
2020年07月30日 22:28


1. Ms. Green has been living in town for only year, yet she seems to be acquainted ___ everyone who comes to the store.
2. Your fluency in English gives you an advantage ___ the other candidates for the job.
3. He has been charged __ murdering his wife.
4. His efforts to bring about a reconciliation between the two parties came __.
5. People who refuse to comply __ the law will be punished.
6. Language, culture, and personality may be considered independently each other in thought, but they are inseparable in
7. Paul strongly denied that he was guilty ____cheating innocent customers.
8. The travelers sought shelter ___the rain and happened to find a roadside to find a roadside inn.
9. If you persist ___causing troubles, the company will have to dismiss you,
10. Really, she seemed embarrassed when her partner made a spectacle ___himself on the dance floor last night.
11. The monument was erected ____memory of the people who devoted their lives to the cause of Communism.
1. Under the ___ confronting them it was impossible to continue the strike any longer.
[A] surroundings
[B] settings
[C] circumstances
[DJ environments
2. The picture ___my school days to my mind.
[A] recalled
[B] reminded
[C] remembered
[D] recollected
3. The two oil companies ___to cut costs.
[A] mixed
[B] mingled
[C] merged
[D] messed
4. The black clouds ___rain.
[A] indicated

[B] hinted
[C] suggested
[D] meant
5. Farming demands ___forecasts of the weather.
[A] precise
[B] correct
[C] accurate
[D] exact
6. American companies are evolving from. mass-production manufacturing to____ enterprises.
[A] moveable
[B] changing
[C] flexible
[D] varying
7. He ____having been frightened.
[A] acknowledged
[B] confessed
[C] recognized
8. My camera can be ____to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
[A] adapted
[B] adjusted
[C] adopted
[D] remedied
9. Please ___me on that subject.
[A] enlighten
[B] acquaint
[D] instruct
10. With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its___.
[A] boundaries
[B] limitations
[C] confinements
[D] restraints
11. A ___translation is not always the closest to the original meaning.
[B] liberal
[C] literate
[D] literary

12. The new hotel built a few months ago is large enough to ____over two hundred people.
[A] contain
[B] hold
[C] provide
[D] accommodate
13. Do you like this ____of coffee?
[A] trademark
[B] sign
[C] mark
[D] brand
14. With the introduction of ____technology, information flows faster than it ever did.
[B] complicated
[C] sophisticated
[D] complex
15. ___energy must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake.
[A] Gathered
[B] Collected
[C] Accumulated
[D] Assembled
16. Having failed in the mathematics examination, Tom feels very___.
[A] oppressed
[C] depressed
[D] compressed
17. The description of what happens in learning process is sometimes too___.
[A]complex to understand
[B]difficult to be understood
[C]complicated to understand
[D] complicated enough to understand
18. This is a picture of my house. In the ____you can see the mountains.
[A] residence
[B] setting
[C] environment
[D] sightseeing
19. With prices ___ so much, it's hard for the company to plan a budget.
[A] fluctuating
[B] waving
[C] swinging

[D] vibrating
20. If your knowledge can be in some way ___with my experiences, we are sure to succeed.
[A] joined
[C] connected
[D] combined
1. When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had becoming
commentators were able to be equally effective on television. Some of the experienced
when they were trying to __ themselves to the new medium were technical.
[A] turn
[B] adapt
[C] alter
[D] modify
2. The first man who cooked his food, instead of eating if raw, lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or where
he lived. We do know, however, that for thousands of years, food was always eaten cold and ___.
[A] raw
[B] crude
[C] dry
[D] fresh
3. Who talks more, women or men? The seemingly contradictory evidence is ___ by the difference what I call public and
private speaking. More men feel comfortable doing speaking,white more women feel comfortable doing
speaking. Another way of capturing these differences is by using the terms report-talk and rapport( 协调关
[A] compromised
[C] reinforced
[D] reconciled
4. There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial standpoint
alone, safety pays off. The fewer the injury ___, the better the workman's insurance rate. This may mean the difference
between operating at a profit or at a loss.
[A] claims
[B] reports
[C] declarations
5. To Edward Hall the principal difference between cultures is whether they are monochromic or polychromic .In
monochromic cultures (United States, Northern Europe)people do things one by one. They follow schedules because time
can be squandered or saved Promptness is essential, and one who is late have ___a grave offense.
[A] made
[B] committed

[C] done
[D] taken
6. The purpose of non-REM sleep is even more mysterious. The new experiments, such as
those ____for the first time at a recent meeting or the society for Sleep Research in
Minneapolis, suggest fascinating explanations for the purpose of non REM sleep.
[B] described
[C] settled
[D] afforded
7. It is not only in affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of making more
money. Consumer goods are ____everywhere and modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets. Gone are
the days when industrial goods are made to last forever. The wheels of industry must be kept turning.
[A] desirable
[B] desirous
[C] desired
[D] desiring
8. Changes in the social structure may indirectly ____juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that lead to
fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make gainful employment increasingly difficult to
[B] reduce
[D] reflect
9. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do not contain additives and which have not
been ____by chemical fertilizers widely used in farming today.
[A] effected
[B] interfered
[C] disturbed
[D] affected
10. Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements—usually carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes nitrogen. They are different in that their elements are
arranged differently, and each vitamin been ____one or more specific functions in the body.
[B] holds
[C] plays
[D] performs
11. When we grow older enough to earn a living, it does not surprise us to discover that success is measured in terms of the
money we earn. We spend the whole of our lives
keeping up with our neighbors, the Joneses. If we buy a new television set, Jones is __to buy a bigger and better one.
[A] bound
[B] destined

[D] determined
12. The United States Department of Agriculture and the food industry ____sales statistics and keep accurate records. This
information tells us what people are eating and their changes in attitudes and tastes.
[A] gather
[C] compile
[D] compare
13. Finding ways to assist this growing homeless population has become increasingly difficult. Even when homeless
individuals manage to find a ____that will give them three meals a day and a place to steep at night, a good number still
spend the bulk of each day wandering the street.
[A] lodging
[B] shelter
[C] dwelling
[D] house
14. Once man began to raise his own animals, he did not have to go out and hunt for his meat. And, since he did not have to
move from one place to another hunting for food, man was able to ____down and live in one place.
[A] calm
[B] get
[C] come
15. Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country's people. Old countries
that have numerous ____craftsmen are better placed to produce wealth than countries
whose workers are largely unskilled. Furthermore, wealth also produces wealth.
[A] skillful
[B] skilled
[C] capable
[D] shrewd
16. A new computer system has been designed to stop ships sinking. The greater danger to
holed vessel is that flooding of its compartments will make the ship unstable enough to capsize. It is estimated that nearly
half the ships lost during the second world war capsized because of loss of stability. Pacer Systems of Burlington .
Massachusetts, has now refined a system ___by a reserve US Navy officer, Stephen Drabvouski , which effectively second
guesses the ship.
[A] owned
[B] searched
[C] captured
[D] devised
1. There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently
what he thought was a reason for this American characteristic.

A. giving
B. gave
C. to give
D. given
2. Today, ____ major new products without conducting elaborate market research.
A. corporations hardly introduce ever
B. corporations hardly ever introduce
C .hardly corporations introduce ever
D. hardly corporations ever introduce
3. If I correct someone, I'll do it with as much good humor and self-restraint as if I were the one____.
A .to correct
B. correcting
C. having corrected
D. being corrected
4. A Dream of the Red Chamber is said ____Into dozens of languages in the last decade.
A .to have been translated
B. to be translated
C. to translate
D. to have translated
5. ____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is
A. Other things to be equal
B .Were other things equal
C .To be equal to other things
D. Other things being equal
6. The residents, ____ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.
A .all their homes
B. all whose homes
C. all of whose homes
D. all of their homes
7. lecturer was a tall thin man with white hair.
____ Dr. Firld because he is short and fat . It Dr. Jones; he is thin.
A. can't be…must be
B. couldn't have been…might have been
C. must be…can't be
D. can't have been…must have been
8. My family ____very interested in playing bowls, which ____very much in fashion now.
A. is...is
B. are…are
C. is...are

D. are…is
9. One of the properties of light is ____ traveling in wave form as it goes from one place to another.
A. it B. it's C. its D. their
10. The migratory birds use the same nests year after year, ____ new material each time.
A. and will add
B. to add
C. which are added
D. adding
11. The business of each day, ____ selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly.
A. it being
B. be it
C. was it
D. it was

1. begetbecome acquainted with .“知道,熟悉”。句意:格林小姐虽然在这个镇 子只住了一年,然而似乎每个
2. have an advantage over 表示“比„„具有优势”,为固定搭配。
3. charge“控告,指控”,其用法为:charge sb. with sth.因某事而控告某人。
4. come off表示“成功,奏效,达到预期效果”。句意:他试图使双方达成和解的努力奏效了。
5. comply 表示“遵从;服从”,后接with.句意:拒不遵纪守法的人终究会受到处罚
6. independently “独立地”,后接of。句意:语言、文化、性格在思维上(思想上)可以分别给 予考虑,但在实际生
7.be guilty of犯有„„罪;be guilty for因„„而内疚

8.shelter“掩蔽;庇护”。用做动词时常说shelter(sb.)from sth.“躲避„„,庇护„„,使免受„„”。做名词时常
用搭配是seek/take shelter from“躲避(风雨、灾祸等)”。还有一个常用的介词短语under(the)shelter of“在„的掩
护下”。用于原义时shelter常带定冠词,如: under the shelter of an umbrella。用于比喻意义时一般不用定冠,如under
shelter of one's position。
t in(with)指坚持,持续做某事,常用于贬义。句意:如果你要惹麻烦的话,公司就只好把你开除了。
a spectacle of“出洋相”。
memory of“为纪念„„”。

stances(一般用复数)指某事或动作发生时的“情况”。常与un der或in连用,表示“在„„情况下”。
[A]surroundings(一定用复数)指“周围 事物”,
“环境”。如:familiar surroundings熟悉的环境;[B]setting常指“背景,环境”。如:Rome is the setting of the story .故
[D]env ironment则表示环绕着某一特定的人或物并对其产生某种影响的“环境”。如:Children need a happy home
environment .孩子需要—个愉快的家庭环境。
“使回忆起,回想,想起”;[D]recall“回忆,回想”。这两个词做“回想,回忆”解时是同 义词,如果主语
是人可以互换。recall还可以以事物做主语,表示“使回忆起”,recolle ct 无此用法。[B]remind“使回忆起,使记
起,提醒”,以人做宾语,必须说remind sb. of sth./to do sth.。
结合;合并”,强调通过合并的各部分合为一体, 融合在一起往往无法加以辨别;也可指企业或公司的合并。
[A]mix混合;搀和”;[B]ming le“相混;交织”,通常表示那些混合在一起的各个成分是可以区别开来的,如;She
had mingled feelings of joy and sorrow .
te此处意为“通过 某种迹象预示、表明”;[B]hint“暗示,提升”,指通过微妙、含蓄的方式进行的揭示;[C]sugg est
指没有截了当说出、但含有某种意思的“暗示”,接近imply;[D]mean“意思是„„ ,意味着„„”。
5. accurate“准确的,无误的”。[A]precise“精密的,精 确的”;[D]exact“精密的,准确的”;precise,correct,exact
都不用 来形容天气预报。
6.flexible“灵活的,可变通的”,与mass-production 相对。句意;美国公司正在从大规模生产向灵活多变的企业发
展。[A]moveable“活动的,可 移动的”;[B]changing“变化的”;[D]varying“变化的”。
ledge指公 开承认隐瞒或否认过的事。句意;他承认受了惊吓。[B]confess通常指自愿服罪或认错,如:He
confessed that he had stolen the money .他承认曾偷过钱。[C]recognize指正式承认主权、权利等,如:They refused
to recognize the country’s independence。他们拒绝 正式承认这个国家的独立;[D]admit则指在外界或自己良心的
压力下承认,如;The accused man admired his guilt.被告承认了他的罪行。
“调节,调整”,adjust a camera表示“调节照相机的速度、距离或光圈”等。句意: 我的照相机可以进行调
节,不管阴天还是晴天都可以照相。[A]adapt“使适应”,如;Can you adapt yourself to the new conditions?你能使
自己适应新的情况吗?[C]adopt“采取、采用”,如:I thought your idea was a good one,so I adopted it.我认为你的

意见很好,所以就采纳了。[D]remedy“纠正”, 如: Your faults of pronunciation can be remedied你的发汗缺陷
enlighten sb. on sth.“教导某人某事,使某人明白某事”;instruct sb.in sth.“教导某人某事”。[B]acquaint用于短
语acquaint sb. with“使某人知道,使某人熟悉”;[C]inform用于短语inform sb.of sth.“告知某人某事”。
10.limitation“缺点,局限性”,相当于shortco ming。句意:尽管计算机有许多优点,但绝非没有局限性。[A]boundary
“边界,分界线 ”;[C]confinement“限制”,为不可数名词;[D]restraint“限制,限制者,束缚 物”。
11.literal“文字的,字面的”,a literal translation直 译。句意:直译未必最接近原义。这组词的拼写很相似,要注意
其拼写上的细微差别。[B]liber al“慷慨的,大方的,开明的”;[C]literate“识字的,有文化的”;[D]literary“ 文学
12.accommodate指(旅馆等)能为(多少旅客)提供住处( 或膳宿),也指(交通工具)能搭载(多少乘客)。[A]contain和[B]hold
用于:(容 器)能容纳(多少物品);(建筑物)可容纳(多少观众、听众等)。[C]provide“提供”,其结构为 provide sb. with
sth.或provide sth.for sb.。
ark和brand用汉语来表述,都有“商标”之意,其实,它们含义不同。[A]trademark是向 家选用的用来标明自
己的商品的一个单词、符号、图案,或者是这些东西的任意组合,使自己的商品与其 他人的商品区别开来。[D]brand
一般被认为指一类确定的、通常是著名的商品,可表述为“品牌 ”,如:a popular brand of beer。[C]mark和[B]sign,
都有 “标志,标签”之意,mark特指印刷或书定的符号、标志或标签;sign指代表某物的符号,如:math ematical signs,
eg.+,-,x,÷。除此之外,sign还有“招牌,指示牌”的意思, 如:traffic signs,a shop-sign。
14.这一组均含“复杂的”之意。[ C]sophisticated的复杂,侧重点在精密、先进,也就是我们所谓的高、精、尖。[D]comp lex
的复杂含有使人糊涂之意;[B]complicated理论上要比complex还复杂,但 不包括confusing的内涵;[A]involved源自
其动词involve,指因牵扯面广 而引起的复杂,带有我们说的盘根错节的意味。
15.accumulate指点点滴滴长时期地积聚 ,其重心在积聚起来的整体,而不在一个一个的个体。[A]gather,[B]collect和
[ D]assemble均有一件一件收集的内涵,但assemble仅能指人员,所以中文为“召集”。
sed“情绪低落的,忧郁的,消沉的”,feel depressed闷闷不乐的。[A]oppressed“被压抑的,被压迫的”,
如:the oppressed people被压迫人民;[B]suppressed“被抑制的,被忍住的”,如:suppressed emotion被压抑的情绪;
[D]compressed“压缩过的,(文字)简练的”,如:co mpressed air压缩空气。
x与complicated区别:complex=made up of parts, difficult to understand or explain由许多部分组成,难以理解的,
复杂的,如:a complicated problem一道难题。
g“环境;背景”,用来指为了突出某个主体而存在的背景、环境。[C] environment“环境”,指我们所处的自
然界的事态环境和社会环境:[A]residen ce“住宅,住处”;[D]sightseeing“观光”,明显都不合句意。
ate“波动”, 指无形的东西,如:水平、特性、价格等,在with独立结构中说明prices“物价”,语义搭配贴
切。句意:由于价格波动太厉害,公司很难计划预算。[B]wave“挥动,飘动”,指有形的东西,如“旗 帜、树枝”
等;[C]swing“摆动”,指从一边向另一边,或成曲线运动;[D]vibrate “振动”,指物体、弦、声音等。
e“结合,联合”,常指两个或多个非物质事物相互融合,如: combine your knowledge with my experiences

把你的知识与我的经验结合起来。[A]join“连接,联合”,强调原来 是分离着的东西,现在连接并合为一体;[A]unite
“使(联合),(使)结合”,强调联合后形 成新的整体,统一目标标,统一行动;[C]connect“连接,联系”,指两个
不同的、分离着的 事物在某一点上相互接触.但各自仍保持原有的特性及独立性。
to“适应”。[ C]alter(改变)和[D]modify(修改)不可与to搭配,可排除。[A]turn to(求助于)不符合“收音机评论
“生的” 。[C]dry“干燥的”;[B]crude“天然的,生的”,指未经提炼的,如:crude oil原油;[D]flesh“新的,
ile“使(似有分歧的目标、说法、意 见等)一致,和谐”,符合“这种似乎矛盾的证据与我所说的公共谈话和
私下谈话的差别是一致的”。[ A1compromise“妥协,折中”;[B]reckon“认为(某人,某事物)是„„”;[C]re inforce
4。claim“(要求保险公司赔偿的)款项:赔偿”,如:put in/make a claim for(damages提出损害赔偿要求。[B] report
“报告”;[C]de claration“宣言,宣告”;[D]proclamation“宣言,声明”。
5.com mit“犯错误,干坏事”,符合文意。最后一句意思是“做事敏捷是最重要的,迟到的人是对别人的严重冒犯” 。
6.本题测试语义搭配。句中提到在某次会议上“讲述”的试验,故选described最为贴切 。[A]maintain“主张;维持”,
[C]settle“解决”和[D]afford“担负 得起;供给”,均不符合上下文的逻辑搭配。
7.desirable“令人渴望的,称心的”,符合 文意。[B]desirous“渴望的,想要的”,常用于某人想要某物。如:We are
desirous of peace.我们渴望和平。[C]desired“被渴望的”;[D]desiring“渴望的”。
8.前文的Changes in the social structure对于juvenile crime rates 自然有“影响”。[A]affect“影响,作用”,符合题意。
[B]r educe“减少”。[C]check“检奔,校对”也可以作“抑制,阻止”。[D]reflect“反射 ,反映”。
9.自然食品不受当今农业生产中广泛使用的化肥的影响。所以[D]affect“影响 ,产生作用”是正确答案。[A] effect
“结果,效果”;[B]interfere“干预, 妨碍”;[C]disturb“打扰”。
10.根据句意,所选项要有“起作用”的含义。四个选项中,只有[D] perform“执行,履 行”与function相搭配,意
为“起作用”。[A]undertake“着手,承担”;[B] hold“抓住,掌握”;[C]play常和part或role搭配,也可表达“起
11.be bound to do sth.肯定要做某事,符合文意,最后一句意为“如果我们买 了一台新电视机,我们的邻居肯定会
买一台更大、更好的电视机。”[B]be destined to do sth.“命中注定要做某事”,如:They were destined to never to
meet again.他们命中注定再也无缘相遇了。[C]be doomed to sth./to do sth。“注定要做某事”,通常用于不好的
事情,如:Are whales doomed to extinction? 鲸鱼注定是要灭绝的吗?[D]be determined to do sth.决定要做某事。
12.compile指搜集资料,有时也指编辑字典。而[A ]gather只是收集起来;[B]accumulate是积累,积蓄。
13.四个选项都有“住房”,“住处”的意思,但[B]shelter除了表示“藏身处”之外, 还有“避难所”的意思,对
于无家可归者而言,他们能够获得的也只能是给他们提供饮食和睡觉地方的避 堆所了,因此选[B]。
14.settle down“定居下来”。

15.skilled经过训练的,而skillful是熟练的,有技巧的 ;根据上下文,选skilled。
16.帕塞计算机加以改进的,并非是德拉布斯基所拥有(own )、所调查(searched)和所获(captured)的计算机,而是他
所设计(devise )的计算机,故选[D]
1.该题考查非谓语动词。其中介词短语by an Englishman与定语从句that I read recently都做定语修饰book。可见空格处
应填一分词做定语修饰remark,而what he thought… characteristic 做分词的宾语,其中he thought为插入语 。由此排除
2.该题考查副词用法。其中否定词never ,not only ,not until, hardly ,scarcely ,seldom ,rarely或否定含义的短语in no way ,at
no time ,in no case, by no means,under no circumstances等放在句首,引起句子部分倒装,故C、D排除。副词ever应置
于动词 之前,故答案为B。
3.该题考查非谓语动词。根据句意及correct作为及物动词后却无宾语可 知,空格处应为动词的被动形式。故答案为D,
分词短语being corrected做定语修饰代词one.
4.该题考查非谓语动词。根据句意,[A]Dream of the Red Chamber与translate间应是被动关系,故排除C、D选项。另
外,translate的动作应在is said之前,所以应选不定式完成式,故排除B(表将来),因此答案为A。
5.该题考查独立主格 结构.根据句意及两分词间无连词,空格处应填一状语成分表条件.首先排除选项B(省略if的倒
装句 ,而a man who expresses…is poor是一真实句不符合虚拟语气的构成),该句同样 符合独立主格结构构成标准,
故答案为D,另外D选项也可替换成从句if Other things are equal…。
6.该题考查定语从句。该句主干为the residents were given help by,空格处应填一成分做定语修饰the residents,首先排除
A,D选项,而选项B,C中,all与the residents表示所属或同位关系,故答案为C。
7.该题考查情态动词用法。根据题干可排除A,C选项(must be,can't be分别表示现在的肯/否定推测),而B选项中的
might have been表示可能已经做成某事。故选D。表示对过去的否/肯定推测。
8.该题考查主谓一致。其中which指代其前的playing bowls,故空格二中应填单 数谓语动词(动名词做主语,谓语动词
为单数),因而排除B,C选项。Family是一集合名词,指 代整体时谓语动词为单数,指代部分成员时为复数,根据
9.该题考查非谓语动。句中traveling为动名词做表语,空格处所填内容做动名词的逻辑主语,首先外 除B,D选项,
能做动名词逻辑主语的闷词形容词性物主代词,名词所有格或人称代词宾格,故答案为C 。
10.该题考查句子结构。根据句意排除B选项(不定式做状语表原因,目的或结果),选项C应为 which are added by故排除,
选项A不符合时态一致原则。故答案为D(分词做use伴随状语或做主语the migratory birds补足语)。
11.该题考查倒装句。其中主干为The business of each day went quite smoothly。根据句意,空格处应 填一表让步的词,
答案为B。该结构为:Be+主语+„。此结构是一开放式条件从句,表示泛指“不管 是„„”,属于一特殊倒装句,
可替换为whether…or,如该题干可换为“…,whether it is selling goods or shipping them ,…”。

1. Ms. Green has been living in town for only year, yet she seems to be acquainted ___ everyone who comes to the store.
2. Your fluency in English gives you an advantage ___ the other candidates for the job.
3. He has been charged __ murdering his wife.
4. His efforts to bring about a reconciliation between the two parties came __.
5. People who refuse to comply __ the law will be punished.
6. Language, culture, and personality may be considered independently each other in thought, but they are inseparable in
7. Paul strongly denied that he was guilty ____cheating innocent customers.
8. The travelers sought shelter ___the rain and happened to find a roadside to find a roadside inn.
9. If you persist ___causing troubles, the company will have to dismiss you,
10. Really, she seemed embarrassed when her partner made a spectacle ___himself on the dance floor last night.
11. The monument was erected ____memory of the people who devoted their lives to the cause of Communism.
1. Under the ___ confronting them it was impossible to continue the strike any longer.
[A] surroundings
[B] settings
[C] circumstances
[DJ environments
2. The picture ___my school days to my mind.
[A] recalled
[B] reminded
[C] remembered
[D] recollected
3. The two oil companies ___to cut costs.
[A] mixed
[B] mingled
[C] merged
[D] messed
4. The black clouds ___rain.
[A] indicated

[B] hinted
[C] suggested
[D] meant
5. Farming demands ___forecasts of the weather.
[A] precise
[B] correct
[C] accurate
[D] exact
6. American companies are evolving from. mass-production manufacturing to____ enterprises.
[A] moveable
[B] changing
[C] flexible
[D] varying
7. He ____having been frightened.
[A] acknowledged
[B] confessed
[C] recognized
8. My camera can be ____to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
[A] adapted
[B] adjusted
[C] adopted
[D] remedied
9. Please ___me on that subject.
[A] enlighten
[B] acquaint
[D] instruct
10. With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its___.
[A] boundaries
[B] limitations
[C] confinements
[D] restraints
11. A ___translation is not always the closest to the original meaning.
[B] liberal
[C] literate
[D] literary

12. The new hotel built a few months ago is large enough to ____over two hundred people.
[A] contain
[B] hold
[C] provide
[D] accommodate
13. Do you like this ____of coffee?
[A] trademark
[B] sign
[C] mark
[D] brand
14. With the introduction of ____technology, information flows faster than it ever did.
[B] complicated
[C] sophisticated
[D] complex
15. ___energy must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake.
[A] Gathered
[B] Collected
[C] Accumulated
[D] Assembled
16. Having failed in the mathematics examination, Tom feels very___.
[A] oppressed
[C] depressed
[D] compressed
17. The description of what happens in learning process is sometimes too___.
[A]complex to understand
[B]difficult to be understood
[C]complicated to understand
[D] complicated enough to understand
18. This is a picture of my house. In the ____you can see the mountains.
[A] residence
[B] setting
[C] environment
[D] sightseeing
19. With prices ___ so much, it's hard for the company to plan a budget.
[A] fluctuating
[B] waving
[C] swinging

[D] vibrating
20. If your knowledge can be in some way ___with my experiences, we are sure to succeed.
[A] joined
[C] connected
[D] combined
1. When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had becoming
commentators were able to be equally effective on television. Some of the experienced
when they were trying to __ themselves to the new medium were technical.
[A] turn
[B] adapt
[C] alter
[D] modify
2. The first man who cooked his food, instead of eating if raw, lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or where
he lived. We do know, however, that for thousands of years, food was always eaten cold and ___.
[A] raw
[B] crude
[C] dry
[D] fresh
3. Who talks more, women or men? The seemingly contradictory evidence is ___ by the difference what I call public and
private speaking. More men feel comfortable doing speaking,white more women feel comfortable doing
speaking. Another way of capturing these differences is by using the terms report-talk and rapport( 协调关
[A] compromised
[C] reinforced
[D] reconciled
4. There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial standpoint
alone, safety pays off. The fewer the injury ___, the better the workman's insurance rate. This may mean the difference
between operating at a profit or at a loss.
[A] claims
[B] reports
[C] declarations
5. To Edward Hall the principal difference between cultures is whether they are monochromic or polychromic .In
monochromic cultures (United States, Northern Europe)people do things one by one. They follow schedules because time
can be squandered or saved Promptness is essential, and one who is late have ___a grave offense.
[A] made
[B] committed

[C] done
[D] taken
6. The purpose of non-REM sleep is even more mysterious. The new experiments, such as
those ____for the first time at a recent meeting or the society for Sleep Research in
Minneapolis, suggest fascinating explanations for the purpose of non REM sleep.
[B] described
[C] settled
[D] afforded
7. It is not only in affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of making more
money. Consumer goods are ____everywhere and modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets. Gone are
the days when industrial goods are made to last forever. The wheels of industry must be kept turning.
[A] desirable
[B] desirous
[C] desired
[D] desiring
8. Changes in the social structure may indirectly ____juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that lead to
fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make gainful employment increasingly difficult to
[B] reduce
[D] reflect
9. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do not contain additives and which have not
been ____by chemical fertilizers widely used in farming today.
[A] effected
[B] interfered
[C] disturbed
[D] affected
10. Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements—usually carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes nitrogen. They are different in that their elements are
arranged differently, and each vitamin been ____one or more specific functions in the body.
[B] holds
[C] plays
[D] performs
11. When we grow older enough to earn a living, it does not surprise us to discover that success is measured in terms of the
money we earn. We spend the whole of our lives
keeping up with our neighbors, the Joneses. If we buy a new television set, Jones is __to buy a bigger and better one.
[A] bound
[B] destined

[D] determined
12. The United States Department of Agriculture and the food industry ____sales statistics and keep accurate records. This
information tells us what people are eating and their changes in attitudes and tastes.
[A] gather
[C] compile
[D] compare
13. Finding ways to assist this growing homeless population has become increasingly difficult. Even when homeless
individuals manage to find a ____that will give them three meals a day and a place to steep at night, a good number still
spend the bulk of each day wandering the street.
[A] lodging
[B] shelter
[C] dwelling
[D] house
14. Once man began to raise his own animals, he did not have to go out and hunt for his meat. And, since he did not have to
move from one place to another hunting for food, man was able to ____down and live in one place.
[A] calm
[B] get
[C] come
15. Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country's people. Old countries
that have numerous ____craftsmen are better placed to produce wealth than countries
whose workers are largely unskilled. Furthermore, wealth also produces wealth.
[A] skillful
[B] skilled
[C] capable
[D] shrewd
16. A new computer system has been designed to stop ships sinking. The greater danger to
holed vessel is that flooding of its compartments will make the ship unstable enough to capsize. It is estimated that nearly
half the ships lost during the second world war capsized because of loss of stability. Pacer Systems of Burlington .
Massachusetts, has now refined a system ___by a reserve US Navy officer, Stephen Drabvouski , which effectively second
guesses the ship.
[A] owned
[B] searched
[C] captured
[D] devised
1. There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently
what he thought was a reason for this American characteristic.

A. giving
B. gave
C. to give
D. given
2. Today, ____ major new products without conducting elaborate market research.
A. corporations hardly introduce ever
B. corporations hardly ever introduce
C .hardly corporations introduce ever
D. hardly corporations ever introduce
3. If I correct someone, I'll do it with as much good humor and self-restraint as if I were the one____.
A .to correct
B. correcting
C. having corrected
D. being corrected
4. A Dream of the Red Chamber is said ____Into dozens of languages in the last decade.
A .to have been translated
B. to be translated
C. to translate
D. to have translated
5. ____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is
A. Other things to be equal
B .Were other things equal
C .To be equal to other things
D. Other things being equal
6. The residents, ____ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.
A .all their homes
B. all whose homes
C. all of whose homes
D. all of their homes
7. lecturer was a tall thin man with white hair.
____ Dr. Firld because he is short and fat . It Dr. Jones; he is thin.
A. can't be…must be
B. couldn't have been…might have been
C. must be…can't be
D. can't have been…must have been
8. My family ____very interested in playing bowls, which ____very much in fashion now.
A. is...is
B. are…are
C. is...are

D. are…is
9. One of the properties of light is ____ traveling in wave form as it goes from one place to another.
A. it B. it's C. its D. their
10. The migratory birds use the same nests year after year, ____ new material each time.
A. and will add
B. to add
C. which are added
D. adding
11. The business of each day, ____ selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly.
A. it being
B. be it
C. was it
D. it was

1. begetbecome acquainted with .“知道,熟悉”。句意:格林小姐虽然在这个镇 子只住了一年,然而似乎每个
2. have an advantage over 表示“比„„具有优势”,为固定搭配。
3. charge“控告,指控”,其用法为:charge sb. with sth.因某事而控告某人。
4. come off表示“成功,奏效,达到预期效果”。句意:他试图使双方达成和解的努力奏效了。
5. comply 表示“遵从;服从”,后接with.句意:拒不遵纪守法的人终究会受到处罚
6. independently “独立地”,后接of。句意:语言、文化、性格在思维上(思想上)可以分别给 予考虑,但在实际生
7.be guilty of犯有„„罪;be guilty for因„„而内疚

8.shelter“掩蔽;庇护”。用做动词时常说shelter(sb.)from sth.“躲避„„,庇护„„,使免受„„”。做名词时常
用搭配是seek/take shelter from“躲避(风雨、灾祸等)”。还有一个常用的介词短语under(the)shelter of“在„的掩
护下”。用于原义时shelter常带定冠词,如: under the shelter of an umbrella。用于比喻意义时一般不用定冠,如under
shelter of one's position。
t in(with)指坚持,持续做某事,常用于贬义。句意:如果你要惹麻烦的话,公司就只好把你开除了。
a spectacle of“出洋相”。
memory of“为纪念„„”。

stances(一般用复数)指某事或动作发生时的“情况”。常与un der或in连用,表示“在„„情况下”。
[A]surroundings(一定用复数)指“周围 事物”,
“环境”。如:familiar surroundings熟悉的环境;[B]setting常指“背景,环境”。如:Rome is the setting of the story .故
[D]env ironment则表示环绕着某一特定的人或物并对其产生某种影响的“环境”。如:Children need a happy home
environment .孩子需要—个愉快的家庭环境。
“使回忆起,回想,想起”;[D]recall“回忆,回想”。这两个词做“回想,回忆”解时是同 义词,如果主语
是人可以互换。recall还可以以事物做主语,表示“使回忆起”,recolle ct 无此用法。[B]remind“使回忆起,使记
起,提醒”,以人做宾语,必须说remind sb. of sth./to do sth.。
结合;合并”,强调通过合并的各部分合为一体, 融合在一起往往无法加以辨别;也可指企业或公司的合并。
[A]mix混合;搀和”;[B]ming le“相混;交织”,通常表示那些混合在一起的各个成分是可以区别开来的,如;She
had mingled feelings of joy and sorrow .
te此处意为“通过 某种迹象预示、表明”;[B]hint“暗示,提升”,指通过微妙、含蓄的方式进行的揭示;[C]sugg est
指没有截了当说出、但含有某种意思的“暗示”,接近imply;[D]mean“意思是„„ ,意味着„„”。
5. accurate“准确的,无误的”。[A]precise“精密的,精 确的”;[D]exact“精密的,准确的”;precise,correct,exact
都不用 来形容天气预报。
6.flexible“灵活的,可变通的”,与mass-production 相对。句意;美国公司正在从大规模生产向灵活多变的企业发
展。[A]moveable“活动的,可 移动的”;[B]changing“变化的”;[D]varying“变化的”。
ledge指公 开承认隐瞒或否认过的事。句意;他承认受了惊吓。[B]confess通常指自愿服罪或认错,如:He
confessed that he had stolen the money .他承认曾偷过钱。[C]recognize指正式承认主权、权利等,如:They refused
to recognize the country’s independence。他们拒绝 正式承认这个国家的独立;[D]admit则指在外界或自己良心的
压力下承认,如;The accused man admired his guilt.被告承认了他的罪行。
“调节,调整”,adjust a camera表示“调节照相机的速度、距离或光圈”等。句意: 我的照相机可以进行调
节,不管阴天还是晴天都可以照相。[A]adapt“使适应”,如;Can you adapt yourself to the new conditions?你能使
自己适应新的情况吗?[C]adopt“采取、采用”,如:I thought your idea was a good one,so I adopted it.我认为你的

意见很好,所以就采纳了。[D]remedy“纠正”, 如: Your faults of pronunciation can be remedied你的发汗缺陷
enlighten sb. on sth.“教导某人某事,使某人明白某事”;instruct sb.in sth.“教导某人某事”。[B]acquaint用于短
语acquaint sb. with“使某人知道,使某人熟悉”;[C]inform用于短语inform sb.of sth.“告知某人某事”。
10.limitation“缺点,局限性”,相当于shortco ming。句意:尽管计算机有许多优点,但绝非没有局限性。[A]boundary
“边界,分界线 ”;[C]confinement“限制”,为不可数名词;[D]restraint“限制,限制者,束缚 物”。
11.literal“文字的,字面的”,a literal translation直 译。句意:直译未必最接近原义。这组词的拼写很相似,要注意
其拼写上的细微差别。[B]liber al“慷慨的,大方的,开明的”;[C]literate“识字的,有文化的”;[D]literary“ 文学
12.accommodate指(旅馆等)能为(多少旅客)提供住处( 或膳宿),也指(交通工具)能搭载(多少乘客)。[A]contain和[B]hold
用于:(容 器)能容纳(多少物品);(建筑物)可容纳(多少观众、听众等)。[C]provide“提供”,其结构为 provide sb. with
sth.或provide sth.for sb.。
ark和brand用汉语来表述,都有“商标”之意,其实,它们含义不同。[A]trademark是向 家选用的用来标明自
己的商品的一个单词、符号、图案,或者是这些东西的任意组合,使自己的商品与其 他人的商品区别开来。[D]brand
一般被认为指一类确定的、通常是著名的商品,可表述为“品牌 ”,如:a popular brand of beer。[C]mark和[B]sign,
都有 “标志,标签”之意,mark特指印刷或书定的符号、标志或标签;sign指代表某物的符号,如:math ematical signs,
eg.+,-,x,÷。除此之外,sign还有“招牌,指示牌”的意思, 如:traffic signs,a shop-sign。
14.这一组均含“复杂的”之意。[ C]sophisticated的复杂,侧重点在精密、先进,也就是我们所谓的高、精、尖。[D]comp lex
的复杂含有使人糊涂之意;[B]complicated理论上要比complex还复杂,但 不包括confusing的内涵;[A]involved源自
其动词involve,指因牵扯面广 而引起的复杂,带有我们说的盘根错节的意味。
15.accumulate指点点滴滴长时期地积聚 ,其重心在积聚起来的整体,而不在一个一个的个体。[A]gather,[B]collect和
[ D]assemble均有一件一件收集的内涵,但assemble仅能指人员,所以中文为“召集”。
sed“情绪低落的,忧郁的,消沉的”,feel depressed闷闷不乐的。[A]oppressed“被压抑的,被压迫的”,
如:the oppressed people被压迫人民;[B]suppressed“被抑制的,被忍住的”,如:suppressed emotion被压抑的情绪;
[D]compressed“压缩过的,(文字)简练的”,如:co mpressed air压缩空气。
x与complicated区别:complex=made up of parts, difficult to understand or explain由许多部分组成,难以理解的,
复杂的,如:a complicated problem一道难题。
g“环境;背景”,用来指为了突出某个主体而存在的背景、环境。[C] environment“环境”,指我们所处的自
然界的事态环境和社会环境:[A]residen ce“住宅,住处”;[D]sightseeing“观光”,明显都不合句意。
ate“波动”, 指无形的东西,如:水平、特性、价格等,在with独立结构中说明prices“物价”,语义搭配贴
切。句意:由于价格波动太厉害,公司很难计划预算。[B]wave“挥动,飘动”,指有形的东西,如“旗 帜、树枝”
等;[C]swing“摆动”,指从一边向另一边,或成曲线运动;[D]vibrate “振动”,指物体、弦、声音等。
e“结合,联合”,常指两个或多个非物质事物相互融合,如: combine your knowledge with my experiences

把你的知识与我的经验结合起来。[A]join“连接,联合”,强调原来 是分离着的东西,现在连接并合为一体;[A]unite
“使(联合),(使)结合”,强调联合后形 成新的整体,统一目标标,统一行动;[C]connect“连接,联系”,指两个
不同的、分离着的 事物在某一点上相互接触.但各自仍保持原有的特性及独立性。
to“适应”。[ C]alter(改变)和[D]modify(修改)不可与to搭配,可排除。[A]turn to(求助于)不符合“收音机评论
“生的” 。[C]dry“干燥的”;[B]crude“天然的,生的”,指未经提炼的,如:crude oil原油;[D]flesh“新的,
ile“使(似有分歧的目标、说法、意 见等)一致,和谐”,符合“这种似乎矛盾的证据与我所说的公共谈话和
私下谈话的差别是一致的”。[ A1compromise“妥协,折中”;[B]reckon“认为(某人,某事物)是„„”;[C]re inforce
4。claim“(要求保险公司赔偿的)款项:赔偿”,如:put in/make a claim for(damages提出损害赔偿要求。[B] report
“报告”;[C]de claration“宣言,宣告”;[D]proclamation“宣言,声明”。
5.com mit“犯错误,干坏事”,符合文意。最后一句意思是“做事敏捷是最重要的,迟到的人是对别人的严重冒犯” 。
6.本题测试语义搭配。句中提到在某次会议上“讲述”的试验,故选described最为贴切 。[A]maintain“主张;维持”,
[C]settle“解决”和[D]afford“担负 得起;供给”,均不符合上下文的逻辑搭配。
7.desirable“令人渴望的,称心的”,符合 文意。[B]desirous“渴望的,想要的”,常用于某人想要某物。如:We are
desirous of peace.我们渴望和平。[C]desired“被渴望的”;[D]desiring“渴望的”。
8.前文的Changes in the social structure对于juvenile crime rates 自然有“影响”。[A]affect“影响,作用”,符合题意。
[B]r educe“减少”。[C]check“检奔,校对”也可以作“抑制,阻止”。[D]reflect“反射 ,反映”。
9.自然食品不受当今农业生产中广泛使用的化肥的影响。所以[D]affect“影响 ,产生作用”是正确答案。[A] effect
“结果,效果”;[B]interfere“干预, 妨碍”;[C]disturb“打扰”。
10.根据句意,所选项要有“起作用”的含义。四个选项中,只有[D] perform“执行,履 行”与function相搭配,意
为“起作用”。[A]undertake“着手,承担”;[B] hold“抓住,掌握”;[C]play常和part或role搭配,也可表达“起
11.be bound to do sth.肯定要做某事,符合文意,最后一句意为“如果我们买 了一台新电视机,我们的邻居肯定会
买一台更大、更好的电视机。”[B]be destined to do sth.“命中注定要做某事”,如:They were destined to never to
meet again.他们命中注定再也无缘相遇了。[C]be doomed to sth./to do sth。“注定要做某事”,通常用于不好的
事情,如:Are whales doomed to extinction? 鲸鱼注定是要灭绝的吗?[D]be determined to do sth.决定要做某事。
12.compile指搜集资料,有时也指编辑字典。而[A ]gather只是收集起来;[B]accumulate是积累,积蓄。
13.四个选项都有“住房”,“住处”的意思,但[B]shelter除了表示“藏身处”之外, 还有“避难所”的意思,对
于无家可归者而言,他们能够获得的也只能是给他们提供饮食和睡觉地方的避 堆所了,因此选[B]。
14.settle down“定居下来”。

15.skilled经过训练的,而skillful是熟练的,有技巧的 ;根据上下文,选skilled。
16.帕塞计算机加以改进的,并非是德拉布斯基所拥有(own )、所调查(searched)和所获(captured)的计算机,而是他
所设计(devise )的计算机,故选[D]
1.该题考查非谓语动词。其中介词短语by an Englishman与定语从句that I read recently都做定语修饰book。可见空格处
应填一分词做定语修饰remark,而what he thought… characteristic 做分词的宾语,其中he thought为插入语 。由此排除
2.该题考查副词用法。其中否定词never ,not only ,not until, hardly ,scarcely ,seldom ,rarely或否定含义的短语in no way ,at
no time ,in no case, by no means,under no circumstances等放在句首,引起句子部分倒装,故C、D排除。副词ever应置
于动词 之前,故答案为B。
3.该题考查非谓语动词。根据句意及correct作为及物动词后却无宾语可 知,空格处应为动词的被动形式。故答案为D,
分词短语being corrected做定语修饰代词one.
4.该题考查非谓语动词。根据句意,[A]Dream of the Red Chamber与translate间应是被动关系,故排除C、D选项。另
外,translate的动作应在is said之前,所以应选不定式完成式,故排除B(表将来),因此答案为A。
5.该题考查独立主格 结构.根据句意及两分词间无连词,空格处应填一状语成分表条件.首先排除选项B(省略if的倒
装句 ,而a man who expresses…is poor是一真实句不符合虚拟语气的构成),该句同样 符合独立主格结构构成标准,
故答案为D,另外D选项也可替换成从句if Other things are equal…。
6.该题考查定语从句。该句主干为the residents were given help by,空格处应填一成分做定语修饰the residents,首先排除
A,D选项,而选项B,C中,all与the residents表示所属或同位关系,故答案为C。
7.该题考查情态动词用法。根据题干可排除A,C选项(must be,can't be分别表示现在的肯/否定推测),而B选项中的
might have been表示可能已经做成某事。故选D。表示对过去的否/肯定推测。
8.该题考查主谓一致。其中which指代其前的playing bowls,故空格二中应填单 数谓语动词(动名词做主语,谓语动词
为单数),因而排除B,C选项。Family是一集合名词,指 代整体时谓语动词为单数,指代部分成员时为复数,根据
9.该题考查非谓语动。句中traveling为动名词做表语,空格处所填内容做动名词的逻辑主语,首先外 除B,D选项,
能做动名词逻辑主语的闷词形容词性物主代词,名词所有格或人称代词宾格,故答案为C 。
10.该题考查句子结构。根据句意排除B选项(不定式做状语表原因,目的或结果),选项C应为 which are added by故排除,
选项A不符合时态一致原则。故答案为D(分词做use伴随状语或做主语the migratory birds补足语)。
11.该题考查倒装句。其中主干为The business of each day went quite smoothly。根据句意,空格处应 填一表让步的词,
答案为B。该结构为:Be+主语+„。此结构是一开放式条件从句,表示泛指“不管 是„„”,属于一特殊倒装句,
可替换为whether…or,如该题干可换为“…,whether it is selling goods or shipping them ,…”。







