders voted to _____ the offer of a merger.
A. yield B. abandon C. renounce D. reject
120. How about a glass of orange juice to __________ your thirst?
A. quash B. quench C. quell D. quieten
121. Don't be too hasty and draw the wrong _________.
A. outcome B. judgement C. conclusion D. opinion
122. I asked her to marry me but she turned me _________ .
A. over B. down C. off D. aside
123. Have we any contingency plans to ________ back on if this one fails?
A. fall B. lean C. turn D. come
124. A considerable amount of time and money has been invested in __________ this latest video recorder.
A. effecting B. affecting C. injecting D. perfecting
125. Let us hope that ___________ a nuclear war, the human race might still survive.
A. in the event of B. with reference to
C. in relation to D. within the realms of
126. Only weak and cowardly natures ______ themselves to sorrow.
A. give up B. bring C. reject D. abandon
127. If you ________ from eating candy and rich foods, you will not be fat.
A. keep B. prevent C. control D. refrain
128. The tissue ________ the light in the beam and converts it into heat.
A. draws B. absorbs C. takes D. attracts
129. The statistical figures in that report are not _____. You should not refer to them.
A. accurate B. fixed C. delicate D. rigid
130. A neighbour may ______ a man of playing his radio too loudly.
A. charge B. scold C. accuse D. blame
131. In judging the progress he has made in his studies, we must _______ the fact that he has been working
with great difficulties for several months.
A. make account of B. make account in
C. take account in D. take account of
132. The shrewd politician _______ his speech to suit the interests of his audience.
A. changes B. adds C. assembles D. adapts
133. Sometimes they attribute their students' poor comprehension _______ a lack of intelligence.
A. in B. to C. on D. at
134. The economic crisis has seriously ________ the exports of the country.
A. effected B. prevent C. guided D. affected
135. There are not many teachers who are strong ________ of traditional methods of English teaching.
A. advocates B. sponsors C. contributors D. performers
136. It is a possibility, and we cannot _______ to disregard it.
A. grant B. bear C. pay D. afford
137. His version of the accident should _______ with that of the other witnesses.
A. agree B. consent C. add D. complete
138. Scholarships allow some students from less ________ families to attend college.
A. artificial B. amiable C. arduous D. affluent
139. The teacher ______ the students might have cheated in the exam.
A. addressed B. announced C. alleged D. advocated
140. In working with this cloth, be sure to allow ______ shrinkage.
A. to B. in C. for D. with
141. If he wants to get to Chicago by tonight he has no ________ but to go by plane.
A. way B. alternative C. selection D. preference
142. ________ I had great difficulty in waking him, he swore that he was not asleep.
A. Even if B. Although C. As D. Lest
143. I missed the first two of these _________ conferences because I was out of the country.
A. actual B. relative C. annual D. comparative
144. A Frenchman talked very rapidly, and was ________ to become excited.
A. apt B. easy C. pleased D. feasible
145. What work did the teacher _________ you to do at home?
A. deliver B. assign C. give D. pass
146. It was here that the scattered forces of the revolution ________ in the autumn of 1928.
A. assembled B. collected C. crowded D. joined
147. In a typhoon, winds ________ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.

A. assume B. achieve C. accomplish D. attain
148. I can ________ you of my full support for your plan.
A. ensure B. guarantee C. assure D. tell
149. The city's bright lights, theatres, films, etc. are ________ that are hard to avoid.
A. attention B. attractions C. appointments D. attributes
150. A person suffering from claustrophobia has an _________ to confined spaces.
A. ailment B. aversion C. acclaim D. dislike
151. That man is not ________ for the job; he has other work.
A. acceptable B. attainable C. approachable D. available
152. The meeting began at 9 o'clock, which was a(n) _______ time for many people.
A. curious B. strange C. awkward D. amused
153. She often implored her husband not to go out, but her words were of little _______.
A. avail B. notice C. attention D. value
154. You really ought to be ashamed _______ that.
A. with B. in C. of D. for
155. The victim was apparently struck by a club or some other _________ object.
A. bland B. brittle C. blunt D. brisk
156. His every sentence was followed by a ______ of applause from the throng.
A. burst B. burning C. split D. bunch
157. The Chancellor's ________ must be approved by Parliament.
A. allowance B. resources C. budget D. economy
158. The proposal he brought ________ seemed a foolish one.
A. on B. about C. forth D. forward
159. I don’t want to _______ myself to death reminiscing about those days.
A. tie B. bore C. doom D. exhaust
160. Print is in ________ letters which are easily read.
A. dark B. black C. bold D. dense
161. The stranger returned my greeting with a _______ look.
A. blank B. dim C. unclear D. black
162. The National Guard at first attempted to blame the murders _______ Saninista guerrillas.
A. on B. for C. at D. in
163. So far my father's portrait is ________ all comparison the best.
A. out of B. over C. beyond D. without
164. He always gets the _______ of anyone he deals with.
A. best B. better C. benefit D. things
165. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _______ the guards discovered what had
A. until B. since C. before D. when
166. I bought a coat for only £50 at the sales; it was a real _______.
A. bargain B. cheap C. barrier D. rarity
167. The use of seat belts is _______ in many states; failure to wear them may result in fines.
A. covert B. cruel C. compulsory D. conditional
168. On the _______ of these theories Godwin worked out his picture of the state of the future.
A. basis B. foundation C. ground D. floor
169. She was proud of Edison's talent and ________ on developing it.
A. busy B. devoted C. bent D. engaged
170. The children blew __________ their balloons and threw them into the air.
A. up B. out C. over D. about
171. I pay $$ 10 a week for _______ and lodging.
A. board B. bed C. room D. meal
172. The Chairman will ____ the Board on the most recent development.
A. brief B. introduce C. explain D. tell
173. They were _______ their military strength for a drive against the city.
A. constructing B. planning C. making D. building up
174. The Committee have decided _____ a majority to ask you to remain.
A. by B. through C. at D. in
175. In education there should be a good ______ among the braches of knowledge that contribute to effective
thinking and wise judgement.
A. distribution B. combination C. balance D. assignment
176. Having a healthy body and a sound mind, I consider myself twice- ________.

A. happy B. made C. built D. blessed
177. When do you think the ________, which are laid underground, can replace the overheated wires?
A. cables B. lines C. coal D. electricity
178. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full __________.
A. capacity B. capability C. strength D. power
179. With her soft curls and her sweet, innocent smile, she had ________ film- goers' hearts by 1914.
A. lost B. captured C. missed D. understood
180. You'll have to ________ the things on the table before we have tea.
A. clear out B. clear off C. clear of D. clear up
181. This picture does not ________ the one we saw last time.
A. come up to B. come up with C come out of D. come under
182. The crowd stared at the giant and the dwarf ________ thinking they were monsters.
A. credulously B. incredibly C. incredulously D. credibly
183. The program is a good ________ for TV prime time around Christmas.
A. tool B. applicant C. candidate D. hope
184. The modem child finds it difficult to _________ of a time when there was no radio or TV.
A. imagine B. conceive C. think D. comment
185. Industrial development is being _________ in the south of the country.
A. collected B. gathered C. concentrated D. taken
186. The peasants were firmly ________ that they were the rightful owners of the lands.
A. believed B. persuaded C. considered D. convinced
187. When it comes to money, all his friendly promises _________ little.
A. count for B. count on C. count as D. count up
188. An abstract is a ________ form of an academic article. Many journals publish abstracts so readers can
decide if it is worthwhile to read the full version of the article.
A. concise B. comprehensive C. concrete D. crucial
189. When a number of people _______ together in a conversational knot, each individual expresses his
position in the group by where he stands.
A. pad B. pack C. squeeze D. cluster
190. We'll ________ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it.
A. compensate B. remedy C. supplement D. retrieve
191. The amount of open space has _______ as more and more land is developed.
A. dominated B. dwindled C. dispersed D. descended
192. All the students are encouraged to ___________ food and clothing for the refugees.
A. give B. contribute C. distribute D. share
193. The doctor decided that he could not ________ the truth from the old man any longer.
A. mask B. disguise C. conceal D. deceive
194. He knew clearly that success or failure here would be _______ to his future prospects.
A. crucial B. crude C. cruel D. acute
195. They ___________ quite a lot of time and energy in finishing the painting.
A. conceived B. consumed C. converted D. concealed
196. Shopping bags are usually provided for the customers' __________.
A. convenience B. possession C. usage D. decision
197. Education does not simply ________ learning a lot of facts.
A. consist in B. consist of C. compose of D. include of
198. A ______ battery can cause an electrical device to malfunction.
A. dogged B. durable C. defective D. defunct
199. In today's medical science, little agreement exists on the ________ for defining mental illness.
A. legislation B. requirement C. criteria D. measures
200. It's no use ________ your head with a lot of unrelated facts. What you need is a system.
A. packing B. cramming C. crowding D. putting
201. Serious trouble ___________ just when he thought the problem was solved.
A. cropped up B. cropped out C. cropped off D. cropped away
202. This picture will _________ to you some idea of the beauty of the scenery.
A. send B. give C. pass D. convey
203. He has a ________ manner of speaking in public.
A. sure B. confident C. confidant D. confidential
204. Most plastics do not readily __________ heat or electricity.
A. conduct B. convey C. send D. pass
205. We cannot always __________ the wind, so new windmills should be so designed that they can also be

driven by water.
A. hang on B. count on C. hold on D. come on
206. He knew himself to be raw, quite _______ of making mistakes through his inexperience.
A. able B. clever C. skilled D. capable
207. The ________ of the bread is burnt.
A. layer B. cover C. crust D. outside
208. It is high time that the government took effective measures to ________ inflation.
A. curb B. cure C. reduce D. limit
209. During periods of social and political upheaval, some ancient Chinese poets, who created a so-called
field- and-garden school of poetry, found refuge and ________ in nature.
A. comfort B. consultation C. confidence D. consolation
210. He _______ the country and much of the world with a convincing demonstration of the band's all-round
A. captured B. captivated C. clutched D. clasped
211. The worldwide economic _________ that began in 1929 plunge Germany into an apparently hopeless
A. setback B. disaster C. crisis D. disturbance
212. The new building _________ all the other buildings in the town.
A. deserts B. dwarfs C. depresses D. deteriorates
213. I wrote to Sam immediately, but my letter was_________ never to reach him.
A. allowed B. forbidden C. destined D. restrained
214. Don't believe what he said. Actually, he gave a _________ account of what had happened.
A. distinctive B. credulous C. distorted D. misled
215. The doctor says her disease was caused by a vitamin __________.
A. defect B. destruction C. deterioration D. deficiency
216. The court ruling _________ us of any share in the inheritance.
A. deprived B. depressed C. discussed D. drove
217. It was such a pity that he had made a(n) ________ impression on her.
A. agreed B. disagreed C. disagreeable D. agreeable
218. He was sent to the principal's office for his ________ behavior.
A. disrespectful B. respective C. unrespectable D. respectable
219. A loud noise _________ my attention from cooking and everything was burnt.
A. drove B. asked C. collected D. diverted
220. Doctors are often caught in a ________ because they have to decide whether they should tell their
patients the truth or not.
A. dilemma B. puzzle C. perplexity D. bewilderment
221. Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will _________
down the economy.
A. put B. knock C. settle D. drag
222. Recently a number of cases have been reported of young children ________ a violent act previously seen
on television.
A. modifying B. duplicating C. accelerating D. stimulating
223. Stop ________ on your problems and do something about them.
A. thinking B. considering C. dwelling D. insisting
224. I am _________ of his chances of passing the examination because he has not worked hard enough.
A. doubted B. dubious C. doubtful D. doubtable
225. Even though leather gloves are much more expensive, they are more _________ than vinyl.
A. during B. durable C. endurable D. enduring
226. The fortune he inherited gradually ______ to a few hundred pounds as a result of his extravagance.
A. dwindled B. expanded C. grew D. rose
227. The crops were _________ by the heavy rainfall.
A. soaked B. flooded C. shrinked D. drowned
228. What one thinks and feels is mainly _________ tradition, habit and education.
A. inspite of B. due to C. in regard to D. with regard to
229. In 1906, much of San Francisco was destroyed by an earthquake and the fires that _______.
A. evaded B. ensued C. encountered D. emitted
230. This important relationship was seriously _________ in the 1970s by the dramatic decline in the value of
the American dollar.
A. confused B. disturbed C. troubled D. puzzled
231. Every comfortable room was placed at the _________ of the visitors.

A. dispute B. control C. domination D. disposal
232. There they found some enemy soldiers ________ as civilians.
A. disguised B. pretended C. posed D. faked
233. It is often difficult to ________ the truth of what we are told.
A. discard B. disregard C. discharge D. discern
234. I shall take you back to France ________ you are well enough to travel.
A. soon B. quickly C. directly D. promptly
235. Yesterday's meeting was __________ entirely to questions of procedure.
A. spent B. cost C. taken D. devoted
236. When business is __________ there is usually an obvious increase in unemployment.
A. degraded B. reduced C. lessened D. depressed
237. The latest inflation resulted from a(n) __________ of demand over supply.
A. decrease B. excess C. abundance D. surplus
238. It isn't worth ______ too much energy on redecoration of the house if you're going to move out of it next
A. expelling B. exerting C. expending D. costing
239. His ________ consists of the main house, two large barns, and 100 acres of meadow.
A. embassy B. company C. estate D. forest
240. That may be __________, but there's surely a great deal of truth in it.
A. enlarged B. implied C. exaggerated D. included
241. I doubt whether there ___________ was any such person.
A. ever B. even C. yet D. once
242. In the ________ of rain, the party will be held indoors.
A. course B. event C. time D. hours
243. People make more mistakes when they are _____ than when they are fresh.
A. exhaustive B. exhausting C. eminent D. fatigued
244. The sculpture _________ the artist's love of animals.
A. praises B. embodies C. includes D. emerges
245. She has to be very ________ because she hasn't much money.
A. economical B. economic C. economics D. economist
246. Dams can ______ the power of rivers, but they may also destroy their beauty.
A. heed B. harness C. hurl D. harvest
247. Since 1978 we have strengthened our _________ service for such cases.
A. emergency B. urgent C. incident D. accident
248. In the first round of the FIFA World Cup most of the amateur teams were _______ from the competition.
A. diminished B. driven C. eliminated D. abandoned
249. She was __________ with the beauty of Helen of Troy, and the tongue of a fishwife.
A. given B. provided C. endowed D. prepared
250. I don't feel ________ enough to rush about, so I'll sit down.
A. radiant B. energetic C. powerful D. forceful
251. The irrigation project was __________ by lack of funds.
A. encouraged B. enlisted C. endangered D. encumbered
252. Think it over for awhile; don’t make a _________ decision.
A. genuine B. gullible C. hasty D. hurry
253. Con artists are criminals who take advantage of _______ people by tricking them and taking their money.
A. garrulous B. grim C. genuine D. gullible
254. Sales, exclusive ________ this month's, have reached a million.
A. B. of C. for D. with
255. The company ________ its workers with long hours and low pay.
A. blamed B. exposed C. exploited D. explored
256. Owning an automobile _________ greater expense than he had expected.
A. entailed B. rendered C. thrust D. contributed
257. In some Muslim countries women do not ________ their faces in public.
A. show B. see C. manifest D. expose
258. His discovery __________ the achievements of his colleague.
A. distinguished B. condemned C. diminished D. extinguished
259. Our TV license will ________ next week, so we shall then need a new one.
A. die B. expire C. expend D. exist
260. I was looking forward to our ________ with all my heart.
A. exclusion B. execution C. exception D. excursion

261. You shall have that statement without __________ by the first post tomorrow.
A. failure B. doubt C. thought D. fail
262. A high-school diploma is in your _________ when you are applying for a job.
A. flavour B. favour C. fever D. favourite
263. His feeling _________ between excitement and fear.
A. fluctuated B. waved C. swung D. altered
264. Man's fist landing on the moon was a ___________ of great daring.
A. feat B. result C. performance D. fruit
265. The villagers still _________ the customs of their grandfathers.
A. follow B. believed C. seek D. chase
266. She's careful with her money, and spends only a ________ of her earnings.
A. fraction B. function C. friction D. fiction
267. There a canal was being built to ________ commerce between these two cities.
A. connect B. join C. furnish D. facilitate
268. I meant to bring the album along, but I forgot, so we went back and _______ it.
A. brought B. fetched C. took D. carried
269. The little room was almost bare of ________.
A. furnitures B. a furniture C. some furnitures D. furniture
270. Although a few of your facts aren't right, your answer is _______ correct.
A. fundamentally B. certainly C. surely D. importantly
271. We fellows usually _______ a fuss about that sort of thing.
A. make B. cause C. raise D. get
272. There is no electricity again. Has the ________ blown then?
A. wire B. plug C. circuit D. fuse
273. Advanced-level dialogues _________ more complex sentence types.
A. show B. feature C. express D. demonstrate
274. She _________ illness so that she did not have to go to school.
A. pretended B. feigned C. posed D. suspected
275. Your face seems ________. I've probably met you here in the old days.
A. familiar B. clear C. apparent D. obvious
276. He faltered ________ the suggestion of possible legal action.
A. for B. toward C. at D. towards
277. He feasted his eyes __________ the beautiful painting.
A. at B. on C. in D. for
278. Who will _________ Sam tonight as he cannot come?
A. fill in B. fill up C. fill in for D. fill out
279. He's getting fat and ________ because he doesn't have enough exercise.
A. plump B. flabby C. tubby D. chubby
280. Minor outbreaks have flared ________ in several sections of the country.
A. up B. out C. off D. on
281. A bus _____ has gone up another nickel.
A. charge B. fare C. pay D. payment
282. This is a __________ color which will not wash out.
A. quick B. fast C. last D. rapid
283. She always dresses according to the latest ________.
A. style B. fashion C. way D. taste
284. Jack sat on the ___________ for a week last spring before he finally joined the track team instead of the
baseball team.
A. horse B. ferry C. chair D. fence
285. Congress was then in session, and a __________ debate was going on.
A. cruel B. rude C. crude D. fierce
286. Hurry up! Your father is beginning to __________.
A. fidget B. restless C. fiddle D. swing
287. The hope still ___________ within her that she might be able to get the job.
A. flickered B. flared C. flashed D. flushed
288. Impressionism __________ in the late 19th century.
A. flashed B. floated C. flustered D. flourished
289. You have nothing to __________ by refusing to listen to his advice.
A. gain B. grasp C. seize D. earn
290. I ________ through my homework so that I could watch TV.

A. went B. galloped C. came D. gallon
291. Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the habit of ________ at people.
A. glancing B. peering C. gazing D. scanning
292. To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must _________ the qualities and
varieties of products we make to the world-market demand.
A. improve B. enhance C. guarantee D. gear
293. He made such a _________ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings
after him.
A. genuine B. minimum C. modest D. generous
294. When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon _________ it.
A. got off B. got across C. got over D. got away
295. Mary was just about to _________ the question when suddenly she found the answer.
A. arrive at B. submit to C. give up D. work out
296. Her worried face gave me a ________ of her true feelings.
A. glance B. glimpse C. look D. sight
297. In spite of the _________ economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.
A. gloomy B. miserable C. shadowy D. obscure
298. Richard likes country life and has decided to _________ farming.
A. go in for B. go back on C. go through with D. go along with
299. The early pioneers had to ___________ many hardships to settle on the new land.
A. go along with B. go back on C. go through D. go into
300. The little girl was __________ by the death of her dog since her affection for the pet had been real and
A. grieved B. suppressed C. oppressed D. sustained
301. Body language involves a combination of multiple facial __________ and various physical positions to
convey its unique ___________ message.
A. terminology ... oral B. expressions ... nonverbal
C. appearance ... strident D. looks … verbal
302. Extensive reporting on television has helped to _______ interest in a wide variety of sports and activities.
A. assemble B. generate C. yield D. gather
303. Working with toxic materials is a ________ occupation.
A. hazardous B. genial C. haphazard D. exotic
304. These surveys indicate that many crimes go _________ by the police, mainly because not all victims
report them.
A. unrecorded B. to be unrecorded
C. unrecording D. to have been unrecorded
305. As we all know, blue skies are not always a _________ of fine weather.
A. conversion B. preservation C. guarantee D. safety
306. The car is _________ for one year. The garage will pay for any repairs in this period.
A. guaranteed B. promised C. sheltered D. manufactured
307. Optical ______ deceive the eye with tricks of perception.
A. illusions B. delusions C. ideals D. increments
308. When his father died, he _______ everything he could get his hands on.
A. gripped B. grasped C. snatched D. grabbed
309. The actress from Italy was unable to __________ the audience what he meant.
A. get down to B. get along with C. get across to D. get out of
310. Stockholders may be too ________ to vote in corporate elections, so they let management vote for them
by proxy.
A. infamous B. indifferent C. ingenious D. indigenous
311. I want to get a new pair of slacks to ________ the yellow ski-jacket.
A. go with B. go without C. go up D. go for
312. The wounded man lay there ________, with no one to help him.
A. grieving B. groaning C. grinning D. grudging
313. Alcohol can ________ one’s ability to drive.
A. jolt B. impair C. induce D. improve
314. Susie showed up in the evening party in a ________ Victorian gown, which aroused great attention.
A. gorgeous B. genuine C. gracious D. grateful
315. Like computers, human beings can only do what they are to do. Our ______

A. specimens B. genes C. creatures D. microbe

316. She didn’t __________ the housework until Sunday.
A. get to B. got down C. got in D. got on
317. As we all knew, when coal burns, it _________ heat.
A. creates B. causes C. generates D. gives
318. Lions and elephants are called big _________ when they are hunted.
A. matches B. games C. plans D. contests
319. He gave us his advice that turned out to be nothing but ________.
A. garbage B. litter C. scraps D. waste
320. When teachers proposed a change in school regulations, the president made an emphatic __________ of
A. move B. sign C. gesture D. signal
321. The _______ people of Australia were called Aborigines by the English settlers.
A. indigenous B. ingenuous C. innate D. indigent
322. His eyes __________ over and gradually he fell unconscious.
A. glazed B. gazed C. glossed D. gleamed
323. It is difficult for scuba divers to see when the water is _______.
A. murky B. lucid C. gloomy D. dismal
324. He only had a vague intuitive ___________ of the meaning of greatness in literature.
A. seize B. grip C. grasp D. hold
325. He said he would make a great fortune in aerospace sales. I do not _______ him his success.
A. grudge B. dislike C. hate D. resent
326. Many people believe that wild animals provide _________ in the form of sport hunting and sport fishing,
bird-watching and visits to zoos.
A. challenge B. happiness C. recreation D. satisfaction
327. The residual nuclear radiation can be a(n) ________ over very large areas that are completely free from
other effects of a nuclear explosion.
A. accident B. hazard C. nuisance D. risk
328. We should _______ what we consider good and right.
A. hold up B. hold to C. keep on to D. hold on to
329. It was only at the edge of the cliff that the truck ________.
A. quitted B. ceased C. halted D. desisted
330. The immediate consequences of ___________ are weight loss in adults and retarded growth in children,
leading to a rise in death rates in the affected area.
A. famine B. hunger C. malnutrition D. thirst
331. Don't _______. Go and introduce yourself to her.
A. hang up B. hang back C. hang about D. hang on
332. During the construction of the tall building, cranes are used to _________ building materials to the upper
A. tow B. increase C. hoist D. hurl
333. Always remember that ________ decisions often lead to bitter regrets.
A. urgent B. hasty C. instant D. prompt
334. In order to get into the tunnel, you have to ________ away all the rocks.
A. transfer B. dispose C. haul D. transport
335. Though her parents ________ her musical ability, Betty's violin playing is really unbearable.
A. give vent to B. cast light upon C. pair scorn on D. heap praise upon
336. His career was not noticeably ________ by the fact that he had never been to school.
A. restrained B. hindered C. prevented D. halted
337. Please read this leaflet and _______ it ________.
A. hand … over B. hand … on C. hand … out D. hand … down
338. The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many _______
A. notable B. obscure C. objective D. ornamental
339. The Bessemer process was once the most common method of making steel, but today this process is
considered _________.
A. odd B. novel C. original D. obsolete
340. It is not easy to be proficient in English, but as long as you _______ you will make it in the end.
A. hang on B. hang up C. insist on D. persist in
341. She found his manner toward her distinctly ________.
A. outrageous B. opposing C. hostile D. inhuman
342. We all wish for a world where all life will live in _______ with its surroundings.

A. uniform B. accordance C. harmony D. alliance
343. Travel broadens one's ________.
A. scopes B. knowledge C. horizons D. knowhow
344. After he retires, Mr Black will ________ his business to his son.
A. take over B. hand over C. get over D. pass over
345. The town planning commission said that its financial _______ for the next fiscal year was optimistic; it
expects increased tax revenues.
A. outlook B. oversight C. notion D. outcome
346. He looks _______ after three sleepless nights.
A. worried B. haggard C. horrified D. bored
347. The general strike ________ the downfall of the government.
A. hastened B. fastened C. strengthened D. hardened
348. Because ultraviolet light from the Sun can penetrate clouds, it is possible to get a sunburn on an _______
A. obscure B. overcast C. opulent D. ominous
349. She was convicted of _______ the wanted man.
A. harbouring B. shielding C. protecting D. conserving
350. Every guest was impressed by the hostess's _________.
A. hospitability B. hostility C. indignation D. kindness
351. Small farms and the lack of modem technology have ________ agricultural production.
A. bewildered B. hampered C. halted D. blundered
352. The matter was _______ until the next meeting.
A. held up B. held with C. held down D. held over
353. It took three months for my arms to _________ properly.
A. cure B. recover C. treat D. heal
354. Although the accident appeared serious, only a _______ amount of damage was done.
A. novel B. notable C. negligible D. mild
355. Hospitals define urgent care as medical care given to somewhat less _______ medical problems than
emergency care.
A. perplexing B. pressing C. prudent D. prompt
356. All the people present were shocked by the young man's _________ opinions.
A orthodox B. conventional C. heterodox D. heretic
357. The rate of inflation must be _________.
A. held back B. held down C. held on D. held to
358. Most rubber balls are ________.
A. vacant B. blank C. bare D. hollow
359. The ceremony was held in _________ of the Queen's birthday.
A. credit B. respect C. honour D. memory
360. It was John who ________ the idea of doing it this way.
A. hit upon B. touched upon C. hit out D. thought out
361. The whole family felt ________ by his being sent to prison.
A. humbled B. degraded C. degenerated D. humiliated
362. The archeological discoveries strengthened the ___________ that the city of Troy existed.
A. theory B. proposal C. hypothesis D. illusion
363. Certain spices give foods a ________ taste.
A. prudent B. pungent C. pale D. precious
364. A _________ investor never takes unnecessary financial risks.
A. perplexing B. prudent C. premier D. prosperous
365. I wish you'd stop _________ round and let me concentrate on my work.
A. hovering B. hesitating C. howling D. humming
366. In Victoria, Australia, in 1850, miners became ________ with the high cost of mining licenses and
restrictions on their right to search for gold.
A. amazed B. confused C. irritated D. puzzled
367. The debate centred on the fear that a rapidly growing population would put a(n) ________ strain on the
finite capacity of the earth to provide resources.
A. intolerable B. moderate C. negotiable D. controllable
368. Motorists can be fined for driving ________.
A. recklessly B. reliably C. ruthlessly D. rigidly
369. Qi Gong is important because it needs your ________ emotional energy.
A. innate B. inward C. inland D. innermost

370. Computer technology has brought about rapid scientific development and dramatic social progress that
were barely _________ less than fifty years ago.
A. convincing B. existing C. imaginable D. feasible
371. _________ their performance, a number of reviews have been carried in the local newspapers.
A. In accordance with B. In terms of
C. In the way of D. In regard to
372. The car accident occurred at the _________ of Elm Street and Queen's Road yesterday.
A. intersection B. interchange C. crossing D. midpoint
373. Although the exterior of the Tower of London was restored in the 18th century, its _______ still has much
of its original Norman character.
A. core B. interior C. inward D. heart
374. The aim of the ancient Greek mysteries seems to have been twofold, namely, to give comfort and moral
instruction for life on earth, and to ________ hope for life after death.
A. exalt B. impel C. motivate D. inspire
375. Wetlands provide _______ for many species of birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians.
A. riddles B. refuge C. rumors D. routes
376. In the United States, it has been necessary for ________ states to pass specific legislation to permit
A. single B. singular C. unique D. individual
377. The celebration of Labour Day, in honour of the working class, was _________ in the United States in
A. given B. initiated C. held D. enjoyed
378. The tour descriptions are quite detailed and include comprehensive day-by-day ________.
A. itineraries B. plans C. procedures D. guidebook
379. By comparing fingerprints at the scene of a crime with the fingerprint record of suspected persons,
officials could establish absolute proof of the __________ of a person.
A. name B. height C. identity D. personality
380. Governments use opinion polls to learn what people think about many social ________.
A. issues B. subjects C. questions D. diseases
381. Dogs can hear a greater ________ of sounds than humans.
A. remnant B. quandary C. range D. scope
382. While most scientists grant that ________ life may well exist elsewhere in the universe, a convincing
photograph of a UFO has yet to be taken.
A. important B. intelligent C. clever D. intellectual
383. Computers are increasingly used in classrooms in combination with traditional modes of __________.
A. command B. instruction C. communication D. interaction
384. _________ between human beings is principally by direct, close contact.
A. Infection B. Disease C. Conflict D. Injury
A. mainly B. largely C. steadily D. immensely
386. They needed to __________ the object and make sure it would be actually a UFO.
A. recognize B. distinguish C. identify D. designate
387. Because of the general strike called by the Union, the bus drivers became ________.
A. indolent B. inert C. inactive D. idle
388. The ink had faded so that many words are __________.
A. illegible B. ambiguous C. indistinct D. indefinite
389. Many people have the _________ that wealth is the chief cause of happiness.
A. delusion B. illusion C. fantasy D. image
390. The book was __________ with color photographs.
A. insetted B. injected C. inserted D. illustrated
391. Patent medicine salesmen have claimed to have _______ for all types of ailments, from cancer to
baldness to the common cold.
A. remedies B. answers C. solutions D. keys
392. Exposure to loud noise for a long time can _______ one’s hearing.
A. wound B. injure C. impair D. hurt
393. The young man was told he would be ________ from criminal prosecution if he cooperated with the
A. excused B. immune C. impeded D. irresponsible
394. _______ materials have less economic value than processed materials.
A. Bare B. Raw C. Primitive D. Crude

395. One of the most popular peaks for mountain climbers to ________ is El Capitan in Yosemite National
A. scale B. descend C. shun D. overcome
396. _______ workers are more valuable to employers than beginners.
A. Sluggish B. Seasoned C. Novice D. Shrewd
397. Unauthorized changes _________ his passport.
A. inhibited B. invalidated C. interrupted D. intercepted
398. The slaves were subjected to ____________ discipline.
A. interpersonal B. inhospitable C. injurious D. inhuman
399. I felt ____________ in my new job, so I left of my own accord.
A. inadequate B. incapable C. intelligible D. inert
400. Expenditure on bridge repairs has been cut to an _________ minimum.
A. irresistible B. irreversible C. irrepressible
D. irreducible

Answer Key

1. A 41. C
2. C 42. D
3. B 43. B
4. B 44. A
5. C 45. D
6. A 46. D
7. D 47. B
8. D 48. C
9. C 49. A
10. B 50. D
11. C 51. B
12. D 52. A
13. B 53. D
14. A 54. A
15. C 55. B
16. D 56. A
17. B 57. C
18. B 58. B
19. D 59. D
20. A 60. D
21. C 61. B
22. B 62. C
23. D 63. C
24. B 64. B
25. C 65. D
26. B 66. D
27. D 67. C
28. A 68. A
29. C 69. C
30. B 70. D
31. B 71. A
32. A 72. B
33. D 73. B
34. C 74. D
35. B 75. C
36. A 76. A
37. D 77. C
38. C 78. C
39. B 79. B
40. A 80. D

81. B 121. C
82. A 122. B
83. D 123. A
84. B 124. D
85. D 125. A
86. A 126. D
87. C 127. D
88. A 128. B
89. D 129. A
90. D 130. C
91. B 131. D
92. B 132. D
93. D 133. B
94. A 134. D
95. C 135. A
96. A 136. D
97. D 137. A
98. A 138. D
99. A 139. C
100. C 140. C
101. C 141. B
102. D 142. B
103. B 143. C
104. A 144. A
105. D 145. B
106. B 146. A
107. A 147. D
108. D 148. C
109. B 149. B
110. A 150. B
111. B 151. D
112. D 152. C
113. C 153. A
114. B 154. C
115. B 155. C
116. A 156. A
117. D 157. C
118. B 158. D
119. D 159. B
120. B 160. C
161. A 201. A
162. A 202. D
163. C 203. B
164. B 204. A
165. C 205. B
166. A 206. D
167. C 207. C
168. A 208. A
169. C 209. D
170. A 210. B
171. A 211. C
172. A 212. B
173. D 213. C
174. A 214. C
175. C 215. D
176. D 216. A
177. A 217. C
178. A 218. A
179. B 219. D
180. D 220. A
181. A 221. D
182. C 222. B
183. C 223. C
184. B 224. B
185. C 225. B
186. D 226. A
187. A 227. D
188. A 228. B
189. D 229. B
190. A 230. B
191. B 231. D
192. B 232. A
193. C 233. D
194. A 234. C
195. B 235. D
196. A 236. D
197. A 237. B
198. C 238. C
199. C 239. C
200. B 240. C
241. A 281. B
242. B 282. B
243. D 283. B
244. B 284. D
245. A 285. D
246. B 286. A
247. A 287. A
248. C 288. D
249. C 289. A
250. B 290. B
251. D 291. B
252. C 292. D
253. D 293. D
254. B 294. C
255. C 295. C
256. A 296. B
257. D 297. A
258. C 298. A
259. B 299. C
260. D 300. A
261. D 301. B
262. B 302. B
263. A 303. A
264. A 304. A
265. A 305. C
266. A 306. A
267. D 307. A
268. B 308. D
269. D 309. C
270. A 310. B
271. A 311. A
272. D 312. B
273. B 313. B
274. B 314. A
275. A 315. B
276. C 316. A
277. B 317. C
278. C 318. B
279. B 319. A
280. A 320. C
321. D 361. D
322. A 362. C
323. A 363. B
324. C 364. B
325. A 365. A
326. C 366. C
327. B 367. A
328. D 368. A
329. C 369. B
330. A 370. C
331. B 371. D
332. C 372. A
333. B 373. B
334. C 374. D
335. D 375. B
336. B 376. D
337. B 377. B
338. B 378. A
339. D 379. C
340. A 380. A
341. C 381. C
342. C 382. B
343. C 383. B
344. B 384. A
345. A 385. D
346. B 386. C
347. A 387. D
348. B 388. A
349. A 389. B
350. A 390. D
351. B 391. A
352. D 392. C
353. D 393. B
354. C 394. B
355. B 395. A
356. C 396. B
357. B 397. B
358. D 398. D
359. C 399. A
360. A 400. D

Vocabulary Practice for TEM 4

1. What he told me was a ________ of lies.
A. pack B. load C. mob D. flock
2. We can only give you the ____________ number of refugees crossing the border at the moment.
A. suggestive B. nebulous C. approximate D. unclear
3. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are __________.
A. out of work B. out of stock C. out of reach D. out of practice
4. The __________ listened attentively to every word the vicar said in his sermon.
A. sightseers B. congregation C. spectators D. audience
5. In order not to jerk the vehicle you must release the ___________ gently.
A. windscreen B. dashboard C. clutch D. indicator
6. _________ I realised the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved.
A. Had B. If C. When D. Unless
7. Look, Officer. I'm not drunk, I'm as ___________ as a judge.
A. calm B. steady C. clear D. sober
8. Well, we did have a terrible row but we've __________ it up now.
A. turned B. cleaned C. sorted D. made
9. There are five ________ mistakes in this picture. Can you find them and win a prize?
A. presumptuous B. intensive C. deliberate D. instrumental
10. We cannot judge a person simply on the _________ of his education.
A. condition B. basis C. principle D. theory
11. I'm afraid I know nothing about the fight for independence. It was ___________.
A. behind the times B. at the same time
C. before my time D. for the time being
12. Picasso, __________ works inspired many artists, lived until he was a ripe old age.
A. who B. which C. what D. whose
13. We believe that the cumulative effects of renewed prosperity will __________ expectations.
A. overcome B. surpass C. undermine D. succeed
14. It is ________ pity that you cannot come to the wedding.
A. such a B. so C. such as D. many a
15. In a ___________ of rage he tried to kill his own brother.
A. temper B. period C. fit D. mood
16. At this stage we cannot tell you _________ you have been selected for the job or not.
A. unless B. although C. whenever D. whether
17. His application for a visa was turned __________ by the consulate.
A. aside B. down C. out D. over
18. The relationship that matters most in the life of a _________ is the one between him and his constituency
A. captain B. politician C. manager D. judge
19. The ________ question in this case is whether the accused had a motive for this crime or not.
A. forcible B. supreme C. valuable D. crucial
20. There is an increasing __________ nowadays to make films portraying violence.
A. trend B. surge C. direction D. tradition
21. Unfortunately not all of us obtain our just __________ in this life.
A. demands B. gains C. deserts D. wins
22. At this hour the street was ____________ as everyone was fast asleep in bed.
A. wretched B. deserted C. devastated D. denuded
23. This is _________ the most difficult job I have ever tackled.
A. by rights B. by all means C. by the way D. by far
24. I'm afraid, Mr Jones, that the bank is obliged to refuse your application for an extended __________.
A. estimate B. overdraft C. compensation D. balance
25. A policeman should never drink alcohol ___________ duty.
A. during B. with C. on D. at
26. Dentists recommend brushing teeth with a fluoride toothpaste to ________ them from decay.
A. defend B. protect C. arm D. guard
27. He has recently _________ golf to provide himself with some relaxation.
A. taken on B. taken over C. taken with D. taken up
28. They bought the land with a __________ to building a new office block.
A. view B. purpose C. goal D. reason

29. Many ___________ crafts such as weaving are now being revived.
A. habitual B. customary C. traditional D. ordinary
30. Not __________ did she refuse to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again.
A. even B. only C. at all D. always
31. Penicillin can have an ________ effect on a person who is allergic to it.
A. averse B. adverse C. anxious D. awkward
32. They were warned never to __________ with the members of any extremist group.
A. associate B. assimilate C. assign D. assume
33. I do not believe that this preposterous scheme is _________ of our serious consideration.
A. worthless B. worth C. worthwhile D. worthy
34. We are fed up ________ your perpetual moaning.
A. of B. by C. with D. at
35. I doubt __________ the company will make any profit at all this year.
A. when B. whether C. since D. so that
36. As the service charge is included in the bill, any further tipping is __________.
A. unnecessary B. unforgivable C. unsatisfactory D. unpleasant
37. It takes years to _________ as a doctor.
A. practise B. pass C. complete D. qualify
38. His _________ of Richard III was acclaimed as one of the best by any actor.
A. performance B. entertainment C. portrayal D. spectacle
39. Although it is only a small business, its __________ is surprisingly high.
A. turnup B. turnover C. turnabout D. turnout
40. I was always taught that it was __________ to interrupt.
A. rude B. coarse C. rough D. crude
41. Children and old people do not take kindly to having their daily __________ upset.
A. habit B. method C. routine D. custom
42. She's rung __________. I must have said something to upset her.
A. up B. round C. back D. off
43. As there was no transport of any kind, he had to make the journey _____ foot.
A. by B. on C. with D. at
44. I'm afraid my speech may have _____ you as to my true aims.
A. misled B. mistaken C. misunderstood D. miscalculated
45. Of course I'll play the piano at the party but I'm a little _____ .
A. out of use B. out of reach C. out of turn D. out of practice
46. The ___________ of the air by toxic gases is one of the major problems of this century.
A. corruption B. damage C. corrosion D. pollution
47. It was __________ that he happened to walk in just as we were discussing him.
A. miserable B. unfortunate C. wretched D. contemptible
48. We played the game ___________ the rules.
A. on account of B. ahead of C. according to D. apart from
49. The army _________ defeat at the hands of its enemies.
A. suffered B. tolerated C. bore D. supported
50. All these sweaters are extremely ___________ by the local residents of a small Scottish island.
A. well-knit B. well-founded C. well-worn D. well-made
51. In some parts of the world the indigenous population has been completely __________.
A. wiped up B. wiped out C. wiped away D. wiped off
52. The ___________ of two houses proved such a financial burden that they were forced to sell one.
A. upkeep B. upshot C. upsurge D. uproar
53. Of course he can lift that! He's as ___________ as a horse.
A. tough B. big C. heavy D. strong
54. Rationing is a system for _______ scarce resources.
A. allotting B. adapting C. adopting D. appraising
55. I do __________ with your predicament but things could be a lot worse, you know.
A. agree B. sympathise C. share D. feel
56. Have you taken __________ a single word I've been saying to you?
A. in B. over C. up D. off
57. You are being thoroughly __________ in refusing to allow this ceremony to take place.
A. unrequited B. unreliable C. unreasonable D. unrepresentative
58. This document requires the __________ of both yourself and your spouse.
A. witness B. signature C. identity D. authority

59. __________ the cards please, before I deal.
A. Rattle B. Jumble C. Muddle D. Shuffle
60. Turn the dial in a clockwise direction _________ the indicator comes to rest at No. 3.
A. while B. since C. whereas D. until
61. _________ the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-drawn.
A. Akin to B. Prior to C. In addition to D. With reference to
62. I __________ rather not travel by plane: I'm terrified of flying.
A. had B. should C. would D. did
63. There is no doubt about the outcome of the trial. The man is a ________ criminal.
A. self- conscious B. self-contained C. self-confessed D. self-centred
64. You'll never guess who I happened to run _____ the other day!
A. along B. into C. through D. away
65. My husband's continual __________ keeps me awake at night.
A. sneering B. snoozing C. snarling D. snoring
66. Don't upset her __________ you do!
A. whoever B. whenever C. however D. whatever
67. There was a ____________ of brakes as the car took the corner too quickly.
A. squawk B. squelch C. screech D. scream
68. I'm afraid I'm rather _____ about the existence of ghosts.
A. sceptical B. partial C. adaptable D. incapable
69. This map has a _________ of one centimeter to two kilometres.
A. system B. diagram C. scale D. reference
70. Contrary ________ public opinion, this area has long been a haven for all forms of insect life.
A. with B. at C. for D. to
71. The government was warned ____________ indulge in too much borrowing this financial year.
A. not to B. to not C. never D. do not
72. That contract, about __________ we had a disagreement last month, has now gone through.
A. that B. which C. whom D. what
73. The soil of this river valley is particularly __________.
A. mobile B. fertile C. docile D. volatile
74. You must pay import _________ on certain goods brought into this country.
A. fees B. surcharges C. supplements D duties
75. This organisation is completely ___________ any political affiliation.
A. instead of B. in case of C. independent of D. in memory of
76. __________ through the attic and see if you can find anything for the jumble sale.
A. Rummage B. Ravage C. Forage D. Salvage
77. Many years ago in a faraway land there lived ________ wise old man.
A. the B. one C. a D. some
78. I ___________ be most grateful if you could let me have the details as soon as possible.
A. ought to B. intend to C. should D. might
79. There is no ___________ that the new agricultural policy has been in any way disastrous.
A. indiscretion B indication C indecision D inducement
80. The left wing of the party prospers ___________ the right wing seems to be losing ground.
A. until B. whether C. unless D. while
81. Petrol in this country is so expensive _______ we use public transport as much as possible.
A. then B. that C. thus D. than
82. Youngsters need all the help and __________ they can get nowadays when applying for jobs.
A. encouragement B. enticement C. incentive D. stimulation
83. I ___________ you that I had no intention of offending you.
A. convince B. persuade C. guarantee D. assure
84. If only everything _________ out as we wanted it to in life!
A. works B. worked C. is working D. has worked
85. I can't possibly mark your homework; your handwriting is __________.
A. illogical B. illicit C. illusive D. illegible
86. Does anyone know __________ this coat might be?
A. whose B. whom C. to whom D. who
87. They have ________ this minute left for the station.
A. ever B. already C. just D. almost
88. There has been some ____________ in the relationship between those two countries recently.
A. deterioration B. decomposition C. destitution D. depreciation

89. Hello! You ____________ be the new assistant. I'm Mr Munroe.
A. ought to B. should C. could D. must
90. The coal is mined day ____________ night by a system of shift work.
A. through B. into C. after D. and
91. I'm afraid this computer package is totally ____________ for our organisation.
A. undeniable B. unsuitable C. unspeakable D. unmistakable
92. The falling inflation rate is _________ to a decrease in the amount of borrowing.
A. indicative B. attributed C. referred D. pertinent
93. Some practical __________ is desirable for candidates interested in applying for this job.
A. exploit B. adventure C. initiative D. experience
94. Although we have made frequent attempts to contact his relatives, we have so far been _________ .
A. unsuccessful B. irreconcilable C. unavailing D. impenetrable
95. Could you give me a rough __________ of what the job might cost?
A. value B. correlation C. estimate D. account
96. The police carried out a __________ search for the missing diplomat.
A. thorough B. through C. throughout D. thoughtful
97. He was fined _________ parking near a pedestrian crossing.
A. at B. by C. with D. for
98. Don't forget __________ the bank first thing tomorrow morning.
A. to phone B. phoning C. having phoned D. to have phoned
99. I'm ___________ having to pay yet another visit to the dentist.
A. dreading B. frightened C. terrified D. afraid
100. I wish I could give you the ___________ to your problems.
A. reply B. conclusion C. answer D. end
101. The rain seems to have set __________ for the evening.
A. upon B. about C. in D. down
102. We are offering a substantial __________ for information leading to the capture of this murderer.
A. premium B. compensation C. remuneration D. reward
103. He was _________ thought of in the cut-throat world of competitive business.
A. high B. highly C. higher D. highest
104. The sheep were huddled into a _________ to protect them from overnight frosts.
A. pen B. kennel C. hutch D. cage
105. To be __________ I couldn't understand what he was getting at.
A. sly B. humble C. cowardly D. honest
106. He was at the ___________ of his career when he was assassinated.
A. pride B. height C. glamour D. power
107. __________ a difficult problem can only be tackled over a period of years.
A. Such B. Such as C. So D. Such a
108. The _________ of his first novel appeared in The Times yesterday.
A. survey B. inspection C. appraisal D. review
109. He was the _________ of a long line of diehard politicians.
A. latest B. last C. late D. latter
110. The sea is as ________ as a mill-pond today.
A. calm B. deep C. blue D. warm
111. Time _________ time she was warned of the consequences of her actions.
A. and B. after C. until D. in
112. The child was kidnapped by a notorious _________ of robbers.
A. staff B. crew C. team D. gang
113. Propaganda is generally considered to be a form of ______ .
A. education B. upbringing C. indoctrination D. instruction
114. It is often difficult for ex-convicts to keep to the ________ and narrow.
A. wide B. straight C. deep D. long
115. ________ a true word is spoken in jest.
A. Much B. Many C. Many a D. Very
116. A little girl presented the distinguished visitor with a __________ of flowers.
A. bunch B. pack C. bundle D. cluster
117. I should like to call upon two ___________ who can testify on my client's behalf.
A. onlookers B. passers-by C. spectators D. eye-witnesses
118. Could you ___________ me to the nearest mosque, please?
A. indicate B. direct C. aim D. position

119. After careful deliberation the shareholders voted to _____ the offer of a merger.
A. yield B. abandon C. renounce D. reject
120. How about a glass of orange juice to __________ your thirst?
A. quash B. quench C. quell D. quieten
121. Don't be too hasty and draw the wrong _________.
A. outcome B. judgement C. conclusion D. opinion
122. I asked her to marry me but she turned me _________ .
A. over B. down C. off D. aside
123. Have we any contingency plans to ________ back on if this one fails?
A. fall B. lean C. turn D. come
124. A considerable amount of time and money has been invested in __________ this latest video recorder.
A. effecting B. affecting C. injecting D. perfecting
125. Let us hope that ___________ a nuclear war, the human race might still survive.
A. in the event of B. with reference to
C. in relation to D. within the realms of
126. Only weak and cowardly natures ______ themselves to sorrow.
A. give up B. bring C. reject D. abandon
127. If you ________ from eating candy and rich foods, you will not be fat.
A. keep B. prevent C. control D. refrain
128. The tissue ________ the light in the beam and converts it into heat.
A. draws B. absorbs C. takes D. attracts
129. The statistical figures in that report are not _____. You should not refer to them.
A. accurate B. fixed C. delicate D. rigid
130. A neighbour may ______ a man of playing his radio too loudly.
A. charge B. scold C. accuse D. blame
131. In judging the progress he has made in his studies, we must _______ the fact that he has been working
with great difficulties for several months.
A. make account of B. make account in
C. take account in D. take account of
132. The shrewd politician _______ his speech to suit the interests of his audience.
A. changes B. adds C. assembles D. adapts
133. Sometimes they attribute their students' poor comprehension _______ a lack of intelligence.
A. in B. to C. on D. at
134. The economic crisis has seriously ________ the exports of the country.
A. effected B. prevent C. guided D. affected
135. There are not many teachers who are strong ________ of traditional methods of English teaching.
A. advocates B. sponsors C. contributors D. performers
136. It is a possibility, and we cannot _______ to disregard it.
A. grant B. bear C. pay D. afford
137. His version of the accident should _______ with that of the other witnesses.
A. agree B. consent C. add D. complete
138. Scholarships allow some students from less ________ families to attend college.
A. artificial B. amiable C. arduous D. affluent
139. The teacher ______ the students might have cheated in the exam.
A. addressed B. announced C. alleged D. advocated
140. In working with this cloth, be sure to allow ______ shrinkage.
A. to B. in C. for D. with
141. If he wants to get to Chicago by tonight he has no ________ but to go by plane.
A. way B. alternative C. selection D. preference
142. ________ I had great difficulty in waking him, he swore that he was not asleep.
A. Even if B. Although C. As D. Lest
143. I missed the first two of these _________ conferences because I was out of the country.
A. actual B. relative C. annual D. comparative
144. A Frenchman talked very rapidly, and was ________ to become excited.
A. apt B. easy C. pleased D. feasible
145. What work did the teacher _________ you to do at home?
A. deliver B. assign C. give D. pass
146. It was here that the scattered forces of the revolution ________ in the autumn of 1928.
A. assembled B. collected C. crowded D. joined
147. In a typhoon, winds ________ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.

A. assume B. achieve C. accomplish D. attain
148. I can ________ you of my full support for your plan.
A. ensure B. guarantee C. assure D. tell
149. The city's bright lights, theatres, films, etc. are ________ that are hard to avoid.
A. attention B. attractions C. appointments D. attributes
150. A person suffering from claustrophobia has an _________ to confined spaces.
A. ailment B. aversion C. acclaim D. dislike
151. That man is not ________ for the job; he has other work.
A. acceptable B. attainable C. approachable D. available
152. The meeting began at 9 o'clock, which was a(n) _______ time for many people.
A. curious B. strange C. awkward D. amused
153. She often implored her husband not to go out, but her words were of little _______.
A. avail B. notice C. attention D. value
154. You really ought to be ashamed _______ that.
A. with B. in C. of D. for
155. The victim was apparently struck by a club or some other _________ object.
A. bland B. brittle C. blunt D. brisk
156. His every sentence was followed by a ______ of applause from the throng.
A. burst B. burning C. split D. bunch
157. The Chancellor's ________ must be approved by Parliament.
A. allowance B. resources C. budget D. economy
158. The proposal he brought ________ seemed a foolish one.
A. on B. about C. forth D. forward
159. I don’t want to _______ myself to death reminiscing about those days.
A. tie B. bore C. doom D. exhaust
160. Print is in ________ letters which are easily read.
A. dark B. black C. bold D. dense
161. The stranger returned my greeting with a _______ look.
A. blank B. dim C. unclear D. black
162. The National Guard at first attempted to blame the murders _______ Saninista guerrillas.
A. on B. for C. at D. in
163. So far my father's portrait is ________ all comparison the best.
A. out of B. over C. beyond D. without
164. He always gets the _______ of anyone he deals with.
A. best B. better C. benefit D. things
165. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _______ the guards discovered what had
A. until B. since C. before D. when
166. I bought a coat for only £50 at the sales; it was a real _______.
A. bargain B. cheap C. barrier D. rarity
167. The use of seat belts is _______ in many states; failure to wear them may result in fines.
A. covert B. cruel C. compulsory D. conditional
168. On the _______ of these theories Godwin worked out his picture of the state of the future.
A. basis B. foundation C. ground D. floor
169. She was proud of Edison's talent and ________ on developing it.
A. busy B. devoted C. bent D. engaged
170. The children blew __________ their balloons and threw them into the air.
A. up B. out C. over D. about
171. I pay $$ 10 a week for _______ and lodging.
A. board B. bed C. room D. meal
172. The Chairman will ____ the Board on the most recent development.
A. brief B. introduce C. explain D. tell
173. They were _______ their military strength for a drive against the city.
A. constructing B. planning C. making D. building up
174. The Committee have decided _____ a majority to ask you to remain.
A. by B. through C. at D. in
175. In education there should be a good ______ among the braches of knowledge that contribute to effective
thinking and wise judgement.
A. distribution B. combination C. balance D. assignment
176. Having a healthy body and a sound mind, I consider myself twice- ________.

A. happy B. made C. built D. blessed
177. When do you think the ________, which are laid underground, can replace the overheated wires?
A. cables B. lines C. coal D. electricity
178. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full __________.
A. capacity B. capability C. strength D. power
179. With her soft curls and her sweet, innocent smile, she had ________ film- goers' hearts by 1914.
A. lost B. captured C. missed D. understood
180. You'll have to ________ the things on the table before we have tea.
A. clear out B. clear off C. clear of D. clear up
181. This picture does not ________ the one we saw last time.
A. come up to B. come up with C come out of D. come under
182. The crowd stared at the giant and the dwarf ________ thinking they were monsters.
A. credulously B. incredibly C. incredulously D. credibly
183. The program is a good ________ for TV prime time around Christmas.
A. tool B. applicant C. candidate D. hope
184. The modem child finds it difficult to _________ of a time when there was no radio or TV.
A. imagine B. conceive C. think D. comment
185. Industrial development is being _________ in the south of the country.
A. collected B. gathered C. concentrated D. taken
186. The peasants were firmly ________ that they were the rightful owners of the lands.
A. believed B. persuaded C. considered D. convinced
187. When it comes to money, all his friendly promises _________ little.
A. count for B. count on C. count as D. count up
188. An abstract is a ________ form of an academic article. Many journals publish abstracts so readers can
decide if it is worthwhile to read the full version of the article.
A. concise B. comprehensive C. concrete D. crucial
189. When a number of people _______ together in a conversational knot, each individual expresses his
position in the group by where he stands.
A. pad B. pack C. squeeze D. cluster
190. We'll ________ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it.
A. compensate B. remedy C. supplement D. retrieve
191. The amount of open space has _______ as more and more land is developed.
A. dominated B. dwindled C. dispersed D. descended
192. All the students are encouraged to ___________ food and clothing for the refugees.
A. give B. contribute C. distribute D. share
193. The doctor decided that he could not ________ the truth from the old man any longer.
A. mask B. disguise C. conceal D. deceive
194. He knew clearly that success or failure here would be _______ to his future prospects.
A. crucial B. crude C. cruel D. acute
195. They ___________ quite a lot of time and energy in finishing the painting.
A. conceived B. consumed C. converted D. concealed
196. Shopping bags are usually provided for the customers' __________.
A. convenience B. possession C. usage D. decision
197. Education does not simply ________ learning a lot of facts.
A. consist in B. consist of C. compose of D. include of
198. A ______ battery can cause an electrical device to malfunction.
A. dogged B. durable C. defective D. defunct
199. In today's medical science, little agreement exists on the ________ for defining mental illness.
A. legislation B. requirement C. criteria D. measures
200. It's no use ________ your head with a lot of unrelated facts. What you need is a system.
A. packing B. cramming C. crowding D. putting
201. Serious trouble ___________ just when he thought the problem was solved.
A. cropped up B. cropped out C. cropped off D. cropped away
202. This picture will _________ to you some idea of the beauty of the scenery.
A. send B. give C. pass D. convey
203. He has a ________ manner of speaking in public.
A. sure B. confident C. confidant D. confidential
204. Most plastics do not readily __________ heat or electricity.
A. conduct B. convey C. send D. pass
205. We cannot always __________ the wind, so new windmills should be so designed that they can also be

driven by water.
A. hang on B. count on C. hold on D. come on
206. He knew himself to be raw, quite _______ of making mistakes through his inexperience.
A. able B. clever C. skilled D. capable
207. The ________ of the bread is burnt.
A. layer B. cover C. crust D. outside
208. It is high time that the government took effective measures to ________ inflation.
A. curb B. cure C. reduce D. limit
209. During periods of social and political upheaval, some ancient Chinese poets, who created a so-called
field- and-garden school of poetry, found refuge and ________ in nature.
A. comfort B. consultation C. confidence D. consolation
210. He _______ the country and much of the world with a convincing demonstration of the band's all-round
A. captured B. captivated C. clutched D. clasped
211. The worldwide economic _________ that began in 1929 plunge Germany into an apparently hopeless
A. setback B. disaster C. crisis D. disturbance
212. The new building _________ all the other buildings in the town.
A. deserts B. dwarfs C. depresses D. deteriorates
213. I wrote to Sam immediately, but my letter was_________ never to reach him.
A. allowed B. forbidden C. destined D. restrained
214. Don't believe what he said. Actually, he gave a _________ account of what had happened.
A. distinctive B. credulous C. distorted D. misled
215. The doctor says her disease was caused by a vitamin __________.
A. defect B. destruction C. deterioration D. deficiency
216. The court ruling _________ us of any share in the inheritance.
A. deprived B. depressed C. discussed D. drove
217. It was such a pity that he had made a(n) ________ impression on her.
A. agreed B. disagreed C. disagreeable D. agreeable
218. He was sent to the principal's office for his ________ behavior.
A. disrespectful B. respective C. unrespectable D. respectable
219. A loud noise _________ my attention from cooking and everything was burnt.
A. drove B. asked C. collected D. diverted
220. Doctors are often caught in a ________ because they have to decide whether they should tell their
patients the truth or not.
A. dilemma B. puzzle C. perplexity D. bewilderment
221. Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will _________
down the economy.
A. put B. knock C. settle D. drag
222. Recently a number of cases have been reported of young children ________ a violent act previously seen
on television.
A. modifying B. duplicating C. accelerating D. stimulating
223. Stop ________ on your problems and do something about them.
A. thinking B. considering C. dwelling D. insisting
224. I am _________ of his chances of passing the examination because he has not worked hard enough.
A. doubted B. dubious C. doubtful D. doubtable
225. Even though leather gloves are much more expensive, they are more _________ than vinyl.
A. during B. durable C. endurable D. enduring
226. The fortune he inherited gradually ______ to a few hundred pounds as a result of his extravagance.
A. dwindled B. expanded C. grew D. rose
227. The crops were _________ by the heavy rainfall.
A. soaked B. flooded C. shrinked D. drowned
228. What one thinks and feels is mainly _________ tradition, habit and education.
A. inspite of B. due to C. in regard to D. with regard to
229. In 1906, much of San Francisco was destroyed by an earthquake and the fires that _______.
A. evaded B. ensued C. encountered D. emitted
230. This important relationship was seriously _________ in the 1970s by the dramatic decline in the value of
the American dollar.
A. confused B. disturbed C. troubled D. puzzled
231. Every comfortable room was placed at the _________ of the visitors.

A. dispute B. control C. domination D. disposal
232. There they found some enemy soldiers ________ as civilians.
A. disguised B. pretended C. posed D. faked
233. It is often difficult to ________ the truth of what we are told.
A. discard B. disregard C. discharge D. discern
234. I shall take you back to France ________ you are well enough to travel.
A. soon B. quickly C. directly D. promptly
235. Yesterday's meeting was __________ entirely to questions of procedure.
A. spent B. cost C. taken D. devoted
236. When business is __________ there is usually an obvious increase in unemployment.
A. degraded B. reduced C. lessened D. depressed
237. The latest inflation resulted from a(n) __________ of demand over supply.
A. decrease B. excess C. abundance D. surplus
238. It isn't worth ______ too much energy on redecoration of the house if you're going to move out of it next
A. expelling B. exerting C. expending D. costing
239. His ________ consists of the main house, two large barns, and 100 acres of meadow.
A. embassy B. company C. estate D. forest
240. That may be __________, but there's surely a great deal of truth in it.
A. enlarged B. implied C. exaggerated D. included
241. I doubt whether there ___________ was any such person.
A. ever B. even C. yet D. once
242. In the ________ of rain, the party will be held indoors.
A. course B. event C. time D. hours
243. People make more mistakes when they are _____ than when they are fresh.
A. exhaustive B. exhausting C. eminent D. fatigued
244. The sculpture _________ the artist's love of animals.
A. praises B. embodies C. includes D. emerges
245. She has to be very ________ because she hasn't much money.
A. economical B. economic C. economics D. economist
246. Dams can ______ the power of rivers, but they may also destroy their beauty.
A. heed B. harness C. hurl D. harvest
247. Since 1978 we have strengthened our _________ service for such cases.
A. emergency B. urgent C. incident D. accident
248. In the first round of the FIFA World Cup most of the amateur teams were _______ from the competition.
A. diminished B. driven C. eliminated D. abandoned
249. She was __________ with the beauty of Helen of Troy, and the tongue of a fishwife.
A. given B. provided C. endowed D. prepared
250. I don't feel ________ enough to rush about, so I'll sit down.
A. radiant B. energetic C. powerful D. forceful
251. The irrigation project was __________ by lack of funds.
A. encouraged B. enlisted C. endangered D. encumbered
252. Think it over for awhile; don’t make a _________ decision.
A. genuine B. gullible C. hasty D. hurry
253. Con artists are criminals who take advantage of _______ people by tricking them and taking their money.
A. garrulous B. grim C. genuine D. gullible
254. Sales, exclusive ________ this month's, have reached a million.
A. B. of C. for D. with
255. The company ________ its workers with long hours and low pay.
A. blamed B. exposed C. exploited D. explored
256. Owning an automobile _________ greater expense than he had expected.
A. entailed B. rendered C. thrust D. contributed
257. In some Muslim countries women do not ________ their faces in public.
A. show B. see C. manifest D. expose
258. His discovery __________ the achievements of his colleague.
A. distinguished B. condemned C. diminished D. extinguished
259. Our TV license will ________ next week, so we shall then need a new one.
A. die B. expire C. expend D. exist
260. I was looking forward to our ________ with all my heart.
A. exclusion B. execution C. exception D. excursion

261. You shall have that statement without __________ by the first post tomorrow.
A. failure B. doubt C. thought D. fail
262. A high-school diploma is in your _________ when you are applying for a job.
A. flavour B. favour C. fever D. favourite
263. His feeling _________ between excitement and fear.
A. fluctuated B. waved C. swung D. altered
264. Man's fist landing on the moon was a ___________ of great daring.
A. feat B. result C. performance D. fruit
265. The villagers still _________ the customs of their grandfathers.
A. follow B. believed C. seek D. chase
266. She's careful with her money, and spends only a ________ of her earnings.
A. fraction B. function C. friction D. fiction
267. There a canal was being built to ________ commerce between these two cities.
A. connect B. join C. furnish D. facilitate
268. I meant to bring the album along, but I forgot, so we went back and _______ it.
A. brought B. fetched C. took D. carried
269. The little room was almost bare of ________.
A. furnitures B. a furniture C. some furnitures D. furniture
270. Although a few of your facts aren't right, your answer is _______ correct.
A. fundamentally B. certainly C. surely D. importantly
271. We fellows usually _______ a fuss about that sort of thing.
A. make B. cause C. raise D. get
272. There is no electricity again. Has the ________ blown then?
A. wire B. plug C. circuit D. fuse
273. Advanced-level dialogues _________ more complex sentence types.
A. show B. feature C. express D. demonstrate
274. She _________ illness so that she did not have to go to school.
A. pretended B. feigned C. posed D. suspected
275. Your face seems ________. I've probably met you here in the old days.
A. familiar B. clear C. apparent D. obvious
276. He faltered ________ the suggestion of possible legal action.
A. for B. toward C. at D. towards
277. He feasted his eyes __________ the beautiful painting.
A. at B. on C. in D. for
278. Who will _________ Sam tonight as he cannot come?
A. fill in B. fill up C. fill in for D. fill out
279. He's getting fat and ________ because he doesn't have enough exercise.
A. plump B. flabby C. tubby D. chubby
280. Minor outbreaks have flared ________ in several sections of the country.
A. up B. out C. off D. on
281. A bus _____ has gone up another nickel.
A. charge B. fare C. pay D. payment
282. This is a __________ color which will not wash out.
A. quick B. fast C. last D. rapid
283. She always dresses according to the latest ________.
A. style B. fashion C. way D. taste
284. Jack sat on the ___________ for a week last spring before he finally joined the track team instead of the
baseball team.
A. horse B. ferry C. chair D. fence
285. Congress was then in session, and a __________ debate was going on.
A. cruel B. rude C. crude D. fierce
286. Hurry up! Your father is beginning to __________.
A. fidget B. restless C. fiddle D. swing
287. The hope still ___________ within her that she might be able to get the job.
A. flickered B. flared C. flashed D. flushed
288. Impressionism __________ in the late 19th century.
A. flashed B. floated C. flustered D. flourished
289. You have nothing to __________ by refusing to listen to his advice.
A. gain B. grasp C. seize D. earn
290. I ________ through my homework so that I could watch TV.

A. went B. galloped C. came D. gallon
291. Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the habit of ________ at people.
A. glancing B. peering C. gazing D. scanning
292. To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must _________ the qualities and
varieties of products we make to the world-market demand.
A. improve B. enhance C. guarantee D. gear
293. He made such a _________ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings
after him.
A. genuine B. minimum C. modest D. generous
294. When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon _________ it.
A. got off B. got across C. got over D. got away
295. Mary was just about to _________ the question when suddenly she found the answer.
A. arrive at B. submit to C. give up D. work out
296. Her worried face gave me a ________ of her true feelings.
A. glance B. glimpse C. look D. sight
297. In spite of the _________ economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.
A. gloomy B. miserable C. shadowy D. obscure
298. Richard likes country life and has decided to _________ farming.
A. go in for B. go back on C. go through with D. go along with
299. The early pioneers had to ___________ many hardships to settle on the new land.
A. go along with B. go back on C. go through D. go into
300. The little girl was __________ by the death of her dog since her affection for the pet had been real and
A. grieved B. suppressed C. oppressed D. sustained
301. Body language involves a combination of multiple facial __________ and various physical positions to
convey its unique ___________ message.
A. terminology ... oral B. expressions ... nonverbal
C. appearance ... strident D. looks … verbal
302. Extensive reporting on television has helped to _______ interest in a wide variety of sports and activities.
A. assemble B. generate C. yield D. gather
303. Working with toxic materials is a ________ occupation.
A. hazardous B. genial C. haphazard D. exotic
304. These surveys indicate that many crimes go _________ by the police, mainly because not all victims
report them.
A. unrecorded B. to be unrecorded
C. unrecording D. to have been unrecorded
305. As we all know, blue skies are not always a _________ of fine weather.
A. conversion B. preservation C. guarantee D. safety
306. The car is _________ for one year. The garage will pay for any repairs in this period.
A. guaranteed B. promised C. sheltered D. manufactured
307. Optical ______ deceive the eye with tricks of perception.
A. illusions B. delusions C. ideals D. increments
308. When his father died, he _______ everything he could get his hands on.
A. gripped B. grasped C. snatched D. grabbed
309. The actress from Italy was unable to __________ the audience what he meant.
A. get down to B. get along with C. get across to D. get out of
310. Stockholders may be too ________ to vote in corporate elections, so they let management vote for them
by proxy.
A. infamous B. indifferent C. ingenious D. indigenous
311. I want to get a new pair of slacks to ________ the yellow ski-jacket.
A. go with B. go without C. go up D. go for
312. The wounded man lay there ________, with no one to help him.
A. grieving B. groaning C. grinning D. grudging
313. Alcohol can ________ one’s ability to drive.
A. jolt B. impair C. induce D. improve
314. Susie showed up in the evening party in a ________ Victorian gown, which aroused great attention.
A. gorgeous B. genuine C. gracious D. grateful
315. Like computers, human beings can only do what they are to do. Our ______

A. specimens B. genes C. creatures D. microbe

316. She didn’t __________ the housework until Sunday.
A. get to B. got down C. got in D. got on
317. As we all knew, when coal burns, it _________ heat.
A. creates B. causes C. generates D. gives
318. Lions and elephants are called big _________ when they are hunted.
A. matches B. games C. plans D. contests
319. He gave us his advice that turned out to be nothing but ________.
A. garbage B. litter C. scraps D. waste
320. When teachers proposed a change in school regulations, the president made an emphatic __________ of
A. move B. sign C. gesture D. signal
321. The _______ people of Australia were called Aborigines by the English settlers.
A. indigenous B. ingenuous C. innate D. indigent
322. His eyes __________ over and gradually he fell unconscious.
A. glazed B. gazed C. glossed D. gleamed
323. It is difficult for scuba divers to see when the water is _______.
A. murky B. lucid C. gloomy D. dismal
324. He only had a vague intuitive ___________ of the meaning of greatness in literature.
A. seize B. grip C. grasp D. hold
325. He said he would make a great fortune in aerospace sales. I do not _______ him his success.
A. grudge B. dislike C. hate D. resent
326. Many people believe that wild animals provide _________ in the form of sport hunting and sport fishing,
bird-watching and visits to zoos.
A. challenge B. happiness C. recreation D. satisfaction
327. The residual nuclear radiation can be a(n) ________ over very large areas that are completely free from
other effects of a nuclear explosion.
A. accident B. hazard C. nuisance D. risk
328. We should _______ what we consider good and right.
A. hold up B. hold to C. keep on to D. hold on to
329. It was only at the edge of the cliff that the truck ________.
A. quitted B. ceased C. halted D. desisted
330. The immediate consequences of ___________ are weight loss in adults and retarded growth in children,
leading to a rise in death rates in the affected area.
A. famine B. hunger C. malnutrition D. thirst
331. Don't _______. Go and introduce yourself to her.
A. hang up B. hang back C. hang about D. hang on
332. During the construction of the tall building, cranes are used to _________ building materials to the upper
A. tow B. increase C. hoist D. hurl
333. Always remember that ________ decisions often lead to bitter regrets.
A. urgent B. hasty C. instant D. prompt
334. In order to get into the tunnel, you have to ________ away all the rocks.
A. transfer B. dispose C. haul D. transport
335. Though her parents ________ her musical ability, Betty's violin playing is really unbearable.
A. give vent to B. cast light upon C. pair scorn on D. heap praise upon
336. His career was not noticeably ________ by the fact that he had never been to school.
A. restrained B. hindered C. prevented D. halted
337. Please read this leaflet and _______ it ________.
A. hand … over B. hand … on C. hand … out D. hand … down
338. The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many _______
A. notable B. obscure C. objective D. ornamental
339. The Bessemer process was once the most common method of making steel, but today this process is
considered _________.
A. odd B. novel C. original D. obsolete
340. It is not easy to be proficient in English, but as long as you _______ you will make it in the end.
A. hang on B. hang up C. insist on D. persist in
341. She found his manner toward her distinctly ________.
A. outrageous B. opposing C. hostile D. inhuman
342. We all wish for a world where all life will live in _______ with its surroundings.

A. uniform B. accordance C. harmony D. alliance
343. Travel broadens one's ________.
A. scopes B. knowledge C. horizons D. knowhow
344. After he retires, Mr Black will ________ his business to his son.
A. take over B. hand over C. get over D. pass over
345. The town planning commission said that its financial _______ for the next fiscal year was optimistic; it
expects increased tax revenues.
A. outlook B. oversight C. notion D. outcome
346. He looks _______ after three sleepless nights.
A. worried B. haggard C. horrified D. bored
347. The general strike ________ the downfall of the government.
A. hastened B. fastened C. strengthened D. hardened
348. Because ultraviolet light from the Sun can penetrate clouds, it is possible to get a sunburn on an _______
A. obscure B. overcast C. opulent D. ominous
349. She was convicted of _______ the wanted man.
A. harbouring B. shielding C. protecting D. conserving
350. Every guest was impressed by the hostess's _________.
A. hospitability B. hostility C. indignation D. kindness
351. Small farms and the lack of modem technology have ________ agricultural production.
A. bewildered B. hampered C. halted D. blundered
352. The matter was _______ until the next meeting.
A. held up B. held with C. held down D. held over
353. It took three months for my arms to _________ properly.
A. cure B. recover C. treat D. heal
354. Although the accident appeared serious, only a _______ amount of damage was done.
A. novel B. notable C. negligible D. mild
355. Hospitals define urgent care as medical care given to somewhat less _______ medical problems than
emergency care.
A. perplexing B. pressing C. prudent D. prompt
356. All the people present were shocked by the young man's _________ opinions.
A orthodox B. conventional C. heterodox D. heretic
357. The rate of inflation must be _________.
A. held back B. held down C. held on D. held to
358. Most rubber balls are ________.
A. vacant B. blank C. bare D. hollow
359. The ceremony was held in _________ of the Queen's birthday.
A. credit B. respect C. honour D. memory
360. It was John who ________ the idea of doing it this way.
A. hit upon B. touched upon C. hit out D. thought out
361. The whole family felt ________ by his being sent to prison.
A. humbled B. degraded C. degenerated D. humiliated
362. The archeological discoveries strengthened the ___________ that the city of Troy existed.
A. theory B. proposal C. hypothesis D. illusion
363. Certain spices give foods a ________ taste.
A. prudent B. pungent C. pale D. precious
364. A _________ investor never takes unnecessary financial risks.
A. perplexing B. prudent C. premier D. prosperous
365. I wish you'd stop _________ round and let me concentrate on my work.
A. hovering B. hesitating C. howling D. humming
366. In Victoria, Australia, in 1850, miners became ________ with the high cost of mining licenses and
restrictions on their right to search for gold.
A. amazed B. confused C. irritated D. puzzled
367. The debate centred on the fear that a rapidly growing population would put a(n) ________ strain on the
finite capacity of the earth to provide resources.
A. intolerable B. moderate C. negotiable D. controllable
368. Motorists can be fined for driving ________.
A. recklessly B. reliably C. ruthlessly D. rigidly
369. Qi Gong is important because it needs your ________ emotional energy.
A. innate B. inward C. inland D. innermost

370. Computer technology has brought about rapid scientific development and dramatic social progress that
were barely _________ less than fifty years ago.
A. convincing B. existing C. imaginable D. feasible
371. _________ their performance, a number of reviews have been carried in the local newspapers.
A. In accordance with B. In terms of
C. In the way of D. In regard to
372. The car accident occurred at the _________ of Elm Street and Queen's Road yesterday.
A. intersection B. interchange C. crossing D. midpoint
373. Although the exterior of the Tower of London was restored in the 18th century, its _______ still has much
of its original Norman character.
A. core B. interior C. inward D. heart
374. The aim of the ancient Greek mysteries seems to have been twofold, namely, to give comfort and moral
instruction for life on earth, and to ________ hope for life after death.
A. exalt B. impel C. motivate D. inspire
375. Wetlands provide _______ for many species of birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians.
A. riddles B. refuge C. rumors D. routes
376. In the United States, it has been necessary for ________ states to pass specific legislation to permit
A. single B. singular C. unique D. individual
377. The celebration of Labour Day, in honour of the working class, was _________ in the United States in
A. given B. initiated C. held D. enjoyed
378. The tour descriptions are quite detailed and include comprehensive day-by-day ________.
A. itineraries B. plans C. procedures D. guidebook
379. By comparing fingerprints at the scene of a crime with the fingerprint record of suspected persons,
officials could establish absolute proof of the __________ of a person.
A. name B. height C. identity D. personality
380. Governments use opinion polls to learn what people think about many social ________.
A. issues B. subjects C. questions D. diseases
381. Dogs can hear a greater ________ of sounds than humans.
A. remnant B. quandary C. range D. scope
382. While most scientists grant that ________ life may well exist elsewhere in the universe, a convincing
photograph of a UFO has yet to be taken.
A. important B. intelligent C. clever D. intellectual
383. Computers are increasingly used in classrooms in combination with traditional modes of __________.
A. command B. instruction C. communication D. interaction
384. _________ between human beings is principally by direct, close contact.
A. Infection B. Disease C. Conflict D. Injury
A. mainly B. largely C. steadily D. immensely
386. They needed to __________ the object and make sure it would be actually a UFO.
A. recognize B. distinguish C. identify D. designate
387. Because of the general strike called by the Union, the bus drivers became ________.
A. indolent B. inert C. inactive D. idle
388. The ink had faded so that many words are __________.
A. illegible B. ambiguous C. indistinct D. indefinite
389. Many people have the _________ that wealth is the chief cause of happiness.
A. delusion B. illusion C. fantasy D. image
390. The book was __________ with color photographs.
A. insetted B. injected C. inserted D. illustrated
391. Patent medicine salesmen have claimed to have _______ for all types of ailments, from cancer to
baldness to the common cold.
A. remedies B. answers C. solutions D. keys
392. Exposure to loud noise for a long time can _______ one’s hearing.
A. wound B. injure C. impair D. hurt
393. The young man was told he would be ________ from criminal prosecution if he cooperated with the
A. excused B. immune C. impeded D. irresponsible
394. _______ materials have less economic value than processed materials.
A. Bare B. Raw C. Primitive D. Crude

395. One of the most popular peaks for mountain climbers to ________ is El Capitan in Yosemite National
A. scale B. descend C. shun D. overcome
396. _______ workers are more valuable to employers than beginners.
A. Sluggish B. Seasoned C. Novice D. Shrewd
397. Unauthorized changes _________ his passport.
A. inhibited B. invalidated C. interrupted D. intercepted
398. The slaves were subjected to ____________ discipline.
A. interpersonal B. inhospitable C. injurious D. inhuman
399. I felt ____________ in my new job, so I left of my own accord.
A. inadequate B. incapable C. intelligible D. inert
400. Expenditure on bridge repairs has been cut to an _________ minimum.
A. irresistible B. irreversible C. irrepressible
D. irreducible

Answer Key

1. A 41. C
2. C 42. D
3. B 43. B
4. B 44. A
5. C 45. D
6. A 46. D
7. D 47. B
8. D 48. C
9. C 49. A
10. B 50. D
11. C 51. B
12. D 52. A
13. B 53. D
14. A 54. A
15. C 55. B
16. D 56. A
17. B 57. C
18. B 58. B
19. D 59. D
20. A 60. D
21. C 61. B
22. B 62. C
23. D 63. C
24. B 64. B
25. C 65. D
26. B 66. D
27. D 67. C
28. A 68. A
29. C 69. C
30. B 70. D
31. B 71. A
32. A 72. B
33. D 73. B
34. C 74. D
35. B 75. C
36. A 76. A
37. D 77. C
38. C 78. C
39. B 79. B
40. A 80. D

81. B 121. C
82. A 122. B
83. D 123. A
84. B 124. D
85. D 125. A
86. A 126. D
87. C 127. D
88. A 128. B
89. D 129. A
90. D 130. C
91. B 131. D
92. B 132. D
93. D 133. B
94. A 134. D
95. C 135. A
96. A 136. D
97. D 137. A
98. A 138. D
99. A 139. C
100. C 140. C
101. C 141. B
102. D 142. B
103. B 143. C
104. A 144. A
105. D 145. B
106. B 146. A
107. A 147. D
108. D 148. C
109. B 149. B
110. A 150. B
111. B 151. D
112. D 152. C
113. C 153. A
114. B 154. C
115. B 155. C
116. A 156. A
117. D 157. C
118. B 158. D
119. D 159. B
120. B 160. C
161. A 201. A
162. A 202. D
163. C 203. B
164. B 204. A
165. C 205. B
166. A 206. D
167. C 207. C
168. A 208. A
169. C 209. D
170. A 210. B
171. A 211. C
172. A 212. B
173. D 213. C
174. A 214. C
175. C 215. D
176. D 216. A
177. A 217. C
178. A 218. A
179. B 219. D
180. D 220. A
181. A 221. D
182. C 222. B
183. C 223. C
184. B 224. B
185. C 225. B
186. D 226. A
187. A 227. D
188. A 228. B
189. D 229. B
190. A 230. B
191. B 231. D
192. B 232. A
193. C 233. D
194. A 234. C
195. B 235. D
196. A 236. D
197. A 237. B
198. C 238. C
199. C 239. C
200. B 240. C
241. A 281. B
242. B 282. B
243. D 283. B
244. B 284. D
245. A 285. D
246. B 286. A
247. A 287. A
248. C 288. D
249. C 289. A
250. B 290. B
251. D 291. B
252. C 292. D
253. D 293. D
254. B 294. C
255. C 295. C
256. A 296. B
257. D 297. A
258. C 298. A
259. B 299. C
260. D 300. A
261. D 301. B
262. B 302. B
263. A 303. A
264. A 304. A
265. A 305. C
266. A 306. A
267. D 307. A
268. B 308. D
269. D 309. C
270. A 310. B
271. A 311. A
272. D 312. B
273. B 313. B
274. B 314. A
275. A 315. B
276. C 316. A
277. B 317. C
278. C 318. B
279. B 319. A
280. A 320. C
321. D 361. D
322. A 362. C
323. A 363. B
324. C 364. B
325. A 365. A
326. C 366. C
327. B 367. A
328. D 368. A
329. C 369. B
330. A 370. C
331. B 371. D
332. C 372. A
333. B 373. B
334. C 374. D
335. D 375. B
336. B 376. D
337. B 377. B
338. B 378. A
339. D 379. C
340. A 380. A
341. C 381. C
342. C 382. B
343. C 383. B
344. B 384. A
345. A 385. D
346. B 386. C
347. A 387. D
348. B 388. A
349. A 389. B
350. A 390. D
351. B 391. A
352. D 392. C
353. D 393. B
354. C 394. B
355. B 395. A
356. C 396. B
357. B 397. B
358. D 398. D
359. C 399. A
360. A 400. D







