Unit 1 Access
to success
Further practice in listening
Short conversations Scripts
Conversation 1
W: Hello, Mr. Williams. This is John Barrett’s
secretary. I’m calling
to cancel his
appointment with you at 10 today as he is not
feeling well. M: Thanks
for calling. It’s
quite all right. We’ll arrange some other time to
meet. Q: What is the
man going to do?
Conversation 2 M: I need to use more than just
my math skills for these questions but
I don’t
have a calculator. Shall I go and buy one? W:
Actually, I’ve got two. And I’ll
let you have
one for the price of a coffee. Q: What do we learn
about the woman from
this conversation?
Conversation 3 M: Professor Smith, I’d like to
have your advice as to my career
in the future. W: It’s my pleasure. I think you
are good at abstract
thinking. I am sure
you’ll make it if you pursue your graduate work in
physics. Q: What does the woman
advice the man to do?
Conversation 4 W: I
can’t believe Ken missed such an important lecture
even though I
reminded him the day before
yesterday. M: You should know him better by now.
known for taking everything in one ear
and straight out the other. Q: What does the
man imply?
Conversation 5 W: I hear
you’re working as a market surveyor this summer.
It’s got
to be awfully difficult going to so
many places in such hot summer days. M: Well, it
is challenging, but I get to meet lots of new
people and the pay is decent enough. Q:
does the man think of his job?
conversation Scripts W: Thanks for meeting with
me, Dr. Pearl. I need
permission to drop your
class, Literature and Writing. M: It’s only the
second week of
class, Stacey. Why are you
giving up so quickly? We’ve only written one essay
so far,
and you won’t get your grade back
until next Wednesday! W: I know, sir. But as a
third-year engineering student, I don’t want
to risk lowering my grade point average
scoring poorly in a writing class! M: OK … What’s
worrying you? W: I spent two
weeks reading
Great Expectations, and then it took me 10 hours
to write the
three-page essay. Well,
engineering courses are easy but important, as we
know. But a
writing course … I don’t know.
I’ll just take a film class next semester, not
hard at all
– a two-paragraph review for each
film. That will cover my humanities requirements.
M: OK Stacey, listen: In college, I was the
opposite. Math was hard; literature was
But later, when I opened my coffee shop, The Found
Librarian, located on the
15th street, math
helped me! W: Wait! You own The Found Librarian?
That’s our
favorite coffee place. We get
coffee and screenplay at more than 30 different
production dessert there every week – and work
on math homework. M: Yeah, that’s
my shop.
Stacey, let’s reconsider. Success in life needs a
variety of skills. Humanities
majors need
math. Engineering majors need writing skills. This
writing class will
serve you well. Go
to the University Writing Center and sign up for
free tutoring.
Then stop by my office each
Friday at 11 a.m. and I’ll work with you. Together
can succeed in becoming a strong writer. A
good deal? W: Yes! Thank you, Dr. Pearl!
Passage 1 Scripts In 1978, as I applied to
study film at the University of Illinois, my
father objected and quoted me a statistic,
“Every year, 50,000 performers compete for
available roles on Broadway.” Against his advice,
I boarded a flight to the US.
Some years
later, when I graduated from the film school, I
came to understand my
father’s concern. It was
nearly unheard of for a Chinese newcomer to make
it in the
American film industry. Beginning in
1983, I struggled through six years of annoying,
hopeless uncertainty. Much of the time, I was
helping film crews with their equipment
working as editor’s assistant. My most painful
experience involved shopping a
screenplay at
more than 30 different production companies, and
being met with harsh
rejection each time. That
year, I turned 30. Yet, I couldn’t even support
myself. What
could I do? Keep waiting, or give
up my moviemaking dream? My wife gave me
strong support. Her income was terribly
modest. To relieve me from feeling guilty, I
took on all housework – cooking, cleaning,
taking care of our son – in addition to
reading, reviewing films and writing scripts.
It was rather shameful for a man to live
kind of life. Afterward, I enrolled in a computer
course at a community college.
At that time,
it seemed that only the knowledge of computer
could quickly make me
employable. One morning,
right before she got in her car to head off to
work, my wife
turned back and – standing there
on our front steps – said, “Ang Lee, don’t forget
your dream.” Sometime after, I obtained
funding for my screenplay, and began to
my own films. After that, a few of my films
started to win international awards.
earlier times, my wife confessed, “I’ve always
believed that you only need
one gift. Your
gift is making films.” And today, I’ve finally won
that golden statue. I
think my own
perseverance and my wife’s immeasurable sacrifice
have finally met
their reward. Q1: When did
Ang Lee come to understand his father’s concern
studying film? Q2: What was Ang Lee’s
most painful experience according to the
passage? Q3: Why did Ang Lee enroll in a
computer course at a community college?
What did Ang Lee’s wife think of him according to
the passage?
Passage 2 Scripts and answers
Nothing succeeds like confidence. When you are
and justifiably confident, it radiates
from you like sunlight, and attracts success to
like a magnet. It’s so important to 1)
believe in yourself. Believe that you can do
anything under any 2) circumstances, because
if you believe you can, then you really
That belief just keeps you 3) searching for
success, and then pretty soon you can
get it.
Confidence is more than an attitude. It comes from
knowing exactly where you
are going, and how
you are going to get there. It comes from 4) a
strong sense of
purpose. It comes from a
strong commitment to take 5) responsibility,
rather than just
let life happen. One way to
develop self-confidence is to do the thing you
fear and get
a record of successful
experiences behind you. Confidence does not equal
self-importance. Self-importance is born out
of fear and 6) insecurity, while
comes from strength and 7) integrity. Confidence
is not just believing you
can do it.
Confidence is knowing you can do it, and knowing
that you are capable of 8)
anything you want. Anything can be achieved
through focused,
determined effort,
commitment and selfconfidence. If your life is not
what you 9) are
longing for, you have the
power to change it, and you must make such changes
on a
moment by moment basis. Live with your
goals and your plan of action, and live each
moment with your 10) priorities in mind, then
you will have the life you want.
Unit 2
Emotions speak louder than words
Further practice in listening
conversations Scripts
Conversation 1 W:
What’s up? You look so upset and tired. M: To be
frank, I am
getting a little tired of my
sister’s vanishing without any explanation,
especially when
there is a lot of work to do
around the house. Q: How does the man feel about
Conversation 2 W: What’s wrong
with Professor Smith? I can’t imagine that he lost
his temper this morning. When I first met him,
he looked so gentle and kind. M: Oh,
make a fuss about it. If you know him, then you’ll
also know it’ll pass very soon.
Q: What does
the man say about Professor Smith?
Conversation 3 W: You mean Horace is still
angry about that joke you made about his
M: Yes. But I couldn’t help it. It just occurred
to me at that moment. I didn’t
mean to offend
him at all! Q: What do we know about the man?
Conversation 4 W: By the way, did you hear
that Jack failed his mid-term exam? It’s
bad because it will disqualify him for next year’s
scholarship, and his parents will
be really
disappointed with him. M: He deserved it. He’s
never really studied since
last semester. Q:
How does the man feel about Jack’s failing the
Conversation 5 W: I have been thinking
about the interview all week. I’m so
for this job, I can’t afford any mistakes. M: Take
it easy. You’ve made
enough preparations. What
you really need is a little bit of confidence. I’m
sure you’ll
get the job. Q: What do we learn
about the woman?
Long conversation Scripts W:
Happy Friday Chris! Isn’t that mountain beautiful
today … Gosh Chris, are you OK? Are you
crying? Did I say something? M: No, it’s
Sally. It’s just that today is the one-year
anniversary of my father’s death. W:
I’m so
sorry. Today must be especially difficult. M: I
woke up this morning, looked
out at Mount
Rainier for 45 minutes thinking about him. It was
his favorite mountain,
and from the time when
I was seven years old until he died last year,
every year,
every year we would go hiking and
camping together up that mountain at least three
or four times. W: Wow. That’s my favorite
place, too. I love all the blue and yellow
flowers that cover the slopes in early summer.
M: He loved those flowers, too, and we
baskets and bunches of them at the funeral. W:
That sounds really special. Those
details can be such a comfort. M: Yes, it was a
reminder of our happiest
memories together.
Honestly, I hope to die as peacefully as he did.
We had just come
home from a five-day hiking
and camping trip in June. We had caught six fish
dinner and mom was preparing them in the
kitchen. Dad sat down in his favorite
chair and had a heart attack and died quickly and
peacefully. W: It’s tough to
someone you love, but it sounds like he had a
great life. M: He certainly did. He
was 78
when he died. A good life, though, a very good
life. W: Chris, take the day off.
Maybe go
hiking on Mount Rainier. It’s beautiful weather.
It might make you feel
better to hike up the
mountain. M: Sally, you’re a good boss and a good
Thanks. Passage 1 Scripts With the
fierce competition at work or in school, you are
often stressed out and easily offended. How
can you relieve such stress? Follow the
following tips to reduce your stress to
manageable levels! Avoid MUST think. You
to move away from the notion that you must do
something in a certain way. For
example, “I
must get a great score on a test.” This thought
pattern only adds to the
stress you’ll feel.
Evaluate your situation rationally and
analytically, and not as a “life
or death”
situation. Clean up the mess. Don’t study in a
messy or crowded area. Clear
yourself a nice,
open space that’s free from distractions. Set
manageable goals. Break
large projects into
smaller parts and you’ll feel a positive sense of
accomplishment as
you finish each part.
Imagine dumping your worries. Imagine yourself
walking on a
beautiful beach, carrying a sand
bucket. Stop at a good spot and put your worries
the bucket. Drop the bucket and watch as
it drifts away into the ocean. Think good
thoughts. Create a set of positive but brief
assumptions and mentally repeat them to
yourself just before you fall asleep at night,
and you will feel a lot more positive in the
morning. Imagine yourself succeeding. Close
your eyes and remember a real-life
in which you did well. Imagine facing your
stressful situation with the same
feeling of
confidence. Use your bed for sleeping, not
studying. Your mind may start
to associate
your bed with work, which will make it harder for
you to fall asleep.
Listen to relaxing music.
If you want to play music, keep it low in the
Classical music especially can aid
the learning process. Apply these tips to your own
life, soon you’ll find fewer and fewer
situations to feel stressful about. Q1: What will
happen if you always think that you must do
something in a certain way? Q2: How
can you
make large projects workable according to the
passage? Q3: What is the
benefit of classical
music mentioned in the passage? Q4: What is the
best title for the
Passage 2
Scripts and answers Moods, say the experts, are
emotions that tend to
become fixed, 1)
exerting an influence on one’s outlook for hours,
days or even weeks.
That’s 2) fabulous if your
mood is a pleasant one, but it will be a problem
if you are
sad, anxious, angry or lonely.
Perhaps one of the best ways to deal with such
moods is
to 3) talk them out. Sometimes,
though, there is no one to listen. Modern science
offers an abundance of drugs to deal with bad
moods. But scientists have also
discovered the
practicability of several non-drug 4) approaches
to release you from an
unwanted mood. These
can be just as useful as drugs, and have the added
benefit of
being healthier. So, the next time
you feel out of sorts, don’t 5) head for the drug
– try the following approach. Of all the
mood-altering self-help techniques, physical
exercise seems to be the most 6) efficient
cure for a bad mood. “If you could keep up
exercise, you’d be in high spirits,” says Kathryn
Lance, author of Running for
Health and
Beauty. Obviously, physical activity 7) is linked
with mood changes.
Researchers have explained
biochemical and various other changes that make
8) compare favorably to drugs as a
mood-raiser. Physical exertion such as housework,
however, does little help, probably
because it is not intensive enough, and people
usually do it unwillingly. The key is physical
exercise – running, cycling, walking,
or other sustained activities that 9) boost the
heart rate, increase circulation
and improve
the body’s use of oxygen. Do them for at least 20
minutes a 10) session,
three to five times a
Unit 3 Love your neighbor
Further practice in listening
conversations Scripts
Conversation 1 M: It’s
considerate of the community to offer us old
people so many
chances. As you can see from my
curriculum schedule, I have one music theory class
and one piano lesson in the afternoon. W: I
still have no idea which class I should
choose. I think I may take music theory class
with you. Q: What are the speakers
Conversation 2 W: Let’s talk about the
preparations for the coming Christmas party.
M: I think we really need a good plan and to
arrange everything well in advance this
Do you remember what a mess it was last year? Q:
What do we know about the
Christmas party last
Conversation 3 W: John, could you look
after the children for me while I go to the
doctor? The only appointment I could get is at
11:00. M: All right. But I have to leave
at 1
p.m. I’m going to a party in the afternoon. Q:
What is the man supposed to do
now according
to the conversation?
Conversation 4 M: It’s
said that you have a new handsome neighbor from
How are you getting along with him,
Mary? W: Oh, quite well. He is a person who
always speaks his mind, and I guess he gets
along well with the entire neighborhood.
What does the woman think of her new neighbor?
Conversation 5 W: I’ve heard that Mr. Smith is
moving to a new apartment house at
the end of
this month. M: That’s wonderful. He’s been looking
forward to moving to
a new house for a long
time. Let’s give him a hand this weekend. Q: What
is the man
going to do this weekend?
conversation Scripts W: Hello, Mr. Lucas, I’m here
to ask for 10 days off work,
next month, in
August. Together with the two weekends, I’ll have
a full 14 days off
from work. M: Two weeks in
August? Lucy, as the election season is coming,
news and stories are catching the eye of
the public. We may need our best news
producers – like you – to be here for
interviews. What’s so important? W: I know it is
a busy season, but I’ve been taking two weeks
off every year to volunteer for Habitat
Humanity – it’s a commitment I’ve kept every year,
no matter what. It’s such a
great organization
that builds low-cost homes for people in need. The
work is all
volunteering and most of the
supplies to build the houses are provided for
free. It’s a
great way to build community and
make friends. M: I love Habitat for Humanity! In
2005, after Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana,
over 150,000 volunteers helped build
more than
2,200 homes. My daughter worked with them in New
Orleans and my
brother has volunteered with
Habitat for Humanity for five years. W: Wow! You
know my husband and I have been volunteering
for six years here in Seattle. When I
started, I didn’t even know how to hold
a hammer, but now I’ve learned how to paint,
build roofs, and even install kitchen sinks! I
love the feeling of community we
develop with
our fellow volunteers and with the communities
that benefit from our
work. M: Alright! We’ll
work it out. I’ll give you the time off. Maybe
this year you
can learn how to install doors
as well! Q1: Why is the woman asking for two weeks
off from work? Q2: Which of the following
statements is true? Q3: According to the
woman, why is she willing to volunteer for
Habitat for Humanity? Q4: What do we
about the man from the conversation? Passage 1
Scripts The BBC’s iPM radio
program asks its
listeners for interesting questions. In response,
a listener asked the
following question: “I
would like to ask a question about the
relationships among
neighbors. I mean those
people who live in your immediate neighborhood.
people we have spoken to have said they
don’t know any of their immediate
What about you? Do you know any of your immediate
neighbors, in the
sense of something more than
exchanging “Good morning” or “Good afternoon”, for
example? A research group carried out an
investigation and asked people how well
know their neighbors and this is what the research
group discovered.
Surprisingly, 77 percent of
people say they know their neighbors. It also
emerged that
if they live in a house,
regardless of town or rural area, a massive 80
percent of them
know their neighbors. However,
the figure drops to 75 percent if they’re in a
flat. The
survey also revealed that people
appear to get friendlier as they get older. In
fact, only
64 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds
know their neighbors, but for people aged 55-64
number climbs to 88 percent.
Interestingly enough, it turns out that men are a
less likely to say they know their
neighbors than women, and the rich are closer to
their neighbors than the less well-off. This
topic was very popular with lots of BBC
listeners and provoked plenty of comments on
the BBC’s iPM website. One of the
said, “I only really got to know my neighbors when
their house caught fire.
We’re good friends
now.” Another one recalled, “When we moved into
our house
three years ago, the first remark
our neighbor made was, ‘So, you’re moving in? I
hope you don’t have noisy kids.’ We reassured
him we had no children and tried to
conversation but with no success.” Q1: What
question did the research group try
to find an
answer to? Q2: Which age group is more likely to
know their neighbors?
Q3: Which of the
following statements is true according to the
passage? Q4: What do
the website’s comments
mentioned at the end of the passage imply?
Passage 2 Scripts and answers Many neighbor
disputes end up in court because of
communication. If something dangerous or 1)
illegal happens, the cops are the
solution. But if problems that arise are grayer,
communication is the best way
to save money
and trouble. Here are some tips to be a good
neighbor and deal with a
bad one: ? Get to
know each other. Being a good neighbor doesn’t
mean 2) taking
family vacations together. Just
knowing them well enough to say hi, or maybe
borrowing a cup of sugar or loaning a
gardening tool, can build trust and
understanding. Issues are much more likely to
occur among strangers than even casual
acquaintances. ? Head off problems before they’re
problems. If you are 4) throwing
a party at
your place, go to all neighbors who might be
affected and offer them two
things: a 5)
verbal invitation to the party and a card with
your phone number. If they
are not 6)
tolerant of the noise or there are other problems,
your neighbors can call
you instead of asking
the police to 7) intervene. ? Tell your neighbors
bothering you – don’t assume they know
what the problem is. Be open and direct, not
passive-aggressive. Ask for their opinions,
and wherever possible, propose a solution
8) splits the difference and demonstrates a
willingness to compromise. Stay cool
positive, even if your neighbors are not. ? Check
with other neighbors. See if
anybody else on
the block is having similar issues – they may be
willing to help 9)
resolve it. If one of the
neighbors is close to the troublemaker, have them
come with
you when you 10) talk it out. Bottom
line? As with any relationship, being a good
neighbor – or dealing with a bad one – is all
about communication.
Unit 4 What’s the big
Further practice in listening
Short conversations Scripts
1 M: Ted said he’d made up his mind to quit school
and set up his own
computer company. W: He’s
told many people about his plan but I wonder where
could get so much money. Besides, he never
showed any real curiosity in our
class. He is a complete layman as far as the
computer is concerned. Q: What
does the woman
Conversation 2 W: It is reported that
researchers have developed tiny engines which
are able to break down the pollutants in
wastewater to create clean water. I think
that’ll be great news to people in areas
lacking water. M: Well, I am thinking that
whether people in those areas can afford the
engines. Q: What is the man worried
Conversation 3 W: Driving all the way to work
and back every day really makes me
If only the cars could drive automatically. M:
Well, haven’t you heard that
some engineers
are working on intelligent cars? I suppose that
you will soon be able
to purchase one as long
as you can afford it. Q: What can we infer from
Conversation 4 M: A
Dutch airline rolled out a new program recently.
It enables
travelers to choose their seat
partners based on the online profiles of those
sharing the
flight. Passengers can make a
match by offering their Facebook data, depending
whether they’re looking for a potential
personal or business relationship. W: Aha,
that’s really a fantastic idea. I’d like to
have a try as early as possible. Q: What are
they talking about?
Conversation 5 M: I
am thinking of starting my own business. But I
haven’t got any
idea of what to do. It seems
that many young people are pouring into the online
business. W: If I were you, I’d like to offer
the online video editing service. Many
shoot videos but don’t know how to edit. Maybe
this is the online business
opportunity for
you! Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
Long conversation Scripts M: Alas! This
creative writing class is too much! I have to
write a five-page short story by October 8th,
and I have no idea what to write about.
We’re already two months into the semester, you
must have written stories before
now. What did
you write about last time? M: That’s just it –
we’ve only had to write
true stories so
far, funny little things that happened to us or
our families. My first
three stories were
about hunting or fishing with my childhood dog,
Brownie, and
visiting my grandmother during
the summers when I was in high school. This time,
has to be fictional. Hey! You’re a great
artist, how do you get your ideas? W: Thank
you, but I’m not sure painting and writing are
exactly the same. When I’m ready to
start a
new painting, I usually go for long walks along
the beach or out in the woods. I
find most of
my inspiration in nature. M: Hmm … I don’t think
that would really
work for me. I need
characters and a plot.
W: You should try
hanging out at the train station. There are always
people with odd hats or accents
coming and going, dramatic goodbyes and romantic
reunions. Just sit in the lobby for an hour or
two and watch everyone. Try to imagine
they are, where they’re going, why they’re in such
a hurry. M: The train station?
That’s actually
a pretty good idea! How did you come up with such
a great idea? W:
I’m glad you like it, but I
can’t take any credit. It’s an old trick I learned
from many
artists and writers. You just need
something new and exciting to get those creative
ideas flowing. Q1: What’s the problem with the
man? Q2: How does the woman get
her ideas
before painting? Q3: What is the man’s attitude
toward the woman’s way of
getting inspiration?
Q4: What does the woman suggest the man do at the
train station?
Passage 1 Scripts We may take
the invention of the toilet for granted, but it is
something many of us would have a hard time
learning to live without. Public
systems were invented long ago, but when was the
toilet invented? The
story of the toilet takes
us back to 1596. The toilet was created by Sir
John Harrington
for his godmother, Queen
Elizabeth I. Harrington called his design a “water
and his water closet was installed in
Queen Elizabeth’s castle in 1596. The original
toilet, or water closet, had a knob on a chain
that had to be pulled in order for the
to be released from a bowl. Underneath the bowl,
there was a basin or
collection bowl that had
to be emptied and cleaned often. It is not the
sanitary and
pleasant way for removing waste
that we know of, but it paves the way for later
improvements. Over time, many inventors
improved Harrington’s original water
closet by
improving the pipes that were attached to the
bottom and the flush system
that built upon
the original toilet. By 1896, Thomas Crapper began
to sell toilets.
Crapper saw the importance
and necessity of the toilet, and he used his
admiration for
the product to help promote and
sell the toilet. Harrington’s invention is,
without a
doubt, one invention that would be
hard to live without. Inventors will continue to
develop upon Harrington’s original water
closet. Q1: Who invented the first toilet
according to the passage? Q2: What was one of
the problems with Harrington’s water
Q3: How did inventors improve the original toilet
according to the passage?
Q4: Which of the
following can best summarize the passage?
Passage 2 Scripts and answers Scientific
research should improve our overall quality
life. The government should provide financial and
political support to any research
that is
likely to result in immediate and significant
benefits for the people. However,
ideas 1) vary when it comes to whether the
government should support
scientific research
with no practical use. Still 2) a large portion of
people believe that
the government should
distribute adequate funds to any scientific
research that aims to
improve the 3)
well-being of people, even if it is of no
practical use in the short run.
research whose social benefits are immediate,
predictable, and 4) profound
should continue
to be a high priority. For example, biotechnology
research has been
proven to help cure and
prevent diseases; information technology enables
education to
be more 5) accessible; and
communication technology facilitates global peace
improving mutual understanding among people
and their participation in the
process. However, this is not to say that research
whose benefits are less
immediate or clear
should be given a lower priority. It is difficult
to predict which
research will 6) ultimately
lead to the greatest contributions to society.
Reluctance to
finance less practical
scientific research could 7) have a harmful effect
on the efforts
to explore new knowledge. This
is particularly true of the computer sciences. For
instance, before the first computer was
invented, public opinions 8) went against it, as
most people saw nothing practical in computer
research. However, computers
transformed the
way human society evolved and proved to be of
great avail in the
long run, especially in
terms of scientific development in fields such as
the military,
medicine, 9) aviation, and
education. Therefore, never should we think that
research whose benefits are unknown
10) is not worth pursuing since the purpose of
any research should be to discover truths,
whatever it might be.
Unit 5 More than a
Further practice in listening
Short conversations Scripts
1 W: I just want to burst into my boss’ office and
tell him that I quit. He
promised to give me a
promotion, but he went against his word. M: Well,
if I were
you, I’d bite my tongue and wait
until I get a better job. Q: What is the man’s
for the woman?
Conversation 2 M:
Now suppose I was to stay at home and do all the
housework and
look after the children while my
wife went out to work. What would you think about
that? W: Well, you know … I’d rather do it the
other way round. Q: What does the
woman imply?
Conversation 3 M: I am really sorry for this,
but I hope that you can understand my
for deciding to leave, Mrs. Smith. W: Well, do I
have to remind you that we
have invested a lot
of time and money in your career here? Q: What
does Mrs. Smith
Conversation 4 W:
It looks that you are a bit tired. I’ve noticed
that you’ve been
sitting in front of the
computer for an hour. Why don’t you stop and have
a coffee
break? M: I’ve got to finish this
report and I can’t leave it until the deadline. Q:
does the man mean?
Conversation 5 M:
When Jane told me that she was going to quit her
job, I just
thought she was kidding. You know,
it’s a good job and she is well paid. W: I see
your point, but she said she was tired of
counting other people’s money. Q: What can
learn about Jane from the conversation?
conversation Scripts M: Michelle, I really wish I
could quit this awful job –
today – if I could
afford to pay my rent without it. Just think of
working outside in
this terrible heat
the whole summer … I dream of my future when I’m
rich! W: Oh
Mark, it’s not that bad! I’ll
admit, it’s crazy hot, and I’d love some ice-cold
juice right now. But you’re only a
gardener, how do you think you’ll ever get rich?
Do you think you’ll plant a money tree and
harvest bags of gold? M: I may be only a
gardener now, but I’ll be rich some day. I’ll
start my own business and make millions!
have a corner office in a big building with a big
black leather chair and a view of
the whole
city! W: Well, I have no idea it is so easy to be
a millionaire! If it’s as
simple as that, I
think I’ll be rich, too. But I’m not going to work
in some boring
office. M: Oh no? Where then?
If you could have any job in the world, what would
be? W: Any job in the world? I suppose I’d
want something fun. Hmm … maybe play
games for a living … or maybe I could be a pilot …
or a professional ballroom
dancer! That’s it!
I could be a dancer, waltzing around the floor in
beautiful evening
dresses! M: You, dancing?
I’m not so sure about that … You ballroom dancing
hmm … W: Oh, please. I’ve taken ballroom
dancing for seven years and I’m really
You should see me … Want to go dancing next
Thursday at 8 p.m.?
Q1: What is the man
complaining about? Q2: What does the man dream of
being? Q3:
What is the woman’s attitude toward
the man’s dream? Q4: What does the woman
of doing? Passage 1 Scripts Once I had a wonderful
job at a marvelous firm. I
had flexibility, an
understanding boss, and a high salary. I loved my
job. But after six
years of trying out various
professional roles, I felt that I had grown beyond
the fixed
positions available at the company.
I must admit that having a lot of money is nice.
Money can buy you things, nice things.
However, the popular saying is true – money
cannot buy you happiness, and having it
doesn’t mean that you are a successful
After several years, I realized that the more
money I made, the less satisfied I
Days started to blend into one another, time flew
by, and I deeply longed for
something with
more meaning. Upon realizing that I was trading my
time for money,
I started experimenting with
other income sources. I’ve started and ended
I’ve turned hobbies into
professional pursuits, and I’ve tested out
different investment
strategies. In the end,
I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter what you are
doing. As long
as you are doing something that
expresses your passion, you will feel great and
will gain satisfaction. I’ve also learned
that starting something from scratch and
watching it grow is deeply rewarding. Through
my quest for passion, I’ve discovered
as a platform where I can share ideas and lessons
learned that are closest to
my heart, as a way
to serve others. For the first time in my life, I
feel that I am living
my life’s purpose. Q1:
Why did the speaker get tired of her job at the
company? Q2:
Which of the following is true
about money according to the speaker? Q3: What can
bring satisfaction according to the speaker?
Q4: What does the speaker find most
for her now?
Passage 2 Scripts and answers A
poorly trained manager can make an employee’s life
miserable. In 99 out of 100 cases, employees
may 1) suffer from low spirits and then
gradually become no longer 2) enthusiastic
about their jobs just because they have a
who doesn’t approve of them, doesn’t listen to
them, or generally 3) erodes their
esteem. Three basic skills that every manager
should use in order to be 4)
competent on the
job are: being specific, enhancing others’ self-
esteem and listening
effectively. Being
specific means giving 5) clear-cut instructions
about what is to be
done and the results to be
achieved. Being specific also means describing the
of people rather than 6) labeling
people. It includes giving both positive feedback
tells them what to repeat and corrective
feedback that is firm, yet not critical. Then it
7) comes down to evoking in the employees
self-esteem. Self-esteem is a private,
individual matter. It is not fixed, but goes
up and down from day to day, or even from
to hour. Thus, building self-esteem is no easy
task. Managers can’t MAKE
people feel good
about themselves, but rather, they need to help
people develop their
own self-esteem as self-
esteem is like a door that’s locked from the
inside. A final
skill that today’s managers
need more than ever is listening. Listening may
seem like
a 8) commonplace skill, but it’s not
practiced as much as it should be in business
today. People 9) tend to think about what they
are going to say in response when
person is talking, instead of 10) focusing on what
that person is saying and
what he she means.
Unit 6 Histories make men wise
Further practice in listening
conversations Scripts
Conversation 1 M:
That’s a big assignment we got for the English
class this week, and
for the European History
course, we still have a presentation about artists
in the
Renaissance to prepare. W: Well, it’s
not as bad as it looks. The assignment isn’t due
until Friday morning. Q: What does the woman
Conversation 2 W: Are you coming with
me to the history museum, Jack? The TV
I saw last night reminded me of some important
historical figures I like. M: I
saw that, too.
Maybe next time, because I already have my hands
full with this book
report. Q: What is the
man’s reply to the woman’s suggestion?
Conversation 3 W: Today on History says that
Ford Model T which was introduced in
1908 was
regarded as the first affordable American
automobile. M: Yeah. The
country has become “a
nation on wheels” since the last century. I was
reading that
there are about four million
miles of roads and highways in this country now.
It seems
as if we were married with cars. Q:
What does the man mean?
Conversation 4 W: We
usually think of history as the story of important
people and
events, but some historians in the
20th century are also interested in the daily
lives of
ordinary people. M: That’s true. They
can even learn a lot from studying old family
pictures. For example, the number of children
in a picture indicates the size of the
the clothes they wore suggest the popular fashions
of the time. Q: What does
the man think of
Conversation 5 W: Hi, Sam. Are
you ready for the history test this Friday? I see
are still playing games. M: Well, that’s
my way of dealing with stress. You know, I’m
afraid of memorizing all those odd names and
dates. I shouldn’t have taken this
course, to
be frank. Q: What does Sam imply?
conversation Scripts
W: It is hot
outside! M: Hi Daisy! What is it, 75 degrees
Fahrenheit? W: It’s over 100
Grandpa! You’re
just cool because you’ve had the air conditioning
on! I’ve been
working in the yard all morning.
I’m so hot and I feel like I’m melting! M: At
you can come inside and have a nice cool
glass of lemon juice. W: And I sure need it!
I’ve been baking in the Arizona sun for two
hours now, and I can’t imagine anything
than standing in the cool air enjoying an ice-cold
drink. M: Back when I was
your age, we didn’t
have any air conditioning. Willis Carrier didn’t
invent air
conditioning until 1902, and it
wasn’t available in people’s homes until after
War II. W: Wow! What was life like for
you? M: I worked as a farmhand for the
neighbors, building fences all day. You should
have seen me when I was 13,
sunburned and
dirty. W: And you still lived in Arizona back
then? M: No, I was in
Texas. We survived the
heat by swimming all the time. There was a stream
through the farm, and every few hours,
I would leap into the water! Even with my
clothes completely soaked with water, the sun
would still dry me off in 10 minutes! W:
know you didn’t have cell phones and computers,
but I forget about the little
comforts like
the air conditioning. M: Yes, a lot has changed,
but not this summer
heat! W: I wonder what
scientists will come up with in the next century
to keep us
cool. M: I’d like a weather machine
to make it rain during these long dry spells. W:
Personally, I hope someone invents a personal
ice cream machine! It could follow me
all day making chocolate ice cream! Q1: What was
the girl doing on such a
hot morning? Q2: What
do we know about the air conditioning from the
Q3: What can we learn about the
man when he was 13? Q4: What would the girl like
to have in the next century to keep cool?
Passage 1 Scripts Almost 70 years ago the
of disabled people doing sports was never heard
of. But when the annual games
for the disabled
were started in England in 1948 by Sir Ludwig
Guttmann, the
situation began to change. Sir
Ludwig Guttmann, who left Germany because of the
Nazi persecution of the Jews, was asked by the
British government to set up an
center at Stoke Mandeville Hospital near London in
1943. His methods for
treating injuries
included sports for the disabled. In the first
games just two teams of
injured soldiers took
part. The next year, 1949, five teams took part.
From those
beginnings, things have developed
fast. In 1960 the first Paralympic Games were held
in Rome, in the same place as the normal
Olympic Games. Since then, the Paralympic
Games have taken place in the same year as the
Olympic Games. The 1988 Summer
Paralympics in
Seoul was a landmark for the Paralympic movement.
It was in Seoul
that the Summer Paralympic
Games were held directly after the Summer Olympic
Games, in the same host city and using the
same facilities. This set a precedent and
eventually formalized in an agreement between the
International Paralympic
Committee and the
International Olympic Committee in 2001. The
Paralympic Games
have been a great success in
promoting international friendship and
and in proving that being
disabled does not mean you can’t enjoy sports. One
source of disappointment for those who
organize and take part in the Paralympic
Games, however, has been the unwillingness of
the International Olympic Committee
to include
disabled events in the Olympic Games for the able-
bodied. Perhaps a few
more years are still
needed to convince those fortunate enough not to
be disabled that
their disabled fellow
athletes should not be excluded. Q1: What was Sir
Guttmann’s greatest contribution to the
disabled? Q2: When were the first Paralympic
Games held? Q3: What was special about the
1988 Seoul Paralympic Games? Q4:
What do we
know about the Paralympic Games from the passage?
Passage 2 Scripts and answers The Sultana was
a Mississippi River steamboat
destroyed in an
explosion on April 27, 1865. An 1) estimated 1,800
of the 2,400
passengers were killed, and the
Sultana sank not far from Memphis, Tennessee. This
disaster received little public attention, as
it took place soon after the President
Lincoln was 2) assassinated. The wooden steamboat
was constructed in
1863 and 3) was intended to
be used for the lower Mississippi cotton trade.
Registering 1,719 tons, the steamboat was
built to carry no more than 376 people. For
two years, it ran a regular route between St.
Louis and New Orleans. Sometimes it
was asked
to carry troops. The Sultana left New Orleans on
April 21, 1865. Most of
the passengers were
Union soldiers who had recently been 4) released
Confederate prison camps. The US
government had 5) made a contract with the
Sultana to transport these former prisoners of
war back to their homes in the north. At
a.m. on April 27, about seven miles north of
Memphis, at least one boiler 6) gave
causing a huge explosion that destroyed the center
portion of the boat, throwing
sleeping men
high into the air before landing in the river.
Confusion and chaos 7)
ensued as men tried to
save themselves and others. Many drowned while
burned to death. The direct cause of
the explosion was later determined to be the
leaky and poorly repaired steam boiler.
Passengers who 8) survived the initial
explosion had to risk their lives in the icy
water of the Mississippi or burn with the
ship. Many died of drowning or coldness.
Bodies of 9) victims continued to be found
downriver for months. Many were never
recovered. Some of the Sultana’s crew,
including the captain, were among those who
10) perished.
Unit 7 For every question there
is an answer
Further practice in listening
Short conversations Scripts
1 W: Can you help me check if I damaged my laptop?
I spilled coffee
on it yesterday. I need to
email some important business partners this
afternoon. M:
Of course, but I’m not sure I
can help you. With spills, sometimes problems
always show up right away. Q: What does
the man say about the woman’s laptop?
Conversation 2 M: Well, I think the heating
unit in my living room has stopped
because I have turned the switch all the way up
but it is still freezing in here!
W: Oh. Have
you tried turning it completely off for a while
and then restarting it?
There should be a
little red light glowing next to the power switch
to indicate that it is
working. Q: How can the
man solve the problem of the heating unit
according to the
Conversation 3 W:
Professor Lee said that the mid-term exam would
cover the first
eight lessons. M: Really? I
thought it would only include the first five
lessons. If
that’s the case I must spend the
weekend going over the rest of the lessons. Q:
can be inferred from the conversation?
Conversation 4 M: We have had trouble
with the project because my partner and I had
totally different ideas about how to move
forward. Could you give me some
please? W: Why don’t you meet each other halfway?
Q: What does the
woman suggest the man do?
Conversation 5 W: You know, I’ve got another
job offer recently. But I don’t know
how to
decline the former one.
M: You can simply tell
the employer that you have found another job that
is more
suitable for your current situation.
Just be as polite as you can and of course you
thank them as well for their
consideration. Q: What does the man suggest the
Long conversation Scripts M:
Megan? Um … Can I ask you a few questions? … I
need some help. I’m really worried about my
Intro to Psychology class. W: What’s
Tim? I thought you loved that class … Are you
having trouble with the essays?
M: No, writing
essays is fine … But I’m really struggling with
the test. I read the
textbook over and over,
but I just can’t get a handle on some of the
concepts. I
understand the words, but I can’t
seem to understand how the concepts fit together …
W: Have you tried talking to the professor?
I’ve heard that Dr. Smith is really helpful.
My friend Maggie took that class and said that
she would have failed it if she hadn’t
with Dr. Smith every week during his office hours
on Wednesday at 11 a.m. M:
No, no! I’m way too
shy. Every time he calls on me in class, I’m so
nervous I can’t
speak. I’m just so worried,
and I don’t know what to do. W: You could try
talking to
the teaching assistant, Jane. She
is known for making the complex ideas of
psychology easy to understand, plus she’s
really easy to talk to, because she is a great
listener. Maybe she can help! Jane’s office
hours are on Thursday at 1 p.m. M: OK.
Teaching assistant, Jane, Thursdays at 1 p.m.
Any other ideas? W: Yeah. Don’t forget
the Internet. Try doing a little research online.
A lot of university professors
post video
lectures that are free to watch. For a class like
Intro to Psychology I bet
you can find some
great lectures online that will be a big help. M:
Thanks Megan! I’ll
try it! Q1: What is the
man’s problem according to the conversation? Q2:
Why is the
man afraid of asking the professor
for help? Q3: What can we know about the
teaching assistant from the conversation? Q4:
What else will the man probably do in
to talking to the teaching assistant? Passage 1
Scripts Every relationship in
our life –
friendships, family ties, romantic and
professional relationships – can
be destroyed by conflicts. The solution is not to
ignore the conflicts or
keep moving around
hoping to find a set of perfect people. Resolving
conflicts in
relationships is one of the most
important life skills we should develop and it is
something we need to value. So how to resolve
conflicts? First, if we have a difficult
issue, it is important to see the problem from
the other person’s perspective. This does
mean we have to agree with their viewpoint; it
means we try to see the issue from
a different
perspective. This empathy can at least help us
understand where they are
coming from, and why
they have their particular attitude. If we only
look at things
from our own perspective,
conflicts will be much more likely to occur.
Second, we
need tolerance. A major cause of
conflicts in relationships is when we expect
to behave in a certain way. The problem
with expecting certain behavior from others
is that we get upset when they fail to
live up to our expectations. We need to be
tolerant of other people’s mistakes and
limitations. We have to respect their decisions
on how to live their life. Third, we should
talk. When tense situations arise, talking
be the most effective way of moving past the
problem. When talking we should
try to focus
on positive issues and look for things which we
agree on and can work
together on. Some things
are best left unsaid; it is inadvisable to bring
up old conflicts
unless absolutely necessary.
No conflict is unsolvable. If we are willing to
change our
attitude we can develop harmony
even with difficult people. If we can develop
harmony in our relationships, it will
definitely make a big difference to our life. Q1:
Why is it important to “see the problem from
the other person’s perspective”
according to
the passage? Q2: What is a major cause of
conflicts in relationships
according to the
passage? Q3: How should we solve the problem by
way of talking?
Q4: Which of the following can
best summarize the main idea of this passage?
Passage 2 Scripts and answers Research shows a
close relation between reading speed
understanding that in most cases an increase in
rate 1) was accompanied by an
increase in
comprehension and a decrease in rate brought
decreased comprehension
with it. However,
simply speeding the rate especially through forced
2) acceleration
may actually result in making
the real reading problem more 3) severe. The
solution, then, is to increase rate as
a part of a total 4) endeavor of the whole reading
process. Then how? You can prepare for maximum
increase in rate by establishing 5)
practicable habits, such as avoiding rereading
and whispering while reading, learning
adjust reading rate to increase comprehension.
Rate adjustment may be overall
adjustment, or
internal adjustment within an article. As an 6)
analogy, imagine that
you plan to take a
100-mile mountain trip in three hours, averaging
about 35 miles an
hour. This is your overall
rate adjustment. However, in actual driving you
may slow
down to 15 miles per hour on some
curves, while 7) speeding up to 50 miles per hour
on relatively straight sections. This is your
internal rate adjustment. Poor results are
inevitable if the reader 8) attempts to use
the same rate for all types of material and
for all reading purposes. A good reader
adjusts his her reading rate from article to
article, or even within a given article. So
you need to 9) foster a good reading habit by
daily training until a flexible reading rate
becomes 10) second nature to you.
Unit 8
Communication: then and now
Practice in Listening
Short conversations
Conversation 1 W: Mobile phones are
changing campus life. Almost everyone is
carrying one in our dorm, texting friends all
the time. M: That’s true. In classrooms,
untimely ringing interrupts lectures and destroys
the atmosphere of study. The
mobile phone
users themselves also suffer. Q: What’s the man’s
opinion of mobile
phones on campus?
Conversation 2 M: Hi, what instant messenger
do you usually use? I want to add you
to my
contact list so that we can chat online. W: Sorry,
I don’t use any chatting
software. I
still prefer the traditional face-to-face contact,
and I think that makes me
feel safer. Q: Why
doesn’t the woman have an instant messenger?
Conversation 3 M: Elizabeth, could you do me a
favor and send this email to all the
members of our department? W: Sorry, the network
in our company is down,
and the engineers are
trying to locate the problem, but they promised
that the network
will be recovered before
three in the afternoon. Q: What does the woman
Conversation 4 M: I was frustrated
yesterday at the party where my classmates were
having a get-together five years after
graduation. I just couldn’t stand that almost
everybody was checking their cell phones for
emails or texts constantly without
concentrating on our conversation. W: Well,
you are not alone. But actually I am
trying to
adapt myself to this new way of life. Q: Why was
the man frustrated with the
Conversation 5 W: You know what?
Jenny found her boyfriend through an online
dating. That’s really amazing. But why
couldn’t I find my love in the cyber world? M:
I guess you would probably change your mind if
you hear that they already broke up
last week.
Q: What does the man imply?
Long conversation
Scripts W: Oh! My letter came! Finally! I wrote to
Beth over two
weeks ago and I’ve been checking
the mail for the past four days waiting for her
response. M: Who’s Beth? And why are you
jumping up and down like a puppy dog
of her letter? W: She’s my pen pal in Sydney,
Australia. We met in Granada,
Spain last
summer when we were both there on vacation. She
works as a nurse in the
emergency room at a
hospital in Sydney and has a five-year-old son
just the same age
as my daughter. M: A nurse
in Sydney, Australia? You’re an accountant in
Florida. What on earth do you guys talk
about? I mean, you can’t talk about politics or
local events, or even the weather … W: Oh,
there’s more to people than their jobs or
weather! We’re friends! We both love to collect
seashells, we both have a
five-year-old child,
and we’re both huge fans of old cowboy movies! M:
Well, if
you’re so excited to hear back from
Beth in Sydney, Australia, why not just email?
You could send and receive emails within the
hour, instead of waiting 10 days to two
for the mail. W: Of course, it’s much faster to
send emails, but there’s
something exciting
and wonderful about receiving old-style letters –
to feel the paper
in your hands, to read and
reread the thoughtful words and ideas … It’s like
a surprise
gift arriving in the mail from a
faraway place. M: Um, I can understand that. It’s
wonderful kind of waiting when I order a new
book in the mail. I love it when it
arrives …
Well worth the wait! Q1: Why is the woman so
happy? Q2: What is the
woman’s job? Q3: Which
of the following would be most likely to be talked
between the woman and her pen pal? Q4:
Why is the woman more willing to receive
style letters instead of emails from her friend?
Passage 1 Scripts New technology
and social media sites are constantly changing,
evolving and developing, which means the face
of personal communication is also
These changes, however, often mean people are
having less and less
face-to-face interaction.
Email, texting, and Facebook are just a few
examples of
media that have diminished verbal
communication; verbal communication has
decreased dramatically from just 20 years ago,
when most of the technology used
today did not
even exist. Email, starting during the 1970s but
not becoming popular in
the public sphere
until the 1990s, was one of the first forms of
online communication
technology to come about
that is still used today. Email is currently the
most popular
form of online communication,
even after discounting the large volume of spam
messages sent. According to a survey, about
188 billion emails are sent out per day,
79 percent of people use their smart phones to
check their email, a much higher
than the 43 percent who use them to make phone
calls. Texting has also
increased dramatically
since it first came about in the 1990s and is now
used for
communication more than making phone
calls. More than 70 percent of people use
their smart phones to text, according to a
survey. Sending messages through social
sites, such as Facebook, is also taking the place
of verbal communication. More
than four
billion messages are sent daily over Facebook.
Although this is far behind
the rate of emails
being sent, it is almost equal to the number of
texts sent per day in
the US, making up a
large portion of the way people communicate. It is
no secret that
time spent on new technology
and social media sites is increasing immensely,
creating less time for real-life interactions.
Likewise, there is no doubt that as these
numbers continue to rise, face-to-face and
verbal communication will continue to
and possibly even become a mere trend of the past.
Q1: Which of the
following is the most popular
form of communication according to the passage?
How many people use their smart phones to
text, according to the passage? Q3: What
do we
know about the number of messages sent daily over
Facebook? Q4: What is
probably the speaker’s
attitude toward the trend of decreasing face-to-
face and verbal
Passage 2
Scripts and answers The most useful bit of the
media is disappearing. In
North America,
newspapers are now an 1) endangered species. The
business of selling
words to readers and
selling readers to advertisers, which has
sustained their role in
society, is 2) falling
apart. Of all the old media, newspapers have the
most to lose
from the Internet. Circulation
has been falling in many countries. But in the
past few
years the Web has hastened the
decline. In his book The Vanishing Newspaper,
Meyer 3) calculates that the first
quarter of 2043 will be the moment when newsprint
dies in America as the last exhausted reader
4) tosses aside the last crumpled edition.
Advertising is following readers who 5) turn
to the Internet. The rush is intense,
because the Internet is an attractive medium that
6) unprecedentedly matches
buyers with sellers
and proves to advertisers that their money is well
spent. In
Switzerland and the Netherlands
newspapers have lost half their 7) classified
advertising to the Internet. Newspapers have
not yet started to 8) shut down in large
numbers, but it is only a matter of time. Over
the next few decades half of North
general papers may fold. Jobs are already
disappearing. According to the
Newspaper Association of America, the
number of people employed in the newspaper
industry fell by 9) approximately 18 percent
between 1990 and 2004. Moreover, this
Morgan Stanley, an investment bank, attacked the
New York Times Company,
because its share
price had fallen by nearly 50 percent in four
years. This may suggest,
to some extent, that
tumbling shares of listed newspaper firms have
prompted 10) fury
from investors.
Unit 1
Access to success
Further practice in
Short conversations Scripts
Conversation 1 W: Hello, Mr. Williams. This is
John Barrett’s secretary. I’m calling
cancel his appointment with you at 10 today as he
is not feeling well. M: Thanks
for calling.
It’s quite all right. We’ll arrange some other
time to meet. Q: What is the
man going to do?
Conversation 2 M: I need to use more than just
my math skills for these questions but
I don’t
have a calculator. Shall I go and buy one? W:
Actually, I’ve got two. And I’ll
let you have
one for the price of a coffee. Q: What do we learn
about the woman from
this conversation?
Conversation 3 M: Professor Smith, I’d like to
have your advice as to my career
in the future. W: It’s my pleasure. I think you
are good at abstract
thinking. I am sure
you’ll make it if you pursue your graduate work in
physics. Q: What does the woman
advice the man to do?
Conversation 4 W: I
can’t believe Ken missed such an important lecture
even though I
reminded him the day before
yesterday. M: You should know him better by now.
known for taking everything in one ear
and straight out the other. Q: What does the
man imply?
Conversation 5 W: I hear
you’re working as a market surveyor this summer.
It’s got
to be awfully difficult going to so
many places in such hot summer days. M: Well, it
is challenging, but I get to meet lots of new
people and the pay is decent enough. Q:
does the man think of his job?
conversation Scripts W: Thanks for meeting with
me, Dr. Pearl. I need
permission to drop your
class, Literature and Writing. M: It’s only the
second week of
class, Stacey. Why are you
giving up so quickly? We’ve only written one essay
so far,
and you won’t get your grade back
until next Wednesday! W: I know, sir. But as a
third-year engineering student, I don’t want
to risk lowering my grade point average
scoring poorly in a writing class! M: OK … What’s
worrying you? W: I spent two
weeks reading
Great Expectations, and then it took me 10 hours
to write the
three-page essay. Well,
engineering courses are easy but important, as we
know. But a
writing course … I don’t know.
I’ll just take a film class next semester, not
hard at all
– a two-paragraph review for each
film. That will cover my humanities requirements.
M: OK Stacey, listen: In college, I was the
opposite. Math was hard; literature was
But later, when I opened my coffee shop, The Found
Librarian, located on the
15th street, math
helped me! W: Wait! You own The Found Librarian?
That’s our
favorite coffee place. We get
coffee and screenplay at more than 30 different
production dessert there every week – and work
on math homework. M: Yeah, that’s
my shop.
Stacey, let’s reconsider. Success in life needs a
variety of skills. Humanities
majors need
math. Engineering majors need writing skills. This
writing class will
serve you well. Go
to the University Writing Center and sign up for
free tutoring.
Then stop by my office each
Friday at 11 a.m. and I’ll work with you. Together
can succeed in becoming a strong writer. A
good deal? W: Yes! Thank you, Dr. Pearl!
Passage 1 Scripts In 1978, as I applied to
study film at the University of Illinois, my
father objected and quoted me a statistic,
“Every year, 50,000 performers compete for
available roles on Broadway.” Against his advice,
I boarded a flight to the US.
Some years
later, when I graduated from the film school, I
came to understand my
father’s concern. It was
nearly unheard of for a Chinese newcomer to make
it in the
American film industry. Beginning in
1983, I struggled through six years of annoying,
hopeless uncertainty. Much of the time, I was
helping film crews with their equipment
working as editor’s assistant. My most painful
experience involved shopping a
screenplay at
more than 30 different production companies, and
being met with harsh
rejection each time. That
year, I turned 30. Yet, I couldn’t even support
myself. What
could I do? Keep waiting, or give
up my moviemaking dream? My wife gave me
strong support. Her income was terribly
modest. To relieve me from feeling guilty, I
took on all housework – cooking, cleaning,
taking care of our son – in addition to
reading, reviewing films and writing scripts.
It was rather shameful for a man to live
kind of life. Afterward, I enrolled in a computer
course at a community college.
At that time,
it seemed that only the knowledge of computer
could quickly make me
employable. One morning,
right before she got in her car to head off to
work, my wife
turned back and – standing there
on our front steps – said, “Ang Lee, don’t forget
your dream.” Sometime after, I obtained
funding for my screenplay, and began to
my own films. After that, a few of my films
started to win international awards.
earlier times, my wife confessed, “I’ve always
believed that you only need
one gift. Your
gift is making films.” And today, I’ve finally won
that golden statue. I
think my own
perseverance and my wife’s immeasurable sacrifice
have finally met
their reward. Q1: When did
Ang Lee come to understand his father’s concern
studying film? Q2: What was Ang Lee’s
most painful experience according to the
passage? Q3: Why did Ang Lee enroll in a
computer course at a community college?
What did Ang Lee’s wife think of him according to
the passage?
Passage 2 Scripts and answers
Nothing succeeds like confidence. When you are
and justifiably confident, it radiates
from you like sunlight, and attracts success to
like a magnet. It’s so important to 1)
believe in yourself. Believe that you can do
anything under any 2) circumstances, because
if you believe you can, then you really
That belief just keeps you 3) searching for
success, and then pretty soon you can
get it.
Confidence is more than an attitude. It comes from
knowing exactly where you
are going, and how
you are going to get there. It comes from 4) a
strong sense of
purpose. It comes from a
strong commitment to take 5) responsibility,
rather than just
let life happen. One way to
develop self-confidence is to do the thing you
fear and get
a record of successful
experiences behind you. Confidence does not equal
self-importance. Self-importance is born out
of fear and 6) insecurity, while
comes from strength and 7) integrity. Confidence
is not just believing you
can do it.
Confidence is knowing you can do it, and knowing
that you are capable of 8)
anything you want. Anything can be achieved
through focused,
determined effort,
commitment and selfconfidence. If your life is not
what you 9) are
longing for, you have the
power to change it, and you must make such changes
on a
moment by moment basis. Live with your
goals and your plan of action, and live each
moment with your 10) priorities in mind, then
you will have the life you want.
Unit 2
Emotions speak louder than words
Further practice in listening
conversations Scripts
Conversation 1 W:
What’s up? You look so upset and tired. M: To be
frank, I am
getting a little tired of my
sister’s vanishing without any explanation,
especially when
there is a lot of work to do
around the house. Q: How does the man feel about
Conversation 2 W: What’s wrong
with Professor Smith? I can’t imagine that he lost
his temper this morning. When I first met him,
he looked so gentle and kind. M: Oh,
make a fuss about it. If you know him, then you’ll
also know it’ll pass very soon.
Q: What does
the man say about Professor Smith?
Conversation 3 W: You mean Horace is still
angry about that joke you made about his
M: Yes. But I couldn’t help it. It just occurred
to me at that moment. I didn’t
mean to offend
him at all! Q: What do we know about the man?
Conversation 4 W: By the way, did you hear
that Jack failed his mid-term exam? It’s
bad because it will disqualify him for next year’s
scholarship, and his parents will
be really
disappointed with him. M: He deserved it. He’s
never really studied since
last semester. Q:
How does the man feel about Jack’s failing the
Conversation 5 W: I have been thinking
about the interview all week. I’m so
for this job, I can’t afford any mistakes. M: Take
it easy. You’ve made
enough preparations. What
you really need is a little bit of confidence. I’m
sure you’ll
get the job. Q: What do we learn
about the woman?
Long conversation Scripts W:
Happy Friday Chris! Isn’t that mountain beautiful
today … Gosh Chris, are you OK? Are you
crying? Did I say something? M: No, it’s
Sally. It’s just that today is the one-year
anniversary of my father’s death. W:
I’m so
sorry. Today must be especially difficult. M: I
woke up this morning, looked
out at Mount
Rainier for 45 minutes thinking about him. It was
his favorite mountain,
and from the time when
I was seven years old until he died last year,
every year,
every year we would go hiking and
camping together up that mountain at least three
or four times. W: Wow. That’s my favorite
place, too. I love all the blue and yellow
flowers that cover the slopes in early summer.
M: He loved those flowers, too, and we
baskets and bunches of them at the funeral. W:
That sounds really special. Those
details can be such a comfort. M: Yes, it was a
reminder of our happiest
memories together.
Honestly, I hope to die as peacefully as he did.
We had just come
home from a five-day hiking
and camping trip in June. We had caught six fish
dinner and mom was preparing them in the
kitchen. Dad sat down in his favorite
chair and had a heart attack and died quickly and
peacefully. W: It’s tough to
someone you love, but it sounds like he had a
great life. M: He certainly did. He
was 78
when he died. A good life, though, a very good
life. W: Chris, take the day off.
Maybe go
hiking on Mount Rainier. It’s beautiful weather.
It might make you feel
better to hike up the
mountain. M: Sally, you’re a good boss and a good
Thanks. Passage 1 Scripts With the
fierce competition at work or in school, you are
often stressed out and easily offended. How
can you relieve such stress? Follow the
following tips to reduce your stress to
manageable levels! Avoid MUST think. You
to move away from the notion that you must do
something in a certain way. For
example, “I
must get a great score on a test.” This thought
pattern only adds to the
stress you’ll feel.
Evaluate your situation rationally and
analytically, and not as a “life
or death”
situation. Clean up the mess. Don’t study in a
messy or crowded area. Clear
yourself a nice,
open space that’s free from distractions. Set
manageable goals. Break
large projects into
smaller parts and you’ll feel a positive sense of
accomplishment as
you finish each part.
Imagine dumping your worries. Imagine yourself
walking on a
beautiful beach, carrying a sand
bucket. Stop at a good spot and put your worries
the bucket. Drop the bucket and watch as
it drifts away into the ocean. Think good
thoughts. Create a set of positive but brief
assumptions and mentally repeat them to
yourself just before you fall asleep at night,
and you will feel a lot more positive in the
morning. Imagine yourself succeeding. Close
your eyes and remember a real-life
in which you did well. Imagine facing your
stressful situation with the same
feeling of
confidence. Use your bed for sleeping, not
studying. Your mind may start
to associate
your bed with work, which will make it harder for
you to fall asleep.
Listen to relaxing music.
If you want to play music, keep it low in the
Classical music especially can aid
the learning process. Apply these tips to your own
life, soon you’ll find fewer and fewer
situations to feel stressful about. Q1: What will
happen if you always think that you must do
something in a certain way? Q2: How
can you
make large projects workable according to the
passage? Q3: What is the
benefit of classical
music mentioned in the passage? Q4: What is the
best title for the
Passage 2
Scripts and answers Moods, say the experts, are
emotions that tend to
become fixed, 1)
exerting an influence on one’s outlook for hours,
days or even weeks.
That’s 2) fabulous if your
mood is a pleasant one, but it will be a problem
if you are
sad, anxious, angry or lonely.
Perhaps one of the best ways to deal with such
moods is
to 3) talk them out. Sometimes,
though, there is no one to listen. Modern science
offers an abundance of drugs to deal with bad
moods. But scientists have also
discovered the
practicability of several non-drug 4) approaches
to release you from an
unwanted mood. These
can be just as useful as drugs, and have the added
benefit of
being healthier. So, the next time
you feel out of sorts, don’t 5) head for the drug
– try the following approach. Of all the
mood-altering self-help techniques, physical
exercise seems to be the most 6) efficient
cure for a bad mood. “If you could keep up
exercise, you’d be in high spirits,” says Kathryn
Lance, author of Running for
Health and
Beauty. Obviously, physical activity 7) is linked
with mood changes.
Researchers have explained
biochemical and various other changes that make
8) compare favorably to drugs as a
mood-raiser. Physical exertion such as housework,
however, does little help, probably
because it is not intensive enough, and people
usually do it unwillingly. The key is physical
exercise – running, cycling, walking,
or other sustained activities that 9) boost the
heart rate, increase circulation
and improve
the body’s use of oxygen. Do them for at least 20
minutes a 10) session,
three to five times a
Unit 3 Love your neighbor
Further practice in listening
conversations Scripts
Conversation 1 M: It’s
considerate of the community to offer us old
people so many
chances. As you can see from my
curriculum schedule, I have one music theory class
and one piano lesson in the afternoon. W: I
still have no idea which class I should
choose. I think I may take music theory class
with you. Q: What are the speakers
Conversation 2 W: Let’s talk about the
preparations for the coming Christmas party.
M: I think we really need a good plan and to
arrange everything well in advance this
Do you remember what a mess it was last year? Q:
What do we know about the
Christmas party last
Conversation 3 W: John, could you look
after the children for me while I go to the
doctor? The only appointment I could get is at
11:00. M: All right. But I have to leave
at 1
p.m. I’m going to a party in the afternoon. Q:
What is the man supposed to do
now according
to the conversation?
Conversation 4 M: It’s
said that you have a new handsome neighbor from
How are you getting along with him,
Mary? W: Oh, quite well. He is a person who
always speaks his mind, and I guess he gets
along well with the entire neighborhood.
What does the woman think of her new neighbor?
Conversation 5 W: I’ve heard that Mr. Smith is
moving to a new apartment house at
the end of
this month. M: That’s wonderful. He’s been looking
forward to moving to
a new house for a long
time. Let’s give him a hand this weekend. Q: What
is the man
going to do this weekend?
conversation Scripts W: Hello, Mr. Lucas, I’m here
to ask for 10 days off work,
next month, in
August. Together with the two weekends, I’ll have
a full 14 days off
from work. M: Two weeks in
August? Lucy, as the election season is coming,
news and stories are catching the eye of
the public. We may need our best news
producers – like you – to be here for
interviews. What’s so important? W: I know it is
a busy season, but I’ve been taking two weeks
off every year to volunteer for Habitat
Humanity – it’s a commitment I’ve kept every year,
no matter what. It’s such a
great organization
that builds low-cost homes for people in need. The
work is all
volunteering and most of the
supplies to build the houses are provided for
free. It’s a
great way to build community and
make friends. M: I love Habitat for Humanity! In
2005, after Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana,
over 150,000 volunteers helped build
more than
2,200 homes. My daughter worked with them in New
Orleans and my
brother has volunteered with
Habitat for Humanity for five years. W: Wow! You
know my husband and I have been volunteering
for six years here in Seattle. When I
started, I didn’t even know how to hold
a hammer, but now I’ve learned how to paint,
build roofs, and even install kitchen sinks! I
love the feeling of community we
develop with
our fellow volunteers and with the communities
that benefit from our
work. M: Alright! We’ll
work it out. I’ll give you the time off. Maybe
this year you
can learn how to install doors
as well! Q1: Why is the woman asking for two weeks
off from work? Q2: Which of the following
statements is true? Q3: According to the
woman, why is she willing to volunteer for
Habitat for Humanity? Q4: What do we
about the man from the conversation? Passage 1
Scripts The BBC’s iPM radio
program asks its
listeners for interesting questions. In response,
a listener asked the
following question: “I
would like to ask a question about the
relationships among
neighbors. I mean those
people who live in your immediate neighborhood.
people we have spoken to have said they
don’t know any of their immediate
What about you? Do you know any of your immediate
neighbors, in the
sense of something more than
exchanging “Good morning” or “Good afternoon”, for
example? A research group carried out an
investigation and asked people how well
know their neighbors and this is what the research
group discovered.
Surprisingly, 77 percent of
people say they know their neighbors. It also
emerged that
if they live in a house,
regardless of town or rural area, a massive 80
percent of them
know their neighbors. However,
the figure drops to 75 percent if they’re in a
flat. The
survey also revealed that people
appear to get friendlier as they get older. In
fact, only
64 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds
know their neighbors, but for people aged 55-64
number climbs to 88 percent.
Interestingly enough, it turns out that men are a
less likely to say they know their
neighbors than women, and the rich are closer to
their neighbors than the less well-off. This
topic was very popular with lots of BBC
listeners and provoked plenty of comments on
the BBC’s iPM website. One of the
said, “I only really got to know my neighbors when
their house caught fire.
We’re good friends
now.” Another one recalled, “When we moved into
our house
three years ago, the first remark
our neighbor made was, ‘So, you’re moving in? I
hope you don’t have noisy kids.’ We reassured
him we had no children and tried to
conversation but with no success.” Q1: What
question did the research group try
to find an
answer to? Q2: Which age group is more likely to
know their neighbors?
Q3: Which of the
following statements is true according to the
passage? Q4: What do
the website’s comments
mentioned at the end of the passage imply?
Passage 2 Scripts and answers Many neighbor
disputes end up in court because of
communication. If something dangerous or 1)
illegal happens, the cops are the
solution. But if problems that arise are grayer,
communication is the best way
to save money
and trouble. Here are some tips to be a good
neighbor and deal with a
bad one: ? Get to
know each other. Being a good neighbor doesn’t
mean 2) taking
family vacations together. Just
knowing them well enough to say hi, or maybe
borrowing a cup of sugar or loaning a
gardening tool, can build trust and
understanding. Issues are much more likely to
occur among strangers than even casual
acquaintances. ? Head off problems before they’re
problems. If you are 4) throwing
a party at
your place, go to all neighbors who might be
affected and offer them two
things: a 5)
verbal invitation to the party and a card with
your phone number. If they
are not 6)
tolerant of the noise or there are other problems,
your neighbors can call
you instead of asking
the police to 7) intervene. ? Tell your neighbors
bothering you – don’t assume they know
what the problem is. Be open and direct, not
passive-aggressive. Ask for their opinions,
and wherever possible, propose a solution
8) splits the difference and demonstrates a
willingness to compromise. Stay cool
positive, even if your neighbors are not. ? Check
with other neighbors. See if
anybody else on
the block is having similar issues – they may be
willing to help 9)
resolve it. If one of the
neighbors is close to the troublemaker, have them
come with
you when you 10) talk it out. Bottom
line? As with any relationship, being a good
neighbor – or dealing with a bad one – is all
about communication.
Unit 4 What’s the big
Further practice in listening
Short conversations Scripts
1 M: Ted said he’d made up his mind to quit school
and set up his own
computer company. W: He’s
told many people about his plan but I wonder where
could get so much money. Besides, he never
showed any real curiosity in our
class. He is a complete layman as far as the
computer is concerned. Q: What
does the woman
Conversation 2 W: It is reported that
researchers have developed tiny engines which
are able to break down the pollutants in
wastewater to create clean water. I think
that’ll be great news to people in areas
lacking water. M: Well, I am thinking that
whether people in those areas can afford the
engines. Q: What is the man worried
Conversation 3 W: Driving all the way to work
and back every day really makes me
If only the cars could drive automatically. M:
Well, haven’t you heard that
some engineers
are working on intelligent cars? I suppose that
you will soon be able
to purchase one as long
as you can afford it. Q: What can we infer from
Conversation 4 M: A
Dutch airline rolled out a new program recently.
It enables
travelers to choose their seat
partners based on the online profiles of those
sharing the
flight. Passengers can make a
match by offering their Facebook data, depending
whether they’re looking for a potential
personal or business relationship. W: Aha,
that’s really a fantastic idea. I’d like to
have a try as early as possible. Q: What are
they talking about?
Conversation 5 M: I
am thinking of starting my own business. But I
haven’t got any
idea of what to do. It seems
that many young people are pouring into the online
business. W: If I were you, I’d like to offer
the online video editing service. Many
shoot videos but don’t know how to edit. Maybe
this is the online business
opportunity for
you! Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
Long conversation Scripts M: Alas! This
creative writing class is too much! I have to
write a five-page short story by October 8th,
and I have no idea what to write about.
We’re already two months into the semester, you
must have written stories before
now. What did
you write about last time? M: That’s just it –
we’ve only had to write
true stories so
far, funny little things that happened to us or
our families. My first
three stories were
about hunting or fishing with my childhood dog,
Brownie, and
visiting my grandmother during
the summers when I was in high school. This time,
has to be fictional. Hey! You’re a great
artist, how do you get your ideas? W: Thank
you, but I’m not sure painting and writing are
exactly the same. When I’m ready to
start a
new painting, I usually go for long walks along
the beach or out in the woods. I
find most of
my inspiration in nature. M: Hmm … I don’t think
that would really
work for me. I need
characters and a plot.
W: You should try
hanging out at the train station. There are always
people with odd hats or accents
coming and going, dramatic goodbyes and romantic
reunions. Just sit in the lobby for an hour or
two and watch everyone. Try to imagine
they are, where they’re going, why they’re in such
a hurry. M: The train station?
That’s actually
a pretty good idea! How did you come up with such
a great idea? W:
I’m glad you like it, but I
can’t take any credit. It’s an old trick I learned
from many
artists and writers. You just need
something new and exciting to get those creative
ideas flowing. Q1: What’s the problem with the
man? Q2: How does the woman get
her ideas
before painting? Q3: What is the man’s attitude
toward the woman’s way of
getting inspiration?
Q4: What does the woman suggest the man do at the
train station?
Passage 1 Scripts We may take
the invention of the toilet for granted, but it is
something many of us would have a hard time
learning to live without. Public
systems were invented long ago, but when was the
toilet invented? The
story of the toilet takes
us back to 1596. The toilet was created by Sir
John Harrington
for his godmother, Queen
Elizabeth I. Harrington called his design a “water
and his water closet was installed in
Queen Elizabeth’s castle in 1596. The original
toilet, or water closet, had a knob on a chain
that had to be pulled in order for the
to be released from a bowl. Underneath the bowl,
there was a basin or
collection bowl that had
to be emptied and cleaned often. It is not the
sanitary and
pleasant way for removing waste
that we know of, but it paves the way for later
improvements. Over time, many inventors
improved Harrington’s original water
closet by
improving the pipes that were attached to the
bottom and the flush system
that built upon
the original toilet. By 1896, Thomas Crapper began
to sell toilets.
Crapper saw the importance
and necessity of the toilet, and he used his
admiration for
the product to help promote and
sell the toilet. Harrington’s invention is,
without a
doubt, one invention that would be
hard to live without. Inventors will continue to
develop upon Harrington’s original water
closet. Q1: Who invented the first toilet
according to the passage? Q2: What was one of
the problems with Harrington’s water
Q3: How did inventors improve the original toilet
according to the passage?
Q4: Which of the
following can best summarize the passage?
Passage 2 Scripts and answers Scientific
research should improve our overall quality
life. The government should provide financial and
political support to any research
that is
likely to result in immediate and significant
benefits for the people. However,
ideas 1) vary when it comes to whether the
government should support
scientific research
with no practical use. Still 2) a large portion of
people believe that
the government should
distribute adequate funds to any scientific
research that aims to
improve the 3)
well-being of people, even if it is of no
practical use in the short run.
research whose social benefits are immediate,
predictable, and 4) profound
should continue
to be a high priority. For example, biotechnology
research has been
proven to help cure and
prevent diseases; information technology enables
education to
be more 5) accessible; and
communication technology facilitates global peace
improving mutual understanding among people
and their participation in the
process. However, this is not to say that research
whose benefits are less
immediate or clear
should be given a lower priority. It is difficult
to predict which
research will 6) ultimately
lead to the greatest contributions to society.
Reluctance to
finance less practical
scientific research could 7) have a harmful effect
on the efforts
to explore new knowledge. This
is particularly true of the computer sciences. For
instance, before the first computer was
invented, public opinions 8) went against it, as
most people saw nothing practical in computer
research. However, computers
transformed the
way human society evolved and proved to be of
great avail in the
long run, especially in
terms of scientific development in fields such as
the military,
medicine, 9) aviation, and
education. Therefore, never should we think that
research whose benefits are unknown
10) is not worth pursuing since the purpose of
any research should be to discover truths,
whatever it might be.
Unit 5 More than a
Further practice in listening
Short conversations Scripts
1 W: I just want to burst into my boss’ office and
tell him that I quit. He
promised to give me a
promotion, but he went against his word. M: Well,
if I were
you, I’d bite my tongue and wait
until I get a better job. Q: What is the man’s
for the woman?
Conversation 2 M:
Now suppose I was to stay at home and do all the
housework and
look after the children while my
wife went out to work. What would you think about
that? W: Well, you know … I’d rather do it the
other way round. Q: What does the
woman imply?
Conversation 3 M: I am really sorry for this,
but I hope that you can understand my
for deciding to leave, Mrs. Smith. W: Well, do I
have to remind you that we
have invested a lot
of time and money in your career here? Q: What
does Mrs. Smith
Conversation 4 W:
It looks that you are a bit tired. I’ve noticed
that you’ve been
sitting in front of the
computer for an hour. Why don’t you stop and have
a coffee
break? M: I’ve got to finish this
report and I can’t leave it until the deadline. Q:
does the man mean?
Conversation 5 M:
When Jane told me that she was going to quit her
job, I just
thought she was kidding. You know,
it’s a good job and she is well paid. W: I see
your point, but she said she was tired of
counting other people’s money. Q: What can
learn about Jane from the conversation?
conversation Scripts M: Michelle, I really wish I
could quit this awful job –
today – if I could
afford to pay my rent without it. Just think of
working outside in
this terrible heat
the whole summer … I dream of my future when I’m
rich! W: Oh
Mark, it’s not that bad! I’ll
admit, it’s crazy hot, and I’d love some ice-cold
juice right now. But you’re only a
gardener, how do you think you’ll ever get rich?
Do you think you’ll plant a money tree and
harvest bags of gold? M: I may be only a
gardener now, but I’ll be rich some day. I’ll
start my own business and make millions!
have a corner office in a big building with a big
black leather chair and a view of
the whole
city! W: Well, I have no idea it is so easy to be
a millionaire! If it’s as
simple as that, I
think I’ll be rich, too. But I’m not going to work
in some boring
office. M: Oh no? Where then?
If you could have any job in the world, what would
be? W: Any job in the world? I suppose I’d
want something fun. Hmm … maybe play
games for a living … or maybe I could be a pilot …
or a professional ballroom
dancer! That’s it!
I could be a dancer, waltzing around the floor in
beautiful evening
dresses! M: You, dancing?
I’m not so sure about that … You ballroom dancing
hmm … W: Oh, please. I’ve taken ballroom
dancing for seven years and I’m really
You should see me … Want to go dancing next
Thursday at 8 p.m.?
Q1: What is the man
complaining about? Q2: What does the man dream of
being? Q3:
What is the woman’s attitude toward
the man’s dream? Q4: What does the woman
of doing? Passage 1 Scripts Once I had a wonderful
job at a marvelous firm. I
had flexibility, an
understanding boss, and a high salary. I loved my
job. But after six
years of trying out various
professional roles, I felt that I had grown beyond
the fixed
positions available at the company.
I must admit that having a lot of money is nice.
Money can buy you things, nice things.
However, the popular saying is true – money
cannot buy you happiness, and having it
doesn’t mean that you are a successful
After several years, I realized that the more
money I made, the less satisfied I
Days started to blend into one another, time flew
by, and I deeply longed for
something with
more meaning. Upon realizing that I was trading my
time for money,
I started experimenting with
other income sources. I’ve started and ended
I’ve turned hobbies into
professional pursuits, and I’ve tested out
different investment
strategies. In the end,
I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter what you are
doing. As long
as you are doing something that
expresses your passion, you will feel great and
will gain satisfaction. I’ve also learned
that starting something from scratch and
watching it grow is deeply rewarding. Through
my quest for passion, I’ve discovered
as a platform where I can share ideas and lessons
learned that are closest to
my heart, as a way
to serve others. For the first time in my life, I
feel that I am living
my life’s purpose. Q1:
Why did the speaker get tired of her job at the
company? Q2:
Which of the following is true
about money according to the speaker? Q3: What can
bring satisfaction according to the speaker?
Q4: What does the speaker find most
for her now?
Passage 2 Scripts and answers A
poorly trained manager can make an employee’s life
miserable. In 99 out of 100 cases, employees
may 1) suffer from low spirits and then
gradually become no longer 2) enthusiastic
about their jobs just because they have a
who doesn’t approve of them, doesn’t listen to
them, or generally 3) erodes their
esteem. Three basic skills that every manager
should use in order to be 4)
competent on the
job are: being specific, enhancing others’ self-
esteem and listening
effectively. Being
specific means giving 5) clear-cut instructions
about what is to be
done and the results to be
achieved. Being specific also means describing the
of people rather than 6) labeling
people. It includes giving both positive feedback
tells them what to repeat and corrective
feedback that is firm, yet not critical. Then it
7) comes down to evoking in the employees
self-esteem. Self-esteem is a private,
individual matter. It is not fixed, but goes
up and down from day to day, or even from
to hour. Thus, building self-esteem is no easy
task. Managers can’t MAKE
people feel good
about themselves, but rather, they need to help
people develop their
own self-esteem as self-
esteem is like a door that’s locked from the
inside. A final
skill that today’s managers
need more than ever is listening. Listening may
seem like
a 8) commonplace skill, but it’s not
practiced as much as it should be in business
today. People 9) tend to think about what they
are going to say in response when
person is talking, instead of 10) focusing on what
that person is saying and
what he she means.
Unit 6 Histories make men wise
Further practice in listening
conversations Scripts
Conversation 1 M:
That’s a big assignment we got for the English
class this week, and
for the European History
course, we still have a presentation about artists
in the
Renaissance to prepare. W: Well, it’s
not as bad as it looks. The assignment isn’t due
until Friday morning. Q: What does the woman
Conversation 2 W: Are you coming with
me to the history museum, Jack? The TV
I saw last night reminded me of some important
historical figures I like. M: I
saw that, too.
Maybe next time, because I already have my hands
full with this book
report. Q: What is the
man’s reply to the woman’s suggestion?
Conversation 3 W: Today on History says that
Ford Model T which was introduced in
1908 was
regarded as the first affordable American
automobile. M: Yeah. The
country has become “a
nation on wheels” since the last century. I was
reading that
there are about four million
miles of roads and highways in this country now.
It seems
as if we were married with cars. Q:
What does the man mean?
Conversation 4 W: We
usually think of history as the story of important
people and
events, but some historians in the
20th century are also interested in the daily
lives of
ordinary people. M: That’s true. They
can even learn a lot from studying old family
pictures. For example, the number of children
in a picture indicates the size of the
the clothes they wore suggest the popular fashions
of the time. Q: What does
the man think of
Conversation 5 W: Hi, Sam. Are
you ready for the history test this Friday? I see
are still playing games. M: Well, that’s
my way of dealing with stress. You know, I’m
afraid of memorizing all those odd names and
dates. I shouldn’t have taken this
course, to
be frank. Q: What does Sam imply?
conversation Scripts
W: It is hot
outside! M: Hi Daisy! What is it, 75 degrees
Fahrenheit? W: It’s over 100
Grandpa! You’re
just cool because you’ve had the air conditioning
on! I’ve been
working in the yard all morning.
I’m so hot and I feel like I’m melting! M: At
you can come inside and have a nice cool
glass of lemon juice. W: And I sure need it!
I’ve been baking in the Arizona sun for two
hours now, and I can’t imagine anything
than standing in the cool air enjoying an ice-cold
drink. M: Back when I was
your age, we didn’t
have any air conditioning. Willis Carrier didn’t
invent air
conditioning until 1902, and it
wasn’t available in people’s homes until after
War II. W: Wow! What was life like for
you? M: I worked as a farmhand for the
neighbors, building fences all day. You should
have seen me when I was 13,
sunburned and
dirty. W: And you still lived in Arizona back
then? M: No, I was in
Texas. We survived the
heat by swimming all the time. There was a stream
through the farm, and every few hours,
I would leap into the water! Even with my
clothes completely soaked with water, the sun
would still dry me off in 10 minutes! W:
know you didn’t have cell phones and computers,
but I forget about the little
comforts like
the air conditioning. M: Yes, a lot has changed,
but not this summer
heat! W: I wonder what
scientists will come up with in the next century
to keep us
cool. M: I’d like a weather machine
to make it rain during these long dry spells. W:
Personally, I hope someone invents a personal
ice cream machine! It could follow me
all day making chocolate ice cream! Q1: What was
the girl doing on such a
hot morning? Q2: What
do we know about the air conditioning from the
Q3: What can we learn about the
man when he was 13? Q4: What would the girl like
to have in the next century to keep cool?
Passage 1 Scripts Almost 70 years ago the
of disabled people doing sports was never heard
of. But when the annual games
for the disabled
were started in England in 1948 by Sir Ludwig
Guttmann, the
situation began to change. Sir
Ludwig Guttmann, who left Germany because of the
Nazi persecution of the Jews, was asked by the
British government to set up an
center at Stoke Mandeville Hospital near London in
1943. His methods for
treating injuries
included sports for the disabled. In the first
games just two teams of
injured soldiers took
part. The next year, 1949, five teams took part.
From those
beginnings, things have developed
fast. In 1960 the first Paralympic Games were held
in Rome, in the same place as the normal
Olympic Games. Since then, the Paralympic
Games have taken place in the same year as the
Olympic Games. The 1988 Summer
Paralympics in
Seoul was a landmark for the Paralympic movement.
It was in Seoul
that the Summer Paralympic
Games were held directly after the Summer Olympic
Games, in the same host city and using the
same facilities. This set a precedent and
eventually formalized in an agreement between the
International Paralympic
Committee and the
International Olympic Committee in 2001. The
Paralympic Games
have been a great success in
promoting international friendship and
and in proving that being
disabled does not mean you can’t enjoy sports. One
source of disappointment for those who
organize and take part in the Paralympic
Games, however, has been the unwillingness of
the International Olympic Committee
to include
disabled events in the Olympic Games for the able-
bodied. Perhaps a few
more years are still
needed to convince those fortunate enough not to
be disabled that
their disabled fellow
athletes should not be excluded. Q1: What was Sir
Guttmann’s greatest contribution to the
disabled? Q2: When were the first Paralympic
Games held? Q3: What was special about the
1988 Seoul Paralympic Games? Q4:
What do we
know about the Paralympic Games from the passage?
Passage 2 Scripts and answers The Sultana was
a Mississippi River steamboat
destroyed in an
explosion on April 27, 1865. An 1) estimated 1,800
of the 2,400
passengers were killed, and the
Sultana sank not far from Memphis, Tennessee. This
disaster received little public attention, as
it took place soon after the President
Lincoln was 2) assassinated. The wooden steamboat
was constructed in
1863 and 3) was intended to
be used for the lower Mississippi cotton trade.
Registering 1,719 tons, the steamboat was
built to carry no more than 376 people. For
two years, it ran a regular route between St.
Louis and New Orleans. Sometimes it
was asked
to carry troops. The Sultana left New Orleans on
April 21, 1865. Most of
the passengers were
Union soldiers who had recently been 4) released
Confederate prison camps. The US
government had 5) made a contract with the
Sultana to transport these former prisoners of
war back to their homes in the north. At
a.m. on April 27, about seven miles north of
Memphis, at least one boiler 6) gave
causing a huge explosion that destroyed the center
portion of the boat, throwing
sleeping men
high into the air before landing in the river.
Confusion and chaos 7)
ensued as men tried to
save themselves and others. Many drowned while
burned to death. The direct cause of
the explosion was later determined to be the
leaky and poorly repaired steam boiler.
Passengers who 8) survived the initial
explosion had to risk their lives in the icy
water of the Mississippi or burn with the
ship. Many died of drowning or coldness.
Bodies of 9) victims continued to be found
downriver for months. Many were never
recovered. Some of the Sultana’s crew,
including the captain, were among those who
10) perished.
Unit 7 For every question there
is an answer
Further practice in listening
Short conversations Scripts
1 W: Can you help me check if I damaged my laptop?
I spilled coffee
on it yesterday. I need to
email some important business partners this
afternoon. M:
Of course, but I’m not sure I
can help you. With spills, sometimes problems
always show up right away. Q: What does
the man say about the woman’s laptop?
Conversation 2 M: Well, I think the heating
unit in my living room has stopped
because I have turned the switch all the way up
but it is still freezing in here!
W: Oh. Have
you tried turning it completely off for a while
and then restarting it?
There should be a
little red light glowing next to the power switch
to indicate that it is
working. Q: How can the
man solve the problem of the heating unit
according to the
Conversation 3 W:
Professor Lee said that the mid-term exam would
cover the first
eight lessons. M: Really? I
thought it would only include the first five
lessons. If
that’s the case I must spend the
weekend going over the rest of the lessons. Q:
can be inferred from the conversation?
Conversation 4 M: We have had trouble
with the project because my partner and I had
totally different ideas about how to move
forward. Could you give me some
please? W: Why don’t you meet each other halfway?
Q: What does the
woman suggest the man do?
Conversation 5 W: You know, I’ve got another
job offer recently. But I don’t know
how to
decline the former one.
M: You can simply tell
the employer that you have found another job that
is more
suitable for your current situation.
Just be as polite as you can and of course you
thank them as well for their
consideration. Q: What does the man suggest the
Long conversation Scripts M:
Megan? Um … Can I ask you a few questions? … I
need some help. I’m really worried about my
Intro to Psychology class. W: What’s
Tim? I thought you loved that class … Are you
having trouble with the essays?
M: No, writing
essays is fine … But I’m really struggling with
the test. I read the
textbook over and over,
but I just can’t get a handle on some of the
concepts. I
understand the words, but I can’t
seem to understand how the concepts fit together …
W: Have you tried talking to the professor?
I’ve heard that Dr. Smith is really helpful.
My friend Maggie took that class and said that
she would have failed it if she hadn’t
with Dr. Smith every week during his office hours
on Wednesday at 11 a.m. M:
No, no! I’m way too
shy. Every time he calls on me in class, I’m so
nervous I can’t
speak. I’m just so worried,
and I don’t know what to do. W: You could try
talking to
the teaching assistant, Jane. She
is known for making the complex ideas of
psychology easy to understand, plus she’s
really easy to talk to, because she is a great
listener. Maybe she can help! Jane’s office
hours are on Thursday at 1 p.m. M: OK.
Teaching assistant, Jane, Thursdays at 1 p.m.
Any other ideas? W: Yeah. Don’t forget
the Internet. Try doing a little research online.
A lot of university professors
post video
lectures that are free to watch. For a class like
Intro to Psychology I bet
you can find some
great lectures online that will be a big help. M:
Thanks Megan! I’ll
try it! Q1: What is the
man’s problem according to the conversation? Q2:
Why is the
man afraid of asking the professor
for help? Q3: What can we know about the
teaching assistant from the conversation? Q4:
What else will the man probably do in
to talking to the teaching assistant? Passage 1
Scripts Every relationship in
our life –
friendships, family ties, romantic and
professional relationships – can
be destroyed by conflicts. The solution is not to
ignore the conflicts or
keep moving around
hoping to find a set of perfect people. Resolving
conflicts in
relationships is one of the most
important life skills we should develop and it is
something we need to value. So how to resolve
conflicts? First, if we have a difficult
issue, it is important to see the problem from
the other person’s perspective. This does
mean we have to agree with their viewpoint; it
means we try to see the issue from
a different
perspective. This empathy can at least help us
understand where they are
coming from, and why
they have their particular attitude. If we only
look at things
from our own perspective,
conflicts will be much more likely to occur.
Second, we
need tolerance. A major cause of
conflicts in relationships is when we expect
to behave in a certain way. The problem
with expecting certain behavior from others
is that we get upset when they fail to
live up to our expectations. We need to be
tolerant of other people’s mistakes and
limitations. We have to respect their decisions
on how to live their life. Third, we should
talk. When tense situations arise, talking
be the most effective way of moving past the
problem. When talking we should
try to focus
on positive issues and look for things which we
agree on and can work
together on. Some things
are best left unsaid; it is inadvisable to bring
up old conflicts
unless absolutely necessary.
No conflict is unsolvable. If we are willing to
change our
attitude we can develop harmony
even with difficult people. If we can develop
harmony in our relationships, it will
definitely make a big difference to our life. Q1:
Why is it important to “see the problem from
the other person’s perspective”
according to
the passage? Q2: What is a major cause of
conflicts in relationships
according to the
passage? Q3: How should we solve the problem by
way of talking?
Q4: Which of the following can
best summarize the main idea of this passage?
Passage 2 Scripts and answers Research shows a
close relation between reading speed
understanding that in most cases an increase in
rate 1) was accompanied by an
increase in
comprehension and a decrease in rate brought
decreased comprehension
with it. However,
simply speeding the rate especially through forced
2) acceleration
may actually result in making
the real reading problem more 3) severe. The
solution, then, is to increase rate as
a part of a total 4) endeavor of the whole reading
process. Then how? You can prepare for maximum
increase in rate by establishing 5)
practicable habits, such as avoiding rereading
and whispering while reading, learning
adjust reading rate to increase comprehension.
Rate adjustment may be overall
adjustment, or
internal adjustment within an article. As an 6)
analogy, imagine that
you plan to take a
100-mile mountain trip in three hours, averaging
about 35 miles an
hour. This is your overall
rate adjustment. However, in actual driving you
may slow
down to 15 miles per hour on some
curves, while 7) speeding up to 50 miles per hour
on relatively straight sections. This is your
internal rate adjustment. Poor results are
inevitable if the reader 8) attempts to use
the same rate for all types of material and
for all reading purposes. A good reader
adjusts his her reading rate from article to
article, or even within a given article. So
you need to 9) foster a good reading habit by
daily training until a flexible reading rate
becomes 10) second nature to you.
Unit 8
Communication: then and now
Practice in Listening
Short conversations
Conversation 1 W: Mobile phones are
changing campus life. Almost everyone is
carrying one in our dorm, texting friends all
the time. M: That’s true. In classrooms,
untimely ringing interrupts lectures and destroys
the atmosphere of study. The
mobile phone
users themselves also suffer. Q: What’s the man’s
opinion of mobile
phones on campus?
Conversation 2 M: Hi, what instant messenger
do you usually use? I want to add you
to my
contact list so that we can chat online. W: Sorry,
I don’t use any chatting
software. I
still prefer the traditional face-to-face contact,
and I think that makes me
feel safer. Q: Why
doesn’t the woman have an instant messenger?
Conversation 3 M: Elizabeth, could you do me a
favor and send this email to all the
members of our department? W: Sorry, the network
in our company is down,
and the engineers are
trying to locate the problem, but they promised
that the network
will be recovered before
three in the afternoon. Q: What does the woman
Conversation 4 M: I was frustrated
yesterday at the party where my classmates were
having a get-together five years after
graduation. I just couldn’t stand that almost
everybody was checking their cell phones for
emails or texts constantly without
concentrating on our conversation. W: Well,
you are not alone. But actually I am
trying to
adapt myself to this new way of life. Q: Why was
the man frustrated with the
Conversation 5 W: You know what?
Jenny found her boyfriend through an online
dating. That’s really amazing. But why
couldn’t I find my love in the cyber world? M:
I guess you would probably change your mind if
you hear that they already broke up
last week.
Q: What does the man imply?
Long conversation
Scripts W: Oh! My letter came! Finally! I wrote to
Beth over two
weeks ago and I’ve been checking
the mail for the past four days waiting for her
response. M: Who’s Beth? And why are you
jumping up and down like a puppy dog
of her letter? W: She’s my pen pal in Sydney,
Australia. We met in Granada,
Spain last
summer when we were both there on vacation. She
works as a nurse in the
emergency room at a
hospital in Sydney and has a five-year-old son
just the same age
as my daughter. M: A nurse
in Sydney, Australia? You’re an accountant in
Florida. What on earth do you guys talk
about? I mean, you can’t talk about politics or
local events, or even the weather … W: Oh,
there’s more to people than their jobs or
weather! We’re friends! We both love to collect
seashells, we both have a
five-year-old child,
and we’re both huge fans of old cowboy movies! M:
Well, if
you’re so excited to hear back from
Beth in Sydney, Australia, why not just email?
You could send and receive emails within the
hour, instead of waiting 10 days to two
for the mail. W: Of course, it’s much faster to
send emails, but there’s
something exciting
and wonderful about receiving old-style letters –
to feel the paper
in your hands, to read and
reread the thoughtful words and ideas … It’s like
a surprise
gift arriving in the mail from a
faraway place. M: Um, I can understand that. It’s
wonderful kind of waiting when I order a new
book in the mail. I love it when it
arrives …
Well worth the wait! Q1: Why is the woman so
happy? Q2: What is the
woman’s job? Q3: Which
of the following would be most likely to be talked
between the woman and her pen pal? Q4:
Why is the woman more willing to receive
style letters instead of emails from her friend?
Passage 1 Scripts New technology
and social media sites are constantly changing,
evolving and developing, which means the face
of personal communication is also
These changes, however, often mean people are
having less and less
face-to-face interaction.
Email, texting, and Facebook are just a few
examples of
media that have diminished verbal
communication; verbal communication has
decreased dramatically from just 20 years ago,
when most of the technology used
today did not
even exist. Email, starting during the 1970s but
not becoming popular in
the public sphere
until the 1990s, was one of the first forms of
online communication
technology to come about
that is still used today. Email is currently the
most popular
form of online communication,
even after discounting the large volume of spam
messages sent. According to a survey, about
188 billion emails are sent out per day,
79 percent of people use their smart phones to
check their email, a much higher
than the 43 percent who use them to make phone
calls. Texting has also
increased dramatically
since it first came about in the 1990s and is now
used for
communication more than making phone
calls. More than 70 percent of people use
their smart phones to text, according to a
survey. Sending messages through social
sites, such as Facebook, is also taking the place
of verbal communication. More
than four
billion messages are sent daily over Facebook.
Although this is far behind
the rate of emails
being sent, it is almost equal to the number of
texts sent per day in
the US, making up a
large portion of the way people communicate. It is
no secret that
time spent on new technology
and social media sites is increasing immensely,
creating less time for real-life interactions.
Likewise, there is no doubt that as these
numbers continue to rise, face-to-face and
verbal communication will continue to
and possibly even become a mere trend of the past.
Q1: Which of the
following is the most popular
form of communication according to the passage?
How many people use their smart phones to
text, according to the passage? Q3: What
do we
know about the number of messages sent daily over
Facebook? Q4: What is
probably the speaker’s
attitude toward the trend of decreasing face-to-
face and verbal
Passage 2
Scripts and answers The most useful bit of the
media is disappearing. In
North America,
newspapers are now an 1) endangered species. The
business of selling
words to readers and
selling readers to advertisers, which has
sustained their role in
society, is 2) falling
apart. Of all the old media, newspapers have the
most to lose
from the Internet. Circulation
has been falling in many countries. But in the
past few
years the Web has hastened the
decline. In his book The Vanishing Newspaper,
Meyer 3) calculates that the first
quarter of 2043 will be the moment when newsprint
dies in America as the last exhausted reader
4) tosses aside the last crumpled edition.
Advertising is following readers who 5) turn
to the Internet. The rush is intense,
because the Internet is an attractive medium that
6) unprecedentedly matches
buyers with sellers
and proves to advertisers that their money is well
spent. In
Switzerland and the Netherlands
newspapers have lost half their 7) classified
advertising to the Internet. Newspapers have
not yet started to 8) shut down in large
numbers, but it is only a matter of time. Over
the next few decades half of North
general papers may fold. Jobs are already
disappearing. According to the
Newspaper Association of America, the
number of people employed in the newspaper
industry fell by 9) approximately 18 percent
between 1990 and 2004. Moreover, this
Morgan Stanley, an investment bank, attacked the
New York Times Company,
because its share
price had fallen by nearly 50 percent in four
years. This may suggest,
to some extent, that
tumbling shares of listed newspaper firms have
prompted 10) fury
from investors.