
2020年07月30日 22:47



北京外国语大学高级翻译学院 李长栓
明代哲学家王阳明早年被贬到贵州龙 场做地方官时,捕获了当地一个强盗头目。该头目在受审时说:
“我犯的是死罪,要杀要剐,任你怎么处 置,只请你不要和我谈道德良知。像我这种人是从来不谈这
个的,甚至连想都没有想过。”王阳明说:“ 好的。今天我不和你谈道德良知。不过,天气这么热,你
看在审案前我们还是把外衣脱了吧。”强盗头目 说:“好!”脱去外衣后,王阳明又说:“还是热,再把
内衣也脱了吧。”强盗头目当然不会在乎赤膊, 于是就脱去内衣。庭上庭下两人身上只剩下一件裤头。
而此时王阳明更进一步,说道:“干脆我们把裤头 也脱了吧,全身赤裸更自在……”一听说连裤头也要
脱,强盗头目赶紧说:“这可使不得!这可使不得! ”面对此情此景,王阳明当即来了一番水到渠成的
因势利导:“为什么„使不得‟,这是因为在你心中还 剩有那么一点羞耻感。可见就是像你这样十恶不赦
的家伙,我照样可以和你谈„道德良知‟……”强盗头 目心服口服,随即讲自己的种种罪行一一如实供出。
The ancient philosopher Wang Yangming offended some powerful officials of the imperial
court and was demoted to the position of a local official in the remote province of
Guizhou. During his term, he arrested the head of a burglary gang. In the trial, the
suspect said,
you want but spare me the moral talk. A guy like me never talks morals. I don't even
think about them.
Wang replied,
take off our coats before the trial.

The gangster naturally didn‟t mind being bare-chested, so he took off his shirt. Now both
of them had nothing left but their pants. Wang then said,
be more comfortable if we‟re naked.

At this point, Wang cut to his point and said,
pants is that you still know shame. This proves that even a notorious and ruthless man

like yourself is concerned with morality.
argument that he confessed all his crimes.

星期三, 05062009 - 07:57 — 李长栓


北京外国语大学高级翻译学院 李长栓


汉语中充满了歧义。单靠语言翻译, 无法准确传达实际的含义。必须了解社会现实。圣经看不懂,古
文看不懂,就是不懂当时的社会状况。当 时的人很清楚什么意思。即使历史清白、地主、landlord
这些常见的词,中国的青少年都不一定 理解,中国人的理解和外国人的理解也不一样。

国庆节回家,那个黄河 边上的乡村,开小汽车的乡亲开始多见,虽然他们穿衣打扮还没有太多的改变,
但当我看到他们开上价值 20多万的汽车时,我很是欣喜。
但欣喜似乎很快止于一次街头的聊天,乡亲【几个?】告诉了我这里 发生的两件事。首先是旁边村子
里一个人被同村的三兄弟杀死在家中,事情起源于土地租赁,因为租金高 低的纠纷,欲强租土地【强
租一人还是多人的土地,还是三兄弟的土地?】的人找人把不愿意接受租金价 位的人打了【打了一人,
还是多人,还是打了三兄弟?】,【是地主把雇农打了(旧社会),还是雇农把 地主打了(新中国)】
还发出狠话【啥是狠话?】,打死也就是几万块钱的事,于是被打的一方三兄弟联 合起来,有了这一
命案,四个家庭随之破碎。还有一个发生在我们村里,收割玉米的乡亲【是一家,还是 几家】欲从邻
居家【住所相邻?土地相邻?】地上开车通过【收割前?收割后?为什么开车?收割机?拉 庄稼的农

用车(奔马、四轮带拖挂)?为什么要从人家地里过?故意找茬?捷径?】,邻 居老太太心疼庄稼不
许,争吵中躺在自家田头说:要过,就从身上轧过。于是车轰鸣着,轧过老人,陪了 几万块私了。

儿时的乡村,是 可以夜不闭户的。【为什么夜不闭户,都不关门?】放学回家,有时家中无人,邻居
大婶【是今天一个大 婶,明天换个大婶,还是就那一个】总是招呼到他们家,坐在饭桌前,一切都是
那么自然。农忙时,家里 农活忙碌,邀邻居来帮,【会来帮忙,还是如果来帮忙】只需吃顿简单的饭,
聊聊天。【先吃饭,后帮忙 ;还是先帮忙,后吃饭?】【帮完忙先回家,吃饭时再来,还是不回家,
吃完再走;是专门请一次?是为 了吃顿饭才帮忙吗?】现在这里,生活的认知和价值观已经发生了很
大的改变。我们都知道,国家在大力 发展农村经济,我也期待家乡环境的改善【什么环境?】,也相
信很快就会有大的变化,但乡村的这些事 也让我思考,我们是否应该在文化价值观方面,做出相应的



杀人案中各个人物及其动作如何表达,才不至于引起混乱,如谁是victim; lease, rent, let等动词


有人用A, B表示两个人,意思虽清楚,不符合语言习惯。

it和this。A man was killed by three brothers. It all started from a dispute over rent. [it

区区几万元怎么说?merely a couple of wan (=10,000) yuan; a few wan kuai (10,000
yuan); a couple of ten thousand yuan.
A few dozen thousand yuan 可以,但节奏别扭。比较时可用,如:a few thousand or a few
dozen thousand dollars?
Tens of thousands yuan, several tens of thousands yuan.给人以“多”的感觉,不用




I went home during the National Day, when I passed by the yellow river, I saw more
people driving their cars, though their appearances had not changed much, I was happy
when I saw them driving their car that cost more than 200 millions.

I returned to my hometown during the National Day holiday. In the village on the Yellow
River, I saw more and more people driving cars. Although their appearance has not
changed much, I was excited to see them own cars that cost over 200,000 yuan

However, my happiness ceased when I chatted with the folks and was told that two
incidents that happened. The first incident happened in the neighboring village where a
person was killed in his home by two bothers from the same village, the story began with
the rental of land, due to the rental scuffle, the tenant beat the party whom refused to
accept rental offered, the tenant was quoted as saying would kill the person because of
the few million dollars involved, the victim then garnered the support from his two
brothers and hence the murder, four families were shattered in this incident. The second
incident happened in our village. One of our village folks, after harvesting and collecting
his corn requested to drive pass the field of his neighbour, the old lady of the neighboring
house refused as she treasure her crops in the field, a quarrel started and the old lady
said in anger that the neighbour could either drive pass his own field or driver over her
dead body. The story ended with the car drove over her!

However, my excitement disappeared when I learned about two incidents during a chat
on the street. The first one happened in the neighbouring village, where a man was killed
in his home by three bothers from the same village. The story began with a dispute over
the land rents. A local bully wanted lease land from a villager, but the owner was
unwilling to accept the low price offered. So the bully hired someone to beat up the
owner and threatened that killing him was nothing but a couple of ten thousand yuan.
The enraged victim then garnered the support from his two brothers. Hence the murder,
and four shattered families. The second incident took place in my own village. One of our
village folks needed to drive through the adjacent field to harvest corn. The neighbour,
an old granny, refused as that would crush her crops. As the argument escalated into a
quarrel, the old lady lay down on the ground
and challenged: “If you want to pass,
drive over my body!” And so did the driver. The case was settled for a couple of ten
thousand yuan.

While I was young, the village was so safe that we need not shut the doors at night.
When I came back from school and there was no one home, it was very natural that
aunty next-door would invite me to her place for lunch. During harvest period, we were
all very busy and appeal for help, the neighbour would offer their help and stayed for
simple meals and chats. Now, value of life and individual‟s value had undergone a
tremendous change. We all realized that our country is developing the urban area in full
force, we hope to see change in our living environment and believe there will be
tremendous change, but those incidents that happened set me thinking, should we do
more in the areas of moral values to guide our village folks to cope with the change.

While I was young, the village was so safe that we need not shut the doors at night.
When I came back from school and there was no one home, the aunty next door would
always invite me to her place for a meal. Everything seemed so natural. During the

harvest season, when we asked our neighbours for help, the return was only a simple
meal accompanied by a hearty chat. Now, life and values in the village have undergone
tremendous changes. We all know that our government is developing the rural areas in
full force. And I am looking forward to a better life in my home town. But the incidents
set me thinking: Should we do more to preserve the traditional values when times are


刚开始认为,不可能是收割机,因为我没有见过收割玉米的收割 机。但查了资料,发现已经出现。但



A right of passage over a neighbor's land or waterway. An easement is a type
of servitude . For every easement, there is a dominant and a servient
tenement . Easements are also classified as negative (which prevents the
servient land owner from doing certain things) or affirmative easements (the
most common, which allows the beneficiary of the easement to do certain
things, such as a right-of-way). Although right-of-ways are the most common
easements, there are many others such as rights to tunnel under another's
land, to use a washroom, to emit smoke or fumes, to pass over with
transmission towers, to access a dock and to access a well.


Translator: Chow Wan Ee
It was my National Day holiday homecoming. Along the Yellow River stood our village, where many
village folks, although clad no differently from our last encounter, were cruising behind wheels worth
well over two hundred grand. That had pleased me.

But my pleasure soon turned to dismay after chatting with a village folk on a street corner. The folk
related two episodes. One occurred in the adjoining village, where a man was killed in his home by
three brothers. The killing was precipitated by a land lease dispute. The man had wanted to bully
one of the brothers into accepting his offer price by having him thrashed and terrorised, even
threatening that his life would cost no more than a meagre sum. Indignant, the brothers went after
the bully. The consequence was one lost life and four broken families. Another incident took place
in our village. A village folk had requested a neighbouring old lady’s permission to drive through her
field to harvest his corn. Unable to bear with the thought of flattened maize plants, she refused. In a
battle of wits, she lay on the field, defying her neighbour to drive “over her dead body”. Refusing to
back down, the rumbling vehicle surmounted the determined human barrier. Eventually, the villager
paid a couple of ten thousand yuan for a private settlement.

During my childhood days, house doors could be left ajar at night. When I came home from school
occasionally to find myself alone, the aunty next door would ask me over. Taking my place at her
kitchen table had seemed the most natural thing to do. During busy farming seasons, we would call
for neighbours’ helping hands. Appreciation was a simple meal and a cosy tête-à-tête. These days,
attitudes and values have gone on a different tangent. Certainly, the government is doing much to
develop the rural economy. I am eager to witness better days at home, and am sure that sweeping
changes will occur in no time. But the two episodes struck a sensitive chord. Perhaps we should
also look into shaping characters and values to prevent the evacuation of moral scruples when
prosperity finally ensues.

文章以小品的方式揭露当前的社会弊病。人们为了逐利而舍弃淳朴的乡风, 以致
所以更有 感染力,更发人深省。译文希望能再现原文的风格,并且做得更好。

可以通篇使用USD,这样,几万元就可以说a few thousand dollars.
有同学用in front of the machine很好。


北京外国语大学高级翻译学院 李长栓
明代哲学家王阳明早年被贬到贵州龙 场做地方官时,捕获了当地一个强盗头目。该头目在受审时说:
“我犯的是死罪,要杀要剐,任你怎么处 置,只请你不要和我谈道德良知。像我这种人是从来不谈这
个的,甚至连想都没有想过。”王阳明说:“ 好的。今天我不和你谈道德良知。不过,天气这么热,你
看在审案前我们还是把外衣脱了吧。”强盗头目 说:“好!”脱去外衣后,王阳明又说:“还是热,再把
内衣也脱了吧。”强盗头目当然不会在乎赤膊, 于是就脱去内衣。庭上庭下两人身上只剩下一件裤头。
而此时王阳明更进一步,说道:“干脆我们把裤头 也脱了吧,全身赤裸更自在……”一听说连裤头也要
脱,强盗头目赶紧说:“这可使不得!这可使不得! ”面对此情此景,王阳明当即来了一番水到渠成的
因势利导:“为什么„使不得‟,这是因为在你心中还 剩有那么一点羞耻感。可见就是像你这样十恶不赦
的家伙,我照样可以和你谈„道德良知‟……”强盗头 目心服口服,随即讲自己的种种罪行一一如实供出。
The ancient philosopher Wang Yangming offended some powerful officials of the imperial
court and was demoted to the position of a local official in the remote province of
Guizhou. During his term, he arrested the head of a burglary gang. In the trial, the
suspect said,
you want but spare me the moral talk. A guy like me never talks morals. I don't even
think about them.
Wang replied,
take off our coats before the trial.

The gangster naturally didn‟t mind being bare-chested, so he took off his shirt. Now both
of them had nothing left but their pants. Wang then said,
be more comfortable if we‟re naked.

At this point, Wang cut to his point and said,
pants is that you still know shame. This proves that even a notorious and ruthless man

like yourself is concerned with morality.
argument that he confessed all his crimes.

星期三, 05062009 - 07:57 — 李长栓


北京外国语大学高级翻译学院 李长栓


汉语中充满了歧义。单靠语言翻译, 无法准确传达实际的含义。必须了解社会现实。圣经看不懂,古
文看不懂,就是不懂当时的社会状况。当 时的人很清楚什么意思。即使历史清白、地主、landlord
这些常见的词,中国的青少年都不一定 理解,中国人的理解和外国人的理解也不一样。

国庆节回家,那个黄河 边上的乡村,开小汽车的乡亲开始多见,虽然他们穿衣打扮还没有太多的改变,
但当我看到他们开上价值 20多万的汽车时,我很是欣喜。
但欣喜似乎很快止于一次街头的聊天,乡亲【几个?】告诉了我这里 发生的两件事。首先是旁边村子
里一个人被同村的三兄弟杀死在家中,事情起源于土地租赁,因为租金高 低的纠纷,欲强租土地【强
租一人还是多人的土地,还是三兄弟的土地?】的人找人把不愿意接受租金价 位的人打了【打了一人,
还是多人,还是打了三兄弟?】,【是地主把雇农打了(旧社会),还是雇农把 地主打了(新中国)】
还发出狠话【啥是狠话?】,打死也就是几万块钱的事,于是被打的一方三兄弟联 合起来,有了这一
命案,四个家庭随之破碎。还有一个发生在我们村里,收割玉米的乡亲【是一家,还是 几家】欲从邻
居家【住所相邻?土地相邻?】地上开车通过【收割前?收割后?为什么开车?收割机?拉 庄稼的农

用车(奔马、四轮带拖挂)?为什么要从人家地里过?故意找茬?捷径?】,邻 居老太太心疼庄稼不
许,争吵中躺在自家田头说:要过,就从身上轧过。于是车轰鸣着,轧过老人,陪了 几万块私了。

儿时的乡村,是 可以夜不闭户的。【为什么夜不闭户,都不关门?】放学回家,有时家中无人,邻居
大婶【是今天一个大 婶,明天换个大婶,还是就那一个】总是招呼到他们家,坐在饭桌前,一切都是
那么自然。农忙时,家里 农活忙碌,邀邻居来帮,【会来帮忙,还是如果来帮忙】只需吃顿简单的饭,
聊聊天。【先吃饭,后帮忙 ;还是先帮忙,后吃饭?】【帮完忙先回家,吃饭时再来,还是不回家,
吃完再走;是专门请一次?是为 了吃顿饭才帮忙吗?】现在这里,生活的认知和价值观已经发生了很
大的改变。我们都知道,国家在大力 发展农村经济,我也期待家乡环境的改善【什么环境?】,也相
信很快就会有大的变化,但乡村的这些事 也让我思考,我们是否应该在文化价值观方面,做出相应的



杀人案中各个人物及其动作如何表达,才不至于引起混乱,如谁是victim; lease, rent, let等动词


有人用A, B表示两个人,意思虽清楚,不符合语言习惯。

it和this。A man was killed by three brothers. It all started from a dispute over rent. [it

区区几万元怎么说?merely a couple of wan (=10,000) yuan; a few wan kuai (10,000
yuan); a couple of ten thousand yuan.
A few dozen thousand yuan 可以,但节奏别扭。比较时可用,如:a few thousand or a few
dozen thousand dollars?
Tens of thousands yuan, several tens of thousands yuan.给人以“多”的感觉,不用




I went home during the National Day, when I passed by the yellow river, I saw more
people driving their cars, though their appearances had not changed much, I was happy
when I saw them driving their car that cost more than 200 millions.

I returned to my hometown during the National Day holiday. In the village on the Yellow
River, I saw more and more people driving cars. Although their appearance has not
changed much, I was excited to see them own cars that cost over 200,000 yuan

However, my happiness ceased when I chatted with the folks and was told that two
incidents that happened. The first incident happened in the neighboring village where a
person was killed in his home by two bothers from the same village, the story began with
the rental of land, due to the rental scuffle, the tenant beat the party whom refused to
accept rental offered, the tenant was quoted as saying would kill the person because of
the few million dollars involved, the victim then garnered the support from his two
brothers and hence the murder, four families were shattered in this incident. The second
incident happened in our village. One of our village folks, after harvesting and collecting
his corn requested to drive pass the field of his neighbour, the old lady of the neighboring
house refused as she treasure her crops in the field, a quarrel started and the old lady
said in anger that the neighbour could either drive pass his own field or driver over her
dead body. The story ended with the car drove over her!

However, my excitement disappeared when I learned about two incidents during a chat
on the street. The first one happened in the neighbouring village, where a man was killed
in his home by three bothers from the same village. The story began with a dispute over
the land rents. A local bully wanted lease land from a villager, but the owner was
unwilling to accept the low price offered. So the bully hired someone to beat up the
owner and threatened that killing him was nothing but a couple of ten thousand yuan.
The enraged victim then garnered the support from his two brothers. Hence the murder,
and four shattered families. The second incident took place in my own village. One of our
village folks needed to drive through the adjacent field to harvest corn. The neighbour,
an old granny, refused as that would crush her crops. As the argument escalated into a
quarrel, the old lady lay down on the ground
and challenged: “If you want to pass,
drive over my body!” And so did the driver. The case was settled for a couple of ten
thousand yuan.

While I was young, the village was so safe that we need not shut the doors at night.
When I came back from school and there was no one home, it was very natural that
aunty next-door would invite me to her place for lunch. During harvest period, we were
all very busy and appeal for help, the neighbour would offer their help and stayed for
simple meals and chats. Now, value of life and individual‟s value had undergone a
tremendous change. We all realized that our country is developing the urban area in full
force, we hope to see change in our living environment and believe there will be
tremendous change, but those incidents that happened set me thinking, should we do
more in the areas of moral values to guide our village folks to cope with the change.

While I was young, the village was so safe that we need not shut the doors at night.
When I came back from school and there was no one home, the aunty next door would
always invite me to her place for a meal. Everything seemed so natural. During the

harvest season, when we asked our neighbours for help, the return was only a simple
meal accompanied by a hearty chat. Now, life and values in the village have undergone
tremendous changes. We all know that our government is developing the rural areas in
full force. And I am looking forward to a better life in my home town. But the incidents
set me thinking: Should we do more to preserve the traditional values when times are


刚开始认为,不可能是收割机,因为我没有见过收割玉米的收割 机。但查了资料,发现已经出现。但



A right of passage over a neighbor's land or waterway. An easement is a type
of servitude . For every easement, there is a dominant and a servient
tenement . Easements are also classified as negative (which prevents the
servient land owner from doing certain things) or affirmative easements (the
most common, which allows the beneficiary of the easement to do certain
things, such as a right-of-way). Although right-of-ways are the most common
easements, there are many others such as rights to tunnel under another's
land, to use a washroom, to emit smoke or fumes, to pass over with
transmission towers, to access a dock and to access a well.


Translator: Chow Wan Ee
It was my National Day holiday homecoming. Along the Yellow River stood our village, where many
village folks, although clad no differently from our last encounter, were cruising behind wheels worth
well over two hundred grand. That had pleased me.

But my pleasure soon turned to dismay after chatting with a village folk on a street corner. The folk
related two episodes. One occurred in the adjoining village, where a man was killed in his home by
three brothers. The killing was precipitated by a land lease dispute. The man had wanted to bully
one of the brothers into accepting his offer price by having him thrashed and terrorised, even
threatening that his life would cost no more than a meagre sum. Indignant, the brothers went after
the bully. The consequence was one lost life and four broken families. Another incident took place
in our village. A village folk had requested a neighbouring old lady’s permission to drive through her
field to harvest his corn. Unable to bear with the thought of flattened maize plants, she refused. In a
battle of wits, she lay on the field, defying her neighbour to drive “over her dead body”. Refusing to
back down, the rumbling vehicle surmounted the determined human barrier. Eventually, the villager
paid a couple of ten thousand yuan for a private settlement.

During my childhood days, house doors could be left ajar at night. When I came home from school
occasionally to find myself alone, the aunty next door would ask me over. Taking my place at her
kitchen table had seemed the most natural thing to do. During busy farming seasons, we would call
for neighbours’ helping hands. Appreciation was a simple meal and a cosy tête-à-tête. These days,
attitudes and values have gone on a different tangent. Certainly, the government is doing much to
develop the rural economy. I am eager to witness better days at home, and am sure that sweeping
changes will occur in no time. But the two episodes struck a sensitive chord. Perhaps we should
also look into shaping characters and values to prevent the evacuation of moral scruples when
prosperity finally ensues.

文章以小品的方式揭露当前的社会弊病。人们为了逐利而舍弃淳朴的乡风, 以致
所以更有 感染力,更发人深省。译文希望能再现原文的风格,并且做得更好。

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有同学用in front of the machine很好。







