
2020年07月30日 22:24


在汉语语境中,当我们读到古典小说中“樱桃小口 ,杏眼桃腮,腰若杨柳,指如削葱”
这样的描述时,脑海中马上会映出一位古典美人的形象,这当中樱桃 、杏、桃、杨柳、葱这
些植物词强大的修辞功能功不可没。同样,在英语中,植物词汇也被赋予修辞功能 ,如用
yellow tulip(黄郁金香)象征没有指望的爱情,用zinnia(百日草)喻指离别的朋友,用sour
grapes喻指因得不到而故意贬低的事物,用under the rose(玫瑰丛下)指代私下 的行为或
(1)apple(苹果),喻指受宠爱者。如:He has three sons but his daughter is the
apple of his eye.他有三个儿子,但女儿才是他的掌上明珠。另外, upset the apple- cart
直译为“打翻苹果车”,常用来指混乱的状况。如: It was a peaceful meeting until the
treasure was accused of stealing the club’s funds; that really upset the apple-cart
在财务主管被指控盗窃俱乐部的基金以前,会议一直开得很平静;这一指控使会议 可真的乱
了套。in apple-pie order指整整齐齐,井井有条。如:The house was in apple-pie order
even though the guests had only left an hour ago.即使客人才走了一个钟头,屋里也是
(2)banana(香蕉),喻指喜剧演员。如:He is a second banana; the top banana is
his father.他只是个二流喜剧演员,他老爸才是一流演员。另外, banana oil指溜须拍马,
花言巧语。如:Cutout the banana oil flattery will get you nowhere.别再花言巧语了,
(3)bean (蚕豆),喻指伙计,朋友。如:Have a look at this, old bean!看看这个吧,
老伙计!另外,not have a bean指身无分文,囊中空空。如: I’d like to make a contribution
but I haven’t a bean on me at the moment我很想捐款,但目下身无分文。spill the beans
指泄露机密。如:Her present to her husband was supposed to be a secre,t but their
little boy spilled the beans to him.她送给丈夫的礼物本来是应该保密的,可是他们的
(4) cherry(樱桃),喻指童男、童女或新兵。如:She confessed she was cherry.她说
她童贞未失。Some soldiers who survived long enough earned the right to harass the
(5)daisy(雏菊),喻指一流人物。如:He is a real daisy.他可是个一流的人物。另外,
fresh as a daisy指精神焕发。如:He woke up fresh as a daisy after his long sleep.
他睡了一觉醒来感到精神焕发。push up the daisiesunder the daisies指被埋葬或死亡。
如:He pushed up the daisies in his thirties.他三十几岁就去世了。
(6)flower(花),喻指精英人物。如:The country lost the flower of it’s youth in
the war.该国在这次战争中失去了青年中的精英。另外, in the flower of one’s
agestrength指年轻力壮之时。如:My grandfather was in the flower of his age at that
(7)gooseberry(醋栗),喻指陪媪(夹在想独处的情侣中间的人,电灯泡)。如:I’ll leave
you two young people alone; I’m sure you don’t want me to play gooseberry.我要
让你们两个年轻人单独在 一起;我肯定你们不想要我硬夹在你们中间(不想让我充当电灯
(8)lemon(柠檬),喻指丑八怪,讨厌的人。如:She was stuck with a lemon on the
dance floor.她在舞场被一个讨厌的家伙缠住了。另外,在黑人英语中, lemon还指肤色较
(9) lily(百合花),喻指纯洁的人。如:She is a virgin, a most unspotted lily.

她是个纯洁的少女,像一朵纯洁无瑕的百合花。另外, gild the lily指过于奢侈地装饰,多
此一举,画蛇添足。如: It’s a beautiful painting; don’t gild the lily by putting
it in a gold frame.这幅画够美的了,用不着过于奢侈地装上金框架[2]。
(10)nut(坚果),喻指兴致勃发的人,入迷的人。:He’s a Chaplin nut he has seen
all his films.他是个卓别林迷,卓氏的所有电影他都看过。另外, a hard nut to crack
指棘手的问题或工作。如:The problem is not insoluble, but it’s certainly a hard
nut to crack.这个问题并不是不能解决,但确实是个棘手的问题。
bego nuts指发疯。如:You’re going to give up your job? You must be nuts.你
(11)orange(柑橘),喻指被榨干血汗的人或已无利用价值的人。如:After working
twenty years for the company, Alex was discarded like a sucked orange.为公司干了
(12)peach(桃),喻指漂亮之人或优秀出色之物。如:I must say his latest girlfriend
is a peach.我得说他最近交的女朋友是个漂亮女郎。
This hotel was really a peach.那时这家旅馆真的很棒。
(13)peanut(花生),喻指矮子,小人物。如:He shows a lot of strength for such
a peanut对于这么矮小的人来说,他已经充分显示了力量。He was a peanut politician.
(14)potato(土豆),喻指不受欢迎的人或美元。如:They stuck their potatoes in every
office.他们把自己的人安插进每一个办公室。You can get this wonderful coat for five
hundred potatoes.花五百美元,你就可以得到这件漂亮的大衣。
(15)pumpkins(南瓜),喻指重要人物。如:A man of learning is supposed to be some
pump- kins.学问高深之人常被看做重要人物。另外, a pumpkin head指傻瓜,笨蛋。如:He
is a man with a pumpkin head.他这人是个傻瓜。
(16)reed(芦苇),喻指不可靠的人。如:I asked him to speak at the meeting, but
he did not even attend; what a broken reed!我请他在会上发言,可他甚至连会都没有参
(17)rose(玫瑰),喻指美人。如:She is a rose of loveliness.她是位令人喜欢的美
女。另外, (a bed of) roses指令人高兴的事情或安逸的生活; gather life’s roses指
追求欢乐; see things through rose-colored spectacles指对事物抱乐观的看法。如:It
began to look as if things might be roses, roses all the way.事情开始显得从头到
尾将可能非常顺利。Don’t see things through rose-colored spectacles; we still have
a long way to go.不要太乐观了,我们还任重道远。
(18)seed(种子),喻指种子选手。如:He was the No. 1 seed in the table tennis
champion ship.他是这届乒乓球锦标赛的头号种子选手。另外, seed(不可数名词)指子孙后
代。如:The Jews are the seed of Abraham.犹太人是亚伯拉罕的子孙。
(19)sprouts(新芽),喻指年轻人。如:It was now the turn of these young sprouts
to get their ears beaten back.现在轮到这些年轻人受点儿教训了。
(20)thorn(刺),喻指棘手的人物,烦恼的根源。如:The boy has been a thorn in every
teacher’s side since he entered the school.那男孩自入校以来使每个老师大伤脑筋。
(21)vegetable(蔬菜),喻指植物人或智能、感官有障碍之人。如:If he had survived
the head injuries he got in the crash, he would have been a vegetable for the rest
of his life.他在这次车祸中头部受伤,要是还能活下来,也将像植物人一样度过余生。He
was fine the first couple of marriage, but then he turned into a vegetable.结婚

(22)wallflower(桂竹香),喻指舞会上无人邀请共舞的女人。如:There were far more
girls than boys at the dance so there were obviously several wallflowers.舞会上
女孩 人数大大超过男孩,因此几个女孩显然只好坐着观看。除此之外,卷心菜(cabbage )
可喻指“少女”,胡萝卜(carrots )可喻指“红发人”,蘑菇(mushroom )可喻 指“暴发户”,
芥子(mustard)可喻指“热情有利之人”,洋葱(onion)可喻指“讨厌之 人”,番茄( tomato)
可喻指“美女”,野草(weed )可喻指“个子瘦高之人”,等等。
的,有以 其本身性质进行比喻的,更有以其在英美文化中的特殊寓意进行比喻的。这些词汇
无论在日常交谈还是在 文学作品中,都起到了言简意赅、雅俗共赏和令人回味的修辞效果。
其实,对于英语植物词汇的喻义,中 国人也在活学活用,典型一例就是将海外的华人后代称
为“香蕉人”(banana),因为香蕉皮黄内 白,恰如黄皮肤依然而内心思维早已西化的华人后

在汉语语境中,当我们读到古典小说中“ 樱桃小口,杏眼桃腮,腰若杨柳,指如削葱”
这样的描述时,脑海中马上会映出一位古典美人的形象,这 当中樱桃、杏、桃、杨柳、葱这
些植物词强大的修辞功能功不可没。同样,在英语中,植物词汇也被赋予 修辞功能,如用
yellow tulip(黄郁金香)象征没有指望的爱情,用zinnia(百日草)喻指离别的朋友,用sour
grapes喻指因得不到而故意贬低的事物,用under the rose(玫瑰丛下)指代私下 的行为或
(1)apple(苹果),喻指受宠爱者。如:He has three sons but his daughter is the
apple of his eye.他有三个儿子,但女儿才是他的掌上明珠。另外, upset the apple- cart
直译为“打翻苹果车”,常用来指混乱的状况。如: It was a peaceful meeting until the
treasure was accused of stealing the club’s funds; that really upset the apple-cart
在财务主管被指控盗窃俱乐部的基金以前,会议一直开得很平静;这一指控使会议 可真的乱
了套。in apple-pie order指整整齐齐,井井有条。如:The house was in apple-pie order
even though the guests had only left an hour ago.即使客人才走了一个钟头,屋里也是
(2)banana(香蕉),喻指喜剧演员。如:He is a second banana; the top banana is
his father.他只是个二流喜剧演员,他老爸才是一流演员。另外, banana oil指溜须拍马,
花言巧语。如:Cutout the banana oil flattery will get you nowhere.别再花言巧语了,
(3)bean (蚕豆),喻指伙计,朋友。如:Have a look at this, old bean!看看这个吧,
老伙计!另外,not have a bean指身无分文,囊中空空。如: I’d like to make a contribution
but I haven’t a bean on me at the moment我很想捐款,但目下身无分文。spill the beans
指泄露机密。如:Her present to her husband was supposed to be a secre,t but their
little boy spilled the beans to him.她送给丈夫的礼物本来是应该保密的,可是他们的
(4) cherry(樱桃),喻指童男、童女或新兵。如:She confessed she was cherry.她说
她童贞未失。Some soldiers who survived long enough earned the right to harass the
(5)daisy(雏菊),喻指一流人物。如:He is a real daisy.他可是个一流的人物。另外,
fresh as a daisy指精神焕发。如:He woke up fresh as a daisy after his long sleep.
他睡了一觉醒来感到精神焕发。push up the daisiesunder the daisies指被埋葬或死亡。
如:He pushed up the daisies in his thirties.他三十几岁就去世了。
(6)flower(花),喻指精英人物。如:The country lost the flower of it’s youth in
the war.该国在这次战争中失去了青年中的精英。另外, in the flower of one’s
agestrength指年轻力壮之时。如:My grandfather was in the flower of his age at that
(7)gooseberry(醋栗),喻指陪媪(夹在想独处的情侣中间的人,电灯泡)。如:I’ll leave
you two young people alone; I’m sure you don’t want me to play gooseberry.我要
让你们两个年轻人单独在 一起;我肯定你们不想要我硬夹在你们中间(不想让我充当电灯
(8)lemon(柠檬),喻指丑八怪,讨厌的人。如:She was stuck with a lemon on the
dance floor.她在舞场被一个讨厌的家伙缠住了。另外,在黑人英语中, lemon还指肤色较
(9) lily(百合花),喻指纯洁的人。如:She is a virgin, a most unspotted lily.

她是个纯洁的少女,像一朵纯洁无瑕的百合花。另外, gild the lily指过于奢侈地装饰,多
此一举,画蛇添足。如: It’s a beautiful painting; don’t gild the lily by putting
it in a gold frame.这幅画够美的了,用不着过于奢侈地装上金框架[2]。
(10)nut(坚果),喻指兴致勃发的人,入迷的人。:He’s a Chaplin nut he has seen
all his films.他是个卓别林迷,卓氏的所有电影他都看过。另外, a hard nut to crack
指棘手的问题或工作。如:The problem is not insoluble, but it’s certainly a hard
nut to crack.这个问题并不是不能解决,但确实是个棘手的问题。
bego nuts指发疯。如:You’re going to give up your job? You must be nuts.你
(11)orange(柑橘),喻指被榨干血汗的人或已无利用价值的人。如:After working
twenty years for the company, Alex was discarded like a sucked orange.为公司干了
(12)peach(桃),喻指漂亮之人或优秀出色之物。如:I must say his latest girlfriend
is a peach.我得说他最近交的女朋友是个漂亮女郎。
This hotel was really a peach.那时这家旅馆真的很棒。
(13)peanut(花生),喻指矮子,小人物。如:He shows a lot of strength for such
a peanut对于这么矮小的人来说,他已经充分显示了力量。He was a peanut politician.
(14)potato(土豆),喻指不受欢迎的人或美元。如:They stuck their potatoes in every
office.他们把自己的人安插进每一个办公室。You can get this wonderful coat for five
hundred potatoes.花五百美元,你就可以得到这件漂亮的大衣。
(15)pumpkins(南瓜),喻指重要人物。如:A man of learning is supposed to be some
pump- kins.学问高深之人常被看做重要人物。另外, a pumpkin head指傻瓜,笨蛋。如:He
is a man with a pumpkin head.他这人是个傻瓜。
(16)reed(芦苇),喻指不可靠的人。如:I asked him to speak at the meeting, but
he did not even attend; what a broken reed!我请他在会上发言,可他甚至连会都没有参
(17)rose(玫瑰),喻指美人。如:She is a rose of loveliness.她是位令人喜欢的美
女。另外, (a bed of) roses指令人高兴的事情或安逸的生活; gather life’s roses指
追求欢乐; see things through rose-colored spectacles指对事物抱乐观的看法。如:It
began to look as if things might be roses, roses all the way.事情开始显得从头到
尾将可能非常顺利。Don’t see things through rose-colored spectacles; we still have
a long way to go.不要太乐观了,我们还任重道远。
(18)seed(种子),喻指种子选手。如:He was the No. 1 seed in the table tennis
champion ship.他是这届乒乓球锦标赛的头号种子选手。另外, seed(不可数名词)指子孙后
代。如:The Jews are the seed of Abraham.犹太人是亚伯拉罕的子孙。
(19)sprouts(新芽),喻指年轻人。如:It was now the turn of these young sprouts
to get their ears beaten back.现在轮到这些年轻人受点儿教训了。
(20)thorn(刺),喻指棘手的人物,烦恼的根源。如:The boy has been a thorn in every
teacher’s side since he entered the school.那男孩自入校以来使每个老师大伤脑筋。
(21)vegetable(蔬菜),喻指植物人或智能、感官有障碍之人。如:If he had survived
the head injuries he got in the crash, he would have been a vegetable for the rest
of his life.他在这次车祸中头部受伤,要是还能活下来,也将像植物人一样度过余生。He
was fine the first couple of marriage, but then he turned into a vegetable.结婚

(22)wallflower(桂竹香),喻指舞会上无人邀请共舞的女人。如:There were far more
girls than boys at the dance so there were obviously several wallflowers.舞会上
女孩 人数大大超过男孩,因此几个女孩显然只好坐着观看。除此之外,卷心菜(cabbage )
可喻指“少女”,胡萝卜(carrots )可喻指“红发人”,蘑菇(mushroom )可喻 指“暴发户”,
芥子(mustard)可喻指“热情有利之人”,洋葱(onion)可喻指“讨厌之 人”,番茄( tomato)
可喻指“美女”,野草(weed )可喻指“个子瘦高之人”,等等。
的,有以 其本身性质进行比喻的,更有以其在英美文化中的特殊寓意进行比喻的。这些词汇
无论在日常交谈还是在 文学作品中,都起到了言简意赅、雅俗共赏和令人回味的修辞效果。
其实,对于英语植物词汇的喻义,中 国人也在活学活用,典型一例就是将海外的华人后代称
为“香蕉人”(banana),因为香蕉皮黄内 白,恰如黄皮肤依然而内心思维早已西化的华人后







